
=== Neshemah is now known as Catbuntu
=== Catbuntu is now known as Neshemah
randomninjahey. I'm installing Xubuntu 12.10, and it's been stuck on 'Copying installation logs...' for almost an hour now. Anyone has any idea why/how to fix it?00:58
donnieI'm installing the Xubuntu-Desktop to my Ubuntu. When finished. Would it be safe to switch over to the xfce awesome of things, and remove the gnome without issue?01:19
donnieSo I can 'convert' my ubuntu install over to basically a Xubuntu? Since UNetBootin seems to be frying my flashdrives01:20
heoyeajust ude dd command if u need to make a live usb01:21
donnieNo clue how to do that01:21
donnieI love xfce and xubuntu. It's the best I've ever used. And I really wanna go back01:21
heoyeainstall xubuntu then01:22
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »01:22
donnieso this is basically a guide to 'convert'? :D01:23
heoyearemove junk basically01:24
donnieSince I'm installing xubuntu-desktop. I can edit the command and remove the apt-get install xubuntu-desktop right?01:25
donnieWait no. I remember if it's installed. It'll just say it's installed and up to date. Now.. does this damage any personal files?01:26
heoyeano ur porn files are safe01:26
donnie:D yay.... jk jk01:27
ipchainedHappy holidays all01:35
donnieWow this takes a really long time01:38
donnieNow I restart right?01:39
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
b3njhow to change brightness in xfce?03:31
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest61483
Guest61483Ok. so I tried the psychocat switch to xubuntu. And now it won't load. However I'm on a live version of xubunut. and the installer keeps crashing. From here. Can I fix the boot problem?03:48
Guest61483No one knows?03:51
well_laid_lawnwhere does it fail at?03:51
Guest61483it goes pas the xubuntu splash, then nothing comes up at all03:53
Guest61483blank screen03:53
well_laid_lawnmight have more info if you disable the splash03:54
well_laid_lawnyou didn't remove the graphics driver?03:54
Guest61483Nope. I followed the psychocat site about removing ubuntu and installing xubuntu clean03:55
Guest61483copied and pasted his provided command03:55
well_laid_lawnat the grub menu edit the kernel to remove splash03:55
Guest61483Or press esc and get info?03:56
well_laid_lawns/kernel/kernel line/03:56
well_laid_lawnyou need to find where it fails at so do whatever you need to to get that info03:57
well_laid_lawnreading the boot text is easiest afaik03:57
Guest61483Then I shall come back... Cause i'm trying install a fresh from disk xubuntu 12.04 and the installer fails everytime03:58
well_laid_lawnchecked the disk?!md503:58
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:58
Guest61483Have not03:59
Guest61483So on live can I do that md5 command thing through terminal and see what shows on the hd?04:00
well_laid_lawnshould be a menu entry for checking it04:02
Guest61483Im really not this advanced04:03
well_laid_lawnwhen you boot the live cd there should be a menu entry for checking/verifying it04:07
well_laid_lawnbeen ages since I've seen a live cd04:07
Guest61483On this version it's only try it, or install it04:08
Guest61483I have all my docs backed up. I'm perfectly fine if I have to just wipe/format this drive and install fresh.. that's not an issue. but if the installer fails copying. I don't know what to do04:09
well_laid_lawnwhy not just fix the installed xubuntu's boot problem ?04:10
Guest61483I could. How do I do that and from where?04:11
well_laid_lawnfirst we have to find out why it doesn't boot04:13
Guest61483Ok. and I can find that out by esc at splash. and seeing where it stalls? Sorry for asking. I've never been faced with this issue04:14
well_laid_lawnyep try that04:14
Guest61483Will do. I will remove said disk. find out. And be back04:14
well_laid_lawnif it goes to a blank screen you'll have to be quick to see the last bit of text04:15
shmooveHow can I add things to my system tray?04:28
well_laid_lawnlike what kind of things?04:29
well_laid_lawnapps should have an option for that04:29
well_laid_lawnif they can be added there04:30
shmoovewell_laid_lawn: right now I'm trying to switch from xfce4 panel to tint2. The systray is showing in tint2, but only the power manager icon is showing. I want to add JUPITER into that tray so it's icon shows as well.04:30
well_laid_lawnI don't know what jupiter is - does it have an option to show in the system tray?04:32
