
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
Patero-ngwhy do most people hate unity?08:24
Patero-ngmany have switched to debian08:24
smspillazPatero-ng: Personal preference. It happens to be a vocal minority08:35
smspillazthe best thing the developers can do and what they are doing is continuing to make it better. It takes a little while with lots of feedback to get it right08:35
Patero-ngI can't find my advanced settings it doens't look organized seems easy to fix maybe in a later update?08:39
tjaaltonguess everyone is on holiday, but I've seen a couple of times an issue with unity, where the launcher icons vanish, and it happens for both logged on users..10:43
tjaaltonthough the launcher still works, with an offset10:44
tjaaltonthis is with quantal10:44
tjaaltonunity --replace didn't help10:46
tjaaltonwondering if the intel driver is having issues, since it's happening on two separate user accounts10:46
smspillaztjaalton: if the icon is working but not visible that indeed sounds like a driver bug11:25
tjaaltonsmspillaz: yeah, and would match with the issues I'm sometimes having when opening new windows; they only have borders and appear transparent12:17
smspillaztjaalton: that would be something quite different :)12:27
smspillaztjaalton: do their contents appear once you intereact with them ?12:27
tjaaltonsmspillaz: no, but closing some window and reopening the new one does12:52
tjaaltonor minimizing it13:08
smspillaztjaalton: resizing it too ?13:27
tjaaltonsmspillaz: nope..13:28
tjaaltonI've seen such a bug with nvidia a long time ago tho13:29
smspillazhuh, that doesn't sound like a driver problem to me13:29
smspillazwhat windows does it happen with ?13:29
tjaaltonevince, firefox13:29
smspillaztjaalton: next time it happens run xwininfo -all and click on the window13:29
smspillazand then run xwininfo -id (parent window id minus 1 in hex) -all13:30
smspillazand post the output in a pastebin so I can look at it13:30
tjaaltonsmspillaz: ok, thanks13:30
tjaaltonsmspillaz: now I got one of the (fullscreen) firefox windows in a weird state after running unity --replace again (accidentally killed it on a terminal where I had started it)13:57
tjaaltoncan't interact with the window in any way13:58
smspillaztjaalton: was it minimized before ?14:32
smspillaz(sorry for the answer delay, I'm working on a few other things too)14:33
smspillaztjaalton: if it was minimized before then this is a known thing really. Since the compiz process is killed, we don't know the old input shape to restore14:34
smspillazI suppose we could do that trick that a few other compiz plugins do and save the input shape rectangles in a property14:34
smspillazI really need to rewrite the input shape removal code though, its a bit of a mess14:37
smspillazI suspect with the under-resourced development process getting that done is going to take months to get through review :(14:37
smspillazhah, I've got compiz running so fast that I forgot I was running it in valgrind14:43
Klap-inso without valgrind it is blowning you away :)15:23
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tjaaltonsmspillaz: don't think it was, there are a couple of other firefox windows gone apparently due to that feature though. this one was fullscreen, and the content shows a snapshot of the window/desktop below, mouse cursor changes when moving around (recognizes links?) etc22:05

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