
pigna_coladahi :(13:58
pigna_coladanothing works! :13:59
pigna_coladaits just so complicate13:59
macobeing more specific may help, though this isn't a support channel14:42
pigna_coladai know :((14:51
pigna_coladaand sorry for my frustration14:51
pigna_coladagetting a 10 os multiboot system is quite hard :(15:01
macoespecially if you make them share /home15:22
maco(really, dont do that)15:22
nigelbthat's a fun way to inflict pain upon yourself.15:22
maco(i once shared home between two versions of ubuntu, a fedora install, and a debian install.... my user config files were NOT happy)15:22
pigna_coladabut i did it... on a 40gb old ide thinkpad laptop15:24
pigna_coladathe last one was lubuntu15:24
pigna_coladabecause i couldnt install ubuntu on it (too much resources)15:24
pigna_coladaits using airboot as bootloader, because there's also os/2 in it15:25
pigna_coladaso...ms-dos 6.22 / dos 7.10 / win98 / win nt 4.0 / win2k / winxp / win7 / os/2 warp / Lubuntu15:26
pigna_coladaand i forgot win 3.11.15:26
pigna_colada all smooth!! (more or less)15:27
IdleOneI'm bored with that troll :/15:56
svakshame too15:56
Cheri703yeah, me too15:56
Cheri703as I said to maco: It's like if someone came in and went "you all spend lots of time in the kitchen, help me with this recipe!" >_<15:57
macoi told her thats why i made the fission joke15:57
Cheri703it is different if it's someone we know and is actually part of the community group asking something along similar lines, but a guy popping in and doing it is....not ok in my opinion15:57
macoas a "you didnt seriously just walk into a channel that has 'women' in the name to ask about *fashion* did you?" way out15:57
svakshaboring trolls are boring. period.15:58
svakshahis name says it all: 2012-12-24:CET:16:40:36 [Freenode] -!- lolcat [~john@unaffiliated/energy-/x-7653247]15:58
svaksha2012-12-24:CET:16:40:36 [Freenode] -!-  ircname  : John Moorcock15:58
PendulumI'm a bit confused on why he asked in #wrongplanet if he wanted to ask women who he thought would have a clue. (Not only is the channel 90+% male, but they're really not folks who have any interest in clothing at all)16:06
IdleOneknow network issue who is just doing his rounds of channels to annoy16:07
svakshaPendulum: he _says_ he asked. unless we are there we dont know if he really did16:08
PendulumI wonder if they banned him. It's pretty hard to get kicked from that channel (I used to hang out in it)16:08
svakshawell, he has stopped trolling us for now.16:10
* svaksha goes16:10

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