
syncsysi cant install software  like wine and skype in latest kubuntu x64 http://www.pastebin.ca/229644800:03
dr_williscan you install ANY software at all? like 'sudo apt-get install cowsay' ?00:06
k-stzcan someone tell me some suggestion to fix bad sound in zsnes00:07
Alvissjoin #ubuntu00:09
dr_willisk-stz:  try changeing the sound outputs from alsa, to pulse, or visa-versa perhaps00:10
rizzoDid you change any settings in the emulator?00:10
dr_williszsnes is also a good but very old emulator. it may have some issues with pulse audio00:10
rizzoLowering the sample rate will produce 'bad sound'.00:11
syncsys i was using local server00:13
syncsys<syncsys> when i switch to u.s server. its showing updates.00:13
syncsys<syncsys> isnt ubuntu servers supposed to be sync00:13
k-stzrizzo: 32000hz sample as default setting in 12.04LTS, changing to 44100hz, (which sounds more familiar anyone?), so thx for that00:15
NuSueyany advice how can I set my "performance" settings in 12.10? I mean, I had the option before in some previous ubuntu.. like to set .. full performance.. or power saving settings..00:15
NuSueymy gpu is quite hot on my laptop when I'm using ubuntu.. so I would love to be able to change that :)00:16
NuSueyany advice?00:16
k-stzNuSuey: i suggest turning of compiz effects00:16
Kion1ouyes I was until now00:16
Kion1I am just upgrading00:16
watchtowerhi does anyone now of any plans for ubuntu  to make their own phone i know they have done the ubuntu for android but was wondering if they had any plans to make a phone00:17
NuSueyk-stz: haven't used the 12.10 .. soo how can I easily disable compiz?00:17
dr_williswatchtower:  just rumors   - i will belive it when i see it in stores.00:18
dr_willisNuSuey:  use some other desktop like lubuntu, or xubuntu, that dosent use compiz is one way00:18
NuSueydr_willis: can't I just install some other shell (like fluxbox) and just logon to that?00:19
watchtowerOK thanks00:19
dr_willisNuSuey:  if you want.00:19
dr_willisNuSuey:  thats exactly what i suggested. ;) basically00:19
rizzoNo, you suggested he ditch his current system :P00:19
NuSueydr_willis: ok, will do that. But can't I somehow change the "performance" settings? I feel that my laptop goes "FULL PERFORMANCE" even when I'm not doing anythings00:20
syncsys anyone on x64 and ruing skype or wine?00:20
dr_willisi dont mess with the power-mode/cpu mode settings much. But it may be an apci issue or bug if its going to the wrong modes.00:20
dr_willis!info lubuntu-desktop00:20
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.45 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; ia64; sparc; lpia; armel; armhf)00:20
Kion1Merry Christmas to all the Ubuntu Community00:21
syncsyshow to apt cache search?00:21
piccaMerry Christmas Kion100:22
r4d1xSanta didnt bring me working AMD drivers :(00:22
piccalol @ r4d1x00:22
Kion1Thanks picca MC to you too00:23
NuSueydr_willis: well what could I do?00:23
Kion1r4d1x ¿does AMD not work well under linux?00:24
r4d1xwithout X it works fine00:25
Kion1If buying a new system to put ubuntu in it, is it better to go with an AMD video card or an Nvidia?00:26
Kion1All I know was Linus Trovalds video on Nvidia! jaj00:26
r4d1xI think as long as its not with integrated either is fine00:26
fishheadGo with nvidia but check for driver support00:26
r4d1xmy issues stem from the integrated intel card on the cpu00:27
XRS1intel drivers actually work. unlike amd and nvidia00:27
r4d1xI think00:27
Kion1I have an Alienware and its Nvidia GTX260M never runs at full power under linux!00:27
Kion1that's why I feel more like trying AMD00:27
r4d1xexcept that all they do it output video, if you want and sort of acceleration you need amd or nvidia00:27
dr_willisNuSuey:  try out lubuntu, via installing the lubuntu-desktop package. it wont use compiz00:27
XRS1amd drivers are 100% broken at the moment00:27
r4d1xthere has been mixed success with 12.1100:28
r4d1xproblem is X seeing that I have intel and AMD and thinking that its needs to use switcharoo00:28
dr_willisKion1:  i would avoid ati/amd.. stick with nvidia if you need the gpu power. intel if you dont.00:28
dr_willisKion1:  those dual-gpu-optimus systems are also a major cause of problems at this time00:28
XRS1intel GMA chipset runs faster than nvidia and amd chips with the current drivers00:29
Kion1Yes I will buy some powerfull video card, just wondered what should work best00:29
r4d1xbut it provides limited opencl which is what I need :(00:29
XRS1dont waste your money on a powerfull card unless you are going to run windows00:29
dr_willisKion1:  i find older nvidia cards, (from like 6+mo to a year ago release) are the most stable.00:29
fishheadif you get a comp with amd ati check for driver support first00:29
dr_willisKion1:  i dont see the point in a $300+ video card on ubuntu.00:30
Kion1XRS1 I do use it for GPU computations00:30
dr_willisKion1:  it would depend on what software you are using for thaat 'GPU Computations' i imagine then. if thats your main goal00:31
XRS1its a sad state of affairs when the cheapest Intel chips run circles around AMD and nVidia cards and chips00:31
r4d1xgood deflection00:31
Kion1yes,  I ocasionally use it for games, but mostly GPU processing power and 3D modelling00:32
dr_willisI see quite a few issues in here with Intel cards.00:32
dr_willisbut thisis the place people come when they do have issues. ;)00:32
dr_willisso its a little biased going by what you see in here.00:32
XRS1is there any one in here with working AMD drivers on 12.10?00:32
r4d1xbetter than the mint channel, just a bunch of kids googling obvious answers00:33
dr_willisJust be glad you dont have a SiS video card. ;)00:34
XRS1is there still such a thing?00:35
dr_willisI see 3-4 people in here weekly with them and having issues.00:35
XRS1that was my first 3d chip  :P00:35
dr_willisI rember when Matrox was a big name..  :P00:36
dr_willisback when '2d Acelleration' was  the buzz word.00:36
dr_willisPhysX ;)00:36
XRS1any way, i get "Python (v2.7) requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: text/html decoder" when i try to play an .mp4 from a PHP page. the file works fine when i watch it from folder or youtube.   any ideas why it wont play? <embed src="http://xrs.no-ip.biz/downloads/metro.mp4">00:38
=== Frosty is now known as g_byers
hydemy mouse right click is not working in ubuntu 12.04, any ideas?00:49
XRS1has it ever worked?00:49
hyderestart would not work00:49
XRS1what has changed since?00:50
hydeif I know, why would I ask?00:50
dr_willisCat chewed on the wire>?00:50
angelpossummerry christmas every one00:50
XRS1(and it feels like the button is pressing?)00:50
XRS1well you should feel it if your looking for the click. if not, its prolly broked00:51
hydekeyboard right click is working00:51
hydemust be some misconfiguration by mistake before00:51
dr_williscould seeif the right click regiesters in the console after installing 'gpm' and seeif it works for a newly made user.00:53
dr_williscould also run xev and click in its window and see if the right clicks regiester00:53
hydefor xev, I could see activities when left click mouse, but nothing shows up when right-clicking00:54
hydeI could not find a place in ubuntu where to enable mouse right click00:55
dr_willisHmm. that would point to the button being broken i would think.00:55
dr_willisUltimate test would be to try a live cd and see if it works there00:55
dr_willisin not sure how it could NOT be showing in xev.  since xev reportss the lowest level of inputs.00:56
logunHi I'm using ubuntu 10.10 while clicking "reload" button in synaptic package manager I'm getting a error message that01:00
logun"Could not download all repository indexes01:00
logunThe repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct."01:00
FloodBot1logun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:00
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.01:00
logunHi I'm using ubuntu 10.10 while clicking "reload" button in synaptic package manager I'm getting a error message that01:01
logunThe repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored."01:01
OerHeks10.10 is end of life, logun , so upgrade to a supported versions is the solution01:01
logun0erHeks, cant we update only the synaptic01:02
IdleOne!eolupgrades | logun01:03
ubottulogun: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:03
OerHekslogun you can add "old-releases"  to the repo's,  but that will give you the latest fixes up to april 201201:04
OerHekssee usrl from ubottu01:05
syncsysdr_willis, working with the u.s upgrade not with local server.01:07
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XRS1okay google says i need rhythembox and python to make error ""Python (v2.7) requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: text/html decoder" go away. well i already have totem and python. everything works fine untill i <embed src="http://xrs.no-ip.biz/downloads/metro.mp4"></embed> in PHP page01:14
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XRS1#php and #python fault ubuntu01:15
Kion1hyde maybe your mouse is not functioning properly01:27
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Kion1I am upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10, The download seems incredibly long!01:33
daftykinsKion1: maybe you're just excited01:38
isaMarry Christmast01:39
Kion1<daftykins> I guess...!01:39
Kion1daftykins I dont even know what changed between the two01:41
daftykinsKion1: mmm i can't say either i'm afraid, i'm sure it's in the release notes01:41
isaI'm sorry I mean Merry Christmas01:41
XRS1a few nice fixes and a lot of added bugs  :P01:41
isaSorry Sorry. Hahahaha01:42
Kion1XRS1 That is what I was afraid of01:42
bobweavertext/html << mimetype01:42
Kion1And the reason I held the change so much01:42
Kion1my system was working perfectly01:42
daftykinsKion1: why change then? :)01:42
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
Kion1daftykins I just wanted to have the latest version of my OS01:44
crazybrain1how to install dark-mint theme?01:44
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:44
Kion1daftykins I am the type of guy that is not afraid of breaking things in my system01:44
crazybrain1it shows unable to locate packages01:46
daftykinsKion1: yarr01:46
* XRS1 recommends enabling proposed updates01:46
RaspootisHow does 12.10 do with exFAT file systems? I'm looking for a good filesystem to use on an external hard drive with operability between OS X/Windows/Ubuntu01:47
usr13Raspootis: Just fine.01:49
usr13Raspootis: Wait, exFAT?  Is that same as VFAT?01:49
compdocnever heard of exfat01:50
eristikophilesso like, i have a bit of an odd problem. i get the 'pipes failed: too many open files in system' error in the shell, but when i try to use any of the commands that i found by googling on how to fix it, they also fail due to the same error. so it seems i can't actually fix it without it being fixed. anyone know of a way to work around that?01:50
RaspootisIt's a propietary filesystem by Microsoft, designed for use with flash media01:50
ring0exfat != vfat01:50
bobweaver(Extended File Allocation Table01:50
compdocyeah, thats a good choice for a hard drive. not01:50
usr13compdoc: What?01:51
bhCan anyone refer me to a good article on configuring postfix on unbuntu? Their documentation is a bit opaque if you're unfamiliar with their vocabulary01:51
leo2007how to fix this obscure error? http://bpaste.net/show/v5107FOm7qeF6p5AC7KK01:52
usr13Raspootis: Yea, I think exFAT is ok.01:52
Kion1daftykins And because of that, from time to tiem I end up with self inposed pain JAJA, And that is the way in which I have learned this wonderfull OS01:52
Raspootiscompdoc: some would suggest FAT, but FAT is limited to 4GB files01:52
XRS1eristikophiles:  try a live disk01:53
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daftykinsKion1: oh yeah, gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette01:53
bobweaver!postfix | leo2007, you have read these ?01:53
ubottuleo2007, you have read these ?: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer01:53
leo2007I am new to debian system like ubuntu. but familiar with redhat01:54
bobweaver!MailServer >> leo200701:54
eristikophileshm. i suppose. i never got this error before though, so it seems if i just reboot it'd go away almost. but i was hoping to fix it with the system still running01:54
Mahmoudhi -- how to send CR in netcat?01:54
eristikophilesunfortunately i can't open anything or run anything in shell01:54
usr13Raspootis: Yea, exFAT is fine as far as I can tell.  (Just did a little research and it looks like its a go..)01:55
bobweaver!mailserver  >> leo200701:55
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html01:56
leo2007bobweaver: do you understand english?01:56
bobweavernope , what are you tring to configure in postfix ?01:56
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bobweavereristikophiles,  you can not press ctrl+alt+f1 to get to tty ?01:58
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Raspootisech, it seems that exFAT works in Ubuntu under FUSE01:59
Raspootismaybe plain FAT would be better01:59
XRS1FAT16 would not work01:59
RaspootisFAT32 is the most commonly used FAT system02:00
leo2007bobweaver: postfix is not in my question? you might have misread someone else's.02:00
bhleo2007: that's me02:01
leo2007bh: yeah, I was completely lost for a while.02:01
bhbobweaver: I just want to accept e-mail for existing users on some domain and then use .forward to redirect it if necessary02:01
bobweaver leo2007  you where not the only one02:04
bobweaverleo2007,  what is going on with init.d thingy ?02:04
leo2007I have fixed it.02:05
usr13Raspootis: Ah, yea.  I see that you have to install the fuse-exfat and the exfat-utils packages:02:05
usr13Raspootis: Yea, vfat (or fat32), is what most all usb drives come with, so.... if you can work with fat32, yer prolly better off.02:07
RaspootisLooks like I'll have to bite the bullet should I have any media files over 4GB02:08
usr13Raspootis: So, why not just install the fuse-exfat and the exfat-utils packages?02:08
RaspootisThis ubuntu system is pretty bare with hardware (1GB ram), and I plan to be running programs off of the drive, so speed will be the concern02:09
eristikophilesso yeah, rebooting fixed the issue (for now anyway) .. but i have no idea what was wrong still. ulimit -a shows that there is in fact no limit on the number of files i can have open02:10
usr13eristikophiles:  grep ^[^#]  /etc/security/limits.conf02:12
usr13eristikophiles: But.. how about root?02:13
eristikophilesit says 'no matches found: ^[^#]'02:13
usr13eristikophiles: That's good....02:14
eristikophilesyou think that while my regular username has unlimited files root won't?02:14
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eristikophilesyeah that whole file is comments btw02:15
eristikophilesthere doesn't seem to be any actual lines without a # in front02:15
usr13eristikophiles: yea, we confirmed it was all comments with the above command.02:16
usr13eristikophiles:  grep ^[^#]  /etc/security/limits.conf02:16
eristikophilesi wasn't sure what that search parameter does.. i don't know awk/sed wildcards02:16
=== ymasory is now known as zz_ymasory
eristikophilesanyway thanks. i guess this is just one bug i have to not worry over too much. never happened before and rebooting fixed it02:22
SolarisBoyany line not beginning with #02:22
SolarisBoy^begins [^negates]02:23
granjknjkgeahow can I change my ubuntu 12.10 to boot into single-user mode?02:23
eristikophilesthanks SolarisBoy02:23
SolarisBoyyw eristikophiles02:24
eristikophilesgranjknjkgea- if you don't already know how to do that, why do you want to always log in as root?02:24
eristikophiles(and thereby break the system more easily) :)02:24
SolarisBoygranjknjkgea: append single to the boot parameters02:24
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granjknjkgeaSolarisBoy: in grub?02:25
SolarisBoygranjknjkgea: yes02:25
eristikophilesthat was maybe more helpful, but i still think that it's a bad idea. i used to log in as root in *nix at first then eventually i encountered problems. programs installing themselves and messing up system files. random accidents and mistakes causing me to have to do more to fix them than otherwise, that stuff02:25
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eristikophilesk, nap time for me02:26
granjknjkgeaSolarisBoy: that will bypass the password at boot up?02:26
SolarisBoynot sure can't remember but you said you want root right?02:26
SolarisBoyif not make init=/bin/sh02:26
granjknjkgeaSolarisBoy: not necessarily root. I'd like to boot right into my desktop without being prompted for my password02:27
SolarisBoythat doesn't sound like you want single user mode then02:28
granjknjkgeamaybe my terminology is off02:28
SolarisBoyyou can do that without root or any run level switches02:28
compdocthats actaully an option when you install Ubuntu02:28
granjknjkgeacompdoc: yeah initially I selected it, but I've changed my mind02:29
mrabzyeats ?02:29
SolarisBoysingle user mode is also complete unrelated to it ;>02:29
granjknjkgeaoh silly me02:29
OerHeksjakub, jakub_ jakub269 jakub394  jakub893 why so many clones?02:33
robertzaccourI plugged my laptop into my tv with an HDMI calbe and all I'm seeing on the tv is the wallpaper. Any suggestions?02:35
granjknjkgearobertzaccour: drag the window to the right02:36
Pouryaur TV acts as a second monitor….02:36
granjknjkgearobertzaccour: on your desktop that is. drag your desired window off screen to the right02:36
robertzaccourgranjknjkgea, oh ok thanks02:36
bobweaverrobertzaccour, ever think about Ubuntu tv mockup ?02:37
robertzaccourgranjknjkgea, will it work for netflix? its fullscreen only02:37
bkc_robertzaccour: terminal => xrandr --output <external name, prob HDMI-something> --same-as <internal screen name>02:37
Pourya@robertzaccour If you want to have the same content you would have to go to the display options and enable mirorring…02:37
granjknjkgeado you launch it from a terminal?02:37
robertzaccourbobweaver, I don't know what you mean02:37
bobweavernetflicks-destop works great02:37
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  what version of Ubuntu ?02:37
robertzaccourbobweaver, 12.1002:38
granjknjkgearobertzaccour: drag a terminal over to the right monitor and then launch the netflix app02:38
bobweavernot going to work then robertzaccour02:38
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  I have a ppa for 12.04 though02:38
bobweaverubuntu tv ^^02:39
robertzaccourgranjknjkgea, oh ok, thanks bro02:39
goddardwhat does the +r mean on freenode?02:39
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfrm117Ukr002:40
bobweaverthat was 11.10 version02:40
OptimizedCoderjoin #c02:40
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  I have sense added all mythplugins02:40
robertzaccourbobweaver, I use my tv as my tv haha02:40
bobweavercould have both as one haha02:41
robertzaccourbobweaver, but could plug it into my tv and be the same02:41
robertzaccouryeah true02:41
bobweaverwhy not just have one box that is dvr >/02:41
bobweaver? *02:41
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  are you thinking about dvr ?02:42
bobweaverlike with a capture card at all  ?02:42
robertzaccourbobweaver, I already have DVR02:42
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  myth ?  or some cable thingy ?02:42
robertzaccourbobweaver, I'd ask about it being a free DVR, but DVR is bundled in with the HD package so it'll make no difference in cost anyway02:42
robertzaccourbobweaver, cable tv02:43
robertzaccourIf DVR was a separate item on the bill I'd try to get a free DVR setup with Ubuntu tv or whatnot02:43
robertzaccourgonna go watch netflix through my laptop on my tv, netflix ps3 app is down. thanks, later yall02:44
robertzaccourhave fun02:44
robertzaccourbe good02:44
bobweaveryeah there is alot things behind all that robertzaccour02:44
bobweaveryou too02:44
robertzaccourjust found another problem02:46
robertzaccoursound isn't going through the hdmi to my tv from my laptop02:46
logunHi, how to recover the deleted shadow file02:46
CarlFKWhat is the package that gets me adobe flash in firefox?    flash-plugin-browser something02:47
robertzaccourbobweaver, Do you know how to get sound to the tv through the hdmi from the laptop?02:48
bobweaver!into ubuntu-restricted-extras02:49
robertzaccourit works fine in windows, surely there's a linux solution02:49
bobweaver!info  ubuntu-restricted-extras | CarlFK   this is installed ?02:50
ubottuCarlFK this is installed ?: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB02:50
CarlFKbobweaver: is that for me?02:50
robertzaccourIs there a way to set up sound in a 2nd monitor? thats what my tv would be02:50
bobweaveryeah CarlFK02:50
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  I use a surround sound sorry02:51
usr13robertzaccour: Sound doesn't have much to do with a monitor.02:51
stroodlepupis there a package for tomee in ubuntu? a ppa maybe?02:51
robertzaccourusr13, for some reason its not going through the hdmi to the tv02:52
robertzaccourusr13, I'm having to do this workaround because the ps3 netflix app is down02:52
robertzaccouroh I figured it out02:53
robertzaccourhad to change the audio profile02:53
usr13i c02:53
bobweaverI was wonder if it was that or the gfx card02:53
robertzaccournope, just the audio profile :)02:54
bobweaverthat is why I use surround sound ;) plus one remote one box for all02:54
bobweavereven my frontends(Not the big TV ) are only one remote02:54
robertzaccourok gonna watch netflix now. been watching 'Til Death lately, great show02:55
robertzaccourlater yall02:55
bobweaverwe need a lens for Netflicks that opens netflicks-desktop02:55
bobweaverfor searching02:55
dctrdhey guys02:57
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yaben3ammewhy isnt my bootable disk booting02:59
yaben3ammeive burnt it 2 times02:59
yaben3ammeand fixed the bios and it isnt working'03:00
bobweaveryaben3amme,  you checked the md5sum ?03:00
bobweaveryaben3amme,  what happens and what are you trying to do ?03:00
yaben3ammei just want to boot the cd03:00
yaben3ammei burned the img file to a dvd03:01
bobweaveryaben3amme,  and you burnt cd of iso ?03:01
bobweaverand what happens when you boot with it in drive ?03:01
goddardi think i am starting to like osx over ubuntu03:01
bobweavercd drive *03:01
yaben3ammethe screen turns black then i see the windows logo03:02
robertzaccourok just one more issue03:02
bobweaverahh yaben3amme  you have to set boot to boot cd in bios03:02
robertzaccourI drag the termilal to the right (other desktop tv monitor) but the netflix app still opens up on the laptop screen only03:02
bobweaveryaben3amme,  that is what it sounds like . Have you opened bios ?03:03
robertzaccourchromium opens up on the 2nd monitor, but netflix app does not03:03
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  press alt then enter in display and set tv to be 103:03
robertzaccourand there's no way to drag it over there becaue its fullscreen03:03
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  ^^^03:03
yaben3ammeive tried other cds like windows03:04
yaben3ammethey work normall03:04
bobweaveryaben3amme,  what kinda computer ?03:04
yaben3ammebut ubuntu doesnt work03:04
deitarionHow do I undo the "add showexec to udisks options" change made in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/vfat-noexec? It's preventing /media/Travel_16GB/boot/lin_start_here.sh from running the extensionless binary syslinux uses to write the boot sector.03:04
bobweaveryaben3amme,  and you have open bios in boot ? like before the windows logo ?03:04
iSevenpress F12 >03:05
yaben3ammeyeah thats what im doing iSeven03:05
bobweaveriSeven,  lucky someone owns a lenvoo and not a craptop :P03:05
robertzaccourbobweaver, how do I change which display is the main one?03:05
yaben3ammethen i select dvd03:05
bobweaverrobertzaccour,  drag it to the left03:06
yaben3ammebobweaver nahh it aint that bad03:06
bobweaverno yaben3amme I am saying that you all are lucky with lenovo03:06
bobweaverI have the craptop :P03:06
yaben3ammedell is very good03:07
yaben3ammeonly is you have crappy specs03:07
yaben3ammeram ??03:07
bobweaver2 tb I installed03:08
bobweaverI think that it is a black or scropio03:08
yaben3ammedude thats a very good pc03:08
bobweaverwont run steam03:08
deitarion...or do I just have to ditch udisks-based automounting and use some alternative that isn't written with the assumption that everyone is a novice?03:08
yaben3ammeok back to the cd what should i do ?03:08
