
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosafternoon superfly and others14:38
charl_good afternoon Kilos 15:30
charl_Maaz: coffee on15:30
* Maaz starts grinding coffee15:30
charl_haven't had Maaz's coffee for too long :)15:30
Kiloshi charl_ Cantide 15:31
charl_hi Cantide 15:31
charl_how's it going Kilos ?15:31
Kilosstruggling some. put back out somehow and its pinching some nerves but otherwise good ty and you?15:32
KilosMaaz, coffee please15:32
MaazKilos: Righto15:32
charl_good good, can't complain15:32
charl_holiday is half way through :) by now i'm well rested so feeling back up to starting work again next week15:32
charl_i was a bit tired after moving house and all and never took a proper time to get some rest15:33
charl_at first i wanted to go somewhere for the holiday but ended up deciding to stay in15:33
charl_we have also been getting a lot of rain the last week15:33
Kiloswhen you go away you dont rest15:33
charl_actually it has been rather dry the last year, compared to the previous15:33
charl_so i kinda missed the rain :) it's not that bad when i don't have to go on my bicycle to work in the morning ;)15:34
charl_and yes, when you do a proper holiday you don't get rest either!15:34
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and Kilos!15:34
charl_Maaz: thanks!15:34
Maazcharl_: No problem15:34
KilosMaaz, danke15:35
charl_i actually ordered a new coffee machine, a pretty nice one15:35
charl_it should have already arrived but i guess with the holidays they are a bit slow15:35
Cantidehello Kilos , charl_ '-'//15:35
charl_how's it going Cantide ?15:35
Cantidenot bad :p15:35
Cantidejust got home from work15:35
Cantidechatting to brother in Japan15:36
Cantideand preparing to do some work on a website15:36
charl_ah, the otaku? :)15:36
Cantideyourself? '-';;15:36
charl_good good, no complaints15:36
Cantidehahahaha, he's not an otaku :p15:36
charl_ah ok :)15:36
Kiloshi magtie 16:08
Kiloswhew i took 8 mins to see you and beat you anyway16:08
Kilosgetting old girl?16:08
magtieHi Kilos 16:12
magtie - Old already!16:12
Kilosnee man. you still younger than me16:13
magtieWow  then you really old16:14
Kilosnot nee man. nee man meisie16:14
magtiedepends on how old you feel16:14
magtieStill many years to go16:14
Kiloswhew dont say that16:15
magtiecan't wait to go on pension...16:15
Kilosthen you will be bored most of the time16:16
Kiloswill spend all day on here like me16:16
magtiepossibly one will learn to cope with boredom too16:16
Kiloslol ya you dont have a choice i think16:17
Kilosoh manners16:17
Kiloscompliments of the season16:17
magtieyes.  thanks   enjoy yourself too16:18
Kilosin this command what does the -f do?17:11
Kilossudo fsck -f /dev/sdb17:11
CantideEmergency help:17:12
Cantide -p                   Automatic repair (no questions)17:12
Cantide -n                   Make no changes to the filesystem17:12
Cantide -y                   Assume "yes" to all questions17:12
Cantide -c                   Check for bad blocks and add them to the badblock list17:12
Cantide -f                   Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean17:12
Cantide -v                   Be verbose17:12
Kilosdunno if its called a switch or an option17:12
Cantide -b superblock        Use alternative superblock17:12
Cantide -B blocksize         Force blocksize when looking for superblock17:12
Cantide -j external_journal  Set location of the external journal17:12
Cantide -l bad_blocks_file   Add to badblocks list17:12
Cantide -L bad_blocks_file   Set badblocks list17:12
Cantideterminal says this '<17:12
Cantidejust type fsck --help to get that list17:12
Kilosah ty Cantide 17:12
Cantideoh, i think --help actually does nothing, but because it's an invalid parameter, it provided help :D17:13
Cantidenp '-'17:13
Kilosmy unity hung then booted to initramfs so i ran that command fro another drive with kde on and unity is fixed17:13
Cantideinteresting :)17:14
Kilosso i wondered what the -f does17:14
Cantideif my unity breaks, I will hunt you down :)17:14
Kilosill fsck you from here17:14
Cantidefsck off!17:14
Cantidej/k :p17:15
Kilosi think i got that command from the crash kid17:15
KilosMaaz, tell cocooncrash Compliments of the season to you and family17:15
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell cocooncrash on freenode17:15
Kiloshe also taught me to use sudo -i to be able to break things easier17:16
Cantidewhat does it do? :D17:17
Kilosmakes you root17:17
Cantidepermanent root until reboot?17:17
Cantidethat is nasty...17:17
Kilosno you just type exit and you go back to needing sudo17:17
Kilosits the only way to setup iptables17:18
Cantidestill, i don't think i'll use that17:18
Cantideoh :D17:18
Cantidehopefully i never have to set up iptables :p17:18
Kilosiptables dont accept sudo as being boss17:18
