
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: thanks for working, even during holidays :)01:21
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue29701:21
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: Hanukkah ended over a week ago :)01:22
pleia2(I don't celebrate Christmas, am on call right now for work so I'm around)01:22
JoseeAntonioRoh :)01:22
JoseeAntonioRbtw, good luck with moving and all that stuff01:23
JoseeAntonioRaren't you moving to Philadelphia?01:23
pleia2no, just going on a week long trip :)01:23
JoseeAntonioRoh, got it, philballew and I were wondering about that01:23
JoseeAntonioRanyways, good luck with that01:24
pleia2Philadelphia is where I lived before moving here, and where we are getting married, but no plans to move back there01:24
JoseeAntonioRoh, so you'll still be working on CA01:24
pleia2working from home still01:24
JoseeAntonioRoh, that's cool!01:24
pleia2yes :)01:25
JoseeAntonioRbtw, I'll be working that blog post tomorrow :)01:25
JoseeAntonioRworking on*01:25
JoseeAntonioRmaybe we can get that included on the uwn01:25
pleia2the classroom and ubuntu on air one?01:26
JoseeAntonioRI'll be also remarking how to schedule sessions01:27
pleia2awesome, and thank *you* for working, even during your holiday :)01:27
pleia2news has already gotten quite slow, I think we're going to do a two week issue next - skip releasing on Monday and do it on January 6th instead01:33
JoseeAntonioRif that's better for the team and the newsletter, then let's go for it01:34
pleia2I think so, folks deserve a little breathing room anyway :)01:35
pleia2even this week's newsletter felt a bit weak01:35
JoseeAntonioRlet's do that, then01:35
JoseeAntonioRI suggest emailing to let people knoew01:35
pleia2yep, doing that now :)01:36
JoseeAntonioRI'll get in touch with akgrander and nhandler to see what our 300 edition will be :)01:42
JoseeAntonioRI'll take care of that01:42
pleia2thank you!01:43
UnderControlHiya, I'm just wondering is it just me that when accessing the prep page signed into Google Apps that a access denied page is shown?05:19
holsteinUnderControl: lemme check05:27
holsteinUnderControl: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=18ZbtFHQq6uMj7iuRLd11VH8V5Uc_FA0IfgiRUcbMbQk correct?05:28
UnderControlholstein Yes.05:29
holsteinUnderControl: try going now.. its good for me05:29
UnderControlholstein Mmm, the problem for me is that I can access it not logged in, but logged in I can't see it.05:30
holsteinUnderControl: it lets me in logged in or not05:30
holsteinUnderControl: quite05:30
holsteinUnderControl: try a different browser real quick05:30
holsteinUnderControl: if you have a private mode, try that as a test05:31
UnderControlSame problem on a different device/browser.05:31
holsteinUnderControl: i would just do it not logged in then05:31
holsteinand check back later.. sounds like something at your network level05:32
UnderControlThanks holstein, and hope you have a good holidays05:32
holsteinUnderControl: same to you! :)05:32
pleia2ah, the joys of using proprietary software05:40
pleia2alas, it's more reliable than anything else we've used :(05:40
UnderControlPleia2 yeah :/05:47
pleia2how've you been?05:47
UnderControlPleia2 I'm just glad I'm on holidays (busy with school), how about you?05:47
pleia2getting over being pretty sick, but mostly things are awesome :)05:48
UnderControlAh, feeling better now? I read about it yesterday or the day before.05:49
pleia2still pretty tired, but I'm getting there05:50
UnderControlWell that's good. :)05:51
* UnderControl gets his axe out for Google Docs.05:59
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