
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
xnoxinfinity: chort is a sad panda https://launchpad.net/builders/chort/+history14:41
xnoxpinged lp-ops as well.14:42
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
xnoxinfinity: chort is on manual, but these need to be retried: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20121221/+builds?build_text=&build_state=chrootwait15:04
xnoxemailed doko about them.15:19
cjwatsonxnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473072/ - running15:47
* cjwatson vanishes again15:51
ScottKhttp://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lintian/lintian_2.5.11ubuntu12.10.1.dsc seems like an odd place to have published that.  Was it discussed outside the ARB with anyone?17:14
stgraberhmm, that's a very bad idea indeed as there's nothing preventing a 12.10 system from just upgrading to an arb package17:22
stgraberand it violates ARB policy wrt never including packages that exist in the archive17:23
ScottKThat's kind of what I thought.17:29
TheLordOfTimeScottK, we were asking about that in -bugs, and it ended up shifting to -devel.17:34
TheLordOfTimetrying to see whats with that being in extras17:34
ScottKI know.  That's why I know about it.17:34
stgraberI really can't think of any good reason why we'd want it in there, so I'm going to remove it for now and send an e-mail to ARB + ubuntu-devel to try and understand what's going on there17:36
stgraberalright, removed. Should disappear from extras.ubuntu.com the next time the mirror is synced (in an hour or so)17:37
ScottKstgraber: I sent an email to the ARB list.17:37
ScottK(while you were removing)17:38
ScottKI cc'ed the ubuntu-release too.17:38
stgraberok, let me reply to that one then17:38
stgraberonce I moderate it through app-review-board17:39
ScottKNice having a moderated list as your primary "here's how you contact us".17:40
stgraberwell, I tend to moderate things pretty quickly at least17:41
stgraber(even though I'm not on the ARB anymore)17:42
stgrabernot really better than having ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-motu as contact address I guess :)17:42
ScottKThat's one of the things I like better about Debian.  Most of the lists aren't moderated, so you don't need to subscribe to send one message.17:43
cjwatsonIn hindsight I think we should have just dealt with ubuntu-devel having some noise rather than trying to apply the moderation stick to it.17:44
cjwatson(I can't remember what I thought at the time; IIRC it was Matt's initiative)17:44
ScottKstgraber: Reading the backscroll in #ubuntu-motu, I see this lintian update broke lintian4python, so it wasn't without effect on other packages.17:45
stgraberfor the ARB mailing-list I tend to whitelist anyone who gets in the moderation queue and didn't send spam, though that's still a fair amount of manual work and depending when someone e-mails the list, a potential few hours wait (I need to sleep sometimes)17:46
stgraberScottK: is it "just" causing an apt break at install or is it installing then breaking lintian on the system?17:47
stgraberScottK: (as in, do we need to tell people to downgrade to the archive version?)17:47
ScottKThe lintian4python version in quantal is incompatible with that lintian.17:47
ScottKIt might be worth a short mail to u-d-a telling people that if they upgraded from extras they'll need to manually downgrade to the archive version if they want lintian4python to work.17:48
ScottK(not that it has a huge user base)17:48
TheLordOfTimestgraber, from my observations in #ubuntu and in a VM, its being held back automatically, like linux-headers-generic,.17:48
TheLordOfTimeso unless you're doing a dist-upgrade or specifying it specifically, i don't think its upgrading automagically for users.17:49
ScottKTheLordOfTime: A lot of people will have just done apt-get dist-upgrade then.17:49
TheLordOfTimeScottK, true.17:49
ScottKAnd since we promise zero regressions post release and extras is enabled by default, I think we have to care.17:49
ScottKFirst thing I do after a new install is disable extras.17:51
ScottKPeople have chided me for being over cautious because "extras won't affect existing packages".17:52
stgraberI guess "apt-get install lintian/quantal-updates" should be enough to get people to safely downgrade right?17:52
ScottKI think so.17:53
ScottKUpload was signed by "Bhavani Shankar <bhavi@ubuntu.com>"17:54
stgraberam I reading this right that the version in extras is also higher than that in raring (and even raring-proposed)?17:58
cjwatsonYes :-(17:58
stgraberso now we'll need something >= 2.5.11ubuntu13 in raring... let's hope Debian will do a new release by then18:02
cjwatsonProbably a safe enough assumption18:11
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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