
lvmerI guess I'd perfer it to be in a volume group and lv0 so I don't have to split upfiles so much on the share00:00
lvmerI'm trying to formate a 3TB HD ->  $ parted /dev/sdb     mklabel gpt     mkpart primary  [start]  [end]00:35
lvmerWhat should I use for the [start] and [end] values to make sure everything is aligned?00:35
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lvmeris there an easy way to partition and format a bunch of disks at once? ie: sd[b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] ?01:14
akerok_Hello everyone.01:31
akerok_I need some help with my server.01:31
yeatsakerok_: just ask and someone may be able to help01:35
akerok_All right.  I have a Ubuntu 12.04 server running right now.    My friend and I are trying to get it to allow her to remote desktop login to  the account I have on the server for her.  I have the open ssh server running on it right now, but it still will not allow her to access it from her computer running windows.  How can I get it to allow her to access it?01:39
QnDhey all01:40
yeatsakerok_: how is she trying to access it?  what program and what command?01:41
QnDI installed ubuntu 12.04.1 Server and I need a head on it for eclipse and such..... tried aptitude install gnome and it screwed up all of my services like apache and such01:42
QnDany ideas on how to add a head to ubuntu server without any impact to services01:42
akerok_She is trying to use windows remote desktop software.  I have her trying to use the static ip address of my comptuter (we are on the same network).  Also, there seems to be a problem with the "/var/lib/dpkg/lock" directory.01:43
yeatsQnD: can you provide details about why you believe installing gnome affected services?01:43
yeatsakerok_: okay - that would be a separate issue (dpkg).  I would recommend she use PuTTY01:44
akerok_We are trying that one as well.  It's saying it cannot find the server.01:45
yeatsakerok_: it may be a windows firewall issue (obviously beyond the topic here) - have you verified that ssh can get out?01:46
akerok_To be honest, I don't know how to do that.01:46
akerok_I don't remember.01:46
QnDwell when aptitude gave me output several services such as apache2 was listed under REMOVE:01:47
akerok_The Windows firewall is off.01:47
yeatsakerok_: you might need to ask in ##windows about why that's not working... what's the dpkg/apt problem?01:48
QnDany ideas on why it would attempt to impact services ? during the install I noticed it stopped and started the apache2 service01:49
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akerok_It tells me that the directory is unreachable, and asks if another program is using it.01:50
akerok_My friend has joined this IRC channel now.01:51
yeatsQnD: because there must be conflicting dependencies between gnome and what you already had installed01:52
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QnD@yeats is there a way of adding some sort of head to server.  i just need it for some dev stuff and such01:53
yeatsakerok_: there might be another package manager program open?01:53
yeatsakerok_: you could try 'lsof | grep dpkg'?01:53
akerok_I will try that.  One sec.01:53
akerok_I just rebooted the server.  It didn't give me the problem again.01:54
yeatsQnD: no way to use another station for that?01:55
yeatsQnD: LXDE would be the lightest desktop if you decide one is necessary01:55
QnDnah I only have one box for both01:55
QnDwill LXDE impact my services01:56
yeatsQnD: no idea01:56
QnDinstall complete and booted...   trying now01:56
QnDBTW thanks for your help01:56
yeatsQnD: sure01:56
lvmerI am having trouble aligning the primary partition on a 3TB HDD [sdb]. I receive the error: Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. How can I make sure it lines up correctly? It is important because these disks will be used in an important RAID 10 Array. Thanks.01:59
ikonialvmer: what tool are you using ?02:02
lvmerparted, because fdisk doesn't do >2.2TB02:02
ikoniajust checking, good call02:02
lvmerI ran parted -a optimize /dev/sdb02:03
lvmerbut I still get the error02:03
QnD@yeats what packages should i install from lxde.  I did a search and lxde, lxde-common .... came up.   also do I need anything else installed like Xwindows framework or stuff along those lines02:05
yeatsQnD: lxde-core is the lightest, but lxde is not much more02:07
yeatsQnD: this is a very useful page: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Ubuntu02:08
QnDjust install lxde-metapackage and let aptitude figure out the dependancies02:08
yeatsQnD: just watch that apt doesn't try to remove anything you're using02:09
QnDim not too woried about size.... just like you just said... it is the services im worried about...02:12
QnDit looks like nothing is scheduled for removal02:14
yeatsQnD: good02:15
QnDwill most apps like eclipse run on lxde ?02:15
yeatsQnD: you'll need java for eclipse, but yes02:15
QnDhmmm transmission (torrent engine) would be nice on a linux tcp stack :)02:16
QnDpulled the trigger ! installing :)02:18
