
[snake]oh. well, I am trying to install "liberte linux"00:00
KeyboardNotFoundis there any plugin for weather display on desktop or task bar ?00:00
ikonia[snake]: we ran tests through the command line and nautils to see if one did it and the other didn't, both did00:00
faryshtaActionParsnip: ok let me try00:00
ActionParsnipfaryshta: or you can copy the deb files to /var/cache/apt/archives    then you can use apt-get and it should use the cache :)00:00
bkc_ikonia: you're saying that FUbuntu actually removed support for executing stuff from an externally mounted drive? as security?? o.O00:00
[snake]ikonia, I see hm... I guess I will need to do the windows setup.bat then00:00
ikoniabkc_: FUbuntu ?00:01
bkc_Ubuntu ;)00:01
bkc_wrong channel and so forth :P00:01
ikoniabkc_: no more/less than what I said00:01
faryshtaActionParsnip: ok I will try that one too. Thanks00:01
ikoniabkc_: someone had this problem a few days ago00:01
fearphageiceroot: can i provide any other output to help you debug?00:01
ActionParsnipbkc_: there is fuduntu00:01
bkc_ikonia: I'm guessing vfat/ntfs there too :P00:02
ikoniabkc_: the tests / results didn't change when we used gui/shell, fat/ntgs/ext3 or 400:02
bkc_ActionParsnip: ^.^00:02
ikoniaon all occasions the execute bit was removed00:02
bkc_ikonia: that sounds retarded (not that I'm surprised)00:02
ikoniaplease hold back on that word00:02
ikoniabkc_: it was quite a surprise, I wondered if it was apamour, or something like that, but couldn't find any reference to it00:02
ikoniait was most frustrating00:03
ikoniai've not had chance to try it myself locally and do some more research00:03
KeyboardNotFoundis there any plugin for display weather on desktop ?00:03
bkc_KeyboardNotFound: depends on window manager (gnome, kde, xfce) :)00:04
bkc_(ooh, almost forgot unity)00:04
KeyboardNotFoundmy window manager is xfce00:04
[snake]KeyboardNotFound, lol, keyboard not detected: press any key to continue.00:05
bkc_[snake]: press F2 to continue ;)00:05
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Bob_DoleSo, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my iMac, but the optical drive is busted, and it won't boot (successfully) boot from MBR/BIOS-Based installers. It's also an older iMac with 32bit EFI, so the 64bit EFI bootloaders on the 64bit images don't work either, is there any way to get 32bit ubuntu with a 32bit EFI bootloader?00:07
bkc_Bob_Dole: Disk Utility can modify the image to be EFI-bootable :)00:08
bkc_then you'll need a 32bit EFI bootloader :)00:08
bkc_(rEFIt or rEFInd)00:08
freshstartif i store all my packages into a cd with APTonCD, can i add more packages to the future?00:08
bkc_I've also heard good things about gummiboot :)00:08
bkc_freshstart: need more info, single/multi-session CD? multiple CDs? add more to an existing ISO before burning it?00:09
bkc_FUZxxl: o/00:09
freshstartbkc_: single cd, add more after burn it00:10
bkc_freshstart: make it multi-session when you burn it. or don't close the session (now google the rest ^.^)00:11
[snake]I'm sad :( perhaps something like cp -keep-permissions -recursive -v or soemthing?00:11
Jordan_UBob_Dole: I can't help you now but I may be able to later today or tomorrow. Also try #grub.00:11
bkc_[snake]: what are you trying to do? :)00:12
freshstartbkc_: why you mean by multi-session?00:12
freshstartbkc: do00:12
bkc_freshstart: google multi-session CD :)00:12
freshstartbkc_: google isnt my friend now i divorced with him :D00:12
[snake]bkc_, I'm trying to install liberte linux, and they do it a lot differently than most.00:13
freshstartbkc_: with it :D whatever00:13
[snake](trying to install onto a usb00:13
bkc_[snake]: different?00:13
freshstartbkc_: okay wish me luck :D00:14
freshstartbkc_: good ofc00:14
bkc_[snake]: 1) tar --keep-permissions ... 2) move/copy tar 3) untar --keep-permissions 5) profit00:14
bkc_freshstart: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=multi-session+cd00:14
* freshstart takes the risk :D00:14
HOBOTOMTOMGPSwhats the name of the non related ubuntu channel ?00:15
[snake]bkc_, what you have to do, is format the drive, copy the "liberte" folder onto the drive which you want to install to, and then on windows run setup.bat, and on linux: setup.sh. but setup.sh cannot be executable. no wonder the readme only says to use the .bat00:15
freshstartbkc_: haha :D00:15
[snake]bkc_, well that is an interesting solution00:15
[snake]I think I'll try it.00:15
ActionParsnipHOBOTOMTOMGPS: #ubuntu-offtopic or ##cafe-ubuntu00:15
bkc_freshstart: LMGTFY <3 ;)00:15
freshstartbkc_: yeah i didnt knew that00:15
ActionParsnipHOBOTOMTOMGPS: or #fedora and so forth ;)00:15
freshstartbkc_: okay then play a song for me http://elgoog.im/guitar/00:16
jribbkc_: 4) ???00:16
[snake]I think rsync is good for copying files and keeping permissions00:17
freshstartbkc_: i forgot i have dvd+r00:17
bjrohanHey all, I have a new laptop with Windoze 8, and 12.10 dual boot. It works quite well. There are only a few times that I need to use Windows 8 to help others with issues. Is this a case where using a virtual machine would be appropriate? i have never run one before, how does it work?00:18
freshstartdavidokner: hi00:18
jrib!virtualize | bjrohan00:18
jribbjrohan: depends on what you do in windows00:18
bkc_freshstart: same thing there, multi-session DVD :)00:18
bkc_freshstart: or just don't close the session :)00:18
jrib!virtualizer | bjrohan00:19
ubottubjrohan: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications00:19
davidoknerI'm looking for Ubuntu Laptops for under $400.00:19
davidoknerI saw the Dell Vostro 2520.00:19
freshstartbkc_: but i have dvd+r this doesnt support the burning twice does it?00:19
davidoknerAre there problems with the Dell Vostro 2520 wireless?00:19
bjrohanjrib: Not much, literally I started my laptop, shut it down got into bios changed settings loaded Ubuntu on. W I typically just use it to do webinars, my company uses join.me, and it won't run in Linux (although I suppose I could install wine, but on my previous laptop wine ran slow)00:19
bkc_freshstart: sure it does, just that you can't burn over the stuff that is already on there :/00:20
bkc_freshstart: but you can still add to it, IF you either use multi-session or don't close the session!!00:20
bkc_(not angry ;P)00:20
bjrohanjrib: My last computer I only had Ubuntu, with a windows desktop for backup I used maybe 2x/month00:20
jribbjrohan: well it seems like if you can decent performance in wine or in a virtualized windows install for what you do, that would be more convenient.  Give it a try and see00:20
freshstartbkc_: get it00:20
[snake]it still doesn't work. I OWN MY FLASHDRIVE!!!00:21
[snake]oh wait00:21
[snake]i forgot to repartition it lol00:21
bkc_[snake]: first of... ext2-4 or vfat? :P00:21
bkc_or! just chmod 0755 start.sh !00:21
[snake]i think probably ext300:21
bkc_sets the exec-bit :)00:22
bkc_or chmod o+x start.sh (Owner add eXec)00:22
bjrohanjrib: I would think it would run quick enough. What are the benefits of a VM? My understanding is it lets you run the entire other OS in a Ubuntu app window.00:22
[snake]nope bkc_00:22
ActionParsnipbkc_: or:  chmod +x filename00:22
jribbjrohan: the benefit is you don't need to reboot :)  Your understanding is correct00:22
bkc_ActionParsnip: sure, but that sets it globally (ugw)00:23
[snake]I think I give up. I will just sneak into my sisters room and run the bat instead lol.00:23
bkc_(0755 does that too, but meeh)00:23
crkhi, I'm using XChat on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, in the Gnome Classic (no effects) Login Session00:23
crkdoes anyone know how one might minimize XChat to the tray?00:24
usr13bjrohan: Benefits are that both OS's are running at the same time.00:24
bkc_crk: in the settings for XChat?00:24
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[snake]crk, I assumed the tray was eternally ruined.00:24
crkbkc_: It used to go into the tray automagically in LXDE (Earlier using Lubuntu)00:24
crknow it isn't00:24
d1gitalany recommendation for a tiny secure vpn (any protocol) client?00:24
bkc_riight, Unity doesn't have a tray ?00:24
ActionParsnipcrk: doesn't the system tray need adding in gnome-panel ?00:25
bjrohanjrib: Once I install the VM, then install the O/S via the VM, the start up of the O/S is about the same as starting the computer? or is it considerably quicker? What is necessary to install Windoze 8 in a virtual machine? Lastly, what in your opinion is the best program to use for a virtual machine? VMware, Qemu etc?00:25
crkbkc_: I'm not sure... I'm avoiding Unity like the plague00:25
crkI'm using the fallback mode00:25
[snake]crk, me too!00:25
bkc_d1gital: openvpn?00:25
crkfor my own sanity00:25
bkc_d1gital: define "tiny" :)00:25
crk[snake]: aren't we all :D00:25
bkc_crk: hehe, i3-wm here :)00:25
[snake]crk, nah some people like it :P00:25
const_antineIs there any reason why external hdd with usb interface would not be mistaken for usb flash drive?00:25
crkI wonder...00:26
const_antineon the OS side00:26
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crkIt might be good for people out for some eye candy00:26
ActionParsnipcrk: if you like the Gnome2 smell, I recommend XFCE00:26
crkbut when you want pure functionality00:26
crkActionParsnip: I like XFCE00:26
crkI've used it in the past00:26
crktrouble is, I have a dual screen setup00:26
crknVidia TwinView00:26
bkc_const_antine: nope, same usb-driver/interface...00:26
d1gitalbkc_: <1MB, openvpn is too big.00:26
crkthe only Ubuntu flavour that seems to work the way I want it to00:26
crkis the standard Ubuntu00:26
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crkLubuntu just didn't understand dual screens properly00:26
bkc_d1gital: why the extreme preference? :)00:26
crklots of bugs00:26
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d1gitalbkc_: necessity00:27
bkc_crk: try a tiler! like i3wm, awesome & friends :)00:27
crkokay, bkc_ : I'll put it down for exploration :)00:27
bkc_crk: once you go Tiling you never go back :D00:27
