
=== Alien is now known as alien
eshackok, anyone around with some bash skill?  I have a dmg (mac file) that I created, and encrypted, and now need to open.  It was just a folder encrypted for security00:40
eshackI also converted it on the mac to an IMG, but cannot seem to open that either.00:40
eshackany ideas?00:40
eshackdmg2img gives me  'dmg image is corrupted'  which i doubt it is.00:41
eshackI think it can't handle it because it is encrypted.00:41
zacariasHi. Is there a way of choosing a different startup disk from within Kubuntu, i.e., if I want to boot from a live cd or from another partition or hard disk, can I choose it from within Kubuntu, without having to choose it from a boot manageror similar? Like a start up disk option in the system settings?01:04
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zacariasHi. Is there a way of choosing a different startup disk from within Kubuntu, i.e., if I want to boot from a live cd or from another partition or hard disk, can I choose it from within Kubuntu, without having to choose it from a boot manageror similar? Like a start up disk option in the system settings?01:09
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:45
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:56
zacariasSorry to insist...Is there a way of choosing a different startup disk from within Kubuntu, i.e., if I want to boot from a live cd or from another partition or hard disk, can I choose it from within Kubuntu, without having to choose it from a boot manageror similar? Like a start up disk option in the system settings?02:00
=== fran is now known as Guest98730
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:44
cjaeHow do I get my screen to hold settings? everytime I logout or even with inactivity although I am not sure about timeout. randr keeps disabling the tv05:43
shadeslayercjae: there's an option in Display06:23
shadeslayerSystem Settings > Display and Monitor06:24
shadeslayerset the config as you want06:24
shadeslayerand then click save as default at the bottom06:24
cjaedoesnt hold06:42
jiwanhey, why my ubuntu too slow after entering password?07:23
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shadeslayercjae: odd, please report a bug on bugs.kde.org then08:48
shadeslayeryou could try the new kscreen stuff08:48
shadeslayerthough I don't think we have packages for it yet08:48
cjaegoing to replace randr?08:49
shadeslayerheh no08:49
shadeslayerit probably uses randr as its backend08:49
cjaefront end08:49
shadeslayercjae: http://www.afiestas.org/screen-management-got-magic/08:49
shadeslayeryou'll have to compile it yourself I'm afraid08:50
cjaeshadeslayer: looks cool08:51
shadeslayeryeah, I read about this 2-3 hours ago08:52
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fanziwhat are you doing?13:32
fanzii am from China.13:32
fanziand you ?13:32
fanzinice to meet you in this chat room13:32
Tm_TI'm from the wonderland of IRC13:32
fanzihi ..13:33
Tm_Tfanzi: and welcome to our support channel, please use #kubuntu-offtopic for chatting13:33
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BluesKajHiyas all14:14
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MySystemhello I am searching for a tool to copy all files and sub folders from one place to another but i don’t want to touch the files like time stamp change and the files content must be compared after and it would be really nice if a unreadable files doesn’t stop the copy process but lists this one in a log14:46
MySystemi dont know for what to search and writting a script would be much work hope there is a programm14:46
MySystemoh and it must handle many files (a few million)14:48
LordOfTimeits command line, but...14:49
MySystemreally i know it but not much14:50
MySystemok i go reading man page14:50
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TheLordOfTimei think there's an option to keep timestamps and permissions14:54
TheLordOfTimeand i think it can compare for changes14:54
TheLordOfTimeand update.14:54
TheLordOfTimei don't remember all its commandline options though14:54
