
MutantTurkeyokay i made out like a bandit.04:59
MutantTurkeyOne black diamond LED headlamp, one black diamond LED lantern, one maglite, 32 precision screwdrivers, two vice grips, leather jacket, new harmonica and a warm hat.05:00
MutantTurkeygotta love my extended family... my parents were right for me making me send them thank you notes when I was a kid!05:00
ChinnoDogSounds like a good haul05:10
MutantTurkeyand my girlfriend is getting me a maglite.... awesummmm05:15
MutantTurkeyseriously though this harmonica is also in C... just like my other one :[05:16
HowdyDoodyrmg51: there are 4 d's only when tab complete fails,   i.e. when he's not online.08:07
pleia2santa won't leave gifts if he sees you're awake08:07
HowdyDoodyOh, Santa has come and gone by time I was napping down.   (10:09pm)08:08
HowdyDoodyNow time to go to bed.08:08
pleia2oh I see :)08:10
HowdyDoodyIs'nt it after midnight there too, pleia2 ?08:13
pleia2yeah, just08:13
pleia2I've been sick so taking a lot of naps, sleep schedule is all wonky08:13
pleia2(happily on the mend)08:14
HowdyDoodyI'm healthy and still sleep multiple times many nights.   I just sleep what my body seeks to do and not bother worrying about it.08:15
pleia2I do the 9-5 work thing so that's a bit trickier :)08:15
pleia2I end up sleeping half my day away if my nighttime sleep is weird08:16
HowdyDoodyI'm off to sleep (in a bed this time)  Merry Christmas !08:17
pleia2you too, good night :)08:18
jedijfMerry Christmas to all12:51

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