
* Squirm stretches06:42
magespawngood day all10:21
not_foundhiya magespawn 10:23
magespawnhey not_found10:23
mazalLo magespawn and not_found 10:37
magespawnhey mazal10:37
mazalHow you doing ?10:38
not_foundalo mazal 10:39
magespawngood and you mazal?10:58
mazalI'm good thanx11:00
magespawnguys what is the best way to have a program run on startup all the time?11:01
magespawni have dyn dns updater i want to run 11:01
Kiloshi superfly and others11:07
magespawnhey Kilos11:07
Kilosmagespawn, you back?11:07
magespawnyou had no power for a few days and had to do some driving too11:07
magespawnsorry me11:08
magespawnyes had no power for a few days and had to do some driving too11:08
Kilosonly driving i do is driving peeps nuts11:08
Kiloszeref, did you find how to do that?11:09
Kilosyo charl_ 11:11
charl_good afternoon11:11
charl_hi Kilos 11:11
charl_Maaz: coffee on11:11
* Maaz starts grinding coffee11:11
charl_how's it going?11:11
Kiloshopefully i can bug you some next week with server questions please magespawn 11:11
Kilosback eina11:11
magespawnhey charl_11:11
charl_hi magespawn 11:12
magespawnsure np Kilos, will answer what i can11:12
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!11:15
charl_Maaz: thank you11:15
Maazcharl_: No problem11:15
magespawnguys what is the best way to have a program run on startup all the time?11:17
Kilosyou want it on pupose11:18
Kilosoh i misread11:18
Kilosstarup apps somewhere11:19
magespawnyes this is on my server11:19
Kiloson unity its called startup applications11:19
Kilosi can even find a usb stick on the server11:20
Kilosmagespawn, you working on the server itself or from another pc?11:21
magespawnvia ssh on another pc11:22
Kiloswith unity?11:22
magespawnno server is all cli11:22
Kilosno man the other pc11:23
magespawnno that is gnome, but what difference would that make?11:24
superflymagespawn: the there's a service you can install11:26
superflys/the //11:26
magespawnsorry superfly?11:27
superflymagespawn: just install the dyndns package11:27
magespawni tried that but it does not seem to work with no-ip11:28
Kilosdid you read magespawn , someone grouped the nick QP to theirs11:29
Kilosi mailed him and asked him to drop it off his group but no reply yet11:30
magespawnso i got thier client installed and working but need it to start automatically11:30
Kilosmazal, had lotsa fun getting clients going on his servers11:31
Kiloshim and barry11:31
* mazal skrik wakker11:34
magespawni wonder why they grouped QP Kilos, did they say]11:34
Kilosnope he didnt answer me yet11:35
Kilosi forgot to register the nick. thought ibid would keep it safe11:35
Kilosmazal, help magespawn get a client to autostart on server11:36
mazalI dunno that part Kilos , our clients we battled with was on windooooze11:36
magespawni have found a couple of ways, was just wondering the best/simplest11:37
KilosMaaz, google auto starting clients on ubuntu server11:38
MaazKilos: "OpenVPN - Ubuntu" https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/openvpn.html :: "SettingUpNFSHowTo - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo :: "VPNClient - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient :: "how to auto start openvpn (client) on ubuntu 12.04 cli? - Server Fault"11:38
Maazhttp://serverfault.com/questions/458591/how-to-auto-start-openvpn-client-on-ubuntu-12-04-cli :: "ho…11:38
magespawnty Kilos11:39
Kilosyw hope you find something11:39
Kilosyou gotta teach me still11:39
magespawnnot exactly what i was looking for but a VPN is the next project11:39
Kilosoh my11:39
magespawnhas anyone used everpad?11:43
superflyyou mean etherpad? 11:46
magespawnno everpad the evernote ubuntu client12:01
charl_Kilos: do you want to create an init.d script?12:43
Kilosto do what charl_ ?12:44
charl_you googled for something about auto starting clients on ubuntu12:44
charl_but got a bunch of irrelevant vpn results12:44
charl_maybe you were looking for this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpstartHowto12:44
Kilosthat was for magespawn 12:44