MySystemi actually see a very long options summary and also rest man page i think its possible but first have to read all14:56
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MySystemlord i have nearly all options but i dont find something like ignore read errors15:16
MySystemthe only thing i find is --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors15:16
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MySystemdas anybody know if it is possible to use the rsync --timeout=10 option to skip file which cant be read (for some filesystem error reasons)15:26
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Tenvarwenhi all15:35
TheLordOfTimeMySystem, if you're getting I/O errors its likely you've got damaged data on the drive, i think it'll skip eventually... but...15:37
Tenvarweni'm having trouble with kde and open gl i believe its a nvidia noveau problem15:37
MySystembut ....?15:39
Tenvarweni'm new to kuntu and not sure where to get the info i need to get right hareware driver15:40
Tenvarwenerrr kubuntu15:40
Tenvarwenand hardware15:41
BluesKajTenvarwen, kmenu>apps>system >additional drivers15:41
Tenvarwenhmm says no propietary drivers installed15:43
Tenvarwenerr says not ine acually15:44
BluesKajTenvarwen, does the Gui give any choices?15:44
Tenvarwenerrrrr not in use15:45
Tenvarwengnome or kde15:45
Tenvarwenthe additioal driver app has no options listed15:46
Tenvarweni can use nvidia's hardware scanner if i get jre installed but never did a manual plugin install before15:49
BluesKajTenvarwen, which nvidia driver?15:52
Tenvarwenmanual mean's using terminal to edit15:53
Tenvarwenhaven't leraned how to find that out yet15:54
BluesKajTenvarwen, the nvidia-current driver will most likely work with your card if the nouveau driver is giving you the effectsts you want etc15:54
Tenvarwenbut my system is a compaq presario r3000 amd 32bit15:55
Tenvarwenkde gl drivers crash when logging in to kde15:56
BluesKajTenvarwen, open a termninal , type or copy and pastr , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current15:56
BluesKajthen reboot15:56
Tenvarwenruning install15:58
mihuHi. I installed Kubuntu 12.10 to a new harddisk. After all was working fine, I attached my old hard disk to my system again. My old system used full encryption using LVM and dm-crypt. When I login to KDE, I am asked for the password for the old harddisk, but after a short time it complains that it cannot mount the disk. I can see that under /dev/mapper/ the correct entries are present and a simple "mount /dev/mapper/foo /mnt/" lets15:59
mihume mount the disk just fine. I have no idea where to add that kind of information, so that it's done automatically after login. Any ideas?15:59
BluesKajTenvarwen, to find you graphics card , lspci | grtep VGA , in the terminal16:00
BluesKajoops , correctio . lspci | grep VGA16:00
Tenvarwenstill running install16:01
BluesKajmihu, do you see the attached disk in dolphin "places"?16:03
mihuBluesKaj: Nope. As I said, it asks for the password and then succeeds setting up the mappings under /dev/mapper/. But it fails to do the resulting mount, perhaps because it does not know where to mount it. When I do a manual "mount /dev/mapper/foo /mnt" all is well.16:04
BluesKajmihu, you could do an fdissk -l to fine the /dev/sdX designation , the sudo blkid and add the disk to /etc/fstab16:04
BluesKajerr fdisk -l16:04
Tenvarwen01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go 32M] (rev a3)16:05
Tenvarweni like konsole better than terminal16:07
DarthFrogTenvarwen: Then you'll love yakuake.16:07
BluesKajkonsole and terminal are the same16:08
Tenvarwendoes it allow for click and paste?16:08
Tenvarwenterminal doesnt allow c/p16:09
BluesKajok when I talk about the terminal I mean the "konsole" on the desktop , not the tty16:10
DarthFrogTenvarwen:  Yakuake is a drop-down konsole (like the ~ drop down console in Quake).  Use F12.16:10
Tenvarwenwill try it later thks16:11
TenvarwenBluesKaj it installed the  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current should i relog in or do total reboot16:14
Tenvarwenk be back soon16:15
DarthFrogYou should run nvidia-xconfig first.16:15
