
IdleOneif/when lupo_ returns he is having sound issues, he does speak English well enough to be understood.00:34
* IdleOne goes to eat00:34
bazhangthey  have no issues. it's an anti unity rant mixed with Mint commentary01:24
bazhang<lvleph> what happened to ubuntu? I have to restart on a daily basis01:27
bazhang<lvleph> it use to be that I would restart a couple times a year01:27
bazhangthats his issue01:27
bazhangall due to unity, or so he says01:27
elkyhe was giving snark before the kick too.01:27
bazhangyeah, that was pre-kick01:28
elkythe wife calling him at work thing too01:29
ikonialvleph: hello01:31
lvlephhello ikonia01:34
ikoniawhat do you need from the operators01:34
lvlephI was going to complain about being booted for no reason, but I seriously don't care01:35
ikoniaok, then please /part this channel01:35
elkylvleph, considering you've already been apologised to for the tab-complete accident, and had someone offer to personally address your technical issue, everything is quite above board as I see it. If we were to start firing volunteers for such accidents, we'd have to shut the channel down and then you _would_ have to find elsewhere.01:35
elkySo please, go enjoy your holiday period.01:35
lvlephWell the issue was also that I was told I was off topic multiple times even though I said the issue was with unity in ubuntu01:35
ikonialvleph: you're not bothered, so no point discussing it01:36
ikoniaplease /part the channel01:36
ikonia@mark #ubuntu gentoo used to be "thesarge" just being a pain and arguing when asked basic questions to actually get info to help him01:37
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:37
elkyNew rule in #u. nobody can have the first 3 letters of their nick similar to another :P01:37
elkyThat would surely solve everything01:37
IdleOneI usually tab after the first 3 letters01:38
bazhanghe just got unbanned  a couple of days ago, too, for self-admitted "trolling"01:38
IdleOnenot sure why i didn't this time01:38
bazhangyeah he's in full rant mode in PM01:53
gentoonI need another op besides bazhang01:57
gentoonHe is being unfair01:57
gentoonI had a guy repeatidly asking me the same question he already knew the answer too, and I answered him each time.01:58
gentoonand all I said was that he was trolling me once01:58
gentoonand bazhang said to stop and I never called him another name after, or said he was trolling and now I am banned?01:58
bazhanggentoon, ikonia was simply asking for clarification. nothing more.01:59
gentoonI can show you him acknowledging he knew it was a USB drive 3 times in the logs02:00
gentoonand he asked 3 times in a row and I answered each time.02:00
gentoonHe was baiting me because earlier he was upset with me.02:00
bazhangthe ban was removed much too much early in your case gentoon02:00
gentoonNo it wasnt02:00
bazhangthat has been remedied.02:00
gentoonThe ban was over, This new ffense warrants no new ban02:01
gentoonI want another op02:01
gentoonDude you just ignore me when I tell you he asked me 3 times in a row and I answered each time?02:01
gentoonHow is that just asking for clarification?02:02
gentoonPlease tell me that?02:02
bazhanggentoon, consider that we deal with more than one issue at a time02:02
gentoonHe was only dealing with me it was 3 times ina  minute...02:02
gentoonAre you serious rught now?02:02
bazhangwe are in more than a single channel...02:03
ikoniaif you like I'll explain what I was trying to ask you02:03
gentoonHe forgot 3 times in one minute while the answer was still on his screen 2 times?02:03
gentoonI know what you were asking me02:03
gentoonand I answered you 3 times.02:03
bazhanggentoon, the ban has been reinstated.02:03
ikoniait's a common mistake,02:04
gentoonbazhang: No the ban time I was assigned was over02:04
ikoniaI didn't forget, I was just trying to clarify you where mounting the read/write image from the thumdrive and not the image from the media you where running from, as your IRC name is "live session user" suggesting you where running on a live media02:04
gentoonYou are issuing a new ban for nothing02:04
ikoniabut I'll leave that with you02:04
gentoonYes I understood that and told you it was read/write the first second and 3rd time you asked me02:05
gentoonyou were just trying to bait me02:05
gentoonbazhang: Dude you are only banning me because I am African American and I am sick of it.02:05
ikoniano-one knows your race02:06
gentoonI am forwarding your PM's to the other opers.02:06
gentoonHe does02:06
gentoonFrom PM02:06
ikoniaplease don't forward pm's please make an official complaint02:06
ikoniaif you feel it's warrented02:06
gentoonDont worry about what I do02:06
ikoniaok, then we are done02:07
gentoonI know how to deal with freenode I have been here 3x as long as you02:07
gentoonand have had 4 users k lined02:07
ikoniawhat a pointless comment02:07
