
chuHello, so which version of Ubuntu will include the (official) e17 release in it's repos? 13.10?02:17
IdleOnethere should still be time to include it in 13.04 I would think02:19
chuAhh, excellent. So does 12.10 have emacs 24 available in the repos? (If you don't mind looking :p)02:20
IdleOne!info emacs02:21
ubot5emacs (source: emacs-defaults): GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 45.0 (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 25 kB02:21
chuVersion 45?! What does this even mean?!02:21
IdleOnemeans you are running debian with ancient packages?02:21
chuThis is what I am using: GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1) of 2012-10-14 on cw-bkp0, modified by Debian.02:22
chuNot default repo though.02:22
chuI'm sure if I bothered to run "apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" there may be a new version too - this is running emacs24 testing, but I know emacs24 was "officially" released a few months back.02:23
IdleOneI have no idea02:23
DJonesguntbert: I'm here20:48
guntbertDJones: hi, I wanted to ascertain the impressio n that the team for the official documentation seems to mess around with the docs20:49
guntbertthings get lost - are moved elswhere - are not updated - and bug reports are not answered - but that all is not appropriate for the supportt channel20:50
DJonesThere's been a few things I've been looking for that seem to have vanished or not been updated20:50
DJonesIf its of any use, I've just come across this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-desktop-latest20:52
guntbertnow if you look at the "new" documentation : https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/ubuntu-help/index.html - does it look appealing?20:52
guntbertah, your link was got me going on that trip in the first place - scroll down till you get to "more detailed instructions..." and click that link20:54
DJonesI'm probably not a good person to ask that, I'm not great on what looks good & what doesn't..20:55
DJones..But I'd say yes it looks quite good20:55
guntbertDJones: I was not talking "design" but the possibility to find the info I want (mind you: installation is just an example right now)20:56
DJonesRight, give me a sec20:56
DJonesFrom my own point of view, its fairly simplified point & click options, I'd say aimed at new users rather than anybody who's been using Ubuntu for a few years21:00
guntbertwhat annoys me is that they seem to do it only halfway - there *exists* a page https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/installation-guide/index.html  - but it contains mainly nonsense (there is no alternate CD any more for instance)21:04
guntbertBug #109056721:06
ubot5bug 1090567 in installation-guide (Ubuntu) "https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/installation-guide/ needs editing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109056721:06
DJonesI wonder whether they're "pushed" to put details of new & improved features as a priority and tehy just copy over the previous releases templates from older pages21:41

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