
hadsSweet, thanks for that.01:50
Atamirais the nz ubuntu server down?19:24
ojwbAtamira: ibeardslee emailed themm about it yesterday apparently19:25
Atamiraahh, no worries.tho probably gonna be down til monday19:25
Atamiraor thursday next week19:25
ibeardsleeyeah haven't had a reply back yet though19:30
Atamiraill just hide the notifications till next week19:37
ibeardsleethere are other .nz mirrors you can use19:40
Atamirai have not specified a server19:42
Atamirajust the4 new server19:42
Atamirajust the new zealand server that is19:43
Atamiradoesnt specify one tho19:43
ibeardsleeok, that defaults to the nz.a.u.c mirror, but you can select a different mirror from the drop down list in the gui19:50
ibeardsleeSoftware Sources19:50
Atamiraihug or xnet?19:52
Atamiraor canterbury ac?19:52
ibeardsleewhere are you based and on what isp?19:54
Atamiraauckland, orcon. its ok, i used ihug19:54
Atamiraand updates done19:54
ibeardsleeyou can 'choose best server' .. although that is entirely possible you could have a .au mirror recommended (:19:55
Atamiraeven if its under .nz?20:04
Atamiraid think it would be worse20:04
ibeardsleethe .au mirror won't appear with the .nz servers. but the 'choose best server' does some checks (not sure what they are) that decides what it reckons will be the best to use.20:07
ibeardsleeprobably a symptom of why the nz.a.u.c is not working21:20
Atamiraahh, probably is21:35
Atamiraim off to bed. see you all tomorrow21:35
* elky pokes ajmitch_22:07
elkyor anyone else who knows how to get the bloody panel thingy icons back without rebooting?22:11
ibeardsleeunity --reset  ?22:13
elkythat's never worked before22:14
elkystill didn't, and i'll still have to re-do all my configurations and pinning when it does get un-borked22:17
ibeardsleeunity-panel-service ?22:17
ibeardsleerestart that?22:17

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