
nluxok my head hurts, what do I do? sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdg /media/x -o uhelper=udisks2,nodev,rw,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,utf8=1 will make /dev/sdg ro00:00
seelsays no packages installed00:01
SolarisBoyhave you tried the apt-get install -f?00:01
seelwhat's -f?00:01
SolarisBoy-f, --fix-broken00:02
seelso just type -f after sudo apt-get install basically?00:02
nluxrs [35405.308144] FAT-fs (sdg): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem welp00:02
=== Neshemah is now known as Catbuntu
temotoHello. Suppose i run a project that was so lucky to arrive into Ubuntu packages and pkg maintainer is someone else. And while somewhat strange, the previous versions of Ubuntu like 11.10 ship with embarrassingly outdated versions of my project. Is there some kind of commonly recognized procedure to help to push bugfixes to older (but still "supported") packages?00:03
kewfoewso what is the best free irc client to use on ubuntu ???00:03
temotokewfoew, xchat00:04
SolarisBoyseel: yep00:04
seelhow do I paste something in chat so I can show you exacty what Im seeing?00:04
nluxirssi <300:04
kewfoewwhat is the command to get from the dep00:04
temotoseel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:05
kewfoewirssi, i fink ive used that before00:05
SolarisBoyyou can install a utility to copy your output to a web posting . sudo apt-get install pastebinit00:05
seelyeah, I'm using irssi with this probelm I'm trying to solve and also trying to figure out bitlbee, but that's for later lol00:05
rats__easy free and light00:05
SolarisBoyseel: ^00:05
kewfoewhow do i get irssi, sudo apt-get install irssi ???00:06
escottbrightspark, you could probably move the contents of HP_TOOLS into an extended partition or otherwise back it up and remove it00:06
temotokewfoew, first you need to get used to apt-cache search00:07
temotokewfoew, e.g.   apt-cache search irc client   would actually answer your first question.00:07
temotokewfoew, it also shows 'proper' package name so then you know what to type into apt-get install.00:08
DJHenjinescott, to do a VM, i will have to install a GUI, right?00:08
escottDJHenjin, no00:08
DJHenjinok, so what if i want to install windows into a VM on my server?00:09
brightsparkescott, it's only 100 megs so I that should be reasonable.  Is anything on that partition likely to be non-functional as a result of being stored on an extended partition?  Lots of .efi files.00:09
SolarisBoyyou could forward x for the gui parts00:09
pewter_taoany idea why you get "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" when sshing into the system you're sshing from?00:09
SolarisBoyor run a remote deskttop server embedded in the VM DJHenjin00:09
escottbrightspark, efi files. thats strange. but since your partition table is msdos it shouldn't matter00:09
kewfoewok temoto00:10
DJHenjinSolarisBoy, any suggestions on which VM software to use for this?00:10
SolarisBoysure i like vbox - there are others kvm and so forth00:10
escottDJHenjin, you might be able to install windows in text mode, and then access it via some kind of VNC but it would be much harder00:10
SolarisBoyvirtualbox that is00:10
temoto+1 to virtualbox and qemu00:10
SolarisBoyvirtualbox lets you set up a rdp port on the VM easily and you cn do it all from the command line too00:11
nluxwhat the heck do I do with my mounting problem?00:11
SolarisBoyqemu im learning is super cool too00:11
nluxnow it won't recognize the device as vfat00:11
DJHenjinSolarisBoy can you point me to a resource for doing this with vbox?00:11
SolarisBoynlux: can there possibly be an issue on the device? like it's fs is corrupt or even mistaken fs type? are you sure there is no partition on that drive also? can you try sudo file -sL /dev/sdg00:12
dr_willisthe vbox manual - is worth reading. ;)00:12
brightsparkescott, okay, is there a 'proper' way to back up an entire partition that preserves it as exactly as possible?  I'd like to minimise my chances of wrecking the system.00:13
nluxSolarisBoy: /dev/sdg: writable, no read permission00:13
SolarisBoyDJHenjin: the vbox docs are good and i used this doc for writing a wrapper scrpt for building vm's http://www.perkin.org.uk/posts/create-virtualbox-vm-from-the-command-line.html00:13
nluxSolarisBoy: /dev/sdg: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0xb, starthead 2, startsector 8192, 7849984 sectors, extended partition table (last)\011, code offset 0x000:13
SolarisBoynlux: can you do this parted -l /dev/sdg00:14
escottbrightspark, you could make an image of the partition with dd. "dd /dev/sda# | gzip sda#.img.gz00:14
SolarisBoynlux: with sudo.00:14
nluxSolarisBoy:  1      4194kB  4023MB  4019MB  primary  fat3200:14
seelthat's what it's saying00:16
kewfoewhmm, ive apparently install irssi and scripts etc BUT i cannot seem to find it on my comp ???00:16
kewfoewany ideas00:16
nluxSolarisBoy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1468546/00:16
Jordan_Ukewfoew: Open a terminal and run "irssi".00:16
SolarisBoy/dev/sdh1: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x58, OEM-ID "MSDOS5.0", sectors/cluster 16, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 128, hidden sectors 10544, sectors 31323856 (volumes > 32 MB) , FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT 15280, reserved3 0x800000, serial number 0x34333231, label: "USB20FD    " || not sure but mines look this00:16
SolarisBoyits a standard partition00:17
nluxSolarisBoy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1468546/ that's what I get for that device.00:17
kewfoewyeah cool, now i can ditch this smuxi, thanks00:17
Jordan_Ukewfoew: You're welcome.00:17
seelI'm not sure what that means00:17
nluxSolarisBoy: any ideas? :(00:18
SolarisBoydoes the device work anywhere else?00:18
brightsparkthanks escott00:18
nluxit works on my phone..00:18
nluxand it works on a windows machine00:18
SolarisBoynlux: can i see your mount options again?00:19
seelI have no idea what that means for getting wine installed, honestly00:19
nluxrw,uid=1000,gid=1000 (I've checked my user and group id's)00:19
zvacetI can not  start radiotray in unity  any help00:20
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
SolarisBoynlux can you try this first - umount it, and mount -o rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime,gid=100,dmask=000,fmask=111,utf8,flush /dev/sdg /path/to/mount00:20
nluxtrying thanks SolarisBoy00:20
nluxSolarisBoy: I must add -t vfat, but it doesn't recognize it as a vfat :<00:21
SolarisBoyk i guess00:21
nluxany ideas ?00:22
* nlux sighs.00:22
kewfoewso how do i join this channel on irssi - join #ubuntu ???00:23
nluxSolarisBoy: [36600.983928] FAT-fs (sdg): bogus number of reserved sectors [36600.983942] FAT-fs (sdg): Can't find a valid FAT filesystem00:23
kewfoewhmm not working00:24
SolarisBoycan you try to put the -t vfat in front of the mount options ?00:24
nluxkewfoew: /connect irc.freenode.net /join #ubuntu00:24
nluxSolarisBoy: Same..00:25
rats__rssi --nick  yournick00:25
Jordan_Unlux: Have you tried fsck.vfat yet?00:26
nluxJordan_U: mount: unknown filesystem type 'fsck.vfat'00:26
nluxI'm so dumb00:26
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SolarisBoyyea i was just going to say try that00:27
lkcjdwhjob done00:27
lkcjdwhsorted nlux thanks00:28
nluxJordan_U, SolarisBoy: dosfsck 3.0.13, 30 Jun 2012, FAT32, LFN Logical sector size is zero.00:28
=== zhurai-tsuki is now known as zhurai
SolarisBoynlux maybe you should check this outhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/147228/how-to-repair-a-corrupted-fat32-file-system00:31
SolarisBoyit seems the drive or fs is faulted00:31
nluxthanks I guess :'(00:31
SolarisBoydont cry00:31
kewfoewsorted nlux thanks, while irssi looks nice and light i think im going to keep using this smuxi as i can use numerous tabs00:32
nluxkewfoew:  whatever suits you the best :300:33
kewfoewi paid £10 for a irc a couple of years ago, anyone any idea what it might be called ?00:33
kewfoewnlux - yeah00:33
kewfoewexactly what it was00:33
nluxwaste of money though..00:33
rats__sorry for the poor exp on irrsi but if you do learn it it is good00:33
* nlux sighs00:34
nluxSolarisBoy: I think I'm pretty much going to ragequit, backup and format as fat32, will that still work on my phone?00:35
kewfoewrats - no i like it but i just feel being new to irc, again,im better off re-learning on smuxi00:35
kewfoewnlux-yeah a waste of £00:36
nluxguess I've got nothing to lose if I try.00:36
seelisn't irssi and something else the top of the list for irc or something?00:36
rats__never tried smuxi is it different00:36
nluxkewfoew: kvirc is also sweet and userfriendly, also opensource..00:36
lcabreza2hi guys, after unexpected shutdown, lost my specific tomboy notes how do i recover it. i found my folder where the backup is but i can't open th e.note file00:37
nluxhi lux_ :300:37
lux_woha nlux00:37
dr_willisive gotten where i perfer weechat over irssi these days. ;)00:37
lux_do you even exist?00:37
Khaosso how does the workspace switcher work excatly?00:37
kewfoewim kinda new to it all but its seems good00:39
kewfoewand free00:39
nluxSolarisBoy: oh I have one messy folder00:39
nluxºç╣┘δt:. ┴00:39
DaemonicApathyKhaos, it allows you to switch workspaces.00:39
nluxwindows seems to get along with it though00:39
dr_willisKhaos:  huh? You click on it.. it shows all the workspaces...  ;)00:39
DaemonicApathyKhaos: Or drag windows to other workspaces...or show off in a multi-workspace screenshot...00:40
nluxdr_willis, SolarisBoy: thanks, it seemed it was a device issue rather than an ubuntu issue,00:40
Khaosyes yes i know that lol sorry probably a poor phrasing. Is it adjustable/changable? meaning, can is it turn off/on-able, or is it permenntly on?00:41
DaemonicApathyKhaos: it is configurable with compizconfig-settings-manager, or you can just right-click to remove it from the dash, iirc.00:41
Khaosand can you alter how many work spaces are "up" at any one time? Instead of 4, could i run say 2 or 6?00:41
Khaosexcuse the retardedness of this question.. but what is the compizcongfig-settings-manager?00:43
DaemonicApathyIt is the Settings Manager that lets you configure Compiz.00:43
nluxKhaos a settings manager for compiz.00:43
DaemonicApathyNot installed by default, though.00:43
Khaosahh okay. google has?00:43
DaemonicApathyapt-get has00:44
DaemonicApathyOr, for info, look it up in the software center.00:44
KhaosGot it, thank ya fer helpin' the newb along :)00:45
nluxguys, what is this? I don't even.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1468574/00:47
Khaoslooks like it is in use?00:47
Khaosthat would be my under educated guess00:48
nluxthanks :300:48
Khaoso7 notta problem at all.00:48
darkhalo117I just installed alsa for my audio drivers but I cannot manage the volume. Anybody know how I can fix this?00:49
nluxwelp destination is still read only00:49
kewfoewinstalled KVirc can't get it too connect to a channel00:50
nluxdestination will always be readonly00:50
* nlux sighs00:50
darkhalo117When I run aplay /file/ it works00:50
kashkraft@darkhalo17 in a terminal type alsamixer00:50
nluxkewfoew: /server irc.freenode.net /connect #ubuntu00:51
kewfoewfigured it out00:51
darkhalo117That was too easy00:51
kewfoewnew name will be tt07900:52
kashkraft@darkhalo17 :) glad it worked00:52
TT079this one is sweeeeeet00:52
* nlux cries00:53
darkhalo117Know a way I could get the media keys (f9 and f10) to work with alsa?00:53
nluxfor the love of read write memory cards, how do I make it work?00:53
Khaoswhat are you doing nlux?00:54
shakaponkhey guyz, i got a virtual box ubuntu on a regular ubuntu, as expected the damn folder sharing doesnt work, i want to set up nfs. but as my machine is not plugged a network cable the eth0 is disabled. cant enable it...00:54
nluxKhaos: trying to copy documents to a phone.00:54
Khaosyour running vbox right shakaponk?00:54
shakaponkKhaos: exactly00:54
Khaosshakaponk, right click on the unit when in the screen for vbox. where you load the system? Right click on the ubuntu client that you are boxing, go to props.00:55
Khaosinside under network, change it to internal00:55
Khaosnlux, are you going from comp to phone, or phone to comp?00:55
shakaponkKhaos: so under network settings set to internal?00:56
nluxcomp to phone.. that's why i need rw ;-;00:56
Khaosshould work, does for me.00:56
=== Catbuntu is now known as Neshemah
Khaosyer i read what you said nlux right after i hit enter.. my brain feels so smart now.. lol00:56
Khaosis it the base card that came with the phone?00:57
dante123hi all, wifi was working but not wired connection....had to run some modprobe commands and now both are working...but when I reboot...I lose wired again.  What do I need to do to make setup permanent?00:57
nluxit's just a microSD..00:57
nluxI guess fat32 and ntfs are simply not meant for linux ;-;00:58
dr_willisnlux:  ive no issues with them here00:59
nluxdr_willis: mine was damaged, but even after formating as fat32 on ubuntu it wouldn't work ;-;00:59
Khaosmake sure that its actually allowed to write to the folder01:00
Khaosif the folder only has read - only auth..01:00
nluxdr_willis: and crazy, it will work on windows... but the time to power on a machine just for a basic cp :'(01:00
RollinV2nlux modern linux distros should have no problem out of the box reading and writing to fat32 and nfts drives01:00
zillahow can i figure out which partition my current system is on01:01
nluxRollinV2 3.5 here01:01
zillaand madames01:01
nluxRollinV2: still having problems01:01
lordjoehi I am trying to install ubuntu on a dual boor box with windows and cannot get it to boot - can anyone help01:01
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
dman7hey. I've noticed /etc/inittab defines respawn on linux services in run levels 2,3,4,5 [Debian system, fwiw]. Any reason why run levels 0,1 and 6 are excluded?01:02
zillasomeone knows how to figure out which partion ubuntu is on01:02
dr_williszilla:  look at fdisk -l output to see what partions are linux ones..01:03
dowdyph0solitude88 hi again01:03
dr_williszilla:  if need be - mount htem and look at teh conents01:03
solitude88Hey dowdyph001:03
dr_willisdman7:  ubuntu dosent really use runlevels in that way01:03
dante123hi all, wifi was working but not wired connection....had to run some modprobe commands and now both are working...but when I reboot...I lose wired again.  What do I need to do to make setup permanent?01:03
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.01:03
dr_willis6 = the reboot runlevel - i belive.  i forget about the others. ;)01:04
* kashkraft_ testing NickServ01:04
dman7oh heh, apologies, for some reason I thought i was on #linux01:05
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zillai figured it out with df01:06
Khaosdante123: go to network > edit > wired > add > enter information01:06
detrimentalhad problems with setting up a home server using ubuntu server 12.4 with ssh. trying a fresh install now.01:06
dman7thanks for your help!01:06
zillanext question: what is the best way to remove a partition of another ubuntu I no longer need to free up space01:06
KhaosFormat disk is pretty much amazing, but not really what i would do if you like what you have...01:07
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111001:10
veryhappyhi guys, i have something really strange going on here. i have installed ubuntu on gpt and since then i don't have a network connection anymore? it's very unlogical, but when i used the mbr i had a full functioning network connection on the live cd and on my local installed system but now i don't get any network connection anymore, very strange, help is appreciated.01:10
veryhappysorry crashed01:12
Khaosveryhappy i will say i do not know what might be with your network itself.. i would say try and handjam in the numbers and letters to your network properties01:12
Khaosthat would be my suggestion, see if that forces a registration01:13
donnieAwesome question, for you awesome people01:13
veryhappyKhaos: it doesn't force any registration i built that network up, and it's a home network,  i definitely set it up for myself, hmmm then it's really strange01:14
nluxo boi, I inserted another fat32 device... that won't also work.01:14
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Khaosnlux: lol again?01:14
donnieI'm having problems with Ubuntu. So I'm thinking of installing the Xubuntu-Desktop which in turn turns Ubuntu into Xubuntu. Would it then be safe to just remove the Gnome? And basically 'convert' my system to xubuntu that way? :D01:14
nluxcan't get write privileges on any vfat device at all01:15
* nlux cries01:15
Khaosveryhappy: what i mean is enter the MAC address of your cable into the unit and manually the IPv4 or 6 whatever you are running01:15
Khaosnlux: do those devices have permission01:15
nluxKhaos: It's driver related issue I don't think it has anything to do with my poor fat devices ;-;01:16
Khaosnlux: take them to the gym, maybe then it will fit into port more willingly :D01:17
veryhappyKhaos: i think i found the solution, but now i got the new issue, that my network always shows something like a waiting animation for a few times and then it says, "you're not connected" and then it tries that again, always and always01:17
* nlux cries01:17
Khaosveryhappy: you are running hardline right?01:18
dante123Khaos, the problem is I had to use the following commands....modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb01:18
dante123modprobe wl and then modprobe b4301:18
freud__boa noite01:19
veryhappyKhaos: what do you mean with hardline, sorry?01:19
dante123to get wired and wifi to work at the same time (possible conflict in broadcomm) anyway, when I reboot....I have wifi but no wired...and have to run the commands again.  I want this change to stay permanently01:19
Khaosveryhappy: hardline is running the wire from router to computer01:21
truongapI have a problem when using dockbarx-mate, it's not working. I see the log file and it's show me like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1468628/. Someone help me, please!01:21
Khaosdante123: yes that will conflict, you have to make sure they are set up on completely different networks, otherwise they will overreach each other and drop01:21
Khaosmake sure your subnet masks, if the same, fall into different sets01:22
Khaosif they are different, make sure that they are actually on different networks01:22
Khaosif your IP is on a subnet mask, then the next allowable address is going to be
Khaosassuming the network starts at
veryhappyKhaos: ok, got it, yea i'm running hardline. but that doesn't even make sense, i mean what it has to do if i use gpt or mbr with my network connection? it always tries to load the network and then it says after a while "disconnected, you are offline now!"01:24
[1]LordjoeI need help installing ubuntu on a partition and getting it to boot alongside windows - even with grub it will not boot01:24
Khaosveryhappy: if it was wireless, then it was possible you were getting interference and could maybe have something wrong in the wireless sector, which its to be said, is not my forte. But as for hardline, go to your network settings and see if have conflict IP sets01:25
=== paulgigas is now known as pablo__
veryhappyKhaos: it's wired, i'll go check it out, but i don't understand why it doesn't work right now.01:26
Khaosneither do i mate, hence why i asked :)01:26
Khaosveryhappy: you can click the network settings button on your desktop and go to connection information01:28
veryhappyyea, strangely i have a network connection now, but it doesn't make a single ping at all01:29
coviHi all. How can I add a 'startup application' in Ubuntu 12.04?01:29
Khaoscovi: what do you want to add?01:29
Khaoswhat are you attempting to ping01:29
Khaos@veryhappy, that last was01:30
veryhappyKhaos: ping www.google.com01:30
Khaosveryhappy: try
Khaosnot, thats not what i want you to ping lol01:30
FlannelKhaos: Please mind the language, thanks.01:30
veryhappyKhaos: what's i see now Destination host unreachable01:31
DaemonicApathyIP address for google.com is - if that works, I would guess the DNS settings are incorrect.01:31
xiamxhow to disable firewall completely in ubuntu 12.04 server? (it's a testing machine running in vmware so security is not a concern)01:31
veryhappyDaemonicApathy: that doesn't work as well01:32
DaemonicApathyxiamx: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-server-disable-firewall/01:32
coviKhaos: dropboxd01:32
DaemonicApathyveryhappy, sounds like you're connected to the network, but not the internet.01:32
Khaoscovi: and you want to set it up to run when you start?01:33
veryhappyDaemonicApathy: yea, that's what i don't understand. the router is when i try to ping it, it says, destination host unreachable, when i try to ping the computer it says , connection successful01:34
Tojammis there anyone that can help me with an install issue on a Vaio SVS1511?01:34
veryhappyTojamm: what do you have for a problem?01:35
dowdyph0 veryhappy route add default gw *01:35
TojammDuring install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant install as the installer hangs.01:36
TojammI have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging, i try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work, i also made sure none of the partitions was mounted. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?01:36
veryhappydowdyph0: that instruction hangs01:36
veryhappyah unknown host01:36
veryhappydowdyph0: what did you want me to do about the gw?01:36
dowdyph0veryhappy: sorry01:37
dowdyph0veryhappy: route add default gw
dowdyph0veryhappy: that's your router right?01:37
shakaponkhow can i install ubuntu command-line (minimal) don't have the option for that (installing in vbox)01:38
veryhappydowdyph0: yea01:38
shakaponkubuntu 12.1001:38
dowdyph0try to ping it now01:38
veryhappydowdyph0: already tried01:38
veryhappydowdyph0: would have been nice if it would work though01:38
dowdyph0veryhappy: do you have any iptables rule active?01:39
veryhappydowdyph0: i made a fresh install, tried to install from the live cd and it already told me i have no internet connection, then i got it up and running now at least to get the ip address static but nothing more.01:39
veryhappyat this state i am right now01:40
dowdyph0you you are wire-connected01:40
dowdyph0the network interface is up right?01:40
veryhappydowdyph0: yea it is01:40
coviKhaos: yes01:41
dowdyph0veryhappy: which network nic do you have?01:41
veryhappydowdyph0: well the model?01:42
=== Aww is now known as [Aww]
dowdyph0sudo lshw -class network01:42
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:42
veryhappydowdyph0: VT6102 [Rhine-II]01:43
dowdyph0veryhappy: sudo modprobe via-rhine01:44
dowdyph0sudo ifconfig eth0 down;sudo ifconfig eth0 up01:44
Khaoscovi: type startup applications into the dashboard, click it, and then click add and then the programn01:45
veryhappydowdyph0: something on here is really odd!01:46
dowdyph0do you have dhcp service in your router?01:46
Khaosthat should be automated01:46
veryhappydowdyph0: everything normally worked! until i decided now to use gpt and that's what i don't understand.01:47
dowdyph0veryhappy: sudo dhclient eth001:47
veryhappyveryhappy: and i made a fresh new install of ubuntu and now it doesn't work anymore01:47
dowdyph0veryhappy: I use gpt but it is nonsense01:47
coviKhaos: thanks, I was trying to look for this in the settings, but in vain. I remembered in older versions I could do that.01:47
veryhappydowdyph0: yea that's odd, my talking01:48
dowdyph0veryhappy: you have fresh-installd in gpt?01:48
veryhappydowdyph0: yea01:48
Khaoscovi: not a problem mate, i learned something myself ;) i thought it was in the same spot this time as well.01:48
TojammDuring install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant install as the installer hangs.01:48
TojammI have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging, i try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work, i also made sure none of the partitions was mounted. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?01:48
dowdyph0do you have any error in dmesg?01:48
dowdyph0veryhappy: dmesg | grep eth[0-9]01:50
veryhappydowdyph0: gimme a few seconds buddy to check out if i get a network connection with the live cd01:50
TojammIts seams no one has any ideas on how to fix this install issue :-(01:52
defileTojamm, what issue?01:53
Tojammdefile: During install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant install as the installer01:53
Tojammhangs. I have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging, i try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work, i also made sure none of the partitions was mounted. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?01:53
thufir_anyone familiar with DAR (Disc ARchiver)?  I seem to be having a syntax problem:  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup.dar.support/264101:53
veryhappydowdyph0: same issue on the live cd though i don't understand it, the symbol looks like a wifi symbol though i have a wired connection and then i tries a few times to get a connection, breaks up and says "Disconnected - you are not connected."01:54
madinchi guys any of you use the xboxdrv?01:55
defileTojamm, yeah, I don't know how to solve either01:55
Tojammdefile: Thanks anyway i have been stuck with this issue for over 2 weeks now, posted in askubuntu but no joy there either01:56
defileI have a UEFI capable host, but I've stuck to BIOS to avoid the drama01:56
defileTojamm, is this on a Mac?01:56
dowdyph0veryhappy: make a pastebin of the ouput of this: dmesg | grep "\(wlan[0-9]\|eth[0-9]\)"01:56
Tojammdefile: no this is a Sony Vaio SVS151101:57
veryhappydowdyph0: i don't use wifi i already told you01:57
dowdyph0veryhappy: is for seeing the status of the link, of the wired and wifi01:58
Khaos_da woops01:58
veryhappydowdyph0: whatever, tomorrow i'm going to reinstall the system on mbr, that's crap.01:58
OerHeksTojamm,  maybe this page is any help >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI disable secure boot i guess01:58
veryhappydowdyph0: i'm sorry that you couldn't solve the issue buddy, don't worry. i neither did understand what the hell is wrong with this crappy system.01:59
Khaosquestion for someone who understands the IRCs01:59
TojammOerHecks: there is no secure boot on bios. also in order to avoid issues with EFi i use the 64bits version but still the dammn thing does not want to install lol02:00
dowdyph0good luck, I'm leaving02:00
DaemonicApathy!ask | Khaos02:00
ubottuKhaos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:00
lamefunhow to verify download?02:00
lamefunUbuntu doesn't seem very serious, no clear "verify download" button on download page, no GPG key over https, like in Fedora...02:01
veryhappythank you guys02:01
Jordan_Uveryhappy: I think that you are mistaking any corelation between using gpt vs an msdos label and any network settings.02:02
Khaosnoted, i have joined #backtrack-linux, but keep being told when i try to talk in there, that it #backtrack-linux cant send in channel02:02
Tojammlamefun you mean do a MD5Sum check?02:02
OerHeksKhaos, i think you need to register your irc name02:03
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:03
lamefunFedora provides checksums only over HTTPS, even...02:03
Tojammlamefun: you in what OS now?02:03
KhaosBeans and bread. good to go, thank you OerHeks02:03
OerHeks!md5sum | lamefun02:03
ubottulamefun: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:03
lamefunis there something like https://fedoraproject.org/en/verify ?02:04
OerHeksKhaos, but the real BT support is on an other irc channel02:05
Khaosits giving me the same error02:05
TojammDuring install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant install as the installer hangs.02:06
TojammI have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging, i try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work, i also made sure none of the partitions was mounted. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?02:06
freshstartiam using linux mint 13 mate.when i change a theme it doesnt apply all the changes to caja,but it applies all the changes to nautilus,what can i do to apply it to caja?02:06
zvacetI ca not reboot or shutdown as admin user it brings me back to login screen02:07
dr_willisfreshstart:  mint has its own support channels/servers.02:07
freshstartdr_willis: yeah i know i wrote it on both :D02:08
freshstartdr_willis: just in case02:08
dr_willisYour question dosent make much sence either.02:08
zvacetany takers02:09
bambuI started ddrescue on one disk, the disk is near capacity, could I continue ddrescue with a split image on another disk?02:09
Dan39problems with kwin and NX still not fixed.. :(02:09
Noice_Creatoris it possible to set tty to 1920x1080?02:09
Dan39will it never be fixed in 12.04?02:09
freshstartdr_willis: when i change a theme the background color of the input box doesnt change in caja,its the default manager in mate so that's the problem02:10
freshstartdr_willis: but it works on nautilus02:10
freshstartdr_willis: but i dont know to change to nautilus because linux mint is based on caja02:10
bambuLOL I passed out for a few hours... back to ask the same question ;[02:11
b33njwhere could i read something useful about ubuntu package management system?02:12
dr_willisNoice_Creator:  My Console is using 1920x1080 here. ;)  i dident have to set anything.02:12
veryhappyJUST TO GET BACK to the topic where we were, "A computer solves the problems that we wouldn't have without them.", take care guys, and thanks for trying to solve my gpt problem, take care02:12
dr_willis!apt | b33nj02:12
ubottub33nj: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)02:12
bambuI started ddrescue on one disk, the disk is near capacity, could I continue ddrescue with a split image on another disk?02:13
b33njdr_willis: okay02:13
lamefunWhy isn't there something like https://fedoraproject.org/en/verify ?02:13
b33nj!dpkg | b33nj02:14
ubottub33nj, please see my private message02:14
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.02:14
dr_willisbambu:  you were doing the rescue image to a partion? instead of a file?02:14
OerHekslamefun, see the solution from ubottu a few minutes back02:14
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lamefuncan I verify hashes themselves?02:16
BluefoxicyIs anyone using Puppet?02:16
dr_willis!info puppet02:16
ubottupuppet (source: puppet): Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.18-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 20 kB, installed size 110 kB02:16
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases02:16
dr_willisnever heard of it. ;)02:16
Bluefoxicyyes it's in main, but a package in Universe (puppetmaster-passenger) is kind of non-functional02:17
BluefoxicyI filed a bug and want to know if anyone else has hit it so it can be marked Confirmed02:17
OerHekslamefun, that was also mentioned in the url ubottu gave you02:17
zvacetanyone willing to help about shutdown and reboot problem that I have02:18
seba_Guys do you know how to uninstall amd graphic drier?02:18
bambudr_willis, I'm taking an image of a partition... I'm using an image so (hopefully) I can switch over to another disk now that this one is near full.02:19
lamefunok, and how do I verify MD5SUMS.gpg -.-? why can't I download it with HTTPS at least?02:19
dr_willisbambu:  splitting the image across 2 hard drive? never seen that done02:19
bambudr_willis, Really? Do you know if it is possible?02:20
Bluefoxicyit's possible but unstable02:21
Bluefoxicyif one disk goes, you lose the whole FS on striping, and half of it on JBOD02:21
Bluefoxicyand it's hard to recover when you have the beginning half of an FS missing02:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 985202 in libxfixes (Ubuntu) "libx11 causes kwin to crash on login (over NX protocol)" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:22
Bluefoxicysee also:  why you should never, ever use RAID-502:22
dr_willisI last used ddrescue to recover a 2tb usb hd... imaged it to a file on a 3tb usb hd.. ;) took like.. err.. forever. :) a few days.02:24
dr_willisbut it did get everything recovered02:24
Bluefoxicyyeah for a failing clicky drive it will02:24
Bluefoxicypeople use RAID-5 thinking it can't fail02:24
dr_willisand THEN the silly flakey 2TB started working again.... the load must of scared it into working.02:24
bambudr_willis,  So buy another HD, and a SATA to USB?02:24
bambuNo problems.02:25
dr_willisThey have universial sata-ide-miniide -> usb adaptors for like $25 - a Great tool when you need it.02:25
Bluefoxicythe smallest R5 array is 3 disks, which is p^3 as likely to experience a disk failure, and (p^3)^(1/2) as likely to experience two02:25
Bluefoxicyso p^(1.5) times as likely ... more likely to experience 202:25
b33njare there any command line video players?02:25
antonio_hey folks...02:26
dr_willisb33nj:  mplayer can play to the console.. or use the ascci-out  option if you want ascii videos. ;P02:26
antonio_I'm using 10.04 right now..how can I upgrade to 12.04?02:26
daftykinsdr_willis: that sounds interesting. i have a friends HDD who wants the same right now, but it just streams errors constantly trying to boot a liveCD, any ideas? that's with it direct attached via SATA02:26
dr_willisantonio_:  you can.. but it may be faster/easier to do a clean install.02:26
b33njdr_willis: is ascii-out option in mplayer?02:26
antonio_dr_willis: how so?02:27
dr_willisb33nj:  if you want to see the video converted to colorized ansi/characters. ;) its a cute trick. but not  what most people want.02:27
milamber!upgrade | antionio_02:27
ubottuantionio_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:27
dr_willisantonio_:  last time i did a upgrade.. it took several hours.. vs a cleaninstall that took about 30 min.02:27
b33njdr_willis: what about console music players?02:28
dr_willisb33nj:  mplayer used to be able to use the framebuffer console as a video output for playback.02:28
antonio_the only problem is I don't have any medium to do a backup wiht02:28
dr_willisb33nj:  dozens of them02:28
dr_willis!info mocd02:29
ubottuPackage mocd does not exist in quantal02:29
dr_willisHmm what was that name...02:29
dr_willis!info moc02:29
ubottumoc (source: moc): ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0~alpha4+svn20120224-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 244 kB, installed size 680 kB02:29
b33njdr_willis: okay02:29
dr_willisive heard moc is nice02:29
b33njonce i tried to play an m4a file with it, but it couldn't open it02:30
glleraHello, can I use a VPN only when I'm trying to access to a single ip instead of use it all the time?02:30
Che-AnarchHave they stopped doing ubuntu series with app's pre-packaged?02:33
Che-AnarchLike the torrent downloads 4gb+?02:33
penguinmanChe-Anarch, you can download whatever you need through the repos, so not really any point in the everything but the kitchen sink spins anymore02:35
b33njpenguinman: hi02:35
penguinmanb33nj, hello02:35
b33njpenguinman, i have downloaded the book you told me of02:36
penguinmanb33nj, remind again which book that was?02:36
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.02:36
b33njpenguinman: bash oreilly02:36
penguinmanb33nj, oh, gotcha02:36
JAIMEquestion for the experienced linux users out there!! i have another computer that i am fixing for a friend, and he wants windows (fool i know!) but its a netbook, is there any program to make a bootable usb for windows in linux!??02:40
dr_willisJAIME:  the guys in #windows may know. I think theres some. but it may depend on the windows version02:40
darkhalo117I know there is an xp live boot you can get02:40
dr_willisOf course the legality and security of such things.. is well. questionable.02:41
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dr_willisive seen usb-windows on torrents. :) but thats getting OT for here.02:41
b3njuse only open source software02:42
dr_willisso its all about You now? ;)02:42
mandrivaalHi. I'm running the wubi.exe installer on my 64 bit windows 7 Raid 0 configuration machine. is it going to screw things up?02:42
dr_willismandrivaal:  best advice for wubi. i think is to avoid it...02:43
mandrivaalawe man02:43
mandrivaalworks on my laptop02:44
=== Justasic is now known as Guest
b3njdr_willis: i am using lxde, but when i am in full screen mode in terminal i see 'file edit tabs help' menu sections on top. how do i remove them from full screen mode?02:45
ClientAlivewhat is the single best vnc for linux?02:46
b3njhelp me02:47
dr_willisb3nj: try some other terminal emulator apps perhaps? what one are you using now?02:47
dr_willisClientAlive:  depends on your exact needs.02:47
b3njdr_willis: lxterminal02:47
dr_willisb3nj:  i tend to use terminator02:47
b3njdr_willis: how can i change font and its size in virtual terminal02:48
ClientAlivedr_willis: I have a desktop and a laptop. The desktop is new and very powerful, the lappy is old and weak. It would be nice to run the stuff from my desktop but control it here on my lappy.02:48
ClientAliveI have like zero exper with this stuff though.02:48
darkhalo117Have you guys heard anything about running 12.04 on microsoft surface?02:50
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SecretFirewhats the difference between xfce and kde?02:52
b3njnames are different02:53
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SecretFirethey are just kernels?02:53
b3njthey are desktop environments02:54
b3njcan xfce be run on a netbook?02:55
RollinV2the question is not if it will run, but how well will it run02:56
b3njso how well will it run?02:56
bobweaverRollinV2,  what notebook ?02:57
b3njasus eee pc02:57
bobweaversorry b3nj  ^^02:57
OerHeksXFCE is lighter than KDE, suitable for netbooks02:58
dr_willisClientAlive:  any vnc client/server can do that. If yo can see both pcs at the same time - look into synergy02:58
