
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:04
solarcloud_3scrnHere's my 27thDec'12 present anyway ... http://goo.gl/7DEur [http://books.slashdot.org/] ... anyone want the xsane-scan ??11:48
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
penguin42popey: Hmm that Ouya looks neat, nice physical design, sounds cheap, not sure it'll do much for games, but should work nice to run Linux12:37
solarcloud_3scrnpenguin42, Best thing is .. 'OUYA' is not registered on ebay as a seller name .. so I guess it's all poster's and buyer's market (in mini-HDMI Leads.)12:41
popeypenguin42, yeah, I backed it, so keen to see it succeed13:12
kvarleypopey: Will the Ubuntu ARM version run on that system? Could make a killer TV/Web Browsing box with that 1.6 GHz Quad Core Tegra in it13:15
popeycould do13:15
popeycould be a better set top box than rpi13:16
popeybut I'm more interested in it as a games machine13:17
popeytricky though given it's not got touch at all, so many games will need some thought13:17
kvarleypopey:  That's just down to lazy devs not considering different input methods so if game devs wake up and start considering stuff it could be very good13:17
popeynot really13:18
popeyAndroid always was designed for phones and tablets13:18
popeyso not "lazy" for devs to think their games would have a touch screen13:18
kvarleyYeah but for years now you've been able to have keyboards and mice connected13:18
popeybut nobody does13:18
kvarleyTrue, lazy was the wrong word. I mean, they may have otherlooked it13:18
popeynobody connects a keyboard/mouse to their phone!13:19
kvarleyTrue, I do on my tablet tho13:19
popeythat's only happened in the last 18 months13:19
popeysince the TF101 and friends arrived13:19
kvarleyThought it was longer, sorry13:19
popeyyeah, feels like it doesn't it?13:20
popeyandroid seems to move on pretty quick13:20
kvarleyHaha yeah, I'm just happy that Linux based stuff is getting more and more common13:20
kvarleyI keep overlooking how short a time it's actually been prominent in the market13:20
popeyeasy to do when you use it daily13:20
kvarleyInteresting project anyway, hope it takes off because it could be really special. The pricetag is very attractive, I know a lot of casual gamers who'd probably be interested. Are you getting a developer edition one?13:22
penguin42popey: Well I suppose the keyboard/mouse thing was there on the early transformers and on the early Toshiba netbook thing13:34
popeyyeah, the AC100 didn't even have a touch screen13:34
* popey looks at the ac100 under his desk13:35
penguin42yeh, that's why it died a death13:35
penguin42popey: Thing is the ARM stuff moves pretty quickly so those guys are going to have to make sure it lands on time, otherwise it's going to look **yawn** compared to quad A15 things with more RAM etc13:35
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)13:37
bashrcit's a shame that netbooks are apparently dead.  I use one quite regularly13:40
Davieypopey: I didn't know you have an ac10013:46
popeyyeah, it's running ubuntu for testing compiz on arm13:46
Davieypopey: Japanese keyboard?13:46
popeyno, uk13:46
DavieyHow the heck did you get that?13:47
Davieywe had to get ours from Japan IIRC13:47
popeyebay 2nd hand13:48
Davieyi wouldn't taint myself with second hand wares. :)13:49
popeymodel AC100-10U13:49
popeytempted to make it an all-text machine13:49
popeyremove the GUI completely and just use text based apps13:49
DavieyModel: PDN01-00HO1C13:50
Davieymine has X, but is mostly accessed via ssh TBH13:50
=== kdjd is now known as GentileBen
DJonesWhy doesn't copying 300Gb to an external USB drive happen instantly...I've run out of patience, I want to get it properly installed, but need to wait until I've copied a stack of data over14:58
penguin42because it's a USB-2 spinny disk?14:58
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
celestehSo I tried clicking the upgrade button on the update manager to go to 12.0.4 and it sort of worked, but a bunch of my programmes are broken. So I downloaded a disk image to reinstall from the DVD instead. The disk is teling me that if I reinstall, it will delete all my photos and data. Does it actually wipe out my home directory?  I've made a backup, but would really prefer it if I could just keep the home dir. Does anybody have exp16:30