BluesKajDarthFrog, it doesn't always help , the nvidia-xconfig file has been buggy lately , best to just reboot first16:17
BluesKajif it reboots successfully then then run nvidia-xconfig16:18
BluesKajin the tty16:18
DarthFrogOK, but he'll not be running the new nvidia drivers upon the reboot.16:18
BluesKajhe should be16:19
DarthFrog?  how?  If xorg.conf isn't properly written?16:19
BluesKajxorg-conf is no longer needed16:19
BluesKajin some cases ppl run si=uccessfully without it16:20
DarthFrogFor the proprietary nvidia driver?  Really?  That's news to me.16:20
BluesKajeer in most cases actaually16:20
BluesKajI am16:21
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:23
BluesKajit's still valid if you need it , just isn't installed by default anymore16:24
DarthFrogSo how do you get X to use nvidia instead of nouveau?16:26
DarthFrogor nv?16:26
BluesKajinstalling nvidia-current is supposed to make nouveau the 2nd choice in the modprobe.d file afaik16:27
DarthFrogI have nvidia-experimental installed. :-)  I'll have to check that out.16:27
BluesKajbut you may right about Tenvarwen , because he hasn't returned :(16:28
DarthFrogAh, it blacklists all other nv, nouveau & nvidia drivers, in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf.   It turns nouveau off there, too.16:29
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DarthFrogBluesKaj:  Thanks for that, I learned something new.  it's a good day when you learn something new.  :-)16:30
Guest5298 /msg NickServ identify mickray9716:31
BluesKajwell , the nvidia drivers are still on shaky ground in some ways , the xorg.conf file issue should be solved soon I hope16:32
yofelGuest5298: a) change your nickserv password, b) always do this in the server tab so this doesn't happen ;)16:32
BluesKajGuest5298, do that in the server textbox not here16:32
Guest5298ahh so oops16:32
yofellast time jockey still created a xorg.conf for the nvidia drivers so it's actually used16:33
yofelbut if you just apt-get install nvidia-current you should still get VESA in the worst case16:33
Guest5298ok well where is the server text box16:33
yofelGuest5298: the window where the server welcome message is in etc.16:34
BluesKajthe freenode tab16:34
DarthFrogWhere the tab says "Ubuntu IRC".  At least, it does on my client (konversation).16:34
BluesKajbrb . change drives16:36
Tenvarwen /msg NickServ identify mickray9716:36
Tenvarwenbahh did it again16:37
DarthFrogTenvarwen:  You did it again! :-)16:37
DarthFrogTenvarwen:  Don't use mickray97 anymore, it's now compromised.16:37
Tenvarweni loaded the channel before i finished typing16:37
DarthFrogWhat IRC client are you using?16:38
Tenvarwenwouldn't let me chane till i logged in16:38
Tenvarwenerr change16:38
DarthFrogI'm using konversation and it automatically logs me into nickserv.16:39
Tenvarweni think quassel does also i just haven't set i up yet16:41
DarthFrogYou now have motivation to do so. :-)16:42
BluesKajbeen trying arch-linux ...don't see what's so wonderful about it ...seems ok so far, but the chats are fuil of juvey-style conversation16:45
mihuBluesKaj: Sorry, I have been afk for a moment. Yes, I tried to add it to /etc/fstab and it works, but then I have to enter the password at boot time or select to skip. I like when it's done after login though, so I can cancel it with a click or simply ignore it.16:45
BluesKajjust because one has to cli commands to istall it16:45
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  I've not tried Arch yet.16:45
DarthFrogBluesKaj: It seems to be the flavour of the month, though.16:46
BluesKajmihu, there 's a command to get rid of that notification at the boot screen ..but Ican't recall what it is atm16:47
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  All the cool kids are using it.  Which is reason enough for me to stick with Kubuntu. :-)16:47
Tenvarweni haven't used irc in so long i forgot how to chane the pass16:47
Tenvarwenerrr change16:47
DarthFrog  /msg Nickserv help16:48
mihuBluesKaj: Hm, I think I could add "noauto" option. Perhaps this help.16:48
BluesKajDarthFrog,  the command line install obviously makes them feel superior somehow :)16:48