* Squirm is back from a good day at the dam17:20
Kilosyay hiya Squirm you sunburned again17:20
Squirmnot this time17:24
KilosCantide, as in this command17:24
Squirmjust dead tired from skiing17:24
Kilosmiles@P4:~$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp+ -j MASQUERADE17:24
Kilosiptables v1.4.12: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Permission denied (you must be root)17:24
Kilosyeah Squirm thats hard work that17:25
* Cantide covers his eyes17:25
Kilosstiif and sore tomorrow17:25
KilosMaaz, google how to recover a stolen nick on freenode17:39
MaazKilos: "freenode: frequently-asked questions" http://freenode.net/faq.shtml :: "NickServ Is Your Friend | staffblog - staffblog - Freenode" http://blog.freenode.net/2007/03/nickserv-is-your-friend/ :: "Freenode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freenode :: "Script: keepnick.py - WeeChat :: scripts"17:39
Maazhttp://www.weechat.org/scripts/source/stable/keepnick.py.html/ :: "irc - Prevent xchat from trying to join channels until I h…17:39
Kilosgrrrr someone grouped my bots nick to theirs18:08
charl_Kilos: just pick a different name?18:11
charl_if you registered it with nickserv you can do a nickserv recovery18:11
Kilosas a last resort i will but QP works well for me18:11
Kilosnice and easy18:11
charl_haha yeah18:11
Kilosi didnt register the nick18:11
Kilosfool me18:11
charl_nobody really "owns" a nickname on irc, you only "lease" one as lone as you are logged on18:12
Kilosi got help from #freenode18:12
Kilos953 peeps there18:12
charl_nickserv was kinda a hack that came in later18:12
charl_ah ok18:12
Kilosthey told me to do an info thing and it gave me a mail addy for the guy that grouped it18:13
charl_ah good idea18:13
KilosRegistered : Dec 19 10:16:20 2012 (1 week, 1 day, 07:41:24 ago)18:14
Kilosthats when he stole it18:14
charl_i'm sure he/she didn't mean to :)18:15
charl_probably logged on at a time when it wasn't in use18:15
Kilosonce youre nick is registered you can stop anyone using it18:15
Kiloshere what he did18:16
KilosKaira has enabled nick protection18:16
charl_some implementations of nickserv does have that feature yes18:16
Kilosi was doff. shoulda registered it18:16
charl_i don't like nickserv because of that feature18:17
Kiloslike imaging someone stealing maaz18:17
charl_as far as i'm concerned, you use a nickname while you are logged on, when you log off somebody else can use it18:17
charl_most networks i use are like that, they don't have nickserv or similar18:18
Kilosnee man my goed is my goed18:18
charl_freenode would be the exception :)18:18
charl_it's like a domain name or an ip address18:18
charl_you "lease" it, you never "own" it18:19
charl_that's the way of the internet... for good or for bad18:19
Kilosno man Kilos is mine and cant be stolen18:19
Kilosunless they can get my password and do it that way18:20
Cantideor you are offline for a few months18:20
Cantideand your nick expires :p18:20
charl_yeah good example Cantide 18:20
charl_the internet sounds quite communist actually18:20
charl_in that respect18:21
Kilosonly thing that will keep me off for months is a coffin18:21
charl_with the iana being the dictator :P18:21
Kiloseek gotta wait for nick to expire there maybe18:25
Kiloserry> Kilos, 10 weeks + 1week per year of age up to 15 weeks18:25
Kilosthe prob with changing a bots nick is then the new nick doesnt use the old data base i think charl_ 18:30
KilosCantide, charl_ http://blog.freenode.net/2007/03/nickserv-is-your-friend/18:31
zerefhi guys, whats the proceudre called when one computer gets ubuntu update, then sends it out to other computer on the network?18:32
Kiloshi zeref 18:39
Kilosi dunno the clever way but you can copy the archives from the updated one to the other then run update/upgrade and it wont download the upgrades but use then from archives18:40
CantideI think he just wants the name of the procedure18:45
Cantideif i knew i'd say18:45
Cantidebut all i've got right now is "magic!"18:45
KilosCantide, you use xchat hey19:07
Kilosyou see the hostnames next to the nicks on the right?19:07
Cantidei don't19:08
Cantideyou mean in the userlist?19:08
Kilosthere by all the nicks19:08
Cantideoh, there is an option for that in preferences19:08
Cantidedo you want it there or not?19:08
Cantidemine is disabled19:08
Cantidei think it is disabled by default19:09
Kilosi have it i just wondered if you did19:09
Cantidenah :p i don't often need to see hostnames19:09
Kilosi just had my host cloaked19:09
Kilosi think19:09
Kiloshehe it worked19:10
Kilosi wondered how peeps got unafiliated19:10
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:15
zerefnobody knows19:36
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos hi oom20:14
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:14

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