b3njis XFCE lighter than unity?02:58
OerHeksb3nj, sure02:58
ClientAlivedr_willis: right on. thx02:58
bobweaverdepends on what unity and what you are running xface is not that lightweight anymore02:59
bobweaverHi ClientAlive02:59
OerHeksXFCE needs 512 mb, gnome/unity 1 gb and LXDE needs 256 mb02:59
bobweaverwhat about metacity what does that need ?02:59
ClientAlivebobweaver: eye bro. hows it going?02:59
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ClientAlivemerry christmas02:59
b3njdr_willis: how do i change font and its size in virtual terminal?02:59
b3njokay, i am going to install xfce instead of unity03:00
bobweaverClientAlive,  good making settings for dash and launcher and what not. Hey thanks merry christmas to you also brother :)03:00
OerHeksXFCE is nice03:00
ClientAlivebobweaver: right on. dash is a shell?03:00
b3njxfce looks like mac os theme03:01
PouryaYeah I like xfce more than Ubuntu's new interface...03:01
RollinV2dash is an application launcher thats part of unity03:01
DaemonicApathyThe Dash is part of Unity, which is a shell for GNOME.03:01
bobweaverClientAlive, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSQUQg44R6Y03:01
bobweaverDaemonicApathy,  or metacity03:01
bobweaverif 2d03:01
b3njcan somebody help me how can i change font and its size in virtual terminal?03:02
DaemonicApathyFair enough, bobweaver.03:02
ClientAlivebobweaver: right on. There's csh too (is it csh? corn shell? korn shell? - idk). ha ha03:02
RollinV2b3nj, it should be in settings. im running luna so i dont have the default terminal app to check03:02
b3njRollinV2: i mean the terminal which is accessed by pressing ctrl+alt+f103:03
b3njwhat is the command for installing xfce?03:04
ClientAlivebobweaver: ohhh. I see...03:04
Pouryaapt-get install xfce-desktop03:04
OerHeksb3nj, first answer from google > http://askubuntu.com/questions/173220/how-do-i-change-the-font-or-the-font-size-in-the-tty-console03:04
Pouryasorry xubuntu-desktop I think...03:04
b3njOerHeks: okay03:05
ClientAliveaye bobweaver: do you do any work with uml?03:05
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b3njPourya: does xfce come preinstalled in xubuntu?03:05
Pouryathats what I do03:06
PouryaI install xubuntu….03:06
Pouryaif you install ubuntu then install xfce you will have so many applications with duplicate functionalities...03:06
Pouryaits cleaner that way...03:07
b3njPourya: so should i try to install xubuntu?03:07
Pouryayes to get xfce thats the best option…03:08
thufir_anyone familiar with DAR (Disc ARchiver)?  I seem to be having a syntax problem:  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup.dar.support/264103:12
b3njhelp me03:23
bobweaverwhat would all you say one *of the* Lightest *Windo Manager* out there for X ?03:23
bobweaverWindow Manager not DE03:24
b3njbobweaver, how could i change my brightness in xfce03:24
bobweaverI use Unity b3nj03:24
jitsiixset might do the trick03:24
milamberbobweaver: ratpoison03:25
bobweaverUnity 2d to be more to the point03:25
b3njhow to change brightness in xfce?03:25
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jitsiinevermind that, xset won't do the trick03:26
b3njhow do i change brightness in xfce03:27
bobweaverb3nj,  there has to be a settings page. If not then I would not use it lol03:27
jitsiibobweaver: lol03:27
* kashkraft test03:27
b3njhow to change cursor theme in xfce?03:28
bobweaverb3nj,  you know that there is also a xubuntu channel also03:29
b3njbobweaver: okay03:29
jitsiib3nj: you can drop the prefered cursors somewhere in your home folder and it should be rock & roll03:29
jitsiiforgot the folder though03:29
bobweaverb3nj,  might be more peps there that know way more then here. But you are more then free to ask where ever03:29
jitsiiits a hidden folder... haven03:29
jitsii't changed cursor themes in forever03:30
jitsiianyone here use ps3mediaserver?03:30
kashkraft@b3nj http://lmgtfy.com/?q=change+cursor+xfce03:31
jitsiino playstation fans? how shocking03:31
kashkraftFirst result is a great thread current from May 503:31
jitsiixfce... lol. some of those look pretty dope though03:33
RollinV2xmbc only media player i use. linux version solid as a rock.03:37
WorstyHello all. Could anyone walk me through extending an lvm to its maximum size?03:37
WorstyI just installed ubuntu encrypted onto a USB and for some reason it made a 30gb partition but I'm only seeing half that03:38
Worstythis is what I get from vgdisplay: http://pastebin.com/TSqj7s6G03:39
RollinV2Worsty, backup your important data first.03:42
jmb70056I am trying to make it where my primary user account shows up and all other user accounts are required to enter username and password03:45
jmb70056to login03:46
dr_willis'shows up' ?03:46
Worstyno important data03:46
WorstyI just installed it03:46
dr_willisjmb70056:  you mean 'auto logs in' ?03:46
WorstyRollinV2: If you know how do to this would you mind if I messaged you privately?03:47
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Worsty: /03:48
jmb70056no i want my primary user account to show in the users menu when you login but my other account i want hidden where you have to enter both username and password to login03:48
dr_willisOn the LOGIN SCREEN you mean. You want to only show ONE users Icon/image.03:49
dr_willisthen why dident you say that. ;P03:49
jmb70056lol :)03:49
dr_willisactually GDM had a way to show/hide specific users.. not sure about lightdm03:50
dr_willisId check askubuntu for it. search for 'lightdm hide users' perhaps.03:50
* dr_willis dosent have a browser handy.03:50
jmb70056okay thank you03:50
dr_willistheres several 'system users' that are allready hidden by default. but im not sure how to hide everyone, and only show select users by default.03:51
Guest9790I have a question03:55
artichokusup guest03:55
Guest9790is it possible to combine the processing power from two computers?03:55
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Guest9790specifically two linux ones?03:55
Guest9790i read somewhere this evening that it's called a cluster03:56
jmb70056i found this link earlier but it didn't work or maybe i didn't do something right.03:56
Guest9790hi artichoku03:56
artichokui would think it would be possible03:56
artichokubut i couldn't tell you how03:57
dr_willisTHeres cluster-linux disrtos.03:57
artichokui mean, my servers work altogether03:57
dr_willisand entire books and stuff written on the topic.03:57
mike024Guest9790: What are you doing that you need to 'combine processing power'?03:57
Guest9790here's the deal, i have a desktop that i can't hook up to my 32 inch flat screen. so i've been using my laptop. only it's too slow and doesn't play media very well03:58
Guest9790so i wondering if for the next few days until i buy the proper cable if could combine both pcs to increase processing speed...03:58
artichokuit would take you more than a few days, i'm betting to set it up03:59
artichokuwhat ports do you have for vid on your desktop?03:59
mike024Guest9790: Hooking them up to do that probably won't work. You need too high of bandwidth between the computers to make it work it.04:00
Guest9790oops ok04:00
Guest9790does anyone know how to connect an ubuntu desktop tower to a tv?04:00
artichokui just plug mine in04:01
mike024Guest9790: Because the bottleneck is likely your gfx card, not your cpu. And graphics needs even faster connections.04:01
Guest9790laptop is easy 'cause you just connect the hdmi right click etc.04:01
artichokudoes your desktop only have vga port?04:01
dr_willisGuest9790:  i just plug the vga or hdmi cable in and it works... ;)04:01
mike024Guest9790: Are you sure that you have the right drivers and such installed on your laptop? Tuning your laptop that way should help04:01
VegaMan_i need help getting sound to work through my video card's HDMI output which requires help installing AIT drivers please04:01
jmb70056i found this link earlier but it didn't work or maybe i didn't do something right. http://askubuntu.com/questions/92349/how-do-i-hide-a-particular-user-from-the-lightdm-login-screen04:01
dr_willisTheres vga -> hdmi converters i recall. but they may be  more $$ then you want to spend04:01
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dr_willisjmb70056:  you did restart the lightdm service?04:02
VegaMan_oh wow this is apparently a popular problem04:02
Guest9790artichoku: yeah it does... but just wondering why the hdmi cable connection doesn't work well, i mean it's sending a signal but it's just garbled fuzziness... (lemme read your posts just a moment)04:02
dr_willisCould be the PC is sending  a differnt res/display then what the tv wants.  720p vs 1080 or somthing.. but ive never had that issue.04:03
dr_willisor its a cruddy cable. ;)04:03
artichokui've had my fair share of cruddy cables04:03
artichokuif it ain't gold, don't bother04:03
Guest9790dr_willis: perhaps a cruddy cable... but i have several around the house and have used them all04:03
dr_willisIve had some nice Looking heavy cables.. give me issues with some tvs.04:04
mike024Guest9790: HDMI either works or it doesn't. It is a digital signal. Your settings are the issue.04:04
Guest9790so i'm thinking that there's a res/display signal issue04:04
Guest9790how do i change the settings on a desktop?04:04
artichokunvidia or ati? what version of ubuntu?04:04
Guest9790i mean i'll do the research myself04:04
dr_willisI just use the nvidia-settings tool. ;)04:04
Guest9790artichoku: it's an intel g31 or somesuch04:04
Guest9790or at least that what it says in the terminal04:05
dr_willisbut really with plugging into a tv thee days over hdmi. it should work the same as a pc monitor - it 'should' just work.04:05
Guest9790dr_willis: thanks04:05
Guest9790artichoku: thanks04:05
dr_willisOnly issue ive had with tv's as monitors are normally dealing with 'overscan'  or having fancy tv features like dynamic color/brightness  that work well for movies.. but cause issues with text/desktop type images.04:05
Guest9790i just need to google how to tweek my settings and not a bigger deal about this than needs to be made :P04:06
Guest9790thanks folks04:06
Guest9790hey you guys heard of the intel video card i mentioned arlier?04:06
VegaMan_does anyone know how to get the sudo amdconfig --initial  command to work? I'm trying to follow these directions04:06
artichokui have not Guest04:07
jmb70056dr_willis i'm not sure if i did or not still kinda new to ubuntu i did everything that link said to do and it didn't work04:07
artichokuVegaMan, getting an error?04:07
VegaMan_artichoku:  yes04:07
VegaMan_"command not cound"04:07
VegaMan_same for "fglrxinfo: command not found"04:08
mike024Guest9790: Also, I've had issues with the TV settings themselves. Setting different scan types and stuff has net huge gains for me on my TV at home.04:08
detrimentali just installed ubuntu server and got ssh working properly since my ip is static is there anyway to find out my current ip if im not where my server is located?04:08
mike024Guest9790: I have a really nice screen, but when using the wrong settings on the TV, everything was fuzzy and yuck. Once I got the right settings everything was crisp and beautiful04:09
artichokuVegaMan: do sudo apt-get install fglrx04:10
mike024detrimenatal: You can ssh in? Install lynx and type lynx google.com then search for "what is my ip" and see what google tells you. That is if you are behind NAT. If you aren't just do a "ifconfig" and see what the ip is04:10
detrimentalok but i mean if im not where my server is located. i can ssh in while in in the network but outside ill need to use the ip not local ip04:11
mike024detrimental: so you are using nat?04:12
detrimentalim not sure what nat is04:12
mike024detrimental: you will have to forward port 22 in your router to port 22 of your static private ip04:12
mike024detrimental: is your server ip 192.168.* or 10.*?04:12
detrimentalits 198.168.*.*04:13
dr_willisor set the router to forwa4rd some high port like 5555  to port 22 on the internal lan to the right ip#04:13
dr_willisthen you ssh to you external ip, on that port. and it gets rerouted to the internal port/pc04:14
dr_willisone way to have several ssh servers on the lan you an get to. ;)04:14
mike024detrimental: Ok. So you are using NAT. I have a computer at my house with the same IP as your server's IP. That IP is private to your network. Now you router has a public IP that the world can address.04:14
detrimentalbut where the ip changes is there anyway of always knowing what it is04:14
dr_willisdetrimental:  dynamicdns type services exist.04:14
mike024detrimental: You will want to look into a dynamic ip service. You can get that for free04:14
detrimentalok thank you very much04:14
dr_willisdetrimental:  on the internal side of the lan. you may want to set all pcs to use static ips that dont change.04:15
detrimentalill contact my isp04:15
VegaMan_thanks artichoku rebooting to see if it works04:15
mike024dr_willis: why go to the hassle? Just make sure your DHCP doesn't hand out your server address?04:15
dr_willisisp has no controll over your intERNAL lan.04:15
detrimentalyes. i am going to change my internal lan to dynamic04:15
dr_willismike024:  i got 5+ differnt servers. ;)  my router can assign ip based on mac. makes it eeasy for me to keep the straight.04:16
detrimentalthank you04:16
artichokunp VegaMan04:16
mike024detrimental: Google dynamic dns service. You can probably get one for free04:16
PouryaYou have to contact ISP and pay something extra to get an static IP04:16
Pouryabut usually the IP doesnt change that often...04:16
artichokudetri no-ip.com04:16
artichokui've used them b404:16
dr_willisIm refering to  the INTERNAL on the lan ip #'s you an make them static  or other ways fixed to save hassles.04:16
detrimentalok thanks04:17
dr_willisthen  theres a dozen ways to get your ip if it ever changes from the isp.04:17
detrimentaldr_willis i know what you mean make sure my routers not assigning changing ips04:17
dr_willisno real need to pay a lot of extra ## to hav3e the isp do a static ip.04:17
dr_willisif they even do that.04:17
artichokuoh they do it, and it's a fortune, lol04:17
mike024dr_willis: if you have clients other than servers on your network(and it is a simple network) it is easier to just assign part of your range to dhcp and use the other as static. I have a simple network at home of 10.10.10.* as clients and 10.10.11.* as my kvm server with LOTS of static ip vms. It makes administration easy and I don't need any decent networking equipment(not that I don't want it hah, gigabit is too expensive though)04:17
eangHi, anyone who can point to where the Dash gsettings (specifically, lenses) are? I'm looking to disable/enable them, but I can't find where.04:18
KarlitoI was wondering what linux distro would work best for watching videos?04:25
Karlitosomething extremely light04:25
Karlitofor a desktop04:25
RollinV2xbmc linux04:26
Karlitoperhaps someone can recommend to me a website04:26
dr_willisKarlito:  theres xbmc-focused live cd/disrtos.04:26
dr_willisKarlito:  depends on how/what you are watching04:26
Karlitoso i can read descriptions of your suggestion and others04:26
dr_willisand the system specs. ;)04:26
Karlitodr_willis: i know that linux mint is equipped to handle any kind of media you throw at it04:26
Karlitobut it's kinda crapy04:27
CrypticSquaredin what way?04:27
dr_willisKarlito:  ive rarely found anything i couldent watch in most any linux disrto out there.04:27
dr_willisits all in the details of what and how you are watching stuff...04:27
dr_willisxbmc on ubuntu works well04:27
Karlitodr_willis i like viisting those crappy free movie tv sites that require codecs and stuff04:27
dr_willisthen theres good old vlc and other media players.04:27
dr_willisKarlito:  cant say ive seen a site that requires special codecs.. other then silverlight04:28
Karlitoi was led to believe by a linux mint user that the only way around opening the terminal to install stuff would be to use linux mint04:28
RollinV2Karlito, sounds like you want a media center solution. go for xbmc, vlc, plex04:28
dr_willissounds like you shouldent be taking advice from mint users...04:28
dr_willisand yes.. learn the terminal...04:29
dr_willisit will pay off big time in the long run04:29
RollinV2Karlito, do not be afraid of the terminal. it is your friend but you dont know it yet04:29
RollinV2terminal is so fast once you learn it04:29
Karlitoi bookmarked commands and worked partly through a command line manual :P04:29
RollinV2good job04:30
KarlitoRollinV2: perhaps you can recommend a more user friendly command line manual/user guide?04:30
dr_williswas showing off at work to guys doing tasks that would take them forever in the gui.. that took about 20 sec on the terminal.04:30
KarlitoRollinV2: thnx04:30
Karlitodr_willis: lol04:30
RollinV2Karlito, start learning about bashrc and aliases04:31
artichokulol, most of the programs i use don't even have a gui04:31
artichokuor even install for that matter04:31
artichoku./ ftw04:31
RollinV2the extract alias for the win04:32
Karlitoi've installed stuff using the command line but it was basically cut and pasting what someone in a forum told me to04:32
RollinV2i cant even remember the last time i actually used the tar, zip, gz commands04:32
dr_willisim on a console only system  right now.04:32
dr_willis!info unp04:32
artichokunice dr willis04:32
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7+nmu1 (quantal), package size 16 kB, installed size 133 kB04:32
RollinV2irssi is nice irc terminal app04:32
=== Blues is now known as Guest61177
artichokuirc is fun,but i like playing in shell chat, lol04:33
Karlitodude what is the most powerful awesome tooty fruity hooty tooty linux system out there for badasses who can do command line w/their eyes shut?04:33
artichokussh party!04:33
RollinV2just visit the #archlinux room. dont say anything. just listen. you will learn something or be totally confused04:34
RollinV2when you can sit in that room and understand. then you are ready04:34
artichokuterminal proxies are giving me angry eyes!!!!04:34
CrellHi folks.  I'm mid-upgrade of a 10.04 LTS server to 12.04 LTS.  However, I am getting errors that many packages cannot be configured due to dependency issues.04:34
CrellThey are mostly Perl packages by the looks of it, except a few like git and mysql(?).04:35
KarlitoRollinV2: ok thanks master04:35
artichokuCrell, they may be being replaced by updated packages04:35
CrellWhen I try to dpkg-reconfigure a few of them, I get an error that a particular symbol is missing.04:35
RollinV2dcrell force install the apps. that will install the dependencies (as long as they are part of the 12.04 repos)04:35
RollinV2sorry, that was for Crell04:35
CrellRollinV2: aptitude install perl-modules --force?04:35
Crell(That's one of the packages.)04:36
=== Guest61177 is now known as Blues22
bambuIs this a decent hardrive price? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136567\04:37
RollinV2crell "-f" is easier to type04:37
CrellIf you want to be lazy about it...04:37
bazhang!ot | bambu04:37
ubottubambu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:37
artichokubambu you can get a terabyte for that probably04:37
bambuartichoku,  Link?04:38
RollinV2lol @ harddrive price. man go to slickdeals and be done with it04:38
bazhangbambu, wrong channel04:38
artichoku!ot | bambu04:38
ubottubambu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:38
KarlitoRollinV2: no one is talking to me in #archlinux :(04:38
Karlitoor talking at all for that matter04:38
mike024bambu: I would highly recommend getting a 7200 rpm hard drive. Hard drives are the slowest thing in computers these days.04:38
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest84038
artichokuKarlito: that's cuz there all in terminal04:39
Karlitoit's like they don't associate with noobs or something04:39
bazhangKarlito, are you asking for arch support here?04:39
Karlitoartichoku: nuh uh lol... there were people communicating but they're ignoring me04:39
RollinV2arch people dont talk to noobs. but if you ask nicely they are helpful04:39
bazhanglets get back on topic please04:39
* Karlito retracts "or talking at all for that matter" statment04:39
artichoku<----- is actually on kubuntu04:39
artichokummmm prettier04:40
RollinV2lol @ ubuntu vs arch beef. but i digress.04:40
Karlitoi wish my os was pretty :(04:40
RollinV2karlito: a nice background makes ubuntu stylish04:41
aeon-ltdKarlito: make it pretty.04:41
artichokulol @ proprietary OS from the "Hackers" movie04:41
artichokuand the excitement about a 28.8kbps modem04:41
t64028.8 used to be enough to host fserv's04:41
CrellRollinV2: Hm, no dice.  It looks like the problem is some packages want Perl 5.10, but Perl 5.14 is what 12.04 wants to install.04:41
CrellAnd it's getting lost in the middle.04:41
Karlitois there a book on how to be a linux badass and do cool stuff like talk to people on irc using 3 monitors like chris pirillo, play video games on a 4th and surf the web all at the same time04:41
CrellKarlito: Linux Badass For Dummies?04:42
aeon-ltdKarlito: dude that'd be incredibly overpowered unless you needed to do that stuff04:42
artichokui only have two monitors :(04:42
Karlitoi want my linux distro to be an extension of my pecker :P04:42
artichokubut i use them!04:42
aeon-ltdartichoku: workspaces :)04:42
Karlitocrell lol04:42
artichokulol aeon04:42
artichokui like to see everything at once04:43
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RollinV2Karlito, please dont mention chris pirillo. he is worse than the average fake female youtube nerd these days04:43
aeon-ltdartichoku: flick between them real fast04:43
KarlitoRollinV2: noted04:44
artichokulol aeon: ctrl+shift+rclick04:44
artichokui do miss the cube04:44
artichokudownside of switching to kde04:44
artichokucompiz was pretty sweet04:45
artichokubut unity blows my funky winker bean, so...04:45
aeon-ltdartichoku: if you use tiling you can split your screen more effectively04:45
RollinV2i hated that cube workspace transition. made me motion sick04:45
Muphridkde does have the cube04:46
artichokuoh man i got a semi from that cube, rofl04:46
artichokucube without compiz?!?!04:46
CrellRollinV2: When I do apt-get install -f, I still get errors unpacking the "perl" package.04:46
Karlitodamn i don't know what to do with myself - guess i'm destined to flounder in perpetual noobness for the rest of my miserable life04:46
Karlitocan't use my new tv04:46
artichokuKarlito, you have to goof around and break it a few times04:46
Karlitodon't know what a batch or alias is... :( fml04:46
Muphridin the bottom of their desktop effects tab in system settings there is a cube identical to compiz cube, not sure what they're using04:47
artichokuooooooo i wanna try!04:47
Karlitoartichoku: ooooh (epiphany) so that's what you do :P04:47
bambuEv eryone replied, yet it is offtopic. Leaving me to still want your help.04:47
* Crell is about to restart here. If I disappear, I'll be back, I hope...04:48
bambuCan you just post a link to one?04:48
Karlitoguess i stick around for a few more mins and fail at some more self-loathesome comedy relief04:48
RollinV2Karlito, artichoku is right. the path to ubuntu enlightment requires you to stumble over many many many setup problems04:48
jmb70056dr_willis  are you still here?04:48
Karlitodr_willis: are you really a doctor?04:48
KarlitoRollinV2: thanks04:48
Karlitoyou people are wise beyond my years04:49
artichokuMuphrid: awww04:49
IdleOnesorry bambu I hit the wrong button04:49
artichokuit's... okay, but not the same :(04:49
t640it's not hardcore unless you edit in 'ed'04:49
* Karlito smothers some butter on artichoku and takes a nibble04:49
RollinV2Karlito, you dont run any linux distro without a bit of common sense. so thanks. haha04:49
t640term types are for the weak04:49
Karlitoi wonder if i can run linux on my nook?04:50
Muphridartichoku: what is the difference?04:51
artichokuKarlino, i have linux on my hp touchpad, so why not?04:51
Karlitowonder if i can go on irc on my nook?04:51
Karlitothat would be badass04:51
artichokuMuphrid, it won't let me use the mouse as part of the hotkey04:51
artichokuso i have to turn it off04:51
artichokuturn it on, scroll, turn it off04:51
VegaMan_i'm back. my soundcard is not showing up at all. Anyone know how to get alsamixer to recognize it?04:51
Karlitot640: NICE04:52
artichokurather than just a quick drag04:52
cmellVegaMan_, what kind of sound card?04:52
Karlitot640: wait i have a nook simple touch w/ e-ink04:52
VegaMan_built into my gfx card04:52
artichokuVegaMan, anything under "Additional Drivers"?04:52
cmellVegaMan_, does lspci show it?04:53
MuphridI cant recall of that antifeature although Im not in kde anymore04:53
Karlitocool t640 found a rooting manual04:53
VegaMan_"hardware drivers?" no i installed all there04:53
t640if the e-ink version is arm, it should work on that too04:53
t640might need some graphics tweaks04:53
VegaMan_yes cmell04:54
cmellVegaMan_, what does lspci say about it?04:54
Karlitot640: sorry, arm?04:54
t640arm processor04:54
t640800MHz Texas Instruments OMAP 3 processor on the e-ink version04:55
Karlitot640: nook simple touch has a 800 Mhz ARM Cortex-A8-based TI OMAP04:55
Karlitoso than will it work?04:56
dctrdi saw on the news that ubuntu is a spyware os04:56
Karlitofigure i'll devote doing something remotely cooler than being too lazy to try out new distros on my pc and test out connecting to my new tv04:56
artichokui can't waint til windows 8 supports ARM processing04:57
aeon-ltddctrd: fox?04:57
t640ARM processors can do it. hopefully the rest of the hardware is supported in linux04:57
* Crell returns.04:57
t640i bet you could get it running04:57
aeon-ltdartichoku: windows rt?04:57
dctrdon the internet news04:57
VegaMan_actually cmell i'm not sure but i get :00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RD780 Northbridge only dual slot PCI-e_GFX and HT1 K8 part04:57
jmb70056Okay i got the user accounts hidden in the main login screen but how do you hide them in the drop down menu once you login04:57
Karlitot640: is there a safe way to test out running it without bricking it or some other unwanted outcome?04:57
dctrdis it true ?04:57
aeon-ltddctrd: that's a lie, though if someone remastered ubuntu it could have spyware or any kind of snooping set up.04:58
cmellVegaMan_, that sounds more lspci doesn't see any sound card04:58
aeon-ltddctrd: official ubuntu is fine, if you're really paranoid you can start from server then run through every pkg yourself.04:58
VegaMan_wiat nvm found it cmell :01:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Device aab004:58
artichokuaeon, real-time? roger that? return?04:58
RollinV2ubuntu has like a half dozen very popular branches (mint, elementary, xubuntu, etc).. so you have safe options04:58
artichokui'm feeling slow04:58
aeon-ltdartichoku: WindowsRT04:59
Karlitodrink a red bull, it'll give you ... lower blood sugar lol04:59
artichokuoh durka04:59
bazhangartichoku, thats false.04:59
aeon-ltdartichoku: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Runtime04:59
dctrddoes installing ubuntu effect the other partitions?04:59
bazhangartichoku, please stop with the running offtopic commentary04:59
cmellVegaMan_, hmm, I wonder if ato sound is supported by alsa?04:59
dctrdor damage the HDD ?04:59
aeon-ltddctrd: yes, you'd have to reduce the size of others to make space04:59
RollinV2dctrd,  it may affect the boot loader04:59
bazhangdctrd, NO04:59
Karlitohi bazhang05:00
aeon-ltddctrd: damage? unlikely, but of course there's the standard miniscule chance that a write might not go so well.05:00
CrellRollinV2: Any other suggestions?  The -f didn't work.05:00
Karlitohe seems nice enough05:00
RollinV2Crell, im out of ideas. -f always worked for me. but ive never jumped that many version ahead in one update.05:01
dctrdok and if i get a hard drive thats not included with the primary one05:01
bazhangKarlito, please take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic   this is support only05:01
dctrdwill it still affect it?05:01
CrellRollinV2: According to what I read, LTS->LTS is what you're supposed to do.05:01
aeon-ltddctrd: no, but you can't boot linux with the windows bootloader.05:01
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
VegaMan_i dunno cmell. it was working on my last video card but i upgraded it today05:01
CrellI was planning to then go to 12.10 afteward.  It started on 8.04. :-)05:01
cmelldctrd, any linux is capable of wrecking the mode pages on a harddrive, if terrible errors occur05:01
aeon-ltddctrd: unless you installed within windows with wubi05:01
RollinV2dctrd, if your data is important. you should backup to another harddrive before editing partitions or installing ubuntu. always be safe.05:02
Karlitot640: the article says that the person installed linux on top of the nook's android kernal, won't that slow processing speed down?05:02
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
dctrdno its just i got an expensive high spec pc05:02
cmellVegaMan_, the on0video sound card not being supported yet by alsa seems the most likely explanation05:03
dctrdand dont want to wreck it from the first day05:03
Muphriddctrd: you want to put another OS in a parallel hard drive?05:03
aeon-ltddctrd: how high spec? if i5+ just run virtualbox in windows05:03
csharp-mobiledctrd: If you have backups, no need to worry about that05:03
dctrdi hate using virtual box05:04
lcabrezahi guys05:04
thufir_anyone familiar with DAR (Disc ARchiver)?  I seem to be having a syntax problem:  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup.dar.support/264105:04
lcabrezaanybody knows where i can download the sparc SUNWi15cs os patch05:04
dctrdwhen i install it normally i feel its way faster05:04
RollinV2dctrd, pay attention to aeon-ltd suggestion. im running my linux guests on a windows 8 vmware host. its glorious.05:04
bazhanglcabreza, how is that connected to ubuntu support05:05
aeon-ltddctrd: it is; the closest you can get to native would be kvm, but that only exists for unix type oses05:05
dctrddude im a noob...talk to me in a easy way05:05
cmelldctrd, can you afford a usb key drive?05:05
dctrdlol sure i can05:05
dctrdi already have about 605:06
dctrd2 8gigs05:06
cmelldctrd, then it's easy, install ubuntu to the usb key05:06
dctrd1 16gig05:06
dctrdi have it on a cd05:06
RollinV2i feel like dctrd is a "omg i broke my bootloader" situation waiting to happen. someone hold his hand please :-)05:07
cmelldctrd, no I mean boot the cd and install it to the key drive, so that you can run it off the key05:07
t640you could even get a usb hub and make a RAID installed linux partition ;)05:07
lcabrezabazhang:hoping someone knows the chatroom for Solaris ..05:07
aeon-ltdt640: that'd be so cripplingly slow, unless it was usb305:07
t640heh, i have seen it in action05:08
bazhang!alis | lcabreza have a search05:08
ubottulcabreza have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:08
t640yes crazy slow05:08
jmb70056does anyone know how to hide users on unity's user switching menu05:08
cmelldctrd, if you install it to a usb drive, there will be no chance of it ruining your windows partitions on your main drive05:09
VegaMan_quick question.... if i upgrade to 12.10 can i revert back to 12.04 or will it be "buggy?"05:11
bazhangfull reinstall VegaMan_05:11
RollinV2VegaMan_, no downgrades05:12
bazhangthere is no "downgrade"05:12
VegaMan_damn ok thanks05:12
RollinV2bazhang, no version lower number changes05:12
cmellVegaMan_, you might be able to just upgrade alsa?05:12
mike024VegaMan_, dd the drive, upgrade. If you don't like it dd it back. Make sure you are very careful and you probably should have other backups of your important data :)05:13
VegaMan_oh i always back up the data.... i just dont wanna do 2 installs05:13
VegaMan_but thanks.... cmell lemme see if there's a newer version05:14
cmellVegaMan_, if this about your sound, what about external usb sound?05:14
mrhydesup guise why is ubuntu free>05:17
mrhydeis ubuntu run by a bunch of college kids doing freelance coding05:18
aeon-ltdmrhyde: because it's based on free spftware05:18
aeon-ltdmrhyde: no, but the current maintenance could be05:18
VegaMan_cmell my TV doesnt take USB sound lol05:19
=== qos|away is now known as qos
cmellVegaMan_, they have these little gadgets that plu into your usb port which have sound jacks on them, which you can run into your tv's audio-in05:20
aeon-ltdmrhyde: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel this is the start of the story.05:21
whammmrhyde: FWIW, Ubuntu is run by a nonprofit that is led by a millionaire05:21
aeon-ltdmrhyde: [guessing from your tone] don't underestimate linux and it's distributions. they are run on far more pcs than windows will ever be.05:22
poz_is ubuntu 12.04.01 freezes for some reason, what can i do to unfreeze it?05:23
cmella lot of google android stuff is written by college kids05:23
aeon-ltdcmell: 'apps' are very different05:24
Muphridin fact even msdos was written by college kids :P05:24
onlyloveI have question in wireless essid05:24
poz_is ubuntu 12.04.01 freezes for some reason, what can i do to unfreeze it?05:25
AndChat|251264I'm trying to install ubuntu from a usb but it hangs somewhere around the line "Switching to clocksource tsc"05:25
onlylovethe wicd can't display the essid correctly05:25
cmellpoz_, how solidly is it frozen?05:25
poz_cmell, it was completely frozen, i just reset it. but i would like to know if there is a way05:27
cmellpoz_, if it was so forizen the keyboard was locked up, then there would be little way to unfreeze it05:27
RollinV2mrhyde, linux is responsible for this very irc chat and most of the web servers on the net. dont disrespect open source contributions05:28
poz_what is the first thing to trY?05:28
cmellpoz_, first thing? see if the cap lock toggles the led05:28
HOBOTOMTOMGPSlinux is the best05:28
mrhydeaeon-ltd: windows xp and windows 7 combined has 90% marketshare linux has 1%...05:29
bazhang!ot | mrhyde05:29
ubottumrhyde: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:29
poz_assuming keyboard works...05:29
bazhangmrhyde, thats enough05:29
cmellpoz_, that would be a test to see if the keyboard does work05:30
mrhydei didnt say anything lol people here saying me bashing on ubuntu out of nowhere05:30
aeon-ltdmrhyde: are servers not computers?05:30
bazhangmrhyde, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here05:30
bazhangaeon-ltd, lets move on please05:30
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aeon-ltdi apologize05:30
pozAre there ways to unfreeze it when the keybored works?05:31
cmellpoz, at least there would be hope05:31
Muphridyou have to know what is freezing it, but you can open a console with ctrl alt f105:31
Muphridand get the desktop back with ctrl alt f705:32
getchuubuntu unity can support desktop PC well ?05:38
getchuI don't have a touch screen05:38
dr_willismost people dont have touch screens05:39
aeon-ltdgetchu: yes, unity was around before touchscreens were popular in pcs05:39
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RollinV2getchu,  unlike windows, ubuntu allows for multiple deskop interfaces to be installed and switched at the login screen. so you could have unity, gnome2, and gnome3 configs to test your preferences05:41
zenlikeOr the lovely xmonad05:41
dr_willisjwm ! ;)05:41
dr_willisFrom the user friendly to the really really out there  window managers.05:42
getchuokay,I would like to choose gnome205:43
Karlitowhatchu talkin' 'bout willis?!05:43
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity05:44
dr_willisGnome2 is dead basically. ;) theres a gnome-2-like fallback mode for  newer releases05:44
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:44
b3nj 05:45
FloodBot1b3nj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:45
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detrimentali installed ubuntu server with ssh and i am on my ssh server from my laptop. i am having trouble copying the rsa key on my laptop while already logged into my server05:50
Jkesslerany xorg.conf wizards?  i am working with it remotely :( ..  the machine has a ATI 5770 and a Sceptre E32 TV via HDMI.  Thanks in advance.05:50
detrimentalwhen i use copy-id user@host it times out05:50
RollinV2detrimental,  explain what you mean by copying05:50
cmellJkessler, I know a little bit05:51
detrimentalin the guide it says i can use the command ssh-copy-id user@host to copy rsa key to the computer once connected via ssh05:51
detrimentali am logged in my server with my laptop and trying to transpher rsa key05:52
detrimentalso i can disable pws all together05:52
cmellJkessler, what part of the xorg.conf do you have a question about?05:52
Jkesslercmell, I should install openssh.  was using teamviewer.  any ideas how i can get him back into X?05:52
Jkessleri moved xorg.conf to xorg.bak   and tried a conf that i thought would work05:53
Jkessleri had him reboot into recovery mode, had him move back the xorg.bak to xorg.conf and he is still getting a black screen.  can get recovery menus, that's it05:53
RollinV2detrimental, if your ssh port is open you can scp the key to your laptop05:53
RollinV2detrimental, try doing that. also check your folder and file permissions.05:54
detrimentalyou mean the ssh port on the machine im trying to transpher to?05:54
cmellJkessler, that's the first time I've heard of that05:54
detrimentallooking into scp now05:54
Jkesslercmell: i know.  i'm puzzled.  he maybe typoed the command05:55
Jkesslerbut he's on his laptop so it's hard to copy and paste.. he's not a typer05:55
MuphridJkessler: maybe running Xorg -configure ?05:55
JkesslerMuphrid, I did that and tried reinstalling proprietary drivers and it said i had a bad xorg.conf05:56
Jkesslerso i reverted to what we had before05:56
Muphridwhat ubuntu version is it?05:56
Jkessler12.04 x64 desktop05:56
Muphridthere is also an ati command in the proprietary driver, i think it is ati-config --initial05:57
Jkesslererr yup.  Xorg -configure failed05:57