jribbjrohan: You can basically pause a virtual machine and resume from where you paused so startup time doesn't really matter.  Vbox was pretty snappy about that last time I tried.  Virtualbox seems to be fairly well-supported.  It may be the easiest to use imo.  I don't know if there's anything special you need to do for windows 8.  Maybe ask #vbox00:28
jrib!vbox | bjrohan00:28
ubottubjrohan: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:28
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d1gitalnotion ftw!00:28
bkc_d1gital: then sorry, no idea :)00:28
ActionParsnipcrk: use an xorg.conf and any desktop will :)00:28
moon`how do you find out the version of a program, say I want to find out what version of wine I have, or what version of chrome I have installed via terminal?00:28
crkActionParsnip: trust me... I know my way around conf files00:28
crkwhen I say LXDE was screwing things up, I really mean it00:28
crkthe monitors were both working00:28
crkbut the Lxpanels00:28
crkwere not showing the way they should have00:28
bkc_ActionParsnip: proper dual screen setup will have separate workspaces between screens thou :)00:28
scotty531Will someone help me sort out my apache, I keep getting a 403 after adding an alias. https://gist.github.com/439347200:28
crkif I'd full-screen a movie in VLC/mplayer00:29
ActionParsnipcrk: you don't have to use lxpanel. I don't :)00:29
bjrohanThanks jrib I will give it all a look00:29
BuboHow do I create a user on my ubuntu vps that will have specific limit only to 1 folder and can read/write files but can't execute them?00:29
const_antineStupid Sony00:29
crkit left a layer of unused space00:29
const_antinemaking naive media players00:29
crkActionParsnip: I agree... nothing is un-doable on *nix00:29
crkwhich is why we all love it :)00:29
crklets say I was lazy :P00:29
bkc_Bubo: could you explain that more detailed? :)00:30
crkand took the "easy" way out -- wiped out lubuntu and replaced it with ubuntu00:30
BuboOk, let me try00:30
crkmoon`: how about dpkg-query -l | grep wine00:30
crkshould give you the version details00:30
BuboI need to create a user that my friends can use to learn "terminal" and "ftp (PSFTP)"00:31
moon`okay, this may sound stupid crk but can you explain to me what each part of that command means?00:31
BuboSo they should have access to 1 folder with that user, can use: mkdir, cd, vi, touch but they can't execute scripts (for example)00:31
bkc_Bubo: just create a regular user :)00:31
BuboWith a regular user, they can mess up my server, can't they?00:31
BuboIf some of them is more experienced00:31
bkc_Bubo: don't give him sudo-access, otherwise he can mess stuff up :)00:31
BuboOk then, I'll do that.00:32
bkc_well... he can always mess it up...00:32
bkc_as simple as writing :(){:()&:()} in a terminal...00:32
BuboThey can use SSH to connect - several people on 1 account?00:32
crkmoon`: would it be okay to PM you and explain? spare others who know it already?00:32
faryshtaActionParsnip: hi again with the repository adding thing.00:32
bkc_Bubo: yes00:32
moon`crk: absolutely00:32
BuboWhat is :(){:()&:()}00:32
faryshtaActionParsnip: it didn't worked, the folders are not being readed properly00:32
bkc_Bubo: don't do it... fork-bomb :P00:32
BuboOk xD00:33
Bubobkc_, so how do I put more restrictions on that user? Like they can only access /home/user nothing else00:33
bkc_basically forks the process into a new process that calls itself recursivelly :)00:33
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:33
bkc_somsip: thanks :)00:33
const_antine"Some USB devices may not work with this00:33
const_antine" -- Sony SMP-N200 manual00:33
const_antinegods are cruel00:34
Bubobkc_, so how do I put more restrictions on that user? Like they can only access /home/user and nothing else.. any idea?00:34
somsip!chroot | Bubo00:34
ubottuBubo: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot00:34
bkc_Bubo: you can run 'chmod -R w-rwx /' and hope to god that doesn't break anything :P00:34
somsipBubo: ignore that - wrong one00:34
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:34
BuboSo change the folder permission to read and write but not execute00:35
bkc_w-rwx == World remove Read,Write,eXecute-flags00:35
studiousBubo: remove that user from all groups, create a new group to which only that user is a member of00:35
cjaeplaydeb dead or still broken00:35
Bubostudious I will try that00:36
bkc_Bubo: do what studious said, more sane and less breakage :P00:36
scotty531Will someone help me sort out my apache, I keep getting a 403 after adding an alias. https://gist.github.com/439347200:36
ti89brehhi, I would like to make this arrangement: current hard drive partition layout: [Unallowicated-500gb] a then a big partition with these in it: [[ubuntu-60gb] [ubuntu swap]] and i want to do this: [ubuntu] [unallowacated] [ubuntu swap]. will splitting up the swap and main ubuntu partition from inside the ligical partition (i thinks that's what its called) damage anything?00:37
ti89brehand then i will extend the ubuntu main partition to consume the unallowacted space00:38
kvothetechyou can do that though you may want to use lvm of00:39
kvothetechor gpt not MBR00:39
ActionParsnipscotty531: is the folder executable?00:39
usr13ti89breh: I suggest, swap 8G, / 30G, and the rest for /home00:39
ti89brehusr13: sorry?00:40
usr13ti89breh: (whether inside an extended partition or not)00:40
kvothetechti89breh: my answer was to you00:40
ti89brehohh ok kvothetech so no harm done then?00:40
ActionParsnipscotty531: what is the output of:  ls -la /media/scotty531/60B885E9B885BDD2 | head -n 200:40
kvothetechno though like I said may want to look at got00:41
ti89brehusr13: so ubuntu makes the swap and the main ubuntu partition inside a thing called a extended partition, not a logical parition, and it's ok to break up the swap from the main one00:41
kvothetechyou can do that00:41
usr13ti89breh: As you can see, there are a number of options, it just depends on your usage, (what you want to do with your PC).00:41
scotty531ActionParsnip: total 10900:41
scotty531drwx------  1 scotty531 scotty531  4096 Dec 27 22:47 .00:41
ti89brehi am very sorry i am confused00:42
ti89brehi want everything on one partition00:42
freshstarthow can i see the mounted drives in dolphin?00:42
usr13ti89breh: These are all separate partitions, (no patter if they are inside an extended or logical parition or if they are primarys).00:42
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usr13ti89breh: Why do  you want everything on one partition?00:43
ti89brehusr13: ohh ok great thanks a ton so i can manipulate them and their position does not matter00:43
ezioi'm running find but it's only finding exact matches00:43
ezioanyone know what i'm doing wrong?00:43
eziofind -iname *.gp00:44
ti89brehusr13: i am out of space and I want to extend into unallowacted but I can't do so backwards (to the right) so I need to move the partition then extend left00:44
usr13ti89breh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning00:44
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usr13ti89breh: What do you have now?  sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit00:44
PJSingh5000ezio, try find -name "*.gp*00:44
ezioah thanks00:45
ActionParsnipezio: or:  sudo updatedb; locate *.gp*00:45
usr13ti89breh: Probably the easiest/best thing to do is create a new partition for /home/00:45
ezioActionParsnip, i want to check mounted drives too00:45
usr13ti89breh: ... and let /  have the old one.00:46
ActionParsnipezio: i believe locate will check that, unless told not to00:46
ti89brehusr13: http://i.imgur.com/gMYWR.jpg00:47
usr13ti89breh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving00:47
ti89brehusr13: so all of /home's files is on another partition?00:49
usr13ti89breh: Just use the 385G partition for /home/   See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning00:49
usr13ti89breh: yes00:49
ti89brehoh ok and not the last link but the one before it is the instructions for that usr13 ?00:49
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=== geudrik|AFK is now known as geudrik
davidoknerIs the dell 2520 the best ubuntu laptop under $400?00:50
ti89brehwill my current option work though usr13 ?00:50
usr13ti89breh: Yea, I'm sorry:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving00:50
usr13ti89breh:     yea     this one   ^^^^^00:50
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ti89brehok and will my pending operations be successful though ? I think I will take your suggestion though seems easy enough00:51
usr13ti89breh: Sure00:52
lorddeltaHi all, I'm having real bad problems with DNS going utterly whacko on my ubuntu desktop...00:52
usr13lorddelta: Why, what's it doing?00:52
lorddeltalooks like I managed to get through, but would anyone be able to help me diagnose the problem?00:52
ti89brehthanks a ton usr1300:52
lorddeltausr13: kept on failing dns whenever I was running updates00:52
lorddeltaor using ssl of any kind00:52
usr13lorddelta: See my PM00:53
lorddeltae.g. I would have been browsing successfully, and then poof, if anything tried to use ssl all of a sudden the dns would go down.00:53
jhernando83Hi all!00:53
davidoknerWhat is the best Ubuntu laptop under $400?00:54
ActionParsniplorddelta: try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null00:54
usr13lorddelta: So, what nameserver are you using?00:54
bkc_davidokner: any computer under $400...00:54
ActionParsnipdavidokner: there is no single best00:54
jhernando83 I wonder  if someone could lend me a hand on this. I get the following error in ubuntu 12.1000:54
davidoknerI was thinking a laptop that comes with Ubuntu installed.00:54
usr13lorddelta: Yea, as   ActionParsnip suggests, use
davidoknerSome examples00:54
davidoknerI found the Dell 2520 with intel celeron 1.7ghz for $300.00:55
jhernando83"libsteam_api.so Missing file00:55
davidoknerIt comes with ubuntu00:55
ActionParsnipdavidokner: http://linuxhcl.com/browse/search?category=200:55
bawig1I'm having some trouble with my 12.04.1 LTS netbook. The wireless adapter keeps disapearing. One minute it works then it's gone and the device no longer shows up under 'lspci'00:55
ActionParsnipdavidokner: my dell Lat D420 works all out of the box :)00:55