bobweaveryou have to open bios options on boot and set cd to be 1st option on boot03:09
yaben3ammeon lenovo03:09
yaben3ammeyou press f1203:09
bobweaveryaben3amme, most the time there is option to press f{something} too get to boot options03:09
yaben3ammeand select where yoou want to boot from03:09
yaben3ammeso i was selecting dvd03:10
yaben3ammethe prob is with the cd03:10
yaben3ammenot bios03:10
bobweaveryaben3amme,  what drives are there ?03:10
usr13yaben3amme: USB?03:10
bobweaveragainyaben you checked md5sum ?03:10
bobweaveragain yaben3amme  you checked the nd5sum ?03:11
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:11
yaben3ammethere is  a md5 file03:11
yaben3ammeshould i go into it03:11
usr13yaben3amme: Just google it.03:11
yaben3ammethere is one!!!!!03:11
usr13google the md5 checksume.03:11
yaben3ammedo i have to setup any bootup files?03:12
yaben3ammethose 2 mb and 4mb ones03:12
goddardstroodlepup, don't know why its a sad day03:13
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aarcaneWhen is 12.04.2 scheduled for release?03:18
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RishabhTatirajuwell, my screen is turning grainy when i use it03:19
stroodlepupis there a package for tomee in ubuntu? a ppa maybe?03:19
usr13aarcane: February I think.03:20
RishabhTatirajuMerry christmas to all :)03:20
bobweaverstroodlepup, you looked on la8unchpad ?03:23
bobweaverI have no idea what that package is03:24
yaben3ammewhat should i do03:25
yaben3ammewhy isnt the cd booting03:25
FloodBot1yaben3amme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:26
FloodBot1yaben3amme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:27
iSeven..call to lenovo03:28
smacktalkis there a utility that'll let you explore an iso image?03:28
somsipsmacktalk: just mount it03:28
aarcaneWhere can I find more info on the migration to a Unified Installer?03:31
kvothetechaaearon: what03:33
kvothetechThere is no unified installer.03:33
CarlFKaarcane: click around till you see the icon for the iso file, right click, "mount" ( or something similar, I don't have one handy to test with )03:34
CarlFKlspci says 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Device 9808   shouldn't I see the "restricted drivers available" option03:35
aarcanekvothetech, a few versions ago there was a blueprint or issue in the tracker to track the migration to a single ISO file that can perform installs of ubuntu desktop and server , 32 and 64 bit, and all the various others like kubuntu from a single DVD image...  but I can't find it now.03:35
aarcanekvothetech, it was for people like me who need to install a number of various configurations, and it was supposed to save a bunch of space and make everything super easy.03:36
kvothetechThat's called minimal with your own local repo03:36
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aarcanekvothetech, well, I remember it was in the works, but I can't find it now :(03:38
kvothetechWouldn't be hard to make03:39
aarcaneit was supposed to be the new default, btu I haven't seen anything about it in a while now, and have conveniently lost the bookmarks :(03:40
NFisherHi all!! i want to integrate a few fonts into my 10.04 System.. i have them zipped, how can i now intergrate them to use them in GIMP2 and OO?!03:50
NFisheralright its just doubleclicking them, sry for that redundant question :)03:54
NFisherhappy Holidays Everybody!03:54
usr13NFisher: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts03:54
NFisherusr13, thx! :)03:54
s_faradayi have problem with virtualbox in ubuntu 12.10 x6403:58
CarlFKWhat is the restricted driver manager called?  I thought it was jockey03:58
usr13CarlFK: I think you are correct.03:59
CarlFKusr13: um.. it isn't installed on my 12.10 box03:59
s_faradaywhen i wanna start win 7 installation03:59
somsipCarlFK: Jockey GTK has been superseded by software-properties03:59
s_faradayVT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Your 64-bit guest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot.Please ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer.04:00
usr13somsip: oh, ok.  Thanks for the correction04:00
somsipCarlFK: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/10/to-do-list-after-new-installation-of.html04:00
CarlFKsomsip: thanks04:00
somsipCarlFK: number 204:00
Googol30I'm back, if anyone remembers me... and I, of course, have questions about Ubuntu... this time about Virtualization, specifically Zen.04:00
somsipCarlFK: np04:00
Googol30No... Xen... correct spelling.04:00
Googol30On to my questions... is it possible to run a virtualized instance of Windows Vista from inside 12.04 Server?04:01
py_canI can't install Whine, I don't know what is going on: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463757/04:02
gelbandergelbander: ok04:03
s_faradayhow can i fix it?04:03
somsippy_can: to install Whine properly, you have to repeatedly ask the same question and complain that everyone is ignoreing you ;-)04:03
py_cansomsip: thanks!04:03
usr13py_can: sudo apt-get -f install04:03
py_canusr13: done, what now?04:04
py_canusr13: getting the same error04:04
somsippy_can: soz - souldn't resist. Looks like you're getting some proper help though04:04
usr13py_can: What was the result of  sudo apt-get -f install ?04:04
hdldevHi there, is there a reason there are no more maverick package indexes on http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/?04:05
py_canusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463763/04:05
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py_cansomsip: yeah, could have been worse :)04:05
hdldevis it just because its been EOL'd?04:05
usr13py_can: sudo apt-get -f install wine1.404:05
Guest13220I need a lean no GUI latest UBUNTU , similar to that of Debian Network install, please point me to an iso. Thanks!04:05
py_canusr13:  apt-get -f install wine1.404:06
py_canusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463766/04:06
bobweaversorry cdimage.ubuntu.com/ * Guest04:07
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usr13py_can: lsb_release -a |pastebinit04:08
py_canusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463770/04:09
py_can , and thanks for 'pastebinit'. very handy04:09
=== default is now known as Guest77508
usr13py_can: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade04:10
usr13py_can: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:10
py_canyeah done that instead of ;04:10
usr13py_can: Actually, either will work, but...04:11
usr13py_can: apt-cache search wine |pastebinit04:11
bobweaver; and then  || or then  ; next ?04:11
py_canusr13: ok sec, stuff is upgrading atm04:11
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bobweaver&& and then  || or then  ; next ? sorry that is what I meant04:13
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Guest13220bobweaver: I cannot find a suitable iso image. They are allfor different architecture or full blown release for PC04:15
py_canusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463776/04:16
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usr13py_can: uname -a |pastebinit04:19
py_canusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463779/04:19
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py_canAlso, what is this crap: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463762/04:21
usr13py_can: free |pastebinit04:21
py_canusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1463785/04:22
usr13py_can: Where is ^^that^^ from?04:22
py_canusr13: starting typing in random id's, since it increments by one you can go back and see other peoples pastes04:23
py_canseeing lots of automated spam...04:24
usr13py_can: Oh, well, forget about other people's pastes04:24
usr13py_can: sudo apt-get install wine04:24
py_canusr13: ;)04:24
py_canusr13: still getting the same error04:25
py_canactually getting the same type of errors when I'm trying to install Skype from the repos04:25
usr13Depends: wine1.4 but it is not going to be installed ?04:25
usr13Ok, just a sec...04:25
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usr13py_can: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gettext/+bug/97596704:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 954029 in wine1.4 (Ubuntu Quantal) "duplicate for #975967 gettext fails to install; package relationships should be with "gettext:any", "gettext-base:any", or are not required/useful at all" [Medium,Triaged]04:28
Christinahello all.04:29
usr13Christina: Hi04:29
usr13where's my haircut?04:30
Christinafor some odd reason, i cannot log into my ubuntu 12.04 machine. it just goes back to the login again, and again04:30
Christinawtf are u talking about haircuts?04:30
Christinausr13, ^^04:30
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usr13Sorry, couldn't resist, (a girl named Christina cuts my hair and she is AOL right now.)04:30
Christinawanna hear something even funnier?04:31
usr13!password | Christina04:31
ubottuChristina: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords04:31
Christinachristina is my mom, she has cut my hair all my life.04:31
usr13Haha that's pretty good!04:31
Christinaidk how her name got into the xchat program, but it here now.04:32
dr_willisChristina:  its crashing back to the Login screen. see if the guest user works.. see if a newly made user works. If so, that would imply that your users settings are some how crashing compiz/unity04:32
Christinaso anyways,..04:32
eamonis gmail not loading for anyone else?04:32
Christinadr_willis, yes it just looping backt he the login screen04:32
usr13eamon: Works for me.04:33
Christinai dont believe i have compiz installed on it tho..04:33
eamonusr13: cheers04:33
py_canusr13: kk, im giving up. thanks for the help tho!04:33
Christinausr why did u do that password thing??04:33
py_caninstalling vnc on my windows machine instead :P04:33
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Christinaeamon, gmail is loading fine for me..04:34
eamonhuh, maybe it's my browser.04:34
dr_willisChristina:  what desktop are you using?  Try some of the other ones.  a common issue is the .Xauthority file getting messed up and needing to be renamed/deleted04:34
py_canChristina: can you login using TTY1?04:34
Christinadr_willis, i have xubuntu session and xfce session and they both do the same thing04:35
Christinathe ony way for me to get to the desktop is to login as guest04:35
Christinabut then i cant really do anything anyways..04:35
Christinadr_willis, ^^04:35
Christinapy_can, tty- u mean crtl+alt+f1--f6?04:36
usr13Christina: Ctrl-Alt-F6 and try to login04:36
Christinayes i can login with tty04:36
wrhI need help.  I wanted to get rid of my Ubuntu install on my hard drive running Windows 7.  I first deleted Ubuntu, then deleted its partition.  Upon merging the Windows OS partition with the free space, I was asked to reboot (I was using a program).  Now that I've restarted, I can't get into Windows.  Instead, "error: unknown filesystem.  grub rescue>" comes up.  Please help!04:36
usr13Christina: Ok, that's interesting.04:36
MK`Hm, why would Ubuntu be asking me to do a partial upgrade?04:36
Christinawrh, u need to run the system rescue cd for you windows installation04:37
py_canusr13: I have xubuntu and had this problem once, it messed up a config that handles the window manager, forgot what it was04:37
usr13Christina: So you more than likely have a problem in ~/.conf04:37
Christinausr13, how wouldi resolve this?04:37
wrhWill it completely reinstall my Windows or will it just recover the windows I have?04:37
usr13Christina: So you more than likely have a problem in ~/.config04:37
Christinawrh, it will fix your mbr witch was changed or corrupted my removing the linux install04:37
wrhOkay, thank you04:38
Christinawrh, if u hold on, ill get u the commands to repair the mbr04:38
usr13Christina:  tail -f /var/log/messages  #In tty604:38
usr13Christina: df04:39
Christinausr13, im not talking to you on the same computer as which has the problem04:39
Christinaso give me a minute to type in the response04:39
wrhOkay thank you so much! yes I can wait04:39
usr13Christina: Ok, but what about my haircut?04:39
Christinathe output of that command is "tail: cannot open `/car/log/messages' for reading: No such file or directory04:40
usr13Christina: var not car04:40
Christinayes var not car04:41
Christinawrh, get at me in a pm04:41
usr13Christina: What does df say?04:41
usr13See my pm.04:42
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MK`My Update Manager says "Not all updates can be installed", the Partial upgrade recommendation, etc. Among them is linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, and linux-image-generic. What do I do?04:49
MK`also unable to be checked: gnome-orca and wine, for reference.04:49
mcknight_Hello there. so. who feels like leading someone threw a blind install of ubuntu from usb onto a netbook with no screen04:52
Pouryahave u tried closing the lead connecting it to an external monitor?04:53
dr_willismcknight_:  setup a full install to the USB from a differnt pc.  be sure ssh and so forth is running on it..  then  use it. or a 2nd usb to boot the system and Image the usb to the hd of the netbook. ;)04:53
mcknight_well the netbook has windows 7 on it. and im kindof an ubuntu virgin, been using it for, oh um. 22 hours.04:55
dr_willismcknight_:  so what do you want to do exactly with the netbook? its display is totally broken? plug it into a monitor04:55
Pouryaclose the lead04:56
Pouryait will automatically switch to the external mon...04:56
mcknight_i know how to set the usb and stuff, scren is cracked, $150 to replace. and windows seven is on it and i kind of deleted the display control drivers. well the program..04:57
mcknight_so yeah run it on an external moniter04:57
mcknight_a shitshow04:57
mcknight_will ubuntu load and display on the external?04:58
mcknight_dont worry im not a total idiot.04:59
dr_willismcknight_:  i plug in my externals to mylaptopps and they normally get auto enabled. or i hit the Fn Keys to turn them on04:59
mcknight_see. this is a lovely samsung nf210 and it has a samsung program that has the drivers/software for the keyboard functions and thats gone.05:01
mcknight_i was doing so before hand with no issue, but system was running like crap so i started to delete the RUN BETTER programs, and it didnt work in my favor. Fn keys nor f keys work05:02
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mcknight_ive been using it well and fine and windows starter was upgraded to home profesional. samsung updates and then the computer ran like crap. my stupidity05:03
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mcknight_decent program??05:04
* dr_willis has lost the thread of the origianl tech support issue....05:05
dr_williswhat was the problem again?05:05
mcknight_user error05:06
daftykinsdr_willis: broke his screen, trying to blind-install an OS05:06
daftykinshe's brave, i'll give 'im that05:06
mcknight_ive done windows blind installs. tab tab tab tab tab enther tab tab\05:07
dr_willisnot like its very portable.. id install to a USB. have the thing boot from that.. (but how you set the bios to do that with no screen is a good question). :)05:07
mcknight_easy ish on linux??05:07
dr_willisyou could clone an existing install to its hard drive. that would be fairly easy05:08
dr_willisbest bet would be to get a external monitor working. those should work with the live cd/installer with few hassles.05:08
mcknight_i was going to clone one and dog ate my other sata cable05:10
mcknight_or cat. im going to try something pourya suggested, thank you all. appreciate it bigtime. dinosaurs suck05:11
dr_willisHad the grandkids chew up some of my cables... ;)05:12
daftykinsdr_willis: :O little blighters05:12
dr_willisI guess usb cords are tasty to a teething toddler.05:13
newroadhello, I'm been using Remmina to connect to my company's RDP servers, but they've recently changed the default ports of the RDP servers for security reasons. Is there a way I can can change the port that Remmina connects to a specific server on?05:13
mcknight_merry christmas all05:13
ring0newroad, sure, instead of just using the ip of the server, set server:port and it should work again05:16
daftykinsnewroad: where you type in a hostname or IP, try typing host:IP or IP:port05:16
* daftykins high-fives ring0 05:17
ring0daftykins, \o05:17
AlpiMerry christmas folks.05:18
CarlFKtrying to get a desktop box with both vga and hdmi to talk to a TV over vga.  it worked using the xorg drivers, but now that I installed the ati binary it is kicking the res up higher than the TV supports05:20
CarlFKI can hook ssh into it, and I can use the hdmi - any clue how to restrict how high the VGA res goes?05:21
dr_willisati has their control panel tool.05:22
dr_willisthat can tweak settings05:22
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newroadthanks ring805:33
ring0newroad, is it working? :)05:35
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stroodlepupjust so everyone knows, tomee is a buffed up version of apache tomcat05:41
stroodlepupjust so everyone knows, tomee is a buffed up version of apache tomcat05:41
stroodlepupjust so everyone knows, tomee is a buffed up version of apache tomcat05:41
bateeehi all, I am running a Ubuntu 12.10 server on Oracle virtualbox environment. I need to go to the full screen mode of the server. Currently I am getting small size screen to work on. Please suggest me how to go to full screen mode.05:43
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aeon-ltdbateee: did you install the extras that allow any resolution?05:46
bateeeaeon-ltd, I installed guest addition through apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso05:47
cfhowlettbateee: install guest additions05:47
bateeecfhowlett, guest additions was installed but with default conf, I couldn't change the screen size05:48
bateeeaeon-ltd, What did you mean by extras, do I need to install something other than the guest additions05:50
t3chpossible to install only one package from pre-releases ?05:55
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aeon-ltdbateee: no guest additions is what i meant05:57
Magoogleanyone know if the ARM version of ubuntu would run on the XIOS ds media player?06:15
cfhowlettMagoogle: greetings06:15
jesse___How can I make applications that I compiled myself appear in Dash? Is there a way that I can add them?06:18
_joeyhow do I get rid of sudo and use su instead?06:25
_joeyhow do I stop the system update resolv.conf. I want to edit the file manually06:25
daftykins_joey: you just want to type two characters less?06:26
_joeyi want to type two character once only06:26
IdleOneuse sudo -i when you need extended root privs06:27
daftykinsyeah i use the above when i need extended time as root06:28
daftykinsthen drop out with 'exit' after06:28
gotoguyI got this weird problem I hope someone might know about, I'm running KDE and in the System Tray is an icon/app called "KDE accessible", the thing is everytime I try to quit it, it just goes away a sec. then pops right back. Also if I kill the PID on the command line it does the same thing, anyone know how to fix this? thanks.06:28
_joeyokay, thanks06:29
_joeywhat about system updating resolv.conf after reboot?06:30
_joeyI want to leave it alone06:30
_joeyI mean i don't want the system to update resolv.conf after reboot06:30
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_joeyokay, su - is fixed06:34
_joeyit's just a habit06:34
cfhowlettandy00: greetings06:41
mastershakehey guys06:41
cfhowlettmastershake: greetings06:41
gotoguymerry christmas andy0006:41
mastershakemerry christmas to all06:42
gotoguydito mastershake.06:42
mastershakecfhowlett: can you help me out with a problem im having over here?06:42
cfhowlettmastershake: possibly.  ask.06:42
mastershakejust got this message when i did an apt-get install ..06:43
tyfaustHow would someone with only a command line interface use an invitation/activation link on a webpage? Is there any good way, or will I need a browser?06:43
mastershakeThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:43
cfhowlettmastershake: ...Yes?06:43
mastershakegerix-wifi-cracker-ng : Depends: python-qt3 but it is not installable06:43
mastershakeE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.06:43
andy00Can I build a .gz file with pbuilder without having .dsc file?06:44
gotoguyI got this weird problem I hope someone might know about, I'm running KDE and in the System Tray is an icon/app called "KDE accessible", the thing is everytime I try to quit it, it just goes away a sec. then pops right back. Also if I kill the PID on the command line it does the same thing, anyone know how to fix this? thanks.06:44
mastershakecfhowlett: any ideas?06:45
cfhowlettmastershake: have you updated your apt-get lately?06:45
gotoguyIt's like persistant06:45
mastershakefor some reason i just cant install gerix06:46
mastershakepretty sure i have the right repos06:46
cfhowlettmastershake: 3rd party dependencies are the likely cause06:46
mastershakeokay im semi new w linux so what should i do06:47
cfhowlettmastershake: I'm going to have to punt on this.  wifi cracker is part of the aircrack suite and is not supported on this channel.06:47
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cfhowlettmastershake: try #aircrack-ng for support06:48
andy00in this case http://people.freedesktop.org/~dbn/evince-browser-plugin/releases/ , how can I build this with pbuilder? thanks all06:48
andy00for all I know, there's no .dsc file inside....06:50
seelIs this the place to get help with things ubuntu, right?06:52
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cfhowlettseel: it is one place.  ask06:52
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seelok. well, I'm not experienced much with hardware and am trying to figure out how to go about finding a way to connect my desktop to the internet wirelessly06:53
cfhowlettseel: ok.  details on your hardware?06:53
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dr_willistyfaust:  theres links and lynx and w3m for console based web browsing06:54
seelI believe the computer is an dell inspiron 150 or 1500 or something, and will have to find out how to find what hardware I have as I'm not sure about the motherboard or any of that really. I'll find out what I can soon though, just not really sure where to start06:55
cfhowlettseel: and what ubuntu are you using?06:55
totemdr_willis, merry x-mass06:55
ubuntuaddictedtrying to use username map within smb.conf but it doesn't appear to be working06:55
dr_willisseel:   what wifi thang are you using?06:56
cfhowlettseel: ok.  wait one.  Pretty sure I know what the problem is ...06:56
ubuntuaddictedmy user within linux is not the same as on the windows xp box06:56
* cfhowlett bets it's a broadcom06:56
seelI bought a belkin n150 wireless adapter and both 12.04 and mint live cd recognize a connection but never connect06:56
ubuntuaddictedi can browse within nautilus and show the share but can't write to it06:56
dr_willisubuntuaddicted:  you  could just add a new user that matches. ;)  i always do that out of habbit.06:56
dr_willisubuntuaddicted:  what share exactly?  a share on the windows box? or linux box?06:57
cfhowlettseel: so you're NOT using the installed wifi?06:57
ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, i don't want to have to do that. this is the first user on the xubuntu machine06:57
seelI am currently using families internet across the hall as we do not have internet actually ourselves, and the laptop works fine (internet-wise) with 12.10, I believe it is06:57
ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, a share on the windows box06:57
dr_willisubuntuaddicted:  so what? its trivial to add new users..06:57
ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, i mapped the linux user to the windows user06:57
seelwell, that's just it, I wouldn't have any clue if I even have a wireless card in the desktop or not, actually06:57
dr_willisubuntuaddicted:  you do have a password set on the xp box for the user?06:58
ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, yes06:58
cfhowlettseel: OK, I think I understand.  open up a terminal and let's do a little investigating.  run this command lspci -vvnn | grep 14e406:58
Seven_Six_Twoso I got this netvista with xubuntu on it, and I don't like the username. Is there a way to change that, including the home dir, sudo ability, file ownership, etc?06:58
seelok, let me go turn on my desktop real quick since you're taking the time to help me real-time06:59
Seven_Six_Twowithout reinstalling, of course!06:59
