
=== Neshemah is now known as Catbuntu
markitmmmm Marius80 never come back... maybe his installation of kde from lubuntu did not worked very well00:30
markitor so well that did not needed further help00:30
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markitMarius80: ehi!00:38
Marius80I got KDE4 to run now...  how did you guys upgrade to  KDE 4.10 by using the backports?00:38
markityou still alive?00:38
markiton 12.10 you mean?00:38
Marius80yes I am,  sorry had to restart and install gnome and kde ...00:38
Marius8012.10 is the number of  kubuntu00:38
Marius80I am talking about KDE 4.1000:38
markitfollow that instructions00:39
markit(I always do from shell, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta then apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade)00:39
Marius80thank you markit, sounds to be easy00:39
markitbe prepared to download a lot of packets again ;P00:39
Marius80and you are sure that this will not break anything?00:40
Marius80markit:  what is the main difference between KDE 4.9.3 and KDE 4.10 Beta 2  ?00:40
Marius80I still hope to get the bugs  in "krunner" and the "task manager" solved00:41
markitMarius80: you will got 4.9.90 that is the code name for 4.10beta2, it's the same00:41
Marius80can I upgrade to the next version of KDE after I have done the upgrade or will I mess up dependencies?00:42
Marius80for example when KDE 4.11 comes out00:43
markitonce 4.10 will be released, you'd better remove that beta repository00:47
Marius80and then it will install without any problems then?00:47
markityep, because of the version number00:47
markitthat's why is called 4.9.1000:47
markitso 4.10 is bigger and pushes it out00:48
Marius80cool :)))00:48
markitthen probably you will have to add ppa:kubuntu-ppa00:48
Marius80markit: sorry for bothering you,  1 more thing please00:48
markitor you already should00:48
markitI'm a debian guy, use kubuntu for LTSP and school and a netbook only00:48
Marius80ppa:kubuntu-ppa  by now?00:48
markityes, feel free to add right now00:48
markitwill not hurt, would install 4.9.4 but since you added the beta repo, it will not00:49
markitagain 4.9.90 is bigger than 4.9.4 now ;P00:49
Marius80what I really concern about:  will 4.9.90  resolv any bugs?  This would be the only reason for me to upgrade00:49
Marius80there are 2 really bad bugs I dislike00:50
markitwell, is still beta so could bring more bugs than it solves00:50
Marius80you use it right now, right?00:50
markitat the moment I'm on debian, and my netbook is in bedroom and wife is sleeping00:51
Marius80k I see00:51
Marius80so I will do the following now:00:51
Marius80sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta00:51
markitbut I've a live cd of 13.04 that has 4.10beta installed00:51
Marius80sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa00:51
Marius80(without beta)00:51
FloodBotK1Marius80: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
markityes Marius80, then sudo apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade00:51
Marius80where did you get the 13.04 from?!00:51
markitMarius80: never been on www.kubuntu.org? :) in any case I've got from a daily build, hold on00:52
markitlike http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/raring-desktop-i386.iso00:53
markit931 MBù00:53
Marius80cool :)00:53
Marius80I should have used this one :)00:53
markitif you are looking for stability, absolutely NO00:53
Marius80well,  dist-upgrade is running...00:56
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markitthen you can tell me if you see the same issue I'm facing00:57
markitwith plasmoid and transparency00:57
Marius80okay I will as soon as it has been installed00:59
Marius80btw. aptitude and apt-get are doing interesting stuff again01:00
markitlet's see01:09
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.01:09
markitMarius80: I usually use aptitude, but seems that the trend is to drop it01:10
markitMarius80: go ahead without fear01:10
markitjust aptitude was more capable to find obsolete packages01:10
markitbtw, 2.10 am here, going to sleep in a short period, I hope01:11
OerHeksIf you run kubuntu 32 bit you'll be fine with aptitude01:11
markitOerHeks: do you know why aptitude has not evolved? I do love it's "aptitude hold" feature01:11
markitanyone can tell me in this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpMoGu81EEI at 0.56 time, what sort of plasmoid is that on the upper right where he is dropping icons?01:13
OerHeksi hope they are working on it01:13
Marius80markit: sorry for my late response:  We live in the same time zone...01:17
Marius80markit: KDE 4 is not installed,  so I cannot tell you about the bug this moment01:17
markitMarius80: and maybe you are italian too? ;P01:17
Marius80sono austriaco :)01:18
markitoh, I'm near the border with Osterreich01:18
Marius80from where exactly?01:18
Marius80I've got family in italy01:19
markitit's a secret, I tell you in private chat :P01:19
* markit hates irc logs01:19
Marius80I should not have done that01:44
markithi Marius8001:44
Marius80did not solve anything,  only gave me a bundle of new problems01:44
Marius80how can I reproduce your problem?01:44
markitjust open a terminal full screen01:44