lorddeltausr13: I'm using an internal nameserver,, I've manually got it configured in resolv.conf, since it seemed like the dns wasn't working randomly (when I started up the pc no dns worked at all, I had to dnsmasq --server
pragmaticenigmabawig1: have you set any custom power settings in BIOS?00:56
ActionParsnip!find libsteam_api.so00:56
ubottuPackage/file libsteam_api.so does not exist in quantal00:56
davidoknerActionParsnip: Lat's cost more.00:56
usr13lorddelta: So, what nameserver is using?00:56
bawig1pragmaticenigma: not as far as I know but will double check00:56
davidoknerAre celeron 1.7ghz too slow?00:56
john_sc_nethello; happy new year.00:57
ActionParsnipdavidokner: depends what you need the system for00:57
lorddeltausr13: not sure, but internet seems to work in the rest of the house00:57
ActionParsnipjhernando83: what application is asking for the file?00:57
davidoknerActionParsnip: I think low speed requirement, though the user likes to do video editing, but she used a slow computer before.00:57
usr13lorddelta: Ok, well, we've given our recommendation.00:57
john_sc_neti have used and programmed on linux/unix for years but never really played with ubuntu/suse flavors when it comes to sudo, or sudo is part of SElinux?00:58
ActionParsnip!find libsteam_api_linux.so00:58
lorddeltalooks like and
ubottuPackage/file libsteam_api_linux.so does not exist in quantal00:58
bawig1no custom power settings in the bios pragmaticenigma00:58
pragmaticenigmabawig1: Does it always disappear after about the same amount of time after first booting?00:59
lorddeltausr13: I execute the command a while ago...00:59
usr13lorddelta: Well, you could check to see if both of those nameservers are up and running and operational, or, you can just switch to google's  (
jhernando83Hi all!01:00
usr13lorddelta: Test:   host av.com01:00
davidoknerHow does Ubuntu run with 2GB RAM, better than windows 8?01:00
bawig1sometimes it is not present at all when I boot. Only the 3G adapter and the ethernet one01:00
usr13davidokner: Yep01:00
bawig1it's quiet touch and go01:00
davidoknerusr13: And better than widnows 7?01:00
scotty531daviddonker: Anything is better than Windows 801:00
usr13davidokner: Yep01:00
OerHeksjhernando83, the steam forum has the answer > http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/1/882966056378685345/01:01
davidoknerSo ubuntu needs less ram than windows.01:01
usr13davidokner: Yep01:01
davidoknerusr13: Does Ubuntu use about as much ram as windows XP?01:01
lorddeltausr13: hmm...that'll work, won't I need to do that every time I boot though?01:01
usr13davidokner: Probably something in that neighborhood.01:01
usr13lorddelta: Depends on your router's config and the network preferences on your PC01:02
davidoknerusr13: Dell sells a laptop with Ubuntu loaded that costs $300.01:02
usr13lorddelta: Just configure the router to give out and nothing else.01:02
usr13davidokner: Sounds good to me  :)01:02
davidoknerIs video editing compatability well with Ubuntu?01:02
davidoknerI searched and found there is a video editor that is not skeleton model.01:03
usr13davidokner: Well, compatable to ___________?  You are off into specialize applications, (no longer comparing OS to other-OS)01:03
davidoknerusr13: I guess with the video camera detecting or something. For some reason some models cameras don't work with mac.01:04
davidoknerusr13: With iMOvie I mean. So maybe the same could happen with the popular Ubuntu video editors, I don't know if you have heard anything.01:04
usr13davidokner: Don't know much about Mac's...01:04
davidoknerusr13: That is just my example.01:04
davidoknerusr13: Otherwise, I would have thought every camera would work with every computer that can read files off of USB.01:05
lorddeltausr13: sure: here's another (more useful question): do you know what the default dns client system is for ubuntu? My DNS was messed up a while ago, it hasn't recieved anything correctly from the router for a while now. I've got named (which I'm using now) and dnsmasq, and a resolv.conf that I apparently need to manually clobber now...01:05
davidoknerI want to reccomend this ubuntu laptop for my cousin, but she is not tech savy at all.01:05
usr13davidokner: You'll have to ask someone else.  I do very little in the way of video editing.01:05
davidoknerAnd she lives in Mexico and needs to buy while visiting.01:05
pragmaticenigmabawig1: I'm stumpped... if you know how to check your logs, they may give you a better chance of figuring out what's going on01:06
davidoknerSo, I can't strand her with a non-working laptop.01:06
usr13lorddelta: dhclient I think.01:06
lorddeltausr13: ok, thank you01:07
=== nexus is now known as Guest49695
usr13lorddelta: You only need to use valid nameservers.01:07
FlowRiserbawigl: do you have proper wi-fe drivers installed ? (from the developers website, etc)01:07
moon`god why does everything have to be such a pita in ubuntu01:07
FlowRisermoon`, it isn't we just make it so :P01:08
artichoku_a pita?01:08
moon`artichoku: google01:08
geudrikpita = pain in the _ _ _01:08
usr13lorddelta: For instance, does not appear to be online right now (as far as I can tell)01:08
moon`Things just work in Windows though, it's like it is completely idiot proof01:09
geudrikmoon`: No, that's OSX. :P01:09
const_antineHey can I change USB device configuration that's visible on lsusb -v ?01:09
FlowRisermoon`, i like to think ubuntu isn't for dumb people01:09
davidoknerI think Ubuntu all-in-one's have good potential.01:09
FlowRisermoon`, but then again, i'm using it01:09
davidokner(if the price doesn't give too high)01:09
moon`I'd like to think you wouldn't have to spend hours upon hours doing work arounds and finding patches and fixes by third party volunteers to get various software to work01:10
lorddeltausr13: dns server outage is such a rare occurence in my experience that I didn't think to check, sorry01:10
FlowRisermoon`, not everything is perfect, there are a lot of people developing for ubuntu and linux, it's normal for discrepancies to appear01:11
FlowRisermoon`, but Ubuntu is coordinated more than other free os-es01:11
=== geudrik is now known as geudrik|AFK
=== geudrik|AFK is now known as geudrik
cjaewhat is up with no znes and sn9x in repos, is it cause of 64 bit?01:13
davidoknerHas anyone seen any big retail stores selling computers with Ubuntu?01:13
davidoknerwalk-in conveniance stores01:13
bkc_davidokner: yes, in sweden...01:13
geudrikWhen compiling SSHd from source, I've made a few changes and it compiles file (your basic ./configure .. make && make install) but for some reason, I can't seem to see those changes reflected. Any idea hwy that would be? Eg: the binary isn't being moved to the right place. It should be in /usr/local/sbin correct?01:14
IdleOnecjae: do you mean zsnes maybe01:14
geudrikor am I just being a derp01:14
cjaeIdleOne: yes01:15
bkc_geudrik: /usr/sbin... or put /usr/local/sbin in your $PATH (remember that sudo messes with that thou)01:15
IdleOnecjae: available in repos for both 32 and 64 bit01:16
bkc_cjae: snes9x and zsnes :)01:16
cjaehttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=herp%20derp&defid=5774002           see number two01:16
IdleOnecjae: What does that link have to do with anything?01:17
cjaeIdleOne: wasnt directed to you01:17
cjaeand no they are not on my system01:17
IdleOnecjae: Doesn't matter. Not ubuntu related and it was rude of you01:18
geudrikYep, bkc_ I'm being a derp :P Thanks for pointing that out01:18
IdleOneanyway, both zsnes and snes9x are in the ubuntu repos01:18
cjaeI dont see them01:18
cjaekubuntu make a difference01:18
IdleOnehmm snes9x is not in the repos, sorry.01:19
cjaebsnes only01:19
usr13lorddelta: You'll find that  may be faster than
IdleOnecjae: kubuntu, ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, all share the same repos.01:19
bkc_always use, :D01:19
cjaeIdleOne: thats what I thought01:19
usr13bkc_: Ok, thanks info.01:19
bkc_unless you absolutely _must_ use your standard dns...01:20
cjaeIdleOne: oh I see zsnes, funny doesnt come up with just nes  I kinda wanted snes9x since I dont really like the znes ui01:21
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dr_williszsnes is a classic. ;)01:23
cjaesee i did it again zsnes*01:23
* cjae might be being a hd01:24
cjaeI think the zsnes ui would be better in a stand alone machine deciated to it01:25
dr_williszsnes in the framebuffer,  on a live cd =  fun. ;)01:29
davidoknerdr_willis: how is zsnes working on Ubuntu?01:29
dr_willisNot tried it lately. for the longest time zsnes was 16bit only.  But thats changed here in the last few releases.01:30
dr_willisIm on 64bit machines/os's so havent tried it in like a year01:30
Ben64I was using it fine with 10.04 64 bit01:30
ForSparePartsExtended and Logical options are greyed out in GParted, but AFAIK I don't have any existing extended partition. Anyone know why that might happen?01:31
dr_willisHow many primary partions do you have on the HD?01:32
ForSparePartsTwo, I think. It's the default setup for an Ubuntu installation on a blank drive.01:32
ForSparePartssda1 is grub, sda 2 is ext4, sda 3 is swap.01:33
ForSparePartsDoes grub count?01:33
ForSparePartsActually, to guard against idiocy., here's what I'm trying to do:01:34
davidoknerI called Dell to ask which version of Ubuntu comes with their laptop and they said they don't know.01:34
LaserfeetAnyone running Ubuntu on a macbook?01:34
vp18help I can't seem to install Conky on 12.1001:35
dr_willisForSpareParts:  you mnay want to pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'01:35
davidoknerLaserfeet: No, but I am on my iMac, I tried to install on my macbook and it didn't work last time i tried.01:35
LaserfeetDid you use the guide that involved reFIT also?01:35
dr_willisvp18:  sudo apt-get install conky    gives any errors?01:36
ForSparePartsI have Windows 7 on one hard drive, currently disconnected. I installed Ubuntu on my new blank drive, and shrank the Ubuntu partition, sliding the swap space over. My goal is to use the newly unallocated space to create an NTFS partition that Ubuntu and Win7 can both see.01:36
underIs there anyone who speaks german?01:36
vp18i think so im not really sure01:36
dr_willisrun it and look. ;)01:37
ForSparePartsdr_willis: http://pastebin.com/40UgnE0a01:37
