
JPetersoncan i apply a git patch to bzr? including author and comment?00:56
JPetersonis that in the git plugin?00:56
jelmerJPeterson: 'bzr git-apply' does some of that01:06
jelmerJPeterson: it doesn't cope with new files at all though01:06
jelmer(and is still very experimental in general)01:06
jelmerJPeterson: in other words, use with care01:07
JPetersonjelmer how do i bzr pull --rebase?02:24
JPetersoni want to pull a remote branch to a new branch02:24
jelmerthere is 'bzr rebase --pull' I think, perhaps that's what you mean?02:24
JPetersonso i created a new local branch to pull to02:24
JPetersonso it's " --pull' I think, perhaps that's what you mean?02:25
JPeterson[03:24] <JPeterson> so i create02:25
JPetersonso it's "bzr rebase --pull lp:~john-peterson/calibre/context"?02:25
JPetersonthat returns "bzr: ERROR: no such option: --pull"02:25
jelmerJPeterson: oh, actually I think the default 'bzr rebase does what you are asking about02:26
jelmer(or maybe it just tells you to pull if pulling is possible?)02:27
JPetersonok i'll try "bzr rebase lp:~john-peterson/calibre/context"02:27
JPetersonit returns02:30
JPetersonContents conflict in src/calibre/utils/fonts/subset.py02:30
JPetersonthat's unexpected because rebase will not consider conflicts02:30
JPetersonhow do i02:31
JPetersonResolve the conflict and run 'bzr rebase-continue'02:31
jelmerJPeterson: I'm not sure I follow - rebase can cause conflicts in git too02:32
JPetersonhow do i force revert rebase?02:32
jelmer"bzr rebase-abort"02:32
JPetersonwhy not bzr rebase-continue?02:33
JPetersonhow do i resolve the conflict by using the remove version?02:35
jelmerJPeterson: if you mean to abort (iow, revert) the rebase, that's what 'bzr rebase-abort' does02:36
jelmerJPeterson: 'bzr rebase-continue' will continue the rebase once conflicts have been resolved02:36
JPetersonwhat i mean is ignore conflicts or use the remove version, and force it to complete02:36
JPetersonbzr resolve; bzr rebase-continue02:36
JPetersonRemaining conflicts:02:37
JPetersonContents conflict in src/calibre/utils/fonts/subset.py.THIS02:37
JPetersonbzr: ERROR: There are still conflicts present. Resolve the conflicts and then run 'bzr resolve' and try again.02:37
jelmerJPeterson: see the help on 'bzr resolved'02:37
jelmerJPeterson: you need to resolve the conflicts by editing the file, or explicitly specify what you want to happen to 'bzr resolve'02:37
JPetersonso do i add a dot, as in and try again.02:37
JPeterson[03:36] <jelmer> J02:37
JPetersonas in bzr resolve .02:38
JPetersoni did02:38
jelmerJPeterson: that doesn't matter; 'bzr resolve' will only mark things as resolved if the conflict markers are gone *or* if you have specified an explicit action to take02:38
JPetersonbzr resolve src/calibre/utils/fonts/subset.py.THIS02:38
JPetersonbzr resolve; bzr rebase-continue02:38
JPetersonRemaining conflicts:02:39
JPetersonContents conflict in src/calibre/utils/fonts/subset.py.THIS.THIS02:39
JPetersonbzr: ERROR: There are still conflicts present. Resolve the conflicts and then run 'bzr resolve' and try again.02:39
JPetersonit added another .THIS, compared to the previous message02:39
jelmerJPeterson: you'd want to resolve the file itself, not its .THIS file02:39
JPetersonbzr resolved src/calibre/utils/fonts/subset.py02:39
JPetersonsrc/calibre/utils/fonts/subset.py does not exist02:39
JPeterson0 conflicts resolved, 1 remaining02:40
JPetersoni'll try02:40
JPetersonbzr uncommit -r-10002:40
JPetersonand try rebase again02:40
JPetersonmaybe it will be easier to rebase forward02:41
jelmerrebase is almost exclusively useful for rebasing a few trivial local changes on top of an upstream branch02:52
jelmerit's not very advanced02:52
jelmerJPeterson: ^02:52
JPetersonjelmer: then i shouldnt use it checkout a remote branch02:55
JPetersonthen i should uncommit the local branch to before the remote branch and pull it02:55
JPetersonjelmer: am i correct to assume that "bzr fast-export --plain .|git fast-import" will also convert bzr branches to git branches?02:56
jelmerJPeterson: that will convert a bzr branch to a git branch; not sure what you mean by "also" though02:57
JPetersonjelmer: how do i convert all bzr branches to git branches?02:59
JPetersonjelmer: whats the --export-marks and --import-marks for in http://dgleich.wordpress.com/2011/01/22/convert-bazaar-to-git/03:03
JPetersonwhy doesnt "man bzr fast-export" return what I want?03:09
JPetersonwhere is the bzr fast-export manual?03:09
JPetersonhow do i access the repo from a different path?03:16
JPetersonaccessing the repo from "~/shared.hgfs/source/Programs/calibre/repo" return "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/C:/Files/Source/Programs/calibre/repo/"."03:17
JPetersoncan i change something to a relative path? or do need to change the full path? in that case where?03:18
JPetersonit seems like it's03:19
JPetersoncat .bzr/branch/location03:19
JPetersonthat is related to that message03:19