Kilosmagespawn, ^^12:45
magespawnThat was for me charl_12:45
charl_oh i see sorry12:45
charl_haven't read through up far enough :)12:45
magespawnNp cool will check the link quickly12:45
mazalBye guys , enjoy your evening12:45
charl_ciao maz :)12:46
Kilostoods maza12:46
inetproKilos: you are very attached to QP!? Why?12:47
inetprogood afternoon12:47
Kiloshi inetpro 12:47
Kilosshort and sweet12:48
Kilosand its my bots nick not someone elses12:48
Kilossame like they stole miles12:48
inetproKilos: so many other two letters can be short and sweet12:48
inetproKilos: no it's not the same12:48
KilosQP is a kinda doll12:48
inetproyou did not register it12:48
=== Kilos is now known as QP2
=== QP2 is now known as Kilos
Kilosright QP2 is grouped12:51
Kilosnow to start teaching it all over again12:51
Kiloswhat you ai ing now?12:51
inetproKilos: why?12:51
Kiloswhy what12:51
inetprowhy teach him all again12:52
magespawnif something is started as a service, does that mean it start automatically at boot up?12:52
Kilosyes magespawn 12:52
Squirmgood afternoon12:52
Kiloshi Squirm 12:52
magespawnKilos you can just cahnge the name of the bot12:52
charl_magespawn: yes12:52
Squirmmagespawn: no12:52
magespawnchange even12:52
magespawnhi Squirm12:52
Squirmwell, in RedHat, it doesn't mean that12:52
Kilosi did magespawn she is now QP212:52
charl_hmmm, ok, so you need to configure the service to start at boot12:53
charl_but that is usually the case12:53
charl_but not necessarily12:53
inetproKilos: QA would make more sense to me than QP anyway :-)12:53
Kiloswith a tail because i had to be QP2 to group12:53
SquirmI know in RH it's chkconfig12:53
Kilosquestion answer12:53
Squirmso say `service httpd start` would start it, then `chkconfig httpd on` would make it start on startup12:53
inetproKilos: exactly12:54
magespawnso "service ddclient start" yes or no on the auto on boot start?12:54
Kilosi like inetpro ty12:54
Squirmchconfig ddclient on12:54
Squirm@ magespawn 12:54
magespawnSquirm: will  that work on ubuntu?12:54
Squirmmagespawn: what OS?12:54
Squirmprobably not12:54
charl_it used to be update-rc.d but i lost track of the upstart stuff12:55
Squirmiirc, on Ubuntu it needs to be added to rC.d12:55
Squirmwhat charl_ said12:55
magespawnran this first "update -rc.d ddclient defaults"12:55
SquirmI like the way services start on RH. in Ubuntu it still seems a mixture of rc.d and upstart12:55
magespawnthen "service ddclient start"12:56
magespawnso they way to test would be to restart i suppose12:56
=== Kilos is now known as QP2
=== QP2 is now known as QA
=== QA is now known as Kilos
Squirmupdate-rc.d <service> defaults12:58
Kiloswhat a job12:58
Squirmseems what you tried should work12:58
Squirmmagespawn: look what I found13:00
magespawnty guys will give it a test later on then13:01
Kilosinetpro, did you see im unaffiliated now13:08
Kiloswhy didnt you tell me long ago how to do it13:09
Kiloshi smile2013 13:09
smile2013hoi Kilos :p13:09
Kiloslo ludo 13:30
smile2013Kilos: :DD13:32
charl_hi smile2013 13:40
charl_how's it going13:40
smile2013good :D13:40
smile2013and you? :)13:40
charl_good good13:40
charl_am getting tired of the holiday13:40
charl_i want to go back to work now :)13:41
charl_tomorrow the fireworks start here - literally13:41
charl_or maybe they'll wait until sunday13:41
charl_do they have that many fireworks in belgium too?13:41
smile2013lol, charl_ :p13:44
inetproKilos: well done!13:44
smile2013charl_: yes :p13:44
smile2013but this year it will be less, I think :p13:44
smile2013less budget than other years :P13:44
charl_last year they spent a record amount of money on fireworks in NL as far as i can remember13:45
charl_i really hope this year they will keep it within reason13:45
charl_it's so much money wasted13:45
smile2013I live in Belgium, so it's less than in NL :)13:47
smile2013In NL, they just go crazy13:47
charl_a colleague of mine lives just across the border in germany13:48
charl_i asked him about where i could go in germany just to get away from the fireworks13:48