vp18This what it said E:Unable to locate package conky01:37
vp18Dr.Willis do i install that transitional package in the software store?01:38
dr_willis!info conky01:38
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-2 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB01:38
dr_willisTransitional packagee? Its in the universe repos..  be sure you have universe enabled.01:38
dr_willisI dont use the software store. ;)01:38
vp18where do i do that at ?01:39
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:39
dr_willistheres a software-sources tool to double check.01:39
dr_willislast i tried.. conky did not work that well with unity,. ;)01:39
dr_williswell conky runs. but the default settings leave much to be desired.01:40
ForSparePartsdr_willis: fdisk doesn't seem to like my  drive (GPT). Is there anything in GParted that would provide useful information?01:41
dr_willisForSpareParts:  thears that parted command i recall does about the same task01:42
vp18all of my repositories are enabled01:42
dr_willissudo parted  -l01:42
dr_willisfor gpt disks - you dont want to use fdisk ;) im so old skool i never rember that01:43
dr_willisive rarely messed with GPT either. So ive no other ideas on what needs tobe done01:44
ForSparePartsdr_willis: damn.01:44
ForSparePartsdr_willis: Thanks for your help, though!01:44
zacariasHi. Is there a way of choosing a different startup disk from within Ubuntu, i.e., if I want to boot from a live cd or from another partition or hard disk, can I choose it from within Ubuntu, without having to choose it from a boot manager or similar? Like a start up disk option in the system settings?01:45
cjaeyes now that I tried setting zsnes to 48000 for audio the app steadily crashes01:49
ForSparePartsdr_willis: I did a bit of searching, and it looks like on GPT disks, extended partitions aren't really a thing.01:50
dr_willisForSpareParts:  i was thinking that also..  but wasent sure.01:50
ForSparePartsThey can just have more primary partitions, apparently.01:51
ForSparePartsI'm going to try just making the NTFS partition as primary and see if anything breaks.01:51
vp18is there anything else besides conky?01:52
bkc_dr_willis, ForSpareParts: correct, GPT can have N primary partitions, hence making the need for logical/extended partitions unnecessary :)01:52
bkc_(iirc Windows can only read 128 paritions, but otherwise it's only a question of how you partition it how big N is)01:53
ForSparePartsWhile I'm here, another related question: Is there a way to add a standalone (non-WUBI) Ubuntu installation to my Windows boot manager? Or is there some other way to conveniently select between the two?01:53
ForSparePartsWindows was installed first and sits on a different hard drive. For the moment, I'd like it to be the default launch option.01:54
pragmaticenigmaForSpareParts: Does your bios allow you to select which harddrive to boot from?01:54
bkc_!grub | ForSpareParts01:55
ubottuForSpareParts: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:55
ForSparePartspragmaticenigma: Yeah, it does. I was hoping for something a little more elegant, but that would work in a pinch.01:55
joesboa noite01:56
=== joes is now known as Guest76022
underbuona notte01:56
pragmaticenigmaForSpareParts: It's what I used to do at work... otherwise the only option you really have is to use grub.  Ubuntu will autodetect all the OSs installed and create a grub file.  There are simple ways to update the grub file to default to Windows (though sometimes you have to re-edit the file after kernel updates_01:57
limeHow do I go about backing up an ubuntu installation?  Not just the home folder but /usr/share, /etc... Can I just do folder and file dump of the root directory?01:57
Guest76022tenho um wi-fi tplink tl-wn721n mas meu ubuntu nao reconhece...como insta-lo ?01:57
pragmaticenigma!spanish | Guest7602201:58
ubottuGuest76022: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:58
ForSparePartspragmaticenigma: Will going through GRUB slow down my boot at all? The Ubuntu drive is mechanical and Windows is on an SSD. I'd like to keep my sexy boot times, if I can.01:58
pragmaticenigmaonce it's on the Windows boot it will be as fast as normal.  The only slow down is the 3 to 10 second wait (customizable) to allow a chance to decide which OS you want to boot.01:59
Guest76022i have a wi-fi tplink tl-wn721n but the ubuntu not recogized...how install it ?01:59
pragmaticenigmaForSpareParts: See my last comment, forgot to tag you on it01:59
ForSparePartspragmaticenigma: thanks.01:59
ForSparePartspragmaticenigma: I'll try using the bios, if it makes me grumpy I'll shove Win7 into GRUB.02:00
ForSparePartsThanks, everytbody for your help!02:00
pragmaticenigmaForSpareParts: I didn't like it either, but my bios was the easiest choice to avoid editing MBRs02:01
Guest76022can yu help me with wifi usb tplink tl-wn721n  ? ubuntu not recognized and i dont know what means02:02
Guest76022i try install but no sucess02:02
pragmaticenigma!repeat | Guest7602202:02
ubottuGuest76022: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:02
fearphageiceroot: i even combined all the output into one gist https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f302:05
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vp18Is there analternative to conky?02:09
jhey all02:09
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Guest26017im new to this chat can someone tell me how to find a room that can help me figure out sound issues02:10
usr13!sound | Guest2601702:11
ubottuGuest26017: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:11
Guest26017ok thank you ..ive installed ubuntu on my galaxy s3..do i look in the same forums you provided?02:12
bkc_Guest26017: try asking in #ubuntu-arm :)02:14
Guest26017thanks ....alot02:14
pragmaticenigmaadd a /join in front of that Guest26017 and your good to go!02:15
=== Blues is now known as Guest82878
Guest26017i asked in ubuntu-arm about sound issue on galaxy s3 and received no respose. so i guess ill ask, where else can i look?02:22
Karlitohi question, what channel is linux mint?02:22
Karlitoer. *linux mint support?02:23
=== Guest82878 is now known as Gestapo
bkc_!mint | Karlito02:23
ubottuKarlito: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:23
Karlitoalso, general query. how can i connect a linux desktop with a vga to a tv?02:23
bkc_!arm | Guest2601702:23
ubottuGuest26017: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.02:23
Guest26017wow....thanks......and thats y i love ubuntu02:24
Karlitodesktop vga to tv vga, will that work?02:24
MuphridKarlito: yes02:24
Muphridbut you have to configure the outputs in system settings -> monitors02:24
Karlitohow do i do that?02:25
KarlitoMuphrid: btw, tnx :D02:25
=== Gestapo is now known as calibre
Karlitoi mean when i use my laptop i just plug the vga in both devices and then right click etc...02:25
BuboHow can I create text.txt in all the folders in /home/*02:25
Karlitobut w/a desktop there's no extra screen to do that with...02:26
Buboexample create text.txt in /home/Folder1/ and in /home/Foler2/02:26
Guest26017i now see that my device is not supported...is there someone i can ask to make a driver for my sound02:26
Bubojust faster02:26
MuphridKarlito: are you using mate or cinnamon?02:26
KarlitoMuphrid: can i pls pm you,i'll keep it extremely brief02:26
MuphridKarlito: ok02:26
Guest26017i gotta have sound........02:28
Karlitosorry about that Muphrid, didn't mean for my texts to double posts :P02:29
usr13Guest26017: What seems to be the problem?02:29
MuphridKarlito: did you pm?02:29
OerHeksGuest26017 then you really should be patience in #ubuntu-arm02:29
Karlitoi did but my texts kept double posting for some reason so i exited out02:29
Guest26017ok thank you02:29
MuphridGot no messages here02:29
MuphridKarlito: anyways, it can be either in the menu -> preferences -> monitors or system settings in the menu02:30
KarlitoMuphrid: thanks02:32
BuboHow do I set up disk quota per user in ubuntu? I want users in group 'restricted' to have only 50MB space02:33
bkc_sorry, no bot-command for that ^.^02:34
BuboCan you point me in the right direction bkc_? Or help me do it? :D02:34
bkc_w8 a sec02:35
pragmaticenigmaI don't think there is an easy way for a group ... just a per user basis02:35
pragmaticenigmaThe per user can be setup in the main user management tool, under the advanced settings area02:36
bkc_setquota -g :)02:36
bkc_actually :P02:36
bkc_gobby plz, command line <302:36
pragmaticenigmawell there ya go02:37
bkc_sorry, edquota02:38
BuboI am on a vps pragmaticenigma02:38
BuboI'll try http://abhishek.nagar.me/blogs/user-group-disk-quotas-three-step-guide02:38
Bubothanks bkc_02:38
bkc_Bubo: sure, they should have shell-access somewhere :)02:38
hero616I know how to switch to text console using hot key, but how to do it using command line?02:38
bkc_hero616: ?02:38
d4rkh4ndNeed some help with kdialog --password, i dont see any info on how you can call this password later or its real use02:39
Montanhaher616: like "Ctrl + Alt + F1" from console ?02:39
dr_williscant sayive ever seen alt-ctrl-f1 from a command...02:39
bkc_actually issuing a tty-change with a command? humm...02:40
hero616bkc: how about the details?02:40
bkc_gimme a sec as I actually have no F'n clue :)02:41
bkc_not really something one does normally :)02:41
d4rkh4ndAnyone use kdialog --password that can help me please.02:41
bkc_hero616: chvt02:41
hero616OK, thanks:)02:41
Montanhachvt Number02:42
JBobUbuntuHey I am new to Ubuntu. I got a refurbished server for christmas and I am attempting to install Ubuntu server 12.04 on it. I am having some issues that the documentation doesn't talk about. Anyone able to help me with it?02:42
bkc_JBobUbuntu: shoot02:43
bkc_or rather02:43
bkc_!ask | JBobUbuntu02:43
ubottuJBobUbuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:43
JBobUbuntuIt is a dell poweredge 1950. When it boots up I play the disc in and tell it to boot off the disc but it acts as though there is not a disc in the drive.02:44
JBobUbuntuAm I missing a step?02:44
CoreyJBobUbuntu: Is the drive showing up in BIOS?02:44
JBobUbuntuyes it shows up as a CD Rom02:45