dr_willisubuntuaddicted:  if the shares on the windoiws box.. im not sure how the linux box's smb.conf would be remapping users.. seems backwards to me.06:59
cfhowlettSeven_Six_Two: just create a new user account?06:59
cfhowlettseel: for reference, this is what I'm looking at.  http://turbolinux.org/2011/07/ubuntu-broadcom-bcm43xx-chipset-pci/06:59
dr_willisSeven_Six_Two:  easier to make a new user. give them the same rights. and copy files over.07:00
ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, it should map the linux user to the windows user07:00
Seven_Six_Twoalright. thanks.07:00
seelI'm starting up the desktop now and will let you know what I find07:00
dr_willisubuntuaddicted:  from what samba experience i have.. it remaps a windows user comming into the linux box.. not the other way around. You may want to double check in #samba07:00
dr_willisi could be wrong. ;) ive rarely had to remap users.07:00
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ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, this shows http://www.brennan.id.au/18-Samba.html07:02
lestercguys - what got changed in ubuntu's nfs server since nfsv3 era? I cannot get it going for some odd reason...07:02
seelok, I typed in lspci and a whole bunch of stuff came up that I have no clue about, and the other part "-vvnn, etc.," did nothing unless I did something wrong07:03
ubottuseel:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:03
cfhowlettseel: did you see the word broadcom mentioned at all?07:03
missedI really can't control my Mouse , Mainly the wheel. It starts suddenly scrolling too fast itself when i use my mouse's wheel . For example if i am reading pdf or web page and try to down the page it justs suddenly run fast even sometime opposite07:04
seelnothing about broadcom that I can see07:04
seelpci bridge: intent corp 82801 pci bridge (rev 92) is one line I got07:05
missedPlease help me , The mouse just annoying me (LAPTOP)07:05
_joeylinux is just annoying07:06
_joeywhoever invented it should be jailed for life07:06
aeon-ltd_joey: are you joking?07:06
seelnah, it doesn't always "just work" but that's part of the fun and challenge of learning07:06
ubottu_joey:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:06
_joeyaeon-ltd: I am trolling07:06
missed_joey, don't you use Linux?07:06
missedperhaps trolling in #ubuntu is less considered!07:07
gotoguyany one know how to have two cursors, one for each mouse?  we got the computer hooked up to a tv and a monitor and I would like to have two cursors one for me and one for my wife?07:07
ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, yeah, i just re-read it again, it only maps linux to windows not the other way around07:08
_joey1,466 nicks. Someone should troll once in a while07:08
seelok, I'll be honest here in that I don't know how I'm supposed to copy and paste anything from the desktop to the laptop when the desktop isn't connect online07:08
cfhowlettseel: can't be done.07:08
ubuntuaddicteddr_willis, so is there a way for nautilus to prompt me for a username and password when browsing07:08
seelexactly, so I'm not sure how to get this information to anyone that's needed... I can type pretty fast and type what I see to help you help me, but lots of typing for sure07:09
cfhowlettseel: just copy and paste very carefully.  I thought your Dell 1500 would have a Broadcom wireless chip, but as that seems not to be the case, my fix won07:09
lestercseel: usb drives?07:09
cfhowlettseel: my fix won't help you.07:09
seellemme check usb07:09
seelusb drives, yes07:10
_joeyhow long will 12.10 be supported?07:12
seelthat I know of I have 4-6 usb slots07:12
seelI can easily see 4 on front of desktop07:13
aeon-ltd_joey: google say 2 years07:13
seeland my droid will connect via tethering but the connect is not fast except for very basic stuff07:13
_joeywhat does Ubuntu say?07:14
aeon-ltd_joey: 2 years07:14
dr_willisubuntuaddicted:  i seem to recall it asking. ;) but i havent used it in ages.07:15
seelIt's actually getting very late here and I'm not sure, right now, what other information I can give you very easily atm, so maybe another time soon I can share more and be of better help so you can help me07:16
seelmerry christmas and good night everyone07:16
_joeywhat is the packagename for vmware tools on ubuntu?07:22
DFDuckworthThis a help channel?07:23
dr_willisSupport channel. yes DFDuckworth07:23
lesterc_joey: there isn't one07:26
DFDuckworthI started redshift in a terminal, closed the terminal, and redshift is still running.07:30
DFDuckworthps -e | grep redshift turns up nothing07:30
DFDuckworthkillall redshift doesn't work07:30
DFDuckworthis it called something else?07:30
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DFDuckworth_joey: were you talking to me?07:31
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:31
DFDuckworth!give hug07:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:33
[_-S1L3NC3-_]the power of Ubuntu!07:34
_joeyUbuntu is weak and fraigle07:34
DFDuckworthIndeed. I've been quite enamoured with arch recently though07:34
BBuNooobhey every one07:36
_joeyarch is also weak07:36
cfhowlettBBuNooob: greetings07:36
_joeyWindows 7 been made very user friendly, robust and exteremely securing rendering all other OS obsolete & outdated07:37
DFDuckworth_joey: what's your preference?07:37
DFDuckworthNah bro07:37
DFDuckworthit's all about using plan nine07:37
DFDuckworthwith a custome kde config07:37
ubottu_joey:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:37
_joeyI read many articles on this subject07:37
DFDuckworthtaht looks like the metro interface07:37
_joeyWindows have been focusing on server side till 2008-2009. Now, it's just ridiculously good on desktop, even Linus himself admits it07:40
BBuNooobdoes anyone know how to symlink bypass07:41
DFDuckworthSorry for offtopic, will restate question and stop chatter.07:41
DFDuckworthI started redshift in a terminal, closed the terminal, and redshift is still running. "ps -e | grep redshift" turns up nothing. killall redshift doesn't work.07:41
_joeywhat? :)07:41
Jordan_U_joey: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Opinions on the worth of Ubuntu or any other OS are offtopic. Please stay on topic. Next time you don't, you will be banned.07:42
Jordan_UDFDuckworth: What indication are you seeing that redshift is running?07:43
DFDuckworthJordan_U: Color changes, pretty obvious with my ~/.config/redshift.conf settings07:44
lordnazhow do i change the ubuntu runtime?07:45
Jordan_UDFDuckworth: The process actually controlling this is probably not named "redshift".07:45
gotoguy<DFDuckworth> I got a similar problem with /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kaccessibleapp not dying.07:45
cfhowlettlordnaz: greetings07:45
lordnazwell the runlevel07:45
lordnaztheres no /etc/inittab07:45
Jordan_U!runlevel | lordnaz07:45
ubottulordnaz: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.07:45
Jordan_Ulordnaz: What is your end goal?07:46
lordnazi wanna boot into console07:46
DFDuckworthJordan_U: installed gtk-redshift to try to turn it off. when I select toggle, the colors return to normal briefly, then go back to yellowy07:46
Jordan_Ulordnaz: Select the recovery mode entry from the grub menu (hold shift during boot to see it).07:46
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gotoguy I'm running KDE and in the System Tray is an icon/app called "KDE accessible", the thing is everytime I try to quit it, it just goes away a sec. then pops right back. Also if I kill the PID on the command line it does the same thing, anyone know how to fix this?07:46
Jordan_Ulordnaz: You're welcome.07:47
gotoguywhy how does it come back alive.07:47
lordnazalso how do i su...07:47
lordnazor set a root password07:47
Jordan_U!sudo | lordnaz07:48
ubottulordnaz: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:48
lordnazi know about sudo07:48
lordnazsometimes i just wanna su in07:48
_joeysudo passwd root07:49
Jordan_Ulordnaz: While it's possible to set a root password, it's A: Not needed, as sudo can allow you to run whatever you need to as root and B: We don't support having a root password set.07:49
_joeychange password and use su -07:49
dr_willistheres no need to set a root password07:49
dr_willissudo -s or sudo -i if you need a root shell07:49
_joeyit will prompt for it, you can leave it empty I suppose07:49
_joeymost people have a habit of using su -07:49
dr_willis_joey:  not ubuntu users..07:50
dr_willisand ive seen more and more disrtos go the sudo route.07:50
lordnazi still think it sucks i cant change the runlevel07:50
dr_willisUbuntu dosent really use runlevels.. so theres no need to change them07:51
DFDuckworthDoes systemd have runlevels?07:51
Jordan_UDFDuckworth: No.07:51
dr_williswhat do you want to do exactly lordnaz ?07:51
lordnazi rather startx when i need to07:51
dr_willislordnaz:  so? use the TEXT mode...07:51
dr_willisno need fo runlevels. ;)07:51
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode07:51
dr_willisor just disable the lightdm service.07:52
lordnazanyone use the new nvidia driverS?07:53
w0rm-_xlordnaz, I do... not07:54
penguinmani'll try them once they hit the repos07:54
_joeylordnaz: not me07:54
DFDuckworthJordan_U: any idea how i can stop redshift?07:54
DFDuckworthJordan_U: or manage when it runs, etc07:54
cfhowlettb3njamin_: greetings07:55
gotoguyIn my network management settings I got a Connection called Auto Ethernet, any one know where that gets written to in the /etc dir.?07:55
w0rm-_xgotoguy, I do.. not07:56
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gotoguythanks, <w0rm-_x> , any one else?07:56
penguinmangotoguy, should be under /etc/NetworkManager I believe08:00
gotoguythanks, <penguinman> I'll have a look.08:00
lordnazholding shift was no good08:01
Jordan_Ulordnaz: Did you start holding shift the the moment you started the computer? Did you not see the grub menu?08:02
gotoguy<penguinman>    Thanks man, I don't know why I couldn't see it.08:03
justmehSo, what do you guys do for a NAS?08:04
Seven_Six_Twomy webserver is my nas08:05
justmehwell, is it a webserver or a real nas08:05
Seven_Six_Twowhat qualifies as "real"08:06
gotoguyOkay in Fedora I had written a couple of scripts that would take the network up and down, and in the script was "ifup eth0" and ifdown eth0" but when I moved them over to Ubuntu it complains > ifdown: interface eth0 not configured, Anyone know why it says that, because I do have a eth0  ???08:07
justmehgotoguy, run ifconfig and note the network interfaces08:08
gotoguyyeah, it's there eth0, lo, virbr0.08:09
erncicgotoguy: is it configured in /etc/network/interfaces?08:09
justmehgotoguy, ubuntu desktop or server?08:10
justmehdesktop doesnt use /etc/network/interfaces - it configures with avahi or so08:10
justmeh'network manager08:10
justmehlol hf with that...08:10
erncicif you use a static ip it does...08:10
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gotoguyAah, okay it is static.08:11
gotoguy /etc/network/interfaces   says: auto lo08:11
gotoguyiface lo inet loopback08:11
_joeyJordan_U: are you around?08:12
_joeyHe is not. May the trolling be continued...08:12
gotoguywhat would I add in  /etc/network/interfaces ?   Just -  auto eth0  ?08:13
erncicfor a dynamic ip  - yes08:14
gotoguybut what if it's static?08:14
gotoguyI'm gonna try it both ways, but I like a static IP, then I know where it's at on other machines.08:15
t432How do I load wireless adaptor without rebooting?08:16
t432Merry Christmas08:17
gotoguyMerry Christmas -08:17
cfhowlettt432: For temporary use with the LiveCD and LiveUSB environments, instead of a computer restart, in a terminal issue the following commands:08:17
cfhowlett~$ sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb08:17
cfhowlett~$ sudo modprobe b4308:17
erncicgotoguy, http://pastebin.com/Uw6ceKHE08:17
t432How about normal use?08:18
gotoguyWow thanks, yer the best erncic !08:19
cfhowletthelmut_: greetings08:21
cfhowlettb3nj4m1n: greetings08:31
b3nj4m1ninstalled 12.10, fans are running at full speed all the time08:32
blackshirtbad news today08:32
gotoguythanks for the help all, good night. Happy Holidays.08:33
b3nj4m1nblackshirt: i have a laptop with hybrid graphics08:34
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penguinmanb3nj4m1n, that's probably the issue. hybrid graphics have issues under linux right now. I'm assuming it's an optimus setup?08:35
b3nj4m1npenguinman: nvidia + intel08:36
b3nj4m1npenguinman: i think that is because nvidia gpu is working all the time08:37
penguinmanb3nj4m1n, yeah, they won't swap out properly due to lack of driver support from nvidia08:37
penguinmanthere was a big hubub about that a few weeks back.08:38
penguinmanif i remember correctly there's a workaround, but it's not 100%08:39
b3nj4m1npenguinman: on previous ubuntu 12.04 i somehow turned nvidia gpu off with bumblebee08:39
daftykinsthere are some methods to make optimus tech kinda work08:39
daftykinsbut yeah, what penguinman said ^08:39
penguinmanb3nj4m1n, should still work with bunblebee08:39
penguinmani generally go for laptops with either integrated intel or amd. don't really see the need for a high powered gpu on a lappy.08:42
daftykinsit's more a perk08:42
penguinmanactually what i really want to get is one of the new hybrid tablet/ultrabook setups08:43
b3nj4m1npenguinman: now i think so too08:43
penguinmani still don't understand why companies keep driver source closed. it's not like they're making a profit off the software08:45
penguinmanor by keeping people on windows/mac08:45
bekkspenguinman: It is like keeping their intellectual property.08:45
r4d1xthey are making money off it though08:46
b3nj4m1npenguinman: suggest me a good book about linux command line08:46
penguinmanb3nj4m1n, well, since you're probably starting with bash, i'd suggest the oreily book on the topic.08:47
r4d1xnvidias tesla cards for example, a 2050 is roughly equiv to a 480, and a 480 is 3x the speed.  but with access to the driver you could unlock that08:47
bekksb3nj4m1n: Dont buy a book, better get familiar with the command line commands, the help is available through the "man" command, e.g. "man ifconfig"08:47
bekksb3nj4m1n: Commands evolve too fast for writing a book about them.08:47
penguinmanbekks, true, but the underlying capabilities and syntax don't eveolve that quickly08:48
arshavinman command is not easy for beginners08:48
b3nj4m1npengiunman: learning the bash shell?08:48
penguinmanyeah, that's the one08:48
bekksb3nj4m1n: Thats a seperate book then. :)08:49
arshavinmaybe a shell scripting book will teach you all about linux commands08:49
bekksThere are far more than 4000 commands - there is no book teaching them all.08:49
arshavindownload mastering unix shell scripting08:49
penguinmani still prefer the bsd approach to command line utils, rather than the gnu approach, less options and actually using pipes for their intended purpose08:50
arshavinlinux shell scripting with bash.pdf08:50
b3nj4m1nasrhavin: where are you from?08:51
daftykinspenguinman: how did it differ? the pipe purpose i mean08:51
penguinmanwell, technically pipes do the same thing, but there's almost no need to ever use them, since there's a lot of duplicated functionality between basic applications08:51
b3nj4m1narshavin: where are you from?08:52
b3nj4m1narshavin: what does arshavin mean?08:53
penguinmandaftykins, for example, grep has file i/o which in my opinion is wasted functionality since cat exists08:54
arshavinI like andrei arshavin so I use the name08:54
daftykinspenguinman: so cat | grep instead of grep alone is your preference?08:54
penguinmanone program for one purpose08:55
penguinmanthe gnu core utils have a lot of feature creep in them08:55
MonkeyDustcat | less is also perfectly correct08:56
FrogZillaWhat are the things called that idle in IRC when you're not able to be at your computer and then when you join to your thing it shows all chat you missed, also auto-updates away status and what not,  I cannot remember..08:57
b3nj4m1npenguinman: how do i turn off nvidia gpu with bumblebee?08:58
bekksFrogZilla: "messages" in general, "join/part messages" and "status messages" in detail.08:58
FrogZillabekks: Sorry what?08:58
bekksFrogZilla: I just answered you question.08:58
t432How do I remove the dialog "Enter password to unlock your login keyring" ? I keep getting this on restart08:59
penguinmantruthfully, my ideal os would use syntax like cat <movie file/playlist> | mplayer to play a movie rather than mplayer -o "filename"08:59
penguinmanor whatever the exact mplayer syntax is08:59
b3nj4m1npenguinman: i have installed bumblebee so how do i turn off nvidia gpu?08:59
FrogZillabekks: Yeah but I used to have one back in the day and that doesn't sound like what I had, I was able to join to this irc thing I had on my VPS and when I connected to it it would relay all messages I missed in a certain chat room, and I was always there cause of the bot, which if I logged out would auto update my name to away and stuff09:00
penguinmanb3nj4m1n, not exactly sure on that, google may be your friend there09:00
bekksFrogZilla: "bouncer"09:00
FrogZillabekks: Thhhannkk yooouuu09:00
b3nj4m1nokay, thanks09:00
FrogZillabekks: apt-get install for a good bouncer?09:00
FrogZillabekks: Actually I'll just google, thanks though09:01
bekksFrogZilla: I dont use a bounce, but I a m using "irssi" running in "screen".09:01
sgo11hi, I have a pioneer dvd drive. when burning a dvd, the speed is always about 2.2x. very slow. the dvd is 16x max. the pioneer dvd drive is 22x max I think. why is the actual speed always 2.2x? I am using Brasero with maximum possible speed option. thanks.09:01
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daftykinssgo11: think i heard about a bug with that one a long time ago. however, are you sure you've got good media?09:03
eFfeMhi in 12.04 when I launch a terminal through unity it is always higher than my screen, how can I change this (adding geometry to startup application configuration did not seem to do the trick)09:03
arshavin looks like everyone is out for their christmas dinner at #elementary09:04
sgo11daftykins, i think the media is good. i just bought the blank dvd today.09:04
daftykinssgo11: yeah but some types don't work well / fast with some drives09:06
sgo11daftykins, I really think that is ubuntu problem. 2.2x is too slow.09:06
arshavinanyone ever custoised wingpanel09:08
daftykinssgo11: try another prog09:08
arshavinsorry customised09:08
arshavinwingpanel won't change09:08
nabnhi. I found that the aliases described in my .bashrc files are not working. any help?09:08
penguinmancustomization isn't high on the priority list of the elementary folks09:08
sgo11daftykins, ok. maybe. by googling, there is no solution. people tried many programs. no one will give them a good speed.09:10
nabnhere's my .bashrc : http://paste.ubuntu.com/146411909:11
nabnwhile the terminal in my cairo docklet has the aliases working fine, unlike in the default terminal09:12
b3nj4m1n_penguinman: what about the linux commands themselves? where could i learn them?09:14
ntzrmtthihu777lotsa places ben09:14
b3nj4m1n_from the beginning09:14
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:15
arshavinb3nj4m1n_using any scripting book you can learn it easily09:15
ntzrmtthihu777heh. I just googled for how to do whatever I was trying to do.09:15
ntzrmtthihu777You learn fast with GNU software09:15
b3nj4m1n_arshavin: i have the learning the bash shell book and i see no linux commands there09:17
arshavinb3nj4m1n_  which command do you wish to learn?09:17
b3nj4m1n_arshavin: most useful ones09:17
arshavinb3nj4m1n_ then google for them with those very words,you will get them09:18
milamberb3nj4m1n_: man bash09:18
b3nj4m1n_man bash09:19
arshavin b3nj4m1n http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/11/50-linux-commands/09:19
b3nj4m1n_arshavin: okay. thanks09:20
arshavinanyone using wingpanel elementary os09:22
nabnposting again: the aliases defined in my .bashrc files suddenly stopped working. here's my .bashrc file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1464119/  I recently installed cairo dock and the terminal docklet on it has the aliases working fine. Help?09:22
auronandacearshavin: not supported here09:23
b3nj4m1n_nabn: which ones stopped working?09:23
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)09:24
nabnb3nj4m1n_: ll, la for instance09:24
nabnb3nj4m1n_: $JAVA_HOME doesn't echo either09:25
b3nj4m1n_nabn: what does the alias command without options show?09:25
nabnb3nj4m1n_: alias rvm-restart='rvm_reload_flag=1 source '\''/home/nabn/.rvm/scripts/rvm'\'''09:26
b3nj4m1n_nabn: that's all?09:26
nabnb3nj4m1n_: yup09:26
b3nj4m1n_nabn: try to execute this: source ~/.bashrc09:27
nabnb3nj4m1n_: now its working. what just happened?09:27
b3nj4m1n_nabn: aliases are working you mean?09:28
nabnb3nj4m1n_: correct.yah.09:28
b3nj4m1n_nabn: the source command makes bash read the give file09:28
b3nj4m1n_given file09:28
nabnb3nj4m1n_: but why wasn't it reading the file before? This problem didn't exist a day before. Can rvm installation be the problem?09:29
Captain_Crowhow do i burn a ISO to a thumb drive so that it can be used as a boot drive for installing?09:29
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b3nj4m1n_nabn: for some reasons bash doesn't read the file09:30
b3nj4m1n_nabn: when starting09:30
nabnb3nj4m1n_: is there any way i can specify this so that i dont have to source every time i run bash?09:30
b3nj4m1n_nabn: there are some other files that bash should read09:31
nabnb3nj4m1n_: Sorry, i don't follow.09:32
Sailany plugin vo vim so when i am code some like html with  css and side by side i can see graphical representation of this code??09:33
b3nj4m1n_nabn: try to add that line to /etc/profile09:33
Sailany plugin for vim so when i am code some like html with  css and side by side i can see graphical representation of this code like dreamweaver??09:34
nabnb3nj4m1n_: Thanks. Everything works now. does bash look up /etc/profile too during startup?09:35
b3nj4m1n_nabn: /etc/profile is global file that bash applies to all users09:35
b3nj4m1n_/etc/profile is a global file that is applied by bash to all users09:36
nabnb3nj4m1n_: Okay. I am grateful.09:37
b3nj4m1n_Sail: have you tried googling?09:40
b3nj4m1n_Sail: have you tried googling?09:42
Sailyup no suitable result get09:43
Sailactually what exactly i need that i want adobe dreamweaver features in vim09:43
Sailis tht possible?09:43
b3nj4m1n_i don't know09:43
b3nj4m1n_sail: i am gonna google it09:44
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ThinkT510bjoe: rather difficult untill we know the issue09:55
zoiehello, my package manager is broken, i cannot download any package anymore: http://pastie.org/557545609:55
bjoei messed up my ubuntu  kernel and nvidia driver versions are out of sync09:55
bjoemy package manager isnt broken but it will not update or upgrade09:56
bekksbjoe: Could you please pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a", "which locale" and "df -h" ?09:56
bjoei was in the middle of merging home folders on several partitions and i must get the broken ubuntu working again because it is the most complete one09:57
bekksbjoe: What did you do before you git 176 broken packages?09:58
bjoe\bekks what is pastebin?09:58
dr_willis!pastebin | bjoe09:59
ubottubjoe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:59
bekkszoie: Could you please pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a", "which locale" and "df -h" ?09:59
bjoeits on another machi9ne but output of lsb_release -a = No LSB modules are available10:00
bjoeDist. Id = Ubuntu10:00
bjoeDesc Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS10:00
zoiebekks: http://pastie.org/557546810:00
bjoeRe,lease: 12.0410:01
bjoeCodename: Precise10:01
bekkszoie: You should free space on your /10:01
zoiebekks: i know but that's not the issue10:01
bjoewhich locale= /usr/bin/locale10:01
milamberzoie: http://askubuntu.com/questions/33025/locale-settings-are-not-right-how-can-i-reset-them10:02
zoiemilamber: i know that the locale is not right, i put it in english momentarily so that i can give you the error messages (it's supposed to be in french); but that's not the issue either10:03
bekkszoie: According to your paste, that is the issue.10:03
zoiebekks: no the issue is about monodoc and stuff like that; when my locale was right, it was giving me the same errors (minus the locale)10:04
milamberzoie: then fix the locale issue and come back. the packages will not download until that is resolved.10:05
benbro1what package do I need for libreoffice on the server. only to convert docs, no GUI10:07