shmooveIt shows up in the indicator plugin part of the xfce4 panel but upon clicking it's icon, there's no preferences/options button04:33
shmooveIt's similar to power manager04:33
well_laid_lawnfound the sourceforge page for it - says it should automatically end up n the tray04:38
well_laid_lawnmight have to check your tint config04:38
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest84038
Guest84038It tells me to run fsck. But then when I try and let it load /log in. It tells me to log in. I type my user name and password. It comes back saying it's wrong04:39
shmoovewell_laid_lawn: I have :S04:39
well_laid_lawnGuest84038: you should run fsck when the partitions aren't mounted e.g. from a live cd04:40
Guest84038Ok. I'm on live. How do I do that04:41
well_laid_lawne2fsck /dev/sda#    replace sda# with the root partition dev04:42
Guest84038And how do I find that exact number?04:42
well_laid_lawnit should have said the command to run when it said you needed to run fsck04:42
Guest84038so probably sda104:43
well_laid_lawniirc it always mentions   e2fsck -a /dev/sda#04:43
well_laid_lawnmake sure it isn't mounted by running   mount   and checking the output04:43
Guest84038Actually I could look on gparted and see what it's labeled as04:43
Guest84038Yes sda104:44
Guest84038I must have r/w access04:45
well_laid_lawntried sudo ?04:45
Guest84038yeah just now and it says it's clean04:45
Guest84038but yet won't let me in04:45
well_laid_lawndo you have a seperate /home partition?04:46
Guest84038I have 2. the normal and the swap04:46
Guest84038ext4, extended, and swap04:47
Guest84038so 304:47
well_laid_lawnsince the fsck passed ok try booting in, check for errors  and type the password carefully04:48
Guest84038well it tells me my user name is wrong04:48
Guest84038And I know my user name. I use the same one for everything04:49
Guest84038localhost log in is what it said exactly04:50
well_laid_lawnshouldn't say that - should be mentioning the computer's hostname04:50
Guest84038Ok. It does say localhost@ something local04:51
well_laid_lawncan you mount the partition and check in /home for your folder04:51
Guest84038From live?04:52
well_laid_lawnyep do you have an icon for the partition on the desktop?04:52
Guest84038yes and the righ click option to moutn04:53
well_laid_lawnmount and browse to it in the file manager04:53
Guest84038Mounted, opened, looking at my home folder04:53
well_laid_lawnit might be failing because gdm was removed and not replaced with lightdm <- guess04:54
Guest84038So is there a fix while 'live'04:55
shmooveif I were to download and install something, say tint2, would I be alerted by the update manager if it wasn't the most recent version?05:02
Unit193Well, you should pull it from the repo, that way it'll get updates and all.05:04
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents05:04
Guest84038So I take it no one knows how to get this fixed? Live kind of sucks and I really don't wanna get on windows again05:04
shmooveUnit193: I just did sudo apt-get install tint2 in terminal and it installed...is it possible that it isn't the most recent version...?05:06
Unit193Guest84038: I haven't read most of what you tried, so sorry.  Have you tried  `touch /forcefsck`  on the root partition?05:07
Unit193shmoove: Yes, what is in the repos isn't always up to date.05:07
shmooveUnit193: now that i've installed it, is it possible to update it?05:08
shmooveOr to try to update it, maybe to see if it's even necessary?05:08
Unit193As long as your sources are up to date, you don't need to update it right after installing. :)05:09
Unit193sudo apt-get update will update   your sources.05:09
Guest84038Unit193 should I do that while mounted on live or unmount and do it.. I don't know what that tech stuff is. I've never had this happen05:09
Unit193Guest84038: You have to do that to the root of your harddrive (So /) but you can change the command so you don't have to be in the system or chroot in.05:10
Guest84038Unit193 so would you mind walking me through it while I'm on a live disk?05:11
Unit193Guest84038: I can try.  Open thunar, see the disk name on the side?  Click that.  After you see the files, right click and hit new file, name that file forcefsck05:13
Guest84038I am on a live cd of xubuntu 12.04 and I don't see thunar05:14