JBobUbuntuits a Dvd Rom if that matters at all02:45
bkc_doesn't matter :)02:45
lvlephHow do I remove the catalyst driver (compiled) and switch back to the open source driver?02:45
chigginshow would i go about "uninstalling" an network interface? aka, I don't want ubuntu to detect the onboard wifi interface I have on my laptop02:46
dr_willisJBobUbuntu:  how did you make the cd?02:46
dr_willischiggins:  unload the module and blacklist it. would be one way02:46
Montanhalvleph In the System Preferences >> Software Channel >> Additional software02:46
bkc_JBobUbuntu: I'm guessing it's a 32bit CPU right? do you use the correct CD? :)02:46
JBobUbuntuAstroburn. Burned the Iso onto a cd/dvd room drive02:46
JBobUbuntulet me check I don't remember I thought it was a 64bit but I could be wrong02:47
lvlephMontanha: Nothing else special need be done?02:47
Montanhalvleph You just change the open source driver and apply02:47
Montanhalvleph I think it's just that02:48
JBobUbuntuThey are Xeon 2Ghz Dual Core Processors02:48
JBobUbuntuBios says 64bit02:49
bkc_JBobUbuntu: then it should boot :/02:49
lvlephMontanha: Only the proprietary drivers show up.02:49
bkc_JBobUbuntu: did you try the cd in a "normal" computer?02:49
JBobUbuntuyeah with this laptop I am on02:50
BuboTo enable disk quota in certain partition just add "usrquota,grpquota" to that partition in your fstab you need root privileges to do this of course.02:50
Bubohow do I do this?02:50
JBobUbuntuwell I never actually tried installing ubuntu I just checked the cd to see if the information was there02:50
bkc_Bubo: not sure on a vps :/02:50
JBobUbuntuits possible I downloaded the 32bit version by mistake I will try redownloading the 64bit and burning etc se if that changes things02:51
JBobUbuntuthanks for the help02:51
chigginsdr_willis: any quick way to see which module is being used for my wifi? besides going through the list02:52
dr_willischiggins:  research your card i guess.. I just look at the lsmod output and figure it out.02:53
BuboHow can I see the currently logged in FTP users?02:53
crkBubo: which FTP server?02:54
lvlephWhy is the open source ati driver not showing up in additional drivers? All I see are the proprietary drivers.02:54
Montanhalvleph: that's unexpected, let me google something02:54
crkBubo: proftpd has a tool that does that... but I can't remember its name02:54
Bubocrk I don't really know, the one I got from my VPS. How do I find it out?02:54
lvleph01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880 [Radeon HD 4290]02:54
ti89brehhi does anyone know how I can become login to my username in terminal from a guest account in ubuntu?02:54
crkif you're on the machine that's running the FTP, you should get a handle on what FTP daemon's running02:55
crkby scanning the processes02:55
crkmaybe : ps aux | grep ftp02:55
crkshould give you some results02:55
BuboIt gave me the users logged in on the ftp02:55
BuboFilip    10344  0.0  0.0   2080   848 ?        SNs  06:13   0:00 /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server02:55
Bubonice one, thanks crk02:56
FloodBot1Bubo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
Montanhalvleph: there is no "Using X.Org..." in the drivers list ?02:56
lvlephThere are only the FGLRX proprietary drivers listed02:57
lvlephtwo of them02:57
ti89brehI am unable to access my account because I tried moving /home to another partition and now it says that it can't mount /home. and I can't access my account to make changes. can someone please help me02:57
crkti89breh: your description of the issue is too vague for anyone to give specific help :P02:57
usr13ti89breh: Did you edit the fstab file?02:58
Montanhalvleph: try reinstalling xorg02:58
ti89brehcrk: I followed this tutorial: http://www.howtogeek.com/116742/how-to-create-a-separate-home-partition-after-installing-ubuntu/ and now when I boot up my computer it says it can't mount the /home directory, and so I am in a guest account now but I can't make any changes because I can't become root02:58
ti89brehusr13: yes02:58
Montanhalvleph: "sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg" to remove it02:59
d4rkh4ndAnyone use kdialog --password that can help me please.02:59
crkwhat does the output of df -h say, ti89breh ?02:59
Montanhalvleph: and "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg" to install it02:59
crkcould you paste.ubuntu.com it02:59
crkfor us to see02:59
usr13ti89breh: You're going to have to boot recovery mode and see where you went wrong.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving02:59
dr_willisti89breh:  you can always use the rescue/recovery mode. or a live cd to fix things02:59
ti89brehcrk: http://pastebin.com/htRFYvrd02:59
Montanhalvleph: and finally "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" would configure it03:00
ti89brehusr13: and dr_willis i was in it but when I do nano /ect/fstab a blank file comes up03:00
usr13ti89breh: /dev/sda3 is your new /home partition?03:00
ti89brehI think it was because my username was root and not my real username that I use called clinic103:00
dr_willisti89breh:  if /etc/fstab on you rinstalled system is totally blank.. you either spelt it wrong.. or did a MAJOR mess up03:01
crkti89breh: like they said, a live-cd environment, or the rescue option is what you need to go for03:01
usr13ti89breh: etc not ect03:01
ti89brehusr13: yes03:01
crkand correct whatever you've mucked up in /etc/fstab03:01
Montanhalvleph: let me know if it worked03:01
lvlephMontanha: still only see the prop drivers03:01
Bubois there a way to send an announcement or something like that to all connected users on the server?03:01
dr_willisti89breh:  you can use a text based irc client to get to here from the consoles. :) if you need more detailed help from the rescue enviroment03:01
ti89brehcrk: I made a backup03:02
dr_willisBubo:  what server are you refering to?03:02
psusiBubo, if they are connected with telnet or ssh, wall will03:02
BuboSSH psusi03:02
ti89brehdr_willis: won't irssi take up the whole screen?03:02
dr_willisBubo:  theres DOZENS of types of services.. ;)03:02
crkdr_willis: he's got some sftp server thing running03:02
dr_willisti89breh:  this is why you use screen. or the other consoles...03:02
Bubocrk no, I am talking about SSH ocnnected users03:02
crkhow about wall ?03:02
crkwall <message>03:02
BuboWorks, thanks03:02
crkshould broadcast it to everyone logged in03:03
dr_willisti89breh:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 for consoles...03:03
ti89brehok I will reboot thank you03:03
bkc_Bubo: shutdown -h now "Bye Bye now :)"03:03
dr_willisti89breh:  or instaall screen. and learn it. :)03:03
BuboI am not that big beginner03:03
usr13ti89breh: You are going to end up with UUID=????????   /home    ext3 ...... in the /etc/fstab file, (not /media/home )03:03
Montanhalvleph: are you using 32 or 64 bits ?03:04
bkc_Bubo: or shutdown -h 10min "You huys have 10 minutes to wrap it up, 'key? :P" :303:04
Bubousage: wall [file]03:04
crkBubo: wall is the way to go03:04
ti89brehusr13: I copied it right from the tutorial but changed the uuid03:04
d4rkh4ndNeed some help with kdialog --password, i dont see any info on how you can call this password later or its real use03:04
ti89brehusr13:     UUID=UUID HERE    /home     ext4     nodev,nosuid     0     203:04
lvlephMontanha: Linux Media-PC 3.2.0-35-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 17:42:16 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:04
Bubowall text text text doesn't work03:04
Bubogives me usage: wall [file]03:04
usr13ti89breh: We would need to see the fstab file  and the output of blkid03:05
Montanhalvleph: try this "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 xserver-xorg-core"03:05
usr13ti89breh: Otherwise, we can't give any specific advise03:05
crkti89breh: you may have missed something... a minor syntax error, or maybe a few characters of the UUID03:05
ti89brehusr13: http://pastebin.com/PRuMVgH303:05
ti89brehcrk: can I change it from a guest account?03:05
dr_willisti89breh:  you could login at the console and try to fix stuff03:06
crkif you have the root user enabled... yes03:06
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Montanhalvleph: and again "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to configure it03:06
ti89brehI think so I am not sure03:06
dr_willisti89breh:  thats not the default setup. ;)03:06
usr13ti89breh: Ok good.  We'd also need to see the /etc/fstab file, and output of sudo fdisk -l03:06
ti89brehdr_willis: sorry?03:06
dr_willisti89breh:  by default root user is not enabled.. and guest user cant sudo to root.03:07
crkti89breh: why don't you boot from your Ubuntu install cd/dvd and make the required changes03:07
dr_willisti89breh:  try the console and see if you can login as your user.03:07
ti89brehI don't have my install medium03:07
lvlephMontanha: same result03:07
dr_willisthen you can alt-ctrl-f1 and alt-ctrl-f7 back and forth from the console to X.03:07
crkti89breh: as dr_willis says... I don't see why a console login as your user (Clininchwatever) should fail...03:07
ti89brehok I can use gparted live cd I think03:07
dr_willisIt should report that home is not there or somthing like that.03:08
ti89brehcrk dr_willis how can I login as a different user?03:08
DouglasKIn 12.10, smbfs is no longer a package, but it seems related to cifs.  Where is the documentation on mounting smb shares at the prompt?03:08
crkyeah... aside from that error, it should still log you in03:08
dr_willisti89breh:  you login at the console AS your normal sudo enabled user...03:08
* crk sighs03:08
dr_willisactually the guest user Might be able to 'su' or 'login' from a terminal as a user..03:08
dr_willisopen a terminal and try 'su yourusername'03:08
ti89brehUnknown id: clinic103:09
Montanhalvleph: have you loaded the menu again ?03:09
ti89brehoh wait i got it03:09
crkyou didn't run any userdel commands, did you?03:09
crkor edited /etc/passwd03:09
ti89brehcrk: I did not dr_willis setgid: Operation not permitted03:09
lvlephyep Montanha03:09
ti89brehfrom guest consol03:09
dr_willisguest cant switch users. it seems.. did you have ssh enabled? could try toi get in that way03:10