ShadowMedic 10:08
zoiemilamber: bekks here it is without the locale issue: http://pastie.org/557548610:09
bjoe/dev/sda3 193g, 135g, 49g, 74%,/10:09
dragonslaydoes ubuntu has a NTFS defrag tool?10:09
Sailany plugin for vim so when i am code some like html with  css and side by side i can see graphical representation of this code like dreamweaver??10:11
ThinkT510Sail: sounds like you'd rather a wysiwyg editor10:12
bjoebekks, i was  started to try out the experimental driver for my nvidia graphics card because my opengl stopped working .  the experimental driver did not work so i tried to  set it to use the driver previous to the one that I10:12
bjoehad been using10:12
milamberzoie: what version of ubuntu?10:13
zoiemilamber: 12.1010:14
SailThinkT510: let me google ur reply10:14
ShadowMedic 10:15
bekksbenbro1: There is no such package.10:15
ThinkT510Sail: wysiwyg = what you see is what you get10:15
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
b3nj4m1n_ 10:15
ThinkT510Sail: vim is a text editor10:15
benbro1bekks: there are many libreoffice packages like libreoffice-core, libreoffice-common, packages for writer, calc.... I'm sure I don't need all of them10:16
milamberzoie: it seems as though you are suffering from a similar bug/issue as this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/+bug/59154710:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 591547 in mono (Ubuntu) "package monodoc-base 2.4.4~svn151842-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: post-installation script exit status 127 - /usr/bin/update-monodoc: line 3: [: argument expected" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:16
SailThinkT510: can i get  wysiwyg  same features in vim10:16
milamberSail: no, look at bluefish10:16
ThinkT510Sail: can you open pictures with a text editor?10:17
bjoeso lets say i've booted up the system and logged in10:17
milamber!info bluefish10:17
ubottubluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3-4 (quantal), package size 263 kB, installed size 681 kB10:17
bjoehow do i get an xwindows going if my kernel is broken?10:17
bjoebut i can log into tty110:17
=== Linux_Cub is now known as Cub
milamberbjoe: startx ?10:17
bjoestartx doesnt work10:18
b3nj4m1n_Linux_Cub: hi10:18
bekksbjoe: Your kernel is not broken, but just your graphics driver installation.10:18
Barb_Hi guys, I'm having the following rather strange problem: I have an ubuntu 12.10 install on a toshiba laptop intended for use as a home theatre PC. This laptop cannot see or connect to my own WiFi. The same laptop can also connect to literally any other WiFi with no issues. All other machines in the house (a wide variety of phones and laptops) can see and connect to this WiFi fine. It is specifically an issue between this router and laptop. Anyone know what co10:18
Barb_uld be going on?10:18
bekksbjoe: Did you try to install the stable, official driver from the repos again?10:18
ThinkT510bjoe: if your kernel is broken you wouldn't boot10:18
bjoebekks the kernel wasz compiled with a different graphics driver than what is installed10:18
Cubwhy does linux suckl10:19
bjoei did try to install the stable driver10:19
Cubwhy does linux suck10:19
bekksA kernel, technically, cannot even be compiled with a graphics driver the way you think.10:19
cfhowlettBarb_: pretty sure you've got a router/computer issue.10:19
ubottuCub:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:19
bekksbjoe: So your kernel is not broken, but only your graphics driver installation.10:19
zoiemilamber: i removed sh and zsh10:19
Barb_cfhowlett, That much I know. Before I start digging into the router, anything that could be causing this on ubuntu's end?10:19
cfhowlettCub: if you have a specific request, please ask.  Opinions are welcome in the offtopic channel10:19
zoiefrom /bin10:19
zoiewhat should i do now?10:19
milamberzoie: typically a restart is required for those changes to take effect10:20
ThinkT510zoie: why did you do that?10:20
Cubcfhowlett: whats the off topic channel10:20
bekkszoie: Get them back, somehow.10:20
Barb_cfhowlett, Same behaviour in both wicd and nm, btw10:20
bekkszoie: Most likely, from your backup.10:20
cfhowlettBarb_: did you authorize connecting to unknown channels?10:20
milamberzoie: just the symlinks yeah?10:20
cfhowlettBarb_: sorry, unknown networks?10:20
b3nj4m1n_cfhowlett: how do i get to the offtopic channel?10:20
bjoeright now tty7 says *stopping GNOME Display Manager [Ok]  "newline"   utility, e. g.   zservice S20gdm start10:20
bekks!ot > b3nj4m1n_10:20
ubottub3nj4m1n_, please see my private message10:20
zoiemilamber: bekks ThinkT510 : the guy was saying: "I just 'rm -f /bin/sh' and then make the link to zsh or dash using 'ln -s'."10:20
Barb_cfhowlett, I have never heard of that feature. Googling it now10:20
ThinkT510zoie: that is a very bad idea10:21
bekkszoie: Which is a good approach to nuke a system.10:21
zoiei don't have sh or zsh anymore10:21
b3nj4m1n_ubottu, how do i see my private messages?10:21
ubottub3nj4m1n_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:21
bekkszoie: Then get them back from your backup.10:21
Cubthis is gay10:21
Cubim getting frustrated10:21
zoiebekks: i don't have backup10:21
bekkszoie: Then most likely you have to backup your data (which might be important, still), and reinstall.10:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:22
zoiereinstall ubuntu? that won't be necessary just for "sh"10:22
cfhowlettCub:  ask a support question with details.  Otherwise, we will assume you are trolling ...10:22
ThinkT510cfhowlett: he left10:22
bekkszoie: If you know better... you dont even have a backup.10:22
bjoeddxSigGiveUp: closingX10:23
cfhowlettThinkT510: and Happy Holidays to all10:23
zoiei have nothing important to backup, obviously10:23
bjoeor closing log10:23
ThinkT510zoie: then reinstall10:23
bjoei have too much stuff to not loose or i would just reformat and start over10:24
zoieanyway the fix didn't help,10:24
zoiestill have the same erros10:24
ThinkT510zoie: what fix are you referring to?10:24
rimashow bad is it to use /data vs /var/data for huge storage medium in regards to complying with unix filesystem standards? :)10:24
zoieThinkT510: removing sh and replacing it with dash10:24
rimas(I'm currently using /var/data, but /data seems more pretty)10:25
ThinkT510rimas: standards aren't there to be pretty10:25
bjoemy grub is not showing up on the monitor and i have to guess about which image is booting  otherwise i would give one of you a shell account and see if you could log in and fix the thing for me10:25
cfhowlettBarb_: could be that the "connect to unknown/new network" is specific to iOS.  I don't seem to see a reference to it for ubuntu.  So ...10:25
rimasThinkT510: yeah, that's why I'm feeling bad about wanting to change it to /data :]10:26
bjoecurrently this one is booted into an image that is not a recovery console so i do not have the networking started up10:26
Barb_cfhowlett, ok, fair enough. No wonder I didn't see anything about it10:26
ThinkT510rimas: i'm not sure why you are storing your stuff in var10:26
milamberbjoe: you are using a lot of terms that don't really make sense10:27
ThinkT510rimas: /media seems a more sensible place10:27
rimaswell, it's supposed to be public data storage, so /var/data/Music10:27
cfhowlettBarb_: sorry.  Anyway, I'd guess that your router has your computer blocked for some reason ...10:27
bjoemilamber: like what?10:27
Barb_Ok, this is strange. According to ifconfig -a, there's eth0, eth1 and lo. And none of them support scanning from iwlist10:27
ThinkT510!fhs | rimas10:28
ubotturimas: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier10:28
cfhowlettBarb_: can you login to the router interface and see your connection settings?10:28
Barb_cfhowlett, Doing that now10:28
milamberbjoe: what exactly is happening and what exactly are you expecting to happen? what do you mean by image? and if it is *not* a recovery console why does that mean there is no networking?10:28
rimasThinkT510: that 2TB drive is internal, not external, so I don't want to mount it to /media :/10:28
bjoeubottu:  do you have a reference about how ubunti starts and which config files are used10:29
ubottubjoe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:29
ShadowMedic 10:29
ThinkT510rimas: you also wouldn't want to put it just under root (/data)10:29
bjoemilamber: if I was booted up with the recovery cnsole there  is a menu item that says start up networking10:30
ThinkT510!upstart | bjoe10:30
ubottubjoe: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:30
bjoei dont know how to get it all started at this time without using that little menu  item10:30
rimasalso, /var/data/Music currently symlinks to /var/data1/Music in case I'd want to move folders to another disk or so and that /var/data/* paths do not change (used in torrent client, media players, etc.)10:31
milamberbjoe: as far as i can tell, i thought you were having display driver issues?10:31
rimasso even if I move the disk mount point from /var/data1 to /media/data1 (which might be quite ok), the problem with /var/data remains10:31
ThinkT510rimas: what is wrong with keeping it as it is then?10:31
Barb_cfhowlett, I can't find anything that could explain this. I even have a DHCP rezervation for it (which of course I cleared to test if that was making a difference)10:32
rimasthe 'wrong' is that I see it as /var/data everywhere and I'd rather see just /data.. and I'm conflicted about the change :(10:32
bjoehaha no wonder i'm lost10:32
Barb_I'm pretty confident at this point it's something wrong with my broadcom WiFi card10:32
Barb_Or the ubuntu drivers for it10:33
ThinkT510rimas: because you see the full path?10:33
cfhowlettBarb_: well, how drastic do you want to attack this?  Perhaps a router reset to default settings?10:33
bjoemilamber: yes I am having displaqy driver issues10:33
milamberBarb_: did the laptop ever connect to the home network? what is the security you are using on the home router?10:33
rimasThinkT510: yeah, it uses space and looks less pretty :]10:33
cfhowlettBarb_: oh, essential info!10:33
Barb_cfhowlett, It was able to for a period, then one day it stopped being able to connect10:33
ThinkT510rimas: i'd say you don't have an actual problem10:33
Barb_Back when this was on 12.0410:33
cfhowlettBarb_: LOL.  OK, I'm teasing.  But I do have a bit of experience with broadcom ...10:33
Barb_milamber, Security is WPA 2 Personal10:34
rimasThinkT510: well, a firstworldproblem :D10:34
rimasanyway, I'm gonna mount the drive to /media/data1 instead of /var/data1. so thank's for that :)10:34
milamberbjoe: ok, what is the issue? was x working now it isn't? did it break after an update? is this a first install?10:34
rimasand we'll see about symlinks later on10:34
omarHi all.10:34
Barb_cfhowlett, A full router reset isn't really an option. It has some nasty filtering defaults that took me a long time to clean up10:35
milamberBarb_: so this has been an issue since an upgrade?10:35
milamberBarb_: have you looked for/deleted the profile (in your networks)?10:35
ThinkT510rimas: also if you are worried about your torrents going to the old directory you can just change their setting to point to the new one10:35
Barb_milamber, Exactly the opposite. I upgraded hoping it would solve the problem...10:35
cfhowlettBarb_: so you upgraded to 12.10.  I've been manually building the broadcom driver for the past 2 ubuntu releases.  But the fact fact that it worked at all and THEN failed is suspicious.  If you had  a kernel upgrade I could see it falling out ... maybe.10:35
omarFor some reason, when I try to use the internal microphone, the input volume decreases automatically. What could be the reason for that?10:36
bjoemilamber: thanks10:36
Barb_milamber, And yes, I even tried setting it up manually10:36
bjoewhat is this friendly-recovery thing?10:36
milamberBarb_: and not to ask an obvious question, but your home network isn't 'hidden' is it?10:36
rimasThinkT510: sure, but I'd like my torrents to be medium-agnostic. They shouldn't care what drive they're on, so they all go to /var/data/Music, /var/data/Videos and those can be on a network drive, a big internal drive, whatever.10:37
Barb_milamber, nope10:37
cfhowlettBarb_ milamber  perhaps a driver rebuild?  http://turbolinux.org/2011/07/ubuntu-broadcom-bcm43xx-chipset-pci/10:37
milamberBarb_: and if you are saying that it picks up other wifi networks, then it probably isn't the driver10:37
ThinkT510rimas: ok, just so you are aware that you can change it if you wanted to10:37
cfhowlettBarb_: fwiw, I built the driver using the NO INTERNET ACCESS option.  Worked like a charm.10:37
rimasyeah, thanks ;)10:37
omarFor some reason, when I try to use the internal microphone, the input volume decreases automatically. What could be the reason for that?10:38
omarsorry, that was by mistake..10:38
Barb_Ok, everyone is shouting at me because it's christmas and apparently me trying to fix stuff is awful :P10:38
Barb_I'll try and fix this later10:38
Barb_Thanks anyways guys10:38
cfhowlettBarb_: good luck10:39
PrufrockHello there?10:42
cfhowlettPrufrock: greetings10:43
Prufrockcfhowlett, I am having this problem with my microphone. Whenever I try to use it, the input volume decreases automatically.10:44
PrufrockI'm wondering what the reason for this could be..?10:45
cfhowlettPrufrock: hey.  Yeah, I saw that.  I don't have a clue, though.  Sorry10:45
Prufrockcfhowlett, thanks anyways. :)10:46
bjoeHey  I have an idea!   ok the drive that has the broken display adapter driver has like 3 or more partitions.10:50
bjoepartition 1 was my working linux10:50
bjoepartition 2 was an old laptop linux partition copy that i was backing up10:51
bjoepartition 3 is windows10:51
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bjoeso if i can like copy the home folder from partition 2 onto partition one then use partition 2  to install a brand new fresh ubuntu studio 12.10?10:52
bjoewould that work?10:52
b33njhave you found the wysiwyg plugin for vim?10:57
* arkiver wishes Merry Christmas to all :) 10:58
b33njsail: hav eyou found wysiwyg plugin for vim?10:59
b33njJohnFlux: hi11:03
JohnFluxI've hit a kernel bug in 12.10 and wondering if I can use the kernel from 12.04?11:03
JohnFluxbut an older kernel in 12.04.  The very latest 12.04 kernel also has the bug :-/11:03
CisceI need help, fast.11:09
CisceAfter re-installing Windows 7, my ext4 partition is free space.11:09
CisceI had quite a lot of important files on there.11:10
ThinkT510Cisce: how are you trying to access it?11:10
milamberJohnFlux: old kernels should still be in your grub menu11:10
CisceWell, I basically went to recover my grub menu11:11
N8WulfFrom your Windows or from Linux?11:11
Ciscefrom my Ubuntu livecd.11:11
CisceTurns out that my ext4 partition is free space and that there's no trace of grub.11:11
CisceI'm so confused.11:11
N8WulfDid u encrypt the partitions?11:11
milamberCisce: just for the sake of saying it, if you are using the disk now, stop immediately11:11
CisceThis is my only HDD.11:12
CisceIt can't fail on me.11:12
* cfhowlett DOH11:12
N8WulfCisce: I also could not access my Home partition which was Password protected11:12
JohnFluxmilamber: thanks11:12
ThinkT510Cisce: you really ought to have a backup11:12
CisceI did have backups.11:12
CisceJust not of this.11:12
CisceBecause I didn't expect my partition to screw over that fast.11:13
N8WulfOnce I installed Ubuntu witht he right user/password I could access all again.11:13
ThinkT510Cisce: always install windows first11:13
CisceI was planning on uploading the files to my dropbox.11:13
CisceThat's what I usually do.11:13
ThinkT510Cisce: if you knew you were going to reinstall windows then backups would have been prudent11:13
CisceWell I just expected it to be a quick format and installation.11:14
CisceAnd it was.11:14
CisceUnfortunately, until now I didn't realize that my Ubuntu partition was destroyed in the process.11:14
CisceHow? I have no clue.11:14
milamberCisce: well, you should be running of a livedisk right now. any file operations you are performing while using that hdd is destroying more and more of what you could possibly recover11:14
CisceOkay, I'll reboot into my live cd right now.11:14
milamberCisce: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery11:15
Cisce1okay, I'm back.11:17
milamberCisce1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery11:18
Cisce1How would I go about possibly restoring data that was lost?11:18
Cisce1milamber: thanks.11:18
Cisce1"This guides applies to Ubuntu 7.04, 7.10 and 8.04." Will this still work?11:18
poseidhello.. i am setting up a VM... but now, get this:  libsqlite3-0 (= 3.7.9-2ubuntu1) but 3.7.9-2ubuntu1.111:18
milamberCisce1: yes11:18
Cisce1just making sure.11:18
=== Cisce1 is now known as Cisce
milamberCisce: also look at a prog called extundelete, i am pretty sure there was just a new release11:20
CisceFor all I know, I may have accidentally deleted this. I really doubt I did though.11:20
milamberCisce: did you reinstall windows on the whole disk? if not, it could just be your partition table is borked11:25
CisceI didn't.11:25
CisceI installed Windows on /dev/sda1 (440gb) while the partition I'm trying to restore (/sda6) is 47gb11:26
ThinkT510Cisce: does gparted show it as free space (where your partition was)11:26
CisceThat's what made me to go that conclusion.11:26
milamberCisce: oh, then you just borked grub11:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:26
Cisceoh thank god.11:26
Ciscebut I ran boot-repair with no luck.11:27
ThinkT510Cisce: if gparted sees it as free space then that isn't good11:27
Ciscewhat's the safest method I could go about getting my data back? The installation isn't too important.11:28
ThinkT510Cisce: windows always overwrites the bootloader so grub was going to vanish in any case but it seems to me that when windows was reinstalled it must have overwritten a bit of your ext4 partition11:29
ThinkT510Cisce: i've never tried them but you could use testdisk or photorec11:29
ThinkT510Cisce: or as has been suggested extundelete11:30
CisceI've installed extundelete.11:30
ThinkT510Cisce: i could tell you how to use them sorry11:30
Ciscebut I haven't gotten around to properly using it yet as I was looking for a guide.11:30
ubottugolosone: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:30
Ciscethanks anyway11:30
milamberCisce: can you pastebin the info from grub rescue?11:30
ThinkT510!undelete | Cisce11:32
ubottuCisce: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel11:32
Ciscemilamber: Sorry to sound stupid, but how would I go about using grub rescue to get the info?11:32
ThinkT510milamber: no offence but how is he to rescue grub if the partition where grub was n longer exists11:33
milamberThinkT510: grub resides in the mbr11:34
milamberCisce: you can use boot-repair to create a bootinfo summary11:35
ThinkT510milamber: and requires the data from the partition it was installed in11:35
ubottugolosone:: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:35
ThinkT510milamber: he reinstalled windows so the mbr has been overwritten11:35
milamberThinkT510: correct, which means that grub needs to be back there.11:36
milamberCisce: also, can you take a screenshot of your partition table from gparted?11:37
Ciscewill do11:37
ThinkT510milamber: so if the partition no longer exists then what is grub trying to boot, where is the config files coming from?11:37
kamidiThinkT510. grub is on mbr and can be reinstalled after windows installation. mbr is not actual partition either11:38
ThinkT510kamidi: but the config file is on the partition11:38
ThinkT510kamidi: what is grub meant to boot then?11:39
Ciscemilamber: posted it further up http://i.imgur.com/GL9eb.png11:39
kamidiThinkT510: config files will be generated by boot-repair11:39
ThinkT510kamidi: the partition isn't there11:39
Cisceactually, it could very well be /dev/sda311:40
kamidiThinkT510: exactly the same way as after whole ubuntu installation. grub detects OSes and create config files accordingly11:40
ThinkT510Cisce: that is an extended partition (which would contain logical partitions)11:40
kamidiThinkT510: as i understand, actual partition is intact, only mbr has been rewritten by windows11:40
ThinkT510kamidi: i disagree according to his screenshot of gparted11:41
kamidiThink510: sorry, you're right. i just checked screenshot... partition is no more :(11:41
Cisceis it impossible to recover the files or not?11:42
kamidiCisce: i wouldn't say impossible... someone may know how to restore unallocated space to ext3/ext4 partition without causing any damage. assuming data itself have not been formatted/rewritten in any way11:44
milamberCisce: did you do the recommended repair from boot-repair?11:45
Cisceif i ran parted like:11:45
Ciscesudo parted /dev/sda3 882075646 976771071 would that have any luck of finding anything?11:45
Ciscemilamber: yep. :(11:45
CisceKeep in mind.11:45
CisceI did also have these files on the Windows partition11:45
Ciscebefore the re-install of Windows 711:45
CisceAny luck finding them there?11:45
Ciscesadly, it was a format but a quick format.11:45
ThinkT510Cisce: not likely since you reformatted them when you reinstalled windows11:46
milamberCisce: for chagrins can you re-run the recommended repair and then provide the link?11:46
gribouillehow can I modify the police for the firefox menus?11:47
=== Fadi is now known as Guest57897
Ciscemilamber ^11:48
milamberCisce: ok, can you reboot?11:48
CisceSure, but what into exactly?11:49
Ciscelivecd or windows?11:49
ThinkT510milamber: did you see his gparted screenshot?11:49
milamberCisce: the grub menu should pop up11:50
Cisceyou sure on that?11:51
milamberThinkT510: yes11:51
Cisceokay, will do.11:51
CisceIf it doesn't. I'll come back.11:51
ThinkT510milamber: can he recover that partition?11:51
milamberThinkT510: possibly, he may have to use testdisk to fix the boot sector of that partition, but grub has to be in place first11:52
Ciscemilamber: didn't work11:53
ThinkT510milamber: would that affect his new ntfs partition?11:53
milamberCisce: did it boot directly to windows?11:54
elena-IKis the mini.iso officially supported? will there be one for future releases?11:54
Ciscebooted to Windows mbr.11:54
bjoeso how do i  fix my display adapter  problem?11:55
ThinkT510bjoe: reinstall11:55
bjoeman i've got like 2 to 20 years worth of work on there11:56
ThinkT510bjoe: then why were you messing with experimental drivers11:56
bjoei dont know11:56
ThinkT510bjoe: don't you have backups?11:56
bjoei was in the process of getting ready to back up11:57
ThinkT510bjoe: you can still backup now11:57
kamidibjoe: just out of curiosity... what kind of problem are you having?11:57
milamberCisce: this is the point where i have to bow out, this is getting to the point where it is beyond my knowledge of mbrs and such. i don't know why you don't at least have grub back. that being said, i would hold off until you can talk to someone with more experience than me. Jordan_U is particularly good with this kind of stuff, so you may want to wait until they are active and ask again11:57
bjoei wanted to test some opengl stuff out and found my mesa was not working so i went to update the driver11:57
Ciscemilamber: Thanks for all of the help anyway. Sadly, I think I'm going to have to go off now.11:57
CisceThe stuff that I lost isn't heartbreaking, it's just work that I would have liked to kept, really. Along with some text files with some incredibly important notes and some docs.11:58
Ciscebut overall, I can live without them. it just would have been nice to get them back.11:58
ThinkT510Cisce: at least now you know to backup before partitioning11:59
milamberCisce: i wouldn't give up yet, like i said, there are people that are better at this than me11:59
RishabhTatirajumy Ubuntu does not start after recent driver installation11:59
CisceIt's surprising that this is the first time that something like this has happened to me.11:59
CisceHell, you sure I couldn't get the files off my NTFS partition even if it was reformatted?11:59
CisceIt was a quick format, so I imagine the data *could* still be there. Unlikely though.12:00
ThinkT510Cisce: you might be able to but i wouldn't know how sorry12:00
CisceWell both of you guys have been great help. I really do appreciate your efforts.12:00
RishabhTatirajuis there any way i can recover from this?12:00
ThinkT510Cisce: there is a ##windows channel, maybe they know of utilities for recovery from ntfs12:00
bjoeyou would have to find a file using the bios disk read and put the data together one sector at a time12:00