QnD@yeats how do I start it.  no lxde file in /etc.init.d and "service" doesnt recognize it02:22
yeatsQnD: see the wiki link I shared above02:23
QnDcould not open display :(  rebooting02:39
QnDtrying aptitude install ldxe.... seems to have xorg stuff.  probably easier to tweek02:41
SaronasilverwolfHi, I'm working with akerok_ on here. We were able to get to where it asks for my password using ssh, but it keeps saying access denied.02:43
QnD@yeats unable to open display... any ideas...  internet docs seem ambiguous02:43
QnDgot it so far... had to install xinit and go through startx02:44
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mike024Hello. I am creating a homelab/bunch of services for my personal use. Because AD is ubiquitous, I want to use it. What is the best way to implement single sign on on all of my ubuntu/linux servers and desktops that I have set up? Should I use an OpenLDAP server as a 'go-between' or do something else? This will be a mostly Linux set up, but there will be Windows clients(another reason for using AD)02:46
highvoltagemike024: check out SSSD02:47
highvoltagemike024: it does almost everything for you. if you look up the edubuntu-devel mailing list on lists.ubuntu.com, there's an email not to long ago that basically outlines how to configure sssd (it has a man page too)02:47
akerok_We were able to get SSH server to allow me to connect using my compters terminal remotely to our server, but she cannot connect using SSH on her computer.  We cannot figure out why it will not allow any other computer to connect to the server.  The server is running as a VM on my computer.02:53
ikoniaakerok_: probably a route02:54
akerok_I honestly don't know how to fix this issue.02:54
mike024highvoltage: neato. Looks very useful. Thanks for another way to solve the problem to look into!02:54
mike024akerok_ Saronasilverwolf: You get the login prompt? It asks for your password?02:56
Saronasilverwolfyes it does02:57
akerok_There are 2 user accounts on the server.  Mine and hers.  Both have passwords.02:57
mike024Are you sure the username and password is correct? can her account log in locally?02:57
akerok_I can log into her account directly on the server.02:58
akerok_It's Ubuntu server 12.0402:58
mike024can you pastebin your sshd.config?02:58
akerok_I might be able to.  The server is running as a VM on my computer.02:59
mike024Please do. The configuration of the machine/vm you're trying to log into is important. :)03:00
akerok_All right.  I'll try.03:00
mike024You sound like you don't know exactly how to do it. There are a couple easy ways. change ssh in your commandline to log in to sftp and then type get /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:00
mike024or just ssh in and cat it then copy and paste03:01
pmatulisstart by looking at your server's logs (auth.log)03:02
QnD@yeats all successful so far.  once I installed lxde i installed xinit then firefox,transmission,  and now going to try to create my dev environment with rclipse....  Thanks for all of your help.  will post any problems for FYI purposes.  have a good night !03:03
QnDlightweight head on server accomplished !  a bit of a conflict of interest but needed :)03:04
akerok_ Are you saying to try to log into the server using sftp?03:04
mike024I'm saying for you to get the sshd_config, you could use sftp03:06
akerok_Oh, ok.03:06
akerok_Do you want me to copy and paste the doc info in here, or share the file?03:11
mike024everything looks fine. get the output of: cat /etc/passwd | grep USERNAME03:19
mike024Saronasilverwolf: what is the command you put in to log in?03:23
Saronasilverwolfssh AmandaClements@
mike024remove the capitals03:24
akerok_192.168.1.18 is the static ip03:24
mike024ssh amandaclements@ip03:24
akerok_It gave her access.  Thank you very much.03:25
akerok_Will that work the same with remote desktop?03:27
sesstreetsm trying to make a samba share follow a specific protocol. When a windows client maps the drive, I want them to be able to read files, execute files, and create new files but I do not want them to be able to delete either folders or files. Will this result in the client being able to open a file and then save a new copy?03:28
akerok_nvm.  It did.03:28
mike024that will work for ssh03:28
sesstreetsI know its an ACL setting but which one03:29
mike024sesstreets: you are using extended acl's, right?03:29
sesstreetsI believe so03:29
mike024sesstreets: you would know, you have to set that as a mount option03:30
sesstreetsOh... yes I do remember it is using extedned acl's03:30
sesstreetsany clue?03:31
mike024I don't have much knowledge of them. But it shouldn't be to hard looking through the man page or google :)03:31
sesstreetsI honestly have spent the last few weeks looking through both. I added a deny: delete, delete files and subfolders03:32
sesstreetsbut that stopped read access03:32
mike024can you add read?03:33
sesstreetsadd read to what?03:33
mike024and I think I meant extended attributes, not acl03:33