celesteherience with this?16:30
popeycelesteh, hi16:43
popeyif you reinstall and choose to manually partition and choose _not_ to format the partition, it will reinstall over the top, keeping whatever you have in /home16:44
celestehcheers, popey.  when it asks me to create a user later on, do i have to make sure to pick a new user name?16:45
popeyno, use the same username and password as your previous install16:45
Azelphurmy nexus 4 arrived16:58
* Azelphur does happy dance16:58
* MartijnVdS waits for an LTE Nexus17:00
Azelphurand already got a buyer for my Galaxy S3, 3 hour turn over xD17:15
ali1234MartijnVdS: nexus 4 is already kind-of LTE, but it only supports half the frequencies18:48
ali1234so it only works in some countries on some providors18:48
Azelphurali1234: it is? interesting18:50
ali1234you need rom hack too of course18:51
ali1234LTE is rubbish anyway18:51
Azelphuryea, it's a bit useless in this country as of yet18:51
ali1234over priced, over hyped18:51
AzelphurI ain't payin £40/mo for mobile18:51
Azelphur£12.90 is more my speed :P18:51
ali1234it won't actually improve speeds for individuals anyway, not when everyone has it18:52
ali1234Azelphur: what app were you using to play with NFC?18:54
Azelphurali1234: to read credit cards? squareless18:54
ali1234is it free?18:55
ali1234Azelphur: it does not work on my cards19:12
ali1234it makes a funny noise when i move the card near but then it says "read failed"19:12
Azelphurali1234: might not be holding it near it for long enough, it can be fiddly19:16
Azelphurit's worked on every credit card I've tried19:16
ali1234did you find somehwre to buy blank nfc tags?19:22
Azelphurali1234: nope19:23
ali1234rapidnfc.com looks good they have all kinds of stuff with nfc tags in them19:23
brobostigonblackadder the third, bbc2, now, :)19:29
AzelphurAnyone know how I can tell if my computer is connected on 802.11g or 802.11n?20:13
AzelphurTrying to debug a network speed issue, doing ssh root@dd-wrt cat /dev/zero and only getting 40-400KB/sec mostly20:13
penguin42something like iwconfig?20:15
Azelphursays it's connected at 144.4Mb/s with a link quality of 65/7020:15
dwatkinsyou could test with netcat to rule-out the encryption as the cause20:15
Azelphurdwatkins: how would I do that? :P20:16
dwatkinsor ttcp, that's even easier Azelphur - are the machines accessible directly, i.e. can you open a port on one that's visible on the other?20:16
Azelphurdwatkins: I got my computer (Linux) connected to a DD-WRT router20:17
Azelphurthat's what I'm using to test, although my end goal is to make 1080p streaming work off my HTPC20:17
directhexAzelphur, intel wifi?20:17
AzelphurBelkin Components F5D8053 N Wireless USB Adapter v1000/v4000 [Ralink RT2870]20:17
dwatkinsAzelphur: do you have another machine on the same network to test with?20:18
Azelphurnot sure if my laptop does N, I'll take a look.20:18
popeyI'd just click on network manager and connection info20:20
popeyto see what speed it's connected at20:20
popeyor run nm-tool20:21
dwatkinsethtool should tell the link speed, too20:21
dwatkins...if you're a command line junkie like me ;)20:21
Azelphurmy laptop only connects at 54mb/sec, but it gets 1MB/sec throughput with ssh cat /dev/zero20:22
Azelphuralthough it is very spikey, much like how it is with my PC only a bit faster20:22
Azelphurlooking very similar basically, so the problem is likely in the router20:23
Azelphurguess I'll update dd-wrt and see if that resolves it20:24
dwatkinsah, it's called 'nttcp' now20:25
dwatkinsthat should test the bare throughput20:25
popeyi use iperf to test connections20:26
Azelphuror not, seems I'm already on the latest build20:26
dwatkinsI'm using wireless 'n' but also 100 MBit, so I only get about 5 Megabytes per second between machines.20:27
Azelphuryea, I'd be fine if I could stream 1080p video via lan :P20:28
dwatkinsI can stream 1080p on this connection.20:28
dwatkinsooh, nice - iperf gives much easier to read output, cheers popey20:29