Jkesslerit was the ati-config --inital command that produced the 'bad' xorg.conf05:57
Jkessleraccording to the restricted drivers05:57
cmellJkessler, do they need hw accelaration?05:58
Muphridwhat if u uninstall the proprietary driver05:58
Muphridand then Xorg -configure again05:58
Jkessleryeah, he wants to game through wine and mine..05:58
nicknefariousHey all... Can anyone help me with theming?05:58
Muphridnicknefarious: whats up with that05:59
JkesslerMuphrid, how do i do that from command line again?  modprobe command?05:59
nicknefariousI have just installed GnomishDark a dark theme...05:59
MuphridJkessler: probably sudo apt-get purge fglrx05:59
nicknefariousSome apps appear with white on white....05:59
Jkesslerok, i'll have him try that.  thanks05:59
cmellJkessler, I was just thinking that to get it running for a while you could change the xorg.conf to the vesa driver, and after that you could go for the ati drivers06:00
EwfsPrinceHi a general networking question. I'm running a proxy server for a few game servers that allow server to server telportation. I'm binding the servers locally to a public IP but I have the ports blocked and the only way to connect to any of the servers is via the hub proxy server. Because it's bind to a public IP is the proxy server routing locally automatically because it recognises its using06:00
EwfsPrincean IP it owns or is it routing through the internet. I know accessing your own server via your own IP won't work however it seems to be working fine so I'm a bit confused.06:00
Jkesslercmell: do you have a command?  I muddle through the display problems for myself and never work with it06:00
Jkessleronce mine works, i leave it alone for a few years. hah06:00
Muphridnicknefarious: any screenshot?06:00
cmellJkessler, "nano xorg.conf"?06:01
nicknefarious@Muphrid... please give me a sec...06:01
Jkessleryeah, but what do i edit to change to vesa?06:02
Jkessleri'm not looking at his file anymore06:02
Jkesslerprobably starting a new one06:02
cmellJkessler, in the xorg.conf, there should be a section that says {Section "Device"}06:02
Jkessleri'll have him wget a pastebin if there's a generic06:03
cmellJkessler, immediately under that, there should be a line that says {Driver} change the driver it specifies to "vesa"06:03
nicknefarious@ Muphrid... how can I send you a screenshot?06:03
ramonwhen you using the Grub menu and chose to do a "repair broken packages" does it take long?...cause i dont know if i have to wait for a confirmation when the repairing is done06:04
Jkesslercmell, i'll try that too.  thanks Muphrid too. got a few options06:04
Muphridjust put it on tinypic06:04
cmellJkessler, if you look online for a file called "xorg.conf-vesa", you can just rename it to xorg.conf06:05
Muphridnicknefarious: but you mean the bg is white and text is white aswell?06:06
nicknefarious@ Muphrid yes...06:07
nicknefarious@ Muphrid http://tinypic.com/r/akwie1/606:07
Muphridnicknefarious: your theme is incompatible with the gtk version youre using06:07
nicknefarious@ Muphrid... no everything works fine... this is an external app06:08
Muphridwhat is it?06:08
nicknefarious@ Muphrid B-Folders06:08
nicknefarious@ Muphrid it's not actually "installed" it justs runs from a folder through a desktop launcher I created for it06:09
Muphridvia wine?06:09
nicknefarious@ Muphrid No...06:10
Muphridnot sure then never heard of that program06:10
nicknefarious@Muphrid point is I don't kniow where to go to change the look or colour of specific apps06:11
Muphridnicknefarious: i dont think you can change it individually06:12
cmellnicknefarious, many apps use the default DM settings of the toolkit they use (gtk, etc)06:12
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nicknefarious@cmell So can I change it within the app?06:13
cmellnicknefarious, sure, if you have the source code06:14
d4rkh4ndi need some help with my java. openjdk, I try to launch minecraft and it just hangs06:14
somsipd4rkh4nd: IIRC openjdk is not recommended for minecraft, though it does work ok here for me. Can you try the javajdk?06:16
d4rkh4ndi never heard of that one lol06:16
nicknefarious@cmell it's a java app... is there any way I make changes myself to the configuration?06:16
somsipd4rkh4nd: ok - what ubuntu version?06:17
moon`I downloaded some nvidia legacy drivers and the file format is *.run how do I install/extract/whatever that type of file to utilize the driver?06:17
cmellnicknefarious, if you have the source, you can do anything you want, otherwise you are stuck with what you got06:17
nicknefarious@cmell @Muphrid - cheers, thanks for your info.06:18
Jordan_Umoon`: Did you try installing the driver via restricted drivers / software center first?06:18
somsipd4rkh4nd: There are too many links on a search for 'minecraft 12.04 openjdk' for me to give you a definitive answer. I can only recommend you try a few06:18
Muphridmoon`: make it executable, right clicking on it and then permissions tab06:19
Muphridand run it06:19
somsipd4rkh4nd: such as: http://askubuntu.com/questions/165737/how-to-start-minecraft06:19
tozenmoon: Type "chmod +x example.run" (press enter). Now type "./example.run", press enter, and the installer will run.06:19
moon`software center didn't have the latest drivers jordan06:19
moon`I already d/l the file06:19
moon`thanks muphrid06:20
pozDoes anyone have any experience setting up a home theatre system? I am just wondering if I would need a receiver if I am connecting the tv and speakers to my computer...06:21
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d4rkh4ndpoz: only if you dont have a good audio card06:21
pozcan we disscuss if I have a good audio card?06:22
pozi am not sure if i do06:22
d4rkh4ndpos: thats pretty simple, does your audio have 1/8th inch jacks  only ?06:23
d4rkh4ndpos: like head phone / mic ports06:23
Muphridpoz: open the sound preferences, go to hardware and check the profile dropdown if you have support for 7.1 or 5.106:24
pozyeah i think so06:24
pozthere is no hardware option06:24
d4rkh4ndpos: for around 30~60 us you can get a pretty high grade HD audio card. With midi outs /in and also 1/4 inch outs /in.06:25
pozfor analog output, under the "Mode" options, i have an option for 7.1 and 5.1 output06:25
Muphridwell, they changed their interface in the latest release,not sure what it is called  now06:25
Muphridyeah thats it06:26
d4rkh4ndpos: If you cant swing that then you can hook a old stareo up to you 1/8th out and use that till you can afford it.06:26
Muphridyour card supports all the channels06:26
d4rkh4ndpos: the 7.1 and 5.1 means nothing for your use. thats still low grade for home speakers. Great for pc speakers thou06:26
pozi am pretty sure that is what my audio card is06:28
d4rkh4ndsec ill look06:28
d4rkh4ndpos: you know that would work till you decide you want to EQ a 12 band sound system. Most would not hear a diffrenc. I produce music so im piky lol06:29
pozI am not sure what that means06:30
d4rkh4ndpos: it basicly means getting into se sound etting equlier for 12 bands of frequency. To tweek th06:31
pozthe problem I am finding is that most home theatre systems comes with a blueray player and or a receiver. I think that is for people who do not want to use their computer or somthing...06:32
d4rkh4ndpoz: from personal experiance the pc leaves a lot of option for the future. and cheaper.06:33
n0rwackHello. I got a Compaq Presario CQ58 with a Ralink network card. And i get very weak wifi signals. Any ideas?06:33
pozit is difficult to find a system with a subwoofer and no recerver or player of any kind06:33
pozthat is the closest thing i can find06:34
d4rkh4ndi may still have a link06:34
pozhowever there should be a less expensive one available.06:35
d4rkh4ndpos: shoot i dont BUT, you know. PAWN shops are a gold mine for audio stuff.06:35
unixnotphoenixcan anyone suggest me the best movie maker for linux?06:35
pozhumm but not very advanced stuff I am sure. Ideally, I am looking for a wireless system06:35
n0rwackHello. I got a Compaq Presario CQ58 with a Ralink network card. And i get very weak wifi signals. Any ideas? Running 12.0406:36
d4rkh4nddont do wireless for you speakers. network yes wierless no. the audio loss is bad06:36
pozI am not sure if they exist yet though06:36
unixnotphoenixguys... please..06:36
pozoh i see06:36
somsip!best | unixnotphoenix06:37
ubottuunixnotphoenix: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:37
pozthen it is not possible to have my computer across the room, or even in another room, from my tv/ speakers06:37
canobiWow, quite a few people. Happy hollidays everyone and a quick question - installed quantal on a LVM root partition. /boot is /dev/sda2. The problem - it won't boot, says "gave up waiting on root device", drops me into initramfs prompt. From there I tried to manually start lvm and activate the partitions, but it says "lvm command not found". What do I need to do to fix it?06:37
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d4rkh4ndpos: If you wanna do that checkell out WD streamming system. its cheap and works very w06:38
pozI dont think that allows a desktop environment on the tv06:40
d4rkh4ndNo it wont06:40
pozand also wont work for what I plan to have in the future06:40
unixnotphoenixok.. guys.. I need a movie maker with pan+zoom feature.. what yal suggest?06:41
thufir_anyone familiar with DAR (Disc ARchiver)?  I seem to be having a syntax problem:  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup.dar.support/264106:41
pozI think i need to go into a store and see what kind of inputs go into the speaker. then look for a wireless connector which sends uncompressed audio06:41
d4rkh4ndpoz: i would forget wifi speakers, If your  against the wires then mabe you can rig something  up06:42
pozwifi would be awfull. I do not want that much latency06:43
d4rkh4ndWifi the video is a diffrent story thou, maybe thats a work around you can look at06:43
pozwifi = latancy with anything (typically 1-2 seconds with video at 1080p)06:44
n0rwackHello. I got a Compaq Presario CQ58 with a Ralink network card. And i get very weak wifi signals. Any ideas? Running 12.0406:44
d4rkh4ndOver network you wouldnt notice it actually. i stream in my house all the time and you cant even tell06:45
d4rkh4ndYou use a cheap 30$ pc for a server and bam no issues06:46
somsipd4rkh4nd: you mean over network cable rather than wifi?06:47
pozthis is what i plan to use to get video across the room: http://www.brite-view.com/air_synchd_dx.php06:47
d4rkh4ndpoz: Ya look at the numbers you can stream as fast as you can recive, normal Eth0 is 100mb hardline  normal  60 ~ 100mb over wife.06:47
MrSaltn0rwack: Sometimes it's not actually a weak signal, but so much other noise making it tough to make out.06:47
abetuskI'm getting an error when trying to install a package from source.  It's complaining that the check "glibmm-2.4 >= 2.8" failed.  Should I just be installing glibmm from source in another directory and point the configure script to it?  Or should I be updating this package somehow?06:47
pozI have seen it set up. there is lag06:48
abetuskmy system: DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS"06:48
somsipd4rkh4nd: the only video editors I know of are cinelerra and lives. Might be worth looking these up if you haven't already, but I know little about them06:48
pozthe brite view has very little lag06:48
d4rkh4ndsosip: i think someone else was looking for that'06:48
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poznot sure if it passes audio though06:48
d4rkh4ndpoz: this is basicly a expencive pc network system lol. You can make this for like 80$06:49
n0rwackMrSalt: Tried where i lived before, and where i lived now. 2 different routers. Same problem. Even at the library. So i doubt it. Also my PS3 right next to my laptop get 90-95% signal strength.06:49
somsipd4rkh4nd: sorry - stil had your nick in my head from the minecraft question...06:49
thufir_surely someone is familiar with DAR (Disc ARchiver) and can help understand this error?  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup.dar.support/264106:49
somsipd4rkh4nd: but really, you mean HD streaming is okay over cable, but not over wifi?06:50
d4rkh4ndya cable or network ONLY06:50
pozwell that will not do06:50
pozI want wireless06:50
Muphridabetusk: do you have the -dev file?06:50
somsipd4rkh4nd: ok - need to revise my plans for a Pi/XMBC combo then...06:50
MrSaltn0rwack: The other idea is to check your network logs.  I had a card one time that kept connecting and reconnecting and I didn't noticed it -- it just seemed slow all of the time.06:51
d4rkh4ndpo: network is better then wireless. less then 10~20 loss rate. you would never notice wven in HD06:51
rkhshmI"m trying to understand why the wifi direct mode on my sony is not detecting my cisco dongle...06:51
pozone component does not exist yet though. I am also looking for a 12 inch wireless touch screen monitor. basically like a tablet with out the os and have it connect to be pc06:52
n0rwackMrSalt: Well, it works decent when im close to the router, so i doubt its the card. Im thinking outdated driver or unstable driver etc06:52
rkhshmi have a wifi router that is being detected by the cisco dongle .. to the same wifi direct my laptops can connect.06:52
pozthat way my pc can see if my office and I can have control of it and my entertainment in another room06:52
pozcan sit in my office*06:52
rkhshmBut only my desktop running 12.04 with cisco dongle cannot detect.. any ideas?06:52
d4rkh4ndpos: Toshiba would be my first option if i had the cash lol06:52
abetuskMuphrid, I just installed libglibmm-2.4-dev and now it's complaining that it can't find gdkmm-2.4.  So progress06:53
Muphridabetusk: you need header files (-dev) to compile from source in debian-based systems, just keep installing the headers for what it asks06:54
MrSaltn0rwack: Those are tough problems to detect.  I'm just the peanut gallery, and I don't have much experience there.06:54
abetuskMuphrid, thanks.  I can't seem to find gtkmm though..06:54
Muphridabetusk: libgtkmm-2.4-dev06:55
Muphridthere is also a 3.0 version,not sure which one it is asking06:55
rkhshmany ideas guys?06:56
hepohello guys06:56
hepoWho help me?06:56
hepoWhen I installed Ubuntu studio my computer dont load06:56
dr_williswell. thats one way to not get help hepo....06:58
dr_willisrkhshm:  you should determine the exact chipset its using.06:58
abetuskMuphrid, thanks, got it all installed and the configure script went through06:59
rkhshmDr_Willis: chipset of what? the cisco dongle?06:59
dr_willisyes. Its all about the chipset. not the maker.07:00
Muphridabetusk: alright, you can search for the packages in synaptic or 'aptitude search' if youre into cli07:00
abetuskI like 'apt-cache search' because I'm more familiar with the command line, but thank you07:00
dr_willissome chipsets may need exctra drivers. or may use differnt drivers some of which could be buggy. or have other limitations07:01
dr_willisim not even sure what 'wifi direct' means.. is that an ad-hoc network?07:01
moon`so I did sudo apt-get update and now when I logon my screen resolution is all screwed up.   I went to nvidia x server settings and it says 'You do not appear to be using the nvidia x driver' Please edit your X configuration file (just run nvidia x-config as root)07:02
moon`typing nvidia x-config in terminal doesn't do anything though07:02
dr_willismoon`:  reinstall the nvidia drivers perhaps?07:03
moon`giver her a shot!07:03
rkhshmDr_Willis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Direct07:04
dr_willisi got no web browser handy. ;)07:04
dr_willisOn my Raspberry Pi - on the console..07:04
dr_willisSilent COmputing! ;P07:04
rkhshmyeah its sort of a ad-hoc network .. it bypasses the router and requries no AP07:04
Muphridmoon`: what is the output of nvidia x-config ?07:04
dr_willissounds exactly like an ad-hoc network. ;P07:04
dr_williswith a fancy sony name?07:05
moon`nvidia command not found07:05
dr_willisI was thinking id read/seen where not all wifi cards/drivers support ad-hoc network. but i cant site a source of that.07:05
dr_willismoon`:  err.. theres no nvidia command. ;) how did you install your nvidia drivers befor?07:05
moon`with ubuntu software center I think07:06
dr_willismoon`:  you should be able to 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current' to verify/reinstall them..07:07
moon`nvidia-current is already the latest version07:07
moon`err newest version07:07
Muphridmoon`: did you install nvidia-legacy and current at the same time?07:08
dr_willisHmm. Im out of  ideas then. Other then to remove/reinstall them..  You could try booting an older kenrel at the grub menu also as a test.. if the older kernel works.. but a newer one dosent. that points to a bug somewhere07:08
moon`I don't think so, this all came about because I'm trying to get eveonline to work in wine.  I installed mesa 7.xx something and rebooted and this happened07:09
moon`Muphrid: I was going to install legacy but it wouldn't let me, said the version of legacy wasn't supported by my GPU07:09
dr_willisIm not even sure why you would need to install mesa07:09
moon`which isn't what the documentation told me on the nvidia site07:09
Muphridmoon`: what is your gpu model?07:09
moon`7950 GT07:09
moon`I kept getting an error when I would run eve saying I need SM3 support to run the game but the 7950's I have do supprt s307:10
moon`so I was looking at work around's and one of the ones I came across said to install mesa reboot and everything worked for them07:11
moon`well now my resolution is like 600x800 and I can't open my nvidia x-config settings manager to change it07:11
SpamapSSomebody please tell me this isn't true.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/13758/how-can-i-edit-create-new-launcher-items-in-unity-by-hand07:11
Muphridmoon`: ok, so, it was working until you installed nvidia from software center?07:12
moon`No it was working until I installed mesa, did sudo apt-get update and rebooted07:12
SpamapSall of the answers are.. *crazy* complicated and most don't work on 12.10 :-P07:12
thufir_how many MB in a DVD?  I'm using DAR archiver and creating slices, and want, let's say, ten slices per DVD.  how many MB per slice?07:13
Muphridmoon`: so youre using mesa for 3d?07:14
jcbvi need some help with my crappy ati 200m driver i guess its dead any work arounds07:14
NorahAuraSpamapS: I found a similar complexity with xfce on Ubuntu Studio, however, there was a third party GUI menu editor I was able to eventually locate, maybe there is something similar for Unity?07:15
jcbvcan i ask a question07:15
NorahAurajcbv: yes, please07:15
moon`little vodka in me tonight07:16
NorahAuramoon: lolz07:16
MonkWitDaFunkjcbv. do you have a driver you need to install?07:16
jcbvanyone know whats the earliest version of ubuntu will run gnome 3.607:16
NorahAuraso, moon, y are you using mesa?07:16
moon`Cause that's what the workaround I read said to use07:17
NorahAuramoon: for what issue, may I ask?07:17
moon`I don't actually ever know what I'm doing when it comes to linux.  The majority of my fixes come from 'UH OH!  Problem'  *google problem*  *find solution*  *copy paste solution into terminal* and then go from there07:17
moon`I'd probably have more success beating my head against the keyboard but I'm to much of a sissy for that07:18
jcbvim ticked07:18
moon`Trying to get eveonline to work NorahAura07:18
NorahAuramoon: I am an expert googler... maybe my google ninja skills can help?07:18
jcbvok i got my cube running cool with this this gnome 3.6 classic07:18
moon`I need some expert ubuntu-fix-newb-screw-up-skillz07:18
moon`not googler skillz =)07:18
jcbvon one pc but my laptop wont do the cube07:19
jcbvdarn ati driver07:19
MonkWitDaFunkjcbv, do you need to pay for a driver?07:20
Muphridmoon`: what was the mesa package you installed?07:20
jcbvpay this is opensource linux go joint all the mactards or windows weenies for some tea or something07:21
moon`Muphrid: this is the command I ran that fubared everything :sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa07:21
moon`then I did a sudo apt-get update and a reboot and now here I am07:21
Muphridmoon`: this is a ppa for xorg testers/developers not users07:21
Muphridyou can revert the changes with ppa-purge07:22
NorahAuramoon: ugh... yeah... stuff you don't want unless you are testing and such07:22
NorahAuraMuphrid: thx, ditto!07:22
Muphridif your driver does not require the latest version07:22
jcbvwho knows the bigggest reason no apps are on linux07:22
NorahAurajcbv : lots of apps are on linux, what kind are you looking for?07:22
moon`so what sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers?07:23
moon`I hope so cause I just typed that in07:23
jcbvdude i been through em all man they blow turds07:23
moon`well poop07:23
Muphridyou have to install ppa-purge and then07:23
moon`well yeah I did that07:23
Muphridsudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa07:23
Muphridfull ppa address07:23
jcbvi just love my linux desktop though im brainwashed by linux07:24
NorahAurajcbv: do you have a Q? or just wanna complain?07:24
jcbvyeah i have a big question07:24
moon`well that sudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa didn't work but sudo ppa-purge xorg edgers did so I'm running with that07:24
jcbv whats the eariest version of ubuntu that will run gnome 3.607:25
Muphridmoon`: Not sure why but ok then07:25
jcbvcause i need compiz cube with gnome 3.6 on crappy ati 200m07:25
somsipjcbv: this should tell you, but it's PPA and not supported https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome307:26
NorahAuraMuphrid - would moon hafta do an apt-get update and reboot, I would guess?07:26
aeon-ltdjcbv: any that can satisfy the dependencies and not have any conflicts07:26
MonkWitDaFunkwhats a compiz cube?07:26
somsipMonkWitDaFunk: effect when you change workspaces; http://blogs.pcworld.co.nz/pcworld/tux-love/compiz_cube.jpg07:26
MuphridNorahAura: apt-get update only fetches data from the repository, it doesnt modify anything. upgrade is not needed with ppa-purge although it doesnt hurt if youre paranoid07:26
Muphridreboot is still necessary07:27
jcbvi dont know what to do i suck at linux lol07:28
jcbvi think 10.04 supports it but maybe not07:29
somsipjcbv: I've given you a link to the answer about gnome 3.6/ The answer is 'quantal, and 3.6 PPA is not supported here'07:30
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
subdesignanyone know is there a problem with Intel GMA3600 series yet, with ubuntu?07:31
NorahAuraMuphrid: ahh... good to know, and yes, I am a bit paranoid... lolz07:31
moon`hmm neither one of those worked Muphrid07:32
moon`Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: xorg-edgers ppa07:32
anli__If I had to kill an apt-get process, how do I unlock /var/lib/dpkg afterwards?07:32
MonkWitDaFunksubdesign, which ubuntu are you trying to install?07:32
NorahAurasomsip: I would like that link you found... was just on the hunt for it, wonder if I was close07:32
somsipanli__: sudo apt-get clean07:32
Muphridmoon`: yeah thats why you should put ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa instead07:32
anli__somsip: thanks!07:32
somsipNorahAura: what link? Gnome 3.6 PPA?07:33
jcbvanyway to install ati drivers on outaded hardware07:33
subdesignMonkWitDaFunk, I'm just asking, I'm before buying..07:33
NorahAurasomsip: yes, please07:33
Muphridjcbv: what version of ubuntu?07:33
somsipNorahAura: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome307:33
moon`I get the same error putting that Muphrid07:33
milamber!hardware | subdesign07:34
ubottusubdesign: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:34
NorahAurasomsip: that's where I was...  where did you find the OS version support info... I am blind tonight07:34
Muphridmoon`: huh, either there is a typo or it got somehow removed from software sources07:34
anli__Seems liike /var/cache/debconfig/config.dat still is locked07:34
milambermoon`: installing the ppa, running sudo apt-get update, and restarting would not have caused the problem you are describing. did you install a package from that ppa? and if you want help please pastebin the contents of your sources.list file07:34
NorahAurasomsip: nm, I found it07:35
somsipNorahAura: the bit where it says what version of Gnome....ah, ok07:35
ASHER1Hello i want please ask the question i have linux mint 13 and i want change to ubuntu how i did this?07:35
Muphridjcbv: it should be installable through "additional drivers" in 12.0407:35
jcbvits empty07:35
jcbvnothing there07:35
jcbvcard is not supported07:36
moon`how do I do that milamber?07:36
moon`and no that truly is all I did07:36
milamberanli__: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/810-unblocking-apt-get07:36
moon`ahhh, the patience of those involved in tech support must know no end07:36
Muphridmoon`: post your sources here http://pastebin.com/07:36
milamber!pastebin > moon`07:37
ubottumoon`, please see my private message07:37
milamberASHER1: linux mint is not supported here and there is no quick changeover, download an ubuntu iso and do a fresh install07:37
ASHER1but i have problem with install ubuntu if i download ubuntu i see error07:38
somsipASHER1: just install Ubuntu on the partitions used by Mint to overwrite eveyrthing and start from scratch. If you don't want to start from scratch, backup the files you want to keep. Don't expect much interoperability07:38
moon`=/ hrm I don't know how to open/view the contets of sources.list07:40
aeon-ltdmoon`: text editor?07:40
Crellnano is your friend.07:40
Muphridmoon`: /etc/apt/sources.list it shoujld ve viewable with gedit07:41
Muphridshould be*07:41
aeon-ltdto write though you'd need to be root07:41
skiminiHi ...the live usb I'm creating with 'persistent' option, is not actually working as 'persistent'. Have tried numerous times with Unetbootin and with Linux Live USB. Any ideas please?07:43
moon`gedit was what I needed, I knew more linux commands when I ran gentoo but I haven't used linux for the better part of 2 years now =/07:43
jcbvgnome 3 blows or what07:43
milambermoon`: can you provide a link to the "fix" site you were using? what tutorial were you trying to follow?07:44
moon`scroll all the way to the bottom07:45
moon`last post by khardia07:45
jcbvi guess no hope for me07:45
moon`all I did was install mesa and reboot07:45
Muphridmoon`: in reality all you needed is nvidia drivers and playonlinux which has a frontend to eve installation07:46
moon`okay, so in real real reality how do I get it so I can fix my screen resolution and then go that route Muphrid ?07:47
moon`because I already had nvidia drivers07:47
chalisthow i can mount a folder in local network like // to my home in terminal?07:47
skiminipersistent live usb is not persistent ...can anyone offer any suggestions?07:47
milambermoon`: sorry, i missed the initial response07:47
moon`and eveonline installed the reason I was trying that workaround is I was getting an error saying I needed graphics cards that support Shader Modeling 3.007:47
chalisthow i can mount a folder in local network like // to my home in terminal?07:48
moon`repeating the question doesn't get it answered faster chalist ffs be patient07:48
moon`you asked your second questions 23 seconds after the first one, how does that help anyone besides annoy them?07:48
Muphridmoon`: what is your xorg version?07:49
chalistmoon`, sorry :)07:49
milamber!fstab | chalist07:49
ubottuchalist: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:49
moon`I'm sorry you have to walk me through this like a toddler but I don't know how to find out the version mu07:49
moon`Muphrid:  rather07:49
moon`I imagine it's the latest up to date07:50
milambermoon`: apt-cache policy xorg07:50
Muphridapt-cache show xorg07:50
jmb70056how do i transfer files from one user account to another user account07:50
moon`Installed: 1:7.7+1ubuntu407:50
cmell"cp" copies files pretty well07:51
milamberjmb70056: can you be more specific? you can sudo cp <file> <directory/to/newfile> (to move use mv instead of cp)07:51
MonkWitDaFunkdoes anyone have any opinions about clamav or free avg for ubuntu?07:51
milamberjmb70056: if you are worried about permissions and the like, you have to use chown (CHange the OWNer)07:52
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:52
milambermoon`: would you be willing to pastebin the last 30 or so lines from your .bash_history (this is a log of all the commands you have run in the terminal)?07:53
MonkWitDaFunkhow do i have a list of all the directories i need to do a free avg full system scan?07:53
Muphridmoon`: what if you uninstall mesa?07:53
moon`milamber: yeah as long as you don't judge me07:53
moon`and where do I find the file milamber07:53
chalistubottu, i add this folder and has been added in nautilus sidebar. but when i click that, i see an error that "mount: only root can mount"07:54
ubottuchalist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:54
Muphridmoon`: it is in your home folder, hidden file07:54
Muphridctrl+h to show up in nautilus07:54
milambermoon`: no judging, the reason i am interested is because the commands you ran are not supposed to change anything. the add repository just adds the repository to the list that is allowed to be downloaded. aptitude update just updates the package list. nothing there downloads or installs any packages.07:54
milambermoon`: nano ~/.bash_profile07:54
chalistmilamber,  i add this folder and has been added in nautilus sidebar. but when i click that, i see an error that "mount: only root can mount"07:55
milambermoon`: or the way Muphrid said if you prefer the gui :)07:55
milamberchalist: you would have to tell me what command you used to add the folder07:55
moon`gedit ~/.bash_profile  is an empty file07:56
Muphrid.bash_history it is07:56
jmb70056@milamber i just want to transfer a few photos from one account to another account07:56
chalistmilamber,  // /home/my/afs37 cifs user=afs,pass=123456,auto,exec,umask=002,gid=1000,uid=1000,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 007:57
w0rm-_xevery time I log into Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in my two different computers I get an error: System program problem detected    whats this about its annoying07:58
hell_razeri have ssh problem, i can login via ssh -i XXX.pem root@XXX, but sshfs -o IdentityFile=XXX.pem root@XXX/ ./ssh_root - > Connection closed by XXX [preauth]07:58
moon`more then you asked for but hopefully helpfull enough07:58
moon`I never actually installed any additional nvidia drivers though there towards the end cause it kept giving me an error saying my GPU wasn't supported by those drivers07:59
moon`and I ended up exiting out of the install window07:59
NorahAuramoon`: got distracted researching eveonline, but Muphrid and milamber have you taken care of here - I had the same thought - the tutorial you followed may have updated mesa if you had it previously installed, after adding the ppa, but it does not appear to have a direct command to install mesa, so mesa may not be the culprit07:59
moon`thanks NorahAura07:59
moon`I probably pulled some other dumb move, we'll see08:00
moon`on the flip side I'm really enjoying the camaraderie in here right now08:00
NorahAuramoon`: are you able to run x?08:02
moon`I'm in X right now I imagine, ubuntu 12.10 automatically runs X when you start doesn't it?08:02
moon`I mean I'm in a GUI08:02
NorahAuramoon`: ok, good08:02
Muphridyes youre in X08:02
milambermoon`: is the only issue the wrong resolution on the login screen08:02
NorahAuramoon`: so, just in low graphics mode right now, correct?08:03
moon`milamber: I can't change resolution in the NVidia X server settings right now08:03
NorahAuramoon`: nvidia drivers have always been a bit wonky for me.... this is what works: Goto your Applications Menu>System>Additional Drivers08:03
moon`when I run it, it says you do not appear to be running the nvidia-x driver please edit your configuration file08:04
NorahAuramoon`: anything there?08:04
moon`Applications Menu>System Tools08:04
Muphridmoon`: is the package "mesa" installed?08:04
moon`I belive so Muphrid08:04
Muphridwhat happens if you try to remove it?08:05
moon`I never unistalled it after installing08:05
ranjanHi all, How to log every command on terminal to syslog by all users?08:05
MuphridI noticed it is only in that ppa, not in the repos08:05
moon`lets roll the dice and find out, gimme a command to remove it08:05
milambermoon`: run: lshw -c video08:05
Muphridsudo apt-get purge mesa08:05
NorahAuramoon`: whenever my linux headers get updated, for instance, it screws up my nvidia drivers and I a have to uninstall nvidia, reboot, install nvidia again, reboot08:05
milambermoon`: look for the line with configuration, that will tell us what driver you are actually using08:05
Muphridmoon`: does it ask to remove additional software?08:05
NorahAuramoon`: I find it is easiest to install nvidia drivers using ubuntu's "Additional Drivers" installer which is fashioned after mesa was first developed08:06
moon` configuration: latency=008:06
moon`Muphrid: no mesa isn't installed08:07
milamberranjan: http://askubuntu.com/questions/93566/how-to-log-all-bash-commands-by-all-users-on-a-server08:08
moon`milamber: http://pastebin.com/YZD4iWnn08:08
NorahAuramoon`: is nvidia listed as currently installed under Menu>Settings/Prefs>Additional Drivers?08:08
kernsprogranjan: command logs are found at ~/.bash_history08:08
moon`NorahAura: I don't even have a menu>settings/prefs>additional drivers08:09
NorahAuraI love this pastebin... haven't been on IRC for quite a while... really nifty :)08:09
NorahAuramoon`: oh, sorry, what version of ubuntu are you using again?08:10
NorahAuraI am on ubuntu studio'08:10
Muphridit is in the unity dash or menu08:10
NorahAurawhich uses xfce08:10
NorahAurayeah, what Muphrid said :)08:10
moon`cinnamon, but it looks more like gnome08:10
moon`let's just say I'm using traditional gnome08:11
NorahAuracinnamon, I thought that was for mint08:11
Muphridthen it should be in "system", else the package name for reference is jockey-gtk08:11
kubanchellow! Is it possible to resize partitions with gparted. I have 3 partitions on SSD disk. One is for system (10GB), one for home (90GB) and one is left free (10GB)08:11
moon`I've got an applications menu in the upper left hand corner08:11
jmb70056@milamber i just want to transfer a few photos from one account to another account08:12
milamberjmb70056: different user accounts on the same machine?08:12
milamberkubanc: yes, but you have to do it from a live cd08:13
NorahAuraahh... yes, Additional Drivers may not be in your cinnamon menu08:13
kubancmilamber, yes, because right now the partitions are mounted...08:13
moon`no it's not NorahAura =P08:13
Muphridmoon`: just install jockey-gtk if not installed, or run it from a terminal08:13
milamberjmb70056: honestly, the easiest way would probably be to save them to a thumb drive (fat doesn't acknowledge user permissions) and then switch accounts and copy them over08:14
NorahAuramoon`: press ALT+F2, then type jockey-gtk08:14
ranjanmilamber, let me check that link , thank you.08:14
moon`hold on, installing it08:14
NorahAurajmb70056: take a look at this method: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=678a7f738a279cff0bea58487da33fd9&p=11377130&postcount=208:15
jmb70056@milamber okay i will do that then thank you.08:15
moon`so I installed it, tried to run it, said it is currently not installed08:15
jmb70056@NorahAura okay08:15
destiny_GNOME 3.6 has been out for months, why is it not in unstable..?08:17
destiny_ GNOME 3.6 has been out for months, why is it not in unstable..?08:17
Muphridmoon`: is it showing up in the menu?08:18
destiny_You use ubuntu operating system08:18
moon`Muphrid: no08:18
destiny_You are that country08:19
NorahAuramoon`: Did you try running jocket-gtk?08:19
moon`I tried ru nning jocket-gtk and jockey-gtk cause I kept making that same typo08:19
moon`neither worked08:19
NorahAurayes, thx for the correction08:19
Muphridif you type ' ls /usr/bin | grep joc ' do you get any result?08:20
NorahAuralolz, moon`, try installing jockey-gtk08:20
moon`been there NorahAura, look up ;)08:20
NorahAuramoon`:  oh, god, ok, thx08:20
moon`no results, just another command prompt08:20
moon`moon@moon-monster:/$ ls /usr/bin | grep joc08:21
Muphriduh, it didnt install then08:21
NorahAuramoon`: try running jockey-gtk from the terminal, it should tell you why it didn't run08:21
moon`Muphrid: http://pastebin.com/2MbqyLhQ08:22
moon`I'm doing all of this from the terminal NorahAura08:22
moon`It's saying it's not installed when I install it it's saying it is already the latest version08:23
Muphridwhat if you purge and then reinstrall08:23
jesue123hey anyone is here?08:23
NorahAuramoon`:  what Muphrid said :)08:24
jesue123reboot   system boot  3.6.7-030607-gen Thu Dec 27 12:35 - 13:52  (01:16)08:24
moon`purge jockey-jtk?08:24
moon`or is there a dif command?08:24
jesue123what is the meaning of that08:24
moon`because purge gave me the middle finger08:24
Muphridsudo apt-get purge jockey-gtk && sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk08:24
moon`jesue123: type reboot now08:24
moon`hit enter08:24
milambermoon` NorahAura: bug 102836108:25
ubottubug 1028361 in jockey (Ubuntu) "jockey-gtk claims to install but does not show as being installed." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102836108:25
moon`yeah that's what's happening08:25
moon`thanks for clearing that up milamber, I was about to start mashing my head against the desk08:25
jesue123anye one tell me channel name where i can ask about the linux log file08:26
NorahAuraubottu: was just looking at that one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/102836108:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1028361 in jockey (Ubuntu) "jockey-gtk claims to install but does not show as being installed." [Undecided,Confirmed]08:26
jesue123for some information08:26
ubottuNorahAura: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:26