Marius80and then?01:45
markitthe open activities and see if background is transparent01:45
Marius80everything looks good here01:45
markitso you can't read properly the content, or just open the calendar at the right  botton01:45
Marius80can you give me the adress of your screenshot again?=01:45
Marius80no, everything looks great here01:46
markitok, I'm much happier01:46
Marius80do you need any screenshots as a proove?01:46
markitare you sure you are running kde 4.9.90?01:46
markitMarius80: I trust you :)01:46
Marius80Platform Version 4.9.9501:47
markitfine :)01:47
Marius80I can describe it:01:47
Marius80the calender is open at this moment01:47
markitmaybe is some old config of my user that created the mess, or the video driver01:47
Marius80I click on activities01:47
Marius80now the activities stuff is open,  and covers half of the calender01:47
Marius80the calender is half blurred in the back01:47
Marius80the rest is visible normally01:48
Marius80the window in the back is also blurred01:48
Marius80exactly how it has to be01:48
markitbut do you have a black background in teh activities?01:48
Marius80so your bug is not reproduceable01:48
Marius80no, it's "milky"01:48
markitand you installed from scratch, right?01:49
Marius80I installed "Lubuntu" from new (no upgrade;  it was a new installation)01:49
Marius80(kinda 4 hours ago)01:50
markitperfect, thanks01:50
markitsleep time!01:50
Marius80sleep fine :)01:50
markitbtw, what are your "bugs"?01:50
markitthat pushed you to try an upgrade?01:50
markit(if you can explain in short)01:50
Marius80the sort order of the windows01:50
Marius80in the task manager01:50
Marius80just for a moment:  Please don't type01:50
Marius80[ window 1]    [ window 3 ]01:51
Marius80[ window 2]01:51
Marius80you can type again :)01:51
Marius80that's how we would expect it, right?01:51
Marius80what happens is this:01:51
Marius80[ window 1]    [ window 2 ]01:51
Marius80[ window 3]01:51
Marius80so they change the place01:51
Marius80only when "force row settings" is checked01:52
Marius80and:  Krunner sometimes needs 2 or 3 times "ENTER" to run the command01:52
Marius80these are the most annoying bugs01:52
markitI see, I've task manager with just one row, and multiple programs just collapse01:54
markithttp://pengpod.com/ interesting !01:54
Marius80cool :)01:55
Marius80thx for the link!01:55
Marius80markit, I wish you a good night :)01:56
markitsee you :) I'm often in irc at night01:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:05
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CrellHi all.  I'm trying to kick off an update from 12.04 to 12.10.  I'm following the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades/Kubuntu, but it implies that Muon will notice immediately that I have a dist upgrade available.  Mine isn't (unsurprisingly).02:40
CrellHow do I tell ito to check immediately?02:40
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ronnocCrell: Hi. There's a setting in Muon that needs to be enabled to allow a notifiaction of a new distribution release. Make sure you have that turned on as it may not be by default.03:28
DarthFrogCrell:  Edit the file /etc/update-manager/release-updates and change "Prompt=lts' to "Prompt="normal" and try again.03:54
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CrellThanks, figured it out.  I did an aptitude update from the command line and muon noticed.04:20
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artichokuyou ppl never speak!04:55
bazhangartichoku, its a support channel04:56
bazhang#kubuntu-offtopic is the chat channel04:56
artichokuwell aware, was in here 2 days straight without support, fixed it myself05:01
DarthFrogartichoku: Good for you!  that's the best way.05:01
artichokulol@Darth it worked out05:01
artichokui broke it a bunch first05:02
DarthFrogTroubleshooting and fixing problems is *the* best way to lear.05:02
CrellAssuming you have time to do so...05:06
DarthFrogWhether you have time or not, it's still the best way.  It might not be your preferred way, of course. :-)05:13
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mdimhi folks05:49
mdimis http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/quantal/release/kubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent also a Live CD/DVD as well?05:49
gogahello great users....05:52
gogai have one  question... what do u think is possible to capture lid up event for laptop?05:52
gogawake up guys.... too long sleeping is not good for healthy....05:53
OerHeksmdim yes05:57
OerHeksgoga,  see the 2nd answer in > http://askubuntu.com/questions/187073/kubuntu-power-options-doesnt-feature-suspend-on-lid-close06:02
OerHeksgoga this wiki might be helpfull too >> http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_configure_acpid#Example:_go_to_sleep_on_lid_close06:05
OerHeksi never messed around with those actions06:06
Tm_Tmdim: yes live, and dvd by its size (:06:08
Tm_Tmdim: I believe nowadays we only have live images06:08
OerHeksindeed, only ubuntu server is not live06:09
mdimcan anyone confirm that the commit regarding the Canon EOS 650D camera at https://commit-digest.org/issues/2012-09-09/ is included in Kubuntu 12.10? It's libkdcraw06:12