ikoniafreenode doesn't run the ubuntu channels, so good luck with that02:07
gentoonThey still enforce descrimination rules from their TOS on any channel02:07
gentoonYou should read more02:08
ikoniasure sure02:08
ikoniagood luck with that02:08
gentoonYou dont believe me?02:08
ikoniaI'll let you get on with your complaint02:08
gentoonPlus its soo easy to ban evade here02:08
ikoniaok, bye then02:08
gentoonI have 3 bots in #ubuntu02:08
gentoonand ill showly get all 68 of them in there02:08
gentoonStop talking02:09
ikoniaplease /part the channel and raise your concerns with who you think appropriate02:09
ubottulinxeh called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()03:16
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (xzin)11:50
alabdGood day all , wouuld someone remove my ban from #ubuntu ? it's long time ..12:28
ikoniaalabd: I'm sorry, but that's how it needs to stay at the moment12:54
alabdno problem ,12:54
alabdwhen should i ask for it ikonia12:56
ikoniaalabd: to be honest, when how you use IRC changes12:56
ikoniawe've explained why how you use IRC doesn't work in #ubuntu, and you still use this approach12:57
ikoniaso there doesn't seem to be any reason to allow you use #ubuntu while you still approach IRC in the same way12:57
alabdwhat's the problem with my use ?12:57
ikoniaI'm not going through this with you again12:58
ikoniabut the bottom line is inability to listen, withholding information, changing the problem12:58
alabdno really ,i dunno , and i'm asking just to know ...so i'll be thankful if you notice me this in private if i did so in other channels12:59
ikoniaI've seen you in other channels, which is why I know your approach hasn't changed13:00
ikoniayestrerday someone refused to help you any more unless you paid him money - that was a good guy, who just had enough of trying to work with you13:00
ikoniathat's just an example13:00
ikoniawe often found that situation in #ubuntu with you13:00
ikoniaand it's still happening13:00
ikoniaa guy pointed you to #ubuntu today.....as he didn't want to deal with you again13:01
ikoniaagain, that's not good13:01
ikoniaI'm not trying to be rude, but those are the reasons we removed you from #ubuntu and it's still an issue today13:01
alabdok , i don't get  really, what was my fault yesterday13:01
alabdyou mean i should pay him money ?13:01
ikoniaI think that's half the issue, you don't see the isuse you create13:01
ikoniano, you should not give him money13:02
ikoniait hilights that you where taking up / wasting so much of his time that he didn't want to help you any more until you bought his services13:02
alabdok he/she could stop helping me for free , what is the problem here? really don't get13:02
ikoniathe problem is you frustrate people to that level and waste so much of the channels time that people refuse to help any more unless you pay them money (as an example only)13:04
ikoniaalabd: I suggest you continue using other support channels13:04
alabdikonia: i don't understand your reasons , maybe i'm faulty but can't get .. maybe not , i really wana know ... he/she asked me to pay , form that moment i didn't asked him/her again ...also i didn't ask in channel again ..iirc ...13:06
ikoniaalabd: lets leave it there13:06
ikoniaalabd: could you please /part the channel13:13
alabdjust to be sure myself i checked logs ... he/she asked me to give him/her logs..then said  alabd: I won't comment further on this issue without more info.  At least not for free. ...the i said : :P i'm installing pastebinit on server man , w8.....then i gave him/her configs ..and then  he/she solved my problem ..13:13
ikoniaalabd: yes, you gave him configs after he refused to help any more13:15
ikoniait shouldn't get to that stage13:15
alabdi think you ikonia are pessimistic about me , i really could not gave him/her config file sooner ... becuase i should install pastebinit after installing pastebin did not work well , he/she gave me a solution >  (09:51:53 PM) ***: alabd: | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:18
ikoniaI am pessimistic about you, yes13:18
ikoniafor the reasons I've just said13:18
ikoniaso that's why the ban will stay13:19
alabdyes it took time for me .. but it was not because of my bad understanding of using irc channel ...13:19
ikoniawell, it's not going to change a this time13:19
alabdi don't want argue more on this , but you see sometimes human judge faulty ... if you need check my behavior more , no problem ,check more , thank you for attention ,13:21
ikoniaok. bye13:22
elkyholy... he got through that conversation without saying "humble"?13:36
TheLordOfTimesomeone read -offtopic16:56
TheLordOfTimebefore someone causes epicragenuke to go off in there.16:56
TheLordOfTimethank you.16:57
bkerensaHappy Holidays!23:06

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