moon`nothing against you guys though, you're all being extremely helpful I'm just inebriated and frustrated08:26
milamber!info software-properties-gtk08:26
ubottusoftware-properties-gtk (source: software-properties): manage the repositories that you install software from (gtk). In component main, is optional. Version 0.92.9 (quantal), package size 41 kB, installed size 359 kB08:26
=== Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star
NorahAuramoon`: I did get a bug report upon first install of ubuntu studio 12.10 regarding jockey-gtk08:27
NorahAuramoon`: however, after updates and reboot, no longer had a crash report pop-up for it08:28
OerHekshi jakub, back with your clones again ?08:30
NorahAuramilamber: just getting into IRC again like I said... so, that info command, that was to the server bot tell us more info about that package?08:30
moon`look I just really want to change the resolution back to something manageable08:30
moon`this is starting to make my eyes bleed08:30
Muphridmoon`: did you get your way into the driver section in software properties?08:30
milamberNorahAura: yes08:31
moon`no Muphrid08:31
NorahAuramoon`: press ALT+F2, then type software-properties-gtk08:32
NorahAuraor run it from terminal08:32
NorahAuramoon`: Software Sources should appear08:32
MuphridAdditional drivers should be the last tab08:32
moon`okay I'm that far08:33
moon`going to use experimental 304 nvidia drivers08:34
NorahAuramoon`:  wait!08:34
NorahAuramoon`: just simply uncheck/uninstall the nvidia driver you have selected08:34
NorahAuramoon`: then reboot08:35
NorahAuramoon`: then install the recommended again08:35
NorahAuramoon`: I know it sounds stupid, but it has worked miracles for me in the past08:35
moon`There wasn't an nvidia driver selected08:35
moon`it was a driver from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau08:35
moon`and the experimental 304 is the one I was using before hand08:35
NorahAuramoon`: oh, ok, yes, then do that lolz08:36
cubwhy does linux suck08:36
Muphriddebates on #ubuntu-offtopic08:36
cuboh okay08:37
NorahAuraMuphrid: are you a moderator.. you are like an IRC god to me right now!08:37
Muphridonly been in this channel like 10 times08:38
moon`oh for the love of all that is holy it went back to normal, thank you guys for your help08:39
NorahAuraMuphrid: yeah, just been a loooooooong time for me08:39
moon`I still can't get eve to work though, what was the suggestion earlier about running eve?08:39
NorahAuramoon`: YAY!!!!08:39
MuphridNorahAura: I usually hang on the trisquel channel, this one is eventual08:39
Muphridmoon`: Nice, at the end all you had to do is install the driver xD08:40
moon`No I had the driver08:40
NorahAuramoon`: did you try these steps: http://eve-search.com/thread/172086-108:41
Muphridmoon`: just install PlayOnLinux08:41
Muphridit will do the frontend to install eve at the best settings08:42
moon`okay, thanks muphrid08:42
milamber!yay | moon`08:42
ubottumoon`: Glad you made it! :-)08:42
g-hostwhat is this im a newbie08:43
boichevanyone willing to help me copy my 1 TB raid 1 to a normal 500gb disk I only used 55GB of data and a linux installment.... If I remount it readonly and DD the /dev/md0 to the other hdd will it work ?08:45
iDangerMouseIt should08:46
=== iDangerMouse is now known as Mouse|Sleep
=== Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star
NorahAuraMuphrid: how do I get a list of bot commands08:52
MuphridNorahAura: I dont know about bots actually08:53
Muphridnever used them08:53
NorahAuralolz, thought I saw you use one, sorry, it was milamber08:54
NorahAurathx Mouse|Sleep08:54
Mouse|Sleepback to bed08:54
Flannelubottu: tell NorahAura about yourself08:54
ubottuNorahAura, please see my private message08:54
=== tybalt is now known as Guest26296
MuphridNorahAura: gotta sleep now, good luck with POL moon`08:57
NorahAuraMuphrid: ok, and thank you... checking out trisquel, sounds quite interesting :)08:58
NorahAuraaww, he left, lolz08:58
Mouse|Sleepbloody hell cant sleep08:59
=== Mouse|Sleep is now known as Mouse|Annoyed
=== Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star
milamber!bot > NorahAura09:00
ubottuNorahAura, please see my private message09:00
Mouse|Annoyedsup milamber09:01
NorahAuraMouse|Annoyed - Enya and/or random sci-fi episode always worked for me09:01
vrexits 4am and I'm still here :/09:01
milamberMouse|Annoyed: not much09:01
Mouse|AnnoyedNorahAura: For ?09:02
NorahAuraMouse|Annoyed - those things help me to sleep09:02
Mouse|AnnoyedOh okay.09:02
Mouse|Annoyedgnc melatonin09:03
=== qos is now known as qos|away
epx998There a fix for ubuntu 12.10 and nvidia, i installed the source and headers, just made things worse.09:04
epx998now unity doesnt even start after i log in09:05
epx998stuck in console mode after a fresh install :|09:05
FUZxxlHow can I *permanently* stop a service started through runsv?09:06
epx998chkconfig in redhat, doubt its same for ubuntu09:07
NorahAuraepx998: I've never had good luck with nvidia base installation on ubuntu, always had to wait for the ubuntu flavor to be released, seems to be something to do with the X server/gdm implementation, etc...09:07
shinao1_hi.. im running sylpheed in ubuntu 12.10 with IMAP4 email accounts set to refresh every 3 minutes. every few minutes i try to send an email it complains of SMTP auth errors, and I have to save the draft email ,and relaunch sylpheed. 10 minutes later its the same story. Please what could be going on?09:07
epx998yeah new install and im fubar09:08
epx998very sad09:08
epx998going back to mint cinnamon in a sec, worked a lot better.09:08
epx99812.10 and 14 are buh09:08
epx998everything worked great on my older duo core w/intel raphics09:11
NorahAurahey, I have a better one for you - on ubuntu studio 12.10 - fresh install, decided I wanted to change my main user's username, using the GUI, couldn't change it, wouldn't set, so I created a new user, set as admin, log off, log on new user, went in to delete old user, saw that was setup as custom user, set as admin, then all of a sudden my windows were drawing properly, so, reboot (went fine), attempted to install vlc, couldn't said I09:11
NorahAuracouldn't authenticate, long story short my user wasn't a member on the sudoers list... was forced to re-install09:11
epx998didnt think you needed a sudoers with su -09:12
NorahAuraI couldn't use su because it wasn't enabled and I couldn't enable it cause my regular admin user was not on the sudoers list09:13
NorahAurait was a logic loop of doom lockout09:13
=== qos|away is now known as qos
NorahAuraluckily, I hadn't done much09:14
NorahAurain fact I am about to reboot and install additional updates... wish me luck!09:14
thufir_do these inode messages indicate hard disc failure?  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/26420309:24
Mouse|AnnoyedHi NorahAura09:25
NorahAurahello Mouse|Annoyed - I survived! :)09:26
KamZouHi, i changed the target (changed the server ip) of a nfs mount point on my clients. When i try to mount -a it "freezes" ... I've to reboot clients to mount it correctly. Any workaround ?09:26
NorahAuranow, into installing my Nvidia drivers... dun.dun.DUNN!!!09:26
penguinmanactually that's pretty painless these days09:27
pepitoHi can somebody tell me how give all root privileges to an already created user ? Please tell me.09:27
NorahAurapenguinman: there were a bunch of ppl having trouble with nvidia drivers in the past hour, I don't have trouble since ubuntu moved to jockey-gtk09:28
thufir_pepito: have you read man page on sudo?09:28
NorahAurapepito - you have to add the user to the sudoers list09:28
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penguinmanNorahAura, i've always done it through the terminal. currently on the 310 drivers actually09:29
pepitothufir, NorahAura : It's like %username ALL=(ALL) ALL in /etc/sudoers09:30
NorahAurapenguiman - look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:30
thufir_do these inode messages indicate hard disc failure?  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/264203   or, is that a problem with DAR?09:31
NorahAura!sudo | penguinman09:32
ubottupenguinman: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:32
NorahAuralolz, wish I knew about the fixsudo page about 2 hours ago09:34
Mouse|AnnoyedI am eating09:35
pepitoup please09:39
NorahAurasorry, penguinman, meant to send bot command to pepito, lolz09:40
NorahAura!sudo | pepito09:41
ubottupepito: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:41
* Mouse|Annoyed sudos NorahAura fail :P09:41
thufir_what do these inode messages indicate please?09:41
NorahAurapepito: look about halfway down the page... here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Allowing_other_users_to_run_sudo09:41
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pepitook NorahAura, thanks :)09:42
NorahAurapepito: yw :)09:42
NorahAuraok, IRC room question: I assume a star in front of the line item is a message from the room/server?09:44
chmacI have Evolution installed, I just installed Thunderbird, and Thunderbird asked for my gmail password and is showing all my Evolution contacts and the Gmail contacts I sync into Evolution in the Thunderbird address book. Is that normal? Will it go away if I uninstall Evolution?09:47
mario_NorahAura: who's true answer ?09:48
thufir_chmac: are you confusing tbird with evolution maybe?09:48
chmacthufir_: lol, alas, no...09:48
chmacthufir_: I open tb, I open the address book, boom, there are my evolution contacts, no import was performed.09:49
chmacthufir_: I am 99% sure it was a tb prompt asking for my gmail password because it blocked my other tb window until I ok / closed it.09:49
thufir_chmac: dunno. maybe tbird is the default e-mail app and so gains access to evolution contacts...09:50
chmacthufir_: It could be that tbird has a plugin for the evolution data server as a backend.09:50
chmacthufir_: I can't find any way of cancelling it for example, or adding a new gmail address book, it's very strange, but even stranger that tbird asked for my gmail password...09:51
chmacReading about somebody experiencing the same and having issues with the data http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189152109:52
zonettimorning :)09:52
pianotipsmorning to you as well09:53
FloodBot1aaOaa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
shinao1_hi.. im running sylpheed in ubuntu 12.10 with IMAP4 email accounts set to refresh every 3 minutes. every few minutes i try to send an email it complains of SMTP auth errors, and I have to save the draft email ,and relaunch sylpheed. 10 minutes later its the same story. Please what could be going on?09:53
chmaczonetti: Afternoon!09:53
zonettichmac, it's a big world :D09:54
trev_I am trying to install and run serviio on ubuntu 12.10. I have downloaded and upacked the tar file but I can not get chmod to change the shell scripts to start the servers to executable. followinf is from the terminal09:54
trev_trev@pic:/media/trev/back/serviio-1.1/bin$ sudo chmod -v 777 serviio.sh09:54
trev_mode of `serviio.sh' changed from 0600 (rw-------) to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)09:54
trev_trev@pic:/media/trev/back/serviio-1.1/bin$ ll09:54
trev_total 809:54
trev_drwx------ 1 trev trev  272 Dec 27 17:46 ./09:54
FloodBot1trev_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:54
trev_drwx------ 1 trev trev  456 Dec 27 17:46 ../09:54
chmacWow, FloodBot2 is fast!09:54
pianotipsum can i ask for a little help here? (first time here)09:55
MonkWitDaFunkhi pianotips09:56
somsip!ask | pianotips09:56
ubottupianotips: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:56
shinao1_go ahead pianotips09:56
thufir_chmac: even so, I'm unclear on what the problem is. is it a feature or advantage?09:56
sets88is there any professionals which can help me solve this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14052353/ip-route-src-not-working?09:57
chmacthufir_: Well, I'd like to uninstall evolution and know what effect that will have, whether the contacts were 1-time imported, will be kept in sync, etc.09:57
pianotipstrying to install 12.04 64bit server..and i get an error that it cannot install the kernel package 'linux-server'?09:57
chmacthufir_: I could experiment, but it'd be nice to know without all the leg work... :-)09:57
thufir_uninstalling generally doesn't remove the files.  you want, IIRC, purge.09:58
boichevhow to make md0 fake raid with disks that allready have raid data on them09:58
thufir_aptitutde purge thunderbird               should remove all tbird files.09:58
chmacthufir_: I'd guess the connection is with the evolution-data-server rather than the filesystem, but that's purely speculation.09:58
thufir_chmac: i would guess not. that sounds like huge privacy problem and invitation to black hat hackers. but mebbe.09:59
pianotipstrying to install it on a dl580 g3.. if that makes a differnce.. ?09:59
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:59
chmacthufir_: Thunderbird is where I want to end up, I'm moving away from evolution...09:59
chmacthufir_: I can't see any alternative, I didn't give tbird my gmail or any source for the contacts.09:59
chmacthufir_: For exampe, install chrome, it auto-imports firefox history, etc I think.09:59
pianotipsgets almost al the way to the end of installing the base system.. then gives me a cannot install kernel error kernel package 'linux-server' ><10:02
chmacWell, that's all folks, have a great day :-)10:03
pianotipsgot booted10:05
pianotipswhat a night lol10:05
trev_Is there a response to my post on why I van't get chmod to make ky files executable?10:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:05
joey8ky file?10:05
llutztrev_: what filesystem are the files on? non-unix fs like ntfs/vfat? then you cannot use chown/chmod, use mount-options (uid/gid/umask)10:07
MonkWitDaFunkthe ext4 filesystem10:07
trev_ok bye, I'll come back later if I can't the answer elsewhere, my question is back a few pages.10:07
llutztrev_: also check if "noexec" option is set10:07
llutz!pastebin | trev_:  and next time please use this10:08
ubottutrev_:  and next time please use this: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:08
MonkWitDaFunksorry. my ubuntu system is using the ext4 filesystem10:08
riderplusin 12.10 gnome 3 everything is up to date but I can't find my keyboard layout on the top panel. if i switch to gnome classic, it shows up10:09
riderplushow can I switch between the different layouts in gnome 3?10:09
srhbriderplus: I personally set a keybinding to do the switching.10:10
Mortucan you tell me where i can get help via activation nvidia drivers in ubuntu 12.04LTS 32bit?  THX10:10
riderplussrhb how can I set it? I repeat, the keyboard layout doesn't show up on the top panel in gnome 310:10
riderplusit's a known bug10:10
MonkWitDaFunkhas anyone ever herd of the linux professional institute. i was wondering if they were widely recognized10:10
pianotipsI am trying to install 12.04 (64) from a dvd, during the base install (near the end) it gives me a cannot install the kernel into the target system kernel package 'linux-server'.. can someone help me?10:11
thufir_LOL.  when DAR finishes its run, what's the message to let you know?10:11
pianotips(please :)10:11
cubpianotips, maybe its a bad dvd burn?\10:11
srhbriderplus: System settings -> Keyboard -> Layout settings -> Options10:12
pianotipscub ill try reburning the dvd10:12
cubyeah sometimes that is the problem10:12
MonkWitDaFunkpianotips, i would do a wipe of the memory disk before i install10:12
cubmake sure to format the DVD first10:12
cubThen reburn it..10:12
cubalso make sure the checksum of the ISO matches10:13
MonkWitDaFunkpianotips, is your rom disk bootable?10:13
pianotipschecked the checksum..10:13
pianotipsthe dvd? yes10:13
riderplussrhb yes it works that way...I'm still wondering when they are going to make that layout visible10:13
riderplusmaybe in the next ubuntu edition10:14
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srhbriderplus: Perhaps you can find a tool for putting it on the bar in the gnome extensions10:14
srhbriderplus: Personally I find that it crashes most of the time when you install extensions.10:14
riderplussrhb :D so it's a dilemma...then I'll just wait until the fix comes10:15
riderplusanother problem is that I've done some updates and now the computer icon is not visible on my desktop10:15
riderplusis there a way to create a shortcut for it?10:15
riderplusI have installed nautilus actions and now I can create launchers for desktop10:16
riderplusbut I don't know where the shortcut for "computer" lies10:16
riderplusmost of the apps are under /usr/bin10:16
MonkWitDaFunkpianotips, you can try wiping your memory disk if theres any software preventing you from.doing an install10:16
riderpluscub: yes10:16
riderplusit's been disabled in gconf and dconf and gnome-tweak-tool10:17
cubits located under places on the gnome menu10:17
riderplusi'm on gnome 310:17
riderplusi've tried gnome classic and saw it there10:17
riderpluswhen i dragged and dropped it said it's already on the desktop (and showed a blank icon) and asked me if i wanted to merge them10:18
riderplusi said yes but it didn't10:18
thufir_does this message indicate that DAR is finished with its run, or is it an error?  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup.dar.support/264210:18
cubthat i'm not sure about riderplus .... i dont have a computer icon on my desktop10:19
cubnever needed it10:19
cubi would thought you could drag it there and it would create a shortcut10:19
lupsakkatrying to get IWL 3945ABG to connect. Everything is detected and the AP is seen, but the trying to connect fails with lines of wlan0: direct probe to ... (try 3/3) and wlan0: authentication with ... timed out. Any thoughts?10:19
NorahAurariderplus: you can get to computer from the Go Menu in Nautilu10:19
MonkWitDaFunkhi ppl of ubuntu, how can i automatically run memtest86 after booting?10:19
NorahAuraer, Nautilus10:20
cubwhat ubuntu version u got riderplus ?10:20
llutzMonkWitDaFunk: sudo apt-get install memtest86+     then pick memtest at next boot from grub-menu10:20
ripthejackeri have mounted an ntfs filesystem but whenever i create any file in it, its saved as an execuateble and i cannot change its permission even as super user10:20
llutz!ntfs | ripthejacker10:20
ubotturipthejacker: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:20
MonkWitDaFunkllutz, where can i learn more about programming grub?10:21
llutzMonkWitDaFunk: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/10:22
ripthejackerllutz: actually its auto mounted at starup ive put an fstab entry10:22
llutzripthejacker: then you'll have to change the boot options (uid/gid/umask)10:22
MonkWitDaFunkok. thanks.10:23
ripthejackerllutz: what fmask should i use, i need to be able to read write and execute files but i dont want the files to be saved as executables by default10:23
trev_thanks llutz the problem was the ntfs file system. sorry about the copy paste, my first time here.10:24
tikpadHave you edited /etc/exports?10:25
llutz!ntfs-3g | ripthejacker look here, sry cannot help you further, i don't deal with ntfs10:25
ubotturipthejacker look here, sry cannot help you further, i don't deal with ntfs: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:25
ripthejackerllutz: # mount point for /dev/sda2 Windows C Drive10:25
ripthejackerUUID=04C65723C6571470 /media/windowsntfs-3gdefaults0010:25
rawfodogim trying to copy files to a usb key, it LOOKS like they copied, but when I unmount and bring the key to another computer nothing is there. I tried with multiple keys10:25
ripthejackerllutz: ok thanks for the help :)10:25
riderpluscub: it's 12.1010:29
cubriderplus, maybe this will be of help... http://www.ubuntugeek.com/hhow-to-display-computerhomenetworktrash-and-mounted-volumes-icons-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-desktop.html10:29
MonkWitDaFunkhey ppl of ubuntu channel, where on the internet will.give me news on the updates for memtest86?10:29
riderplusNorahAura: yes but how to make it appear on desktop10:29
lupsakkatrying to get IWL 3945ABG to connect. Everything is detected and the AP is seen, but the trying to connect fails with lines of wlan0: direct probe to ... (try 3/3) and wlan0: authentication with ... timed out. Any thoughts?10:30
riderpluscub I tried that it gives me >>No such key 'computer-icon-visible'10:31
cubhmm i'm not sure10:34
riderplusis there a way to report bugs without apport?10:34
riderplusit seems so complicated10:34
riderplusonline on launchpad10:35
thufir_how many MB are in a DVD?  a DVD of ~4.7GB  I'm doing DAR slices.10:35
cubhave u tried restarting tho? (thinking u did)10:35
yogahi, I tried to install MInt-KDE, I have Windows 8 already on my computer, when asked to choose where to install linux to, I choose manual, but I cannot find the Windowds 8 partition,  and it only see the entire disk as free disk to install.  Any help?10:37
jiwanhey anyone tell me channel name of linux kernel???????????????10:37
cubyou should check the windows partition while IN windows10:38
cubthere is a tool under system management you can use that will show all of your partitions10:38
antonio_Does anyone know how I can import Helvetica into gimp?10:38
cubnote its size and file type10:38
MonkWitDaFunkyoga, if you boot from your ubuntu rom, you can choose to install ubuntu alongside windows10:38
jiwanis there any channel name10:38
OerHeks!mint | yoga10:39
ubottuyoga: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:39
cuband if it's showing the entire disk.. it might be that you only have one partition.. the windows one..10:39
cubyou would need to resize it in windows..10:39
cuband backup your data10:39
cubi can tell you now, if you are not extremely careful, you can screw up your windows install10:39
MonkWitDaFunkmake.sure you have your windows 8 repair disk10:40
cuband defrag your disk as well10:40
MonkWitDaFunkand your origional upgrade/install disk10:40
cubBEFORE you attempt to install10:40
yogaI already have some free space left for Linux.10:41
cubdid you create a partition with that free space?10:41
yogafdisk /dev/sda shows I have those Windows 8 partitions.10:41
cubyou should create a free space partition WITHIN windows10:41
cubhow many partitions do you have?10:41
yogacub: I have 3 partitions, one is Windows 8 reserved, second is Windows 8, the third is free.10:42
cubif i remember..10:43
jiwanhey i need a name, related to kernel channel?10:43
cubu need 2 partitions for linux10:43
cubone for swap10:43
cuband the other for the install10:43
cubi'm going by memory of course, but that may be the reason .. and windows wont let u have more than 4 partitions ?10:43
cubso you cant make the 3rd into 210:43
yogacub: I expect the installer will shows me the free space, and I'll create the swap from there.10:43
yogacub: the installer don't show me the partition I already have, and just say all the disk is free!10:45
pepitohi, I have one group root with two users root and me, but my user haven't all root's privileges, how change that ? Thanks for answering.10:45
cubhmm... not quite sure on that one, perhaps someone else here knows?10:45
OerHeks!sudoers | pepito10:47
OerHeksadd your 2nd account to admin group10:49
lupsakkatrying to get IWL 3945ABG to connect. Everything is detected and the AP is seen, but the trying to connect fails with lines of wlan0: direct probe to ... (try 3/3) and wlan0: authentication with ... timed out. Any thoughts?10:52
chris__i got  aweird issue11:06
chris__if i ping someone a window appears about some smb.conf errors11:07
jimmy_lo_chien_fHi all11:11
ripthejackerllutz: hey thanks for the tip, the problem is fixed now. i just had to set the fmask as 11111:11
cairnei installed kde desktop just as a secondary thing for another log in now the login manager has changed to the kde one, how do I get back to the one I had originally?11:12
pianotipsI am trying to install 12.04 (64) from a dvd, during the base install (near the end) it gives me a cannot install the kernel into the target system kernel package 'linux-server'.. installed from dvd and usb?11:12
pianotipshelp ? please ?11:12
ikoniapianotips: are you installing the desktop or the server edition11:13
pianotipssever sir11:13
ikoniais the server now shipped on a DVD ? I thought it was a CD11:13
Ricardo-UbuntustHello, Does anyone recommend software and streaming support issue (personally, locally and online) audio / video?. I tried Goalbit, but the user must install plugin's, I would find something standard. Thanks, happy holidays and happy 2013! for all11:13
pianotipsikonia sorry cd11:14
pianotipsi burned it to a cd11:14
pianotipsnot a dvd11:14
jimmy_lo_chien_fI use skype and the skype icon disappeared. It alway on the bar containing current time. I use ubuntu 11.0411:14
jimmy_lo_chien_fHow to get it back11:14
jimmy_lo_chien_fSkype is still running.11:14
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pianotipsikonia any ideas?11:15
MonkWitDaFunkpianotips, do you think there may be software on the memory disk that your trying to install ubuntu to is preventing you from successful installation?11:16
iDangerMousejimmy_lo_chien_f http://askubuntu.com/questions/151112/how-do-i-get-the-skype-status-icon-back-on-panel-trayhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/151112/how-do-i-get-the-skype-status-icon-back-on-panel-tray11:16
pianotipshmm no sure MonkWitDaFunk it seemed clean.. but ive tried 2 times now.. any suggestions?11:17
MonkWitDaFunki would wipe my disk using daricks boot and nuke before installing ubuntu.11:19
pianotipslol thanks after thinking about your ealier suggestion .. i ended up on that page ;)11:20
MonkWitDaFunki once had an IDE disk that always caused problems rebooting and shutting down. the problem.went away after i wiped the IDE disk11:20
jimmy_lo_chien_fiDangerMouse, thank you very much11:20
iDangerMouseWould have been fun to get paid for support ha11:21
pianotipsthnx MonkWitDaFunk11:23
gipzoHi, guys. Got a problem: I need to upgrade from Ubuntu server Maverick to something more modern, but system is on xen vds now and there're no dists for maverick anymore...11:23
jimmy_lo_chien_fiDangerMouse, is the bar called "Unity Notification Panel"11:23
iDangerMouseOr Systray11:24
iqbalbakhtiari downloaded a torrent movie but it turns out to be a .tmpfile. how do i play it11:24
iqbalbakhtiaranyone there11:25
iDangerMouseAdam bash iqbalbakhtiar11:25
mario_!repeat | iqbalbakhtiar11:25
ubottuiqbalbakhtiar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:25
gipzoIs it possible to downgrade from maverick to lucid?11:25
MonkWitDaFunkvlc media can play almost all.video formats. i dont.know if a tmp is a video format11:25
iqbalbakhtiari don't either11:26
iDangerMouse.tmpfile. is a bug11:26
iqbalbakhtiarhence the question11:26
iqbalbakhtiarfrikkin torrents11:26
bpietroI think it's not yet complete download11:26
zrit's not yet finished11:26
iDangerMouseor a bug11:26
iDangerMousefake torrent11:26
iqbalbakhtiaranyone downloaded jack reacher yet11:26
mario_!vlc | iqbalbakhtiar11:26
ubottuiqbalbakhtiar: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:26
iqbalbakhtiarbut frostwire says it's complete11:27
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bpietrowhen finished, turn out .tmpfile to regolar .avi, .flv o another vidoe format11:27
zrtry to name it to avi11:27
OerHeks!piracy  | iqbalbakhtiar11:27
ubottuiqbalbakhtiar: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:27
iqbalbakhtiartorrents were supposed to be legal11:27
iqbalbakhtiarbit torrent won the case11:28
zrburt not when you download movies11:28
iqbalbakhtiarread it on engadget11:28
OerHeksiqbalbakhtiar stop it11:28
ikoniapianotips: sorry I was just on the phone11:28
iqbalbakhtiarreally! u guys are passionate.........11:28
cubiqbalbakhtiar, its ok11:29
ikoniapianotips: I'd verify that package is there on the CD - but it sounds like the CD is corrupt,11:29
gipzoHow to upgrade CentOs to Ubuntu? (or downgrade?)11:29
ikoniagipzo: you can't11:29
gipzoThen how to downgrade maverick to lucid?11:29
ikoniagipzo: they are two seperate distros that cannot be cross-graded11:30
ikoniagipzo: you can't downgrade11:30
gipzoThen how to upgrade from maverick to something modern?11:30
ikonia1upgrade | gipzo11:30
ikonia!upgrade | gipzo11:30
ubottugipzo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:30
gipzoThere'is no distros for maverick11:30
iDangerMousehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRkoEDxA1QU gianlucadv11:30
iDangerMouseI mean gipzo11:30
iqbalbakhtiardoes that mean i'll have to download another torrent11:31
ikoniagipzo: you can still upgrade, but because of the difference in versions, it maybe easier to install clean11:31
MonkWitDaFunkpianotips, do.you believe your ubuntu installation rom is corrupt?11:31
iDangerMouseOn serious note gipzo , http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-10.10-maverick-meerkat-to-11.04-natty-narwhal-desktop-and-server11:31
gipzoI can't clean install, it's xen vds template :/11:31
ikoniaiDangerMouse: please don't post those stupid youtube links again11:31
iDangerMouseOkay ikonia, because you asked nicely :P11:32
ikoniagipzo: do you control the xen host ?11:32
gipzoSo should I put repo links for natty in /etc/apt/sources.list?11:32
ikoniagipzo: no11:32
gipzoikonia, nope (11:32
silv3r_m00nneed to convert mp3 to wav and ogg, what good tools are there on ubuntu ? both gui and comandline ?11:32
iqbalbakhtiarcan anybody teach linux11:32
ikoniagipzo: ok, you may find it easier to talk to your host and ask them to update it to a current ubuntu version11:32
iDangerMouseAudacity silv3r_m00n11:32
gipzoikonia, they will be doing this for several weeks...11:33
ikoniagipzo: that seems reasonable,11:34
ikoniagipzo: it will be easier than potentially upgrading your versions to current11:34
ikoniagipzo: more so as there maybe non-shared components on the xen host (I don't know their setup obviously)11:34
ikoniagipzo: it is worth at least asking them if it's possibler11:35
gipzoikonia, i have full control over os as root...11:35
silv3r_m00niDangerMouse: where is the option to load a file in audacity, I could only record from mic11:35
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ikoniagipzo: that you know of, there can be shared components that you don't know are shared from the OS level11:35
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MonkWitDaFunki think audacity uses import from their taskbar. you can also save as to choose.a.format to.save11:36
iqbalbakhtiarlinux anyone11:38
ikoniaiqbalbakhtiar: not in this channe11:38
iDM|Busyiqbalbakhtiar please stop trolling11:38
ikoniaiqbalbakhtiar: if you have an ubuntu question please ask11:38
iqbalbakhtiarubuntu is linux11:38
ikoniaiqbalbakhtiar: correct, but we don't support generic linux lessons, ubuntu distribtuion only11:39
iqbalbakhtiardetails details11:39
iqbalbakhtiartechnicalities are shit11:39
gipzoikonia, thanks, sended them a ticket...11:39
bazhangiqbalbakhtiar, no cursing here11:40
OerHeksikonia, jakub jakub762  jakub816 jakub762  & more clones is back again11:41
rasanen7I want to be able to send commandline (scripted, cronned) email's through my ISPs mail server. Do I need an MTA such as sendmail or postfix for this? Or can I configure a client to directly use the ISPs servers, settings and authentication?11:41
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kubanchow do i stop xserver and start in terminal in ubuntu 12.10.If i stop xserver I only get blanking cursor in the left top corner11:43
iDM|BusyIs ubuntu being logged? I mean public logging11:43
OerHeksiDM|Busy, yes11:44
iDM|Busysudo service gdm sto11:44
iDM|BusyThanks OerHeks11:45
OerHeksthe html version is nice11:45
=== iDM|Busy is now known as iDangerMouse
iDangerMouseyeah it is11:45
iDangerMouseRunning ubuntu on my phone was a bad idea...11:46
MonkWitDaFunkoh cool11:46
vltHello. Is it possible to create a Ubuntu bootable USB stick on a Windows machine?11:47
OerHeksrasanen7,  this answer from askubuntu may be a help > http://askubuntu.com/a/1293311:47
MonkWitDaFunkyes vlt11:47
ikonia!install | vlt11:47
ubottuvlt: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:47
vltikonia: Thank you-11:47
zrwhy ubuntu takes so long to install programs or update the system and arch linux (or manjaro im using now) is so fast? is pacman best and newest of all package managers?11:47
admin_yes vlt, use usb installer...11:48
iDangerMouseGood luck folks11:48
admin_you're welcome11:48
ikoniazr: they take around the same time11:49
ikoniazr: the only difference will be if you are installing one locally and one from the internet11:49
hmsckwhat do you think about Xubuntu?11:49
ikoniahmsck: in what respect ?11:49
MonkWitDaFunkexcuse me ubuntu, if ubuntu can detect the hardware, does that mean it can also download the drivers for it?11:49
ikoniaMonkWitDaFunk: it depends11:49
ikoniaMonkWitDaFunk: most of the drivers are included in the kernel, as such it auto loads them11:50
ikoniahmsck: what does it matter ? it's important if you like or not11:50
gipzoikonia, got answer from hoster: they say that i should set lucid repos and upgrade myself...11:50
gipzoikonia, is apt-get dist-upgrade will be enough?11:51
ikoniagipzo: that is not a wise approach11:51
ikoniagipzo: read this link11:51
ikonia!upgrade | gipzo11:51
ubottugipzo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:51
hmsckikonia I like11:52
ikoniahmsck: great, so no need to ask if anyone likes it11:52
gipzoikonia, so do-release-upgrade?11:53
vltikonia, admin_: Could any one help me finding the On-Windows-to-USB installation process faster?11:53
ikoniagipzo: READ the information11:53
ikoniavlt: the last URL11:53
vltikonia: Ok, thanks11:53
ikonia!install | vlt11:54
ubottuvlt: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:54
hirogencan you not mount ubuntu desktop latest into vmware player here ?11:54
hirogensorry my bad11:54
hirogeni trid to mount exsiting11:54
hirogennot new11:54
gipzoikonia, i read it: 1. install update-manager-core, 2. set Prompt=normal, 3. do-release-upgrade...11:54
ikoniagipzo: right, so that's what you need to do11:55
ikoniabut I feel you've not read it properly11:55
gipzoi didn't read about ubuntu desktops...11:55
gipzojust Upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 -> Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)11:56
hmscki need help with a driver RTL8187 in Ubuntu 12.04..any idea?11:56
gipzo... a lot of errors..11:58
rasanen7OerHeks: I was actually reading that earlier. But it seems to have the right points, I'll continue reading. Thanks!11:58
kubanchow come tty (example ctrl+alt+F2) is not working in ubuntu 12.10?11:58
hmsckit's the driver for my wifi..11:58
admin_bye guys..12:02
OerHekshmsck, maybe this askubuntu page can help, see answer #21 & answer 27 >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/95161312:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 951613 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rtl8187] ubuntu 12.04 - Wifi rtl8187 not load after login" [Medium,Fix released]12:02
hmsck<OerHeks> it's buggy a check many websites about it..even i tried a ndiswrapper.12:03
kubanchow come tty console is not working in Ubuntu 12.10?12:03
iceroot!work | kubanc12:04
OerHekshmsck, is it an apple device ?12:04
ubottukubanc: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:04
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kubanciceroot, if I press ctrl+alt+f1 to f6 nothing happens. If I do sudo service lightdm stop I only have blinking cursos12:05
hmsck<OerHeks> it's a wifi ALFA AWUSO36H usb12:05
hmsck<OerHeks> it works with backtrack12:06
OerHekshmsck, oke, i think answer #27 would work12:06
OerHekshmsck, after edit, logout & login again12:07
hmsck<OerHeks> ok i will try it, but not now because i use different laptop. thanks a lot!12:08
rasanen7does anyone run nullmailer instead of sendmail/postfix/etc? I'm hesitant to installing an MTA because I do not want to be relaying spam or anything else inside our network12:11
kieron-desktophallo anyone on here12:14
Ricardo-UbuntustBay, bay12:16
kieron-desktopoh good someones one here12:16
gipzoHi, keiron12:16
gipzoHow do you do?12:16
gipzoHow's weather?12:16
kieron-desktopi need an distro that is 2gb big12:17
kieron-desktophdd space12:17
kieron-desktopand the weather is a bit dull here12:17
gipzoKieron, you need 2gb big, or 2gb small?12:17
kieron-desktopsmall yea12:18
kieron-desktopi know mint needs 512:18
kieron-desktopbut i need one that is 2gb12:18
kieron-desktopand a grub menu12:18
gipzoYou may check this - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal12:19
gipzo"After this minimal install (using Ubuntu 12.04 as an example for these screenshots), the total installation size is a little over 1 GB."12:20
kieron-desktopdoes it come with grub 212:21
kieron-desktopor somthing that will pick up my other distros12:21
gipzoI can't answer that question :)12:21
kieron-desktophuh ok then12:22
kieron-desktopill give that a try12:22
gipzoIt should pick up12:22
gipzoIt's 12.0412:22
simulakraguys, i'm tryin to remove the noveau driver so i can install nvidia's version instead but when i did "sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" & then ran the installer it said noveau is still there.. wat do?12:30
nishaad<simulakra> switch to windows812:31
simulakranishaad genius! i'll go do that nao12:32
vimerrrrrrrhi to all. any one know why my ubuntu has no boot logo but only purple screen?12:33
ognyvimerrrrrrr: hi12:33
ognyplease try these12:33
ognyon the grub menu, pres `e`12:34
ognygo to the kernel line12:34
ognyadd this: `noresume`12:34
ognywrite it to file, press to: ctrl-x12:34
ognythen please write here, if it's fixed or not12:34
kubanchello! how do i revert graphic drivers for ubuntu 12.10?12:35
vimerrrrrrrthx ill try12:35
kubanchow do i revert graphic drivers in ubuntu 12.1012:41
ikoniakubanc: revert ?12:42
simulakrakubanc u mean lowering a version..?12:42