Tm_Tmdim: if you have updated your KDE to recent releases, then most likely yes06:20
mdimI'll try out the Live version now. Do I just fire up apt-get update & upgrade, or do I need to use some ppa?06:22
Tm_TI'd say your best bet would be http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.9.406:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:30
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:08
Tm_Tsilly FloodBotK1, we're not in netsplit07:09
lumprichGood morning, how I can use the screen look on the netbook-view from kde 4.8.5? On the desktop-view from kde, the screen look work's fine. My OS on the netbook is Kubuntu 12.04.07:09
Tm_Tscreen look?07:11
lumprichTm_T, screen look -> netbook hibernate->netbook restart-> ask for the passwort  . Do you know what I mean? Sorry my english is not so good.07:16
Tm_Tlumprich: you mean sceen lock?07:17
lumprichTm_T, yes07:18
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Tm_Tlumprich: hmm, I don't actually know07:27
lumprichTm_T, no problem, thanks for your help07:28
Tm_Tlumprich: you might like to try asking in #kde too07:34
lumprichTm_T,  I do it.07:36
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lucain need help with some updates08:19
lucasomeone can help me08:19
lucathere is some here? i'm sorry but it's my first time08:22
Tm_Tluca: hi, it's best just to ask your actual question and wait patiently someone to answer if possible08:23
lucaah ok sorry08:23
lucasystem gave this errors: Impossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_quantal_InRelease Impossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal-security_Release.gpg Impossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal_Release.gpg Impossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/it.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal08:24
luca-updates_Release.gpg Impossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/it.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal-backports_Release.gpg08:24
Tm_Tluca: reinstall ubuntu-keyring and see if the problem continues08:26
lucahow can i do that? sorry i'm really bad linux user08:27
Tm_Tluca: about signature of medibuntu, you have to check what medibuntu's documentation say about retrieving their sigs08:27
Tm_Tluca: in terminal "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-keyring"08:27
lucai'm going to try thank you very much08:28
lucanow  it gaves this errors : mpossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_quantal_InRelease08:30
lucaImpossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal_Release.gpg08:30
Tm_Tluca: for latter error, install ubuntu-extras-keyring08:31
Peace-luca: what did you do before ?08:31
Peace-just i am corious08:31
lucanothing of special i think08:32
Peace-of course hehheeheh08:32
lucait says that ubuntu-extras-keyring is already installed08:33
Peace-sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-extras-keyring08:33
Tm_Tsomehow those keys has gone missing08:33
lucanow this one: Impossibile scaricare gpgv:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_quantal_InRelease08:34
Peace-luca: so you need to do the same thing for medibuntu repository08:35
Peace-luca: e cmq non credo che tu non abbia fatto nulla :)08:35
lucabut if i do sudo apt-get install update from terminal the errors is:08:36
lucaW: Si è verificato un errore nel verificare la firma. Il repository non è aggiornato e verranno usati i file indice precedenti. Errore GPG: http://packages.medibuntu.org quantal InRelease: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278308:36
lucaW: Errore GPG: http://plex.r.worldssl.net lucid InRelease: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 43525C28E533491A08:36
lucaW: Errore GPG: http://ppa.launchpad.net quantal Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 0BB4C0D56AE1EE0F08:36
lucaW: Impossibile recuperare http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/quantal/InRelease08:36
lucaW: Impossibile scaricare alcuni file di indice: saranno ignorati o verranno usati quelli vecchi.08:36
FloodBotK1luca: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:36
Peace-luca: mm well you have lucid repository activated08:36
lucaniente di intenzionale peace :)08:36
Peace-luca: ok english cuz this channel is only english08:37
lucaah ok sorry08:37
lucanothing of intentional08:37
Peace-i written in italian for first so it's not your fault08:37
Peace-luca: basically you have a mess in your repository files08:39
lucaso now what can i do?08:40
Peace-luca: just fix the repo file08:40
lucant so easy for me :)08:41
lucawhat i have to write in terminal?08:41
Peace-luca: it's 12.10 or not ?08:41
lucayes it i08:41
mariana_hay luca08:42
Peace-luca: kdesudo kate   /etc/apt/sources.list08:42
Peace-luca: maybe before that mv /etc/apt/sources.list /tmp/oldsources.list08:45
Peace-luca: then kdesudo etc...08:45
Peace-luca: and replace all the stuff with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1469255/08:45
lucait's late08:45
lucai've done the first08:45
Peace-no problem08:46
lucanow it has opened kate also08:46
Peace-well it's a text editor ...08:46
lucabut the terimnal is clocke i think08:47