Unit193Thunar is the file manager, so you can click on any folder to open it.05:15
Guest84038Any folder I'm browsed to my filesystem, looking at my home folder05:17
Unit193Guest84038: Needs to be the root folder, so if your home is /home/user2, you need to be in /05:22
Guest84038My Root folder has an X on it05:23
heoyeadeath then05:26
Guest84038When I righ click anywhere I don't get a new file option05:33
heoyeakillall thunar05:36
Guest84038So what do I do :d05:39
Guest84038I just want my linux drive back05:39
Unit193Guest84038: You need to open it as root, or right click > open terminal here and paste that command: sudo touch /forcefsck05:43
Guest84038So anywhere in the drive file manager, select open terminal and pase that?05:43
Guest84038And here's my folders. I have root with an X over it. and I have a usr05:44
Guest84038I'm gonna swich to windows for a bit. I'll bbl.. I need to rest my head05:47
SS_hazehappy season holidays, and double click on title bar is not working09:38
SS_hazeplease help me :D09:38
SS_hazewith double click, in unity it usually maximise or minimise apps09:38
SS_hazein xfce it doesn't do anything09:39
Yotsontry a single click? seems to work here or i don't understand your question. :)09:39
Yotsonah, you said titlebar, not the taskbar.09:40
SS_hazeyes yes09:42
SS_hazeI really need this feature09:42
SS_hazeor maybe it is compiz feature09:42
SS_hazeand xfce is in dark ages09:43
well_laid_lawntried dragging the window to the top of the screen09:43
well_laid_lawnor a side09:43
SS_hazeI know09:44
SS_hazebut I like double click09:44
well_laid_lawnedit the keyboard shortcuts then09:44
SS_hazeseriously how to add mouse double click09:45
SS_hazeI just crashed this window in unexpected way lol09:46
SS_hazehow to add double click on title to maximise/minimise09:54
ss_hazeanybody knows some awesome widget that shows all kind of information on desktop12:03
haze_ssbest alternative dock for xfce?12:38
anhhi. i am looking for xubuntu 11.04 for my old computer, but cannot find it13:40
anhthe link to cdimage.ubuntu.com is dead13:41
peyamIm trying to make a usb creator13:47
peyamIt doesn't work13:47
peyamno application works properly13:48
peyamplease anybody help me make a usb stick13:49
peyamno program works properly13:49
GridCubepeyam, what is an usb creator?13:49
peyamGridCube: Trying to make abootable usb13:50
peyamlive usb13:50
GridCubejust use unetbootin13:50
peyamdoesn't work13:50
GridCubeformat the usb using gparted13:51
peyamhow should I do that?13:51
GridCubego to the mouselogo > system > Gparted13:52
GridCubeif you dont have gparted on the system menuy13:53
peyamwhat should I format it do?13:53
GridCubeyou have to install it13:53
GridCubeformat it to fat3213:53
peyamhave installed it13:53
peyamand then?13:53
GridCubethen try unetbootin again13:53
GridCubeformating will delete it completely and fix some errors13:54
peyamGridCube: I installed xubuntu on my computer13:54
peyamand it says " /boot/.../normal.mod couldnt be find13:55
GridCubethat sounds like a grub error13:55
GridCubeget a live session running and run boot-repair13:56
peyamon the grub?13:56
GridCubeno on the live session13:56
GridCubeit will fix grub13:56
GridCubefrom the live session13:56
peyamon live usb?13:56
GridCubefrom the liveusb yes13:57
GridCubefrom any live session13:57
peyamGridCube: should I open the terminal of the live usb live and type !bootrepair?13:57
GridCubepeyam, see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:57
GridCubepeyam, that link will explain lengthly13:58
peyamso I open the terminal in the live usb13:58
peyamand follow the link?13:58
GridCuberead the link now13:59
peyamI cant go in to xubuntu13:59
peyambecouse of the grub error13:59
GridCubeyou will be using a live session when using boot-repair13:59
GridCubeplease read the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:59
GridCubeit explains13:59
peyamI will do that14:00
peyambeing strugelling with this in two days14:02
peyamGridCube: still problem :(14:13
GridCubepeyam, the problem is with the liveusb or with boot-repair?14:14
baizonhi, i have a question. I've changed my default file browser from thunar to nautilus. Now when i try to open for example a text file the file browser opens instead of the file. When i set thunar as default the file opens directly. Any idea how to fix it?14:33
hero616maybe you can try to set the default program to open it.14:35