Ciscethanks. :)12:01
Ben64Recuva works well on fat32, and probably ntfs12:01
bjoei dont know how the unix file system chains together chunks of files  but i would imagine it's not a whole lot different than dos12:02
Ciscejust a shame that I'm awake at 5 in the morning *on christmas* trying to figure this out.12:03
bjoemine will not start up in xwindows either  i would like to get back to work on stuff like this https://soundcloud.com/xensynth3/simp10plus13eighths-frac212:04
RishabhTatirajumilamber, is there any way i can get to terminal using the LiveCD and uninstall the drivers?12:05
Gierusµaŧĸu bosaĸ12:07
Gierusŋdzið ja ĸryć cd ó linux ?12:08
Gierusó ?]12:08
ThinkT510!pl | Gierus12:09
ubottuGierus: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:09
Ciscebtw ThinkT15012:11
Cisceon testdisk I have found my partition12:12
ThinkT510!yay | Cisce12:12
ubottuCisce: Glad you made it! :-)12:12
Ciscesome of it has already been rewritten i think12:13
Cisceone of my most important files12:13
Ciscethats priceless12:13
CisceIS STILL THERE <312:13
FloodBot1Cisce: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:13
ThinkT510Cisce: partial recovery is better than no recovery12:13
dwatkinsI assume you're now backing it up to a USB stick, Cisce :)12:14
Ciscedoing that right now ;)12:14
=== shadow is now known as Guest99788
CisceIs it possible to change the directory I'm copying it to on testdisk?12:18
CisceI Just realized I was copying to my xubuntu livecd by accident12:19
Cisce(which is on the usb, ironically enough)12:19
milamberCisce: what command did you use to start the copy?12:19
kwyman1020newbie question. when using rm -rf, is there a way to make an exception for content for the command to ignore?12:22
milamberCisce: it should have asked you where you wanted to save the files?12:22
CisceIt did.12:22
MonkeyDustkwyman1020  when your're a beginnen, you should not use that command12:22
CisceBut I was wondering if I could change where it was saving now.12:22
CisceInstead of doing the process again.12:22
Ciscebecause I can't change where it's saving to now.12:22
kwyman1020MonkeyDust, it's a dir I created and a package that was ran saved a lot of tmp files to the dir12:23
milamberCisce: are you asking if you can change it while it is running? i don't think so12:23
ThinkT510Cisce: can you copy it from where it was saving to to where you want it to after?12:23
Ciscebut I can't open the files.12:23
kwyman1020I want to be able to remove all the tmp files but ignore the content I want to keep.12:23
Cisceowner's listed as root12:23
ThinkT510Cisce: open it with sudo or change the user12:24
CisceDidn't think of opening it as sudo ;)12:24
milamberCisce: that's because your ubuntu user created the files, so you can either chown them or copy to the new install12:25
Ciscewell it worked.12:25
MonkeyDustkwyman1020  guess you need an extensive command for that, or even a script, better ask in #bash12:25
kwyman1020Cisce: Sudo borrows permissions from root in order to perform a task otherwise only ran as root.12:25
milamber!gksu | Cisce12:25
ubottuCisce: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:25
kwyman1020Thanks MonkeyDust, I was thinking a script as well. I'm not a full on beginner, it was just a newbie question because I haven't touched terminal in a good while.12:26
=== tm_ is now known as Guest63013
Sail_any plugin for vim so when i am code some like html with  css and side by side i can see graphical representation of this code like dreamweaver??12:28
kwyman1020MonkeyDust, where might I be able to find a list of command extensions online? If you know.12:28
CisceI can't thank you guys enough for the help ;)12:29
CisceI was terrified when I thought I lost everything, but a majority of my files are here!12:29
kwyman1020Sail_ there are vim plugins that color code and list line numbers for assistance like dreamweaver.12:29
ThinkT510Cisce: and you learned about backups to prevent the issue again12:29
CisceWell I already backup.12:30
Ciscethese files I just never thought to backup at this moment. :/12:30
CisceI've learnt that I should always backup before a format, regardless of if it's outside the partition I'm formatting on.12:30
ThinkT510Cisce: yeah, partitioning always has the potential to go wrong12:31
MonkeyDustkwyman1020  http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/12:31
milamberSail_: multiple people have told you no. vim is not a gui. the closest thing in ubuntu is a program called bluefish12:31
bekksmilamber: Sail_: gvim12:31
MonkeyDustSail_  try kompozer12:31
milamber(06:30:34 AM) Cisce: <snip> I've learnt that I should always backup </snip>12:32
Cisceyep. :)12:32
bjoei've been continuing without a back up trying o figure out the best way to do the backup12:33
ThinkT510bjoe: copy files to an external drive12:34
bekks!backup > bjoe12:34
ubottubjoe, please see my private message12:34
bjoei also have been trying to figure out where everything is at. most of the important stuff is in home thank goodness12:35
ThinkT510bjoe: usually the most important thing to backup are your own files (you should already know where they are)12:36
milamberbjoe: often people will have a separate partition for ~ <home>12:36
bjoeyes that is the most important thing to backup.12:37
bjoeso out of all those backup programs which will span multiple dvds?12:37
bjoei'm a bit confused about the seperate home partition , how do you mount it ?12:38
icerootbjoe: deja-dup can create multiple files with a specific size but its also creating diffs to the last backup, so dvd would not be the best solution because you have to insert the old backups to create the diff12:38
bjoethat would be tedious12:39
kwyman1020MonkeyDust: Thank you.12:39
=== erkan^ is now known as onzichtbaar
mvt007geeki installed ubuntu on sdcard.now i want connect pandaboard to my computer.but at the end of this address   http://pandaboard.org/content/resources/getting-started     has been wrote  :  Do not connect the power supply yet; we will connect this in a later step12:41
mvt007geekwhy? will it cause damage to my system?12:41
bjoelots of times i will just take and copy parts of a home folder from one compter to the desktop of another and work from there so i have a bunch of copies of the same project at different levels of development12:41
luigi69Good morning.12:41
milamberbjoe: sounds like you need !svn or git or the new one all the kids are talking about - hg12:43
benbro1is there a command line tool to conver doc to pdf other than libreoffice or openoffice?12:45
benbro1they are huge (~400MB)12:45
=== onzichtbaar is now known as erkan^
Quink_Maybe you can try abiword.12:47
milamber!info unoconv12:48
ubottuunoconv (source: unoconv): converter between LibreOffice document formats. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5-1 (quantal), package size 51 kB, installed size 228 kB12:48
benbro1milamber: unoconv uses libreoffice12:57
anthraxbonjour il y a t'il un channel francais pour ubuntu svp ?12:58
bekks!fr | anthrax12:58
ubottuanthrax: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:58
anthraxok , thx :)12:58
=== kyy is now known as friggg
frigggdoes xubuntu provade better cpu windows score then ubuntu?13:00
frigggor it is only use less ram13:00
frigggi got slow processor13:01
frigggso iam asking13:01
black_angelhey, guys, how to add a new user on LTSP server?13:02
black_angelactually, I can see the login on the thin-client.13:04
BluesKajHi all , Merry Christmas !13:10
=== erry_ is now known as erry
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
AP6y3Есть ли кто нибудь с установленной MATE?13:16
tozenAP6y3: vrjatli13:16
tozennu, chto sdelaew13:17
tozena v chjom beda-to?13:18
AP6y3когда нажимаеш сменить обои рабочего стола выскакивает ошибка невозможно запустить блабла но настройки запускаются и все работает13:19
tozenty b blalala vylozhil kuda, a to tak trudno 4to libo predpolozhit'13:20
AP6y3Не удалось запустить менеджер установок «mate-settings-daemon».13:22
tozenja uz dumal, chto ja odin tut iz rusichej... :D13:22
bekks!ru | AP6y313:22
ubottuAP6y3: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:22
AP6y3НА #ubuntu-ru полтора человека13:26
FloodBot1raymund: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
raymundmerry christmas..13:29
AP6y3raymund: и тебе того же13:29
CarstenDortmundHi, on my ubuntu 12.04 server a postgresql server automatically starts, but i would like to change that, how can i change that?13:30
raymundwhat are you doing guys?13:31
=== dowdyph0_ is now known as dowdyph0
tozenraymund: it's not an off-top channel13:32
=== sharky2 is now known as sharky
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
elena-IKis the mini.iso officially supported? will there be one for future releases?13:37
black_angelhow to create an new user for LTSP on server.13:43
sharky^gerhello i i am using an intel 82574L and 82579LM but i can't get it running can anyone help me does it make sense to open an bug ticket?13:44
MonkeyDust!ltsp > black_angel is this useful?13:44
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project13:44
=== kwyman1020 is now known as NeoColossus1020
anonymous_hay all13:49
NoorideeNAEanonymous_: hey!13:50
cfhowlettanonymous_: greetings13:50
anonymous_Plise give mi program hack modem tomoroy Lyid13:51
anonymous_Where biznes/13:52
anonymous_NoorideeNAE have conversaition14:00
tozen /join #ubuntu-ru14:03
keyur2maruI need some help14:06
TheLordOfTimekeyur2maru, with?14:06
cfhowlettkeyur2maru: greetings.  ask.14:07
TheLordOfTime!ask | keyur2maru14:07
ubottukeyur2maru: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:07
keyur2maruOk :)14:07
keyur2maruI have two computers and i have ssh access to one of the server  but now i want acceess to other computer so i copied my ssh public and private key from .ssh folder and copied it to my other computer but can you tell me which command to use to get that public and private key used ?14:08
joalland\join  #ubuntu-fr14:13
coder2i have ubuntu 11.04 installed on my dell studio 1558, but sometimes alt+tab function doesn't work, can anybody help?14:13
DoxinI'm trying to add this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~cinelerra-ppa/+archive/ppa , but doing sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cinelerra-ppa/ppa still doesn't give me access to the packages from that ppa, what gives?14:15
anonymous_I missed something/14:15
anonymous_can run Luid14:17
echoevery body14:21
MonkeyDustDoxin  ppas are not supported here, better contact the maintainer14:23
DoxinMonkeyDust: the point is that it's not even added to my sources at all, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the ppa.14:23
vinod264hai ..14:23
vinod264hai i have ubuntu desktop os 12.0414:24
echoppa ?14:24
TheLordOfTime!ppa | echo14:24
ubottuecho: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:24
Doxinthat's fine and all, but I'm not even to the point where I can use the ppa. somehow I just cannot get it added to my sources.14:25
vinod264in mozila  we cannot open dvr video14:25
echoi have ubantu destop os 12.1014:25
iDangerMouseecho long time14:25
tozenvihod24: poprobuj sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:26
ubottupgigi67: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:29
openvoidwhy dhcp bypass firewall rules?14:34
reufwhen i perform history search and press ctrl+r - and than start typing, in a lot of cases as soon as i type in three letters, it locks me out of typing additonal letters and all i can now search with is these few letters14:34
reufhow can i make it possible so that when i press ctrl+r and start typing for a search term i can type as long sequence as i want14:34
black_angelhow to create an new user for LTSP on server?14:35
=== jeremy_ is now known as Guest13535
zoiemy package manager is broken: http://pastie.org/5575681 i cannot install packages anymore14:38
hero616try to start-up it in a console.14:40
bluesmHi. What tool i can found to recovery data on ubuntu14:40
bluesmFirst of all maybe, simply "mirror" bite after bite to another disc.14:41
compdocclonezilla for that14:41
compdoccant boot a live cd?14:41
bluesmcompdoc:  I can boot ubuntu. But unfortunately for example, debian live, and lenovo diagnostic linux can't boot.14:43
compdocwhy is that, do you think?14:44
=== Googol30|away is now known as Googol30
Googol30Do the other Linux distros display any errors?14:45
=== carlos is now known as Guest1292
Guest1292Hola alguno habla español?14:54
elena-IK!es | Guest129214:55
ubottuGuest1292: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:55
iDangerMouseNo habla espanol :(14:55
iDangerMouseInglas, Farsi, Urdu, Francaise...14:55
bluesmcompdoc: It's certainly disk.14:56
dowdyph0iDangerMouse, Zindabad14:56
compdocbluesm, what I usually do is attach the disk to a working PC and try to recover the files14:57
dowdyph0bluesm use rsync dd, or such tool14:57
iDangerMouseHey echo whats up15:01
weiHow to synchronize USB drive with a folder?15:02
joey8wei→ have you tried luckybackup?15:02
weiNot heard of it yet15:03
joey8that uses rsync and it is very good, clean, user friendly etc etc and written by a great bunch of guys15:03
albatardsalutations à tous15:04
joey8a vous aussi mon ami ヅ15:04
weiIs it in the ubuntu repository?15:04
joey8wei - go and look15:05
albatardwei, see the man pages of the terminal15:06
albatardwei, a thing like "man rsync"15:07
weirsync is used for sychronizing between hosts15:09
adacWhat exactly do I have to set in fstab so that every user can read the mounted device?15:09
GierusΩoł ŧo ŋaten þa¶titią uµ ŋnome15:10
theadminadac: Depends on the filesystem, but try umask=0333 (readonly) or umask=0000 (full access)15:10
AbhijitGierus, english15:10
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
dasdrei'm trying to connect a computer running ubuntu 12.10 unity to wlan15:11
albatardwei, as a start point, browse the "successive see also" ... I do not now ^^15:11
theadmindasdre: So what exactly is the problem?15:11
dasdreit can't seem to find any networks15:11
adactheadmin, I tried this and many other combinations, but it doesn't seem that those options are applied  "/dev/sdb1 /media/Hitachi_fstab fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,umask=0000,fmask=0111 0 0"15:12
dasdreand when i manually engter a network, it wont connect15:12
dasdrepropetiary drivers are on15:12
theadminadac: ...what kind of fs type is "fuseblk"? That might very well not recognize umask15:12
bluesmcompdoc: If I put the disk another laptop, it turn off on the bios..15:12
ubottuercicala: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:13
adactheadmin, actually I'm not really sure. I got this from the autmount "mount" command15:13
dasdrewired works fine15:13
wanfusehello ... i havent had much experience with bind in many years. I need to setup a dns server (external facing) for a couple web server entries. Anyone able to point me to a good doc on setting this up. I would like to make sure its secure. I would rather run it in a chroot as well if i can find the directions for it15:13
adactheadmin, Ther short answer is that "fuseblk" is just how an ntfs partition is reported via the "mount" command, among others. The "fuse" part comes from FUSE (file system in userspace).15:13
theadminadac: Eh. What's the actual filesystem on the device?15:14
dasdreAFAIK, it can't seem to find the network cart15:14
dasdrejust eth015:14
adactheadmin, gparted says: ntfs as well15:14
theadminadac: Okay, use this: /dev/sdb1 /media/Hitachi_fstab ntfs-3g defaults,dmask=0000,fmask=0111 0 0"15:16
TheLordOfTimedasdre, what card?15:16
dowdyph0dasdre make ~ $ lspci -v | grep -i "\(network\|ethernet\)"15:17
adactheadmin, that did the trick. thank you!15:17
dasdreäccording to propetiary drivers: Broadcom BCM431115:17
theadminadac: "fuseblk" doesn't work in fstab by the way, it's a FUSE thing, and fuse and fstab are kind of the opposite of each other15:18
adactheadmin, I see! To bad fstab doesn't throw an error though15:19
dowdyph0ok 1 sec15:19
theadminadac: Normally it does15:19
vishnuIam on 12.02 -apps open slow. Which monitor to use to check slow mem or problem app?15:19
theadminvishnu: There's no such Ubuntu release as 12.0215:19
dasdrethats sudo lshw-c network15:21
vishnutheadmin: maybe 12.04 -this thing is slow, not even able to open a gnome-terminal to see. I am not good at linux though. Any idea please?15:22
xomrkhow to combine dd with compression15:23
Abhijitvishnu, how much ram do you have?15:23
MonkeyDustvishnu  ctrl alt f1 and work from there, to see what's wrong15:23
Abhijitxomrk, <compression command here && dd command here15:24
vishnutheadmin: found 12.04.1 LTS -Thanks for pointing out15:24
Abhijitxomrk, <compression command here> && <dd command here>15:24
dowdyph0dasdre: try iwlist <interface> scanning15:25
xomrkand when i want restore a commpres image?15:25
vishnuAbhijit: I get info:2.7gb15:25
xomrkdd if=image.iso.tar.gz of/dev/sda1 ( what  to add )15:25
Abhijitvishnu, type this command in terminal and take screenshot and post on imagebin - top15:26
Abhijitvishnu, the command is top15:26
dasdresays cant find directory15:27
xomrktar -pcvzf encrypted_partiotion.iso.tar.gz && dd if=/dev/sdc215:27
vishnuAbhijit: I am on irssi opened from terminal clicked from right panel. How to open a second terminal fast please?15:27
Abhijitxomrk, what you actualy want to do?15:28
Abhijitvishnu, ctrl alt t15:28
* Abhijit types fast15:28
vishnuAbhijit: ok tks15:28
dasdreit says "bash: file or directoru does not exist"15:29
dasdrewhen i do iwlist <interface> scanning15:29
Nece228Hello, is it worth to buy hybrid graphics laptop (intel + nvidia)?15:30
dowdyph0xomrk: dd < foo.bar | bzip2 > foo.bz215:30
b2couttsI have a networking issue; it doesn't seem like I can make new connections (ping google.ca doesn't work), yet I can still chat here (SSHing to a server with irssi). I can't open new SSH connections, but since this one is already open it seems to be working15:30
b2couttsdoes anyone know where the network config files are in ubuntu that I can poke at? Internet works fine from other machines by the way15:30
max999b2coutts: looks like name resolution is broken to me15:30
max999b2coutts, can you ping ?15:30
DarkSim_Does a live-usb with ubuntu 12.04 work with a macbook?15:31
dowdyph0look if there is /etc/resolv.conf15:31
DarkSim_just wondering if I have to do anything special to try ubuntu on a macbook without installing15:31
b2couttshmm, that's weird, /etc/resolv.conf is pointing to localhost15:31
max999b2coutts, check if you can ping the ip =)15:31
b2couttsis that normal? does ubuntu do some sort of dns proxy by default?15:31
max999b2coutts, if you can you are sure name resolution is the problem.15:31
dowdyph0dasdre try this: ifconfig -a15:31
Abhijit!mac | DarkSim_15:31
ubottuDarkSim_: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:31
OerHeksb2coutts, you can't ping a website, try an IP like
b2couttsyeah, IPs work, it's a dns issue of some sort15:32
b2couttsdoes anyone know google's dns address? I can't look it up15:32
dowdyph0um thats because the supremacy of the NetworkManager15:32
DarkSim_should be if you know what I mean ;)15:33
b2couttsand to apply the changes, is it service networking restart?15:33
b2coutts(the changes to resolv.conf)15:34
dasdredarksim: you have to makre special usb15:34
dowdyph0b2coutts: watch out with restarting NetworkManager15:35
dowdyph0b2coutts: I've had problems a week ago with that, all the desktop falls15:35
dasdreDarkSim_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick15:35
b2couttshmm, I noticed that my laptop has a nameserver of in resolv.conf too, but it's working fine15:35
b2couttsnot used to how ubuntu handles this, is there some other file that configures the dns server it uses?15:36
TheLordOfTimeb2coutts, if you're using networkmanager, it autofills data.15:36
DarkSim_I guess I asked the wrong question15:36
dasdreb2coutts: googles ip is
dowdyph0b2coutts: I've got that nameserver too, the networkmanager service starts dnsmasq and dhcp service so the dns's does not depend of resolv.conf15:36
DarkSim_can a live usb I make in Windows, which works with windows, work on a macbook as well?15:36
dasdredarksim: that usb will AFAIK be live15:36
DarkSim_but since there are specific guides on this I guess not15:36
b2couttswell, at the very least, changing the nameserver in resolv.conf did fix the issue15:37
dasdredarksim: nope15:37
b2coutts(even if this isn't the intended config for ubuntu dns)15:37
b2couttsso thanks guys15:37
dowdyph0dasdre: now what's the problem?15:37
dasdrebut you can afaik make a usb with ubuntu mac and ubuntu pc and make them share files15:37
dowdyph0do you have wireless-tools installed¿?15:37
dasdredow: same as 5 mins ago ;)15:37
dasdreleme see15:38
DarkSim_Hm, but I mean just try the live usb15:38
DarkSim_not install it15:38
dasdredow: i dont15:38
dowdyph0so that's a problem xD15:38
dasdredark: that usb can be used for live too15:38
dowdyph0if you dont' have wireless-tools package you can't use wireless xD15:39
dowdyph0dasdre: sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant wireless-tools15:39
JoaoSantanahi all15:40
JoaoSantanasome ubuntu member link to unity documentation is on?15:40
dasdreit turns out i did have it15:40
dasdrehow do i open it?15:41
* dasdre facepalms15:41
madshrmshi is it ok to ask not-really-ubuntu-related questions here? (a hardware question)15:41
dowdyph0dasdre: try ifconfig -a15:42
dowdyph0your wireless nic name should appear there15:42
ThinkT510madshrms: whats the question?15:42
Abhijitmadshrms, ##hardware15:42
madshrmsi'd like to know if two components are compatible15:42
madshrmsmy graphic card is probably gonna die soon (artifacts on screen etc) and i'd like to replace it with one from another computer but i don't know how to determine if the card will be compatible with my motherboard15:43
Abhijitmadshrms, ##hardware15:43
dasdredowdyph: paste.ubuntu.com/146471115:43
dasdreit did not15:43
Abhijitmadshrms, not here15:43
madshrmsthanks abhijit i'll head over there15:44
BluesKajmad if the card fits into the available pci slot then it should work15:44
madshrmsoh it's that simple15:44
dowdyph0dasdre ok you dont have the module loaded 1 sec15:44
madshrmswell i'll still ask in hardware but i guess i'm just gonna try to put it in15:44
BluesKajmad you also need to install the right drivers for the card15:45
Googol30Can you run a virtualized instance of Vista from inside Ubuntu Server 12.04, or do you need a window manager?15:45
dowdyph0dasdre: try sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms15:46
Googol30Is that possible, or is it a requirement to have a window manager such as LXDE?15:48
dowdyph0dasdre: is it working now?15:49
dasdredowdyph0: cant find package15:49
OerHeksGoogol30, you need the virtualising software compatible with your vista instance15:49
ThinkT510dasdre: dkms not dmks15:50
Googol30But a window manager isn't necessary ro run the Virtualization software, OerHeks?15:50
dowdyph0OerHeks: how do you use windows without windows?15:50
ThinkT510Googol30: how will you interact with vista if you can see it?15:50
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OerHeksGoogol30, you need some sort of wm, i am not a genie with windows15:51
dowdyph0dasdre: when it ends try: sudo modprobe wl15:52
dasdrebad return status for module build on kernel: 3.5.0-21-generic (1386)15:52
Googol30I hope to use Ubuntu Server without a GUI to keep the burden on the system down, but I would like to run Windows, at this point purely out of experimentative purposes.15:52
MonkeyDustGoogol30  is this useful? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf5cRoyf-X415:52
dasdregoog: at the same time?!15:52
dowdyph0Googol30: try FreeBSD jails15:52
compdocGoogol30, by windows, you mean a desktop?15:53
Googol30I mean Microsoft Windows Vista.15:53
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MonkeyDustGoogol30  no swearing here ;)15:53
dowdyph0dasdre: do you have a traceback error?15:53
ThinkT510Googol30: vista is graphical, how are you going to interact with the vm without a graphical environment?15:54
dasdreit got a make.log15:54
Googol30That's what I'm wondering... I'm not entirely sure how to switch between the two operating systems if they are running virtually, even with a window manager...15:55
Googol30...I'm not exactly sure how virtualization software works, so I would like to figure that out, and see it15:55
Googol30it's capabilities.15:55
ThinkT510!vm | Googol3015:56
ubottuGoogol30: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications15:56
