
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:36
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:36
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhang<dctrd> i saw on the news that ubuntu is a spyware os04:57
bazhangwunderbar. tomorrow is the full moon05:04
bazhang<mrhyde> is ubuntu run by a bunch of college kids doing freelance coding05:18
elkyyes, absolutely05:39
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1502 users, 7 overflows, 1509 limit))08:28
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1462 users, 9 overflows, 1471 limit))08:28
bazhang* [CATDOG] (~CATDOG@ool-457c33c1.dyn.optonline.net): ...18:12
ikoniaany reason to think so ?18:12
bazhangthe nick, the ip, the bizarre questions18:13
ikoniais it a nick he's used before ?18:13
bazhangthe combo of cats/dogs yeah18:14
MyrttiI thought it was Disney characters18:33
bazhangmore like Looney Tunes18:34
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: !cd is As of the Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release, the Ubuntu Desktop images are now bigger than a standard CD, and you should use a USB or DVD for installation.21:29
DJonesNot sure if there is a factoid giving that info21:29
Fuchsikonia: on lucien: I had a talk with him yesterday after what happened in #ubuntu before and cloaked him, telling him though that it shall not be used to evade bans or such  (he got banned in the core channel before). Inform me if he does so. (don't as long as it is "only" misbehaving as a local channel issue though, that is up to local ops)23:28
ikoniaFuchs: I only kicked him, I didn't ban him23:29
ikoniaso it shouldn't be a problem23:29
ikonia(appreciate the heads up though)23:29
ikoniahe wasn't a pest after I kicked him, so I've left him alone23:30
ikonia@mark DeltaHeavy getting tedious with how ubuntu does things bad and he's above it because it's for noobs, yet has zero idea what he's actually doing23:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:31
ikonia@mark #ubuntu DeltaHeavy getting tedious with how ubuntu does things bad and he's above it because it's for noobs, yet has zero idea what he's actually doing23:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:31

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