dr_willisssh yourusername@localhost03:10
ti89brehI don't03:10
ti89brehalready tried :D03:10
ti89brehok live cd it is03:10
usr13dr_willis: He can03:10
dr_willisti89breh:  OR USE THE CONSOLE....03:10
dr_willisno need for a live cd then03:10
dr_willisand you can jump back and forth to here.03:11
ti89brehbtw guys dr_willis crk and usr13 I appriciate the help so much and can't thank you enough and I can't use consol it's very confusing to switch windows and use irc and03:11
usr13ti89breh: Ctrl-Alt-F6 ?03:11
dr_willishitting alt-ctrl-f1 and f7 is confuseing?03:11
Montanhalvleph: trying to find a solution on Google, that's really unexpected03:11
usr13ti89breh: Ctrl-Alt-F6  to go to console, Alt-right-arrow to go back to tty7 (the GUI).03:11
ti89brehGOT IT! dr_willis and usr13 I thought you ment from recovery I got it now03:12
dr_willisor alt-ctrl-f7 (i think)  F1 through F6 are consoles.. F7 is the GUI03:12
ti89brehok I got into consol ok03:12
usr13ti89breh: dr_willis I always use tty6, (it's right next door).03:12
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ti89brehoops i can retake that03:14
dr_willisti89breh:  you can use the pastebinit command from the console to pastebin text files..03:14
dr_willisand you could even use a console based irc client if needed03:14
ti89brehdr_willis: like pastebinit nano /etc/fstab ?03:15
usr13ti89breh:  blkid |pastebinit03:15
usr13ti89breh: pastebinit /etc/fstab03:15
Montanhalvleph: try "sudo apt-get update" and open the additional drivers again03:15
dr_willisthink about the commands you are doing. ;)    pastebinit nano  sort of makes no sence03:15
artichokuok i have a question. i know i can do an export command to temporarily use a proxy in terminal03:16
usr13artichoku: Use a proxy?03:16
artichokuis there any way to permanently set up a proxy to use for outgoing connections in the terminal03:16
lvlephMontanha: trying the updated radeon provided by the x-updates ppa, so it will be a moment.03:16
Montanhalvleph: ok, no problems03:17
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak03:17
usr13ti89breh: Change UUID=cbbdf00d-0809-49bd-aa12-923540923d07/jordan  to  UUID=cbbdf00d-0809-49bd-aa12-923540923d0703:17
artichokuok that's not the info i wanted you to get usr1303:17
lvlephstill only the proprietary drivers showing Montanha.03:18
lvlephthis is driving me nuts03:18
Montanhalvleph: It is starting to drive me nuts too03:18
lvlephI am going to reboot and see what happens. Crossing my fingers03:19
Montanhalvleph: Ok03:19
ti89brehusr13: thanks I will restart. If it works thanks a ton really thank you all so much dr_willis and crk and everyone you guys are great helping people out for free03:19
docmurwhat is the syntax to dump the ip address from a known mac add, I set a static ip on a embedded board but forgot it and my router doesn't see it, I have the mac03:19
usr13Wait... free?  Are we really doing this for free?  I thought I was supposed to get a check in the mail!03:20
usr13... sorry, couldn't resist ....03:21
lvlephMontanha: still only the prop03:22
crkusr13: hehe :P03:23
Montanhalvleph: Which version are you using ?03:24
Montanhalvleph: I mean, Ubuntu version03:25
pianotipsI am trying to install 12.04 (64) from a dvd, during the base install (near the end) it gives me a cannot install the kernel into the target system kernel package 'linux-server'.. installed from dvd and usb? wiped hdds clean, new raid partition (0 for test).. what i am doing wrong? someone help please? it gets to the 92% and then errors out.03:25
lvlephpianotips: did you check the dvd for errors?03:27
BuboHow do I limit access to a user in a specified directory with sftp ?03:27
Montanhalvleph: try this "sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle"03:27
lvlephI had this and I ended up rebooting and it worked pianotips03:27
pianotipsi did an intergerty test, a cheksum, a write test...03:28
chockaI installed ubuntu 12.10 in my new windows 8 laptop. But I get the following error: secure boot image failed to verify with *access denied* press any key to continue03:28
Montanhalvleph: and then "sudo apt-get update" and check the additional drivers page, I hope not it will work03:28
pianotipsit worked? on a reboot? then reinstall?03:29
lvlephno reconfigure Montanha03:29
Montanhalvleph: what ?03:29
lvlephpianotips: yeah, reboot and tried install again and it worked03:29
lvlephdpkg-reconfigure Montanha ?03:29
lvlephI guess it doesn't need it when you just installed right?03:30
Montanhalvleph: I think it is not needed this time03:30
pianotipslvleph ill give it a try03:30
yeatspianotips: see bug cannot install the kernel into  the target system kernel package 'linux-server'03:30
yeatspianotips: sorry bug cannot install the kernel into  the target system kernel package 'linux-server'03:30
* yeats blushes03:30
yeatstrying to paste a bug number, sorry03:31
DouglasKIf I want to run official nvidia drivers, where do I get them?03:31
yeatsbug 36748603:31
ubottubug 367486 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "kernel won't install using LVM over RAID1 in expert mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36748603:31
chockaI installed ubuntu 12.10 in my new windows 8 laptop. But I get the following error: secure boot image failed to verify with *access denied* press any key to continue. Is there a solution to rectify this problem?03:31
hero616from official website of nvidia.03:32
Tech-1im not sure, but, i dont think linux has a solutuion for that yet03:32
usr13DouglasK: Nvidia.com03:32
TomyLobohi. unzip <filename> mangles extended characters. how do i fix that?03:32
TomyLobothey might be mangled inside the zip already03:33
TomyLobo(made it on windows with winrar)03:33
TomyLoboArk and midnight commander show questions marks03:34
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lvlephstill no Montanha03:35
Montanhalvleph: Now, I am not sure if Ubuntu 12.04 shows the Open Source driver03:35
lvlephit should03:35
lvlephlet me read something03:35
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JAIMEhow do i download linux live usb creator??? its not in software manager!!03:40
chockaI installed ubuntu 12.10 in my new windows 8 laptop. But I get the following error: secure boot image failed to verify with *access denied* press any key to continue. Is there a solution to rectify this problem? I have to change the BIOS>secure boot each time to boot either windows 8 or ubuntu03:41
Montanhalvleph: Do you have synaptic installed ?03:41
xanguaJAIME: it is installed03:41
lvlephI found this Montanha and am finishing up right now03:41
JAIMEno i dont seem to have it!!03:42
xanguaJAIME: just typed 'usb' in the dash and appeared03:42
mikehaas763Hello, please let me know if there is a better channel for this. I have a mx 5500 mouse/keyboard combo. I have it connected through a bluetooth usb receiver as bluetooth devices. However I'm trying to get my media keys to work. xev does not show any input. How can I capture the raw data for my special media keys?03:45
lvlephMontanha: even that method still has me on the proprietary driver03:45
lvlephthis makes no sense03:45
Montanhalvleph: Try this "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati"03:46
lvlephalready installed03:47
Montanhalvleph: Or maybe "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all" to install all drivers03:47
Tech-1or maybe ?03:47
lvlephIf it wouldn't be such a pain I would just do a fresh install of 12.04.03:48
wtingHow do I get the volume keys working on my Latitude E6500? (Ubuntu 12.04.1)03:48
MontanhaI am doing my best with the language...03:48
lvlephBut then I would have to set up apache again03:48
lvlephIf I spoke portugeuse...03:49
TomyLoboconvmv solved my zip encoding problem :)03:49
MontanhaNo problems man, I think you can understand me, and I can understand you, that's perfect03:49
lvlephWell, I guess I am stuck with this buggy driver. My wife has just been driving me crazy asking me to kill things and reboot, etc.03:50
wtingMy laptop's volume keys are captured by xev and I can set them in Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts. However when I try using them they don't work. Anybody have ideas?03:51
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Montanhalvleph: Well, the bug is stronger than me...03:52
Muphridlvleph: "Additional Drivers" only lists the proprietary drivers, the open source one is included in xorg03:52
lvlephbut, I can't seem to get it to stop using the prop drivers03:53
Muphridif xserver-xorg-video-ati (i think thats the name) is installed all you had to do is uninstall the proprietary one and it should fallback to the x driver03:53
lvlephWell that is interesting my plymouth theme is now working03:57
Bubohown user:sftp -R test03:58
Bubowhat will this do?03:58
lvlephit will change ownership of test and its subdirectories03:58
blarggWhen I mount an HFS+ volume, files are owned by user #501. How do I mount it and force all files to be owned by user #1000 so my Ubuntu user can access them? This doesn't affect the user ID of files: sudo mount -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sdb5 /mnt03:58
lvlephthe new owner will be user and the group will be sftp Bubo03:59
Muphridlvleph: is it solved?03:59
Muphridif plymouth is working then youre using the free driver03:59
lvlephMuphrid and Montanha finally got it to use the open source drivers.03:59
BuboHow do I change only to its subdirectories? not Test04:00
lvlephtry test/* Bubo04:00
Bubook thanks04:00
lvlephbut that is almost the exact same thing04:01
lvlephwhy would you want to do that?04:01
MishaX2I have a question for you everyone here...04:01
Septimait must be impossible for everyone to answer you!04:02
Septimaespecially if you don't give a question...04:02
MishaX2Why are people acting so ungrateful if you help them here on ubuntu or ubuntuforums askubuntu04:02
lvlephpeople feel entitled? You have no face?04:02
OerHeksMishaX2, most of them are gratefull04:02
blarggShould I repeat my question?04:02
mike024!ask MishaX204:02
lvlephblargg: ?04:03
blarggWhen I mount an HFS+ volume, files are owned by user #501. How do I mount it and force all files to be owned by user #1000 so my Ubuntu user can access them? This doesn't affect the user ID of files: sudo mount -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sdb5 /mnt04:03
