
BluefoxicyIs 13.04 beyond feature freeze?03:29
BluefoxicyI'm trying to find out if some packages can get promoted to main and added to tasksel03:29
jbichaBluefoxicy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule03:39
BluefoxicyDon't know the difference between FeatureDefinitionFreeze and FeatureFreeze03:40
Bluefoxicyred links don't mean "not in wiki"03:41
* Bluefoxicy confused by the non-standard color scheme!03:41
BluefoxicyHmm, I guess then for 13.10 this is a target.03:42
jbichadefinitionfreeze is just for planning, MIRs can still be considered for 13.0403:44
Bluefoxicyjbicha: at a cursory glance, looks good.03:47
Bluefoxicythe packages in question are puppet and puppetmaster03:47
Bluefoxicythese appear to be maintained fairly well in Debian, and fairly popular in the field.  In fact they're in Ubuntu Universe as a direct import from Debian, I believe.03:48
Bluefoxicyit does however rely on a number of Ruby packages.03:49
BluefoxicyHeh I should actually go through this later when I have time.  Maybe find someone familiar with the process to help me keep on track.  Possibly next week.03:50
bjsniderjbicha, who would i talk to to find out some technical info about globalmenu?03:51
bjsniderwho designed it?03:51
Bluefoxicyheh I'm dumb04:32
Bluefoxicyit's already in main.04:32
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uKevhi, anyone who can help my try a patch from launchpad? I'm fimiliar with the normal patch syntax, but I'm a bit confused about the patch/build debian/ubuntu world23:30
uKevhow can I apply a patch to a ubuntu package and then build it?23:30
uKevI get the source with apt-get source packagename23:31
uKevthe patch was created using debdiff I guess23:31
jtaylora debdiff applies like a normal patch on the unpacked packag esource23:32
jtaylorassuming you have the right version23:32
jtaylorcd extracted-source; patch -p1 <patchfile23:32
uKevbut patch prints some error, because there is some kind of changelog on top of the diff23:34
uKev(I'm developer, but not from the ubuntu world)23:34
uKevI've read through the ubuntu packaging wiki pages23:34
uKevthere was an example on howto create such a patch23:35
jtaylorif its just the changelog you can remove that part from the patch23:35
uKevbut not on howto test (and build) with it23:35
jtaylorwhich package and where is the patch?23:35
uKevyes, right, bit I was woundering if there isn't any automatic-tool to do such stuff as it looks like ubuntu has a lot of helper scripts23:35
penguin42uKev: Get the dependencies using apt-get build-dep package name    and then in the tree to   dpkg-buildpackage23:35
jtaylornot that I know of23:35
jtaylorfor more complex patches usually some vcs is used23:36
jtaylorlike git23:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 995281 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) "glines segfault" [Medium,Triaged]23:36
uKevfrom https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games/+bug/99528123:36
jtaylorok that is no debdiff23:36
jtaylorits a patch of the original sources which works differently23:36
uKevyes, I gut the dependencies (that was mentioned in the wiki, so I used apt-get build-dep)23:36
uKevI got+23:36
uKevso I apply that patch in some way and just dpkg-buildpackage?23:38
jtaylorhm that patch seems malformed23:38
jtaylorhow to handle patches for the upstream sources depend on the package23:39
jtaylorthis one is a 3.0 package, so patches are handled via quilt23:40
uKevbut that patch mentions the ubuntu packages, gnome-games-3.4.1 - isn't that right?23:40
jtayloryou normally would extract the source package, and just run quilt push -a; quilt import <patchfile>23:40
jtaylorand the build the package23:40
uKev3.0 package? what's that?23:40
jtaylorits just the package source format23:41
bjsnidersource format23:41
jtaylorthere are three, 1.0 which is pretty much free form and the patch system can be anything (including nonexistant)23:41
jtaylor3.0 for non debian specific packages uses quilt for patch management23:41
bjsniderquilt is so easy to use a monkey could be trained in it23:41
jtaylorwhich boils down to a folder with the patches and a file defining the ordering23:41
jtaylorsee debian/patches23:42
penguin42bjsnider: But you don't even need to - there is edit-patch23:43
* penguin42 likes edit-patch23:43
uKevyes, I read about edit-patch in the wiki23:44
uKevbut I didn't found anything about quilt/package format versions23:44
uKevI find it quite difficult to get into all that kind of stuff23:44
uKevbut I will keep trying23:44
uKevso I use edit-patch or quilt to apply it... how would I build it then? dpkg-buildpackage?23:45
jtaylordpkg-buildpackage -us -uc if you have no gpg key23:48
penguin42it's a pity patches take so long to go around the mill23:49
uKevok thanks a lot. I will try that.23:51
uKevIf I can verify that the patch solves the issue. I put a comment below it that the patch will work.23:51
jtaylorthis patch should actually work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1465834/23:51
jtaylorimport it with quilt import23:51
uKevHow do I get someone to integrate the patch into ubuntu?23:51
jtaylorthats the hard part :)23:51
jtaylorthat its not upstream makes it even harder :/23:53
penguin42it'd be relatively easy to make a bzr branch with the fix in, but would it get merged if upstream haven't taken it?23:54
uKevcurrently the package is completely broken on 32bit... and it's quite widely used (as it's installed per default)23:54
jtaylorfirst ubuntu sponsors should be subscribed23:54
jtaylorthat puts it onto the queue23:54
jtaylorfirst it must be fixed in raring, which is easy23:54
jtaylorthen follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates23:54
penguin42jtaylor: Can sponsors be subscribed if it's just a patch, or does it need to be bzr'd first?23:55
uKevwhat is "raring"?23:55
jtaylorthe development 13.10 release23:55
uKevah ok.23:55
jtaylorpenguin42: a full patch would be good23:55
jtaylorbut as there is already a patch a sponsor could fill in the packaging busywork23:56
jtaylordepends on the sponsor23:56
jtaylorI'd do it but its main, so I can't touch it23:56
jtaylorbut I could create the branch unless uKev wants to do it himself?23:57
jtaylorlet me dig out my 32 bit netbook23:57
uKevI just want to have it fixed at the end... :)23:57
penguin4232bit vms are easier :-)23:57
uKevyes, I'm installing it in my 32bit vm at the moment...23:57
jtaylorI'd use a 32 bit chroot with X23:57
jtaylorbut I forgot how to get X to start in it ._.23:58
jtaylorbooting my netbook is faster :)23:58

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