
steevbMerry Christmas Everyone!02:45
=== spupuser is now known as Guest43681
=== Guest43681 is now known as MarkDude
philipballewGood thing you don't work for Netflix today pleia2 since your on call.21:06
pleia2philipballew: haha, truth21:06
pleia2my servers are behaving themselves so far :)21:06
philipballewThey must have been well trained.21:06
pleia2I am very good at my job21:06
philipballewwe are good at what we do most often I would think.21:07
philipballewI doubt many people need server help on a day when most people are off work and stuff.21:07
pleia2harddrive failures don't take holidays21:09
philipballewCan not agree more there21:11
MarkDudeMaligayang Pasko! is how to say Merry Christmas in Filipino21:12
MarkDudeGreetings pleia2 philipballew , everyone21:12
pleia2g'day MarkDude21:12
* philipballew waves at MarkDude 21:13
MarkDudeSaw this a bit ago, found it amusing >>> http://lh3.ggpht.com/-tKsFAgEvTzE/UFGPDFid64I/AAAAAAAAc0s/nzuIX9hhcT4/guinness-records-2013-9%25255B2%25255D.jpg?imgmax=80021:14
darthrobotContent type: [image/jpeg] Size: [152708]21:14
MarkDudeNew Guiness records21:14
darthrobotTitle: [New Entries to The Guinness World Records 2013 | Amusing Planet]21:14
MarkDudeThat was the Hello Kitty winner21:14
MarkDudeMade me feel better about my interest in Hello Kitty21:15
* MarkDude thinks it is similar to how some folks watch that show HOARDERS, and think- hey Im not that bad :D21:15
* MarkDude got another nice blue HK pair of socks 21:15
philipballewMarkDude, so hows the Hello Kitty collection coming for you?21:16
MarkDudeOther clothes also, just mentioning the important stuff21:16
MarkDudephilipballew, ok, it seems its harder for guys to collect21:16
philipballewMarkDude, because the hello kitty clothes do not fit people over 12?21:17
MarkDudeIts the related pink issue that some women may face intech21:17
MarkDudeIm ok with some pink, just not ALL pink21:17
philipballewsounds like the talk dropping in #ubuntu-women right now21:17
* philipballew wears all pink 21:18
MarkDudeactually, go to Target, they have HK stuff for women21:18
MarkDudeOooooh, need to add that to my backup puppy install21:18
philipballewso hows the glamor shots you take coming MarkDude ?21:19
MarkDudeOk, on break a bit21:19
MarkDudePlanning some fun for 201321:19
MarkDudefuturistic pinup style21:19
MarkDudeMy bluff has been called, so I am gonna pose21:20
philipballewwhen are you gonna do a pinup of me?21:20
MarkDudeNot sure about all that yet21:20
MarkDudein 2013 dude21:20
MarkDudeAt thgis point I am dressing up as Hunter S Thompson21:20
MarkDudeTold them I was not willing to take all sorts of drugs tro make it authentic21:21
MarkDudeEx gf is taking the pics, so its a bit of Cali-casual. Gf is ok with it. I am think of doing a HK style theme, problem is- there is not enough for me to pick from21:22
MarkDudeStill on quest for black pajamas with just a small amount of pink- or maybe no pink21:22
MarkDudephilipballew, for your shoot, I think a Hawaiian theme might work21:23
philipballewso maybe like a  hula skirt and my "Jesus sandles" as you call them.21:25
MarkDudeAlso, keep an eye for secret agent stuff. If we can do a James Bond or 50=60s style21:25
MarkDudeWell yes, Jesus sandals are a must21:26
MarkDudeSimilar to Rikii Endsley and her awesome glasses21:26
philipballewthey went over well at oscon. Id walk up to people and say "wanna try Ubuntu" they'd look at the sandals, and walk away from the booth.21:29

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