
Kiloshi superfly and others05:37
superflymorning Kilos 05:39
mazalMorning everyone06:42
Kiloshi mazal 06:42
mazalGaanit oom ?06:42
Kilosok dankie en jy mazal 06:51
mazalGoed dankie06:52
mazalHi Squirm 06:53
Kiloshi Squirm 06:53
mazalYay !! Just heard we can go home at 11 :)08:00
Squirmthough I've been home since the 15th08:01
mazalI was on leave last 2 weeks , started again today08:02
Squirmthat's quite nice then08:02
mazalTime for me to start packing up08:25
mazalSee maybe l8tr from home08:25
mazalBye for now08:26
Kiloscheers mazal 08:26
magespawngood day all09:19
Kiloshey magespawn 09:44
=== Zarw is now known as Wraz
magespawnwhats up Kilos09:52
Kilosnot much magespawn and there?09:52
magespawnbusy sorting out the shops books year end stuff, also strangely busy with networks09:53
magespawninstalled backtrack 5 r3 to the one laptop09:54
magespawnjust on my way to go and chase some unpaid invoices09:54
Kilosi been trying to solder some wire to a sata drives connector but they very tiny so sukkel09:54
Kiloswill do it bit by bit09:54
magespawnthey are very small09:54
magespawnbb in a bit09:55
Kiloseven worse are the ones in the plug end09:55
inetprogood morning10:13
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=== { is now known as Guest17783
=== Guest17783 is now known as Wraz
mazalMaaz google address bar in nautilus10:48
Maazmazal: "Make Nautilus address bar show text or breadcrumbs Mint - Linux ..." http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/562 :: "[How to] Set Location Bar In Nautilus As Default | OMG! Ubuntu!" http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/how-to-set-location-bar-in-nautilus-as-default :: "Use A Text-Mode Location Bar In Nautilus (2.30+) By Default ..."10:48
Maazhttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/use-text-mode-location-bar-in-nautilus.html :: "GNOME Nautilus Address Bar - de…10:48
mazalMaaz google address bar in nautilus ubuntu 12.0410:49
Maazmazal: "Enable Nautilus Location Entry in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin ..." http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/enable-nautilus-location-entry-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ :: "ter Smitten's » Restore the Location bar in Nautilus" http://blog.tersmitten.nl/restore-the-location-bar-in-nautilus.html :: "[How to] Set Location Bar In Nautilus As Default | OMG!10:49
MaazUbuntu!" http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/how-to-set-location-bar-in-nautilus-as-default…10:49
magespawnhey Kilos back again and am not going into town again today11:11
magespawnthat place is a madhouse11:13
magespawndid you get the soldering right?11:16
Kilosive tinned all the connectors on the drive itself now to find thin wire to use for a bridge11:17
magespawndo you have a spare sata cable?11:18
Kilosgonna tie the sata cable to the drive so there aint any movement to snap the wires11:18
Kilosi have ians one thats  kinda worn at one end so ive cut some of the plastic away to be able to get to the connectors11:19
Squirmwhat are you doing?11:19
Kilosthey little kinda spring loaded strips11:19
Kilosvery thin11:19
Kilosthe plastic L that supports the sata plug is broken away Squirm 11:20
magespawnyou going to solder that cable straight to the drive?11:20
Kilosim gonna tie cable to top of drive then use thin wires to go from there to the drive11:21
SquirmKilos: I can send you one when I'm back at the office11:21
Squirmwhich will be the 7th11:21
Kilosty Squirm 11:21
Squirmwe have a lot spare11:21
magespawnKilos is the connector on the drive that is broken?11:22
Squirmrecently bought 29 machines. each motherboard comes with 2 sata cables, we only use 111:22
Kilosya the plastic L on the drive is gone so just the gold strips standing there11:23
Squirmhmm.., thats different11:23
Kilosif you look carefully at the connection on the drive11:24
Squirmpool time11:24
Kilosthe gold strips are supported by a black plastic L11:24
magespawnyup they do break on occasion11:26
charl_good afternoon11:29
charl_Maaz: coffee on11:30