JPetersoncan i change03:20
JPetersonbzr switch context03:24
JPetersonbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/mnt/hgfs/shared/source/Programs/calibre/repo/,branch=context/".03:24
JPetersonwhy? how do i fix it?03:25
JPetersonthe goal is to run "bzr fast-export --plain --git-branch=context|git fast-import"03:26
JPeterson(from linux as running it from cygwin return "error: git-fast-import died of signal 11")03:29
JPetersonjelmer if you wont answer this, then answer this how do i move a bzr repo?03:30
JPetersonso that i can use it from another path03:30
JPetersoni.o.w. how do i deal with .bzr/branch/location?03:32
JPetersonwhere is the bzr 2.6 ppa?03:36
JPeterson"sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:bzr/ppa" didnt update it to 2.603:40
JPetersonok it's "sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:bzr/beta"03:41
JPetersonbzr branches03:43
JPetersonbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/mnt/hgfs/shared/source/Programs/calibre/repo/,branch=context/".03:43
JPetersonhow does it come to that conclusion?03:43
JPetersonso does "bzr switch context"03:45
JPetersonit seems like "bzr switch --force context" works03:47
JPetersonah ok it needs to be "file:///mnt/hgfs/shared/source/Programs/calibre/repo/"03:48
JPetersoncan i export bzr commits to a git patch?06:31
mgrandipiping bzr log to a file should create a patch file06:35
mgrandiso like bzr log -r 1..5 > someFile.patch06:35
JPetersonmgrandi: i want the comment, date, author06:43
JPetersonwith git patch i mean "git format-patch"06:44
JPetersonthe commit sha1 can be anything, it doesnt matter06:45
JPetersonit would be surprising if there was not a way to do this06:45
JPetersonbecause of how simple if would be06:45
mgrandiwhat do you mean format-patch, not familiar with it06:46
mgrandilike a patch file that you pass to git? or to patch06:46
JPetersonit has patch, comment, date, author06:47
JPetersonand parent commit sha1 which is not necessary06:47
JPetersonso can i bzr fast-export a limited number of commits?06:48
mgrandiprobably, using the -r revisionspec thing06:48
JPetersonthe repo has many commits, 22k, and i only need the top 506:48
mgrandiso bzr whatever -r -5..-106:48
JPetersonthe bzr fast-export manual doesn't say what -r does06:49
JPetersonwhy would i expect it to export r to head rather than init to r?06:49
JPetersonwhat's the revisionspec for the top five commits?06:51
mgrandiit says   -r ARG, --revision=ARG06:52
mgrandiit says to do bzr help revisionspec06:52
mgrandiand i told you, it was -r -5..-1 =P06:52
mgrandialso, this patch-format thing looks a lot like 'bzr testament --long"06:54
mgrandior bzr send / bzr email06:56
JPetersonhow can it be -r-1..-1? isn't that 0 commits?07:28
JPetersonomg it returns07:30
JPetersonwarning: Not updating refs/heads/date (new tip bdf16f0ef570e6bb6e7e620899bee6f0edd69a81 does not contain 476e775c0e5ac5cb457f4c5ffe6a8ca50da662de)07:30
JPetersonhow do i rename a branch?08:56
Pengbzr nick may also interest you11:31
LarstiQJPeterson: if you have bzr-git, `bzr send` should have a git-format option iirc12:35
JPetersonLarstiQ: thx12:36
JPetersonbzr send --format=git14:05
JPeterson  File "C:/Program Files (x86)/Bazaar/plugins\git\send.py", line 121, in to_lines14:05
JPetersonAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'splitlines'14:05
JPetersonadditional trace is14:06
JPeterson  File "bzrlib\builtins.pyo", line 5824, in run14:06
JPeterson  File "bzrlib\send.pyo", line 136, in send14:06
JPeterson  File "bzrlib\merge_directive.pyo", line 348, in compose_merge_request14:06
JPetersonbzr 2.6b1 on python 2.6.6 (Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1)14:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
MunchorDoes bzr allow deleting commits?18:40
MunchorI know that with git+github I can actually delete like the last X commits. Can I do that with bzr+launchpad?18:40
jelmerMunchor: bzr uncommit18:42
Munchorbzr uncommit;bzr uncommit;18:43
Munchorthat woudl delete 2 commits, right?18:43
MunchorAnd jelmer, bzr uncommit removes local commits, not commits on Launchpad AFAIK18:46
LarstiQMunchor: bzr push --overwrite to launchpad will do that. Take note though that this will wreak havoc for anyone who already has a copy of what was on launchpad.18:54
Munchor>wreak havoc18:54
MunchorI don't fully understand that18:54
LarstiQMunchor: be not nice18:55
MunchorI'm even more confused that18:55
LarstiQMunchor: if you delete some commits, and then start developing from there again, your branch will have diverged from what other people had18:56
LarstiQMunchor: so they can't simply `bzr pull` to get up to date18:56
MunchorOoh I see18:56
LarstiQand if they had done extra commits on top, merging their work in would resurrect the deleted commits18:56
LarstiQMunchor: it's not the end of the world, but it's good to be aware of18:57

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