GridCubei would bet that thunar calls exo-open and nautilus doesnt14:35
GridCubei dont know whats the replacement for exo-open on gnome tho14:36
baizonGridCube: yes i think thats it14:36
baizonhmm ok14:36
GridCubeor gnome-open14:36
baizonwhere do i have to set it?14:36
GridCubebeats me, you might have to ask on a gnome channel14:37
GridCubeno problem. sorry for not being of better help14:38
baizonGridCube: http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.com/2012/04/fix-gnome-opengvfs-open-open-nautilus.html14:42
PeyamI can get usb bootable to work14:43
GridCube:D great14:44
PeyamIt doe'nt boot the usb14:44
PeyamGridCube: it doesnt boot it14:44
Peyamshows nothing14:44
GridCube:| are you sure unetbootin its working properly?14:44
GridCubeor that your pendrive its fine?14:44
Peyamgrid I tried usb-creator-gtk and it works fine14:45
Peyamyes it works good14:45
PeyamI did change someting in the bios last time I wanted to install it14:45
Peyamand it worked14:45
GridCubePeyam, does your machine use uefi or bios?14:45
PeyamNow I don't remember what that was14:45
GridCube!uefi | Peyam14:45
ubottuPeyam: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:45
GridCubewe should have started there XD14:46
PeyamI have both windows an xubuntu and I have very important stuff in windows14:46
PeyamI should have them14:46
GridCubePeyam, yeah, uefi can be a real real real pain14:46
GridCubeplease read the article i just passed you, it should guide you, i havent ever installed on uefi yet14:47
PeyamGridCube: Should I now download ubuntu secure?14:47
GridCubenot really Peyam14:47
GridCuberead the uefi manual from ubuntu/community Peyam https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:47
GridCubebaizon, that sounds like a nice hack :)14:48
PeyamI dont have any secure boot14:48
PeyamIve chaecked that14:48
PeyamIm 100% sure14:49
PeyamGridCube: I use AsrockH67M and it doesn have any option for secure boot14:55
GridCubePeyam, not all uefi have secure boot, but then again i dont understand uefi14:56
GridCubei just dont understand how it works14:56
GridCubeyou might have to wait for someone smarter14:56
PeyamI will try this time again14:56
Peyamif it didnt work I will change back to Fedora14:56
GridCubesorry about that15:00
nyRednekhow would one install gpa on precise?15:32
holsteinnyRednek: gnu privacy assistant?15:34
holsteinnyRednek: assuming that is what you are asking about.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto "GPA is available in the "Universe" repository"15:38
PeyamGridCube: I guess I know15:38
nyRednekholstein, it isn't in the universe repo for precise15:39
PeyamI should change the partition name to sdb an not sbd115:39
PeyamHow do I change the name of the partition?15:39
GridCubePeyam, ahm... you have to give it to the program you are using to install15:39
GridCubebut Peyam what do youmean?15:40
PeyamGrid I saw somewhere that the parttion label should e Live15:40
nyRednekif you'll notice, it's available for 11.10, 12.10, but not 12.0415:40
Peyamand the name of partition should be sdb15:40
GridCubealso, for what i understand uefi boots need to have a small partition at the first part of the disk to store the partitions tables and whatnots15:40
Peyamand nothing else15:40
GridCubePeyam, again, sorry but i dont understand your needs :( boot-repair should fix those issues though15:41
GridCubethats about the only thing i know about uefi15:41
holsteinnyRednek: is that what you are looking for?15:42
PeyamGridCube: I want to know how to chnage the partition name to sbd15:42
Peyamthe current name is sdb115:42
Peyamand it should be sdb without anynumber15:42
jiwanhey is there any way to access irc channel when my os crash?15:43
GridCubePeyam, sdb1 its the partition name, sdb its the whole disk name15:43
nyRednekholstein, it's the program, but it isn't in the 12.04 repo15:43
GridCube!irssi | jiwan15:43
ubottujiwan: irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen15:43
jiwanbut does i open irssi without opening os15:43
holsteinnyRednek: it being "gnu privacy assistant" ? correct? that is what you are trying to install? in 12.04? 23bit or 64?15:43
nyRednek32 bit15:44
GridCubejiwan, if you can get to a tty yes15:44
GridCubeyou dont need a graphical enviroment for irssi15:45
GridCubebut if you cant get that either, you can log in using the webchat or another irc program from other machine15:45