* Maaz flips the salt-timer11:30
magespawnhey charl_11:31
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!11:34
Kiloshi charl_ 11:37
Kilosmust use some force though magespawn 11:37
Kiloslike trying to force the cable in crooked11:37
magespawnor the wrong way up, yes something like that11:48
magespawni have seen ram in the wrong way11:49
magespawnbut then if you stay in anyone industry for long enough, i am sure you get to see your share of like situations11:51
Kilosbrute force and ignorance abounds all over11:52
magespawnKilos have a look at Kobo Deluxe, space ship shooter game12:21
magespawnbusy playing it now12:22
Kilosok ty12:22
Kilostry 0AD that takes real strategic planning or you get thumped12:29
Kilosthey attack you in hords12:29
Kilosbally arabs12:30
magespawnwill have a look12:35
magespawnKilos what is the full name?12:36
Kilosjust type in sudo aptitude install 0AD12:36
Kilosthats the full name12:36
Kiloszero A.D.12:37
magespawnokay was looking in the software centre12:37
Kilosits there first in synaptic12:37
Kilosi dont use software centre12:37
Kilosto slow and hrad to find what you want12:37
magespawngoing to take awhile to get 323 MB12:38
Kilosoh mine was bigger methinks12:38
Kilosbut great game12:38
Kilosno time to get bored12:39
Kilossimilar to age of empires12:39
magespawni see the kind of thing tha once you are in you spend hours on it12:41
Kilosthe link to their irc channel is in the opening window as well12:42
Kilosive only won one game12:42
Kilosstill under developement too. gonna be great once all features are working12:44
charl_hi magespawn, Kilos 12:50
charl_sorry got distracted in the meantime12:50
magespawnhey charl_ no worries12:50
magespawntaking forever only on 72 MB now12:51
Kiloswhew thats slow12:51
Kilosive watched my downloads. like 4 secs per meg12:52
magespawnwill be faster later, i am fairly busy on the net here too, streaming radio etc12:53
Kiloseish sorry12:54
Kilosi think you shoulda gone for the latest release rather12:54
Kilosits all the downloads again12:55
Kilosthats why we need deb-delta12:55
magespawnnot too serious Kilos uncapped adsl ftw12:56
Kiloslol swine12:56
Kilosi waited till after 11pm to get it12:57
magespawn295 MB now13:31
magespawndone and now the wife wants to go home13:49
magespawnsee you later Kilos13:51
Kilostoods magespawn 13:51
Kilosyo bakuman koiosify 14:13
Kilosoh ping got them14:14
Kilosping and peer are bad guys14:14
Symmetriamerry christmas bah humbug whatever :p14:31
Symmetriathats outside my house 10 minutes ago14:31
charl_how did you catch that so precisely16:06
charl_purely out of luck or is it a still from a video camera?16:06
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Cantide magespawn Trixar_za 17:37
Trixar_zaHey Kilos17:37
Cantidehello :)17:38
Cantideguess what i'm about to install17:38
Kilostell man17:39
Cantides/about to install/installing17:39
CantideVLC lol17:39
Cantidefinally got a file that won't play with Totem17:39
KilosVLC rocks17:39
SquirmCantide: what extension?17:41
Kiloshehe hes ashamed to tell you Squirm 17:50
CantideSquirm, it's an mp4, but i'm not sure what encoding it's using17:55
Cantidei was AFK, sorry :p17:56
Kiloslol just teasing man17:56
Kilosdont be sorry, be careful17:56
Cantideyep, plays fine in VLC17:59
Kilosvlc is the master music movie player18:00
charl_i normally use vlc as well but i had a number of instances where it crashes18:12
charl_always at certain points in certain files18:12
charl_i don't really know of any better apps though so i continue using it18:13
Kilosand they play fine in other tools?18:13
charl_haven't tried actually18:13
charl_totem just complains about missing codecs18:13
Kilosive never had a vlc prob18:13
charl_and i never bothered to install all the right ones18:13
charl_it doesn't happen frequently enough that i really care18:13
charl_and if i scroll to the point just after the crash i can continue playing18:14
Kilosdidnt play one song a few years ago but then nothing else would either18:14