Peace-luca: you need to use kate ....08:47
lucaah ok :)08:47
lucaand what i have to edit in kate08:47
Peace-[09:45] <Peace-> luca: and replace all the stuff with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1469255/08:48
Peace-luca: devi solo togliere tutto e metterci quello che ho linkato io08:49
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:50
lucapoi salvo e chiudo?08:51
lucathan i have to save the file in kate right08:51
Peace-luca: yes08:52
lucai don't have to copiy also the number in ur link ?08:54
Peace-luca: click on download as text , no numbers ...08:55
Peace-luca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1469255/plain/08:55
Peace-luca: take this if you can 't http://wklej.org/id/907039/txt/08:57
lucasame error09:00
Peace-luca: wait09:00
Peace-luca: sudo rm  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list09:00
lucadone and : W: Errore GPG: http://ppa.launchpad.net quantal Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 0BB4C0D56AE1EE0F09:01
lucaW: Errore GPG: http://plex.r.worldssl.net lucid InRelease: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 43525C28E533491A09:01
Peace-luca: you have a external repository activated09:02
Peace-taht is for lucid09:02
Peace-luca: kdesudo software-properties-kde09:02
lucabut i thnk that medibuntu is working09:03
lucathere isn't for kubuntu09:03
Peace-luca: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/12/27/plasma-desktopGB7125.png go here and disable all of them09:04
Peace-luca: btw there is an italian channel for kubuntu that is #ubuntu-it09:05
lucai disabled the on for plex09:07
lucabut i think that i've lost the repository of others program right09:07
lucalike xbmc09:07
Peace-luca: well you will add them again09:07
Peace-luca: you have upgraded so those external repository  were the problem09:08
Peace-you shoudl always remove external ppa repository before an upgrade09:09
Peace-this is how it works09:09
Peace-remove external repository => then you do an upgrade09:09
lucai've done it before09:10
Peace-so somehow they was activated by themself ?09:10
lucabut from terminal: W: Errore GPG: http://ppa.launchpad.net quantal Release: Le seguenti firme non sono state verificate perché la chiave pubblica non è disponibile: NO_PUBKEY 0BB4C0D56AE1EE0F09:10
Peace-luca: remove that ppa too09:10
Peace-luca: i have said bofore DISABLE ALLL OF THME09:11
Peace-luca: then add again medibuntu09:11
Peace-luca: http://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php09:12
Peace-luca: after that you need to add manually other external repostory09:12
Peace-but they are unsupported in this channel09:12
lucaals the official one09:12
Peace-just the official one are supported09:13
lucaah ok09:14
Peace-luca: have you some other problems ?09:15
Peace-cuz i have to go09:15
lucano thank u very much09:15
lucahave a nice day09:15
Peace-luca: btw join in #ubuntu-it-chat or #ubuntu-it09:16
Peace-luca: it's in your language it's easier09:16
Peace-bye guys09:16
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:31
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luis_hey you all, whats up? kubuntu rules! :)10:10
markithi, anyone with 12.10 and KDE 4.10rc, and having such a behaviour (plasmoid transparency) http://imagebin.org/240703 ?11:29
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markitsolved, I've been told to remove kde svn cache rm /var/tmp/kdecache-username/plasma*11:51
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yogahi, I just download the kubuntu desktop 64bit iso and then boot it to install on my computer which already have Windows8 installed, but the installer just show me the entire drive /dev/sda as free space, I suppose to see the Windows 8 partition, and some free space.  Any idea?12:36
yogafdisk /dev/sda prints the Windows 8 partition.12:39
yogaThe installer just don't show the Windows 8 partitions. And it show the entire drive size as free!12:40
DarthFrogGo ahead and install.  You don't need Windows 8 anyway.12:43
ikoniaDarthFrog: he can have windows if he wants windows, don't tell people to delete it - you don't know what they need/want12:45
ikoniaplease don't make that sort of bad comment12:45
yogaThe Windows 8 is for my mother in law.12:45
Kottizenyoga: Can you please try to remove the DVD/USB, reboot to make sure Windows is there and then try to boot Kubuntu and launch the installer again?12:46
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yogaKottizen: Ok, Windows is still there.  and fdisk shows the partitions both /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2. again the installer just shows the entire disk as free.12:50
yogaI don't see /dev/sda1 dev/sda2  from the installer at all.12:51
monkeyjuicehave not seen a good guide on dualbooting with win8 yet12:54
* markit suggests to disable "secure boot" from the bios12:56
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Kottizenyoga: What if you choose to manually partition your drive?13:04
Kottizenyoga: (In the installation program)13:05
yogaKottizen: That's infect what I did, choose manual, and again it just show me the /dev/sda and the free space only.13:06