MonkeyDustGoogol30  start with an easy desktop setup, to see how virtualization works15:56
dowdyph0wait the source package of the dkms is buggy 1 sec15:56
compdocGoogol30, for good video performance with a windows guest, try virtualbox15:57
theadminGoogol30: Virtualbox is a good start there, no need for difficult setup process15:57
theadminAnd it's in the repos: sudo apt-get install virtualbox15:57
dowdyph0dasdre: got it15:57
dowdyph0dasdre: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source15:58
IdleOnetheadmin: does the virtualbox-ose have USB support, didn't used to?15:58
theadminIdleOne: There no longer is a "virtualbox-ose"15:58
IdleOnetheadmin: I guess it does have USB support then15:58
theadminIdleOne: Virtualbox is now opensource, various extra non-free functionality is done by a plugin from Oracle15:58
ThinkT510IdleOne: ose was before vbox415:58
Googol30According to it's webpage, Xen is the only open source Type 1 Hypervisor virtualization software, and according to Wikipedia, that's what I want... I think.15:58
theadminIdleOne: It has USB support, that's been opensourced, but I think there still are some limitations15:59
IdleOnethanks for the info update theadmin and ThinkT510  :)15:59
compdocisnt qemu-kvm opensource?15:59
dowdyph0Googol30: do you need pci hardware virtualization?15:59
vishnuAbhijit: top img finally uploaded http://imagebin.org/24059215:59
dowdyph0I't must be supported by the motherboard and the processor, normally the processors do but not the motherboards15:59
vishnuAbhijit: top img finally uploaded http://imagebin.org/24059216:00
ThinkT510Googol30: why do you need a hypervisor vm?16:00
theadminIdleOne: Ah, USB 2.0 is nonfree, USB 1 is free16:00
compdocI think zen is a bad idea. it requires its own modified kernel, so the system is no longer 'stock'16:00
compdocxen, rather16:00
IdleOnetheadmin: least it is backwards compatible, slow but will work.16:01
vishnuAbhijit: r u there pls?16:01
Abhijitvishnu, yes16:01
Abhijitvishnu, is compiz at the top always?16:01
Googol30I know each Operating System I want to run will run on the hardware unmodified, so I don't need emulating software.16:01
vishnuyes I guess.16:01
dowdyph0dasdre: sudo modprobe wl16:02
dasdredowdyph0: it installed but gave me some errors16:02
Abhijitvishnu, and you are using kde?16:02
ThinkT510!xen | Googol3016:02
ubottuGoogol30: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen16:02
dasdre5 modules no exist 1 module in use16:02
lvlephCan someone help me figure out why X crashes on me?16:02
vishnuAbhijit: no. Why it is there I do not understand.16:02
lvlephI am not even sure where to begin.16:03
stgr99lvleph : did you update your linix kernel recently16:03
dowdyph0lvleph: dump /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:03
Googol30Instead of having two computers, I can use Xen, albeit with the performance penalties of running both at once, correct?16:03
Googol30both Operating Systems, I mean.16:04
dasdredowdyph0: fatal module w1 not found16:04
Abhijitvishnu, first try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/186913/how-do-i-disable-visual-effects-in-ubuntu-12-04-1 and after disabling effects see if your system runs normally.16:04
ThinkT510dasdre: wl not w116:04
Abhijitvishnu, and then check if your aps runs fast.16:04
lvlephstgr99 it doesn't appear to matter what kernel I am using. This has been an issue since 11.1016:04
compdocnot a performance penalty with the right hardware setup16:04
lvlephdowdyph0 dump doesn't like your syntax16:05
theadminlvleph: No, "dump" as in upload to a pastebin16:06
theadminlvleph: And link here16:06
lvlephI was confused by that16:06
Googol30What I am thinking, as explicitly as possible, is to give each Operating System equal priority over the CPU and GPU, and give Ubuntu all the RAM initially, then give Vista as much RAM as it requests.  Is that what Xen will do, or am I going about this wrong, or is this even possible?16:06
dowdyph0sorry my mistake16:06
dasdredidnt say anything16:07
compdocyou assign the guest however many cpus and ram you think it needs. 2 cores and 2 gigs of ram for the guest is plenty16:07
dasdrenot even ask for password16:07
dasdreis thet it?16:08
compdocfor Windows guests, rather16:08
dowdyph0dasdre: try ifconfig -a now16:09
dowdyph0it should be a new NIC16:09
dasdrestill just eth0 nad lo16:09
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:09
MonkeyDustubottu  it works, you're in16:10
ubottuMonkeyDust: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:10
riderplusmy usb is not recognized. this is what i get in dmesg usb 1-2: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd16:10
riderplus[  164.129228] scsi6 : usb-storage 1-2:1.016:10
riderplusscsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access     XXXXXXXX U167CONTROLLER   0.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 216:10
riderplus[  165.130741] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 016:10
riderplusand the usb light does not blink at all16:10
dowdyph0dasdre: 1sc16:10
lvlephdowdyph0 here you go16:10
Googol30But if I want to give each equal priority on CPU and GPU, can I to allow them to run natively fast?  I would like to see how far I can push this virtualization thing, and I know I don't need to emulate different hardware, if my logic is flawed anywhere, someone please correct me.16:10
riderplus[  165.130741] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 016:11
riderplus[  165.134187] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk16:11
MonkeyDustriderplus  better use !pastebin16:11
theadminriderplus: Looks like it's recognized to me...16:11
riderplussorry. it was just that16:11
Googol30I would like to figure out as much as possible about what to choose before I just go off installing things.16:11
riderplusbut i don't see it in /proc/partitions16:12
riderplusalso gparted doesn't see it16:12
riderplusand the usb light doesn't blink at all16:12
ThinkT510Googol30: wikipedia is your friend then16:12
dowdyph0lvleph: no errors in the X11, what's the matter it starts lightdm and then falls back to the console?16:12
lvlephNo, it will just randomly crash. The only way I seem to be able to fix it is with a restart16:13
dowdyph0have you tried with the latest stable kernel version?16:13
Googol30From what research I have done thus far, either Xen or KVM seems to be what I am after... at this point I'm leaning towards Xen, ThinkT510.16:13
lvlephdowdyph0 At one point I was getting a segfault from glxinfo, but right now it is fine.16:14
riderpluswhat can I do?16:14
dowdyph0dasdre: try to reboot, maybe there is another module needed and loads in the boot phase16:14
dasdrerebooting now16:14
=== Googol30 is now known as Googol30|away
mshaloha everybody16:16
mshi am on 12.10 x64 and firebug doesn't work16:16
mshwhat should i do?16:16
dowdyph0msh: trying that16:17
mshdowdyph0, trying what?16:17
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dowdyph0I'm also in 12.10 and x6416:17
lvlephMaybe it is my graphics drivers that are crashing?16:18
lvlephBut how can I figure that out?16:18
dowdyph0lvleph: don't really now, try to update the kernel and the drivers16:19
lvlephThey are the most up-to-date for 12.0416:19
dasdredowdyph0: rebooted now: just eth0 and lo16:19
dowdyph0msh: firebug works16:20
mshdowdyph0, so why it doesn't work for me16:21
dowdyph0maybe is a problem of browser configuration or plugins, or maybe is outdated16:21
dowdyph0restore firefox original configuration16:21
lvlephmsh: try using command line and opening firebug. Tell us the output.16:21
dasdrestill no wlan16:22
dowdyph0dasdre try lsmod and pastebin it16:22
mshdowdyph0, could you give me the exact link of the exact version of firebug you are using?16:23
dowdyph0msh this is the link -> https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/firebug/16:23
lvlephmsh: the other option is to backup your profile  for ff and start fresh.16:23
lvlephanother option, msh, is to disable all addons except firebug and see if that works.16:25
mshok wait to test16:25
dowdyph0dasdre: can you post the link again?16:25
dowdyph0dasdre: it has a ,16:25
dowdyph0please copy paste it from the browser16:26
TheLordOfTimedasdre, http://paste.ubuntu.com/146479316:26
dasdreim on another computer16:26
TheLordOfTimedowdyph0, use the one i just posted.  (its not that hard to change one character you know)16:26
dasdredowdyph0: <TheLordOfTime> dasdre, http://paste.ubuntu.com/146479316:27
dowdyph0dasdre: it seems the module is loading correctly, don't know why is not linking to a network interface16:27
dowdyph0dasdre: what's the output of the command iwconfig?16:28
Botanici am migrating a system however when i boot the system it sits there at a just black screen, i believe this is because the drive changed from xvda to sda how can i fix that in grub?16:28
pepitohi can somebody help me, I just have one question, can somebody tell me how make a new user with root privilege on /etc/sudoers ?16:28
dasdrelo: no wireless extensions eth0: no wireless extensions16:29
Botanicpepito, sudo adduser <username> sudo16:29
dowdyph0pepito: sudo adduser <username> sudo16:29
dowdyph0sorry Botanic16:29
lvlephBotanic: Are able to get into grub?16:30
dasdredowdyph0: lo: no wireless extensions eth0: no wireless extensions16:30
Botaniclvleph, yes16:30
lvlephBotanic: The only thing I can think of is using a live disc and then using update-grub16:31
Abhijitcan we change keyboard layout for lvm prompt?16:32
lvlephBased on what you said it wouldn't know where the kernel image is, which can be fixed using update grub.16:32
Botaniclvleph, is the syntax for that like grub-install?16:32
Botanici already tried the rescue system install grub option16:33
lvlephBotanic: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145241/how-do-i-run-update-grub-from-a-livecd16:33
lvlephsorry, I have to deal with my daughter, so hopefull that will help you.16:34
Botanicits a direction to run in at least :)16:34
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nibbler_ how can i push my audio output to some dlna renderer?16:37
Abhijitcan we change keyboard layout for lvm prompt?\16:40
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LambdaDuskHi, I have a problem. I am trying to convert a video with avconv. The script I use is this: http://pastie.org/private/fsnqbx32qpxkkkd3zmncyw16:41
LambdaDuskOn my laptop I can execute the script just fine, but my stronger workstation gets me the error "Unrecognized option 'preset' Failed to set value 'libvpx-720p' for option 'preset'"16:41
LambdaDuskThey both have exactly the same setup on avconv, I checked it16:41
nibbler_LambdaDusk: are both versions of whatever command gets the "preset" parameter the same?16:46
LambdaDusknibbler_: Yes, exact the same. With the same versions of the supporting libs.16:46
nibbler_my dlna issue is resolved16:47
nibbler_LambdaDusk: well, maybe it does not have this preset in some config or such?16:48
LambdaDusknibbler_: I checked, they're on the same folder on both systems16:49
notk0hello how can I install the 32 bit version of libxml2 on my 64 bit ubuntu?16:49
dowdyph0dasdre: I don't know why the network interface does not appear, it seems you have the correct module loaded, the correct utilities, but it does not work16:49
msh_any special repo for installing firefox on 12.10 x6416:50
MonkeyDustmsh_  it's installed by default, in dthe basic installation16:50
dowdyph0notk0: sudo apt-get install libxml2:i38616:50
notk0dowdyph0: I didn't know I can do that, I used to search in the synamptic manager for lib32 versions and not all are available16:51
notk0dowdyph0: I will try it thank you16:51
msh_MonkeyDust, i removed it becausefirebug doesnt work on it16:51
dowdyph0notk0: maybe you try tu run a program with static libraries, if that's your case it will not detect the location of the libraries16:51
msh_i wanted to make sure both ff aand firebug are x64 specified16:52
dowdyph0notk0: you should run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib32 before running it16:52
notk0dowdyph0: I got a libary and when I did ldd it depended on libstdc++ 32 bit and libxml2, I found lib32stdc++ in the synaptic manager but not libxml216:52
dowdyph0notk0: okz16:52
dowdyph0msh_: firebug isnt' working yet?16:53
notk0dowdyph0: I have an assignment for a strange course, and teacher provided us with the binary of some proprietary library, and funny stuff he works under windows, so he provided us with a 32 and 64 bit dll, but only a 32 bit .so for linux16:53
MonkeyDustwhat's firebug?16:53
msh_dowdyph0, nupp16:54
notk0dowdyph0: thank you, it seems that ldd now tells me everything is satisfied16:54
dowdyph0notk0: ^^ the magic of christmas xD16:54
dowdyph0msh_: which version of firefox are you running?16:55
notk0dowdyph0: I don't even know if I will pass that course, if I don't pass it it's no big deal as I have enough for this semester16:55
msh_dowdyph0, at this time it is removed but it was 16.0.116:55
dowdyph0I've 17.0.116:56
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dowdyph0msh_: save your firefox profile, then remove .firefox and install 17.0.116:56
Abhijithi. one person on askubuntu claiming that he logged in by typing root and password?16:57
Abhijitis that possible in 12.10?16:57
Abhijithe syas he created the new root account16:57
Abhijitusername root and password16:58
dowdyph0Abhijit: maybe privilege escalation?16:58
Abhijitbut I thought its completely impossible to GUI login as root? dowdyph0 ?16:58
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Abhijitin linux that is16:58
Artemis3with sudo passwd you can enable root, as for gui, its simply an option you can change16:58
dowdyph0not sure16:58
dowdyph0by default root user account is disabled in ubuntu16:59
Artemis3but it is really bad practice to login as root16:59
dowdyph0but i've seen some distros with root login in gui16:59
allerWhen I login into X, some console messages appear, and login process restarts. A) How to read the console messages? B) How to fix this?16:59
MoL0ToVhi to all! with latest ubuntu, every time i reset the pc the volume audio lever return to zero, how to fix and make remember last volume?16:59
MonkeyDust!details | aller17:00
ubottualler: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:00
Abhijitoh its that simple.17:00
* Abhijit wonders about security17:00
notk0dowdyph0: quick question, why do some libraries have the name as in lib32libname  in the synaptic packet manager?17:00
Artemis3Abhijit, you should not login as root, very unsafe17:00
POVaddctAbhijit: but why would you run your gui as root anyway?17:00
AbhijitArtemis3, I am not. read the question properly.17:01
allerMonkeyDust: exactly this part is difficult, because Ubuntu hides the details behind the fancy GUI. The messages flash for like 0.1 second17:01
AbhijitPOVaddct, I am not running my root by gui. read the question properly.17:01
Googol30Quick question, what encryption algorithm does Linux, or specifically Ubuntu 12.04, use to hash it's passwords?17:01
POVaddctAbhijit: i read your question and i understood you are not running the gui as root right now17:02
dowdyph0notk0: dont know i usually install things by console17:02
Kion1aller maybe you can pipe those messages into a text file to read them later17:02
POVaddctAbhijit: but why do you ask for running the gui as root anyway?17:02
notk0dowdyph0: well I didn't know you could do that, thank you :P17:02
dowdyph0if you want the 32bit version of a library append :i386 if you want 64bit append :x6417:02
OerHeksAbhijit, if that man makes an account 'root" and adds that to sudoers file, he can17:02
AbhijitPOVaddct, bah. thats why I requested to read the question properly. Its not me. its one user on askubuntu.com17:02
OerHeksAbhijit, but that won't be the same as root-account17:03
Kion1aller, or maybe they get recorded to one log file17:03
AbhijitOerHeks, ok17:03
POVaddctAbhijit: then tell him there is no reason for doing that :)17:03
dowdyph0OerHeks: nearly the same if in sudoers.conf NOPASSWD:ALL17:03
AbhijitPOVaddct, told.17:03
OerHeksdowdyph0, correct, but not the same as single-user17:03
allerKion1: I am looking into xsession-errors but they are different. They look like init-rc messages, they have  orange [ !! ] at endof lines17:04
dowdyph0aller: wach out the logs in /var/log/Xorg.0.log  /var/log/lightdm/ /var/log/gdm/ (your login manager)17:04
dowdyph0OerHeks: true17:04
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dowdyph0aller: try to select another login manager17:06
dowdyph0aller: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xdm17:06
Googol30IRC question; is it possible to show the seconds along with the hour and minute for messages?17:06
MonkeyDustGoogol30  depends on your client, i guess17:07
zillawhat is the fastest way to update ubuntu release?17:07
msh_guys another Q?17:07
MonkeyDustirc client, that is17:07
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:07
Googol30Irssi... I can't find anything relating to that though...17:07
msh_i have a10 android table17:07
filmmakerhi everyone..What is the most simple way to install a tar.bz2 file?17:07
Kion1Zilla I didi it yesturday trhough the updatemanager and it tookme like 4 hours!17:07
OerHeksfilmmaker, untar it, and read the readme17:08
dowdyph0Googol30: /set timestamp_format = %H:%M:%S17:09
MonkeyDustdowdyph0  was faster, i was typing the same :)17:09
filmmakeri read the readme file..and says nothing..about installation and commands..17:09
dowdyph0Googol30: /set timestamp_format %H:%M:%S17:09
dowdyph0without =17:09
allerdowdyph0: how to do "init 3; init 5;" then? the commands seem to have no efect17:10
OerHeksfilmmaker, poor tar.bz2 file then, what does the owner of that file say, or his/her website?17:10
Googol30Thanks, MonkeyDust and dowdyph0, that works.17:10
filmmakerOerheks i'll check in blenders website then..17:11
dowdyph0aller: what do you want to do?17:12
dowdyph0aller: maybe stopping the login manager?17:12
allerdowdyph0: restart login manager.. Anyway I did reboot :]17:12
dowdyph0aller: sudo service ligtdm|kdm|gdm|xdm restart17:12
dowdyph0aller: one of them17:12
dowdyph0aller: maybe is lightdm17:13
allerdowdyph0: I now got xdm like you mentioned17:13
dowdyph0aller: if you use gnome try gdm17:13
dowdyph0aller: xdm is very oldie17:13
MonkeyDustdowdyph0  12.10 uses gnome and lightdm by default17:14
dowdyph0MonkeyDust: lightdm suxx xD, I'm having problems with it17:14
dowdyph0wait, I'm gona change to lightdm, in order to see if now its working on my comp17:15
dowdyph0I'll be back in a min17:15
allerOk. Now only desktop service starts up. The same is after startx. How can I reinstall Ubuntu's GUI? I think I was trying to switch to fluxbox and mixed something up17:15
anthony_somehow I ended up out of the sudoers group. I'm the only one on my machine, so I can only guess I did it by mistake while adding myself to the wireshark group. Problem is, inside 2 minutes I was back in courtesy of having a live USB I could boot from, mount the drive, sudo vi the groups file and add myself back17:15
anthony_is there any way to make it more difficult to hack back in?17:16
anthony_or is it pretty well if someone has physical access there's nothing I can do about it?17:16
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Kion1anthony with disk encryption17:17
anthony_if I do that, is there anyway I can produce an emergency way to get back in that only I can use?17:17
dowdyph0xD lightdm is not working17:19
nibbler_anthony_: the emergency way is a second password, written on a secret piece of paper17:19
lwizardlokay just tried to install ubuntu 12.04 on my neices new compaq laptop. it came with windows 8 and when I installed ubuntu and restarted ubuntu errors at boot.17:20
lwizardlwhat do I need to do to fix?17:20
anthony_ahh, so basically having a second user that is sudo-able17:20
icerootanthony_: encrypted / is the only way to protect yourself from editing /etc/shadow /etc/passwd and /etc/group17:21
icerootanthony_: everything else is easy going with a live-cd17:21
anthony_iceroot, yes, I was shocked how easy it was17:22
anthony_iceroot, it's only now I'm concerned about this though as now I'm dealing with a vindictive soon to be ex wife who's trying to ruin me from every angle.17:23
dowdyph0good example about passwords : http://www.catlin.edu/system/files/editor/admin/password2.png17:23
icerootanthony_: encryption is the way to protect the system17:24
anthony_dowdyph0, seen this one17:24
anthony_iceroot, ballpark how long it will take to encrypt a terrabyte drive on a 2.5ghz core i5?17:25
anthony_days? hours?17:25
dowdyph0iceroot: maybe is an denial of service attack sending you a 600MB CD17:26
icerootanthony_: lifes17:26
anthony_iceroot, great :)17:26
icerootanthony_: it has nothing to do with the size of the hdd, just with the key-length17:26
icerootanthony_: and a single i5 is a joke. it will take mayn lifes to beat the key17:27
dowdyph0its nonsense trying to improve the security with the cost of slooowing a computer17:27
dowdyph0security is managed17:27
anthony_dowdyph0, yes, it seems the only thing I can do at this point is continue to cart the computer with me everywhere, at least until this battle is over. securing the computer to the house structure is a waste of time too as I can break in in 2 minutes and I already know you can cut a kensington cable off with a $10 bolt cutter17:30
bazhanglets get back to ubuntu support please17:30
dowdyph0The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards - and even then I have my doubts. "Gene Spaffold"17:32
bazhang!ot | dowdyph017:32
ubottudowdyph0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:32
anthony_so to use disk encryption without slowing the computer to a snails pace is to go buy something with a Core i7 extreme17:32
bazhanganthony_, see above17:32
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Kion1anthony_ Encryption shold not slow your computer too much17:43
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Kion1anthony_: I am in a similar situation as you are17:44
ericabho ho hoooo !17:46
Kion1anthony: take a look into truecrypt17:49
Kion1oops anthony is no longer online jaja17:49
vjoehey guys17:53
vjoeis it easy to update one version of ubuntu to another? im used to rolling distros but I'm considering changing to ubuntu17:53
MeanEYEAnyone knows the name of "unlocked" icon in themes?17:53
vjoeand that is confusing me :P17:53
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:53
Googol30Until I need some other help... I'm out.17:56
Bresnanthis is my first time in the room17:56
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vjoehi Bresnan17:57
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istokstrange, i'm getting errors from my repo, can't download any updates or anything18:03
istoki thought 10.04 LTS was supported until april, 201318:03
shmooveHow can I change my mouse resolution?18:05
gar_onnhey, I've made a cron job to change my wallpaper, but it doesn't work. I have the folowing line in my chrontab:18:05
gar_onn13      22  *       *       5       rm ~/.goutputstream-*18:05
gar_onni mean18:06
gar_onn*/30    *   *       *       *       sh /home/gar_onn/Pictures/background/changewall.sh18:06
gar_onnthe logs show "CRON[2994]: (gar_onn) CMD (sh /home/gar_onn/Pictures/background/changewall.sh)"18:06
gar_onnbut my background is unchanged18:07
gar_onnIf I run the command manualy (coppy paste) it works. Am I overlooking someting?18:07
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afiefHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu on a UEFI machine that has Windows 8 on it, but Ubuntu can't see Windows' partitions during the installation process. Is there a way to make them show up?18:10
xckpd7question: is there anyway to be able to restrict a user to their home folder?18:11
max999gar_onn, try to give it a full path for the sh18:11
xckpd7I have a server, and I want to be able to transfer some home movies to my friend (they're big), so I figured I just create a user name for him, and put the files in his folder. but I don't want him to have access to the rest of my system18:12
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gar_onnI gave the full path max999, /home/...18:12
max999gar_onn, give it a full path for the sh itself. like /usr/bin/sh18:12
max999gar_onn, dunno the actual path. looking18:12
gar_onnaah ok18:12
gar_onnI'll try that18:13
aarcaneMerry Christmas and Happy Miscelaneous Other Holidays!18:14
max999gar_onn, should be /bin/sh18:14
gar_onnYes, I've got that as well18:14
max999gar_onn, still not working?18:15