charl_he told me that i should go deeper into germany and not close to the border13:48
charl_the reason being the cloud of smoke literally blows across to germany13:49
smile2013are stats from the South-African government trustworthly? :) http://www.statssa.gov.za/13:49
smile2013charl_: :o13:49
charl_so they have to choke in our smoke... what the f***13:49
smile2013yeah, crazy13:49
charl_but the situation here close to the border is even worse13:50
charl_because what happens is the people go across the border and buy illegal fireworks in germany13:50
charl_not illegal in germany but illegal in the netherlands13:50
charl_those are the "heavy" ones that are banned here13:50
charl_so here close to the border the people go full retard13:50
charl_and as they say, never go full retard ;)13:50
charl_i seriously don't get the primitive need of "it makes a loud noise and has flashy lights - me gusta"13:52
charl_anyway, what did you want specifically re stats sa?13:53
charl_what the heck does the racial distribution have to do with policy making?!13:57
charl_started clicking on the links and ended up on this: http://youtu.be/qmpcM4J-qg013:58
charl_bah something is seriously screwed up in the za government13:58
charl_ok time for me to go off, bbl14:00
smile2013charl_: about the population :)14:00
smile2013I don't know, the government is not like in the Netherlands or West-Europe14:01
* smile2013 looks at the vid14:01
smile2013It sounds like Italian English xD14:04
smile2013thanks, charl_ 14:06
magespawnsmile201 i think they can be trusted as much as the next14:14
smile2013okay :)14:18
smile2013do you understand dutch, magespawn ? :p14:18
smile2013http://www.waarmaarraar.nl/pages/re/76991/Kerstprostituees_beroven_Nederlander_in_Duitsland.html - be warned.14:22
charl_ok back14:34
charl_smile2013: sometime during the year i heard someone say that NL is turning into a banana republic14:35
charl_smile2013: i think it's because they don't know what a real banana republic looks like :)14:35
smile2013loll, charl_ :p14:36
charl_weird about the prostitutes but if you are going to visit prostitutes then i guess you should know who you are dealing with :P14:36
charl_ok i'm off again14:37
SquirmI think I need to go for a swim14:38
smile2013yeah, you must be stupid to do that :p14:48
smile2013or stupid not to pay attention14:48
charl_ok back15:15
charl_strange... events.ccc.de seems to be down15:15
charl_does anyone know if there will be any live streaming from the conference in hamburg?15:16
magespawnsmile2013: i can understand enough15:21
smile2013ok :)15:21
magespawnquite funny actually15:21
smile2013charl_: no idea :(15:21
smile2013http://wiki.lxde.org is reponding slowly :|15:21
smile2013and webwereld.nl is down :|15:21
charl_what i would love to know... what the heck was he doing carrying around 10K with him?!15:22
charl_in cash?!15:22
smile2013omgubuntu.co.uk also15:22
charl_what the heck is going on15:22
smile2013pff, the internet is partly down :p15:24
smile2013I think too much visits :D15:24
smile2013* many15:24
charl_oh well webwereld is back up again15:24
charl_omgubuntu.co.uk too15:24
charl_now still events.ccc.de15:24
smile2013thanks for info, charl_ :)15:26
smile2013Error establishing a database connection @ omgubuntu.co.uk15:27
smile2013webwereld is facing performance issues, charl_ 15:28
charl_weird, front page loads but the minute you open a page it doesn't load15:28
charl_click a link further into the site i mean15:28
charl_the front page is probably cached15:28
* smile2013 happily reads the already open pages15:29
smile2013just open 100+ tabs, load others and read while they are loading :p15:33
magespawnthen the pc crashes with that many open tabs15:36
Kilosme wbb. need modem a while15:44
charl_have a good weekend all!16:42
magespawnlater all16:45
inetprowb Kilos17:28
Kilosty inetpro 17:28
* Kilos gives up iptables for a while17:29
Kiloscouldnt even get xchat online or ping out from here17:29
inetprosmile2013: I think StatsSA try to be as good as it gets17:31
