
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest14478
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
gnomefreakanyone know if this package is needed for anything gnome-session-fallback?06:30
bazhangclassic gnome look?06:31
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:31
bazhangthought it was going away in 13.0406:32
bazhang!info gnome-panel06:32
ubottugnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.6.2-0ubuntu3 (raring), package size 336 kB, installed size 1352 kB06:32
gnomefreakso as long as i dont need to use classic gnome im ok without it06:33
gnomefreakits way too early to be thinking06:35
IdleOne!info gnome-session-fallback06:42
ubottugnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.2-0ubuntu3 (raring), package size 3 kB, installed size 180 kB06:42
christarasHi guys. I have a problem. Ubuntu always uses vesa drivers instead of AMD Catalyst FGLRX. Why is that so? it happens on  13.04 12.10 12.04 . Can you help me fix that14:23
penguin42hmm, what AMD chip do you have?14:30
IdleOnechristaras: you're jumping from channel to channel switching support question.14:33
christarasIt is 645014:33
christarasWell iam in #ubuntu too but i was told to come here too (as i said it is Asus Ati radeon 6450 HD)14:34
penguin42well if it fails in 13.04 I guess you can ask here!14:36
penguin42christaras: However, it's not unusual for the binary drivers to be broken in alpha releases; so you're probably better to try and get it working in the release14:37
christarasWell it doesnt work in any other ubuntu version thats why asked in #ubuntu too14:38
christarasso propably i have to buy a new graphics card or hat :P?14:40
penguin42christaras: Shouln't need to, can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?14:49
christarasof course14:50
penguin42anyway, if you have an HD6xxx you don't want, I could do with upgrading my HD4xxx14:50
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
christaraswell my previus graphics card was nvidia 8400 GS14:51
penguin42christaras: Have you done a full reinstall since swapping from the nvidia?14:52
christarasHAHHAHAHAHHAH ......HAHAHAHHAHHA at least 9 times ....14:52
christarasand it is driving me mad :)14:52
penguin42oh ok, old installs with nvidia libs often mess things up14:53
christarasjust something i forgot to mention i tried to install them with kernel 3.2/ 3.6/3.7/3.8 all of the have the same problem14:55
penguin42christaras: So that log says fglrx is all great - what makes you think it's not using?14:55
christarasthe fact that glxgears have 400 fps and ubuntu says that i use vesa 10714:56
penguin42where does it say vesa 107 ?14:56
christarasAlso games run 10 times better under windows rather than linux (i mean native games not trough wine)14:56
christaraswell my computer is in Greek now so...14:57
TheLordOfTimeand now you're delving into the offtopicness.14:57
TheLordOfTime(for windows vs. linux)14:57
christarasI am not  you go of topic14:57
TheLordOfTime!offtopic | christaras14:57
ubottuchristaras: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.14:57
penguin42TheLordOfTime: Woah hang on14:57
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, about his comparing windows v. linux14:57
TheLordOfTimeand gaming?14:58
christarasAT about this computer  it says VESA:10714:58
TheLordOfTimethhat's on topic here?14:58
penguin42christaras: So if in 13.04, you go to system settings-details waht does it say in Graphics in overview?14:58
TheLordOfTime... oops my 13.04 VM's imploding, time for a reinstall :P14:58
penguin42TheLordOfTime: Well that was only one line!14:58
TheLordOfTimepenguin42, true, i was overly hasty.14:59
* TheLordOfTime grabs the latest daily ISO14:59
christarasVESA: 10714:59
christarasthats is what it reports at Details14:59
penguin42christaras: and on the detail-graphics tab what does it say for Driver?15:00
christarasAs i said DriverVESA 107      Enviroment: Normal15:01
christaras(keep in mind that i am translating these from GREEK-->ENGLISH so it may not be way too accurate)15:02
penguin42I have to agree that's odd, my reading of the X log you gave me is that fglrx is happy15:02
christarasWell it seems to be because amd Catalyst control center is usable15:03
christarasfor example i can enable v-Sync15:03
christarasAnd different settings affect performance of glxgears but still it is slow.15:03
christarasi know that glx gears is supposed to give way more fps than just 18015:04