max999gar_onn, is the file marked executable? running out of ideas =)18:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:17
gar_onnYes, max999 (-rwxrwxr-x)18:19
max999maybe someone else can help garonn: he cant execute a shellscript from a cronjob what is running fine from terminal (copy & paste), full path to /bin/sh and the script provided in the job.18:20
max999gar_onn, is the cronjob logfile showing anything usefull (after the change now)?18:21
dowdyph0gar_onn: is the cronjob syntax ok?18:21
gar_onnCRON[3372]: (gar_onn) CMD (/bin/sh /home/gar_onn/Pictures/background/changewall.sh)18:21
gar_onn(every minute)18:21
max999maybe something within the script cant be executed right18:22
gar_onnfollowed by (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)18:22
max999can u pastebin it?18:22
dowdyph0gar_onn: the changewall.sh18:22
dowdyph0#!/usr/bin/env sh18:22
dowdyph0chmod +x etc..18:22
max999gar_onn, maybe you add a line to echo something (just an idea) to see if the script is executed at all18:24
max999if it is, we know that the cronjob is not the problem but the content.18:24
dowdyph0gar_onn: send the pastebin of the cronjob and the script18:25
max999i think the script has something that needs full paths too or something. :I18:26
gar_onnchanged everything to full path still not working18:27
max999gar_onn, the ls and the grep too?18:27
max999and the sort, head, gsettings ..18:28
afiefHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu on a UEFI machine that has Windows 8 on it, but Ubuntu can't see Windows' partitions during the installation process. Is there a way to make them show up?18:28
max999not sure what of it is necessary but i think the solution is in this :)18:28
dowdyph0tail -n 118:31
dowdyph0would be better18:31
dowdyph0but dont know why it is not working18:31
dowdyph0gar_onn: does the command gsettings set ..... also changes your background from CTRL+ALT+F1 console?18:33
ncfi1013_anybody have any opinions on what the absolute best flashcard would be for the nintendo dsi?18:33
gar_onnI'll try that dowdyph018:33
dowdyph0maybe the problem is18:34
ManDrakeIs there an easy solution to USB drives not showing up?18:34
willbradleyheya, i can't find a "linux-alsa-driver-modules" package that matches my uname -r (3.2.0-35-generic-pae)?18:34
dowdyph0that it's changing always the same image18:34
dowdyph0does sort -R do the random correctly?18:34
willbradleyi added the ppa ubuntu-audio-dev but synaptic only shows 1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu118:34
milamberwillbradley: that is your kernel, why do you think the package has to match?18:34
willbradleymilamber: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules18:35
willbradleysudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)18:36
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willbradleytrying to get my mic to work on an Intel HDA laptop board18:36
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notk0willbradley: integrated mic?18:36
notk0willbradley: you should play with the alsa mixer command or something, ever since the pulse audio integration there is not a single release that has no sound problems18:37
willbradleyi messed with the mixer, didn't seem to do anything18:37
willbradleythough i did get this working once, for like an hour...18:38
notk0for me for some reason the external HDMI is always selected as audio output, some application correctly output sounds others don't, and it gets muted18:38
notk0I can't even realize why pulse audio was accepted, it's such a mess18:38
_imbahi! i wanted to copy a pair of public/private keys from the .ssh folder across various ubuntu machines… I dont have access to multiple m/c rite now.. just wanted to validate from some1 who's hanging around whether that would work :)18:38
notk0and all of it's audio server separation layer is broken as well18:38
ICUhello , i am new on ubuntu , can anyone tell me  how to see if i have installed nvidia driver?18:38
notk0_imba: .ssh files shouldn't contain private keys tho18:39
milamberwillbradley: what does that install command give you?18:39
squirreljedi516is it possible to have 1 hard drive with xubuntu 12.10 on it and add 5 more hard drives in a raid?18:39
milamberwillbradley: and just for the sake of saying it, you do know that microphones are set to mute by default?18:39
willbradleymilamber: there is no package with that uname18:40
gringo_ICU, update manager > parameters > drivers18:40
willbradleymilamber: checkboxes in Unity alll appear unmuted and ok, in alsamixer i pressed the m key to get rid of the "MM" beneath the mic but i just hear hissing; nothing when i tap the mic18:41
gringo_ICU, if you are under the LTS distribution: system parameters > additional drivers18:41
_imbanotk0: if i am correct, then i run ssh-keygen, it generates two files: id_rsa & id_rsa.pub18:41
ICUthank you18:41
_imbanotk0: isnt id_rsa the private key?18:42
gar_onnno it doenst dowdyph0 it errors: ** (process:4095): WARNING **: failed to comit changes to dconf: Error spawing command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=0ff0eca8de3e2cfb6da19a6b50d7aba7 --binary-syntax --close-stderr\': Child prosses exited with code 118:42
milamberwillbradley: looks like 3.0.0 was the last update https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa18:43
rikiciao a tutti18:44
guntbert_imba: spreading your private key to several machines is not a very good idea - what are you trying to accomplish?18:48
milluni got a question. i messed up my system by upgrading to 12.10 while having xorg-edgers not turned off. my filesystem was encrypted and i don't got enough free space to copy it over somewhere else18:49
willbradleymilamber: wtf, why doesn't synaptic show that...18:49
millunshould i use migrate-home?18:49
millunthis is my 1st time, obviously :)18:49
milluni would like to either turn off decryption of my old user's home or somehow get data out of there18:50
guntbertwillbradley: don't swear here, even obfuscated counts18:50
millunnow i see i forgot to mention - i got a new installation of 12.1018:50
guntbert!enter | millun18:50
ubottumillun: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:50
millundoh, sorry18:51
willbradleymilamber: all i have is alsa-base which appears to include the alsa drivers. should i uninstall alsa-base first?18:51
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alexhairymanmerry christmas!18:53
_imbaguntbert: i wanna setup a lot of machines where i can keep a given git branch up to date using cron… and i dont want the hassle of setting up a new key on each m/c since i need to add the key to my repo online(i would be using git over ssh)18:54
millunso... my question would be what should i do if i got x GB of encrypted home dir, and would to continue using it18:54
_imbaguntbert: i cud have included the password in the pull command but i dont want to do that18:54
ncfi1013_anybody have any opinions on what the absolute best flashcard would be for the nintendo dsi?18:55
bazhang!ot | ncfi1013_18:55
ubottuncfi1013_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:55
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ncfi1013_well then tell me what the channel is called18:56
guntbert_imba: in that case you approach sound sensible to me - alhough .. do you intend to protect the private key with a pass phrase?18:56
bazhang!alis | ncfi1013_18:56
ubottuncfi1013_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:56
squirreljedi516ncfi1013_: now youre thinking18:57
_imbaguntbert: no i dont want to. i want the process to be transparent.. happening without users knowing it...18:58
_imbaguntbert: either ways the majority of the end-users are gonna be non-technical and even if there is anyone who gets hold of stuff, the repository is gonna have read-only access for that key18:58
guntbert_imba: I think you might be panning something overly complicated here :-) - we are talking only plans as of yet ?19:01
veryhappyhey guys, i have a problem with my hdmi, alsa always switches s/pdif back on, that usually happens on boot and alsa force-reload, i need the s/pdif switched off, how can i do that?19:01
alexhairymansomething to do with alsa restoring values perhaps?19:02
alexhairymanisn't that what the alsa daemon does?19:02
guntbert!who | alexhairyman19:02
ubottualexhairyman: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:02
veryhappyalexhairyman: well, if the daemon would restore it, it rather should better restore the right settings and not the wrong one19:03
alexhairymansorry guntbert19:03
alexhairymanveryhappy you can tell alsa to store certain settings,19:03
brunosthi, I'm trying to write a little app that communicates over a serial tty, but I am struggling with that I either have to set ownership of the tty each time I start the app or run it as root at the moment19:03
guntbertalexhairyman: it is no problem :-) just for ease of use of this channel19:04
brunostdoes anybody know how I can take permanent ownership over a tty19:04
alexhairymanveryhappy I used alsamixer to set values, and then I think it's alsa store maybe?19:04
veryhappyalexhairyman: you mean alsactl store19:04
veryhappyalexhairyman: at least something like that19:04
alexhairymanveryhappy , yes, whatever the command is19:05
alexhairymanveryhappy I thought ubuntu used pulseaudio though?19:05
veryhappyalexhairyman: it does, but it didn't work with my hdmi though19:06
RTFddanyone know of an ubuntu irc client that can facilitate the 'ignore' function?19:06
RTFddxchat dont work19:06
veryhappyRTFdd: shouldn't have irssi have that function? then you just have to back to the old style tty19:06
NoorideeNAEwhats the latest version of ubuntu?19:08
RTFddveryhappy dont know but will look into it thnx19:08
avickeryMerry insertProperHolidayHere()19:08
avickeryI have a N00b question. Can applications talk directly to audio hardware natively or do they need something like ASIO drivers on Win?19:09
veryhappyavickery: thankback();19:10
dchernivavickery, yes they can, ALSA is the direct layer19:10
putrowengign all19:11
avickeryExcellent, Thank you. Additionally, what about VSTi support. I just got Arturia's V-Collection 3 for Christmas and I would love to see it running under Ubuntu19:11
dchernivavickery, what is VSTi19:11
veryhappyavickery: oops, that's linux? if you use windows you would be better in #windows, though i can tell you that windows in windows can also should be able to talk directly19:11
avickeryIt's a Virtual Instrument specification by Steinberg19:11
avickeryI use everything.19:12
dchernivavickery, quick google brings up this http://www.linux-vst.com/19:12
avickeryCool, thanks man. I just thought someone in this channel might have firsthand experience. Thanks for the link and Happy Holidays.19:13
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veryhappythanks, take care19:14
elopsI have a laptop. I have Ubuntu on it (latest one, installed last night)... in attempt to get the display adapter working correctly (or, at least, more quickly) I installed fglrx. Moments later a google result related to my specific hardware told me, basically, "don't install fglrx," but it was a bit too late... everything slowed to a crawl.19:14
elopsI rebooted, and was presented with a box telling me it was unable to detect my graphics hardware and input devices, and that I would have to configure them manually, but neither my keyboard nor my mouse work! I rebooted, holding shift, went through a menu or two, "recovery mode", and managed to wind up with a text-mode prompt...19:14
elopsbut I don't know how to remove fglrx from there, and my best guess (apt-get remove fglrx) isn't the correct answer.19:14
elopsany ideas?19:14
dchernivelops, how did you install fglrx?19:14
veryhappyelops: use a live cd19:15
veryhappyand make a chroot19:15
elopsshould i do19:15
elopsdpkg -l | egrep "(catalyst|fglrx)"19:15
elopsThen apt-get purge <package> ?19:15
RelondoI'm running conky on Ubuntu 12.10 and need to somehow use window type override but maintain transparency. Ideas?19:16
elopsFirst command successful. (fglrx-amdcccle and fglrx. I want 'em both gone.)19:17
veryhappyaramis979: hello19:17
aramis979muy feliz... buena19:18
veryhappyaramis979: no espagnol19:18
aramis979ah oka...19:18
elopsSecond command:   W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock; E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/; E: The packagte lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.19:18
maplesofti have data on a partition and I plan to use the data with a linux OS and a windows OS on ad hoc basis. as we know windows FS is ntfs and linux has ext4 . I need advice that what FS should the shared data partition have (to avoid problems and share good features at the same time)?19:18
elopsthats when i do: apt-get purge19:19
veryhappymaplesoft: ext3, use windows ext3 driver19:19
elopswhen i did apt-get purge i have W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock; E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/; E: The packagte lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.19:20
_imbaguntbert i am on trying out phase one :) u have a better idea for me to achieve this, do u?19:20
maplesoftveryhappy:  why not ext4 and use ext4 driver and        why not ntfs?19:20
veryhappymaplesoft: afaik there is only ext3 available for windows, i can be wrong of course. besides i'm not sure if you can do a /home partition with ntfs19:20
maplesoftveryhappy:  no need for puting data partition in /home. i can just add it in /dev . like a real partition?19:22
guntbert_imba: no "better idea" here :-) - just talking to get the think-machine into its gears - you want your users to have a certain software/text file available in their system, and they should/need not be aware of that  - right?19:33
_imbaguntbert nah thats not the case.. this is a client-side implementation being managed by non-techies...19:34
_imbaand they;re usin ubuntu19:34
_imbai want it to be hassle free for them!19:34
RandomGuyWhen I try to run an executable file (which has permission to run as an exec file), it says "- bash: ./mta-server: No such file or directory"19:35
guntbert_imba: comes (technically) to the same things - I didn't imply any bad intentions on your side :-)19:36
pikaciuRandomGuy: mail transfert agent ?19:36
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RandomGuyI take it I can execute files without sudoing?19:38
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FalconXCan anyone help me with broadcom drivers not working after kernel update?19:39
moaiThe file does not exist?19:40
erg_How would I go about connecting to AP1 and also broadcast as AP2?19:40
erg_Basically, grab internet from AP1 and send that out as AP2...19:41
erg_Wireless repeater sort of.19:41
pikaciuRandomGuy: it seems that you lack something in your system19:42
_imbaguntbert :)19:43
soundzah hi, i was directed from ffmpeg channel, i got a fonts issue19:44
veryhappymaplesoft: sorry, i wasn't there. did you already get an answer?19:45
gubuntuwhat is the package name to install libusb on ubuntu 12.10?19:45
guntbert_imba: for this purpose you approach looks sensible indeed - I'd create the key with another name though, so it is easily recognizable, and then copy it into /etc/skeleton/.ssh on the clients19:45
_imbaguntbert kool… that makes sense indeed19:46
FalconXi got problems with my Broadcom network card, i can't update kernel without breaking drivers. Can anyone help me, please?19:47
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
soundztrying to encode with ffmpeg with some custom fonts, installed them, they show up in font-manager, but ffmpeg decides not to use them and says stuff like fontconfig: Selected font is not the requested one: 'DejaVu Sans Bold' != 'Aviv Light'19:50
veryhappytake care19:50
zillajust updated to 12.10 but the terminal is not showing up19:50
guntbertgubuntu: libusb-0.1-4 or libusb-1.0-0 or libsub-dev19:50
zillaeverything else works? :x19:50
zillaany ideas...19:50
zillaI am in tty619:51
pikaciuzilla: alt+F2 -- terminal ?19:51
guntbert!enter | zilla19:51
ubottuzilla: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:51
zilla!retard | guntbert19:52
litropyHello, all and happy holidays. I have three boxes in my home. Two are Ubuntu and one is an iMac. I'm looking for some input on combining the CPU power of all three. I forget what the name for this is ...19:52
guntbertzilla: mind your attitude - stay nice19:52
zillaoh well19:53
zillaI was warned my graphics wouldn't work19:53
zillaweird that everything but terminal works though19:53
litropyThere we go: Cluster computing. Anyone have the word on this?19:57
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lordnazwhere do i install apps too?19:58
guntbert!software | lordnaz19:59
ubottulordnaz: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:59
lordnazits not a package19:59
archboxmanUbotta merry Christmas20:00
archboxmanUbottu Merry Christmas20:01
guntbertlordnaz: what are you trying to install?20:01
lordnazguntbert: rubymine. its a ruby ide20:03
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Bribeshhey, can any1 help me to install zentyal on ubuntu server12.1020:08
ThinkT510!zentyal | Bribesh20:09
ubottuBribesh: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).20:09
guntbertlordnaz: the install instructions are rather clear? what do you need to know?20:09
Bribeshthanks for help20:10
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lordnazguntbert: what directory to put the install directory20:15
lordnazi want it intalled for all users20:15
lordnazi dont want it in my home directory20:15
OerHekslordnaz, /opt/ would be a good place20:18
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guntbertlordnaz: the usual way is to unpack it in your home directory - have a look into bin/rubymine.sh to see where it will be installed by default - you can delete the unpacked directory structure afterwards - I sometimes install things under /opt - but that depends on the style of the installer20:19
lordnazahhh thanks for the advice20:23
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guntbert!nickspam > zz_ymasory20:25
ubottuzz_ymasory, please see my private message20:25
fleckikann mir mal einer eine doofe frage beantworten20:27
guntbert!de | flecki20:28
ubottuflecki: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:28
fleckiwas ist ein eHD20:28
SysE8-after upgrade from 10.04 to 12.1020:29
SysE8-i can't open termnal from gnome20:29
SysE8-http://i.imgur.com/FUgKu.png <<20:30
guntbert!enter | SysE8-20:30
ubottuSysE8-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:30
vjoehey guys20:31
vjoeim installing ubuntu but I get an error: Error removing initramfs-tools | subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 120:32
vjoewhat is wrong?!20:32
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_imbahola… i am looking for a good guide for ubuntu customisation kit… any leads anyone?20:41
\Pi need help with > http://ix.io/3KA20:41
guntbertwhere is the "ubuntu installation guide" for 12.10? (for 12.04 it is https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/ )20:42
tozenguntbert: all the same20:43
gubuntuis there any directory on ubuntu refer to /System/Library/Extensions  ?20:43
khelvanHello, I'm trying to tweak Ubuntu for use with my SSD. I am trying to understand the scheduler, and using: cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler - my results: noop [deadline] cfq - Does the [] mean I am using noop and cfq but not deadline?20:44
DJonesguntbert: Is this what you're looking for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation20:44
ubottupasticceria: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:46
guntbertDJones: not quite - that points to the 12.04 guide in the first paragraph :)20:46
CisceI have a general question.20:46
DJonesguntbert: Strange, I'm surprised its not been updated20:47
CisceIf I plugged in my HDD while using a live dvd, could I destroy the HDD?20:47
Ciscelive usb*20:47
guntbertDJones: care to join me in #ubuntu-discuss for a moment?20:48
tozenCisce: but dont just unplug it, use umount20:48
\Pi need help with > http://ix.io/3KA20:49
tozen\P sudo?20:50
\Pas root20:51
\PI was root when i ran the command20:51
Ciscewhen plugging it in20:52
\Pany idea, why its failing, cause im not sure, and its annoying20:52
CisceI get 'Failed tu mount 452GB Filesystem' Daemon is inhibited20:52
stevenis that the only output \P20:52
\Pyes steven20:52
CisceI'm good now.20:53
\Pactually i did "make install" and thats what it did steven / tozen20:53
hangdeadmanWhen I try to move files in nautilus on ubuntu 12.04, nautilus freezes for a few minutes at a time, and when opening my music folder nautilus crashes every time, what do i do?20:53
warpihello.. i run the command "sudo dd count=100 bs=1M if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda" and now my harddrive is not working. do anyone know how to recover my files?20:54
stevenbut configure and make did work=20:54
stevenbut configure and make did work? \P20:54
hangdeadmanCan I replace nautilus with another file manager such as dolphin or nemo? if so how?20:54
\Plet me double check20:54
tozen\P: better is to use checkinstall then make install20:56
llutzwarpi: get them back from backup20:56
tozenhangdeadman: Im using Gnome Commander20:57
warpillutz: what backup?20:57
khelvanIs anyone here familiar with scheduler? I don't even understand the basics of knowing what is and is not in use.20:57
steventozen, let \P do it the oldschool way :P20:59
stevenanyway \P did configure and make work?20:59
TheBossMansteven "make" >http://ix.io/3KC20:59
hangdeadmantozen: how do i switch to a new file manager while still using unity?20:59
TheBossManit says ./configure not found...20:59
=== TheBossMan is now known as _anARCHist_
tozensteven: could be problems trying to uninstall :)21:00
_anARCHist_tozen steven <<\p21:00
tozenhangdeadman: just add icon to the launcher21:00
cmellis anyone successfully using an Asix ax88178 usb-ethernet?21:01
_anARCHist_so what am i doing wrong, i pinged out.21:01
_anARCHist_im \P21:02
tozen_anARCHist_: u r tomuch tolkative :D21:02
stevenit looks like the sources are buggy anyway, just try to get the latest ones using svn/git21:03
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_anARCHist_im not sure how to install with that21:03
_anARCHist_sucks cause i need aircrack-ng for wifite21:04
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periHi. Hope someone can help. I have many files with a little padlock icon on them. I check the permissions and I am not the owner. I fire up nautilus and try to change the permissions for the folder but it says I can't as I am not the owner. I then try command line sudo chown -R $USERNAME: <directory> but not luck. Any suggestions? Most obliged.21:06
ThinkT510!permissions |  peri21:07
ubottuperi: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:07
NoorideeNAEwhats the latest verion of ubuntu, is it 12.10?21:07
ThinkT510NoorideeNAE: yes21:07
periFAB. Thanks heaps. I think that was hte page I was not finding with professor google.21:07
NoorideeNAEThinkT510: thank you.21:08
filmmakerhello everyone..is there any software to convert png sequence to toc file21:08
cmellis anyone successfully using an Asix ax88178 usb-ethernet?21:09
ThinkT510cmell: usb ethernet? do you mean usb wifi?21:10
cmell<ThinkT510> no it's wired ethernet21:10
ThinkT510cmell: via usb?21:10
ThinkT510cmell: why don't you have a ethernet port?21:11
cmellbecause the slot the ethernet card went into, broke a connector21:11
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petersaintswhich is you KDE/Qt torrent client of choice? KTorrent? qBittorrent? Transmission Qt?21:12
hangdeadmanHow do i rearranger icons on unity launcher?21:12
guntbert!best | petersaints21:13
ubottupetersaints: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:13
cmell<ThinkT510> the ax88178 driver loads, and the device appears to function, but the only way it receives anything is if I physically unplug it from the usb port then reconnect it21:13
ThinkT510hangdeadman: drag them21:15
gfgivgIm trying to boot live cd and usb from shutdown but it stops at ISO 4.02 part. Any ideas ?21:15
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gfgivg *ISOLINUX 4.0221:17
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juliohmGood night, how to get the GCC trunk on Ubuntu 11.10?21:19
juliohmI tried adding a ppa as explained in some forums, but didn't worked since GCC-4.7 is not listened by APT21:19
ThinkT510juliohm: ppas are unsupported21:20
hangdeadmanThinkT510: doesn't move21:21
juliohmThinkT510, in what sense?21:21
