
yharrowhey ppls11:07
trew100yharrow: היי11:11
yharrowhey trew100 Hi Interruptus  :D11:11
yharrowhows everyone doing today?11:11
yharrowמה המצב כולם :D11:12
Interruptusלא רע בעליל11:13
trew100מסכים עם המונח לא רע11:13
trew100במיוחד אחרי שסיימתי פה 2 מטלות מעצבנות...11:13
yharrowרק נושמים?11:13
trew100זה מה שחשוב11:13
yharrowby the way, while I can understand most things. My hebrew is still a little rusty. Just saying :P11:15
Interruptusi just tried to revive an old toshiba satelite laptop11:15
yharrowany luck?11:16
Interruptusmaybe the hard disk is useable11:16
Interruptusanything else is a big door break11:16
yharrowwhat happend to it?11:17
yharrowwas it damaged or just too old to run a modern OS?11:17
Interruptusits the former laptop of my gf11:17
Interruptust2400 dualcore, 2gb ram 250 gb hard disk11:18
yharrowis this the one she threw a shoe at you for?11:18
Interruptusneh i gave her my auld IBM T6111:19
yharrowthose specs are not half bad11:19
Interruptuswith debian on it11:19
Interruptusthis laptop has gone kaput11:19
yharrowlol I remember debian. Back when I tried it though you could only install using command line11:19
Interruptusnot even turning on11:19
yharrowmaybe its a bios issue?11:20
Interruptusi think its more electric issue11:20
yharrowi had a similar issue and I solved it by removing the bios battery for 24 hours11:20
yharrowor so11:20
yharrowand then i put it back in and it worked11:20
yharrowbut eveyr so often when it wsant shut down correctly the issue would repeat itself11:21
Interruptusi just watched a tutorial how to disassemble that thing appart11:22
Interruptuslooks quite evil11:22
yharrowugh i always hated working with laptops cause they rae all so different and parts are so easy to lose11:25
yharrow_steami know some ppl make a killing off of it. but still, I don't hve the patience for that sort of thing xD11:25
yharrow_steamby the way trew100  do you speak english well? If not I can make do with hebrew so you can join the conversation.11:27
Interruptuslots of small screws\11:29
Interruptusand each one needs diff srewdriver11:29
yharrow_steamyeh i forgot bout the differnt screw driver part11:37
manowar3boker tov15:09

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