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markityoga: have you disabled the "secure boot" from bios?13:16
yogamarkit: I don't find the 'secure boot' form my bios!13:17
markityoga: return back the pc then13:17
markitand complain a lot13:17
markitit's not a PC anymore, is a special device to run only special sofware, is not what you intended to buy13:17
markityoga: brand / model?13:18
yogaasus k5313:20
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BluesKajHey all15:07
systemclientFor my personal desktop system, does it make sense to stay on 12.04? I mean I'd like to have the newer versions of everything. Is there anything that should I consider before leaving LTS?15:18
markitsystemclient: if you want newer version of everything, you must leave 12.04, no choice15:36
markitfor home desktop usage, lts is not that important15:36
markitif something breaks, you have time to fix, or just reinstall15:36
CrellHi all.  I'm trying to get my Nexus 4 to mount on Kubuntu 12.10 using  MTP mode, and having trouble.15:43
CrellI'm following through the instructions here: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/247-ubuntu-automount-nexus7-mtp (modifying for Nexus 4)15:43
CrellThe phone isn't mounting, however, and "mount" reports no fuse information for it.15:44
CrellAny suggestions?15:46
systemclientmarkit: I tried Ubuntu 12.10 on my Netbook and it did not break my Python scripts and my LaTeX compiles fine too. And besides, always had the regular releases and it was fine16:04
markitsystemclient: good :) btw, do you do some python / qt programming?16:04
systemclientmarkit: I just do Python, I never looked into Qt more than 30 Minutes16:05
systemclientmarkit: do you have any need for PyQt or so?16:06
markitsystemclient: would like to learn python and do some program with Qt, yes16:08
markitI'm used to a high integrated IDE, like Delphi or Lazarus16:08
markitthe tutorials I've seen so far seem so confusing to me16:09
systemclientmarkit: there are Python IDEs out there, but I just use a plain editor (Vim)16:09
systemclientmarkit: did you look into the official Python tutorial?16:09
systemclientmarkit: do you know any C-like language (C, PHP, Java, C++)?16:09
markitI programmed in C long time ago (also assembler for Z8001 CPU, lol)16:09
systemclientmarkit: because the Pascal/Delphi a different way of thinking than C (and Python, since it has a lot from C)16:10
markitand I do some ruby programming for system scripts and rails16:10
systemclientmarkit: I am the C kind of guy and I did not get anything done with Delphi in school16:10
markitsystemclient: is not the language, but the "environment" to have Qt programs that puzzles me16:10
systemclientmarkit: do you mean that it is event based (is that even true?) or something like that?16:11
markityep, but you just put visual components on the form, have proprieties, doble click on venets, write code, press F5 and runs16:11
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systemclientmarkit: isn't that just like Delphi?16:12
markitin Qt seems you have to design the UI on one side, then "compile" and link with python code after that16:12
markitsystemclient: I was talking about delphi16:12
systemclientmarkit: :D16:12
systemclientmarkit: let me see the one project I did with PyQt16:12
markitsystemclient: don't worry, I asked if you were an "expert" to guide me to the right route16:13
markitok, back to my ruby script to improve LTSP automatic installation and configuration (non graphical)16:13
systemclientmarkit: I have not written a GUI program in a while now … just command line utilities16:25
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Guest62853voglio togliere windows 7 ma non so se mettere kubuntu o ubuntu voglio che il sistema supporta tutto l'hardware compreso il bluetooth cosa mi consigliate tra i due???16:28
systemclientis there #kubuntu-sw or #ubuntu-sw?16:28
systemclientGuest62853: try `#ubuntu-<yourlanguagecode>`16:31
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:32
systemclientI think Guest62853 is from Sweden (at least whois says so)16:33
systemclientsorry, that is just where the Server is :-/16:33
PiciIt looked like italian.16:34
systemclientPici: I thought spanish at first, but with all those “o”s, it should be :-)16:35
systemclientSwedish looks kind of close to German, I think16:35
systemclientor Dutch16:35
Pici!it | Guest6285316:35
ubottuGuest62853: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:35
SunTsuRule of thumb: If there's "tutto" in it it most of the time is italian ;)16:44
markitbtw, it was italian (I'm Italian)16:45
markitalso with some grammar errors :(16:45
systemclientwhat does “tutto” mean?16:45
markitall, everything16:45
systemclientdo you have some rule of thumb to recognize German?16:46
markitsystemclient: from the accent ;P16:46
systemclientmarkit: you mean the German accent in English?16:46
SunTsusystemclient: yeah: if it's my native tongue it must be German ;)16:46
markitI've no idea... maybe trap some special characters?16:47
markitsystemclient: was joking, sorry16:47
systemclientmarkit: German speakers have a pretty thick accent in English usually16:47
markitSunTsu: trap some "umlouth" or whatever are called?16:47