jiwantty means terminal15:45
jiwani am using mobile broadband, how to enable it using terminal?15:46
nyRednekjiwan, usb dongle or mifi?15:47
jiwanit is mobile15:49
jiwanand it is nokia 523315:49
jiwanplease help me sir?15:49
holsteinjiwan: you might not be able to15:50
GridCubejiwan, there are irc programs for symbian, well, for java15:54
GridCubejiwan, this just works; http://jedirc.wen9.net/15:57
GridCubeand this is paid, so i never tried it http://store.ovi.com/content/27000015:58
fornaxI need serious help. I think the latest update broke something really bad. My windows are really messy, without the titlebar. IT is just gone and I can't open the Window Settings.16:26
fornaxDoes anyone have any idea or something what could have happened? The desktop folder placement also changed and instead of 2 workplaces, only 1 shows in the taskbar.16:27
fornaxI am really worried about my data as I was doing a backup of things.16:27
fornaxThunar broke I think.16:29
fornaxDoes anyone know how to troubleshoot or something?16:29
fornaxNo one?16:32
fornaxAnyone here? I really need serious help.16:47
fornaxI am running into some very weird errors.16:47
holsteinfornax: just ask16:58
RonaldsIf I installed XFCE on Ubuntu 12.1017:02
Ronaldsis it safe to remove unity17:02
Ronaldswith synaptic?17:03
Ronaldsanyone done this?17:03
holsteinRonalds: i would look and see what else is wanting to be removed.. i would notice the size on disk and see if it really matters.. i have done both17:03
holsteinthere is a great tech tip "if it ain't broke"17:04
Ronaldsfor example unity webaps service was running17:04
holsteinRonalds: then remove it... just notice what else is getting removed17:05
Ronaldsit's for file searching?17:05
TheSheepno, for logging17:06
TheSheepI think17:06
Ronaldsso I wanted to remove that17:07
Ronaldswebapps thing, and it came with unity17:07
holsteinRonalds: check out my links i found for you above17:07
Ronaldszeitgeist-daemon --quit sudo apt-get --purge autoremove activity-log-manager-common activity-log-manager-control-center zeitgeist zeitgeist-core zeitgeist-datahub sudo rm -fr {/root,/home/*}/.local/share/zeitgeist17:07
Ronaldsthis works?17:07
holsteinRonalds: just read what else is getting effected by that command17:08
RonaldsI once got from KDE removing to plain unity, to not even starting anything17:09
Ronaldswasn't good feeling17:09
Ronaldsok lets try this one17:10
holsteinRonalds: thats why i suggest noticing what else is on the list for removal.. i have done that as well.. i have also carefully successfully removed what i wanted. i usually just leave working systems alone thought these days17:10
Ronaldsthat is one of the linux problems basicly17:11
holsteinRonalds: not getting a working system?.. seems like you have it working fine "out of the box"17:12
Ronaldsyeah, I'm having problems with tweaking mania17:12
holsteini usually tweak a VM... virtualbox with saved snapped shots names "before i broke anything"17:13
Ronaldsso zeitgeist went down normally17:13
RonaldsAInt nobody got time for dat :D17:14
Ronaldswhat is ubuntu geoip provider17:14
Ronalds? :D17:14
holsteinRonalds: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142581/is-ubuntu-geoip-geoclue-used-for-tracking17:15
Ronaldsyeah I googled17:15
Ronaldslooks like ubuntu really is spyware17:15
RonaldsStallman was right17:16
holsteinyeah?.. thats for geospatial awareness... more for mobile space17:16
Ronaldsjust joking17:16
holsteinRonalds: cool.. carry on with jokes in the OT channel.. #xubuntu-offtopic17:18
holsteinRonalds: no worries.. thats what the OT channel is for :)17:19
Ronaldsstill looks like removing unity is unsafe17:19
Ronaldscause, it carries lightdm thingy17:19
Ronaldsand I wouldn't wan't to wake up without entrance..17:20
link0rhi guys, i have xubuntu 12.04? or 11.10? with 4 desktops, i was wondering how do you change the wallpaper on each desktop?17:28
link0r4 workspaces* i mean17:29
GridCubei dont think you can do that17:31
kgblink0r: lsb_release -a17:32
link0rall workspaces share one wallpaper?17:32
kgband yea, probably17:33
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/75998/is-it-possible-to-have-a-different-background-for-each-workspace  link0r it's possible with Ubuntu, nothing found so far for xubuntu though17:40
link0r:( thansk bazhang17:41
bazhangwallpapoz supposedly provides that function, but I dont see that in the repos17:41