mike024!ask | MishaX204:03
ubottuMishaX2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:03
MishaX2I get your point04:03
OerHeksMishaX2, some of them are gratefull, but do not understand confirmation is nice04:03
blarggOr alternately, how can I force the permissions for everyone (last octet) to be 7 for all files?04:04
blarggI take it that umask is ANDed with the permissions, thus it's only useful for *clearing* permission bits, not setting them.04:04
lvlephwell you could run chmod -R04:05
blarggIt's read-only04:05
lvlephbut I doubt that is what you want04:05
lvlephgood point04:05
blarggWell, I'm thinking it's either something you've encountered and know the exact answer to, or we're just in the dark. Or maybe there's no way to force permissions :(04:06
lvlephblargg: maybe this will help?04:07
blargglvleph, heh, I read that one already in my search :)04:07
blarggWell, people talked of creating a new user #501 so it could access the files. I'm going to try that.04:08
lvlephThe only other thing is not a good solution; copy the entire partition04:08
lvlephhow do you give a user a particular number?04:08
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ernciclvleph: add --uid ID to the adduser command04:12
lvlephthanks erncic04:13
joshua342532453does any one know a way to use a xbox 260 controller with linux04:13
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poopplease dont hurt me04:14
Tech-1stop asking forit04:17
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davidhurwichi have a user error tech question, can i ask it here?04:18
davidhurwichso i have 12-4 Ubuntu04:19
davidhurwichI'm trying to use terminal to switch to root to install konqueror04:19
mnsHow do I upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 ?04:19
davidhurwichbut when i run su root and put in my admin password it keeps getting rejected04:19
bobweavermns,  are you sure you want to do that ?04:20
matrixfoxtardsudo su04:20
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:20
bobweaver!root | davidhurwich04:20
ubottudavidhurwich: please see above04:20
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davidhurwichi see04:21
bobweaverdavidhurwich,  can you not sun     sudo apt-get install <package name >04:21
davidhurwichis this an ubuntu branch of linux type thing?04:21
bobweaverdavidhurwich,  yeah04:21
mnsbobweaver: ok now you've got me all wary about it.  Is there a reason not to ?04:21
bobweavermns,  what is hardware ?04:21
Muphridmns: really BAD support for radeonhd in case you have one04:21
davidhurwichhas ubuntu always been this way, or is this a new architecture design item?04:22
bobweavermnaser,  also what is DE that you use ?04:22
mnsbobweaver: its my work laptop, ThinkPad T43004:22
bobweavermns,  how much ram and vga ?04:22
mnsMuphrid: lol .. its only got Intel for graphics.04:22
bobweavermns,  on 12.04 do you use unity 2d at all ?04:23
maslohi guys is there anything I can install and use to parse email mime messages ? I'd need to use it in a php script ;x  (On a virtual private server)04:23
Muphridmns: ok, and is there any specific reason you want to upgrade?04:23
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer04:23
mnsbobweaver: I'm using xubuntu ... xfce.    I've got 8Gb RAM04:23
masloI have postfix installed and I have it set up to pipe it to a php script04:24
masloI just need to find a way to parse the mime, I have found php classes that does it and tried creating my own04:24
bobweaverOo mns  you are fine then04:24
maslobut there's so different versions of mime04:24
davidhurwichthanks ubottu, appreciate the help04:24
bobweavermns,  you can upgrade with command sudo do-release-upgrade04:25
mnsMuphrid: I'm new to the ubuntu world.  coming from pure debian, I'm used to running debian/testing.04:25
mnsMuphrid: is there any particular reason to not do the same sort of behaviour with ubuntu/xubuntu ?04:25
bobweavermns,  do-release-upgrade is kinda like taking and changing all the sources ist things in debian from wheezy to sid04:26
bobweavermns,  I run unity 2d (ubuntu tv )and that is not in >= 12.1004:26
mnsbobweaver: ok thanks.  I'll use that.04:26
Muphridmns: ok, you can go to the update manager, then settings and check for "notify me of -> normal releases" do upgrade with a GUI, or do it on the console as said04:26
Muphridmns: the main issues are hardware related, i think youre fine with that04:27
mnsbobweaver: ahh they got rid of it ? I thought that was the best part of unity !04:27
mnsMuphrid: ok, thanks.04:28
bobweavermns,  lets notntalk about that I am a qml dev ;)04:29
mnslol bobweaver04:29
mnsbobweaver: keep up the good work04:30
bobweaverlol thanks here is example of my work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLCVSR9VPtQ04:30
mnsI'm just a simple guy .. all I need is pure X11, tiling window manager and that's it.  more keyboard oriented then mouse oriented.04:30
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mnsbobweaver: that is some awesome shit you've got there.  nice work.04:32
mnsand the thing I notice si the Netflix icon lol04:32
bobweaveryeah you do not have netflix-esktop ?04:32
bobweavermns, ^^ ]04:32
mnsdidn't even know that was there lol04:33
mnswill have to search for it :)04:33
bobweaveryeah works great mns  wine-compholio04:33
bobweavermns,  there is a ppa for it04:33
mnsso its probablyu in ubuntu software center rather then via aptitude04:34
mcsmashso yeah... installed Ubuntu 12.04.1, and then 12.10 on my laptop...04:34
mnsmcsmash: how did that go for you ?04:35
mcsmashMy laptop not terribly happy at the moment.04:35
bobweavermns,  No you have to add repo04:35
mnsmcsmash: what type of laptop ?04:35
Schuetrumpf2I'm having an apt-get issue if anyone's available to answer.04:35
bobweaverAsk away Schuetrumpf204:35
mnsbobweaver: ok will find it and add it.04:35
jay_why_beeI need postfix help.  I have tested a change in a virtual machine to make postfix put all new email in ~/Mailbox.  In main.cf: home_mailbox = Mailbox.  But I cannot get my server (actual production) do do this?04:35
jay_why_beeI have tried totally purging postfix, and setting up from scratch.04:36
bobweavermns,  http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/ppa-for-netflix-desktop-app.html04:36
Schuetrumpf2I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 server....I'm attempting to update my repos (apt-get update) and it's giving me nothing but 404 errors. When I try to visit archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, there is no maverick directory...04:36
bobweaverSchuetrumpf2,  that is because it is not supported04:36
Schuetrumpf2When did that change? It was supported last month.04:37
mnsbobweaver: thanks.04:37
bobweaverSchuetrumpf2,  10.10 has not been supported for a while04:38
bobweaverSchuetrumpf2,  no security upgrades or anything for a while now04:38
Schuetrumpf2I installed a bunch of software through apt-get on 10.10 less than a month ago.04:38
bobweaverSchuetrumpf2,  why not move it up to 12.04 ?04:38
Schuetrumpf2Because the servers that I'm running on it run very poorly on 12.04.04:39
UpgradeWoesI've looked ALL over the Web and found no solution that worked for me.  I have tried 8 different ways to upgrade my 11.10 to 12.04, but even though the upgrade completes properly, when 12.04 boots up, it loses my ethernet card and thus my connectivity.  I'm old to networking but new to the Linux world and I cannot figure out why it recognizes my card perfectly in 11.10 and during the upgrade, but then loses it after the reboot. 04:39
bobweaver!eol | Schuetrumpf204:39
ubottuSchuetrumpf2: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:39
jay_why_beeAny postfix gurus out there?04:42
Schuetrumpf2So I should only need to update my repos to use old-releases instead of archive?04:42
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  I would say that it is kernels doing . can you see the card ? " lspci -vnn " or  "lsusb" for usb04:42
bobweaverSchuetrumpf2,  none of that is supported around here04:43
bawig1 /part04:43
UpgradeWoesbobweaver: I am back on 11.10 so I can't run any diagnostics now (unless I set it up in a virtual machine which is one thing I have not tried), but I recall that it did not even see eth0.04:43
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  even on 11.10 what is card ?04:44
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UpgradeWoesbobweaver: Here is the info...Ethernet controller [0200]: D-Link System Inc DL10050 Sundance Ethernet [1186:1002] (rev 12) Subsystem: D-Link System Inc Device [1186:1040] Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 5 I/O ports at a000 [size=128] Memory at ec000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512] [virtual] Expansion ROM at 40010000 [disabled] [size=64K] Capabilities: <access denied> Kernel driver in use: sundan04:45
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  so this is how I debug networking.   1) make sure that the card is know by the kernel. (lspci -vnn) . Look though the list or filter it out.  If it si there maybe the driver is not installed right (aka mod) . use lsmod to see what drivers are installed. ok thouse are all installed and kernel sees it but no internet still . start pinging and tracerouting but by this point one should have control04:46
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  see the number that is in the [] for you  [1186:1002]  what happens if you http://googlubuntu.com  search that ?04:47
BuboWhat is googlubuntu lol04:48
bobweaver!bug 30707 | UpgradeWoes04:48
ubottubug 30707 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "ipg driver incorrectly loaded for D-Link DL2000 cards" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3070704:48
Tech-1thats pretty old04:49
bobweaveryeah that is what I thought also04:49
UpgradeWoesbobweaver: I'm at a loss as to what that bug information means.  Sorry, but could you tell me if it's even possible to resolve?04:50
UpgradeWoesubottu: Are you saying there's a fix for this?04:50
ubottuUpgradeWoes: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:50
