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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1093149] [kubuntu] default background not showed @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1093149 (by Fabio Marconi)01:49
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alleeanyone working on (lib)kscvreen already?  Searching irc history indicates nobody does10:32
shadeslayerallee: probably everyone is vacationing10:32
shadeslayerand I'm taking a bit of break from packaging and working on nepomuk ;)10:33
alleeHow does one create a 'dummy'  debian directory  for new pkgs like (lib)kscreen.10:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dh_make10:33
shadeslayerallee: read the dh_make man page :)10:33
alleeshadeslayer: thx. Still dh_make, good ;-)10:34
alleeshadeslayer: and thx for working on nepomuk too !!10:34
alleeafiestas: hmm, no 'official' tar balls of (lib)kscreen yet?   10:46
afiestasallee: nope10:55
alleeafiestas: thx.10:55
alleeshadeslayer: is there already helper tool to create a  ~git<date>.orig.tar.bz  from a git repository clone?11:21
shadeslayeryou can write a target for that in debian/rules11:23
shadeslayerallee: http://paste.kde.org/632624/11:25
alleeshadeslayer: oh, git archive ... cool! Thx11:27
shadeslayerkubotu: newpackage libkgapi 0.4.412:13
shadeslayerI guess the bot be broken12:14
shadeslayerlooks like someone triggered a archive rebuild12:21
shadeslayerguess the holidays are the best time to do that ;)12:21
alleeafiestas: can you 'fix' the license of libkscreen: http://paste.kde.org/63267212:38
alleeafiestas: and please run same command in kscreen source.  Saves me some cut&paste later ;-)12:39
freinhardallee: do you put the kscreen package on a ppa?12:49
alleefreinhard: when I've enought time to finish it,  yes.  Either mine for testing but later  one of the kubuntu-ppa  ppas is the goal IMHO12:50
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alleeafiestas: pondering:  libkscreens  *.cmake are installed in /usr/lib/cmake  but all other kde related cmake files seem to be installed in /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules    Is /usr/lib/cmake/ a mistake?14:02
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alleeafiestas: executing 2 x in a row: qdbus org.kde.kded /kded org.kde.kded.loadModule kscreen15:30
alleemakes kded4 crash and starting kded4 from command line crashes almost immediately again.  I've to uninstall kscreen , then kded4 can bestarted again.15:30
alleeafiestas: I have to build dbg pkgs to get a useful crash dumps.   Trying ...15:31
ScottKallee: Is this on quantal?17:09
ScottKIf so, we have a pending update that is waiting for a proper test case to be accepted.17:09
Riddell4.9.5 is up!18:00
Riddellneeding a packager18:00
shadeslayerI'm way too sleepy to do it ...18:04
* yofel remembers that we still need to put 4.9.4 into -proposed...18:10
ScottKyofel: If you can do that (4.9.4) I can review/accept.18:22
yofelok, I'll try to do it later. I think we patched the worst regressions away18:23
ScottKIf there are still regressions, we should just wait for
shadeslayerbtw someone with an exopc should test https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-active/+archive/ppa18:27
shadeslayerI probably won't be able to do it before next year18:27
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freinhardis there something like org.kubuntu.restrictedInstall for non-restricted packages?20:05
freinhardor is the purpose to install any additional shiny feature?20:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^20:11
JontheEchidnaorg.kubuntu.restrictedInstall will install packages that are listed in src/daemon/installevent/installevent.cpp of kubuntu-notification-helper20:14
freinhardJontheEchidna: ok. i had a look at the rekonq patch for this and from the arguments that got passed it looked like it would accept any package name20:15
freinhardso i'll stay with qapt-batch20:16
JontheEchidnathe single package name it accepts is used to identify which list of pre-defined packags in installevent.cpp is presented to the user for installation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473919/20:18
JontheEchidnait wasn't really meant to be a public-facing general-installation API, just something we could use when we needed to patch an application to offer to install things when we couldn't include them by default due to patent restrictions/ISO space20:19
JontheEchidnaIf you're looking for a DBus api, QApt2 in 13.04+ has a better API similar to packagekit and aptdaemon's20:21
JontheEchidnae.g. calls to the service return a Transaction DBus object that can be used to track the progress of the transaction20:21
JontheEchidnaand there's a C++ Transaction class within libqapt that can be used to get a QObject-with-signals-and-slots interface to the Transaction object on DBus20:22
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freinhardJontheEchidna: ok, so for the moment i'll have to use qapt because that's gonna work on 12.04 and 12.10 as well?20:26
kubotufreinhard meant: "JontheEchidna: ok, so for the moment i'll have to use qapt-batch because that's gonna work on 12.04 and 12.10 as well?"20:26
JontheEchidnathe command line API of qapt-batch didn't change between QApt1 -> QApt2, so that actually works out quite nicely for supporting both versions20:28
JontheEchidnawhereas the DBus API for the worker changed, so even if you used the inferior QApt1 DBus api, you'd also have to support the QApt2 DBus api for things to work everywhere20:28
freinhardwell since distribution packagers would kill me for providing software that offers to install packages, the feature won't be enabled anyways. so qapt-batch is probably good enough.20:33
xnoxInstalling libiodbc2 removes a few of k* packages me is not sure if it's expected or transient in raring.22:22
alleeScottK: sorry.  bad DSL for 6 hours :-(   Yes, this was in quantal.   22:43
ScottKallee: There's a known issue with qdbus in quantal.  Let's see if it's the same issue.  Give me a minute to find the bug.22:44
alleeSo no time yet to figure out how libkscreen-dbg is (auto)creted and list-missing  does not love me (can't get it to work)22:44
ScottKxnox: Looks like probably transition not done right.  soprano should depend on it, I think.22:46
ScottKallee: Sorry.  I was mistaken, I was thinking of qjson.22:48
alleeScottK: fwiw I had to rebuild qjson from r on q due to >= 0.8 requirement22:49
* allee curses: since 4.10 background dim is jumping like crazy on connect to power22:50
alleebacklight dimming that is22:51
ScottKRiddell: It seems libkdegames never go uploaded for 4.9.95 ...22:51
* ScottK fixes22:53

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