Azelphuryea I'm in the process of trying out iperf :P20:29
Azelphur2.26mbit/sec between me and my HTPC20:30
Azelphuralthough my HTPC is only connected at 802.11g20:30
ali12341080p is a massive bandwidth hog20:31
penguin42Azelphur: How's the TV?20:31
Azelphurpenguin42: the 55"? it's good, I like it20:31
AzelphurI hooked up XBMC and it's all going well20:31
penguin42cool - I need to forcibly find some more wall room20:31
Azelphurit takes like 15 seconds to turn on which is a little annoying.20:31
penguin42Azelphur: So does our Sony20:31
penguin42Azelphur: I think that's it's Linux boot for some reason20:32
Azelphurmost of that is showing a furrion logo, which is odd seens as it's not even a smart TV.20:32
ali1234does it have freeview? (of course it does)20:32
ali1234that epg takes a while to boot up...20:32
Azelphuryea it does20:33
ali1234even my monitor takes about 5 seconds to turn on20:33
penguin42please wait: percolating naval20:34
* penguin42 blames it all on Flash20:34
penguin42(the hardware not the software)20:35
ali1234where does that "please wait: reticulating splines" gag come from?20:35
ali1234oh right, sim city 2000, of course20:35
Azelphurjust timed it, 16.6 seconds to turn on20:36
soreauAzelphur: nice20:36
Azelphurthat's not from cold, that's from standby20:36
ali1234that's not bad for a completely unoptimized linux firmware20:37
Azelphurbut yea I'm happy with it, and most of the people who see it think it's awesome20:38
Azelphurdefinitely good bang for buck at only £400 :P20:38
penguin42nod, I really don't have room for it unfortunately20:38
Azelphurwhen someone tells me I don't have room for screens I buy more screens20:38
ali1234well a jumbo jet is awesome too, doesn't mean i want one in my living room :P20:39
penguin42Azelphur: Well I think I'd have to move the door to get enough wall space for it20:39
Azelphurit looks fine :P20:39
* penguin42 wonders what the size of a 1920x1080 pixel is on a 55" set20:39
AzelphurI'm uploading a photo of it now20:40
ali123433^2 + 44^2 = 55^220:40
Azelphuroh wait I already have some of up close20:41
ali1234except it's 16:920:41
penguin42good try :-)20:41
Azelphur(good news everyone, I've made an invention that displays IRC highlights on my TV!")20:41
Azelphurbut also gives you a good idea what it looks like :p20:42
ali1234(16*x)^2 + (9*x)^2 = 55^2 -> x = 2.99620:43
penguin42nod and *16=47.920:43
penguin42then 1920/47,9 gives 4020:43
ali1234yeah, 40dpi20:43
Azelphurhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/3ua8iy2hp6z8ytw/2012-12-27%2004.49.39.jpg?m is what it looks like from the couch (excuse the mess, just moved in and still unpacking/sorting things :p)20:44
soreauAzelphur: It's the same link. Copy/Paste error?20:46
soreauAzelphur: Oh yea, you need to clean your room sir20:47
ali1234i was just about to say the same thing20:47
Azelphurindeed, I'm sorting through all the boxes of stuff, havn't really got any storage units to put anything into yet20:47
Azelphurikea is set to deliver me some drawers and stuff after new years, then I'll have places to put things20:48
Azelphurkinda hard to tidy up in an unfurnished apartment :p20:48
Azelphur"this goes...on the floor...that goes...on the other floor"20:48
penguin42Azelphur: Of course with a TV that big you could just hide it all behind it20:49
Azelphurpenguin42: true20:49
Azelphur"these cloths go in the chest of---floor."20:49
penguin42or at that price just buy a few more and make a false wall20:49
penguin42hmm, you could do a 'cave' - i.e. a 5 sided cube with your head in the middle20:50
Azelphurpenguin42: you havn't seen the desk I've got on the way from ikea :P20:50
penguin42hmm, not IPs, hmm what are those numbers?20:51
penguin42w/h/d ?20:51
Azelphurikea part numbers20:51
penguin42I thought they just called everything Fnuglehurfs or something20:51
Azelphurthey have names too20:51
Azelphurall of that is galant20:51
penguin42(That's probably very unfamily friendly in some language, in which case I apologise)20:52
Azelphurbut yea when the desk arrives I'll have lots of space to put things20:53
* soreau stomps off in disgust20:53
Azelphurdon't hate my galant :o20:53