ognyhangi bes bireysel emeklilik firması12:44
simulakragaranti emeklilik :P12:44
lupsakkawhy cant I get sound from http://chrome.angrybirds.com/ while using chromium. Sound on youtube does work. And with firefox it works on angrybirds too. Thoughts?12:49
snqlno troughts12:51
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nitinHello everyone, could someone help me with this issue: I am trying to mount a filesystem as /home. I have added the entry in /etc/fstab but now when I create a new user, the user directory created in /home has root as user and group by default. Can someone tell me where I am going wrong here12:56
freshstartdoes nautilus or any other file manager has the ability to show on folders a thumbnail(that indicates the content of them?)12:59
w0rm-_xCan I make my program to be installed from apt-get ?13:01
w0rm-_xlike any one can install it using sudo apt-get install myprogram13:01
freshstartw0rm-_x: what program?13:01
MonkeyDustw0rm-_x  create a .deb from it13:01
w0rm-_xAn app I coded13:02
w0rm-_xyeah after creating .deb should I place it online in order for any user to download it using apt-get?13:02
fairuzw0rm-_x: package it and upload to launchpad13:03
fairuzUser will need to add your repo and use apt-get to install a specific software from the repo13:03
w0rm-_xfairuz, thanks, though I had to pay money to a party to allow this13:03
freshstartdoes nautilus or any other file manager has the ability to show on folders a thumbnail(that indicates the content of them?)13:04
fairuzit's free13:04
MonkeyDustw0rm-_x  or create a ppa and hope someone picks it up13:04
w0rm-_xfairuz repo?13:04
fairuzw0rm-_x: I mean ppa on launchpad13:04
w0rm-_xoh ok13:04
w0rm-_xcreating a deb package from jar is iffy....13:05
=== rofl is now known as Tux
ClockworkSwordfiHello? I was told this was the place for tech support chat.13:09
iDMClockworkSwordfi: Ask13:09
iDMAnd you shall seek13:09
iDMFor Ubuntu yes..13:10
ClockworkSwordfiWell, yes.13:10
ClockworkSwordfiHere's the problem: I have Fedora dual-booted with Windows 7, but I would rather have Xubuntu dual-booted with Windows 7.13:14
iDMSo remove Fedora ?13:15
ClockworkSwordfiYes, but it does not seem to be that easy.13:15
MonkeyDustClockworkSwordfi  use the ubuntu live cd, delete the fedora partition, install ubuntu13:16
ovrflw0xi just install "xfce4-cpufreq-plugin" but how to start it?13:16
ClockworkSwordfiThat is exactly my problem; the Live installer CAN'T delete the Fedora partition.13:17
iDMClockworkSwordfi try #fedora13:17
ubottuPanc: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:17
MonkeyDustClockworkSwordfi  what happens when you try with gparted?13:17
ClockworkSwordfiIt can write over it, but Fedora has 3 partitions (swap, boot, and home) and I can only write over one.13:17
CookieMdo that with parted magic13:18
ClockworkSwordfi<MonkeyDust> Exactly the same thing, minus the ability to overwrite.13:18
k1lClockworkSwordfi: unmount the swap13:18
MonkeyDustClockworkSwordfi  if you can't delete it with ubuntu, for whatever reason, then better ask in the fedora channel13:19
ClockworkSwordfiHang on, checking up on Fedora uninstall link <iDM> posted.13:19
k1lgparted gets blocked sometimes, when a /swap is mounted. so unmount that and you should be able to remove the partitions you want13:20
ClockworkSwordfi<Monkey Dust>; Will do, just thought I'd ask here first since it is the Ubuntu installer I am working with.13:21
ClockworkSwordfiFedora guide says do it through Windows; trying that now.13:21
ClockworkSwordfiAlright, Fedora guide tells how to remove Linux entirely. Since I don't need to restore the MBR to not have GRUB anymore, can I just use Windows's Disk Management utility to delete the Fedora partitions and then install from CD?13:24
iDMThere you go ClockworkSwordfi13:24
ClockworkSwordfiThat won't screw up the MBR somehow?13:25
iDMConfirm it in Fedora I think so.13:25
=== iDM is now known as iDM|Busy
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ognyabi sen13:42
cfhowlettshaokc: greetings13:43
SysE8i have this problem in my vps , when i try to open terminal from vnc ( There was an error creating the child process for this terminal |  getpt failed: No such file or directory ) http://i.imgur.com/FUgKu.png13:43
anhhi. i am looking for xubuntu 11.04, but cannot find it. is there a reason why the link to cdimage.ubuntu.com is dead?13:45
b14d3!xubuntu | anh13:47
ubottuanh: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:47
MonkeyDustanh  it's because 11.04 is eol13:47
cfhowlettanh: time to upgrade.  suggest you go with LTS release, i.e. 12.0413:47
anhmy computer is old. it has an old nvidia card which isn't supported in 12.0413:49
diverdudeHow do i make a "show desktop" shortcut in ubuntu 12.10?13:49
MonkeyDustdiverdude  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/show-desktop-icon-for-ubuntu-unity.html13:50
auronandaceanh: not even by nouveau?13:50
anhb14d3: i could just install a server version then install xubuntu-desktop then?13:51
auronandaceanh: why would you do that?13:51
anhauronandace: because xubuntu 11.04 does not seems to exist any more13:52
jiwanproblem while using fdsik13:52
b14d3anh: As opposed to just updating?13:52
auronandaceanh: xubuntu still exists but 11.04 is end of life13:52
jiwanAll primary partitions are in use13:52
jiwanAdding logical partition 613:52
jiwanNo free sectors available13:52
anhoh. so 11.04 wasn't LTS?13:53
auronandaceanh: no13:53
cfhowlettanh: no it is not.  LTS were 10.04 and 12.0413:53
anhah. okay13:53
diverdudeMonkeyDust, that solution stinks13:53
Gusteruhi! I can install ubuntu like a simple software usign windows 7 ?13:54
cfhowlettGusteru: what?13:54
auronandace!wubi | Gusteru13:54
ubottuGusteru: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe13:54
anhfor how long is 10.04 supported then?13:55
radopiapril 1313:55
cfhowlettanh: 36 months on the desktop13:55
auronandaceanh: on desktop till april13:55
anhsame as 11.10 then13:55
GusteruPage not found13:55
GusteruSorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for13:56
cfhowlettanh: no 11.10 had 18 months support for the desktop version.13:56
auronandaceGusteru: why do you want to use wubi?13:56
anhcfhowlett: which means to what date?13:57
cfhowlettGusteru: wubi is a testing platform, not a long-term install solution.  suggest you consider virtualbox or dual boot options13:57
auronandacecfhowlett: 18 months from 11.10 = 13.0413:57
Gusteruauronandace I am not familiar with linux and I would not want to spoil anything and lose all computer data13:57
auronandaceGusteru: better use a vm then13:58
MonkeyDustanh  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#Releases13:58
cfhowlettGusteru: then virtualbox is the better method13:58
Gusterudon't like tu user virtualbox13:58
cfhowlettGusteru: or you could create a boot USB and just use that13:58
amerWhat is the samba service called on ubuntu?13:58
amersudo service <foo> stop13:58
Gusterucfhowlett Can I install ubuntu hdd external box and user from hdd ?14:00
cfhowlettGusteru: yes, but I've never done it.14:01
Gusteruok, I understand ! Thank You !14:01
Gusteruto install on hdd external box need to download ubuntu for desktop & burn on cd ?14:02
WeThePeoplekill is not permitted how do i force it?14:02
Minaplease i'm asking to download the full version of ubuntu and i need to install it with windows 7 any help plz ??14:03
iDM|BusyDownload it14:03
Gusteru!wubi | Mina14:03
voxcroixMina: ????14:03
iDM|BusyStep 214:03
iDM|BusyMina just go on the website I gave you....14:03
voxcroixMina: download go ubuntu website.14:04
ubottuMina: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe14:04
voxcroixMina: install win7 first and second ubuntu14:04
Minathanks everybody but there is 2 version first one it's 700 mb and other one more than 1 GB14:04
padhuMina: Ubuntu is open source, CD/DVD have an complete ( Minimal) Desktop requirements, After installation, you can install required application packages from repositories14:05
euaxHello everybody from Spain.14:05
compdocbig drug bust in spain14:05
MinaPadhu thank you man :)14:06
diverdudecan i somehow limit the output of ls to 10 first files only?14:06
iDM|BusyI wish I was in Egypt14:06
iDM|Busydiverdude: What ?14:06
euaxuse tail diverdude14:06
Minawow how do u know that i'm from egypt :D14:07
padhuMina: contact nearer linux / Ubuntu user groups for customized CD/DVDs and apt-on-CDs14:07
iDM|BusyYou are ?14:07
iDM|BusyI did not know that.14:07
Minaanyway i'm from egypt and it's very bad nowdays :S14:08
diverdudeeuax, thx14:08
iDM|Busyhttp://www.ubuntu-eg.org/  Ubuntu Egypt.14:08
diverdudehow do i start ubuntu image viewer  from command line?14:09
padhudiverdude: ! #ls | tail -n 1014:09
bpietrodiverdude: ls -1| head -n10 (first 10 lines)   or ls -1 | tail -n10 (last 10 lines)14:09
diverdudeyeah thx got that one already14:09
Gusterucfhowlett how can I create a usb bootable with ubuntu ? the last version of ubuntu have 753 MB and CD-R only 70214:10
b14d3Gusteru: Use a USB drive or use a dvd14:11
bpietroGusteru: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:11
Gusterub14d3 and how can I create usb bootable with ubuntu ?14:12
b14d3Gusteru: See bpietro's link14:12
Gusterub14d3 ok14:13
padhuGusteru: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/creating-an-ubuntu-live-usb-from-cd/14:13
euaxGusteru: usb-creator14:13
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euaxGusteru: or UNetbootin is similar.14:15
freshstarthow can i change the distance between files in nautilus?14:17
lucienMorning #ubuntu14:17
zoitefreshstart, what?14:18
euaxlucien: morning from Spain.14:18
freshstartzoite: the distance a picture has in nautilus compared to another picture for example14:19
freshstartzoite: the space between them14:19
TheLordOfTimefreshstart, you mean the space between icons/thumbnails.]14:19
anaimhi, im having problems with my audio devices, no devices are showing up, but in alsa mixer their all there, im using ubuntu 12.04 / 64 all my sound works fine in a guest session, ive been googling and none of the solutions seem to be working for me14:19
freshstartTheLordOfTime: yeah14:19
lucienarrange items > manually14:19
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish333
lucienfreshstart ^14:20
lucienthen they're not aligned anymore and you can sort them in whatever position you want14:20
freshstartlucien: i want all the files have the same distance14:20
euaxfreshstart:you men this? ls -G -T114:21
TheLordOfTimefreshstart, i'm not certain you can change how it auto-spaces stuff14:21
euaxfreshstart:mean, sorry my english14:21
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freshstarteuax: what this command does? ls -G -T114:22
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euaxdo separator into bash14:22
padhufreshstart: try it by own14:23
lucienI wonder what tux would look like if he was a fish. linuxthefish2214:23
lucien!spam > voxcroix14:24
devilangel81Guten Tag14:25
lucienGood day, devilangel8114:25
ubottuGuest21672: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:27
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YunxBOT1830΢Ц×Å¶Ô swang1 ˵: swang114:29
=== Guest24666 is now known as lurker
devilangel81Ich habe mal eine frage ich möchte von meinem Laptop auf mein Desktop per ssh zugreifen hatte ebend den openssh-server installiert dannach habe ich mit der IP des Desktop am Laptop ssh und die IP eingegeben dann kam Permission denied, please try again14:29
luciendevilangel81: #ubuntu-de14:29
lucienYunxBOT1830: #ubuntu-vn14:29
angshow to kill a process that I know the pid?14:30
llutzangs: kill pid14:30
euaxlucien: there's too ubuntu-es? :P14:30
angsthank you llutz14:30
lurkerHi guys, my MythBuntu 10.04 box sometimes boots correctly and then again, it displays14:31
lurker"error: hd0,1 out of disk, error: couldn't read file, error: you need to load the kernes first. Failed to boot both default and fallback entries. Press any key to continue..."14:32
lucieneuax: /list14:32
lurkerWhen I press any key, it again boots as normal.14:33
euaxyes i do it, /list >50 *ubuntu-es*14:33
lurkerFor unattended video recorder functionality, that is not desirable. How can I get grub to work properly again?14:33
underi need a gui to format a sdcard?14:34
woozlyguys, how to set System Language to English? (My UI language changed to Japan or something... and I can use UI, because I can't understand nothing)14:34
underi need a gui to format a sdcard. how was his name?14:34
lucien!recovergrub > lurker14:34
ubottulurker, please see my private message14:34
TojammI need some help. During install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant install as14:34
Tojammthe installer hangs. I have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging. i try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work. Anyone has any ideas??14:34
euaxgood bye and happy new year.14:35
lucienunder: you could try "Disks" from dash or you could get gparted from software center14:35
lucienTojamm: where does it hang?14:37
lucienTojamm: at what step of the instalation?14:37
Tojammlucien: its just before choosing the instalation method right after the conect to network dialog14:38
lurkerubottu: Hi, thanks for replying. And no, no Windows has been installed.14:39
ubottulurker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:39
lurkerlucien: Hi, thanks for replying. And no, no Windows has been installed.14:40
=== angela is now known as Guest42607
Tojammlucien: thanks im going to try it right now14:42
lurkerlucien: Ok, I will investigate the link.14:44
SunMoonStarI am getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470068/ Is it normal?14:47
lucientry adding sudo before it14:47
ocontantor run it as root user14:47
ThinkT510SunMoonStar: is a package manager already open?14:47
lucienand yes it's normal since you don't have super user privilleges14:47
SunMoonStarThinkT510: no, it's not. I know sudo might fix it but shouldn't I not need to do that for this program. it's just a game14:48
=== jonah is now known as Guest43740
b14d3You need to for that command at all times14:48
ocontantat the moment you install something you need superuser privileges14:48
ThinkT510SunMoonStar: you need sudo when installing anything14:48
SunMoonStaroh okay14:48
ocontantlinux is super secure :P14:48
MuphridSunMoonStar: you need sudo to write anything to / except your home folder, tmp and var14:48
SunMoonStarhow can I use locate but exclude a directory14:51
ocontantgrep -v14:51
ocontantlocate |grep -v <something>14:51
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
impizai needs a little help14:54
impizais there any way to install teamviewer in ubuntu 12.1014:54
Tojammlucien: thanks for the link for the secure remix iso but i face the same issue with this also14:54
ocontantimpiza if there is a linux package for it yes14:55
impizaocontant: nop there is a problem14:55
impizaia32-libs missing14:55
impizaand i cant install that14:55
SunMoonStarimpiza: i just installed it the other day. are you getting the installer from their website?14:56
impizaSunMoonStar: x64bit ?14:57
SunMoonStarimpiza: no 32-bit. is your version of ubuntu 64-bit?14:57
lemonsparrowhow to download a file over ftp using curl over proxy ?14:57
impizaSunMoonStar: x64 has a problem with ia32-libs , so i cant install teamviewer , google-earth etc14:58
SunMoonStarWhy don't you get the ubuntu 32-bit instead?14:58
SunMoonStarMost applications are not optimized for 64-bit anyway14:58
Artemis3you are wrong SunMoonStar, also enable multiarch and use gdebi.14:59
SunMoonStarIt is not like Windows on which you need 64-bit to utilize more than 3gb ram14:59
impizaSunMoonStar: its different architecture how can i install 32 bin in x6414:59
=== marco is now known as Guest1285
lemonsparrowhow to download a file over ftp using curl over proxy ?15:00
impizaArtemis3:i try to install ia32-libs but it says some problem is there any fix for this thanks15:01
impizai have also try with ia32-libs-multiarch15:01
mintyfreshhi trying to open a game on separate x server but cant get any sound15:02
Artemis3impiza, since ubuneu 11.10, multiarch should be enabled by default. Unless its an older upgrade. ia32 is no longer used since then.15:02
impizamy system based on 12.1015:03
impizai dont have this on 12.0415:03
impizai dont have this problem* on 12.0415:03
Artemis3impiza, you should simply gdebi package.deb and should work15:03
impizanop its wont15:04
impizaevery thing leads to same problem15:04
Artemis3might be a 12.10 issue15:04
impizai also think soo15:04
Artemis3i stick to 12.0415:04
impizamy bad luck15:04
jiwanwhat is UUID15:04
Artemis3steam is the same, and it works like a charm15:05
impizaany g33ks here :D15:05
TojammI need some help. During install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant install as15:05
Tojammthe installer hangs. I have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging. i try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work. Anyone has any ideas??15:05
gribouillethere is a problem with libreoffice : in the manual, all the images are missing15:06
nibbler_Tojamm, when the installer hangs, do you get any output on a text console (ctr-alt-f1-4)15:06
Tojammnibbler: no nothing15:06
nibbler_Tojamm, what is the last message there?15:07
AxioHi, yesterday I disabled audio in my bios, I booted, reenabled audio in the bios, rebooted and audio wasn't working anymore. Since then I have been trying to fix audio without any success. I desperately need help15:07
nibbler_Tojamm, try alternative installer, its a different download15:07
OKAI Install DNS Server With BIND915:07
BluesKajHey all15:07
OKAIP Public15:07
Tojammnibbler: There is no message at all. right after the wireless dialog it just stands there15:07
jiwanhow to switch between drives in linux15:08
jiwani can't do that15:08
jiwanplease help me..15:08
cleamoonAxio, reboot, check bios again. and check volume.15:08
Axiocleamoon: already done ten times15:09
impizaalsamixer ?15:09
Tojammnibbler: i even tryed teh secure-remix distro and still hangs15:09
nibbler_jiwan, you should be able to open other disks via the file explorer..... but there is no such thing as c:, d: etc15:09
impizaor check sound output15:09
nibbler_Tojamm, what is the output in the console?15:09
AxioAll is fine, alsamixer, pulseaudio, sound applet15:09
jiwanbut i want to switch using terminal15:09
AxioBut I get no sound15:09
jiwani am a fan of the terminal15:09
cleamoonAxio, sound card driver?15:10
impizaAxio: check sound output device15:10
impizain sound settings15:10
jiwani know there isn't a c:,d: like windows but how to switch sda1,sda2 file system15:10
Axiocleamoon: how do I check it?15:10
Axioimpiza: I checked it dozen of times already, I have two audio devices, I have tried to deactivate the other one etc.15:10
impizacheck speaker is switch on , plugged fine , and connected :D15:10
BluesKajjiwan, are they partitions or separate drives?15:10
Axioimpiza: done15:10
impizaAxio: works ?15:11
jiwanit is a partition15:11
nibbler_jiwan, use "mount" to see your current mountpoints, use "sudo mount" to mount other partitions within the current system15:11
Axioimpiza: no :(((((15:11
impizalol sorry15:11
BluesKajjiwan, and expalin what you mean by switch15:11
impizadoes sound is mute ?15:11
Axioimpiza: no15:11
jiwanyeah i have done15:12
Axioimpiza: Everything is normal, except that I get no sound15:12
jiwanit shows a lot of message15:12
cleamoonAxio, maybe lspci15:12
nibbler_jiwan, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-lpic1-v3-104-1/index.html15:12
jiwani mean i wanna access files that i have stored in sda415:12
jiwanby using terminal15:12
Axiocleamoon: I get two audio devices, HDMI and another one15:12
impizaAxio: type /exec -o inxi -A15:12
impizain here15:13
Tojammnibbler: just a min im starting the live usb15:13
cleamoonjiwan, mount it and just use it15:13
nibbler_jiwan, use "mount | grep sda4" to see if it is already mounted, if yes, navigate to it. if not: "sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt; cd /mnt"15:14
Axio`cleamoon: same Axio as before, can you give me the command again15:15
impizaAxio: type /exec -o inxi -A15:15
jiwanon /media/jiwan/0ef9a66d-3ec2-4205-9ac8-ff5826473fcd type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2)15:15
jiwanmessage is like that after /dev/sda415:15
BluesKajjiwan, nibbler_ , wouldn't the partitions be listed in the file manager "places" by default ?15:15
Axio`impiza: it does nothing15:15
nibbler_BluesKaj, jiwan: it would, but he asked for cli15:15
cleamoonAxio`, lspci15:16
Tojammnibbler: where can i find the alternative installer?15:16
impizalol so inxi not installed15:16
jiwanhow to do that15:16
Axio`cleamoon: impiza: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470136/15:16
lucienanyone with 12.10 installed the updates?15:16
nibbler_jiwan, i gave you detailed instructions15:17
BluesKajhow to do what , jiwan?15:17
impizaAxio`: open your sound settings15:17
jiwanplease welcome15:17
Axio`impiza: then?15:17
impizawhich is your current output device15:17
Axio`impiza: HDMI is deactivated, the other one is on15:17
cleamoonAxio`, there are two audio devices, both are some amd, maybe you need to reinstall the amd driver...15:17
jiwani am not understand  wouldn't the partitions be listed in   │15:18
jiwan│the file manager "places" by default ?15:18
jiwanwhat is  mean that?15:18
Axio`cleamoon: I think it is independent from an amd driver, the only amd driver I installed is for the graphic card15:18
impizaAxio`: switch to other and check15:18
Axio`impiza: I have nothing plugged to hdmi15:19
nibbler_Tojamm, http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/ follow there15:19
cleamoonAxio`, i know. it doesn't hurt to try. :D15:19
impizain my case i have both hdmi and build in audio analog15:19
nibbler_jiwan, that would be the tool you use in the GUI to browse your files.....  it should list all your partitions somehow, by their label or whatever15:19
impizahdmi donnt works here and build in works15:20
jiwanbut i don't wann file manager15:20
jiwani know i can do that using gui15:20
jiwanbut what about the cui?15:20
jiwanusign terminal15:20
Axio`impiza: That's what I had before too15:20
cleamoonjiwan, by default the driver is not mounted automatically...15:20
Axio`impiza: Now the build in thing doesn't work anymore15:20
nibbler_ jiwan, use "mount | grep sda4" to see if it is already mounted, if yes, navigate to it. if not: "sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt; cd /mnt"15:20
nibbler_jiwan, i won't repeat it again15:20
gribouillethere is a problem with libreoffice : in the manual, all the images are missing15:21
impizaAxio`: did you check with other os ?15:21
Tojammnibbler: i follow your link but 12.10 there are only ISO for PowerPC, ARM and Texas Instruments15:21
cleamoongribouille, reinstall manual?15:21
Axio`impiza: I don't have other os15:21
Axio`impiza: I start the download of an image to live-test15:21
jiwani typed so15:22
impizathen boot live os and try play something15:22
gribouillecleamoon, note sure that helps15:22
jiwanhere is a message /dev/sda4 is already mounted on /mnt15:22
jiwannow what15:23
cleamoongribouille, me neither...15:23
ThinkT510jiwan: mount shows you what is mounted and where15:23
cleamoonjiwan, use cd to the already mounted place15:23
b14d3jiwan: That means that that drive/partition is already mounted. To use the space that that drive has, in terminal type cd <dir> in this case, cd mnt15:23
b14d3cd /mnt  <correction>\15:23
Axio`cleamoon: impiza http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470154/ cat /proc/asound/card*/codec* | grep Codec | pastebinit15:24
jiwanwhat <correction>15:24
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b14d3I was correcting the command I typed, I forgot the / before the mnt15:24
ThinkT510jiwan: what are you trying to do?15:24
impizaAxio`: your interface is realtek15:25
Axio`impiza: yes15:25
jiwani think you help me my friend15:25
Axio`I am going to download the drivers from realtek15:25
mdh__Is there a way that I can make a Samba server on an Ubuntu machine not announce that it is a share?15:25
impiza:) best of luck15:26
mdh__Like so people could only connect to it if they knew its IP?15:26
lucienubuntu is so slow after applying the updates ;-;15:26
compdocmdh__, sure15:27
compdocBrowseable = no15:27
mdh__compdoc: I'll try that.15:27
jiwanb14d3: is it same procedure for other drive like usb15:29
b14d3jiwan: Generally. The mount points may be different.15:29
b14d3jiwan: But the overall steps can be applied to adding any drive15:29
jiwanpoint what we type /mnt15:30
b14d3Not sure what that's asking15:30
jiwani mean we create a mount point /mnt right now,15:31
jiwanand next time we may choose different15:31
Axio`shit I only remember now that I have downgraded a weird version of pulseaudio on my computer yesterday15:31
jiwanisn't it15:31
Axio`That's maybe the problem15:31
h00kAxio`: please mind the language.15:31
b14d3jiwan: Ah, yes. You can choose a different mount point for every drive.15:31
jiwannow i choose same mnt for sd3 too15:31
jiwanand it is working15:31
jiwanthank u friend15:31
impizaoh h00k a ubuntu op ?15:32
jiwani was searching it for a long time finally i found it, hurreeeeyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!1115:32
jiwanone problme is here too.15:32
jiwanabout mount too15:32
cleamoonAxio`, why downgraded?15:32
Axio`cleamoon: because it wasn't related to any ppa or to the defautl packages, a residue from some ppa I guess15:33
Axio`crossing my fingers now15:33
jiwani was trying to recover my files from my memory card, but due to some problme i have to interrupt it, when i re-try to do that(recover), i have a problem15:34
systemclientFor my personal desktop system, does it make sense to stay on 12.04? I mean I'd like to have the newer versions of everything. Is there anything that should I consider before leaving LTS?15:34
jiwanthat mount unseccesful and, now i can't not use my memory in my computer15:34
=== Morphje_ is now known as Morphje
mdh__Is there a way to have the Samba share on Ubuntu not show up in the Windows network pane?15:35
arshavinamazing! I have sony vaio vpceh25en with elementary os and win 8,previously has ubuntu 12.10, but even with latest kernel my bluetooth adapter rarely worked,all of sudden after recent elementary upgrade my adapter is being detected quite easily,in kernel 3.2-generic-pae have they patced it or something?15:36
TojammAnyone knows if there is a 12.10 alternate installer avaliable? i can only find 12.04.115:37
Tojammarshavin: did you face any issues instaling 12.10 in your Vaio? i have a SVS1511 and i cant install ubuntu on it15:38
arshavinTojamm: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads15:39
arshavinTojamm: no issues ever,tried almost every popular distro from usb key15:40
DJonesTojamm: The alternative installer was dropped from 12.10, tit doesn't exist anymore15:41
Tojammarshavin: thanks for the link but it only has isos for 12.04.1 alternate there is no iso for 12.10 alternate15:41
TojammDjones: thanks15:41
jiwanis there any way to access irc channel when my system crash?15:41
jiwani am using ubuntu15:41
arshavinTojamm: there is network installer,what exactly are you looking for?15:41
TojammI need some help. During install first steps ubuntu installer stops during HDD detection.(just before he asks about install side by side with win). It is a 750gb seagate with UEFI system and win 7 64 bit, verified ubuntu MD5 and image is correct, trying to install from USB, but as I mentioned Live works fine and everything works can access HDD and partitions no problem. I just cant install as15:41
Tojammthe installer hangs. I have been reading some articles but all mention boot issues and none mention the installer hanging. i try the ´sudo apt-get remove dmraid´ solution that did not work. I also try the secure-remix version and still no joy Anyone has any ideas??15:41
DJones!uefi | Tojamm15:42
ubottuTojamm: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:42
compdocTojamm, which motherboard?15:43
TojammDjones: i read the page but it adresses mainly booting issues and my problem is that i dont even get to install it15:43
arshavinTojamm: yes you need to see that article get it working on UEFI system15:43
dageriki cant find the package sqlmap when using apt-cache search. but results from google indicate that it should be in package tree.15:43
Tojammits a Vaio SVS1511 notebook with no secure boot15:43
Tojammcompdoc: its a Vaio SVS1511 notebook with no secure boot15:44
arshavinTojamm: try this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/150943/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-an-uefi-device-with-existing-gpt15:45
compdocTojamm, thanks - I have had uefi issues with a few desktop boards, but have no experience with notebooks15:45
arshavinTojamm: this is more likely to help you http://askubuntu.com/questions/232602/dual-boot-windows-8-ubuntu-12-10-uefi15:46
jiwanhow to connect mobile broadband using terminal15:47
whiskers75Is there a package for arm-elf-eabi-gcc?15:47
arshavinjiwan: which modem are you using15:48
jiwani am using nokia mobile15:48
arshavinTojamm: look for similar questions on right side of the page15:48
arshavinjiwan: what interface are you using bluettoth or usb?15:49
arshavinif you are already connected to internet then download gnome-ppp and wvdial packages15:50
Tojammarshavin: thanks for the links but they are all related to booting issues, i have no issue booting my issue is the installer hangs just before the allocate disk space dialog15:51
jiwancan i install sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp and wvdial15:51
SietsemHey, I have this really weird problem, my screen is blurry. But when I am typing, scrolling, selecting text, it gets sharp again. This happens to everything, not only text (pictures too).15:51
arshavinTojamm: I have had similar issues with beta release of ubuntu12.10 builds,try another image15:51
whiskers75Sietsem: what computer?15:52
recursivehello, ive successfully converted from freebsd to ubuntu except for a serious snag, i created an ext2 partition on the whole hard drive (third drive in the laptop) and copied everything to be moved to linux. i then installed ubuntu using the uefi installation. anyhow, now that i am on ubuntu, the drive is not able to be mounted. im willing to try anything to get the data back... any help is appreciated15:52
Sietsemwhiskers75, Custom built, GTX660 with closed-source drivers and i5 347015:52
CrellHi all.  I'm trying to get my Nexus 4 to mount on Kubuntu 12.10 using  MTP mode, and having trouble.   I'm following through the instructions here: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/247-ubuntu-automount-nexus7-mtp (modifying for Nexus 4).  The phone isn't mounting, however, and "mount" reports no fuse information for it.  Any suggestions?15:52
jiwanarshavin: ok i have install15:53
arshavinTojamm: Even had debian just stuck on network detection forever,sometimes it did and sometimes it didn't15:53
arshavinrun wvdialconf in terminal sudo wvdialconf15:53
jiwanit says me permission denied15:54
arshavinsudo wvdialconf15:54
arshavinare you in sudoers list?15:54
arshavinjiwan : so you have sudo or su?15:55
jiwanyeah it shows me serial porst for modem15:55
jiwani am using sudo15:55
arshavinnow start gnome-ppp as sudo from terminal15:55
jiwanwhat wil type in username15:56
arshavinuser name anything you want15:56
jiwanpassword too...15:57
arshavinnumber if in india dial *99#15:57
arshavinchoose any password you like15:57
arshavinnow don't dial yet there should be a setting tab15:57
jiwanwhy *99#15:57
arshavinthat is the number we usually dial or alternately *99***1#15:58
arshavintry the first one15:58
jiwanfor what15:58
arshavinthen go to advanced setting if there is one15:58
jiwanyeah there is a setup tab15:59
arshavingo to setup tab15:59
jiwani already gone15:59
arshavinwhat do u see in modem?16:00
jiwandevice name16:00
arshavinis it ?16:00
arshavinclick on detect16:00
arshavinclick on detet16:00
jiwanNo modem was found on your system16:00
arshavinclick on /dev/modem dropdown16:01
arshavindo you see tty/ACM016:01
arshavinwhat did sudo wvdialconf tell you16:02
arshavindid it tell you modem found and settings written to /etc/wvdial.conf16:03
jiwanthat shows me ttyACM0<Info>:Device or resource busy16:03
jiwani am still using internet throug tmobile16:03
arshavinjust disconnect and reconnect the cable after 5 seconds and run detect again16:03
recursivepartition information: https://gist.github.com/438935216:04
recursivenot sure how parted can show msdos but fdsik doesnt work, i used dd to bakup the disk and i cant mount the backup either...16:05
canihojrhowto i can integrate pidgin on gnome-shell on ubuntu 12.04 same as empaty?? and delete it??16:05
roasted_Question - ATI's driver failed to install.Now when I boot up, I see the purple splash screen, I hear the drums indicating I'm at the login screen, but I'm only seeing black... I tried to boot to the grub menu to get into root recovery, but no matter how many times I hit shift udring boot, it will NOT come up. Even if I hold down shift, nothing. Eh?16:06
=== bryan is now known as Guest68286
Dead-iHi, could anyone help me out quickly with a network issue I'm having with Ubuntu server?16:11
Dead-iI'm simply trying to connect my computer to my BTHub wired. I've defined eth0 and lo in /etc/network/interfaces, but I get "unknown host" when trying to ping google.com.16:11
Dead-iWhen I type ifconfig, only lo appears and not eth016:11
arshavinDead-i: what does lspci tell you?16:12
Dead-iarshavin: I've run the command, what am I looking for? "Ethernet controller"?16:13
Dead-iarshavin: "Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)"16:14
arshavinDead-i : so your hardware is detected fine16:14
recursiveafter executing: sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/archive -- i get the error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so -- all my data is on this drive, any help would be appreciated16:14
mdh__Is there a way to keep a computer that has Samba sharing on it from appearing in the Windows network pane of discovered network shares?16:16
icerootmdh__: for what reason? higher "security"?16:17
arshavinDead-i : lshw -C Network16:18
icerootmdh__: just disable guest logon or something like that but "hidding" the share is nothing related to security16:18
mdh__the share is set up to be accessed with no account, anonymous access, but i'd rather have it not announce itself to the network if that would be possible16:18
Dead-iarshavin: Outputs two sections, each starting with "*-network DISABLED" - one of them is the PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller and the other is the Wireless 802.11n PCIe.16:19
icerootmdh__: there is a "public" entry in /etc/samba/smb.conf16:19
icerootmdh__: but you can still access the share directly, to its not more secure then before16:20
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arshavinDead -i: network is disabled by hardware16:21
icerootmdh__: and i guess you can see it also when scaning the pc for a samba server, the public entry is just the "wins-listing" on windows networks16:21
Dead-iarshavin: How would I enable it? In the BIOS?16:21
mdh__iceroot: exactly. is there a way to stop it from being scanned?16:21
icerootmdh__: remove the network-cable16:22
icerootmdh__: as you see "hidding" is not security16:22
arshavinDead-i : your card is detected by kernel and has a driver too but it is disabled by hardware16:22
detrimentalcan anyone help me with transphering a rsa key, i set up my ubuntu ssh server yesterday i can log in my server via ssh with my computer, i just need to copy my rsa key to my coputer.16:22
arshavinDead -i: which laptop are you using?16:23
icerootdetrimental: ssh-copy-id16:23
mdh__iceroot: is the scan really that agressive that this is impossible to do? i thought the reason that the windows machines could pick up that there was a share there was because samba was broadcasting or something16:23
icerootmdh__: wins is broadcasting16:23
detrimentali tried and it times out. is that possible a config issue with mycomputer?16:23
icerootmdh__: or netbios (cant rember what was used)16:23
Dead-iarshavin: Laptop?16:23
icerootmdh__: and its more then broadcasting because its working not only on the subnet16:24
icerootmdh__: its something like a nameserver16:24
mdh__iceroot: i've disabled both of them, and the only thing I see is when I disable netbios it cannot resolve the name from the network pane, but it still appears there as a share in the pane16:24
llutzdetrimental: you run ssh on port != 22? can you login using ssh at all?16:24
arshavinDead -i: model?16:25
Dead-iarshavin: Of my motherboard?16:25
detrimentalyes i can log into the server, its on the same network. im loged on the server right now via ssh.16:25
angshow can I see the recently installed package from the console?16:25
detrimentalon my laptop16:25
llutzdetrimental: you run ssh on port != 22?16:25
arshavinDead -i:yes16:26
detrimentalim thinking its my sshd_config on my laptop16:26
Dead-iarshavin: GIGABYTE B75M-D3H16:26
llutzdetrimental: so run " ssh-copy-id "user@host -p xxxx"  "where xxxx is your portnumber16:26
llutzdetrimental: without the outer quotes16:27
detrimentalyes. i am right now, its not doing anything about to time out.16:28
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arshavinDead -i: if you have not changed anything from bios then it should be enabled by default16:28
llutzdetrimental: you created you key on laptop and want to transfer it to the server?16:29
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llutzdetrimental: then your laptops sshd_config isn't inolved at all. run ssh-copy-id on laptop16:30
detrimentalno created on server want want to copy to laptop16:30
arshavinDead -i: if you mail me a copy of entire listing of sudo lshw -C Network to my mail that will help16:30
arshavinDead -i: arshavin69ru@gmail.com16:30