christarasAnd trine 2 is playable on my pc at HIGH settings. On linux i cant even play it at 800x600 LOWEST (thelordoftime dont say offtopic :P)15:05
penguin42christaras: and what does glxgears -info say for GL_RENDERER?15:06
christarasGL_RENDERER   = AMD Radeon HD 6450 GL_VERSION    = 4.2.11903 Compatibility Profile Context GL_VENDOR     = ATI Technologies Inc.15:06
christarasit is way too strange everything is like working but in fact it doesnt!!!!!15:07
* penguin42 gets 2080 fps on glxgears with the open driver on his HD4350 - IFF I turn vblank sync off15:08
penguin42christaras: Jus tto check,   export vblank_mode=0    and then run glxgears?15:08
christarasit is off otherwise how could i get 189 fps15:09
penguin42yeh, I thought I'd check anyway15:09
christaras231 fps15:10
penguin42christaras: So I dunno what's going on with that, the only thing I can think of is that you're hitting some weird power saving thing15:11
penguin42christaras: What happens if you remove fglrx and fall back to the open ATI driver ?15:11
christarassame performance15:11
christaraseverything works the exact same. also kernel 3.8 boot correctly then15:11
christarasnow i am using 3.7 because 3.8 is dead now :)15:12
penguin42christaras: I'd also look at whether you're hitting some power or CPU limit somewhere - my reading of your X logs says it's happy15:13
christaraswell glx geats takes around 10 cpu15:14
christarasmy phone can outperform this XD15:15
bjsnideryou swapped from nvidia to amd?15:20
penguin42bjsnider: But reinstalled15:20
bjsnideri wouldn't do that even if the alternative was galactic armageddon15:20
christaraswell i have already formated15:20
christarasWell you would do that if you had no money to spent on it15:20
christarasit was either that or an old nvidia for the same money thats sucked.15:21
christarasi want a gpu for gaming too not only for texting15:21
bjsnidergaming in windows?15:21
christarasGames for linux exist too15:22
christarastrine 2/xonotic steam desura.15:22
bjsnideryeah, i'm just wondering why you chose amd15:23
christarasit was cheap :)15:24
bjsniderso what does dkms status give you?15:24
christarasfglrx-updates, 9.000, 3.7.0-7-generic, i686: installed15:24
bjsniderand if you do modprobe is fglrx there?15:25
bjsnideri mean lsmod15:25
bjsniderobviously vesa is going to be there15:25
penguin42bjsnider: http://pastebin.com/NwX231pp is his X log - looks good to me15:25
bjsnideryeah i was reading it already15:26
christaras have a look http://pastebin.com/B1U0E8xf15:26
penguin42christaras: This is a fairly normal Ubuntu setup with just a single user that you created during install time15:27
bjsniderthe xorg log doesn't have the info necessary to check what's happening15:29
bjsnidermaybe dmesg does15:29
bjsnideror maybe there's more info at the end15:29
bjsniderit loads fglrx, but then right at the end it says oops i have to use vesa15:30
christarashow can i give you dmesg because terminal isnt big enought to show all this info15:31
bjsniderdid you just copy-paste our of a terminal?15:31
bjsniderthe xorg log is a file15:31
bjsniderthe terminal might not have the entire log15:32
christarasno this was the log files itself i am talking about dmesg output not15:32
bjsniderdmesg > result15:34
bjsniderthen you have a file called result15:34
bjsnideroh, vesa is loaded first15:36
christarasso vesa is loaded and fglrx cant be loaded too and it just lets vesa to continue :P15:37
bjsnidersucks that you've got all of those hda-intel: spurious response messages spamming dmesg15:37
bjsniderlooks like it15:37
christarascan i disable vesa protocol once and for all ?15:37
bjsnideryou could blacklist the module15:38
christarashmmm..? how15:39
bjsniderthis is not a good idea15:39
bjsnidervesa is there in case all else fails15:39
bjsniderso if all else fails, you would just get a black screen with vesa blacklisted15:40
christaraswell if you have no other idea i am willing to do so15:40
bjsnideri really don't think i want to be providing that advice15:41
bjsnideryou can look it up though, it's not a secret15:41
bjsniderblacklisting vesa should not be considered a permanent solution to this problem even if it seems to work15:42
christarasWhy not?15:43
christarasWell just to point out something, I dont know if this is normal but i can play trine 2 even with vesa (laggy of course)15:45
bjsniderbecause if you're a trapeze artist, you want a net beneath you in case something goes wrong15:47
christarasso will remove vesa and report back15:49
christaras :)15:49