Zelouillelink0r: I've missed the conversation. Do you want one wallpaper different for each workspace ? I've seen that on Xubuntu Voyager... (but only by switching workspace via a widget on the desktop, i think)17:42
link0rZelouille: yeah, one wallpaper on 4 different workspaces17:43
link0rit makes me sad that they have the ability to ALLOW 4 workspaces but cant change wallpapers on each? it seems so basic in nature17:43
ironhoofOk after trying myself about a dozen times reading several forums, I still cannot install Xubuntu on my 500GB HDD, somehow the EFI system changes the drive format back to how it was previously.17:47
ironhoofThe system doesn't have an option to turn EFI off. Does anyone know how to get it to install. The entire Linux system install, but grub appears to be non existant.17:50
GridCubeironhoof, you need to make a small partition at the begining of the disk for the uefi's mbr equivalent17:51
GridCube!uefi | ironhoof17:51
ubottuironhoof: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:51
ironhoofYea I have read all about the GUUID, and all that, but I will give this a read too, and see.17:52
holsteinRonalds: you might prefer installing the xubuntu-desktop metapackage17:58
jesuei need to format my sda4 drive, but how i don't know?18:07
holsteinjesue: i use gparted18:07
jesuebut i wanna use terminal?18:07
jesuebcs i love it18:07
holsteinjesue: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17001/how-to-format-a-usb-drive-in-ubuntu-using-gparted/18:08
jesuehey frn , i do not wanna gui mode18:08
jesueany way in cui mode18:09
holsteinjesue: plenty of ways18:10
holsteinjesue: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive#Command_Line_Partitioning for example18:10
holsteinjesue: http://ylimz.blogspot.com/2011/10/format-drive-ubuntu-command-line.html18:11
holsteinjesue: i suggest gparted..18:11
jesuethank u holstein18:14
jesueyou provide me a very usefull information18:14
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shmooveIs it possible to have the middle mouse button "scroll" like in windows?19:18
shmoovein xubuntu19:18
shmooveWhen you click with the middle mouse button and it brings up something that allows you to scroll with the mouse in all directions19:19
shmoove$ Xephyr :1 -ac -br -noreset -screen 1152x720 &19:26
shmoove$ DISPLAY=:1.0 awesome -c ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua.new19:26
shmoove$ Xephyr :1 -ac -br -noreset -screen 1152x720 &19:26
shmoove$ DISPLAY=:1.0 awesome -c ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua.new19:26
shmooveoops, sorry that was a mistake19:26
Zelouilleshmoove: There's an option for that in Firefox. But i don't know something like this for the whole desktop.19:46
kgb.. formatting needs a dialog with all of the options for a drive, it's like basic stuff for the 21st century20:15
mchammerhi and question: has anybody an idea how i could pin a window (for example vlc) to all workspaces and so that it always has the highest z-index?20:21
mchammeri wanna watch some video while working20:21
mchammerand only have one monitor :F20:22
toraxmchammer: im not sure what you mean but you can "show on every desktop"20:31
mchammeri got 4 workspaces (on with my IDE, on with my browser, one for chatting...) and i do switch a lot between them. but i want to have a programm or window to be pinned to all that workspaces, so that it is always visible and always on top of all other windows and also always at the same location.20:33
mchammerso that for example i can pin vlc to the top right corner.. some small window and it doesn't matter on which workspace i am, it is on all of them20:35
mchammeror it does move when switching to another workspace20:35
mchammerwould be okay too20:35
shmooveZelouille: would it be in about:config?20:39
Zelouillemchammer: right click on the window-border/titlebar and check something like "Always on top" and "Always on the visible workspace"20:40
mchammerwhoa, that's easy :D works fine. thx!20:41
Zelouilleshmoove: probably, but that's in the preferences too. Preferences > Advanced > General tab > Browsing > use auto-scrolling20:42
Zelouillemchammer: you're welcome.20:46
shmooveZelouille: thank you20:48
Zelouilleshmoove: enjoy! That's a usefull setting with pen tablet.20:54
kyuubiPen tablets are cool.20:56
haze__anybody know how to fix vlc screensaver bug?21:57