Azelphurwas the only thing I could find that would give me the shape I wanted at reasonable quality20:54
Azelphurand a sane price20:54
* penguin42 has contiplas and the metal wall strips+brackets20:54
Azelphurhehe I'm not much on DIY so didn't like the ikea of my first project being a desk to hold ~£2000 worth of computer equipment20:55
penguin42apparently you can get old 'brown' furniture quite cheaply - some of it's built like a tank; I'd be tempted to use that20:56
Azelphuryea, the stuff I ordered is the black/brown ikea galant :p20:56
penguin42Azelphur: I was thinking more about pre-50s real wood stuff that's way out of fashion20:56
Azelphurdoubt I could get anything in that shape though, it actually measures down to a few mm off the sides of the room20:58
Azelphurperfect fit :p20:58
popeywe have a fair amount of ikea furniture, it's worked out well for us21:03
Azelphurgood to hear :D21:09
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
AzelphurI'm trying to connect to sipgate (port 5060 UDP) but my brother has that port forwarded to himself, any suggestions on how I can workaround this?21:35
penguin42Azelphur: Get  your brother drunk and reconfigure your router?21:36
Azelphurhaha, nah, he has those ports forwarded for the exact same reason i want them21:36
Azelphurand, I'm borrowing his internet connection until mine gets activated in February, so he gets priority.21:37
daftykinsAzelphur: router is too rubbish to forward an alternate one is it?21:50
daftykinsdiffering source and destination ports i mean21:50
Azelphurit's a client rather than a server21:51
AzelphurI need to connect to port 5060 elsewhere, so there can only ever be one port involved21:51
Azelphurand the routers NAT is crap in that it doesn't work properly making it break :P21:51
daftykinsmy minds drawing a blank21:53
daftykinstoday we mourn the loss of my Pioneer optical drive, in my desktop21:55
daftykinsno longer is it detected :(21:55
Azelphurmay it rest in pieces (throw it out the window for fun)21:55
daftykinsis it me or was Ubuntu 10.4.4 too old to handle a SATA device being plugged in after boot? (LiveCD mode)22:00
mgdmUnity's alt-tab thing is not exactly intuitive :(22:03
daftykinsthis is amusing http://i.imgur.com/JqdVT.jpg22:10
ali1234that's great23:02
ali1234i want a tiny couch for inside my computer now23:03
ali1234Azelphur: what you need is a asterisk server to recieve incoming sip calls and then forward them to which ever computer... i guess... i never used sip23:04
Azelphursounds long and complicated, probably better to just wait till feb when my net comes back \o/23:04
ali1234nobody uses sip anyway23:04
ali1234just get skype23:04
ali1234speaking of skype, i wish canonical would just license the collabora skype stuff and integrate it properly into empathy23:05
ali1234i might actually use empathy if they did that23:05
ali1234of course collabora already integrated it, i mean integrate it properly into ubuntu23:05
daftykinsMicrosoft haven't stopped Skype updating the Linux client then?23:07
ali1234no, not that it matters23:07
ali1234the collabora stuff doesn't need the skype client running that's why it is great23:07
daftykinswhy avoid it?23:08
ali1234it uses the libskype, which is only available under a specific paid license23:08
ali1234because the client is horrid23:08
ali1234it doesn't integrate properly into anything else23:08
ali1234did you ever use a N900?23:08
daftykinsthe old school Nokia phone? nah23:09
ali1234notice that when you get a telephone call vs a skype call, the UI is exactly the same?23:09
ali1234and a single address book too23:09
ali1234you don't even have to think about it23:09
ali1234same for skype chat vs text messaging vs anything else23:09
ali1234they all appear in one place23:09
daftykinsi'm not sure that's important to me right now23:10
ali1234well if you dn't use skype it wouldn't be23:10
daftykinsi have done but don't really plan to skype from my mobile?23:10
ali1234or if you don't use anything else but skype23:10
daftykinsi do on the desktop23:10
daftykinsi've got irssi, Pidgin for MSN and Skype open right now23:10
ali1234N900 is a desktop practically23:10