juliohmPPA's are maintained by 3rd-party people, i know.21:21
ThinkT510juliohm: in the sense that we can't support them here21:21
juliohmOh, understand, it's off-topic?21:21
bekksThinkT510: He just wants support on how to add one :)21:21
bekksjuliohm: So which article did you follow?21:21
juliohmbekks, i know how to add one.21:21
juliohmlet me show you...21:22
bekksjuliohm: You just said it didnt work?21:22
juliohmbekks, http://askubuntu.com/questions/113291/how-do-i-install-gcc-4-721:22
juliohmThe ppa is sucessfully added, but gcc-4.7 is not available to download.21:23
bekksjuliohm: Did you possibly forget to run sudo apt-get update?21:23
KingSteve032So i'm trying to bridge a remote server with one physical connection. How would one do that without killing the only way to get to the server?21:24
juliohmbekks, no, i did it.21:24
juliohmand i did it twice to be sure.21:24
juliohmHow can i check if a PPA contains the packages it says?21:25
epzthi all, got a problem with wifi on dell 1501 laptop: enable to enable de green led wifi with fn+F221:25
guntbertjuliohm: easiest in synaptic - you can list software by sources there21:26
epztunable to ..21:26
juliohmguntbert, but that way i can use the command line to do the same, simply write gcc and press TAB21:27
juliohmto see if the packages are seen by APT database21:27
juliohmI wondering if there is a way to be sure the ppa is up to date with the packages supposed to be there21:28
juliohmMaybe i'm already doing this21:28
juliohmThere is no way to navigate through files in a ppa repo?21:28
juliohmA simple read-only view of the repo.21:29
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ThinkT510juliohm: any reason you are sticking with 11.10?21:30
juliohmThinkT510, mostly because i have a lot of softwares compiled by hand here. :(21:32
juliohmIt'll be a pain to recompile everything, i'll wait the work to finish to upgrade my distro.21:33
ThinkT510juliohm: 4 more months and 11.10 is eol21:33
juliohmNo problem, i think at the beginning of 2013 i'll be able to upgrade. ;)21:34
ThinkT510juliohm: so a couple of days then? :)21:34
Dessimat0rhey, is it possible to access the boot menu on the Ubuntu 12.10 install DVD so I can use boottoram?21:36
ThinkT510juliohm: what have you been compiling?21:36
Dessimat0rF6 doesn't seem to work21:36
juliohmThinkT510, yeah, we're close 2013, that's great.21:36
juliohmThinkT510, C++ softwares from very different fields.21:37
ThinkT510juliohm: i assume they aren't available in the repos then?21:37
ThinkT510juliohm: if you've coompiled quite a bit then why are you only now trying to get gcc4.7?21:39
juliohmThinkT510, GCC-4.7 is for my own projects, i want to extensively use the new standards, and some of the features are not available in GCC 4.6 yet.21:41
lvlephSometimes XBMC says that I don't have hardware accelerated openGL, to fix the issue I restart. What is the deal?21:42
mclovinjoin #bodhilinux21:48
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Snake2kHey can anyone help me with something?21:48
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Snake2kI just opened up my laptop and started up Ubuntu 12.10 and my wall paper is gone even the files from my "Home" folder21:48
ThinkT510Snake2k: depends what it is21:48
MonkeyDustjuliohm  guess you want this http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/y-ppa-manager-0092-released-with-new.html21:48
Snake2kAll the applications installed like eclipse etc but Nothing in Home :/21:49
juliohmThanks MonkeyDust21:50
Snake2kI just opened up Eclipse and all the pydev configurations are gone too :/21:51
ThinkT510Snake2k: you sure you haven't just logged in as a different user?21:52
Snake2kYes im pretty sure.. I have only one user..21:53
MonkeyDustSnake2k  make sure you didnt login as guest21:53
NoorideeNAif i am trying to install ubuntu in a Vbox what installation type shall i use, erase disk and install ubuntu or something else?21:53
Snake2kMonkeyDust: I opened up the terminal it says my user's name21:53
MonkeyDustNoorideeNA  erase disk is the most common choice21:53
truefaithNoorideeNA: erase disk21:53
NoorideeNAthank you21:54
mario_hello all21:54
juliohmIs that true that Ubuntu is more up to date than Debian testing?21:54
juliohmI'm considering move to a rolling release debian-based distro21:54
gringo_hi mario_21:54
mario_Who Ubuntu use you ?21:55
Snake2kMonkeyDust: ThinkT510: I opened up the terminal it says my user's name21:55
gringo_LTS 12.0421:56
mario_when will release new ubuntu version, can i update my ubuntu with newest version without formatting my hard drive ?21:56
gringo_of course mario_21:57
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:57
ThinkT510mario_: releases are every 6 months21:57
gringo_the next is already available: ubuntu 12.1021:57
mario_i have newest ubuntu at the moment21:57
truefaithI still use 4.0421:57
juliohmtruefaith, seriously?21:57
gringo_seriously truefaith?21:57
mario_school's have edubuntu 7.0421:58
gringo_do not worry mario_, your update manager will do all the work, just use21:58
sasawho am i21:58
ThinkT510sasa: some random irc user21:58
Snake2kAnyone got a solution to my problem? or can someone tell me why something so evil could happen? lol21:59
mario_ThinkT510 haha, you're troll king!21:59
truefaithubuntu 7 was the shit at it's time22:00
DJonestruefaith: Don't troll22:00
ThinkT510Snake2k: do you have more than one ubuntu install? if so maybe you booted the wrong one22:00
truefaithDJones: ok :(22:00
Snake2k@ThinkT510: Nope just Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.1022:01
mario_when more i user Ubuntu, so more i love it :)22:01
mario_sorry for my bad english :(22:01
Snake2k@ThinkT510: I restarted a few times too didn't help :/22:01
truefaithI used to pay for microsoft products, but then I saw an ubuntu ad on tv, long live ubuntu!22:02
gringo_no worry mario_ ^^22:02
mario_is there good antivirus & firewall protection for ubuntu users like's me ?22:02
Kion1I has been more than 5 years for me that I work 100% under open source22:02
ThinkT510!av | mario_22:03
ubottumario_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus22:03
truefaithmario_ of course, ubuntu users like you should have the best antivirus22:03
gringo_the most wide spread virus is Windows ^^22:03
Kion1mario_: I think it is clamav, but really if using linux you dont need an AV, for the firewall get a terminal and type22:03
Kion1Sudo ufw enable22:03
mario_!av | mario_22:04
ubottumario_, please see my private message22:04
NoorideeNAi cant use .exe files on ubuntu right? :D22:04
Kion1mario_: that's all, the linux kernel comes with a great firewall. If you are more into opening ports and all that, read the internet on iptables22:04
truefaithNoorideeNA, of course, Ubuntu is Windows branch.22:04
ThinkT510NoorideeNA: not directly22:04
gringo_unless you have Wine NoorideeNA22:04
mario_NoorideeNA you can't22:04
truefaithNoorideeNA: there's also Wine22:04
NoorideeNAwhats wine?22:05
ThinkT510!wine | NoorideeNA22:05
ubottuNoorideeNA: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:05
mario_ubottu is bot ?22:05
ubottumario_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:05
ThinkT510NoorideeNA: better to find a native alternative though22:05
NoorideeNAThinkT510: thank you!22:06
truefaithubottu: can you make me a sandwich?22:06
ubottutruefaith: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:06
truefaithwell thanks anyway, ubottu22:06
tozenmario_ vs ubottu :D22:06
mario_is theres developers ?22:06
gringo_I wonder that Gubuntu become an official distro22:07
truefaithgubuntu is a distribution?22:07
gringo_not an official22:08
truefaithGubuntu.. ubuntu + gnome.. mkay22:08
mario_ubottu who are official ubuntu distributions22:08
ubottumario_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:08
gringo_you are ubottu22:09
truefaithubottu: how much do you lift m8?22:09
ubottutruefaith: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
truefaithubottu: that's nice, I lift 180 pounds bro22:09
ubottutruefaith: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
ThinkT510mario_: ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, edubuntu and ubuntu studio22:10
mario_xubuntu = xfce + ubuntu22:10
gringo_and Dream Studio, or a thing like this, no?22:10
mario_but what's lubuntu ?22:10
gringo_ubuntu with the LXDE desktop22:10
ThinkT510mario_: ubuntu with lxde22:10
mario_thanks on anwsers22:11
mario_and help22:11
gringo_LXDE is a fast and lightweight desktop22:11
mario_who's best ubuntu distrubition for home use and developement22:11
gringo_and Wubuntu? Windows + Ubuntu ^^22:12
ThinkT510mario_: whichever one suits your needs22:12
NoorideeNAthere is Wubuntu?!22:12
gringo_ubuntu mario_22:12
ThinkT510NoorideeNA: no22:12
mario_thanks for help22:12
NoorideeNAgod damn it! :P22:12
mario_i'm realy new ubuntu user22:12
IridiumFlareDon't forget Microsoft's soon-to-be-released distro, $$$Buntu22:12
gringo_no its a joke NoorideeNA ^^22:12
NoorideeNA<<< noob22:13
FlannelNoorideeNA: Please mind the language, thanks.22:13
_anARCHist_irmon-ng  start wlan1 622:14
mario_is apache2 use very ram memory ?22:14
_anARCHist_wlan1Ralink 2573 USBrt73usb - [phy2]/usr/local/sbin/airmon-ng: line 338: /sys/class/ieee80211/phy2/add_iface: No such file or directory22:14
mario_can it slow my pc if it isn't stopped when i doing other operations with my pc ?22:14
_anARCHist_mario_ depends on the processes that its handleing.22:15
=== NoorideeNA is now known as NoorideeNAE
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IridiumFlareDepends on how capable your computer is !22:16
_anARCHist_true ^22:16
mario_ok, ok22:16
_anARCHist_its recomended to have a dedicated machine to run as a server22:16
mario_i understand22:16
mario_for localy test some php script to rent dedicated server ?22:17
fk6hey...do we have an expert for ssd trim and encrypted root here?22:19
fk6or anyone know whether there is a known issue with trim support with encrypted LVMs with 12.10? yes I have enabled trim support at all the relevant places(I think:) )22:20
mario_!av | mario_22:21
ubottumario_, please see my private message22:21
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mario_!linux | mario_22:21
ubottumario_, please see my private message22:21
CornwallisQuestion that I think is a Ubuntu only issue. When I'm using my Firefox, it seems that it will sometimes randomly copy and paste random text from another page. Any idea why this would be?22:22
mario_!kernel | mario_22:22
ubottumario_, please see my private message22:22
guntbert!askthebot > mario_22:23
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
petskullHelp! I ran "sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio" like a dumbass22:25
petskulland then I installed it, but still no sound22:25
petskullI don't know what to do now22:26
elena-IKawn is no longer in the repos. is there a dock with similar features? especially notification area / indicator applet and cpu and bandwidth monitors.22:26
petskullelena-IK, docky22:26
Dr_willisYou can add the awn ppa to get awn if you wanted it.22:28
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.22:29
petskullelena-IK, https://launchpad.net/~awn-core/+archive/ppa22:29
petskullDr_willis, can you help me with my sound?22:29
Dr_willispetskull,  doubtfull. i rarely work with sound issues. i rarely have sound issues.22:30
petskullI'm thinking something like "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils start"22:30
petskullbut no dice22:30
petskullah, ok22:30
elena-IKpetskull: am I mistaken or does docky have neither a bandwidth monitor nor a notification area? @awn repos: yes, I know. but that builds are from 2010, probably no long term solution.22:30
Dr_willispetskull,  anytime ive seen someone remove puse audio, it was a bad idea...22:30
Dr_willispetskull,  reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package and see if it will reinstall the stuff you need.,22:30
Ben64Dr_willis, petskull: removing pulseaudio is fine, purging is not.22:31
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petskullBen64, well, I apt-get install'ed22:31
petskullbut no dice22:31
Ben64but yeah, i would say to try to install ubuntu-desktop22:31
petskullelena-IK, I don't knw- it has a bunch of applets, don't really use them22:32
DeliriumTremensI have a user setup to get rbash access, whenever he logs in via ssh it shows his username as "libuuid" can anyone explain why this happens?22:32
petskullyeah.. you're gonna hate me for this... I'm on Moint22:32
GraemeLionThere is a mint channel.22:32
petskullnobody there22:33
GraemeLionMint forums?22:33
Ben64then you should install ubuntu22:33
Dr_willispetskull,  mints main channel is on a differnt irc server.22:33
mario_can i create my own irc server with nickserv chanserv ?22:33
petskullheh- thought you guys would get iffy about it22:33
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:33
GraemeLionpetskull: Religious wars are old-hat for too many linux users. Use what makes you happy ;)22:34
GraemeLionBut don't expect support when people can't offer it :)22:34
petskullheh- I know22:34
petskulljust wondering if there was a common fix22:34
Ben64happens all the time "I got mint but theres no help for it, so i came here"22:34
petskullthis is really a pulseaudio issue, not a Mint/Ubuntu issue22:34
petskullbut I knew you guys would shut down when I said Mint22:35
DeliriumTremensturns out i'm an idiot22:35
DeliriumTremens(conflicting UID)22:35
* DeliriumTremens jetpack22:35
mario_can i create my own irc server with nickserv and chanserv bots ?22:36
Ben64that doesn't seem like an ubuntu support question. you might want to try google22:36
petskullalright- lemme see if a reboot magically fixes stuff22:36
* petskull crosses fingers22:36
linuxuz3rhow do i make the second display to only show in workspace 1 of my gnome shell?22:36
Dr_willismario_,  you could if you find the right software/bots/tools.22:39
mario_I do not want to create irc server, i ask only if it's possible in home conditions22:40
* DeliriumTremens shuts jetpack off22:41
DeliriumTremenshow can I give a user access to /only/ his home directory, but allow him to add/del/edit whatever he wants in there?22:41
GraemeLionDeliriumTremens: He should have that.22:41
DeliriumTremensrbash keeps him in his home dir, but he cant do anything with it22:41
DeliriumTremensbut if i just have bash, and default settings, he can navigate wherever he wants22:42
DeliriumTremenshe isnt a sudoer, so he cant do to much damage, but i dont want him to be able to just look around wherever he wants22:43
GraemeLionDeliriumTremens: So you don't trust him?22:44
DeliriumTremenshah, i trust him22:44
DeliriumTremensjust figured it was more secure if he didnt have the option22:44
mario_good bye my friends :)22:45
mario_i will go offline22:45
DeliriumTremensi guess i can just give him rbash22:45
NoorideeNAEgoodbye mario_ :)22:45
DeliriumTremenshe can still fire up screen and irssi and change setttings in irssi22:45
GraemeLionDeliriumTremens: Reason I ask is, most sane linux distros do have -r set where it needs to be22:45
DeliriumTremensjust default ubuntu server22:46
GraemeLionShould be fine, then22:46
DeliriumTremensright on22:46
DeliriumTremensjust making sure22:46
GraemeLionWatch your permissions on other things22:46
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wlosioHaaay! Exist actual ( maybe) working QQ pinguin version?22:56
wlosioof QQ T.T22:56
cypher_I'm trying to find my xchat directiory i think it's hidden in my home folder.  How do I unhide it ?22:57
kvothetechcypher_: remove the . in front of it...or ls -a22:58
Dr_willisfile manager - ctrl-h i think shows the . files23:00
cypher_the .  ?  i can't see the folder23:00
cypher_got it in term23:01
Dr_willisfiles and dirs that begin with a .    are hidden..23:01
Dr_willis.config .whatever  .stuff  .traash   and so on23:01
cypher_so to unhide them how to I remove the .  ?23:01
GraemeLionYou would have to mv the directories23:02
FrogZillaWhat program can I use to copy my entire hd contents to my new 240g SSD?23:02
Dr_willisif you UNHIDE them by renameing them.. then xchat wont be using it. ;)23:02
GraemeLionWell, yes :D23:03
FrogZillaIt has windows 7 on it as well23:03
Dr_willisIf you need to access it via the file manager.. use the file managers feature to 'show hidden files'23:03
Hwkilleryou can always unhide them through renaming it, then create a symlink to that folder that is hidden23:03
Dr_willisbest to learn to use the file manager.. ;)23:03
Hwkilleri'm jumping in at a weird time though, so I don't know what you actually want to do :p23:03
cypher_haha why didn't i think of that23:03
Dr_willisctrl-h to toggle hidden..is not that complex a idea23:03
bekksHwkiller: Why not creating a symlink to the hidden folder...?23:03
Dr_willisI think its ctrl-h ;P23:03
Hwkillerbekks: because that makes too much sense and I've had too much to drink23:04
* cypher_ smacks self with a big large trout 23:04
Hwkillergo with what bekks said23:04
bekksHwkiller: Ah, ok. :P23:04
bekksPress ctrl+h23:04
cypher_thanks a ton dunno why i didn't know that brb gotta see if i fixed this crap23:05
kvothetechDr_willis: what's wrong with ls?23:08
Dr_williskvothetech,  huh?23:09
acetaminophenhi all23:11
NoorideeNAEhi acetaminophen!23:11
uKevIm familiar with normal patches, but how can I apply a debian/ubuntu patch for a ubuntu package and build the package to a binary .deb file?23:16
uKevI used apt-get source packagename to get the source23:16
uKevand I read the wiki pages about packages and the built system23:16
=== Quartz is now known as Guest8662
uKevbut I really didn't get the point how I would build that package with the patch23:17
elkingreyQuick question, I'm trying to remote access my sister's computer, and I've found directions online for ubuntu that says she need to open up system, then preferences, but she can't find that. Any idea where she needs to go to open up remote desktop preferences? I use fedora and can't navigate around ubuntu in my head.23:18
Dr_williselkingrey,  trying to remote desktop over the internet? or local lan?23:18
Dr_willisis she behind a router? she may need to enable port forwaerding23:20
Dr_willisand its not very secure i belive23:20
elkingreyisn't the problem23:20
elkingreyThe problem is she doesn't know how to navigate her computer worth beans23:20
elkingreyShe needs to open up system, and preferences, and she doesn't know how to.23:20
elkingreyCan you link me to where Ubuntu lets people test ubuntu on the internet23:21
Dr_williscant say ive ever seen a test ubuntu site.23:21
Dr_willisTop right corner is the system menus in Unity - for most things.23:21
Dr_willisand theres the official ubuntu manual23:21
elkingreyyeah, it's on ubuntu.com they let you play around with it23:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:22
GraemeLionIt's not necessarily a test ubuntu.  It's more or less a tour of the desktop23:22
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gotoguyelkingrey, I use realvnc, which works between distros, if you can ssh into her machine you can set it all up yourself!23:26
Guest6712gotoguy: Hello23:27
gotoguyHi, Guest23:27
gotoguyopps my num lock was off, Hi Guest671223:27
Guest6712gotoguy: may i ask you some question23:28
gotoguygo for it23:28
Guest6712gotoguy: Are you a old player of irc?23:29
gotoguyno not really, I did use it years ago, then quit for a while.23:30
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litropyHi, all. While my Ubuntu box is acting as the gateway for my Internet and I'm downloading a large file, I don't see the CPU effected by this, and I don't see my HD load jumping, either. Is the internal USB hub and the Ethernet chip just forwarding everything straight through?23:30
Guest6712actually i am new guys, and i need a help, can you help me?23:31
icerootlitropy: top should show io-wait for this task (%wa)23:31
icerootlitropy: but if your internet-speed is to low (< 50mbit/s you would see it in top)23:31
vbgunzis there a way to stop during boot at the minimum number of services and end up at just a terminal?23:32
litropyiceroot, I've got htop running ... what should I sort by?23:32
freakyneohello guys23:32
freakyneoany 1 from da middle east?23:33
gotoguyGuest6712, whats the question?23:33
vbgunzfrom there, I'd like to be able to say startx or service lightdm start23:33
vbgunzI held down shift during boot and I still ended up at lightdm23:33
Guest6712can you chat privately?23:33
Guest6712query vbgunz HI23:34
Atlantic777vbgunz: hold shift should just let you in the GRUB23:34
Guest6712can you tell me how?23:34
vbgunzI'm just trying to avoid loading any desktops23:34
Atlantic777Guest6712: for private chat just enter followin: /query [nick_name]23:34
vbgunzholding shift still brought me to lightdm23:34
Atlantic777vbgunz: and that's completely fine for holding shift. Do you have any other problems to solve? You can enter into root shell from GRUB (recovery mode) and fix thing up from there.23:35
gotoguyGuest6712, you should of had a window pop up for you, depending on your irc client, can you see it?23:35
Guest6712what is that window pop up23:36
Dr_willis!text | vbgunz23:36
ubottuvbgunz: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:36
Dr_willisshift should show you the Grub menu - IF its hidden.23:37
vbgunzI'm going to try again23:37
Guest6712sorry, but i am totally new, i knew about weechat just an hour ago?23:37
Dr_willisedit the /etc/defaults/grub if you want the text mode the default23:37
Guest6712so i don't know much more about weechat23:37
Dr_willisand unhide grub. ;) so no need for shifting.23:37
Guest6712please do not irritate just teach me.23:37
gotoguysorry, never heard of weechat.23:38
Dr_willisweechat is a cli/text based irc client.23:38
elkingreygotoguy, are you telling me her remote desktop viewer that comes standard with ubuntu doesn't allow for cross distro connections?23:38
Dr_willis if someone msg's you - weechat opens a new window in its window lists.. use the alt-# keys to go to differnt windows23:38
Atlantic777where # refers to a number key :) ^23:39
gotoguyNo, Im just saying that the one I know and use is realvnc, which works nicely.23:39
Dr_willisassuming the terminal emulator., or desktop is not grabbing the alt-#keys first23:40
gotoguyDr_willis, I did open the chat, but he didn't accept it yet.23:40
Dr_willisI dont se emuch point in dcc chatting these days.23:40
GorgonaitHi there-'s anynome that can help me with virtualbox in ubuntu 12.10?23:43
freakyneoheo guys23:44
freakyneoam back23:44
freakyneoany1 from da middle east ?23:45
GorgonaitI'm not ^^23:45
freakyneono worries23:45
Gorgonaithey, do you know something about virtualbox in ubuntu 12.10?23:46
bekks!ask | Gorgonait23:46
ubottuGorgonait: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:46
gotoguyelkingray, I don't know how to set up anothers machine if you don't yet have control of it without the other user having some knowledge, But if you can ssh into it then you can do it.23:46
mario_how i can delete chat history on XCHAT irc ?23:46
elkingreygotoguy: For some reason I was unable to connect, even though we got her remote desktop set up for it. I can ssh into her computer if I wanted to, I suppose, but I don't have a ton of command line experience to do much after that. Did somebody mention earlier that she may be firewalled?23:49
lupo_what is the italian channel for ubuntu???23:49
lupo_sry im a newbie on IRC23:49
Gorgonaitwell first of all i'm a begginer and don't write very good english but I tried. My problem is this when i try to install Virtual box "Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 3.5.0-21-generic cannot be found.23:49
GorgonaitPlease install the linux-headers-3.5.0-21-generic package,23:49
Gorgonaitor use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located"23:49
artichokuhello all23:50
artichokuanyone available for a little assistance with 12.10 and the b43 fwcutter driver?23:51
Gorgonaiti read that this is something about the drivers, i check on the software source about the drivers of my video cards but there any there23:51
bekksGorgonait: Did you install the package missing - for your kernel headers?23:54
Atlantic777lupo: it's #ubuntu-it23:54
lupoyhyh thx23:55
gotoguy<elkingrey>, you would have to open up port 22 and forward it to her machine, then you could do some port forwarding trickery using ssh to do anything.23:57
elkingreyThat's over my head. I've done it before where I opened up remote viewer for others to play around on my computer and I don't remember there being any problems. Oh well.23:59

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