TheLordOfTimearshavin, it's better if they pastebin it.16:30
llutzdetrimental: ok, the the other way rout16:30
TheLordOfTimearshavin, don't post your email here.16:30
TheLordOfTimearshavin, this channel is logged publicly, your email could end up in search results.16:30
detrimentalim looking into my ssh and sshd_config on my laptop now.16:30
TheLordOfTimearshavin, as i said, pastebinning data is how we prefer to see information from users.16:31
TheLordOfTime!pastebin > arshavin16:31
ubottuarshavin, please see my private message16:31
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arshavinok pastebin it16:31
Dead-iarshavin: I enabled "Intel Virtualization Technology" but that's all I changed in the BIOS. However, after double checking, I just noticed that "Network stack" in the BIOS features is set on "Disable Link" - could that be why?16:31
arshavin i'm loosing my mid these days16:31
Dead-iI'll put up a pastebin in a sec16:31
llutzdetrimental: then this <detrimental> yes i can log into the server, its on the same network. im loged on the server right now via ssh.    " is not the answer to my question. are you able to ssh-login from server to laptop?16:31
arshavintry enabling it ,it won't do any harm16:31
moon`so I reboot the computer this morning and ubuntu won't boot up.  It doesn't even get to the login screen it just hangs, I can drop into a shell though16:32
detrimentali think i found the issue.16:32
Dead-ii think enabling that just crashed it :/16:33
Dead-ioh, its doing something, just going really slow... um16:33
detrimentalits my ssh and sshd config on my laptop16:33
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=== Frosty is now known as g_byers
kuckuckkennt jemand nen pdf reader wo ich auch texte makieren kann? ggf editieren...16:38
llutz!de | kuckuck16:38
ubottukuckuck: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:38
kuckuckahh damn wrong channel ;)16:40
MonkeyDustkuckuck  inkscape16:40
kuckuckok thanks will try it out16:40
CrellHi all.  I'm trying to get my Nexus 4 to mount on Kubuntu 12.10 using  MTP mode, and having trouble.   I'm following through the instructions here: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/247-ubuntu-automount-nexus7-mtp (modifying for Nexus 4).  The phone isn't mounting, however, and "mount" reports no fuse information for it.  Any suggestions?16:41
Dead-iOkay so enabling Network Stack just made it hang for ages. *disables*16:41
andornautFresh install of 12.10 server, xfce4, lightdm (also tried gdm). GDM just shows a background, and no session selector window. The only way to login is by CTRL+ALT+F1, login, startx. Anyone ideas?16:42
arshavinDead -i: ok still did you pastebin it?16:43
Dead-iarshavin: I'm typing it up now since i can't copy & paste. XD16:44
TheLordOfTimeDead-i, if its command line output, you may be interested in pastebinit16:45
TheLordOfTime!pastebinit > Dead-i16:45
ubottuDead-i, please see my private message16:45
PiciTheLordOfTime: not going to be of much use if they can't get a network connection16:46
Dead-iTheLordOfTime: Thanks :)16:46
TheLordOfTimePici, i missed that.  that's their issue?16:46
detrimentali set my sshd and ssh config files to mimic the ones on my server and still can ssh-copy-id on port 22. is there another method of getting a key from my server to my laptop?16:46
[CaBeTuX]i've three instances in Amazon EC2. N1, N2, N3... N2 an N3 are clones to N1... in N3 work jmx console but in N1 and N2 not work! Error: TimeOut16:46
TheLordOfTimePici, (blame xchat for being stupid)16:46
PiciTheLordOfTime: something with networking ;)16:46
TheLordOfTimePici, heh.16:47
arshavinDead -i: by the way network stack is related to network booting and has nothing to do with ethernet,sorry for the crash16:47
ikoniadetrimental: just scp it16:47
ikoniadetrimental: or ftp it16:47
ocontantdetrimental what are you trying to attempt^16:47
andornautnvm, got it to work. needed to install unity-greeter16:47
ikoniadetrimental: or any file transfer you want16:47
TheLordOfTimePici, well, can't blame me for trying to provide help if i didn't know their networking isn't working.  everyone makes mistakes/errors ;)16:47
detrimentali tried scp as well with n luck because its using ssh16:47
PiciTheLordOfTime: I wasn't placing blame, just letting you know ;)16:47
detrimentalif i install ftp is it real vulerable?16:47
ikoniadetrimental: what's the actual problem ?16:47
ocontantdetrimental, edit the file of your key and copy paste it in an ansi editor16:47
llutzdetrimental:can you login using ssh at all? use ssh -vvv user@laptop      and pastebin errors/logs16:48
ocontantftp is just not encrypted but it's ok for me16:48
detrimentali can log onto my ubuntu ssh server from my laptop but i cant cssh-copy-id to my laptop16:48
[CaBeTuX]i need help with jmx... please!16:48
ocontantactually detrimental many people trying to help you but we don't know what is your issue, can you elaborate on it?16:48
ikoniadetrimental: what's the error ?16:48
ikoniadetrimental: what happens when you scp16:48
ocontantprobably laptop doesn't have ssh server on it16:48
ikoniait doesn't need it if he uses scp16:49
llutzdetrimental:can you login ON THE LAPTOP using ssh at all? did you install openssh-server on the LAPTOP at all? does sshd listen on LAPTOP at all?16:49
ocontantdetrimental: you can scp from your laptop to your server but taking the file from your server instead of pushing ...16:49
detrimentali can log into ssh using laptop16:49
ikoniawhy don't you give us the error16:49
detrimentalim trying to get the key from my server16:50
ocontantscp user@server:/pathtofile/filename localpathhereonyourlaptop16:50
arshavinDead -i: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132970216:50
ocontantyou type this command from your laptop using a scp client on your laptop16:50
ocontantyou can use winscp if you are using windows16:50
ocontantor scp directly if you use linux16:50
arshavinyou can look here and follow steps on this forum to see it helps or not16:50
detrimentalim on my server and just used scp file location user@host:filedestination16:51
detrimentaland it timed out16:51
ikoniadetrimental: ???16:51
ocontantdetrimental, if your laptop doesn't have a ssh server you cannot scp to your laptop from the server16:51
ikoniadetrimental: of course it will, unless you are running a server on your laptop16:51
ikoniadetrimental: you pull it from your laptop not push it from the server16:51
detrimentalso i can connect to my laptop to server but not server to laptop16:51
xaxisxhey #ubuntu, I'm trying to run a node.js server on my ubuntu 10.04 LTS server. I start the node server using screen. It serves the correct file when I'm logged into SSH, but when I log out of SSH the node server can't find any files, index.html for example. It feels like a premissions issue, but I don't know what would change when I logout of SSH.16:51
fornaxThe titlebar on Xubuntu's windows has gone completely. I don't recall doing anything to remove it. Anyone know how to trace the error and fix it?16:51
ikoniadetrimental: is your laptop running sshd ?16:52
ikoniadetrimental: your laptop is running sshd ?16:52
Dead-iarshavin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470359/16:52
ikoniadetrimental: so if you do "ssh localhost" on your laptop what happens ?16:52
arshavinDead -i: ok16:52
detrimentalconnection refused16:52
llutzdetrimental: on laptop: "pgrep ssh"16:53
llutzdetrimental: on laptop: "pgrep sshd"16:53
detrimentali did16:53
llutzdetrimental: on laptop: "pgrep sshd"    any output?16:53
detrimentalno output16:54
ikoniadetrimental: so if you do "ssh localhost" on your laptop what happens ?16:54
fornaxanyone please?16:54
llutzdetrimental: so NO SSHD running on laptop16:54
detrimentalconnection refused16:54
zillahi I just updated to 12.04 and grub2 will not show my OS choices even after trying to enter the menu16:54
ikoniadetrimental: right so sshd is not running on your laptop16:54
llutzdetrimental: sudo service ssh restart16:54
ikoniadetrimental: why do you think sshd is running on your laptop ?16:54
zillahow can I see my grub menu in grub216:54
kuckuckinkscape seems not very comfortable, i can not open more as 1 site ... that sucks.  xjournal for example has wiorks nice, but can not copy text from pdf -.-16:54
detrimentalmy laptop is arch16:55
llutzdetrimental: if that fails, "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"16:55
ikoniadetrimental: why do you think sshd is running on your laptop ?16:55
zillajust updated to 12.04 and grub is not showing the menu16:55
llutzdetrimental: have a nice day16:55
zillawhat is the least error prone way of restoring my grub menu16:55
tvfaehi is it possible16:55
DJoneszilla: Hold down the left shift key when the machine starts up, that should display the grub menu16:55
zillaDJones: that is not working16:55
zillajust updated to grub 2.016:55
tvfaeto install XFCE in UBUNTU UNITY VERSION ?16:55
ikoniatvfae: TYPING IN CAPS ISN'T NEEDED16:56
fornaxThe titlebar on Xubuntu's windows has gone completely. I don't recall doing anything to remove it. Anyone know how to trace the error and fix it?16:56
zillaholding down left shift key does not start GRUB2.016:56
zillawhat is the most common fix16:56
zillaI know this issue is common16:56
zillafrom google16:56
arshavinDead-i : try this : edit /etc/network/interfaces16:56
arshavinDead-i : try this : add following16:56
ikoniadetrimental: why do you think sshd is running on your laptop ?16:57
Dead-iarshavin: Add what? :S16:57
arshavinDead-i : auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp16:57
tvfaeHi can I install XFCE with UNITY in Ubuntu ? pm plz for answer16:57
ikoniatvfae: XFCE is a seperate desktop from unity16:57
recursiveim not sure how this happened, but i have a valid mbr and a corrupted gpt, can i simply remove the gpt table and be able to use the disk using mbr?16:58
ikoniatvfae: please styping in caps16:58
ikoniatvfae: they are totally seperate16:58
arshavinDead-i : auto eth0        #on the first line16:58
Dead-iarshavin: That's already there I think16:58
Dead-iarshavin: I'm inside an Xen kernel16:58
detrimentalikonia: i downloaded openssh on my laptop as well, i thought i needed it to connect via ssh16:58
tvfaeikonia ty for u answer, is it safe also to install xfce, I won't have conflict etc?16:58
ikoniatvfae: totally safe16:59
arshavinthen try sudo ifconfig eth0 up16:59
ikoniadetrimental: openssh is not sshd16:59
ikoniadetrimental: what did you do to check you where running sshd ?16:59
arshavinDead-i :  sudo ifconfig eth0 up16:59
tvfaeikonia ty man!! i will install it for gaming hihihih16:59
detrimentalikonia i think i found the issue systemctl enable sshd.service since im using arch on my laptop16:59
detrimentalim trying again now17:00
zillagrub menu is gone from ubuntu 12.0417:00
ikoniadetrimental: you just need to pull, not push17:00
ikoniadetrimental: when people ask you things - check them in future please.17:00
zillahow can i change the grub timeout17:00
detrimentalok so i dont need sshd17:00
ikoniacorrect even17:01
IdleOne!grub2 | zilla17:01
ubottuzilla: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:01
Tech-1zilla>  /etc/default... be careful17:01
Dead-iarshavin: "eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"17:02
Dead-iarshavin: Also here's my interfaces file http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470377/17:02
arshavinDead-i :  ok17:02
detrimentalso run ssh-copy-id on my laptop in terminal?17:02
detrimentalno in ssh17:02
i_mikri_annoulahello. I'm a new user of ubuntu. I used to login using mirc... what client you think is the best for ubuntu?17:04
zoitexchat2 would be similar17:04
NewWorldi_mikri_annoula:  Xchat is similar17:04
zoiteoh right, just xchat. xchat2 is the windows version17:05
arshavinDead-i is enable networking ticked in your network manager applet17:05
tvfaeI also wonder if xfce is gtk or qt, by that I mean can i use kde apps in xfce?17:05
ikoniatvfae: gtk17:06
ThinkT510tvfae: it is gtk based17:06
Dead-iarshavin: Network manager applet?17:06
ThinkT510tvfae: you can use qt apps in any desktop environment17:06
arshavinDead-i :  are you using any desktop manager or just shell?17:07
tvfaety for anwer!17:07
Dead-iarshavin: I'm using Ubuntu Server, so just shell17:07
i_mikri_annoulaI miss the little merlin... :-P using xchat I can't figure out how to enable sounds!17:07
FlowRiseri_mikri_annoula, you need to go into preferences and select a sound file17:08
Dead-iarshavin: I don't believe i have network-manager installed either17:08
arshavinDead-i :  try installing it17:09
arshavinDead-i :   sudo apt-get install network-manager17:09
Dead-iarshavin: Uhhhmmmmmm... I'll see if I can get it to connect wirelessly17:10
Dead-iconsidering i can't install w/ apt-get w/o internet17:10
kqrhello. i am trying to install python 3, but apt-get gives me errors: http://pastebin.com/eP2hMa6K17:10
angsa kernel module uses a specific usb device, is it possible to locate what module on lsmod is using the usb device?17:10
kqrcould anyone point me in the right direction?17:10
freshstarthttp://pastebin.com/GbxRfnEH why i have 2 2.4G Receiver unter virtual core pointer?17:11
i_mikri_annoulaFlowRiser I actually have enabled sounds, I just can't hear them! (although I know speakers are ok)17:11
FlowRiseri_mikri_annoula, i mean actually selecting a sound file17:12
i_mikri_annoulaI have it on "auto". isn't that enough?17:13
arshavinDead-i :   hey try this one it should bring all interfaces in your /etc/network/interfaces up17:13
FlowRiseri_mikri_annoula, select an alert and then click browse to look for a sound file17:13
MonkeyDustkqr  #python, 1000+ people there17:13
arshavinDead-i :  sudo ifup -a17:13
kqrMonkeyDust, fair enough!17:13
kqrMonkeyDust, including me, i just noticed!17:14
arshavinDead-i :  this must work as your interfaces seem to be disabled somehow17:14
AisQtis82.135.154.150:27015 cs server cool17:15
kqrMonkeyDust, #python tells me its something with how ubuntu configures their packages17:15
arshavinon servers without gui this is the way to activate or deactivate network interfaces17:15
AisQtis82.135.154.150:27015 cs server cool17:15
AisQtis82.135.154.150:27015 cs server cool17:15
AisQtis82.135.154.150:27015 cs server cool17:15
AisQtis82.135.154.150:27015 cs server cool17:15
FloodBot1AisQtis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
AisQtis82.135.154.150:27015 cs server cool17:15
AisQtis82.135.154.150:27015 cs server cool17:15
arshavinDead-i: after running the command do sudo lshw -C network17:16
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
arshavinDead-: did that work17:21
arshavinDead-: after doing ifup start networking service and check sudo lshw -C network17:22
arshavinit should read enabled17:22
rgenitohmm, can /etc/hosts be used to send HTTP requests for "www.mysite.com" to a different server?17:26
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
MedianSo I've been wondering quite a lot what Ultrabook I should get.. I've come to the conclusion that I want either the ASUS UX32A or ASUS UX32VD. Now, the price difference is quite huge and it might be unnecessary to spend too much money. The UX32VD feels more futureproof, it also has a better screen, better processor and a dedicated GPU. Anyone that have some ideas on which one I shall pick?17:30
MedianPlanning to use the laptop for school, programming, design (Photoshop), other work and so on.17:30
SunTsurgenito: no, you only can resolve that host name to a different ip address, which will send HTTP requests there - and everything else17:30
rgenitoMedian, i got the Vizio ultrabook. so happy :D17:31
bazhangMedian, ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic please17:31
rgenitoSunTsu how do i do that? :(17:31
Medianbazhang: Sorry. :)17:31
SunTsuMedian: both have too little ram for me, so I'd go for a Lenovo X1 instead17:31
bazhangSunTsu, lets get back on topic17:31
=== d is now known as Guest77795
SunTsurgenito: just edit it, take the existing entries for localhost as a template17:34
rgenitoSunTsu, by "just edit it", you mean edit /etc/hosts ?17:34
Dead-iarshavin: when i run  ifup start networking  it says unknown interface start=start and networking=networking17:35
SunTsurgenito: yes. You need to make sure that in /etc/nsswitch.conf the line hosts:          ... starts with hosts: files17:35
rgenitothanks SunTsu , and yes it does (this is a default install of ubuntu 12.10 ... so everything is still default)17:36
rgenitohowever i have this...17:36
rgenito^--- that's my console session. it appears my entry is wrong :(17:37
rgenitoany idea what i am missing?17:37
SunTsurgenito: well, host always queries dns server, try ping17:37
moon`So I can't get ubuntu to boot up.  From the grub loader it just goes to a black screen.  I can switch into a shell and if I try running startx from shell I get nothing.  The resolution changes and there's a command prompt in the upper left hand corner of the screen but I can't type anything17:38
rgenitoSunTsu thanks lemme try...17:38
Shuckysomeone know how to do a ProxyReverse on host with gnutls enable17:38
HOBOTOMTOMGPSwhich channel is the non related one ?17:39
rgenitoSunTsu wow! sweet...thanks :)17:39
rgenitoSunTsu, now....i just gotta figure out how to get the browser to use the new entry in /etc/hosts :) hehe17:39
SunTsurgenito: it does17:39
bazhang!ot | HOBOTOMTOMGPS17:39
ubottuHOBOTOMTOMGPS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:39
HOBOTOMTOMGPSthank u sir17:39
rgenitothank you SunTsu !17:40
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
anngela_1dada_: popat17:43
Dead-iDoes anyone have any ideas regarding my networking issue? Something I find a bit weird is that lshw -C network for the Ethernet interface has a logical name of p4p1 instead of eth017:44
scarrshello again, I would like to install old school XMMS onto ubuntu 12.04... I don't want xmms2 and I don't want audacious. help?17:44
bazhang!xmms | scarrs17:44
ubottuscarrs: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead.17:44
=== cassio is now known as unclefireball
unclefireballhi. I'm trying to use the migration part of the installer17:45
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
dodo3773Dead-i: Which kernel module?17:45
unclefireballdo I have to dual-boot in order to do that?17:45
Dead-idodo3773: I'm not quite sure what you mean, though right now I'm under an Xen kernel17:46
Dead-iuname -a shows "3.5.0-17-generic"17:46
dodo3773Dead-i: Oh no I mean for your network card. lspci -k17:46
dodo3773Dead-i: Is it a unique card or something?17:46
Dead-idodo3773: It's a "Realtek Semiconductor PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Cable (rev 06)"17:47
angsI downloaded a file "libusb-dev_0.1.12-20_armhf.deb" how do I suppose to install it?17:47
angswhat is the command for it?17:47
Dead-idodo3773: Kernel modules: r816917:47
MonkeyDustangs  dpkg -i17:47
MonkeyDustangs  dpkg -i [your.deb]17:48
angsthank you MonkeyDust17:48
dodo3773Dead-i: Dual boot machine?17:48
Dead-idodo3773: Nope, just Ubuntu server (with an Xen kernel)17:49
lucienwelp welp what's going on in this channel?17:49
bazhangubuntu support lucien17:49
=== sharky2 is now known as sharky
angsMonkeyDust: I need to install libusb-dev_0.1.12-20_armhf.deb file on my toolchain (arm-linux-gnueabihf).  dpkg -i outputs that package architecture (armhf) does not match system (i386). Do you know is there any way to install that package under /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf directory?17:51
ThinkT510!arm | angs17:51
ubottuangs: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.17:51
Shuckyno one?17:52
=== yaz is now known as Solenki
angsThinkT510: does it explain how to install that package on the directory that I need?17:53
KeyboardNotFoundif you register you must enter the e-mail?17:54
lucienangs: ThinkT510 meant that we don't support arm in here and you should try #ubuntu-arm17:54
bazhangangs /join #ubuntu-arm17:54
ThinkT510angs: i'm just pointing out the #ubuntu-arm channel, they will likely know better than here17:54
angsthank you I will try my chance there17:54
bazhangKeyboardNotFound, yes. support in #freenode17:54
Dead-iJust changed my interfaces from eth0 to p4p1, and it works O_o17:55
e-headHey, I screwed up a couple of apache modules.17:55
cool_boyI just deleted an important picture with Shift + delete by mistake17:55
cool_boyis there a way to get it back?17:55
cool_boyI am using ubuntu 12.0417:55
e-headHow can I get apt to reinstall all the apache modules?17:55
luciencool_boy of course17:55
cool_boyhow lucien ?17:55
lucienshift+delete does not write 0's on that file, it just deletes it from the tree, cool_boy17:56
cool_boyyes i read it one time ..but how can I get it back?17:56
lucien!datarecovery > cool_boy17:56
andrei_hello, sorry to jump into the discussion. I think the inode remains. if you can find the Inode number then this will help : http://linuxshellaccount.blogspot.ro/2008/08/recovering-deleted-files-by-inode.html17:57
lucien!undelete > cool_boy17:57
ThinkT510lucien: he left17:57
lucienawh didn't notice17:57
lucienthanks ThinkT51017:57
=== dirdante_2 is now known as Kasjopaja
andrei_what would be a good starting point in becoming a ubuntu contributor ?18:00
DJones!contribute | andrei_18:00
ubottuandrei_: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu18:00
cool_boylucien: Sorry net disconnected18:00
Petazclose xchat windows is a good 1st step :)18:00
lucien!participate > andrei_18:00
ubottuandrei_, please see my private message18:00
cool_boyso please can you tell me a way to get it back?18:00
lucien!undelete > cool_boy18:00
ubottucool_boy, please see my private message18:00
cool_boyubottu: thanks18:01
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:01
andrei_thanks for help :)18:02
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KeyboardNotFoundthis server is found of ubuntu ?18:04
cool_boyso thanks lucien !!18:05
cool_boyI am reading18:05
dodo3773Dead-i: Okay I was gone for a sec. Are you still there?18:05
lucienyou're welcome cool_boy18:05
lucienKeyboardNotFound: explain?18:05
KeyboardNotFoundwhether this irc server is owned by Ubuntu?18:06
bazhangKeyboardNotFound, no18:06
lucien!freenode | KeyboardNotFound18:06
ubottuKeyboardNotFound: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines18:06
lucienI should have user > my bad.18:07
danteHi all18:07
lucienGood day to you, dante.18:07
danteIt's midnight here :P18:07
Dead-idodo3773: Yes thanks, and I've got it working now :) I changed my interfaces file and switched "eth0" for "p4p1" and it works :)18:08
lucienPleasant time to you, dante.18:08
d4rkh4ndLong shot: Anyone here use EasyBashGUI ?18:08
angsdoes anyone know how to use xdeb? how can I install .deb file by using xdeb?18:08
Dead-iThanks for your help @ arshavin and dodo377318:08
dodo3773Dead-i: Oh nice. Glad it was something simple :)18:08
danteHey lucien, can you assist me installing/configuring my VGA drivers? :(18:08
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luciendante: I've got to go right, now the others can help you though. Feel free to ask anything.18:09
dodo3773d4rkh4nd: What is that? Something to make using zenity easier it looks like?18:09
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CATDOGcan someone send me excel or office old one ok18:11
ikoniaCATDOG: what ?18:11
bazhangCATDOG, old one what18:11
DJones!piracy | CATDOG18:11
ubottuCATDOG: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:11
ikoniaCATDOG: this isn't a wares channel18:11
milamber!warez | CATDOG18:11
bazhangCATDOG, this is ubuntu support...18:11
Dead-idodo3773: I've noticed that the video output of my server only comes thru the graphics card and not my motherboard - would this be something to change in the BIOS?18:12
detrimentalis it possible to change my router to point to a diff dns on my network? i want to basicly have an alterd dns so within my network i can change things18:13
dodo3773Dead-i: Yeah, it could be. May not be a bad place to start. No video right now?18:13
Dead-idodo3773: Not through the motherboard, no, though the CLI comes up thru the graphics card18:14
dodo3773Dead-i: So you can see it in lspci?18:14
dodo3773Dead-i: But you cannot access the bios or soemthing?18:15
badbanditdoes anyone have a recommendation for a pdf app where I can add/write/edit anything on the pdf?18:15
badbandittrying to fill out a W9 form and just one damn field isnt letting me auto-fill it out!18:15
Dead-idodo3773: I can access the BIOS if I plug the DVI into the graphics card instead of my motherboard :)18:15
Dead-iI'll take a look at the BIOS when this ISO has finished downloading.18:15
dodo3773Dead-i: Oh. Weird. Is this not going to be a headless server?18:16
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:16
Dead-idodo3773: Since I'm running Xen, I'd like to run a Windows HVM off it and pass it thru the graphics card. I'll want the actual server output coming thru the motherboard though, so I can switch to the main CLI if I need to18:16
Dead-iThe Radeon graphics card appears as the "VGA Comaptbile Controller" and "Audio Device" in lspci18:17
dodo3773Dead-i: Ah. Well, my server expertise is lacking. I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. That being said if you can see it in lspci sounds like it's working fine to me18:18
Dead-idodo3773: Ok thanks :)18:18
dodo3773Dead-i: Welcome. Wish I could help more18:18
watchtowerdoes anyone no how to install a .sh file18:18
rauhfasertapeteRunning on 12.10, my mouse buttons stop working sporadically. Do you have an idea about the issue?18:18
arshavinbadbandit:  maybe ocular18:18
watchtowerplease help18:20
rauhfasertapetewatchtower: what do you mean by "install a .sh file"?18:20
watchtowerwell i download a game from internet for linux and its given me a sh file extension18:20
allgood38watchtower, you execute it like a bash script18:21
allgood38watchtower, there are a couple ways to do it18:21
watchtowercould u advise me on the best way please18:22
allgood38for sure, are you comfortable navigating the terminal?18:22
watchtowerYes i have some knowledge within the terminal18:23
dkesselwatchtower: are you trying to install vendetta online?18:23
watchtowerYes but its given me a download link for the file to install18:23
allgood38okay cool, cd into the folder containing the file, then type `bash <file name>.sh`18:23
allgood38You could also just right click it in the file explorer and set it to executable, then double click it18:24
watchtowerYes can you give me a quick second sorry18:25
watchtowerit says its decompressing is that a good sign18:26
freshstartI use Linux Mint 13 Mate.How do I set the default file manager to be Dolphin?18:27
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bazhangfreshstart, ask mint support18:27
angscould anyone suggest me a cross compiler package to install a .deb (for arm) file on my desktop x86?18:27
freshstartbazhang: still waiting18:27
bazhangfreshstart, its not supported here18:27
k1l!mint | freshstart18:27
ubottufreshstart: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:27
ikoniaangs: you don't install a crosscompiled package18:28
watchtowerYes it worked allgood38 thanks18:28
ikoniaangs: the package is already compiled if it's in the deb18:28
rauhfasertapeteRunning on 12.10, my mouse buttons stop working sporadically. Do you have an idea about the issue?18:28
allgood38watchtower: cool, no worries18:28
NewWorldrauhfasertapete:  did you try another mouse or tried the current mouse on another  machine to exclude Ubuntu being at fault?18:29
spankmehi everyone! I've issue with iptables and NAT'ing, I think I've reasonably clean iptables set, and yet I am getting messages about traffic being blocked that shouldnt be, if anyone could take a look, I'd appreciate a lot: http://pastebin.com/jmXmn2pS18:29
rauhfasertapeteNewWorld: Yes, I basically have a notebook and two hardware setups (home, office). Happens in both.18:29
rauhfasertapeteNewWorld: Oh, ok. I did not try another machine. Why would that be relevant?18:30
NewWorldrauhfasertapete:  to make sure that the mouse isn't faulty18:30
angsikonia: I need to install the package(libusb-dev_0.1.12-20_armhf.deb) to be able to use on my toolchain(arm-linux-gnueabihf).dpkg -i .deb outputs "package architecture (armhf) does not match system (i386)". what package do I need to use to install .deb file on my system (i386)?18:31
bazhangspankme, try #netfilter18:32
spankmeangs: your package is for wrong cpu architecture18:32
ikoniaangs: some sort of cross-compile/toolchain package if it exists18:32
ikoniaangs: you don't build a toolchain by installing arm debs18:32
spankmeyou've typical PC cpu, and you're trying instal ARM stuff18:32
watchtowerHey all good where would the installation be i mean the shorcut where it installed18:32
ikoniaspankme: read what he's trying to do18:33
locatehey guys18:33
locateis this a  support channel or is general talk ok too?18:34
ikonialocate: no18:34
ikonialocate: support only18:34
angsikonia, spankme: I installed gcc-linux-arm-gnueabihf toolchain. However it misses libusb API and I cannot crosscompile the code. libusb-dev_0.1.12-20_armhf.deb is the libusb package that I need. Do you know how I can install that package on my host machine to be able to use by the toolchain?18:34
locateAh,  I see thanks :)18:34
ikoniaangs: you can't use that package as your toolchain18:35
angsikonia: maybe I used wrong sentences. Is it possible to copy the headers/libraries in the package to the toolchain's directories?18:36
ikoniaangs: you can try to decompress the package, but that's not how I'd suggest going18:37
watchtowerHey please help i installed a install .sh file with the terminal i cd to directry like normal then i did the bash command it said successfully installed now i cant find the executable where it said it installed18:37
ikoniawatchtower: what did you install ?18:38
watchtowervendetta online game18:38
angsikonia: thank you I will try to copy the files manually.18:38
KeyboardNotFoundwhy i try to enter #php i am redirected to ##php18:38
ikoniawatchtower: I'd suggest reading the documentation to see where it puts it as I'm not familier with that installer18:39
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watchtowerOk thanks18:39
k1lKeyboardNotFound: that is an issue for #freenode (since that is not ubuntu related)18:40
KeyboardNotFoundsorry :(18:40
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billxbmc wont install]18:45
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fearphageafter upgrading to 12.10, it only thinks I have a single CPU instead of the 4 I actually have. 12.04 shows all 4 while 12.10 shows one. Can anyone point me to a resource to rectify this?18:46
Guest52884i am using spark linux it sucks18:46
lvlephbill: check out #xbmc channel18:46
bekksfearphage: cat /proc/cpuinfo will show you all four cores.18:46
Guest52884i did they say to use term to install failed18:46
fearphageGuest52884: #xbmc on freenode18:47
fearphagethat's the official channel18:47
blamiis there lens where one can put favorite apps?18:47
Guest52884ok i just install this and miss zorin18:47
blamiI would like to have a single screen of applications I use often but don't want them in dock ...18:48
fearphagebekks: it only shows 118:48
Guest52884i am horney lol18:48
bekksfearphage: Do you use specific kernel options, a specific kernel, etc. ?18:49
fearphagebekks: i do not. jsut upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10. rebooted to a grub error and had to resolve that. now i'm in a super slow session of 12.1018:49
cool_boylucien:  could not restore18:49
bekksfearphage: Could you pastebin the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo please?18:50
bekks!paste > fearphage18:50
ubottufearphage, please see my private message18:50
fearphagebekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470631/18:51
Jordan_Ufearphage: Could you boot from a 12.04 LiveCD/USB and pastebin the contents of /proc/cpuinfo from there?18:53
cool_boysomebody every could succeed in restore a permanently deleted image?18:53
cool_boyin ext4 file system18:53
Jordan_Ucool_boy: How did you "permanently delete" it?18:54
euaxcool_boy: use testdisk.18:54
cool_boyJordan_U: Shift + Delete18:54
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cool_boyused extundelete: failed to read-only open device "/dev/sda9": Error code 1318:55
fearphageJordan_U: i have a coworker with the same computer who is on 12.04. Would that suffice?18:58
fearphageI can't reboot right this second18:58
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watchtowerWhat would be the advantages of using virtualization for server use then just using the ubuntu 12.1018:58
bekkswatchtower: The ability to change the host without having to reinstall your server.18:59
watchtowerCould you elaborate please19:00
bekkswatchtower: You can run the VM on whatever host supporting the virtualization software you are using.19:00
devxdevwatchtower, http://superuser.com/questions/218313/advantages-of-using-a-virtual-machine19:01
ovrflw0xokay, so my wifi LED "indicator" on button is messed up, it shows "Off" light but wifi is "On", wtf!? how  to fix the led?19:01
watchtowerOk thanks19:01
fearphagebekks Jordan_U: https://gist.github.com/ee506d25208afae03334 cpuinfro from the same computer running 12.0419:02
b3njneed help19:04
k1l!help | b3nj19:04
ubottub3nj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:04
ovrflw0xokay, so my wifi LED "indicator" on button is messed up, it shows "Off" light but wifi is "On", wtf!? how  to fix the led?19:05
b3nji have disassembled my laptop and i want to lubricate fan, how do i do that?19:05
bazhangb3nj, ask in ##hardware NOT here19:05
DJonesb3nj: You're probably better asking that in ##hardware rather than here19:06
b3njokay, bazhang, DJones19:06
Gusteruhi ! I installed ubuntu on usb hdd external box .... and when restart the computer no boot ubuntu from the hdd ... boot hard disk from the computer and start the windows719:07
_graham_You might need to reconfigure your bios settings to boot from the other hard drive?19:08
devxdevGusteru, thats because the MBR was configed on the external drive not the primary19:08
devxdevit has to write grub to the MBR on the primary drive, did you try to boot to the external?19:09
Gusterudevxdev and what need now ? I set to boot from the usb but no .. :(19:09
chockaI have a new windows 8 laptop with 8 GB RAM, core i5 processor. I want to install ubuntu with 100 GB space on it. Do I need to have a separate partition for swap for an 8 GB RAM? Suggest19:11
Gusteru_graham_, I set to boot from the usb ... but not work19:12
devxdevGusteru, when the machine boots up push F12; or what ever your manual boot button is, try selecting the external from there.19:12
lucienchocka: I have 6GB of ram, and a swap but it never fills up, you can also have a swap file19:12
_graham_chocka: What do you plan to do with it?19:12
chockaI run fortran based programs in unix environment19:12
_graham_My home machine is 16GB, but rarely gets beyond 8GB in use and never touches the swap space...19:12
bekkschocka: When going to use suspend2disk, you need 8GB swap at least.19:13
blamichocka: with 8gigs of ram you will probably don't need swap at all (unless you want to run oracle or vm's on it)19:13
_graham_And that runs some biggish stuff - minecraft server and so on...19:13
Gusterudevxdev, I did manually boot but it did not work19:13
blamibekks: doesn't he can simply use temporary swapfile on / for hibernation?19:14
bekksblami: Which uses the same amount of space as using a separate swap partition.19:14
chockaok, while installing ubuntu, what would be the order for partition: first partition / (20 gb) then swap (10 gb for a 8 gb RAM), then /home (70 gb). will this be prper way?19:15
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bekkschocka: The order is irrelevant.19:15
lucien10gb swap? erm.19:17
bekkslucien: 16G swap for 16G RAM when going to use suspend2disk.19:17
fearphagebekks Jordan_U: i rebooted. here's the cpuinfo from 12.04 https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f3 vs 12.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470631/19:18
lucienbekks: erm.. I never found hibernation-enabling features usefull.19:18
chockabekks: while partitioning swap, / (root) etc., should I partition as 'primary' or 'logical'19:19
Gusterudevxdev, what is the solution ?19:19
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lucienchocka: the partition containing /boot should be primary.19:20
lucienchocka: and also have a bootable flag set.19:20
chockalucien: do you mean the option 'device for bootlaoder' ?19:21
devxdevGusteru, no idea buddy, looks like a failed install if you can't even manually boot the drive; is it a Laptop? if not swap the drive into the primary hdd slot and try that19:21
Gusterudevxdev, yes, is laptop19:21
lucienchocka: no. don't worry about bootable flag. ubuntu installation media should take care of that for you.19:22
lucienchocka: just make / primary19:22
kingbeastGusteru, what brand is it?19:22
chockalucien: //and also have a bootable flag set// how to do this?19:22
fearphagebekks: can you help me?19:23
lucienchocka: ubiquity should take care of that.19:23
Gusterukingbeast, HP 53019:23
Guest65852ma dove sono ?19:23
Guest65852e che cazz19:23
lucienGuest65852: #ubuntu-it19:24
Guest65852ok esco ciaoo a tt19:24
Jordan_Ulucien: chocka: GNU/Linux doesn't care about parititons being primary or having the boot flag. Everything will work fine with / on a logical partition with no boot flag.19:24
lucienJordan_U: I've encountered problems while having a bootable partition as logical though.19:24
Jordan_Ulucien: What problems? As long as grub's boot sector is installed in the MBR, which is where it should be, you should have no problem with the partition containing /boot/ being logical.19:25
kingbeastGusteru, ok was just making sure it wasn't a Dell, some of them have an OS install mode in the bios19:26
Gusterukingbeast, so ? try to reinstall ?19:27
