
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest19124
=== Guest19124 is now known as Mamarok
ronnocHappy Holidays to a well-deserving Dev team! Enjoy some peace, quiet, and eggnog. Rum is optional, but reccomended.10:29
Riddellthanks ronnoc :)11:04
ronnocRiddell: You're welcome :)11:26
ronnocI see someone already packaged KTorrent 4.3.0 to Raring Proposed. I'm still going to practice packaging over the weekend and will ping you if (when) I get stuck.11:27
ronnocAfter Christmas, of course. There is family to see and strange things to be eaten, etc!11:27
Riddelleat well, I think I'll go for a christmas canoe11:32
DarkwingHappy Holidays Kubuntu14:30
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
Tm_Tdear kubuntu council, I would love to have fingerprint and qr code in those business cards, one way or another15:13
DarkwingTm_T: You and me both.15:13
DarkwingI think I'll build an "Unofficial" one with GPG and QR.15:13
DarkwingIf the one provided doesn't have one.15:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanhow do I stop eating cake?16:07
Quintasanshadeslayer: halp16:09
Tm_TQuintasan: why would you?16:34
QuintasanTm_T: You think the best course of action would be to eat more?17:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelQuintasan: you keep staring intensly at the cake until you loose interest in eating it (assuming the cake survives long enough...)17:31
QuintasanThat doesn't work.17:31
QuintasanI already tried.17:32
Quintasanfreinhard: sup18:22
freinhardi was wondering why libreoffice got the default program for the mimetype text, should be kate or any other texteditor, not a word processing program18:27
freinhardwhat is the default package installation program for ubuntu (no k!) packagekit?18:34
macoubuntu doesnt use packagekit 18:35
freinhardso kubuntu has muon and qapt, and ubuntu? gapt?18:35
macoubuntu has ubuntu software center18:35
macowhich uses libapt directly18:35
macoalso update-manager for the updates18:36
freinhardnothing like qapt-batch?18:36
macoused to include synaptic by default as well, for advanced actions, but not anymore18:36
macoi dont know what that is18:36
freinhardqapt-batch lets you trigger the installation of packages but still have a GUI that displays password requests, progress etc18:37
freinhardi guess that would be qapt-deb-installer18:39
yofelmaco: actually, ubuntu software center uses aptdaemon19:16
macooh. i didnt even know that existed19:16
macoi guess its update-manager that uses libapt19:16
Quintasanfreinhard: JontheEchidna is maintaining that magic19:18
ronnocUh oh. Installing VLC on Raring tries to uninstall plasma-widget-telepathy-presence21:07
yofelcan you pastebin the apt output? I have both installed here21:08
ronnocyofel: I had the telepathy daily builds ppa installed. let me remove that first to see if the issue resoves itself.21:08
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
shadeslayerTm_T: Darkwing mine has space for QR code and a GPG key :P23:17
shadeslayerQuintasan: eat more cake23:19
shadeslayerI don't particularly like cakes, unless it's a chocolate Cake23:19
micahgmmmmmmm......Chocolate cake23:32
micahgshadeslayer: did anyone take care of transmission-qt or you still need a sponsor?23:33
shadeslayerneeds a sponsor23:33
micahgok, it's 3rd on my list of sponsoring to do23:33
shadeslayerI didn't bump on the bug because I figured everyone is probably spending time away from the computer this week :P23:34
micahgI'm just trying to take care of some other things right now :)23:34

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