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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
angsis it enough to install "apt-get install build-essential" to have the toolchains to cross-compile C code for beagleboard-Xm?16:28
angsdo I need to install apt-get install gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf ?16:28
angsI am using gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf to cross compile, what path do I need to link for libusb-1.0?16:43
prpplagueangs: where every you have the libusb libraries compiled for arm16:50
prpplagueangs: not your local ones that are most likely compiled for x8616:51
angs I used to link lusb-1.0 on eclipse as /usr/include/libusb-1.0 on "C/c++ general> paths and symbols >library paths" and it was working fine to build the code on my desktop. To cross-compile, I added "/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib" before "/usr/include/libusb-1.0"", now  I get "cannot find -lusb-1.0" error when I build the code.16:52
angs should I copy the libusb-1.0 directory under  /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib16:52
angsor do I suppose to install libusb-1.0 for arm?16:53
angsprpplague: how can I add libusb on arm's gcc ?17:00
angscan anyone tell me how do I suppose to use libusb on ubuntu-arm?17:26
prpplagueangs: did you add libusb files that were complied for arm in the directory - /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib ?17:27
angsprpplague: I copied libusb* files from /usr/lib to /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib and libusb-1.0 from /usr/include to /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/include however I still have the same problem17:34
angsI get this error when I build the program "skipping incompatible /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/libusb-1.0.a when searching for -lusb-1.0"17:34
prpplagueangs: the libusb files in /usr/lib on your host pc are for x8617:35
prpplagueangs: they are not for arm17:35
angswhere can I download libusb files for arm?17:35
prpplagueangs: i would assume there is a ubuntu package you can get, however i alway build them myself17:35
angsprpplague: do you have built libusb files on your machine that you can share?17:37
prpplagueangs: easier for you to do it yourself of find the ubuntu packages17:37
prpplagueangs: what hardware platform are you using?17:37
angsprpplague: I am using beagleboard-Xm. I am a beginner linux user, I do not know how to build package17:38
prpplagueangs: then download the ubuntu pre-built package17:39
angsI already installed libusb-1.0 and libusb-dev, do you know is there any portal to search pre-built package for ubuntu arm?17:42
prpplaguejust one example17:43
prpplagueangs: you installed the libusb for you host machine which is x8617:43
prpplaguenot the arm ones17:43
angsprpplague: thank you very much, I am installing the package for beagleboard now17:45
prpplagueangs: google is your friend17:45
angsright, I was using the wrong keyword to search on google. thank you very much for your help17:46
angsprpplague: I have one last question. dpkg -i libusb-dev_0.1.12-20_armhf.deb outputs "package architecture (armhf) does not match system (i386)" error. Do you know if it is possible to install that package under /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf directory?17:56
prpplagueangs: yea, there should also be a cross compile package somewhere17:56
angsdo you know name of the package?17:59
prpplagueangs: no, like i said, i normally build everything from source18:00
prpplagueangs: i am certain there is a howto on the ubuntu wiki pages for what you want to do18:00
prpplagueangs: please check there18:00
angsprpplague: thank you I will check there18:01
=== playya is now known as frederik

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