Jordan_Uchocka: I would recommend just letting Ubuntu's installer create partitions automatically. With Ubuntu's installer you can even re-install while preserving /home/ without a separate /home/ partition (though if you plan to use the same /home/ with other distributions having it be separate may make some things easier).19:27
kingbeastGusteru, what version are you trying to install?19:28
Gusteruthe last version of ubuntu19:28
Gusteru12.10 or some19:28
kingbeastGusteru, 32 or 64bit?19:29
Jordan_Ufearphage: What is the output of "uname -r" from Ubuntu 12.10 ?19:29
Gusterukingbeast,  3219:29
Jordan_Ufearphage: And can you also pastebin the output of "dmesg"?19:29
kingbeastGusteru, yeah just try to reinstall it. double check your install medium first.19:30
chockaJordan_U: so while paritioning I choose 'Install Ubuntu along windows 8' ?19:30
lucienJordan_U: I remember having grub installed on a logical partition, and not in the MBR and it returned "Operating System Not Found".19:30
chockarather than 'something else' ? right19:30
Gusterukingbeast, have ideea how can I format the hdd external box now ? I'm in Ubuntu Live19:30
kingbeasthdd external box?19:31
kingbeastare you trying to install to an external?19:31
kingbeastGusteru, ^^19:31
Gusteruyes kingbeast .. I try to install ubuntu on hdd external ! yes .. why ? :P19:31
Dead-iI would like my Ubuntu server to use the integrated graphics in my motherboard instead of the dedicated graphics in my Radeon GPU. In my BIOS I have the options of "IGFX", "PEG" and "PCI". Which one do I choose to use my onboard graphics?19:32
lucienJordan_U: that's why I adviced chocka to make it primary, if I am wrong about that, then I'm sorry.19:32
Jordan_Ulucien: That's because grub's boot sector always belongs in the MBR, that was your mistake. The portion of grub in /boot/grub/ can still be in a logical partition.19:32
kingbeastGusteru, your on your own with that one. I have never done that before19:32
kingbeastGusteru, and does that laptop boot from usb?19:32
Jordan_Uchocka: Yes.19:33
lucienJordan_U: Why would it be a mistake to have grub installed to a partition and not on the MBR?19:34
chockaJordan_U: so I partition 100 GB from windows 8's C drive as free space and choose, 'ubuntu alongside windows 8' while installing Ubuntu. That will take care of all swap, home, etc. and still hibernate, sleep options will be properly configured?19:35
Gusterukingbeast, I put the ubuntu on flash-memory ... bot from the flash-mem ... and install in hdd external box19:36
Jordan_Ulucien: For two reasons. First because the BIOS loads the code from the MBR, so if you want it to load GRUB that's where grub's boot sector should be. Second because when installing grub's boot sector to a partition (at least one containing an extN filesystem) there is no safe embedding area available so blocklists pointing to an active filesystem need to be used, and that is unreliable.19:36
kingbeastGusteru, when you boot does the external show up in the boot menu?19:37
Jordan_Uchocka: Yes.19:37
Gusteruwith unetbootin-windows-58119:37
chockaJOrdan_U: if I use first option while installing, I dont even need to partition before trying to install, right?19:37
Dead-iIGFX or PCI - which one are the onboard graphcis? :S19:38
lucienJordan_U: yet, unreliable or not, if you install grub to a partition it still has to be a primary one.19:38
Jordan_Uchocka: Correct, the Ubuntu installer will do all of the needed resizing and creating of parititons.19:38
Gusterukingbeast, I show that there is an external hdd but I can not boot19:38
kingbeastGusteru, I'm confused, sorry. Nothing else I can do19:38
ActionParsnipDead-i: usually the onboard is on the PCI-X bus too19:39
pdvyasGusteru, kingbeast I think the easiest way to get a flash drive bootable is to dd the iso to it.19:39
Gusteruok kingbeast I will be try to install19:39
Jordan_Ulucien: If you install grub's *boot sector* to a partition (which you shoulnd't do), and install MS style boot code int he MBR, then the partition containing grub's boot sector needs to be primary, yes.19:39
Dead-iActionParsnip: So would the onboard be PCI? I have the otpion of IGFX, PEG, PCI and I'm not sure which is onboard :)19:40
chockaJordan_U: To clarify myself, I ask it again. If I try to install 'ubuntu alongside windows 8', I can resize/partition the needed space from windows' C-drive from the installer, right? I do not need to do any partitioning in windows before hand.. right?19:40
ActionParsnipDead-i: probaly IGFX for integrated graphics19:40
lucienThanks for proper clarifications, Jordan_U.19:40
Jordan_Uchocka: Correct.19:41
Jordan_Ulucien: You're welcome.19:41
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Gusterukingbeast,  how can I format the hdd now ? I'm in ubuntu live19:41
Gusterupdvyas, How can I format the hdd external box now  ? I'm in Ubuntu Live19:42
watchtowerHilarious Family guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crPo-3tlbzI19:43
ikoniawatchtower: take it elsewhere please.19:43
Dead-iWoo, it worked :D19:43
Dead-iActionParsnip: Thanks :)19:43
theman123hi  all19:43
theman123i have a question!19:43
lucien!ask | theman12319:43
ubottutheman123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:43
theman123well i heard it is better to use BTRFS with a SSD19:43
theman123than ext419:44
pdvyasGusteru: you can use gparted, it has a nice GUI. But if you want to install to it, you can format from the installer itself19:44
ActionParsniptheman123: ext4 can be tweaked to run well in SSD. You can use Ext2 to reduce writes but by and large Ext4 is fine19:44
lucientheman123: and the question is?19:44
theman123is it right?!19:44
fernitheman123: no19:44
theman123ActionParsnip: but btrfs is better yes19:44
lucientheman123: I won't comment on which one is better. I'll just say that ext4 is better.19:45
ActionParsniptheman123: http://askubuntu.com/questions/75061/should-i-use-btrfs-or-ext4-for-my-ssd19:46
Gusterupdvyas, now run ubuntu from flash and I have put in another external USB HDD I wanted to install ubuntu19:46
chockaAlso, if I want to use ifort compiler for my programs and calculations etc. which option would be better? 32 bit or 64 bit?19:47
pdvyasGusteru: Yes, boot ubuntu from flash, connect the usb hdd (I assume you want to install here). Select the external drive in the installer19:47
chockaI wish to install Ubuntu.  I want to use ifort compiler for my programs and calculations etc. which option would be better? 32 bit or 64 bit Ubuntu?19:48
lucienchocka: whichever suits your processor.19:48
ikoniachocka: depends on your compile and what you want to do19:48
lite13hi. i have completely uninstall my desktop and everything i believe. no apps in menu anymore and somehow maintained my internet connection. i installed e17 already19:48
Gusteruok pdvyas ... I retry now to install on hdd external drive19:49
ikoniachocka: if you're building your software you should have a basic idea of what your needs are and how to meet them19:49
slnlsgreat. so my laptop display stays black after unity once more froze. I did a hardboot, and nothing brings a picture. not even grub shows up. cable to external monitor does not help also. any ideas?19:49
Gusterupdvyas, Thank You for help19:49
fearphageJordan_U: https://gist.github.com/9942d27ccba5ec6bbfe619:49
lite13i just need to know while i have an internet connection how to make sure that my system will log into e17 without staying on the black screen19:49
pdvyasGusteru: You're welcome :)19:49
slnlsunity froze multiple times in the past,  when opening the dash. god i hate unity19:50
eternal_GSR ftw ;p19:50
lucienslnls: +119:50
lite13me to slnls that is why i removed it all and going with e1719:50
ikoniareally simple - dont like it, don't use it19:50
ikoniarather than joining a tell to tell us all about you not liking it19:50
slnlsthis is why i dont use ubuntu on most machines anymore. going to say byebye to ubuntu19:50
lucienikonia: feedback is good.19:51
ikonialucien: it's pointless in this channel19:51
slnlsnow unity shot my laptop dead19:51
ikoniaslnls: enough19:51
ikoniaslnls: don't like it - don't use it, got a problem lets see if people can help, or log a bug19:51
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lucienikonia: maybe someone, after hearing slnls's story will post about it on launchpad19:52
ikonialucien: no19:52
lhavelundlucien: It's offtopic for this channel.19:52
ikoniathis isn't a "rant channel" we can try to help, or point you at the right place to report your bug19:53
lite13to make sure i got it all and install lightdm only. what all login managers are there? i know gdm and lxsession i believe. anyone know more19:53
slnlskinda hard to file a bug, when screen is dead. so it is a hardware problem. sorry, but me upset. i appreciate hints for a solution.19:53
eternal_kdm xdm19:53
lucienmaybe he experiences troubles while using unity's and he has a story explaining how much pain he's gone through and how much unity sucks, before asking the actual question.19:53
luciensee? his screen is dead ikonia.19:53
ikonialucien: give it a rest, final time ,this isn't the channel19:54
ikonialucien: it's not dead, he's typing on IRC19:54
eternal_You're bitching about Unity when your hardware is dead and has nothing to do with the other?19:54
lucienikonia: maybe he has some other device.19:54
slnlsikonia: typing on my desktop. i have problems with my laptop. please read.19:54
ikonialucien: so he's able to type/log a bug then or not use it19:54
ikoniaslnls: yes, so your ranting won't help fix it19:54
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ikoniaslnls: so either a.) state the issue so people can try to help b.) log a bug c.) don't use unity19:55
patiewhy i dont see keyboard language switcher in xfce/ubuntu ?19:55
slnlsikonia: allready said sorry and waiting for hints here.19:55
ikoniaslnls: I've not seen a problem, just you saying how much you don't like unity, so please explain the problem without all the other padding19:55
* lucien gives ikonia a cup of greentea.19:55
lite13to make sure i got it all and install lightdm only. what all login managers are there? i know gdm and lxsession i believe. anyone know more19:56
lucienThank you.19:56
yalu_hi. ubuntu 12.10 does not support non-pae systems anymore. this turns out to be a serious problem for LTSP since a lot of thin clients do not have the pae instruction. Would the best solution be to pin the kernel version to a version in 12.4?19:56
ikoniayalu_: I thought edubuntu was keeping a non-pae package for this sort of thing19:57
ikoniayalu_: (I don't know, I just remember disucssion)19:57
lite13to make sure i got it all and install lightdm only. what all login managers are there? i know gdm and lxsession i believe. anyone know more19:59
slnlsok. 1. opening dash on 12.10 froze the laptop. 2. hard reboot. 3. screen is black. 4. screen stays black with HDMI, VGA to external monitor. stays black with multiple live-disks. does not even show grub or startup message or bios. i would much appreciate this channels help. and once again sorry for the rant.19:59
eternal_there is kde's, kdm, and the original xdm.19:59
ikoniaslnls: is your hardware actually ok ? do you ever get ANY output ?20:00
eternal_slnls sounds like a hardware issue if you are not seeing any hardware messages20:00
yalu_ikonia: sources.list is the same between ubuntu and edubuntu so I got not much hope for it20:00
Dead-iWhen attempting to passthrough my AMD Radeon GPU using Xen I get the error that it is already in use. When I plug a DVI into the GPU, I see several startup-related messages. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks20:00
slnlsikonia: anything I tried until now did not help but show a black screen all time. thanks for your answers20:02
patiewhy i dont see keyboard language switcher in xfce/ubuntu ? help please20:02
ikoniaslnls: so not even a bios message or anything ?20:02
slnlsikonia: sadly: No.20:03
ikoniaslnls: it sounds like your hardware is dead then20:03
slnlsikonia: just, what i thought. which one might it be? gpu-related?20:03
ikoniaslnls: no idea, take it to a repair shop20:03
lucienslnls: we can't diagnose your system from the internet, you could try ##hardware, but I'm sure they will tell you the same.20:04
lucienalso ikonia, please read pm (:20:04
pdvyasslnls: Just curious, what GPU do you have ? Do the fancy dual ones which switch discrete/dedicated ?20:05
pamccabecan someone tell me how to open a terminal session from ubuntu 12.10?20:05
slnlswell thanks so far. hoped someone could tell me my laptop still lives. *cries* thanks. it is a nvidia 9300m. 4 years old and run very hot all the time.20:06
dufapamccabe,  ctrl alt t is default20:06
Tech-1slnls>  try a live cd, if you still have no graphics, perhaps your lamp is out20:06
slnlspamccabe: press alt+ctrl+F120:06
pamccabethanks guys20:07
dufapamccabe, that too , use alt+ctrl+f7 to get back the gui20:07
slnlspamccabe: press alt+ctrl+F7 to get back to X1120:07
pamccabegreat info thanks, very new to linux20:08
slnlspamccabe: you are welcome20:09
dufapamccabe, welcome to the community20:09
pamccabevery informative and friendly, glad to be part of it20:09
ikoniaanyone what ?20:12
craniumslowsAnyone know of any utilities to import itunes playlists ?20:13
Dead-i[20:00:50] <Dead-i> When attempting to passthrough my AMD Radeon GPU using Xen I get the error that it is already in use. When I plug a DVI into the GPU, I see several startup-related messages. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks20:13
CoreyBRsup guys20:13
CoreyBRgood afternoon20:14
craniumslowshows it going?20:14
Dead-iHmmm, weird, thru my GPU card I'm getting messages like "[5.694076] Initialising USB Mass Storage Driver..."20:15
Dead-iProbably why XEN says the GPU card is in use :/20:16
ikoniaDead-i: why do you think that has anything to do with your graphis card ?20:16
craniumslowsgoogle winns thanks anyway20:16
Dead-iikonia: I don't. I need to stop Ubuntu Server from using my graphics card in that way so Xen allows me to passthru to it, from what I gather.20:17
ikoniaDead-i: in what way ?20:17
Dead-iikonia: Ubuntu Server is using my graphics card for mssages like "Adding 16719868k swap on /dev/mapper/server-swap_1-" etc, which is probably why Xen can't passthrough to it - when I try booting the VM it says that it couldn't find the PCI device because either it doesn't exist or its in use.20:19
ikoniaDead-i: why do you think that ?20:19
ikoniaDead-i: your graphics card is nothing to do with /dev/mapper/server-swap20:19
GunArmi'm still having some kind of trouble running an executable as a user (due to permissions or something) can someone help me understand how this can happen? http://pastebin.com/fGm5zbAF20:20
Dead-iikonia: It doesn't, it's just that atm coming from the DVI slot on my graphics card are messages that appear at boot, like the message saying its adding swap, or recognising usb storage devices, etc20:20
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ikoniaGunArm: the commands not in that directory20:20
GunArmikonia: ?? didn't you see that I ls'ed the directory and showed that it is indeed there?20:20
ikoniaDead-i: those storage messages have nothing to do with your graphics card20:21
ikoniaGunArm: look at what it's calling20:21
ikoniaGunArm: something isn't found20:21
Dead-iikonia: The messages are coming through to my graphics card though, so surely this makes my graphics card "in-use"?20:21
ikoniaDead-i: errr yes, you have a monitor plugged into your graphics card /20:21
Dead-iikonia: yes20:22
ikoniaDead-i: so you card....is in use, it's driving your monitor20:22
raffaelequalcuno puo aiutarmi20:23
montanhaDead-i: everything you see in your screen is because of your graphic card20:23
Dead-iikonia: montanha: Xen said the PCI device was in-use even when my monitor wasn't connected :S20:23
Dead-iI'm so confused. XD20:23
ikoniaDead-i: even if your monitor isn't actually connected, the console is still spawned to it20:24
pdvyasGunArm: Can you try doing `sudo su ventrilo -` ; then you'll get a shell and try  `ls -la /usr/bin/ventrilo_srv`20:24
pdvyasGunArm: Can you try doing `sudo su ventrilo -` ; then you'll get a shell and try  `ls -la /usr/bin/ventrilo_srv`20:24
Dead-iikonia: How can I have the console stop spawning to it though?20:25
ikoniaDead-i: you need to look at what's going on at init20:25
Dead-iikonia: How do I do that? :)20:26
ikoniaDead-i: why are you running xen ?20:26
ikoniaDead-i: what are you trying to achieve ?20:26
Dead-iikonia: Virtual machines where one of them passes through to the graphics card20:26
CrazyZurferMy pc got stucked, while watching a video, is there a way to close all programs?20:26
CrazyZurferOr something like crtl alt supr20:27
slnlsCrazyZurfer: alt+strg+F1, login. then sudo shutdown -h now20:27
ikoniaDead-i: ok, so at init the console is associated to a device, in this case it's your video card, you need to change that, but be aware, once you do that, all output will be gone20:27
slnlsCrazyZurfer: shutdowns the whole pc with save message to processes20:27
slnlsstrg=german ctrl.20:27
GunArmpdvyas: http://pastebin.com/DvCawzMy20:28
Muphrid-h will shutdown20:28
CrazyZurferAnother way?20:28
slnlsMuphrid: will need "now" or nothing happens20:28
slnlsCrazyZurfer: well, you are typing on it?20:29
MuphridCrazyZurfer: you can try with -r (reboot) or kill the gnome-session PID or whatever session youre using20:29
Dead-iikonia: I will still be able to access the console through the onboard graphics on my motherboard though, right?20:29
CrazyZurferI'm in the console20:29
CrazyZurferAny way to close the progress but not shutdown computer20:30
ikoniaDead-i: if you bind the console to that device, yes20:30
ActionParsnipCrazyZurfer: killall -u $USER20:30
pdvyasGunArm: `head /usr/bin/ventrilo_srv` , maybe something at line#3 in the file is throwing the error20:30
ActionParsnipCrazyZurfer: will log you off20:30
montelubuntu sucks so bad with gnome 3 now :( rip20:30
CrazyZurferThanks, that worked20:30
ActionParsnipmontel: you don't have to use Gnome.....20:30
ActionParsnipmontel: so your statement makes no sense.20:31
Dead-iikonia: How do I do this? :)20:31
InfiniteBytemontel: try gnome-session-fallback20:31
ikoniaDead-i: I'd have to look at this, as it's normally set in the init, but I'm not sure with upstart20:31
slnlsActionParsnip: well, it is either xubuntu or something else. so not exactly ubuntu. am i right?20:31
montelActionParsnip, if i dont use gnome then its really not ubuntu is it. i use xubuntu. i think i'm just going to switch to debian.20:31
CrazyZurferI use xubuntu20:32
CrazyZurferAnd i like it20:32
ActionParsnipslnls montel: they are the same base and kubuntu and xubuntu are equally as supported as ubuntu20:32
pdvyasGunArm: Sorry, I may be wrong about that. but still fire that, will confirm that we're able to read the file.20:32
montelokay, the defualt ubuntu sucks*20:32
GunArmpdvyas: yeah the file seems binary20:33
GunArmalthough interesting about that 3 in the error20:33
ActionParsnipmontel: fine, don't use it. Nobody is forcing yoou20:33
InfiniteBytemontel: by default ubuntu uses unity20:33
ActionParsnipmontel: I think a lot in the default ubuntu sucks. I just remove it and install what I prefer. If every user came to the channel stating what they hated, it wouldn't be very productive. Would it?20:33
ActionParsnipInfiniteByte: Unity is a shell for Gnome. Unity doesn't replace Unity20:34
ActionParsnipUnity doesn't replace gnome20:34
montelYeah, thats true its just ive been using ubuntu ever since it first came out.. i miss when they just updated and fixed things in releases not overhauled the damn thing every 6 months20:35
pdvyasGunArm: that 3 is because, it's the third command in the shell, or, the 3rd line of stdin or something..20:35
ActionParsnipmontel: Lubuntu and Xubuntu desktop functionality is largely unchanged20:35
InfiniteBytemontel: that might be, but unity and gnome 3 are different things20:35
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ikoniaGunArm: it's probably linked against a library that isn't present20:36
montelActionParsnip, yeah that's why i'm sticking to xubuntu. InfiniteByte: they both suck20:36
CrazyZurferGo debian then20:37
GunArmikonia: i dont suppose theres any way to figure out what library that would be?20:37
ActionParsnipmontel: use what you wish. Again, if evrybody reeled of what they thought sucked, the channel would be ineffective20:37
InfiniteBytemontel: i agree on that, but you don't have to use them20:37
GunArmikonia: lots of people use this software and I downloaded the most recent version20:37
ikoniaGunArm: ldd the binary and look at what's missing20:37
GunArmikonia, not a dynamic executable20:38
Dead-iikonia: Ok thanks20:38
ikoniaGunArm: so, check what it's linked against20:38
montelCrazyZurfer, i will eventually20:40
abailarriHello. Has anyone used ekiga? I get an error in my account and I can not fix it.20:41
ubottuxxllxxll: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:42
dufaabailarri, what kind of error20:42
abailarridufa, In accounts I see this message on my account: Could not register. Error in transport. And I see in the main window that says: Could not register (my account)20:45
GunArmikonia: here is me attempting to figure out what it could link to (if I am doing it wrong let me know) http://pastebin.com/s989pg9T  also notice that for my normal user I can run it as sudo but not without20:46
pdvyasGunArm: can you give the output of `uname -a` ? Are you trying to run a 64bit binary on 32bit system ? x86_64 on i386 ?20:48
GunArmi think that is it20:50
ikonias incompatible with i386:x86-64 output20:50
ikoniathere is the key20:50
GunArmLinux mainframe 3.2.0-33-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 18 16:29:15 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:50
GunArmhmm so http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php20:50
ActionParsnipabailarri: can you ping the server?20:50
GunArmi guess they just dont support 64 bit linux20:50
dufaabailarri, hmm, I havent used ekiga very extensively and the error message is quite wague, nothing comes to mind from the top of my head, I'll look around20:51
ikoniathey would if there was 32bit compatability libraries on your system20:51
sachaelanyone know of a filebrowser with a built-in terminal that is synced with the folder view? or a way I can hack together something like this?20:52
GunArminstalling ia32-libs20:52
GunArmterminals are surprisingly hard to write20:53
pamccabeis ubuntu 12.10 secure? or have a firewall to turn on? cant find anything like windows firewall.20:53
ActionParsnipGunArm: use TAB ;)20:53
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ActionParsnippamccabe: yes its secure20:54
sjoerd_@sachael: maybe something like this http://shuffleos.com/3283/integrate-ubuntu-terminal-in-nautilus-file-browser-with-nautilus-terminal/20:54
ActionParsnip!firewall | pamccabe20:54
ubottupamccabe: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.20:54
pamccabeill take a look at those links, thanks20:54
=== Guest13531 is now known as jintux
pdvyassachael: Dolphin does it when you press F4, I think20:55
GunArmikonia: pdvyas: installing ia32_libs got me past that issue, thanks20:55
jintuxubuntu is a very nice linux system20:55
jintuxjust needed to tell anyone!20:56
Dead-iDoes anyone know how to have the startup init scripts' output go to a different display rather than my dedicated graphics card?20:56
ikoniaDead-i: some bios's let you change the default video card20:57
Dead-iikonia: I've already changed the primary adapter. It worked for the actual command line itself, but it doesn't appear to have affected the init scripts20:57
ikoniaDead-i: the actual command line ?20:58
ikoniaDead-i: that doesn't make any sense what you are saying20:58
pdvyasikonia, Dead-i means the kernel messages (when you boot), I guess20:59
ikoniapdvyas: lets let him explain what he means20:59
SaFi2266hi folks20:59
studioushey buddy20:59
Dead-iikonia: The command line shell was originally going to the graphics card too. When I changed the Primary Display Adapter in the BIOS, the command line went to the onboard graphics instead (which is what I wanted). However, the startup init scripts output are still going to the graphics card rather than the onboard graphics21:00
ikoniaDead-i: again, I'm sorry that doesn't make any sense21:00
sgt-haggerHey guys when I installed mint it messed up my windows install, it now says invalid EFI file path when I try to boot into windows. I have launched boot-repair and it says to create a 1MB partition of unformatted file system and flag it as bios_grub21:00
sgt-haggerI have done this now and it still says to do it21:01
ikoniasgt-hagger: please take it to mint support21:01
ikonia!mint | sgt-hagger21:01
ubottusgt-hagger: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:01
SaFi2266my ubuntu is too slow 12.04 lts desktop21:01
sjoerd_SaFi2266: Maybe you need to upgrade your pc21:01
sgt-haggerikonia: Yeah but this happened to me when I installed Ubuntu also, so I think it can be fixed the same way.21:02
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ikoniasgt-hagger: please take it to mint support21:02
SaFi2266my laptop is dell inspiron 5110 with corei3 and 4gb ram21:03
sgt-haggerOkay, but they've been ignoring me up to now.21:03
ikoniasgt-hagger: thanks21:03
Dead-iikonia: BEFORE I changed the "Primary Display Adapter" setting in the BIOS, the Ubuntu Server command line shell (like the login, pass, etc) was appearing on the graphics card. The init scripts' output would flash on the graphics card screen first though.21:03
sjoerd_SaFi2266: You should do more diagnosis first :) Run top in a Terminal to see if anything is hogging CPU time. You can also see there how much swap is in use; if you're heavily swapping your system will crawl. iostat -k 5 or similar (from the sysstat package) will show you if your disks are overloaded. That should do for starters21:04
Dead-iikonia: AFTER I changed the Primary Display Adapter, the Ubuntu Server command line shell was appearing on the on-board graphics. The init scripts' output just stayed on the graphics card screen though21:04
JRThumpIs there any place to get good info about what CPUs/hardward platforms that are well supported by Ubuntu. I am specifically thinking about these ultra light laptops. Would like to carry one such with me on motorcycle trips...21:04
ActionParsnipSaFi2266: what video chip?21:04
sjoerd_JRThump: Google??21:05
k1l!hcl | JRThump21:05
ubottuJRThump: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:05
DJones!hcl | JRThump21:05
SaFi2266Thnx Dead-i21:05
Dead-iSaFi2266: I think you mean sjoerd_ :P :)21:06
ActionParsnipSaFi2266: http://askubuntu.com/questions/143791/notebook-dell-inspiron-n5110-overheating-after-installing-ubuntu-12-0421:07
JRThumpok thx guys21:07
Mr_VOA2is anyone here expert with fb?21:07
yarreIs Intels "Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework" supported under Linux?21:08
lonewulf85Could anyone explain why when I try to install Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 with the following partition setup one 30Gb / for my root, one 284Gb /home and one 6Gb swap it somehow fails to install GRUB?21:08
ikonialonewulf85: how many hard disks do you have ?21:09
Mr_VOA2anyone expert with facebook here?21:09
lonewulf85ikonia: I have one 320 Gb drive.21:09
ikoniaMr_VOA2: no-one, just ubuntu here21:10
k1lMr_VOA2: that is a ubuntu support, not a facebook support here21:10
ikonialonewulf85: where are you telling it to install grub to ?21:10
lonewulf85ikonia: I am using a usb to install and I always tell it to install to /dev/sda21:10
k1lMr_VOA2: so if that is a ubuntu support issue, go ahead and ask your question.21:10
ikonialonewulf85: ok, so /dev/sda is probably being assigned to the USB disk21:11
arooni-mobilehow can i delete all files in a given directory with size = 0 ?21:11
Mr_VOA2hello how is everyone doing?21:11
Mr_VOA2Mery Christmas21:11
lonewulf85ikonia: My USB comes up as /dev/sdb21:11
Mr_VOA2is anyone expert on facebook use here?21:11
DJonesMr_VOA2: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?21:11
CoreyBRhi guys21:11
Mr_VOA2sorry wrong chan21:11
CoreyBRanyone need help?21:11
ikonialonewulf85: that's interesting, I'm a little surprised by that, where are you seeing/checking that21:12
ActionParsnipCoreyBR: ask and see21:13
lonewulf85ikonia: This time for the second install attempt today I saw that my installer said "Grub force floppy false forced "/dev/sda" grub2 install successfully" Maybe it worked this time.21:13
slixz85does anyone know of an ubuntu minimal install that contains wifi drivers and a gui?21:13
ikoniaslixz85: no.....as it wouldn't be a mininal install then21:14
ikoniait would be ubuntu desktop....21:14
ActionParsnipslixz85: the mini install is text only, you could customize the ISO and add the drivers you need21:14
JRThumpJust one thing about grub boot problems. I had a problem when I had a new SSD and it failed to boot GRUB but windows did start ok from same disk. Thought it was due to Asus EFI BIOS. I reinstalled about 20 times and i tried MSDOS partition table, GPT partition table, grub flag, and different EFI partitioning schemes, but in the end the problem was silly! It was the SATA cable that was...21:14
JRThump...probably not sitting tight enough and it was strange because it worked if I installed Windows(!) In the end i just switched to a new cable (one of those that "locks" and voila it works like a charm).21:14
slixz85ikonia, ActionParsnip ok. i just am in a spot where i can only use wifi. so that would be an issue. is their anything lighter even than bodhi any1 knows of. i know it sounds crazy but my pc is old21:15
slixz85bodhi runs ok. but i want even smaller iso21:15
JRThumpSo...make sure to check sata cable :-)21:15
ActionParsnipslixz85: lubuntu21:15
ikoniaslixz85: how old ?21:15
ActionParsnipslixz85: tinycore isn't ubuntu but is very small21:15
slixz852004 or so21:15
slixz85i know... i just am so used to ubuntu/debian tht is what i need21:15
ActionParsnipslixz85: use minimal over a wired connection and install fluxbox, slim and wicd and you will have a very light OS21:16
slixz85wicd is lighter than nm-applet?21:16
slixz85i guess i will have to find a way to hook to up to ethernet. i am just sharingf neighbords wifi21:17
andy000I have a source.tar.gz file without .dsc file. Can I compile the file with pbuilder?21:17
ActionParsnipslixz85: what wifi chip are you using?21:17
ActionParsnipandy000: is there no PPA for the app?21:18
slixz85Belkin Components F7D1101 Basic Wireless USB Adapter v1000 [Realtek RTL8188SU]21:18
slixz85 which uses the r8712u driver21:18
lonewulf85I am used to gnome I have tried KDE/XFCE and enlightenment, Could anyone tell me whether there has been major improvements with KDE since Ubuntu 10.0421:18
ActionParsnipslixz85: if you customise the ISO, you can add the driver and it will be used in the minimal installer21:18
ActionParsniplonewulf85: I'd say so21:19
slixz85ActionParsnip, is it like one file i need since i know the driver or how would i find it to include?21:19
nardevCould you suggest me some simple application for reading from GPS module? I just need simple data, like position coordinates, speed, altitude etc. Modules are 1. SieraGobi 3000 and Some other device connected via BT.21:19
ActionParsniplonewulf85: you could even drop the DE and just use the window manager on its own :)21:19
lonewulf85ActionParsnip: Could you give any examples?21:19
ActionParsniplonewulf85: http://kde.org/   shows the changes and in order21:20
andy000ActionParsnip there's a git repo21:20
lonewulf85ActionParsnip: Thanks21:21
andy000ActionParsnip http://people.freedesktop.org/~dbn/evince-browser-plugin/21:22
ActionParsnipandy000: I've not used git, sorry21:23
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)21:23
ActionParsnipmay help21:23
lucienI just burned a data disc with brasero, everything went fine, except when I mount it, it's a blank dvd :\21:24
ActionParsniplucien: tried it in a different system?21:24
ArgafalHi, I'm looking for a Ubuntu 12.10 installer to fit on a CD-R.21:25
lucienActionParsnip: no..21:25
ichigo-rokuI wanted to configure dual screen on my nvidia but unity stops to start so I deleted the dual screen mode on my xorg but unity still won't start21:25
ActionParsniplucien: try other burning apps too, like xfburn :)21:25
lucienit looks like data is written to it21:25
dr_willisichigo-roku:  hmm. twinview works fine here on my nvidia systems.21:25
freshstartdoes anybody know a program that assigns a command in mouse buttons?21:25
DJonesArgafal: Its no longer designed to fit on a cd, you could try the minimal install which downloads most of the software from the internet during installation21:25
dr_willisichigo-roku:  what release of ubuntu?21:25
lucienActionParsnip: going to try it on a windows machine, thanks21:26
dr_willisichigo-roku:  i even hot plug in my 2nd monitor and it enables twinview automatically21:26
dr_willisichigo-roku:  does unity start for the guest user? try adding a new user. see if it works for them21:27
ArgafalDJones: thanks.21:27
dufaArgafal, the minimal release can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:27
Argafaldufa: yes, that should work.21:27
Dead-istill haven't found anything online about having init scripts go to a different display - google is not my friend today :(21:27
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: Since I didn't see your original question, would you mind repeating it?21:28
ichigo-rokudr_willis, it didn't work with other users21:28
lonewulf85ikonia: Moment of truth hopefully I do not get a grub error.21:29
ichigo-rokuWeird because on my arch I had no problem21:29
ichigo-rokuThe command "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p" tells me that I don't have composite extension21:30
dr_willisichigo-roku:  how about the guest user. or a newly made user.21:30
lucienI made a DVD with brasero, everything went fine, except it's blank21:30
lucientried it on a windows machine21:30
lonewulf85ikonia: Yes success no errors this time thank for the brainstorming. Live long and prosper.21:30
ichigo-rokudr_willis, it didn't work with other users21:30
pragmaticenigmalucien: if it doesn't work, then everything didn't go fine... When burning, did you make sure to close the session on the disc?21:31
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: Sure - in my BIOS I set the "Primary Display Adapter" so it would use my Onboard graphics instead of my Dedicated Radeon graphics. Although the Ubuntu server command line is using my onboard graphics, various init.d related messages are appearing on the graphics card on startup. Is there any way to stop these messages from appearing?21:31
riderpluson Gnome 3.7.3 guake has no transparency (ubuntu 12.10) even though it's set to be transparent (70%)21:31
freshstartdoes anybody know a program that assigns a command in mouse buttons?21:31
riderplusalso the notification conflict has not been solved21:32
lucienpragmaticenigma: I'm pretty sure it did closed the disc.21:32
riderplusI have to disable pop up notification in guake otherwise it doesn't start21:32
riderplusat startup I mean21:32
pragmaticenigmalucien: Okay, just a thought.21:32
lucienI only have 1 disc left and I really need to backup my data, what do I do?21:33
Ray2lucien..did you md5sum the iso21:33
riderplus...and it crashes when I try to change the keyboard layout21:33
lucienRay2: It wasn't an iso..21:33
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: There really is no harm in those messages. What is likely happening is the kernel is just saying I see some hardware, but I can't use it.  The messages really can't be turned off unless you want to re-combile your own kernel21:33
joey8lucien→ cloud / mem stick ?21:33
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: *compile21:33
lucienjoey8: I'd preffer to have it on a disc though.. bad experiences with cloud inb4.21:34
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: Hmm, Xen is saying that I can't passthrough to the graphics card because its "in-use", any idea how I could fix this? I had a feeling the messages were to do with it. The messages are things like adding swap, registering usb storage, etc21:34
joey8if you aint got a disk then you aint gonna backup... sorry ヅ21:35
lucienjoey: I only have one left ;-;21:35
joey8lucien→ i dunno how you gonna do it then21:36
joey8lucien→ just backup as much as you can and cross your fingres21:36
fearphageJordan_U: https://gist.github.com/9942d27ccba5ec6bbfe6 3.5.0-21-generic21:36
lucien... joey8: I'm basically just trying to write a data disc..21:36
lucienand it didn't work. forget about the backup.. I need to write a disc.. joey821:37
joey8lucien→ have you gone thru the zip/tar ideas?21:37
lucienjoey8: what do you mean?21:37
d4rkh4ndDoes anyone know the reasone for kdialog's --password if you cant call it later in the script ?21:38
joey8lucien→ compress your files via tar or zip or similar21:38
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: Perhaps Xen is trying to utilize the Radeon graphics, but because of the way you have configured BIOS, the BIOS is stopping the commands from reaching the Radeon.  I'm only guessing here, but I think most setups like yours send all graphics card commands to one chip.  When high end graphics are needed, the onboard graphics opens the gate and lets the commands "pass through" to the other graphics chip21:38
lucienjoey8: there is no other way? ;-;21:38
lucienguess I'm going to have to try that then ;-; thanks joey821:39
ichigo-rokudr_willis, problem solved, I don't know why but I had this line : Option "Composite" "Disable" instead of Option "Composite" "Enable"21:39
joey8lucien→ ok your welcome matey21:39
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: Thanks :)21:39
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: What settings in the BIOS could I change to fix this?21:40
