
lordjoe_help - I am installing ubuntu on a couple of partitions along side windows 7 and I cannot get the ubuntu partitions to boot even with the grub cd01:10
lordjoe_I want the system to be dual boot01:10
Tojammhello all01:27
Tojamm1 down vote favorite01:27
TojammI need some help. During install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant01:27
Tojamminstall as the installer hangs. I have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging. Anyone has any ideas?01:27
Tojammi try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work.01:28
Tojammi also made sure all the partitions where not mounted01:29
Tojammanyone alive here??01:32
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
craniumslowsHi, I'm curious if there is a way to port my windows partition iTunes Library that is mounted into Rhythm Box20:10
craniumslowsI can get the songs to load but I cant get my playlists20:11
craniumslowsI'm not sure if there are any utilities I can use20:11
montelbodhizazen, bodhi_zazen fedora eh?20:20

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