
brouschI have code that fails the first time I run it, but succeeds the second time if I run it on the same connection. How bad am I if I just catch the exception and re-run it?14:39
rick_h_ bad... :P14:39
rick_h_new book time: Reamde or Anathem vote!14:40
brouschBut to find the problem I'll need to dig into pyodbc and Visual foxpro drivers on windows14:40
rick_h_but if you find the problem you'll learn something that might apply from now until you stop coding due to crazy old age :P14:41
brouschBut I have to use WinXP over a VNC session to look into it14:42
brouschAnd a year from now I won't give a damn14:43
brouschUg, I'll see how motivated I am next week14:44
snap-lrick_h_: Hey, ask Erica if she's ever seen a E978 patient?14:52
snap-lOr a 994.9?14:52
snap-lrick_h_: Also, haven't read either books, so no opinion (Readme vs. Anathem)14:53
rick_h_she doesn't know either14:53
rick_h_snap-l: is that the billing diagnosis code or something?14:53
snap-lICD codes, allegedly14:53
rick_h_ah, my dad would know those. Erica doesn't so much. The medical billers tend to turn the diagnosis/etc into the codes for that I think14:54
rick_h_do you know what those numbers mean?14:54
rick_h_so she says E978 is legal execution. 994.9 is effects of gravitational forces14:54
snap-lE978 is legal execution according to the site I found (was presented as decapitation)14:55
snap-lAnd the second one is weightlessness, I believe.14:55
snap-lInteresting that they're all coded.14:55
rick_h_so was the question for the oddness factor?14:55
snap-lThe claim was you can tell a lot about the doctor and what they do by their ICD codes14:56
rick_h_ah ok. Sorry, we often get personal applicable questions so I took it as a serious inquiry to her initially14:56
snap-lthat they have memorized14:56
snap-lNah, I check the Internet for my medical needs14:57
rick_h_ah ok, sorry humor fitting in now.14:57
snap-lThis is very sexy on so many levels. ;)14:59
rick_h_heh, I used to have a box one that self cleaned. Sucked for small cat droppings and was fail14:59
brouschYour idea of sexy is unusual14:59
snap-lbrousch: Imagine potty-training over clay pellets14:59
rick_h_http://www.amazon.com/Littermaid-LM980-Mega-Self-Cleaning-Litter/dp/B004HGXVOK/ref=sr_1_7?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1356706788&sr=1-7&keywords=automatic+litter+box fail14:59
snap-lrick_h_: Yeah, most of those rake systems are fail15:00
snap-land long-term expensive.15:00
snap-lNeat thing about this one is it doesn't require any special bags / boxes / cartridges15:01
snap-lSaw it at Pet Smart, and became quite interested.15:01
snap-lSeems it's also prone to jamming, and I wonder what the target area is for the cat15:01
snap-lshe's a digger.15:01
Wolfgertap*tap*tap Penny15:28
Wolfgeris this thing on?15:28
brouschNice pipe15:28
WolfgerThanks. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all.15:29
WolfgerI miss hanging out here. It's a shame Chrysler blocked all my irc sites15:30
brouschGet a new job!15:30
WolfgerHey rick_h_droid15:30
snap-lHey Wolfger !15:30
WolfgerI'm about to get a new job, but I'll still be here at Chrysler. :-p15:30
brouschThat doesn't count15:31
WolfgerIt's really the same job, just I'm moving to a new company and a new method of billing Chrysler.15:31
Wolfgerbut today I'm off site and leaching the OEM's visitor wifi :-)15:32
snap-lWolfger: Niiiice.16:38
snap-lWhich company bought you out?16:38
rick_h_Wolfger: party?17:03
snap-lFinally got a new UPS for the computer17:23
snap-land I hate the new trend for power supplies17:23
snap-lthe "move the supply bits to the side"17:23
brouschIt's official. Android has won. http://techcrunch.com/2012/12/27/bluestacks-app-player-for-mac-launches-beta-now-you-can-run-over-750000-android-apps-on-mac/17:28
snap-lbrousch: Great, it's the Windows of the mobile world. ;)17:30
rick_h_great, the latest Wine17:32
rick_h_only now instead of windows on linux it's android on mac17:32
Wolfgersnap-l: Creative Automation, just North of AA a bit.17:36
Wolfgerrick_h_: Party!17:36
Wolfgerbrousch: was there ever any doubt of Android's victory?17:36
WolfgerAh, the joys of getting paid to sit around and eat pizza.... But soon, I might actually get to do some work.17:37
WolfgerSo what's everybody up to these days? Did the Lococast die?17:41
* rick_h_ looks away17:54
rick_h_Wolfger: just not enough hours in the day these days17:54
rick_h_jcastro: http://r.bmark.us/u/78596d36fcc973 looks like it's time to move dns to route53. Will be cool17:55
jcastroI need to move to cloudfront too17:55
Wolfgerrick_h_: sorry to hear that. Hopefully some day you can get back to it again.17:59
rick_h_Wolfger: yea, I've got to figure out time for things. Too many interests/hobbies18:01
rick_h_need to get someone to pay me to woodwork, hack on bookie, do lococast, do presentations/talks, and all that18:01
jrwrenWolfger: i'd want to meet for beer, but I'm sick. welcome to AA area :p18:14
Wolfgerjrwren: Yeah, today's not good for me, either. Hopefully getting out a little early today, so I can get to everything I want to get to tonight. Like "The Hobbit". :-D18:48
* Wolfger runs quickly before somebody here changes their mind....19:32
Wolfgerbye everybody19:32
armistrarhows it going23:17
armistrarbought a new car today23:17
armistrarwell not really new23:17
armistrarjust rolled into the garage.23:17

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