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  You install once in the life of a distro.   But you use it daily.  I don't care about the installer.16:49
BluesKajthere's nothing special about arch , it's just bit different in it's package management and permissions , that's all16:50
DarthFrogDon't get me wrong, I'm glad there are niche distros for the cliques.  But I'm far more impressed with what Canonical is doing with Ubuntu.16:50
Tenvarwenis nickserv down?16:50
DarthFrogTenvarwen:  No.16:50
BluesKajnickserv help works here16:51
Tenvarwenkeeps tellin me not available16:51
Tenvarwen /msg NickServ help16:52
DarthFrogThe "/" has to be in the first character field.16:52
bazhangTenvarwen, help in #freenode16:52
Tenvarweni think thats got it17:08
Tenvarwenwell any way thks blueskaj no crashing now17:08
BluesKajTenvarwen, good to hear , all desktop effects and OpenGL working ?17:10
Tenvarwenstill says to get the right updated driver though17:10
Tenvarwenerrr the manufactures driver that is17:11
BluesKajyour package manager , Tenvarwen?17:11
Tenvarwen yes17:12
Tenvarwen but when i go to nvidia whats me to install jre17:13
BluesKajturn the  notifier off in the package manager , it's always behind the curve17:13
Tenvarwenbut then i didn't know hardware model ready17:13
Tenvarwenahh i don't really need then?17:14
BluesKajTenvarwen, use sudo apt-get update:sudo apt-get upgrade, in the konsole , every few days17:15
Scunizigood morning all.. I've got kmail setup to sync with Gmail (imap) and it appears to do that but none of the email appears in my folders.. =17:15
Tenvarwenso that will isure it looks for the latest udated driver etc?17:20
Tenvarwenerr insure17:21
BluesKajten the latest updated driver isn't always the "best" driver , altho it's an option ..those commands will update the the driver in use17:24
Tenvarwenif my brother printer is network capable can i use mylinux client to print to it even though he runs micro$crap17:25
DarthFrogTenvarwen: Probably.17:25
DarthFrogTenvarwen:  if he's shared it on the network, you can use the smb printing protocol.  The "Add Printer" dialog will help you browse for it.17:26
Tenvarwenhis printers are really good but he's afraid of linux17:26
DarthFrogAfraid?  What's he afraid of?   Put a LiveCD in his system.  :-)17:27
Tenvarwentook me two years to convice him to use firefox instead of ie17:28
Tenvarwenhe just gave me this laptop with win8 on it immediately wiped aninstall ubuntu for the first time17:31
Tenvarwenusually use the mandrake17:32
DarthFrogYou went from RPM to DEB. :-)17:32
DarthFrogRPM has gotten a lot better over the years.17:32
Tenvarwenoh wait its called mandriva now17:33
Tenvarwenwhats the difference17:33
Tenvarwenerr i mean between rpm and deb17:34
DarthFrogTwo different package managers.  Debian based distros use DEB packages.  Red Hat based distros use RPM (ie. RedHat Package Manager).17:34
Tenvarwenso deb uses tar.gz verses .RPM17:35
DarthFrogYou can convert one format into the other with the alien tool, with varying degrees of lack of success.17:36
DarthFrogTenvarwen: Not tar.gz, ar.  And RPM uses cpio.17:36
DarthFrogThe archiver used is trivial.  The metadata is significant.17:37
Tenvarwenso red hat packages are closer to windows type installers?17:38
DarthFrogNowadays, there's little technical reason to prefer one over the other, both are good.17:38
DarthFrogNot really.  They both do the same thing (RPM & DEB).17:39
Tenvarwenbut unless you use the alien tool rpm won't work in kubuntu17:40
DarthFrogMy advice is not to use alien.  Find the DEB package instead.17:40
Tenvarwensound like the smart way to go17:41
Tenvarwenbrb ebay is calling17:41
Tenvarwenjust sold my tandy 1000:)17:45
Tenvarwenany good games or apps that i can use to test the opengl drivers?17:51
phiscribeglgears pops into mind17:52
phiscribeglxgears that is17:52
Tenvarwenapp or game?17:52
phiscribeits an app.  its probably installed.  type glxgears.  will give your framerate17:53
Tenvarwenis installed17:53
phiscribeits just a test app to see if basics are working.  a starting point17:54
Tenvarwenrun in konsole?17:54
phiscribelaunch it there is fine17:54