haze__my matrix uber haxor wallpaper, seems to come up, even thought vlc should disable it21:59
lop-plop"There is not enough room on the disk to save /tmp/WIM2NpTe.part." when saving a file with Firefox. i have 2GB available (2.7 free) on "/" and 3 GB free RAM. i have already emptied out the trash and "/tmp" ("/tmp" exists in ramfs)23:04
CatbuntuAnd how big is the file?23:05
link0ri cant seem to get compiz to work with xubuntu so i can change my desktop wallpapers, anyone know of any solutions?23:08
lop-plopthe file is 49 MB sorry23:10
lop-plopcompiz doesnt work well on xfce.23:11
link0rany solution to trying to get different wallpapers on different workspaces?23:11
well_laid_lawn!compiz | link0r23:16
ubottulink0r: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:16
link0ri was told compiz doesnt work well with XFCE is there something else i can use that isnt compiz that could fix it?23:17
lop-plopcompiz works23:17
lop-plopjust not as great as it does on other window managers23:18
well_laid_lawncompiz is a window manager quit making things up23:18
well_laid_lawnit works fine in xfce23:18
lop-plopim making things up? thats something that gets passed around in here on a daily basis and i've seen problems with it myself. sorry for passing along the info23:19
well_laid_lawnthat's not right23:19
lop-plop^^ what he said23:19
well_laid_lawnpeople with compiz issues get directed to #compiz23:19
well_laid_lawnit works fine with xfce23:20
lop-plopany ideas for this one?  "There is not enough room on the disk to save /tmp/WIM2NpTe.part." when saving a 49MB file with Firefox. i have 2GB available (2.7 free) on "/" and 3 GB free RAM. i have already emptied out the trash and "/tmp" ("/tmp" exists in ramfs)23:22
link0rim still here ill have to check out the other channel later im reading that website ubottu sent me23:28
xubuntu095i have a problem whit the internet plugin in the 12.1023:33
xubuntu095i can not see the pigme plugin23:33
xubuntu095i seach in internet but i cant found anythink23:34
xubuntu095sorry to my bad english im from Argentina23:34
lop-plopand are you on the device you are having trouble with?23:36
xubuntu095i have the same problem in my 2 computers23:37
xubuntu095i didnt have the problem in xubuntu 12.0423:38
lop-plopdo you connect with a wire or through the air?23:38
xubuntu095now with wifi23:39
lop-plopokay so let me see if i understand. you are typing to me on the problem computer right now which is getting online through the air. you are able to talk to me but when you open a web browser like firefox or chrome it says it cant find anything. have you always connected with wifi?23:41
xubuntu095mi problem is23:41
xubuntu095that in xubuntu 10.04 i have the plugin of pigin but now i dont have this23:42
lop-plopah ha23:42
xubuntu095the plugin indicaqtor did show this23:43
lop-ploptry pasteing this into the command console: sudo apt-get install pidgin && sudo apt-get install pidgin-plugin-pack23:44
xubuntu095not apear23:47
xubuntu095don't show23:47
lop-ploperror saying can not find?23:48
xubuntu095i restart the computer and nothing23:48
xubuntu095install all ok23:48
xubuntu095but did't show the on the top23:48
xubuntu095in the plugin indicator23:49
lop-plopfirefox top bar poped down saying a plugin is required?23:49
xubuntu095the top menu of the panel23:49
xubuntu095near the time23:50
lop-plopis there and icon for it in the app menu in internet?23:50
lop-plopyou clicked on that and it did not open?23:50
lop-plopnothing happened?23:50
xubuntu095the program open23:51
xubuntu095i will show you a pcture23:51
Zelouillexubuntu095: http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1210-quantal-quetzal/ #223:52
lop-plopyou on 12.04? was this an upgrade from 10.04?23:52
lop-plophave you already run updates? because that thing you linked is broken in 12.1023:52
xubuntu095i format and install the 12.1023:53
lop-plopyeah that thing does not work in 12.10.  i run pidgin now and that envelope is not there as it does not work (unless it has been fixed and i have not heard)23:54
lop-ploppidgin should be working though23:54
lop-plopi have pidgin open right now23:54
xubuntu095me too23:54
faryshtaI accidentlally deleted gnome-network-manager. How can I connect to ethernet using terminal?23:54
xubuntu095but not the plugin23:54
xubuntu095thenk for the help23:55
xubuntu095thank sorry23:55

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