systemclientmarkit: Umlaut16:47
markitsystemclient: sure, also when they speak italian16:47
markitbut of course nothing you can trap in IRC ;P16:48
markitthat was the joke16:48
systemclientmarkit: most of them have big troubles with “th” and so forth16:48
systemclientmarkit: I guess if somebody comes around with äüöß, it should be pretty clear16:48
SunTsusystemclient: or a "j" . Jack -> Check16:48
markitI've bought a course of spoken english for italians... I have to admit that now I'm aware how bad my pronounciation is16:48
systemclientI lost most of my bad habits while I was in the US for quite a while16:49
markitsystemclient: yep, that is my suggestion, but was unable to generate those codes quickly (I'm lazy, I'm a developer ;P))16:49
systemclientmarkit: this is where a German keyboard comes in handy16:49
systemclientmarkit: or a compose key :D16:49
markitsystemclient: where are you from?16:50
systemclientmarkit: Germany16:50
markitoh, I see :)16:50
SunTsuor screen's digraph ability16:50
systemclientIf you happen to use a CLI IRC client16:50
systemclientVim is also pretty good with digraphs16:51
systemclientmarkit: btw, developers who are not lazy seem strange to me :-)16:54
markityep, without lazyness loops were not invented, lol16:54
markits/were/would have been16:54
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* markit needs to re-learn grammar also16:55
markitsystemclient: how is it that I've the feeling that german students, at 18 years old, have learned english quite well, while italians don't?16:56
systemclientimagine everybody would use gotos and hand-keep lists with their jump targets16:56
markitdo you have native language speakers as teachers in your schools?16:56
systemclientsome are far from that16:56
systemclientI had one teacher who had a worse accent then I did :-716:56
systemclientyou have to have English in school, either in 5th grade or in 7th grade16:57
systemclientand for at least 4 yours, usually you take it from 5th till 13th grade (12th nowaways)16:57
systemclientI think the people from the Netherlands learn English way better than we do … they do not even have translated TV, just subtitles16:57
systemclientthat forces all of them to learn English16:58
systemclientwhen I was in NL and tried to speak some Dutch, they replied in English right away :-/16:58
SunTsusystemclient: I'm currently on Malta and I'm quite impressed with dutch and belgian english speakers, even took them for native speakers16:59
kcvearner 16:59
systemclientI guess they are such a small country, that they really need to learn English. I know a lot of Germans who say that nobody could force them to learn another language. If somebody wants something from them, they should do it in German17:00
systemclientOr they do not like to learn English, because the Americans could learn German17:00
systemclientIt is going to become fun when we get into the Master's degree since all the lectures will be in English17:01
SunTsusystemclient: I partly "blame" dubbing, people don't hear english at alle, only in songs which they don#t understand17:01
systemclientright, and that is something you do not have in the Netherlands, at least not so much17:02
systemclientonly the local shows are in Dutch, everything else is in subtitles17:02
systemclientand I now watch DVDs and stuff in English, just to keep practiscing17:02
systemclientexcept for the word “practise“ :D17:02
SunTsubut I guess we're way off topic and getting even more so ;)17:03
systemclientuntil now, nobody complained :-)17:03
systemclientI guess we should stop when an actual Ubuntu question comes up17:03
rorkI blame education rather then TV, we have English lessons from about 10 years old up to 16 years old. German and French from 12 to 15 (optionally up to 1-3 years longer depending on your level of education)17:04
SunTsurork: I didn't say that education is not flawed, but still, even if your education is good you tend to forget what you never use17:05
rorkBut yeah, the continues contact with english language on whichever media also helps17:05
systemclientThere were some trials with having English already in 3rd grade (not 5th), but I do not think that did much good17:06
systemclientthe real problem in German English classes is that they are mostly in German!17:06
systemclientI learned English best, when I was speaking English only for around a year17:06
systemclientbut you have 45 minute classes, the teacher is 5 minutes late17:07
systemclientthen you do all the organisational stuff in German, hear excuses for undone homework in German17:07
systemclientMaybe you say a sentence or two during the whole class17:07
rorkNot much difference here, but at least you learn the basic grammar and many words17:09
systemclientTim Ferris said (or quoted) that practise does not make perfect, it makes permanent17:09
rorkAll the rest requires practice17:09
systemclientso I think with TV and conversations in english, you do not forget more than you learned in your classes17:10
systemclientbut practise is what lacks most in Germany, I'd say17:10
markitback... well, in Italy we have ALL movies dubbed17:10
markitor are not transmitted at all17:10
systemclientdito in Germany17:10