mike024you added a deny. Can you add a allow: read03:33
sesstreetshold on let me log on to my server03:34
sesstreetsOk so, which order do i add it03:36
sesstreetsas in, do i do deny id = 0 or allow id = 003:36
mike024Try and see what happens. I don't pretend to have much knowledge in xattr, just a little linux/ubuntu experience03:36
sesstreetsI'm going to do deny first and allow second03:37
sesstreetsok, so i can't delete.03:39
mike024thats what you want, right?03:39
sesstreetsbut now i can't write03:40
sesstreetsIE i've opened a word doc but i can't even save as03:40
mike024can you create a file03:41
mike024just a notepad file?03:41
mike024so add a allow: create?03:42
sesstreetsthats already there03:43
mike024also word is an interesting case(office as a whole actually) when you open it, it creates a ~myfile file as temporary, then when you save it deletes your myfile and renames your ~myfile to myfile. Think about the issues involved with that. You need rename, delete, and create permissions just to open and save an office file03:43
sesstreetsI've noticed that03:43
sesstreetsbut if i'm opening a file as read only shouldn't it only be making a new one?03:44
sesstreetsthats what i want'03:44
sesstreetsthere was a time when i would open a word doc and it would say "this is a read only copy"03:44
mike024it would make the new file, but when you quit without saving it will delete that temporary file03:45
mike024so you would need delete perms too03:45
mike024unless there is a newer way to open read only in a more recent office03:45
mike024that I don't know about03:46
sesstreetsit lets you do that in 201003:46
sesstreetsit happens when another user has the file open03:46
sesstreetsit says "this file is currently open by another user would you like to open as read only"03:46
sesstreetsmaybe thast what i've been thinking of :/03:46
mike024it probably sees that that ~myfile is there and then does that03:48
sesstreetsi think i'm gonna just have to redesign the system in some way03:49
mike024So I have somewhat the same issue as you03:49
mike024I don't want people to be able to delete my movies on my file server03:50
sesstreetswhy would they delete it?03:50
mike024users are idiots03:50
sesstreetsno i mean03:50
mike024My solution: chattr -i all of the things everyonce in a while03:50
sesstreetsjust make it read only not?03:50
sesstreetswhat is chattr -i?03:50
mike024makes things immutable(unchangeable)03:51
mike024it is pretty neat03:51
mike024basically has precedence over perms03:51
sesstreetsi wonder how this plays with word and friends03:51
mike024word still wouldn't work03:51
sesstreetsdon't you mean +i?03:51
mike024but it forces files to be read only - no way to get around it03:52
mike024i do mean +i good catch :)03:52
sesstreetswell... let me try03:52
mike024word would probably open the files, but not be able to change them. So I think that would satisfy your need03:52
sesstreetshow are you applying it?03:54
sesstreetsfile by file or03:54
sesstreetscan you do it recursilvy03:54
sesstreetsoh i see -R03:55
mike024Always be careful with recursive things. :)03:55
sesstreetsno this wont work without doing it all the time constantly04:01
sesstreetsim thankful for the help but i think the only way to do this is to redesign the share structure so that people can only damage their own files04:01
sesstreetsits much easier to restore a singer user than 40 users04:01
sesstreetsbut thanks04:01
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1093428 in php5 (main) "Cron job reports unable to load pdo_mysql.so" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109342810:16
ejnahc이브에 아무 이유 없이 마인크 땅굴 파실분11:36
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1070078 in autofs (main) "autofs does not work with directory after mount point" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107007814:48
uvirtbot`New bug: #1093473 in munin (main) "munin does not depend on libcgi-fast-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109347315:16
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TheLordOfTimegeez, php5 takes AGES to build :/17:14
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patdk-laplike 15min17:29
TheLordOfTimeits been at it for at least 30 on the PPA builders...17:30
TheLordOfTimepatdk-lap, took an hour and 30 minutes to build o.O17:56
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koolhead17Its already 25 Dec for me hence am wishing all my fellow server team folks happy Christmas :)20:24
lvmerI seem to have forgotten the command to rmdir   for a directory that is not empty.   rmdir -R -ignore.....  /directory   does not work21:13
lvmerah found it:   rm -rf /directory    for anyone that has the problem in the future21:15
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lvmer1 more question: I'm mounting a Raid10 logical volume in /etc/fstab. Should I set the dump to 0 or 1? Is there a purpose to this backing up option?21:24
lvmerAm I invisible or does no one like my questions? :p21:25
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