christarasWell i removed vesa completely and it was still reported as the used driver. I uninstalled fglrx and returned to radeon and now i have 1800fps with glxgeats16:10
penguin42christaras: What CPU do you have?16:12
christarase2160 intel celeron dual core 1,8 GHZ16:13
christarasGoing to install beta 12.11 and report back again :)16:15
TheLordOfTimechristaras, you mean 13.04 :P16:15
christarasno i mean 12.11 amd catalyst16:16
TheLordOfTimeoh i see16:16
* TheLordOfTime misread16:16
christarasi am on 13.04 right now... :P16:16
TheLordOfTimei only just reocnnected ;)16:16
christarasOk :)16:16
christaras:O) cant install on kernel 3.816:16
christaraswill reboot on 3.716:16
christarasI will be back :)16:16
christaraswell i am on 3.7 and i have this error now... fglrx installation requires that the system have kernel headers.  /lib/modules/3.7.0-7-generic/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system.16:22
christarasIf anyone has any idea about how to fix that then just say it. i will try to fix it meanwhile16:23
jtayloris the right linux-headers package installed?16:26
christarasi think so16:27
christarasLinux kernel headers for version 3.7.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP is installed16:27
christarasGeneric Linux kernel headers  too16:27
jtaylorthe headers are in usr/src not /lib on my system16:28
jtaylorbut I'm currently on 12.1016:28
christarasi check these on synaptic package manager (the best)16:28
christaraswell i will install any linux header available XD16:29
jtaylorare you using the fglrx package or upstreams?16:30
christarasexcuse me ?16:30
jtaylorit would be weird when the package looks in the wrong place for the files16:30
christaraswell i dont knwo what you mean but i had the same problem with OpenSuse16:31
christarasAMD SUCKS! i will not buy anything they create in future16:32
jtaylorso you aren't using a package?16:33
christarasWhat do you mean?16:33
christarasi am trying to install the latest driver downloaded from amd 12.11 with sudo sh amd.run16:33
jtaylorhow are you installing fglrx?16:33
christarassudo sh amd.run16:34
jtaylorthat can fail easily16:34
jtayloryou can try symlinking the headers to the place it expects16:34
christarasWell how else can i install latest version?16:34
TheLordOfTimewhat jtaylor said, try symlinking the headers to where it is looking for them.16:34
TheLordOfTimethat's the problem with precompiled .run files, no?  you can't figure out what its looking for where until it errors16:35
christarasWell i am not an expert with ubuntu... but i will search for that :)16:35
christarasacctualy the whole path /lib/modules/3.7.0-7-generic/build/include/linux/ exists but version.h is missing16:36
penguin42christaras: It's easier if you use ubuntu's jockey system to install AMD drivers16:44
christarasit installs an old version doesnt it?16:45
penguin42christaras: Wouldn't you prefer a working version?16:45
christarasWell yes :)16:45
christarasi cant fix it anyway.16:46
penguin42christaras: So be careful to uninstall the stuff you installed via AMD, reboot and then do jockey-text -l  to list what's available, then use jockey-text -e   to install it16:46
christarasisnt it the same trough synaptic ?16:48
penguin42not sure what the package is called via that; (Actually I've not tried this on new ubuntu's - they used to have a GUI to do it - additional drivers - not sure what the way to do that now is, but the jockey-text should work)16:50
christarasWell i have no idea how jockey-text works so i will install it the user-friendly way with GUI16:50
christaraswell it is downloading and will soon install (will take 2 mins to download)16:54
ubottuRaring Ringtail (13.04) release milestones can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule16:58
christarasthe moment of truth is close rebooting.17:01
christarasjust came back to report that it failed to work17:19
christarascatalyst installed through jockey and had low performance AGAIN because vesa was used instead (although i had it uninstalled O.o), Tried forcing installing catalyst 12.11 with --force over the old version and then i had no unity working and no hardware accelaration, I just uninstalled everything and now i have Radeon open source installed from kernel 3.8 which has increased perfomance for amd GPUs. Thank you all for trying to he17:22
christarasGoodNight :O)17:22
bjsniderhe may have blacklisted vesa instead of vesafb17:59
bjsnideri think the module's kernel name is vesafb17:59
rrvaanyone have working sound in dosbox?20:59

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