charl_there might be problems with the files i am trying to play, maybe they weren't encoded properly or it's just a bug in vnc18:14
Kiloscould be18:14
N8WulfWazzaaap! 18:40
N8WulfKilos you online? 18:41
KilosN8Wulf, howzit18:41
N8WulfYou never sleep it seems.. 18:41
Kiloslo9l yes i sleep at night18:42
Kilosnormally tween 9 and 10pm18:42
Kiloson odd days i stay up to use my 8ta night surfer18:42
N8WulfI was sitting just now watching a series and got a brilliant idea...  I can install IRC on my Android 18:42
Kilosya some of the guys have done it18:43
N8WulfU guys seen "girl with the dragon tattoo"? 18:43
Kilossuperfly, just put it on his new droid i think18:43
Kilosno who be she18:43
N8WulfBrilliant movie about a Hacker chick. Daniel Craig plays one of the main roles18:44
Kilosi hope they put it on mnet sometime18:45
N8WulfShe uses some Linux and Man it's pretty18:45
N8WulfI'm sure it's been on Dstv, was released in 201118:45
N8WulfNot sure about Mnet though18:46
Kiloswe only have mnet so maybe its been on in my sleep time18:46
Kilosor still coming18:46
Kilosoh wait18:46
Kilosnow bell ringing18:47
Kiloslemme check18:47
Kilosi think i saw it advertised a while back but was in sleep time18:47
Kilosbut they like repeating over and over18:48
Kilosso i will get there18:48
Kilosyou say its good N8Wulf ?18:48
N8WulfTry do yourself a favour and try watch it.. 18:48
Kilosok ty i will18:48
N8WulfBit of a slow start, but very good mystery drama18:49
Kilosty will make an effort now18:49
N8WulfWell, I will leave you be, will be able to chat more now that I'm able to use on my Android 18:52
N8WulfSleep tight between 9 and 1018:52
Kilosim hoping to get 12.04 server tonight18:52
N8WulfFrom? 18:53
Kilosim hoping someone is gonna give me the link to wget it18:53
KilosMaaz, get ubuntu18:54
MaazKilos: 301 Moved Permanently to http://www.ubuntu.com/, which gets a 200 OK "Home | Ubuntu"18:54
Kilosmost lilely here http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/18:55
Kilosi got a cd but its 64 bit18:55
Kilosinetpro, ping18:59
N8WulfWhy not use the 64bit then? 19:00
Kilospc cant handle 64 bit19:00
Cantideisn't that movie about the triad in Taiwan or something?19:00
* Cantide hides19:01
Cantidesleep time for me though :p19:01
Cantidegood night everyone~19:01
Kilossleep tight Cantide 19:01
Cantideand have an awesome Christmas if either you or I are not online tomorrow :p19:01
N8WulfEish, and u trying to mAke a server out of it? 19:01
Kilosyou too19:01
Kilossuperfly has a P2 server19:02
Kilosso im sure a P4 will work19:02
N8WulfWill yeah...  And as you say, 32 best option I agree19:03
N8WulfOne thing I wish I can treat myself with is a xbmc server19:04
N8WulfWell anyways, goodnight for now19:14
mazalNight everyone , sleep well19:34
inetproKilos: pong 20:22
Kilosnaande boetie20:22
inetproJys laat wakker!? 20:22
Kiloshelp asseblief met wget vit 12.04 server 32 bit20:23
inetproai 20:23
Kilosi dunno how you work it ou5t20:23
Kilosi go here http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/20:24
inetproKilos: ek nou nie by my komper nie 20:24
Kilosthen one can choose the 32 bit but how do you actually get the link for wgetting20:24
Kiloso ok20:24
Kilossal dit dan n ander aand doen en gaan slaap nou20:25
Kilosjammer om te pla20:25
Kiloshow did you do that20:26
inetproKilos: die x86 link 20:26
Kiloshere it gives me the option to save20:27
Kilosno link that i can copy paste20:27
Kilosok when you got time in the future please explain it to me20:28
Kiloshave a good night and say merry Christmas to the family from me20:28
Kilosty for the link20:29
inetproKilos: daar waar staan "PC (Intel x86) server install CD" 20:29
inetproDit is 'n link 20:29
Kilosoh right click and copy link?20:29
Kilosoh my20:29
inetproEk regs kliek en copy link20:29
inetproNet so20:30
Kilosek vat terug my epos addy vir n ruk20:30
inetprolol 20:30
inetpronag oom, en 'n Geseënde Kersfees vir julle ook20:31
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:54
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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