ActionParsniplucien: try another app. I have never had success with Brasero21:40
lucienActionParsnip: what did you have success with?21:40
dr_willisichigo-roku:  my twinview seems to work even without an xorg.conf file at all these days. ;)21:40
ActionParsniplucien: xfburn is pretty solid imho21:40
lucienActionParsnip: I'm going to try, thanks.21:41
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: There really arn't any unless you intened to use the Radeon card.  They are just warning messages, not errors.  My computer spits out 30 warnings about a USB port not working every few seconds. It does not affect the performance or connectivitiy of my USB devices.  Just annoying when your trying to read through logs.  Thats why learning to use grep is very handing when reading through your log files21:41
lucienActionParsnip: should I still try to tar it tough?21:42
dr_willispragmaticenigma:  i had a flakey webcam on a laptop - caused the kernel to flood the logs/dmesg - a setting at the top of /etc/sysctl.conf quited it down.21:42
pragmaticenigmadr_willis: for me it's just a bad USB port on a 5 port USB2.0 PCI card.  I don't use it anymore since all my systems now have on board USB 2.021:43
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: I intend on using the Radeon card for passingthrough a virtual machine's screen but Xen claims its in-use. I'm not sure how to make it so its not "in-use".21:43
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: Ah, you can't do that21:43
ActionParsniplucien: why not, you can burn any file you like21:43
lucienActionParsnip: the discs that brasero failed at burning.. were they still usable?21:44
lucienok thanks ActionParsnip.21:44
ActionParsniplucien: are the rewritables?21:44
lucienit says DVD-R not DVD-RW so I guess not.21:44
pragmaticenigmalucien: If you put the disc back in and try to burn to it, will brasero burn?21:44
pragmaticenigmalucien: Rather, try to write to it again?21:45
lucienpragmaticenigma, well it says it's blank.21:45
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lucienpragmaticenigma, yet it looks like it's written21:45
pragmaticenigmalucien: Right, but will brasero allow you to try and burn to it again?21:45
lucienpragmaticenigma: let me try21:46
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: Is this on a laptop or full desktop?21:48
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: desktop21:48
lucienpragmaticenigma: brasero still allows me to burn it21:49
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: Do you have a monitor hooked up to both graphics cards?21:49
lucienpragmaticenigma: and I didn't check leave the disc open at first.21:49
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: I keep switching the cable between both the dedi graphics card and the onboard21:50
fearphagebekks: are you still around?21:51
pragmaticenigmalucien: Well It appears that brasero didn't burn so at least you don't have a coaster.  I personally gave up on brasero a long time ago and switched to xfburn. I found it easier to use and less problematic.21:51
lucienpragmaticenigma: thanks, but if it doesn't work, why is it still rolled with the latest ubuntu?21:52
hangdeadmanCan I repartiotion free space from my ubuntu partition and then install wondows along side the pre existing ubuntu?21:52
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: switching the cable is not a good idea. You can accidentally burn out your graphics chips.  And it's possible that each time you go back and forth, X is automatically switching the primary display.21:53
milamberhangdeadman: yes21:53
hangdeadmanmilamber: how?21:53
pragmaticenigmalucien: Because they opted for a burning program that works for most people.21:53
milamberhangdeadman: step 1, make backups, step 2 resize partition using a livecd/usb with gparted, step 3, install windows, step 4 - fix grub21:54
dr_willisdont skip step 121:54
pragmaticenigmalucien: Both programs are just wrappers around the actual programs that are used for burning.  They just may implement the burning process differently which makes the difference.21:55
lucienok thanks pragmaticenigma21:55
hangdeadmanwhat is a good way to backup ubuntu? And How do I fix grub?21:55
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:55
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:55
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
joey8hangdeadman→ lucky backup is really good. simple, clean and does a really good job using rsync21:57
CoreyBRi migrated from windows to ubuntu linux and its way better lol21:57
CoreyBRi've never seen my notebook this fast21:57
ActionParsnipCoreyBR: it  can be faster with a lighter DE, but stick with what you have for now :)21:58
guntbertCoreyBR: glad that you are happy :) - but this channel is for support - Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:58
maurysciao a tutti21:58
CoreyBRno but if anyone need help i'm here for it, i'm not a pro but i know a few things, i'll be glad to help the community21:59
ActionParsnipCoreyBR: always appreciated :)21:59
CoreyBRis there any channel to chat?21:59
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Dead-ipragmaticenigma: Yeah I"m going to be keeping it in the dedi graphics card now, if I can get this working21:59
=== Mir__ is now known as MirWork
CoreyBRabout ubuntu, SOs and stuff21:59
serp_significant others?22:00
lucienshould I use write mode TAO or SAO?22:00
guntbertCoreyBR: #ubuntu-offtopic for chitchat and #ubuntu-discuss for more serious discussions22:00
zenlikeAnyone willing to help an X newbie with information about persisting programs between X sessions?22:01
serp_is it possible, zenlike ?22:01
bmercerhow do I disable the built in keyboard shortcuts like mod4+M and mod4+e?22:02
dr_williszenlike:  clarify what you want to do exactly.22:02
dr_willisbmercer:  if its a compiz shortcut. you may need to use the ccsm tool to edit the plugin settings thats using the keys.22:02
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz22:03
zenlikeI use XMonad with Xubuntu.  I'd like to have it so that when I log into an XMonad session, desktop 1 is a web browser and terminal, desktop 2 is emacs, and desktop 3 is irc client22:03
zenlikeI am not sure if it is possible, so just throwing it out there to the hive mind :)22:03
dr_williszenlike:  i belive xmondads startup stuff has that sort of option/features. but you would have to check the xmonad docs.22:03
lucienwelp xfburn won't do anything to the disc ;-;22:04
dr_willisthats just auto-starting apps... Not a'persistant' program btween x sessions22:04
dr_williszenlike:  its possible xmonad reads the  ~/.config/autostart/ files also.. but im not sure about that22:04
zenlikedr_willis:  Yeah I think I need a .xsession file (?).  Would it even be possible to persist programs like that (ala Virtual Box's saved state, but on my native Linux)?22:05
lucienwhat can I do? :(22:06
thufir_if a DVD is 4.3GB, and I divide that by ten, for ten slices of backup with DAR, how many MB per slice?  Ten slices of 430MB?  Or is some base 2 math involved?22:06
dr_williszenlike:  if you want X apps to stay running in the background, you woul dhave to do some work with VNC. is the only way i know of.22:06
zenlikedr_willis:  you rock thanks22:06
bmercerdr_willis: I looked at this, is it possible it's a dash thing?22:07
dr_willisbmercer:  its possible - i dont even know what those hotkeys do,.22:08
dr_willisnot sure what mod4 is. ;)22:08
bmercerthe windows key ;)22:08
bmercerwhen I do that it tries to search my music collection22:08
dr_willisNormally thats called the 'super key' :)22:08
bmercerso it is a compiz thing then?22:09
dr_willissuper-e does nothing here,22:09
dr_willissuper-m does go to the dash to the music search field22:09
bmerceryeah, I'm trying to map that to toggle maximize vertical because I have my memory management mapped that way already ;)22:10
dr_willispress and hold the super key. and it shows the shortcuts list... super-m -> the music lens22:10
dr_willisi dont see anything for Super-E22:11
bmercerI already mapped that one22:11
bmercerand I do see that super-m is mapped to dash22:11
dr_willisive never noticed or tried to remap the dash shortcuts22:11
blamibmercer: it should be compiz thing22:12
bmerceryeah, there are system key mappings, and I can do those22:12
bmercerblami: ok, I'll keep looking22:12
blamibmercer: you will need advanced settings for compiz22:12
ActionParsnipsuper+w is groovy22:12
SalmonHello, there seems to be a bug in glib 2.32 which I'm trying to avoid by downgrading to 2.31 but I don't know how, since apt and synaptic only show a 2.32 version. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?22:12
blamibmercer: exactly22:12
blamibmercer: but I have found that some mappings cannot be overriden22:13
bmercerblami: craziness22:13
dr_willisNot supriseing really.22:14
bmercerwhy is that?22:15
* dr_willis notices Super-TAB selects the left side panel stuff..... learned somthing22:15
sheerunIs there any tutorial / wiki how to create safe unix environment for tools like http://tryruby.org/ ?22:15
dr_willisThey basically decided to grab theuse of the Super Key for Unity management.22:15
dr_willistheres dozens of other things that are hard coded into unity as well that ive seen over the  last few releases22:15
alcaprawnwhy am i getting this when i try to run my mpd Daemon?22:16
alcaprawn** (mpd:17321): CRITICAL **: option parsing failed: Unknown option --create22:16
alcaprawnthe command im running is mpd --create-db to make the music libary.22:16
alcaprawnall folders and permissions seem to be right?22:16
alcaprawnany mpd expert care to help its driving me insane!22:16
pozhello, when i type su in a terminal and my password, it says authentication failure. anyone might know whyl?22:16
dr_willisalcaprawn:  seems to me its saying thats not a proper option22:17
dr_willispoz:  who are you su'ing to?22:17
alcaprawnyou typed the wrong password poz.22:17
alcaprawnits in the man pages dr_willis22:17
pozi am trying to get into root22:17
dr_williscli-command-becomes-verb.. ;)22:17
bekks!root | poz22:17
ubottupoz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:17
dr_willispoz:  you dont use su to get to root.. use sudo22:17
pozbut i only set one password and i did not type it in wrong22:17
ActionParsnippoz: run:    sudo -i22:18
alcaprawnor sudo -s?22:18
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blamidr_willis: yeah some things are hardcoded. I think they want unity almost unconfigurable which is good on one side for giving support but on the other bad in these cases22:18
dr_willisalcaprawn:  thats how im reading the error message.    'Unknown option --create' it seems its NOT getting the rest of the option22:18
pozwhat does su do then?22:18
ActionParsnippoz: its to (s)witch (u)ser22:18
dr_willispoz:  switfch to other users if you really needed to.22:18
pozoh i see22:18
dr_willisyou dont su to root in ubuntu. you use sudo22:18
pozthank you22:18
artichokuthe only time i use su is once after a fresh install: su passwd22:19
pozi see22:19
artichokuand that's it22:19
pozwhat is the do for?22:19
blamiartichoku: same here22:19
dr_willisand setting root password is not needed. ;)22:19
blamipoz: to make sudo instead of su? :D22:19
pozhaha thanks blami22:19
ActionParsnippoz: users in the sudo group can use sudo to run commands when they need root access.22:20
pozi have also wondered what the apt stands for in apt-get22:20
blamiI wonder what's the future of unity with all this touch craziness22:20
Muphridadvanced packaging tool22:20
dr_willisAwsome Packageing Tool. ;P22:20
pozlol i am so confused, is it awesome or advanced. or what ever I want it to be?22:20
dr_willisnah, Apt has to stand for 'APT Packageing Tool'  ;)22:21
bekksacronymed packaging tool :P22:21
blamiafaik A is for APT22:21
ActionParsnippoz: why does it matter?22:21
Muphridactually Another packaging tool22:22
blamias it was created in those days when having recursive acronyme was cool22:22
pozare those days over?22:22
pozi hope not22:22
dr_willisthe good old days.22:22
blamipoz: yes22:22
dufalike php22:22
dr_willisNow everything has to have cutsy names ;) or vague common names...22:22
pozhow did that happen?22:23
* dr_willis still wants to know when a Directory became a 'Folder'22:23
pragmaticenigmalucien: So it still doesn't appear to be burning anything?22:23
blamithey transformed to days of 'yet another' things and then to '-ng' thing days22:23
b14d3dr_willis: Because of the picture that has commonly been associated with it22:23
AcoustykIs this the right channel for support?22:24
dr_willisAcoustyk:  yes. Ask away22:24
blamidr_willis: it was introduced by m$ afaik22:24
dr_willisb14d3:  grandkids  dont even know what that icon is. ;) they dident know what a manilla-folder even was..22:24
b14d3dr_willis: Methinks there is a deeper problem there lol22:24
dr_willisTo them a folder is a '3 ring binder' ;)22:24
ActionParsnipdr_willis: interesting stuff http://superuser.com/questions/169457/directory-vs-folder22:25
pragmaticenigmaDead-i: I don't believe there is anyway to actually give a virtual machine access to the bare metal (access to the graphics card) ... Most of the time you would use a viewer to "view" the virtualized machine (such as VNC or RDP)22:25
ActionParsnipdr_willis: could just call them files ;)22:25
blamidufa: doesn't php stand for some really indian weirdo phrase like 'personal home page'?22:25
dr_williseverything is a file! ;)22:25
ActionParsnipdr_willis: exactly22:26
dr_willislets start taking terms from MMORPGS. ;P22:26
dr_willisOr biological terms..22:26
blamiActionParsnip: unixbeard decloaks?22:26
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pragmaticenigmaDead-i: For instance I run a virtualized X session on VNC so that I can view a remote desktop session on my server which doubles as a media player22:26
pozhere i thought it was all 1's and 0's22:26
freshstartdo i have to install a gpu driver in wine?22:26
dufablami: I think php is for php hypertext processor22:27
AcoustykI have a Broadcom BCM4321 Wireless card that isn't working22:27
blamidufa: aha that's so 1998 :D22:27
pragmaticenigmadufu: blami : PHP = Pre Hypertext Processor22:28
AcoustykSo far as I can tell I have all the correct wl drivers installed22:28
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dufa: ) i'll be leaving, have good day22:28
AcoustykAny idea?22:29
artichokucan you please elaborate22:29
KhaosHey all, my irc for backtrack is not working as it should, but regardless, does anyone know if, when installing Backtrack in Vbox, you set the version of Linux as other linux, or do you set it as a specific type of linux?22:31
Acoustykartichoku: Basically I'm fixing my friends computer which had Ubuntu installed on it. The card worked then. I've recently installed lubuntu and the BCM4321 Broadcom wireless card isn22:31
Acoustykt working by default22:31
sbei have overwriten my /usr/bin/env file how can i restore this?22:31
DJones!backtrack | Khaos22:31
ubottuKhaos: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:31
sbewhen opening a terminal i see this message "/usr/bin/env: No such file or directory -- bash (LoadError"22:32
KhaosDjones: I know that, thank you. read; first line of what i said..22:32
blamiKhaos: it does not matter22:32
AcoustykI've googled for driver solutions but the terminal says that the drivers are already installed and I switched over in the software sources GUI22:32
Khaosblami: thank you22:32
artichokuAcoustyk: go to "Additional Hardware Drivers"22:32
artichokuand look for STA or B4322:32
artichokualternatively, you can go to synaptic package manager and install b43-fwcutter and firmware-fwcutter-installer22:33
Acoustykartichoku: I only see "Using Broadcom ...." and "Do not use the device" as options22:34
sbeany help would be mostly appreciated22:34
blamisbe: for further reference to lookup which package the file belongs to you can use dpkg -S /usr/bin/env22:34
jaccarmachey i have a pretty serious problem with a macbook air. can anyone help me out?22:34
Acoustykartichoku: It's an STA wireless driver22:34
blamisbe: and then reinstall that package (which is coreutils in this case I believe)22:34
artichokuand the STA driverdoesn't work at all?22:35
artichokuor you're trying to use monitor mode22:35
pozanyone know how to download SWScanner?22:35
blamisbe: to reinstall the package you can use 'apt-get install --reinstall <package_name>'22:35
Acoustykartichoku: the STA isn't working even though I've selected it. I'm not sure what you mean by monitor mode.22:35
sbegreat thanks "blami"22:36
artichokuok, open synaptic package manager22:36
jaccarmachello? i need help with a macbook22:36
bekkspoz: What is it?22:36
sbeblami: worked, thanks very much22:36
pozit does not seem to work22:37
DJonesjaccarmac: You'll need to explain the problem before anybody can offer advice22:37
jaccarmaci'm getting a low-graphics error, i don't have a network connection, and i can't find out how to get into grub to get recovery mode22:37
jaccarmaci just updated the kernel and the restart did this22:37
blamijaccarmac: what model is it?22:38
jaccarmacthe latest 11-inch22:38
bawig1I'm having problems with my ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS netbook. I'm using gnome shell and the network connections keep disappearing from the top of the screen22:38
Acoustykartichoku: may have to install it. Just a moment.22:38
poznever mind, i think i got it22:38
jaccarmacUnity has been replaced with Cinnamon, and OSX has been removed22:38
Acoustykartichoku: open now22:38
artichokuAcoustyk: once you have synaptic package manager open, do a search for bcmwl-kernel-source and mark for removal, then find b43-fwcutter and firmware-b43-installer and mark for installation22:38
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jaccarmacblami: i can get to a tty, but no luck with any graphics so far22:39
blamijaccarmac: retina?22:39
blamijaccarmac: those latest are not supported very well I think22:39
jaccarmacmacbook air, sorru22:39
jaccarmacso not retina22:40
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
blamijaccarmac: my friend runs gentoo on 2012 mbp and he needs very latest kernel which needs to be compiled as it is not shipped in ubuntu repositories22:41
jaccarmacblami: it's an air, not a pro. mid 201122:41
artichokuAcoustyk: after that's all done, you need to check and make sure the b43 driver isn't on your blacklist. to do so, in terminal type "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and make sure you don't see anything that says B43 or B43xx. if you find that in your blacklist, just add a # to the front of that line, then save your blacklist file and and reboot22:41
blamijaccarmac: he was not able to make trackpad, wifi and thunderbolt work22:41
blamijaccarmac: not sure what's the situation with air22:42
jaccarmacblami: mine was working perfectly until about 10 minutes ago when the kernel updated22:42
jaccarmacblami: it's booting into low-graphics, but can't do it, I have Cinnamon and no Unity22:42
blamijaccarmac: a lot changed in i915 driver22:43
blamijaccarmac: try to reboot it with 'nointremap i915.i915_enable_rc6=1' parameters22:43
blamithat usually helps on macs22:43
blamijaccarmac: which version of kernel, 3.5?22:43
jaccarmacblami: i can't get into grub. tried turning off the "hidden" options, but no luck22:43
jaccarmacblami: 3.5.1-2122:43
jaccarmacblami: 3.5.0-2122:44
jaccarmacblami: the second one is the real one, why i typed the first i don't know22:44
Acoustykartichoku: Working on it...22:45
Acoustykartichoku: Synaptic is failing...22:45
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Acoustykartichoku: Not connecting to the server for whatever reason22:46
blamijaccarmac: i don't know how to get into bootloader on mac22:46
artichokuok then use terminal and do sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source22:46
jaccarmacblami: all i have to do (i think) is get unity-greeter back. how can i connect to a network from tty22:46
artichokuthen do sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer22:46
blamijaccarmac: it should be up already, network manager handles that22:47
jaccarmacwell, i only have tty, and the network is wep22:47
blamijaccarmac: ah I forgot. That overpriced aluminium thingie does not have ethernet, right?22:47
blamijaccarmac: wpa_supplicant then22:48
jaccarmacjust run that22:48
Acoustykartichoku: It's installing...22:48
jaccarmacblami: how can i use that?22:49
blamijaccarmac: eh ... man wpa_supplicant22:50
Dead-ipragmaticenigma: Thanks for all your help - I actually think I might have fixed it now, since I think I had to use Xen to make it pass-through-able.22:50
blamijaccarmac: or if you have the connection already saved in nm22:50
blamiyou can use nmcli22:51
jaccarmacblami: how can i transfer the connection?22:51
blamijaccarmac: do you see your connection when you type in 'nmcli con'?22:51
blamijaccarmac: just type nmcli con up <id> where id is the text in column NAME. If it has whitespaces put doublequote it22:52
blamijaccarmac: that should setup your connection22:52
Acoustykartichoku: It was blacklisted and I hashed it out22:53
Acoustykartichoku: Now just reboot?22:54
agentHi #ubuntu. I'm new here and I was looking for a good source for xchat information, commands and what not. Any help please? :)22:54
jaccarmacblami: no suitable device found22:55
alcaprawnagent what is u want to know?22:55
doug__agent, google is your best friend22:55
alcaprawnwhat is it *22:55
agentJust commands and how to be safe22:55
alcaprawncheck out this mate.22:55
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agentI tried +x and unsure if it's working. Don't even know how to check :S22:56
Acoustykartichoku: Yeah I need to reboot. If I don't get back on thanks a lot for your help. Seriously I need to get this to my friend tomorrow.22:56
alcaprawnusing irssi and tor to be annoymous22:56
robdehello, is there a visual cli tool for setting owner and permission settings of files?22:56
alcaprawnagent: no its not working.22:56
agentis +i working?22:57
artichokudoes that mean it worked?22:57
artichokuoh he doesn't know yet22:57
alcaprawnrobe look on cli-apps.org22:58
agentI'm she and no.. I don't know how to make it work... yet22:58
alcaprawnrobde: ^22:58
jaccarmachey, i'm trying to use nmcli to connect to a network, but im getting a no device error. is there a way to fix?22:58
blamijaccarmac: it seems the new kernel also does not recognize your wifi device22:59
jaccarmacok, now im getting couldnt creating nmclient object.22:59
jaccarmaci restarted the networking service23:00
jaccarmacblami: well, that's just great :)23:00
lurk_anyone have experience using unetbootin to locally mount an ISO to do a distro install? can you msg me, I have a couple questions23:00
ArgafalFor an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ processor, which Ubuntu do I need to install, please?23:00
litropyI have two monitors. Any chance I can tell the OS to switch audio to another source when I drag a movie to the other monitor?23:00
jaccarmacany idea how to get ubuntu out of tty-only, low graphics error mode?23:02
ArgafalI'm asking because the i386 12.10 installer fails with a kernel panic, reproducible, on two identical AMD Athlon 64 3200+ systems. I guess it's fair to say that I can rule out a hardware error.23:03
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blamijaccarmac: can't you simply boot older kernel?23:03
jaccarmacblami: how? my grub is only a flashing magenta screen23:03
blamijaccarmac: hmpf23:03
blamijaccarmac: what about external monitor?23:04
Guest74013who can teach us23:04
jaccarmacblami: i have no access to one23:04
bobolopolisArgafal: that processor supports 64 bit, could try and see if it works23:04
DJonesGuest74013: This is the Ubuntu support channel23:05
DJones!hacking | Guest7401323:05
ubottuGuest74013: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy23:05
blamiGuest74013: hacking as in modifying opensource software in Ubuntu to better suit user's needs?23:05
lurk_blami: isn't that the definition of hacking?23:05
jaccarmaclurk_: of course, modifying software in, say, debian, doesn't count, of course23:06
xzasedhi, just a question regarding lvm: Can you create multiple volume groups in the same physical volume?23:06
sheerunIs there any tutorial / wiki how to create safe unix environment for tools like http://tryruby.org/ ?23:06
jaccarmaci needs a network connection here, people...23:06
Guest74013fuck my life23:06
IdleOne!language | Guest7401323:07
ubottuGuest74013: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:07
FloodBot1Guest74013: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:08
ubottuSmefima: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:09
creeseanyone have success installing on a late model mac mini (the ones that don't have the cd-rom)23:10
Operateuronly english here right ?23:10
alcaprawni think so ^23:10
Operateuri've just installed ubuntu23:11
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Operateurand i have some questions23:11
alcaprawnanybody has pineapple router please pm me ^23:11
Operateuri wish you can help23:11
IdleOneOperateur: if you prefer french you can /join #ubuntu-fr23:11
alcaprawnits best jsut to ask you're questions :p23:11
DeltaHeavyDoes Ubuntu change the file names for an Apache install? httpd.conf is what I'd expect to be my vhosts file in extra/ that doesn't exist, and apachectl is now apache2ctl?23:12
agentHi op :) I'm new and here with questions too. People have been nice so far23:12
Operateurthanks IdleOne23:12
Operateurthat'sounds great agent23:13
Operateurhow can i install skype on ubuntu ?23:20
ikonia!skype | Operateur23:20
ubottuOperateur: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:20
Operateurgreat bot!:D23:21
DeltaHeavyAnybody know if it's Ubuntu who modifies filenames etc for Apache compared to compiling from source?23:21
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: what ?23:21
DeltaHeavyikonia: When I compile Apache from source, httpd.conf is what apache2.conf is on Ubuntu, and there's no extras/ directory on Ubuntu, and apachectl is called apache2ctl on Ubuntu23:22
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: and ?23:22
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: you can call the files anything you want, they are just compile time options23:22
DeltaHeavyWhy is it like that? Is it Ubuntu that does that?23:22
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: who else would it be who does it ?23:22
DeltaHeavyOk, got it. Hate this stupid configuration. Makes no sense.23:23
DeltaHeavyEvery other compile or package on every other distro is completley different than this.23:23
DeltaHeavyIs this supposed to make things "easier" or something?23:23
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: what are you talking about, distros compile apache different.....23:23
DeltaHeavyikonia: Ubuntu compiles it VASTLY different compared to Debian, CentOS, Gentoo, Arch etc23:24
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: not really, default layout is different, and some config file names are changed23:25
DeltaHeavyI'd rather a package stay close to the defaults as possible, and let me configure changes instead of making decisions for me confusing anybody with previous experiance23:25
ikoniathe base product is still the same,23:25
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: build your own package then23:25
DeltaHeavyIt is, it's just the layout is different as all hell. httpd.conf in Ubuntu and httpd.conf in CentOS/default compile are totally different23:25
klingohello, does ubuntu gnome remix have its own channel ?23:25
DeltaHeavyI will I guess, I hate it when Ubuntu tires to make things "easier"23:25
DeltaHeavyI guess it's fine if I have no clue what I'm doing and it's my first time using Apache which is what I guess Ubuntu is trying to apeal to.23:26
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: it's not really that different, it's just a modular approach23:26
DeltaHeavyI'd consider the other layouts much more modular than this.23:26
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: please stop trying to sound like you know what you're doing and its "ok for noobs" - if you knew what you where doing it's pretty straightforward the changes23:26
t4nk809hey, my computer has been running really slow lately, im running windows 7, do you think if i do a clean install of ubuntu that it will speed up my computer? I like the layout of ubuntu and everything, but I dont want to download it if its going to be slower than windows 723:26
bobolopolisDeltaHeavy: I don't think its an attempt to make it easier, its just that each distro has different conventions and ideas about the "right" way to do configurations23:26
ikoniait's an attempt at a module design, some like it, some don't23:27
ikoniaif it bothers you, rebuild the package23:27
DeltaHeavyikonia: I know what I"m doing unless everything is almost completely changed around. I wouldn't be using Ubuntu regardless for this task23:27
GigglesHey ubuntu when I try to upgrade it says I don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives, wat do?23:27
DeltaHeavyI'd rather trust Apache to configure Apache than a company that can't even make a DE that doesn't lag terribly23:27
srhbDeltaHeavy: Also, you are complaining about things where Ubuntu is actually adhering more to standards than certain other things, for instance with respect to httpd.conf23:27
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: if you know what you are doing, it's very straight forward to put a sane httpd.conf in place instead of the apache2.conf23:28
srhbDeltaHeavy: Yes, now you're being very objective. :P23:28
DeltaHeavysrhb: So a default compile is less to standards than Ubuntu's configuration?23:28
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: stop talking about a "default compile"23:28
IdleOneCan we stop the blogging about how much everything sucks?23:28
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: no distro uses a deault compile23:28
DeltaHeavy"Default configuration"23:28
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: none of them use default configuratio23:28
DeltaHeavyWhen I run './configure ; make ; make install'23:28
DeltaHeavyCentOS is MUCH closer to that than Ubuntu23:28
ikoniaDeltaHeavy: none of them use that23:28
alcaprawnany mpd experts here?23:28
alcaprawnits driving me insane >.>#23:28
IdleOnealcaprawn: try #mpd23:29
alcaprawngood idea pal, :P23:29
DeltaHeavyikonia: None of them change it to something rediculous like Ubuntu. Most of them stay generally similar.23:30
IdleOneDeltaHeavy: did you get the answer to your question?23:30
ikoniautter nonsense23:30
IdleOneThis discussion is now off topic. Please stop.23:30
ikoniagood luck in your dream land of "./configure && make"23:30
belgianguyIn Eclipse I see something reference ${ANDROID_NDK}, where should this variable be defined?23:31
belgianguyas it can't find it23:31
DeltaHeavyIdleOne: I did, was just confused why Ubuntu would stray so insanely far from the defaults.23:31
ikoniabecause it doesn't23:32
IdleOneDeltaHeavy: because they can so they did. continue in #ubuntu-offtopic. I'm sure ikonia would be glad to explain it to you if he has the time.23:32
DeltaHeavyI guess you're not very familiar with Apache's defaults23:32
IdleOneor didn't*. whatever.23:33
ikoniapretty sure I am23:33
lurk_anyone have experience using unetbootin to locally mount an ISO to do a distro install? can you msg me, I have a couple questions23:34
yeatsDeltaHeavy: see here for the diffs that Ubuntu applies (most of which are actually inherited from Debian as I understand it) - there are also suggested links for feedback on the right of the page23:34
ActionParsniplurk_: grub2 can boot ISOs on its own. Unetbootin is used to make bootable USB sticks and similar23:35
lurk_so I can just throw the iso on a partition, boot from that and install?23:35
lurk_after editing grub that is23:35
dr_willisyou can setup grub2 to boot an ISO file.. if you can figure out the right options23:37
dr_willisno unetbootin needed. ;)23:37
dr_willisgot some bookmarks on it at delicious.com/dr_willis but they may be outdated23:38
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d4rkh4ndSo i made a kdialog app (i guess you can call it) and now i would like to intergrade xdialog into it is there a easy way to do this ?23:39
fearphage12.10 is showing only one cpu while 12.04 showed 8. here's the cpuinfo from 12.04 https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f3 vs 12.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1470631/ ; dmesg = https://gist.github.com/9942d27ccba5ec6bbfe6 ; `uname -r` = 3.5.0-21-generic23:39
icerootfearphage: what is "lscpu" showing?23:43
lucienwelp 4.1gb vfat volume, I try to copy 3*1.1gb files to it, no space left. what?23:44
lucienthe irony is that I copied those 3*1.1gb to harddisk from this 4.1gb volume23:44
icerootlucien: and deleted them after?23:44
lucieniceroot: yep...23:45
icerootlucien: what is "df" showing for that device?23:45
ActionParsniplucien: how is that ironic?23:45
icerootlucien: you deleted the files with the gui? then they are in the .trash of that device23:45
lucienuse 100%23:45
lucienavailable 023:45
icerootlucien: then check the .trash dir on that device23:46
IdleOnethe device has those 3.3GB in the .trash23:46
lucienhow do I delete them from there?23:46
lucienif i try to delete it's going through an endlessloop23:46
icerootlucien: use the filebrowser and press ctrl +h to see hidden files or use the shell to access .trash23:46
lucienwhere they still get in the .trash-100023:46
retromingentSo what is  Ubuntuplex?23:47
lucienIf I delete them their folder is just going to get renamed *.223:47
ActionParsniplucien: is the data on the device needed now?23:48
const_antineusb flashdrive with very little use is working with very slow write speed23:48
const_antinecan i diagnose the problem?23:48
lucienActionParsnip: no...23:48
retromingentI should have said, what is the "new Ubuntu production" announced at  Ubuntuplex?  A lot of buzz, I guess.23:48
ActionParsniplucien: then format it and the issue vanishes too23:48
lucienoh I moved the trash to trash and it deleted itself23:49
lucienthanks guys23:49
const_antineusb flashdrive fs is fat3223:49
const_antinesomebody on the internet said it's important23:49
ActionParsnipfat32 needs to die23:49
zenlikedr_willis:  I got my Xmonad stuff working the way I wanted.  Thanks!23:49
const_antineActionParsnip, agreed23:50
const_antinethe sentence shall be executed to-night23:50
lucienActionParsnip: yep23:50
zenlikeFor anyone curious, I ended up launching the applications from xmonad.hs.  see: spawnOn.  .xsession and .xinitrc do not work for me.23:50
lucienThe only ubuntu-related problems I ever had were actually caused by windows and its respective proprietaries.23:51
ikoniawindows has no effect on ubuntu23:51
ikoniaplease don't blame Windows for any failings in ubuntu23:52
lucienikonia: it's proprietaries have, ntfs and fat32 for example.23:52
agentIs it possible certain things are not compatiable with older versions of Ubuntu that are still being updated?23:52
ikoniadon't use them in linux then23:52
lucienikonia: most of the devices I own use fat3223:52
ikoniadon't use them in linux then23:52
faryshtaIs it possible to add a USB as a repository the same way you can add a CD-ROM?23:53
lucienikonia: (I'm getting offtopic in here) but what if I don't want to own a windows installation?23:53
ActionParsnipikonia: i've seen wifis needing to be set to not be able to wake up a system for the wifi adapter to be used in Ubuntu a few times23:53
ikonialucien: then don't have one23:53
ActionParsnipfaryshta: its no different in Linux, they are just block devices23:53
ikoniaActionParsnip: yeah, that's a bug, same with a certain sound card, but that's not "windows" fault23:54
ActionParsnipikonia: i though it held the hardware hostage with some setting.23:54
ikoniaActionParsnip: as I recall the driver updated a flag on the firmware somehow23:54
ActionParsnipikonia: i see, makes sense23:54
ikoniaActionParsnip: but again "windows" didn't write those drivers23:55
ikoniaActionParsnip: I know where you are going though23:55
faryshtaActionParsnip: how? I have the USB mounted but I can't install packages from there.23:55
ActionParsnipfaryshta: you can mark the folder as a source for packages23:55
ikoniaActionParsnip: really? does it not have to have the metadata in ?23:55
faryshtaActionParsnip: ok let me try23:56
[snake]I'm having a problem. when I move a folder of files onto my flashdrive the permissions are changed and I can no longer execute a shell script. but it needs to be done this way23:56
faryshtaActionParsnip: I am on synaptic. Where do I click?23:57
ikonia[snake]: someone else had this problem a few days ago23:57
fearphageiceroot: https://gist.github.com/c061dcaa54976825978423:57
ActionParsnipikonia: if memory serves. Let me check23:57
ikonia[snake]: it looks like ubunut is removing the execute bit as a security feature23:57
ikonia[snake]: I tried on the day to find any information about it as a feature but struggled23:58
[snake]I never wanted their security :C23:58
bkc_[snake]: I'm guessing that flashdrive is formated with fat32 right ?23:58
bkc_(or ntfs)23:58
[snake]bkc_, yes. is that the issue lol23:58
[snake]haha, I forgot23:58
[snake]it doesn't do permissions. :P23:58
faryshtaActionParsnip: I can't find the option to add folder repositories, only CD-ROM23:58
bkc_vfat doesn't store the permissions from ext(2,3,4)23:59
ikonia[snake]: the tests I did also had the same problems with ext2,3,423:59
ActionParsnipfaryshta: can't you use:    file;///media/cdrom0/whatever/folder/name23:59
bkc_neither does NTFS iirc :/23:59
[snake]ikonia, let me try it out.23:59
ikonia[snake]: so while fat doesn't store permissions, the problem doesn't actually appear to be limited to the file system23:59

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