ali1234it uses empathy23:11
ali1234i'm 99% sure it uses the collabora libs, but they will never admit it23:11
daftykinsso it's all about having all your chat protocols in one client?23:11
ali1234because why would you want to use 3 different clients all with different interfaces?23:12
ali1234the amazingly good skype integration on N900 is basically it's killer feature23:12
daftykinsmore through lack of choice :) or effort to find anything23:12
ali1234nobody cares about having X11 on a phone, seriously23:13
ali1234hardly anyone even cares about having it on the desktop any more23:13
ali1234"android isn't linux because it doesn't use X11" <- words of silly people23:14
daftykinsi'm not really sure how we got onto that topic from what came before23:14
ali1234i was saying ubuntu should license the same skype integration that wen into the maemo, because it's awesome and it will sell ubuntu23:15
ali1234put it in the software center for paid if necessary, i don't care23:17
ali1234just save me from the stupid skype UI23:17
daftykins303GB free of 5TB :(23:20
daftykins4 years later, another RAID setup at the end of its' life23:21
penguin424 years isn't a bad life I guess - how many drives?23:21
penguin42youch 28m to build an ubuntu kernel23:21
ali1234delete stuff23:22
penguin42(124 mins of cpu time)23:22
daftykinsyeah, probably will delete bad films etc :)23:23
daftykins6 disk that one, RAID 5 naturally23:23
ali1234am i the only person who has only 1 hard disk?23:23
ali1234(per computer)23:23
penguin42ali1234: I think it's just down to us two23:23
ali1234i am getting good at data recovery23:24
penguin42ali1234: Although even I've got an SSD as well in my main machine23:24
daftykinslol one?23:24
ali1234i know ext3 inside out23:24
ali1234i haven't had an ext4 drive die yet23:24
penguin42ali1234: If you've got multiple machines, then rsync is very good!23:24
ali1234i back up to the cloud23:25
daftykinsi've got an rsync setup for backing up a clients data to external HDDs over USB 2.0, i find it takes forever23:25
* penguin42 backs just the critical stuff up to a small insignificantly sized usb stick, but very rarely23:25
daftykinsi was hoping it'd quickly look at the files missing, copy those and be done23:25
penguin42daftykins: It has to figure out which are missing23:25
daftykinssure but this takes hours23:26
penguin42have they got many zillions of files ?23:26
daftykinsone set is a photo collection23:27
penguin42but those are a few MB each?23:27
ali1234i found rsync is quite fast at finding the missing files23:27
daftykinswhen i ran it in verbose mode, it seemed to be looking at every individual file in quite some detail23:27
penguin42daftykins: That's odd, I wonder if you've got something else that's causing problems with the modification dates on the files23:28
daftykinsi took to running it in a screen session overnight to go back and check on23:28
penguin42daftykins: Maybe something adding tags to the photos or the like?23:28
ali1234if i ls -lR > foo.txt the directory i have to rsync, it takes several minutes - hours23:28
daftykinsshouldn't be23:28
ali1234but rsync starts transfering files immediately23:28
ali1234i don't know how it does it23:28
daftykinsmaybe rsync does a lot more than i need it do23:29
penguin42for me it's normally quite sane - it does take  a little while to start for me, but never long23:29
penguin42daftykins: Are both filesystems ext or is one fat?23:30
daftykinsXFS -> EXT423:30
penguin42I'd like to blame XFS, but I can't actually think of a reason to23:30
daftykinsi chose it for his RAID as i heard it was good for large files23:31
ali1234it is good for deleting large files23:31
ali1234i always use it for my mythtv23:31
ali1234because deleting a 4GB file on ext4 takes forever23:31
ali1234and hammers the disk23:31
ali1234mythtv has that option "delete slowly" for this reason23:31
penguin42oh, is that still an issue on ext4 - hmm23:32
daftykinswhat does it do? zero the LBAs? XD23:32
ali1234penguin42: dunno, might be ext4 only23:33
ali1234i mean ext323:35
ali1234apparently ext4 extents fixes it23:35
penguin42ah good23:37

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