Kilosyou killed him17:31
Kiloshehe or shocked him stukkend17:32
inetprowb smile201317:32
inetprosmile2013: did you get that?17:32
smile2013thanks :p17:32
smile2013I crashed17:32
smile2013whut, no17:33
inetprosmile2013: I think StatsSA try to be as good as it gets17:33
smile2013mistake. SeaMonkey crashed17:33
smile2013On a PDF file :|17:33
inetprosmile2013: true, I guess there's a lot thy should do to improve still17:34
Kilosthose peeps on #freenode are nice and helpful hey?17:34
smile2013okay, inetpro :)17:36
smile2013Kilos: it varies from time to time :p17:36
smile2013but you could ask them17:36
Kilosoh they not always helpful17:37
Kilosinetpro, please remind me in 9 weeks to get QP back17:37
zerefwhoa! 9 weeks17:38
Kilosyeah takes 10 weeks to expire17:38
zerefsudo remindme 9 wks17:38
=== Kilos is now known as QA
QAeek inetpro how do i register the bots nick?17:46
QAmust i close here and come in as the bot only17:46
tuxmasterhello people how are ypu guys doing?18:15
=== Kilos is now known as QA
magespawnEvening all18:34
inetproKilos: just get the bot to authenticate and things should be fine18:46
inetproQA: wb18:47
inetproQA: help18:48
QAits me man inetpro had to cloak and register the bot here on maverick18:49
inetproQA: go away!18:49
QAdunno if it will work anymore18:49
QAwhat a job to cloak as a bot18:50
inetproQA: nee man18:50
inetprojy doen iets verkeerd18:50
=== QA is now known as Kilos
inetproKilos: daarsy, dis beter18:50
inetproKilos: nou kry qa om aan te teken18:50
Kiloseven had to register it via another email addy18:51
inetpronee man, hoekom?18:51
inetproek meen dit maak sin, maar nie absoluut noodsaaklik nie18:52
Kilosthats what #freenode told me to do18:52
Kilosi couldnt from here because it kept saying Kilos is registered18:52
Kilosmassive job18:52
Kilosnow i got to unity and see if it still listens to me18:53
hibanaKilos: dit werk hier18:53
Kiloswb hibana18:53
hibanamet een enkele registrasie18:53
Kilosill have to reinstall it with its new password i spose18:53
Kilosdit wou nie man18:54
inetproKilos: jy doen iets verkeerd18:54
Kiloshele tyd gese ek is klaar as Kilos18:54
Kiloslemme go to unity and see wassup18:55
inetproKilos: net nickserv gee 'n geldige waarskuwing 18:55
inetpro28/12 20:52:41 [NickServ] hibana!~gustav@###.###.###.### has just authenticated as you (inetpro)18:56
Kilos-my back is breaking and head exploding18:59
Kilos-should be sleeping not fighting with a bot18:59
Kilos-btw a bot cloak is different18:59
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
inetproKilos: vra vir hulle by #ibid "how do I make my bot authenticate with freenode at login?"19:09
KilosMaaz, ibid channel19:09
Kiloshehe im getting good with copy/paste19:11
Kiloswat ai jy al weer19:11
inetproselfs die "" word ge-copy en paste :-)19:12
Kilosdie bossie kan mos sien ek het dit van jou gekry19:13
inetproKilos: en die ander?19:13
Kiloshulle is nie hier nie19:13
Kilosnet jy en die vlieg19:14
Kilosdie ander wonder seker wat maak die dom donner nou19:14
Kilosdie papie is ops daar 19:22
Kiloswow smile2013 you up late19:24
smile2013Kilos: how do you mean? :p19:25
Kilosyou normally say night before me19:26
Kilosbhut anyway inetpro now QA is registered19:28
inetproja wel19:28
inetproiewers sal iemand seker eendag vir jou antwoord19:28
Kilosmaybe i gotta group it nou after the seperate registration19:28
inetproal is dit eers oor 'n paar daggies wanner jy weer vra19:29
Kilosjy kan vra en my laat weet19:29
inetproKilos: gee die ouens kans om so bietjie te rus19:29
inetproen weg te kom van alles en almal19:30
magespawnon that note good night all19:30
inetpromagespawn: good night19:30
Kilosnight magespawn 19:30
Kilossleep tight19:30
Kilosinetpro, try remember that question till next year19:32
Kilosi go sleep now19:32
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:32
inetproKilos: lekker slaap19:32
smile2013byee :p19:33
smile2013Kilos: oh, i see :)19:33
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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