systemclientin the movie theater (cinema) there are some English movies, so I watched the Hobbit in the original soundtrack17:11
SunTsusystemclient: mostly in huge cities only, e.g. Berlin or Hamburg.17:12
markitmy main difficoult when I try to speak are a) I'm shy, b) I think in a too convulted way for the level of my english17:12
systemclientthis was in a population 300.000 city17:12
markitI had the experience of being helped by a friend17:12
systemclientmarkit: I feel about the same about my Dutch17:12
markitI talked him in italian, he translated in english, and I could understand perfectly what he said17:13
markitbut was not able to tell myself17:13
markitthat was shocking17:13
systemclientmarkit: that is your active and passive command of the language, quite normal17:13
markitsystemclient: oh, good, I'm not alone in this small planet ;P17:13
SunTsumarkit: the good thing with english is: Even if your level is low people will comprehend what you are saying if you keep your sentences simple. In German: Not so much17:14
markitwell, not if you go in England17:14
markitI went there for 15 days long long time ago17:14
SunTsumarkit: you need to practice forming sentences and express yourself in a foreign language. People know and understand17:15
systemclientSunTsu: I guess that is about the information density. It usually takes more text to state something precicely in English, but I have one German word for it17:15
markitif you don't understand and ask for a repeat, they tell you again but with the same speed or faster17:15
markitvery kind but useless17:15
systemclientwhat they did in the US is that they repeated it louder17:15
SunTsumarkit: I was talking about you, trying to converse in english17:16
systemclientmy host family reflected on this and then choose simpler words … it worked17:16
systemclientand when we were somewhere else, they said “he is not deaf, he just does not understand the meaning right away”17:16
systemclientI sometimes try to think in Dutch, that is quite fun :-)17:17
SunTsuthat's the nice thing about Malta: Everybody speaks english, but they are used to people not talking it proplery, they can handle it.17:17
systemclientif I am programming, I always think in English. It is almost impossible for me to choose German variable names and write German comments now :D17:17
SunTsuproperly even ;)17:17
systemclientSunTsu: I guess that is a little different in the general US17:18
markitSunTsu: Malta looks like a wonderful place, never been there17:18
markitmaybe to improve my english I should go there instead of england, much better weather for sure17:18
SunTsumarkit: it is, it absolutely is. I'm here for the 6th time, love it17:18
markitSunTsu: in Malta do you speak with a "perfect" accent or a sub-optimal eglish? I've no idea17:19
systemclientfor me, everything above like 23°C seems hot …17:19
systemclientmarkit: are you looking for this Cambridge/Oxford English?17:19
SunTsumarkit: yeah, lots of italians live here, too, sicily is only 90 Minutes via ferry17:19
systemclientthe only thing I can say in Oxford English is “Vance, I can't dance” :D17:19
markitSunTsu: where are you from? Maybe you told but I missed... Germany seems to recall, correct?17:20
SunTsumarkit: correct.17:20
markitSunTsu: good and fast and cheap internet connection there? low tax rates? good food? :)17:20
markitit's all what I need :)17:21
systemclientwhat do you mean with “good food”? The food can be all there is, if there is no decent bread … bummer17:21
SunTsumarkit: sensational food, free wifi all around, cheap mobile internet (prepaid SIM 3GB cost 20€), nice weather, low taxes, but unfortunatly low wages, too17:23
markitSunTsu: so you earn money in Germany and spend in Malta? mmm good idea :)17:24
systemclientmarkit: people in Geneva do that all the time, employed in Switzerland and live in France17:24
SunTsumarkit: sort of, yeah ;) Currently I'm only here for holidays, but someday, maybe.. ;)17:25
* markit deraming for a better future, Italy is going down to misery17:25
markitwell, dreaming17:25
markitdamn keyboard ;P17:26
markitok, back to some ruby script for my ltsp17:26
markitthanks a lot for the conversation17:26
systemclientmarkit: especially if a certain person should become prime minister, I guess17:26
systemclientmarkit: Happy Hacking!17:26
markitsystemclient: there is a very wide choice, they robber from all the sides17:26
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systemclientI just did the upgrade from Precise to Quantal and now the Terminal and gVim font are different. Which was the default font in Precise?18:38
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Walexsystemclient: that depends a lot on which program/GUI library as you discovered.18:51
Walexsystemclient: typical GNU/Linux systems don;t have a single font system, never mind a single text rendering library.18:52
systemclientI got a screenshot of Vim here, but I cannot seem to find that font in Vim again18:52
Walexsystemclient: 'gvim' uses GTk to render text IIRC, so it will be in some '.gtkrc' file.18:53
* markit tried RazorQT desktop ... after login, only 144MB used!19:00
cliff_Hello everyone.19:02