Tenvarwenran it how long does it take ?17:56
phiscribeit just gives you a FPS dispaly.  nothing more.  so you can kill it whenever.  if your getting good FPS its an indicator things are working17:57
Tenvarwenwhere do i find the output17:58
phiscribeit should be a numerical count in the program itself.17:58
phiscribesounds like you want a benchmark17:58
phiscribemaybe the phoronix test suite or something17:59
phiscribei thinkk it includes opengl benchmarks17:59
Tenvarwenwill get it18:00
Tenvarwencan i get it at muon?18:01
ScuniziIs it unusual for the 32bit live cd to take 5+ minutes to boot?18:02
ScuniziIt took me that long just to get to the "Try" or "Install" screen..18:03
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phiscribeScunizi, ive encountered that too.  not sure why.  thought it may have improved when i disconnected the tone of usb devices preboot18:06
Scuniziphiscribe: I thought of that too.. not much there.. I"m actually using the cd and gddrescue to clone a failing windows drive..18:07
phiscribei just took it as inherently slow.18:09
Tenvarwenis .tar the copressed form of .ar ?18:10
Tenvarwenerrr compressed18:10
phiscribeno.  it is from the time when storage was on reels of magnetic tape.  Tape ARchive.   TAR18:13
Tenvarwenwhat is pts/apache-1.5.018:15
phiscribesome kinda benchmarking for apache web server, not sure18:16
Tenvarwenahh so i don't need that test18:17
Tenvarwentakes a while to run these huh?18:20
Tenvarwenanyone using open bios18:24
Tenvarwenhi there18:26
usrsup ?18:26
Tenvarwenrunning benchmarks on my pc18:27
TenvarwenC-Ray 1.1:  pts/c-ray-1.1.0 is a moniter test?18:29
SIR_TacoTenvarwen: ray tracing I do believe18:31
TenvarwenTo Install: pts/c-ray-1.1.018:33
Tenvarwen    To Install: pts/ramspeed-1.4.018:33
Tenvarwen    To Install: pts/postmark-1.0.018:33
Tenvarwenthese will test gl?18:33
SIR_TacoTenvarwen: read (in a web browser): file:///usr/share/doc/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite.html#VirtualTestSuites18:35
SIR_TacoTenvarwen: actually  you may want to start with: file:///usr/share/doc/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite.html#GettingStarted18:37
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Tenvarwen<SIR_Taco>not findin18:43
Tenvarwenahh in pdf instead of html18:52
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Threadcorelol wie dumm ist die19:44
Threadcorestellt sowas auf fb19:44
RetributionLSRwho loves ssh?20:49
BluesKajssh is a good tool20:50
BluesKajRetributionLSR,, have a problem with ssh ?20:52
RetributionLSRno no. just saying I LOVE IT! :-)20:54
RetributionLSRoh and sshfs too :-)20:54
RetributionLSRI never have trouble, regular pro here....20:55
RetributionLSRbeen running linux over 10 years. love every aspect! :-)20:55
RetributionLSRhow a computer should be!20:55
RetributionLSRno one else share this love?21:30
Tm_Tsure (:21:31
Tm_Tthis is not a chit chat channel though, try #kubuntu-offtopic instead?21:32
BluesKajRetributionLSR, that's an offtopic subject , we can discuss it ar #kubuntu-offtopic21:32
RetributionLSRpretty sure my love for ssh is not off topic. It's a major enjoyment in my daily kubuntu experience!21:33
RetributionLSRnot sure what you are talking about21:33
RetributionLSRbut next time maybe don't assume?21:34
RetributionLSRasking if anyone else shares this passion is not off topic, I could make this into a bigger topic should you like21:35
BluesKajRetributionLSR, this is a kubuntu support chat , not a general chat about our love of linux21:37
RetributionLSRThat is just it! I'm here to support SSH because I love it so much!21:38
RetributionLSRwell, that could boil over into samba and a few others... apache, mysql, php, some java. man I love this stuff21:39
RetributionLSRdont kill the love man21:39
RetributionLSRyou'll loose a good supporter21:40
RetributionLSRwell to help others that is21:40
RetributionLSRdon't be rude21:40
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thelionroarshas anyone tried wayland?22:56
dbromhello all23:12
dbromhave a question on multi monitors on 12.1023:12
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