
bazhang* Pudens_Weldon_Fr (~Marathon@ has joined #ubuntu   <--- bra spammer via PM  (men's bras)05:10
Ben64greetings, troll guy in #ubuntu currently07:19
ubottuIn #ubuntu, merlin_ said: !bazhang,  there is no color18:07
ikoniasolarcloud_3scrn: hello18:59
solarcloud_3scrnikonia, pong19:00
ikoniasolarcloud_3scrn: how can we help you19:00
solarcloud_3scrnhow do i install ruby from source?19:00
ikoniaI'd suggest joining #ruby for that19:01
ikoniayou're currently in #ubuntu-ops19:01
solarcloud_3scrnyes, can i stay ?19:02
ikoniait's a channel with a non-idle policy, unless you need something from us19:03
solarcloud_3scrnok . but i didn't join this chanel, it was sent to me via 'frigg'.. so when i started IRChat client; i got your message. I'll go now.19:04
ikonialet me see if you have been forwarded here19:05
ikoniait may not be intentional19:05
ikoniacan you give me a minute or two please.19:05
ikoniawon't keep you long19:07
ikoniaok, I see the problem,19:08
ikoniayou joined #ubuntu asking for some help building ruby from source, people offered some suggestions / advice that you didn't like, got a bit rude and told someone to fuck off, so you got banned from #ubuntu and forwarded to #ubuntu-ops19:08
ikoniahence how you've ended up here19:08
solarcloud_3scrnright ok bye, i was being hacked...19:09
ikoniayes, I find it odd that someone hacked you, asked the same questions your asking now19:09
ikoniaand you seem to be able to /part #ubuntu-ops and join #ubuntu-uk pretty easy19:10
ikoniaodd chap19:11
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops solarcloud_3scrn rude fellow banned by unit193 for telling him to "fuck off" when being very helpful, obvious lie about "he was hacked"19:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:11
Jordan_U /join #vmware19:15
Jordan_UOops :)19:15
ikoniaunusual ammount of ruby questions all of a sudden19:41
ikoniadid Canoncal make the "big announcment" today ?19:42
ikoniacanonical even19:42
Tm_Tikonia: Unity will be rewritten in perl19:44
Jordan_UWith bindings for Haskell!19:45
ikoniaI wish that was the annoucment19:46
FlannelSomeone told me that the "big announcement" was Jan 2nd.19:47
Tm_TJan 2nd is what we've been musing elsewhere yes, although I find it all pointless fuss until something has been given to fuss about19:48
Flannel(yes, that's right.  Canonical announced that there will be a January Second, it's slated for an 11:59:59PM release in a timezone near you!)19:48
Flanneloh, I missed a sentence.19:48
Flannel(yes, that's right.  Canonical announced that there will be a January Second, it's slated for a January First, 11:59:59PM release in a timezone near you!)19:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, TheLordOfTime said: !bodhi is <alias>derivatives19:49

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