cliff_Would someone be able to help me with a problem?19:03
cliff_Anyone alive in here?19:05
systemclientWalex: I finally found it, “Droid Sans Mono” it is19:07
systemclientcliff_: sure, just ask19:07
cliff_I am pretty sure that Backtrack 5 is builded on Kubuntu so that's why I am here.  I am trying to run tcprewrite but i keep getting errors that are saying that the app is not installed and I need to install it.  There's also a bit about Universe needing to be active or something like that.19:13
cliff_I verified that the app is installed and it's there, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to run.19:13
bazhangcliff_, get help in the backtrack channel19:13
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
cliff_there's a channel for everything, thanks!19:14
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sysop2ne1 here use winswitch?20:05
BluesKajsysop2, what's winswitch ?20:06
TheLordOfTimebetter question: can you use non-text speak?20:06
Walexsystemclient: you can just install it. It is a bit limited, IIRC it does not have bold or italic or one of the two.20:27
sysop2BluesKaj, thanks for answering20:30
sysop2BluesKaj, its a gui for xpra20:30
sysop2how about this. I have nvidia setup for seperate x servers how do I start an application on the  second x server?20:31
systemclientDISPLAY= in front of the command maybe?20:33
systemclientYou should be able to see the displays with `who`20:34
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mauro__ciao a tutti21:47
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maurysciao auguri di buone feste21:48
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glnodehi all, can i ask a help with install pcpsx2 on kubuntu 12.10 64bit ?22:47
glnode ./launch_pcsx2_linux.sh23:07
glnodeERROR the plugin (plugins/libzzogl-0.4.0.so) miss some dependencies23:07
glnode        libCg.so => not found23:07
glnode        libCgGL.so => not found23:07
glnode        libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0 => not found23:07
FloodBotK1glnode: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:07
glnode        libwx_gtk2u_core-2.8.so.0 => not found23:07
glnode        libwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8.so.0 => not found23:07
Torchglnode: this is some psx emu?23:12
Torchglnode: don't bother ;-)23:12
glnodeit is23:12
Torchglnode: imho the only usable one was epsxe and it's not been updated to work on current linux distros in ages23:12
glnodesome miss liblary23:12
Torchglnode: you _could_ go thtough the plugins with ldd and install missing libs23:12
glnodei work on istall missing libs at 2h23:13
Torchglnode: it will be hard and annoying... and expect to be disappointed by what the emu can acutally run23:13
Torchglnode: it obviously wants wxwidgets 2.8 built with unicode support23:13
Torchglnode: i have no idea if that is available in the repos23:13
howudodatI have a linksys WMP600N, it's behaving badly (very internittent network bandwidth).  For example streaming music from my NAS is very choppy (NetworkManager meter shows connected at 64Mbps).  So I DL'd rt2860 src and compiled.  modprobe -r rt2800, insmod rt2860sta.ko and wammo, hard freeze on my computer, no panic, just frozen!23:14
Torchglnode: you'll find a number of shared objects (with extension ".so") in the plugins directory somewhere in the emu's path23:15
glnodeTorch: PCSX2 is 32 bit only program. You need to install all 32 bits depencencies23:15
Torchglnode: on a shell, you can run ldd on each of those shared objects and see what they depend on23:15
Torchglnode: i was asssuming that, yes.23:15
glnodei add-architecture -i38623:15
Torchglnode: doesn't exactly make the task easier, i'm afraid23:16
glnodecan u exmplain "PCSX2 is 32 bit only program. You need to install all 32 bits depencencies"23:16
glnodegrr sorry, can u exmaplin : on a shell, you can run ldd on each of those shared objects and see what they depend on23:16
Torchglnode: shared objects are libraries (dll's in windows speak)23:17
Torchglnode: the plugins the emu uses need those libs23:17
glnodeon ubuntu emulator was run23:17
Torchglnode: and when the emu loads the plugins, it can't because the libs aren't there23:17
glnodebut on kubuntu no .;(23:17
Torchglnode: ubuntu probably installs wxwidgets per default (it's a gtk thing, and it shows)23:17
glnodei mean gnome23:17
Torchglnode: i understood that much ;-)23:17
Torchglnode: anyway, you need the dependencies for the plugins23:18
Torchglnode: that's why it's not working. and all that stuff being 32 bit (on your 64 bit platform?) won't make it easier23:18
glnodeyes im on 64b23:19
glnodemeyby easier will be install gnome :)23:19
Torchglnode: but i'm just blathering without _really_ knowing the special case in question here... it's been years since i looked into psx emus23:19
Torchglnode: your choice ;-) i'd rather not ;-))23:19
glnodei wouldn;t23:20
glnodei can;t do anything on gnome23:20
glnodeim dissapointed, coz im 12h in work, and im boring :)23:20
glnodeinstall chroot32?23:22
Torchglnode: i don't exactly know what this does, but i have an idea and wouldn't recommend it.... sounds like overkill.23:23

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