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  it looks like it has been fixed.04:50
UpgradeWoesTech-l: Yes...it's an old PC I'm trying to revive and use as a web server for a small project of mine.04:50
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  can you PASTEBIN the out put of lsmod  to use from this computer ?04:51
Abhijithow can i setup and use the dsl connection totally via command line? no gui? help please.04:51
Abhijitin 12.0404:52
Tech-1id prolly just buy a pci card and be done with it04:52
bazhang!wifi | Abhijit have a read04:52
ubottuAbhijit have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:52
Abhijitbazhang, its not wireless. its wired. the dsl.04:52
bazhangAbhijit, sudo dhclient eth004:53
bjrohanI am trying to run windows8 64 bit in VirtualBox and get a 64 bit error message, can anyone help?04:54
artichokubjrohan, what's the error04:55
bjrohanVT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Your 64-bit guest will fail to detect a 64-bit CPU and will not be able to boot.04:55
bjrohanPlease ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer.04:55
artichokunot a clue sir/ma'am04:56
UpgradeWoesbobweaver: Here is the pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/3pgCD7H604:56
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bobweaverbjrohan,  you have gone into bios and looked around for that  ?04:57
UpgradeWoesTech-l: I'm not sure if that PC has a PCI slot.  I know I could get an adaptor, but I'm trying to not invest into more hardware for this PC.  It doesn't even have a USB port or a DVD drive.04:57
UpgradeWoesbobweaver: I am looking at the information provided by ubottu, but I don't really know what they are saying.  Am I supposed to enter that text into a file or is that a file I can download and replace?: bug 30707 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "ipg driver incorrectly loaded for D-Link DL2000 cards" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3070705:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 30707 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "ipg driver incorrectly loaded for D-Link DL2000 cards" [Medium,Fix released]05:07
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  again it looks like it has been fixed05:07
bobweaverUpgradeWoes,  sorry kinda busy programming atm05:07
UpgradeWoesbobweaver: Thanks!05:09
bjrohanAlrighty then, the BIOS had a place to turn on what the error message in virtualbox told me to. Now VB warns me to turn in 32 bit display (vs default 24)05:11
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sam-palmisanohi alice05:36
tk__may i ask something about dkms05:40
megharshhow can i create a local ubuntu mirror ?05:40
tk__how to use it05:40
ubottuDKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.05:40
wh0datwhen cloning hdd's with ddrescue does it not copy over the boot record as well? the new drive wont boot, but when mounting it, all the files are there.05:40
dr_williswh0dat:  depeneds on the exact dd/ddrescue command you used. I belive. I dont recall ever using ddrescue for the mbr , Normally you ddrescue a partion, not a whole drive.05:41
wh0datdr_willis: yeah I did the whole drive, all the partitions are there, though. guess I will just run the command to make it bootable.05:42
bazhang!info apt-mirror | megharsh05:46
ubottumegharsh: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-6 (quantal), package size 13 kB, installed size 102 kB05:46
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mnsIf I'm using xubuntu, how do I swap CapsLock and Control ?05:50
chockaGuys, I have a new windows 8 laptop and I try to install ubuntu05:50
chockabut the LiveUSB is not recognized when I reboot the system05:50
[1]NateHi! I need some help with Ubuntu recognizing my external hard drive05:52
Nightwatchcan someone help me with vsftpd.conf - trying to lock users in their home directory05:53
Nightwatcheverything I read tells me to do something different05:53
Nightwatchsome say chroot_local_user=YES05:54
Nightwatchsome say chroot_local_user=No05:54
[1]Natedoes anyone know how to get ubuntu studio to recognize my external drive? It's 3 TB05:54
Nightwatchsome say chroot_list_enable=YES05:55
Nightwatchand create a list05:55
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[1]NateThe brand is Toshiba, and the model number is HDWC130XK3J106:01
Ghoul_Um, hi guys06:01
Ghoul_I need some help w/ ufw on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS06:03
bazhangGhoul_, got gufw installed?06:03
Ghoul_just ufw06:03
Ghoul_apt-get install ufw06:03
Ghoul_Its a server running desktop ubuntu because its all my host would provide06:03
bazhangGhoul_, gufw is the gui tool for that06:03
Ghoul_Oh, I dont have graphical06:04
Ghoul_Only ssh06:04
bazhangGhoul_, so whats the issue06:04
Ghoul_Uh when I run ufw enable06:04
Ghoul_I get a failure on ufw init06:04
Ghoul_I took a trace06:04
bazhang!enter | Ghoul_06:04
ubottuGhoul_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:04
Ghoul_I have not changed any of the configuration files or edited any of the rules06:05
dr_willisa desktop ubuntu with ssh only? ;)06:07
dr_willisone whould be carefull with firewall rules when you can only ssh in. It would suck to lock yourself out.06:08
Ghoul_Yeah, I've done it twice already.06:08
dr_williswhy do you even need any firewall?06:08
Ghoul_I made sure this time to add ufw allow ssh right after06:08
Ghoul_It's a server06:08
dr_willisand what specifically are you firewalling?06:09
Ghoul_Well, I prefer to use ufw as an easy way of configuring iptables06:11
Ghoul_I'm using the server as both a development web server and a vpn so there are alot of rules I need to configure06:11
eristikophilesso, i keep getting this "too many files open" error in terminal, and i can't run any programs generally. i can't reboot because it won't run reboot.. which is annoying; last time i rebooted and the error went away, at least until now. i still don't get exactly what the too many files open thing means though. i googled and just found random stuff06:12
eristikophilesanyone have any insights into this issue?06:12
dr_willistheres a limit i recall on the # of open files avaiable.. but i thought it was a huge number.06:13
dr_willisare you runing any services or doing anything unusual?06:13
penguinmanpossibly something in .bashrc if it only happens in a terminal06:14
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Ghoul_Looks like the ufw bug is due to apt lag06:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1065297 in Gentoo Linux "use conntrack instead of state" [Undecided,New]06:14
john_sc_neti have used and programmed on linux/unix for years but never really played with ubuntu/suse flavors when it comes to sudo, or sudo is part of SElinux and not specific to ubuntu/suse? Im asking cause I did 'sudo su | passwd' and set the root pass; was able to login using putty directly to root without using non root username + sudo. However, now the root pass has changed again; i know im typing the right pass. Does ubuntu man06:14
john_sc_netually generate the admin pass?06:14
Snowiehi all. command line mistage. wanted to move all files in sub directories into the current, had a brainfart and used $ mv ./*/* ./*06:15
dr_willisjonathaN:  use sudo to do rooty tasks in ubuntu. you dont need to set a root password.06:15
john_sc_netdoes suse/ubuntu randomly generate pass on boot, is what im asking06:15
dr_willisoops wront nick .:)06:15
Snowieof course, all the files and folders are now missing. anyway to recover from this?06:15
dr_willisjohn_sc_net:  you do realize that suse is NOT related to ubuntu?06:15
john_sc_netyeah but they both have sudo06:15
dr_willisjohn_sc_net: :  use sudo to do rooty tasks in ubuntu. you dont need to set a root password.06:15
dr_willislots of disrtos use sudo..06:15
john_sc_netso its part of selinux?06:16
dr_willisNot part of selinux that i am aware of.06:16
cjaeHow do I add snes9x that I downloaded from their website to my ubuntu system. I know the binary needs to be linked or maybe stored in /usr/bin but where do the other components of the program go?06:16
dr_willissudo can be used on any disrto you want.06:16
dr_williscjae:  what other parts?06:16
bazhangcjae, why not just install from repos06:16
penguinmancjae, actually, i think snes9x is available from the repos06:16
cjaeits not there06:16
john_sc_neti usually have to disable selinux on centos; i need root pass. I dont run anything as root, just to configure. pain to add "sudo" to every script06:16
bjrohanCan anyone give me pointers as to how , in VirtualBox, to make the guest o/s screen bigger? I can expand the ubunutu window, but the guest desktop stays the same size06:16
dr_willissnes9x was in the repos ages ago.06:17
Muphridcjae: there a ppa for it06:17
dr_willisjohn_sc_net:  i would learn to get into the sudo habbit.06:17
cjaewas kind of hoping to learn something as well06:17
Snowiebjrohan, i think you use the os's tools to change the resolution06:17
dr_willisyou don t'need'  the root pass. you are just used to a  differnt way.06:17
bjrohanSnowie: Thanks. In the os window, it even has a scrollbar, so it is bigger, it is just not appearing bigger06:18
Muphridcjae: ok, you can invoke it from a terminal if you put the executable in /usr/bin06:18
penguinmanthere's always the option to add sudo -i at the beginning of scripts that require root access.06:18
bjrohanSnowie: I will give the os display a whirl06:18
Muphridnot sure about the rest of the files06:18
Muphridstill best to open from the downloaded folder06:18
john_sc_netthis is a virtualbox guest which is only triggered by dhcp and installs Windoze on the clients (requirement of IT department to run both windows and linux dual or guest/host).06:19
Snowieanyone offer any advice on recovering my files, or am i just boned?06:19
john_sc_netit boots when dhcp sees a mac address statically pooled for network boot06:19
Ghoul_Any idea where I should iptables rules for apply on boot/restart if I can't get ufw working?06:20
murlidharerr how to upgrade to 10.10 . i have downloaded the iso and made a usb start up disk . now what ?06:20
dr_willismurlidhar:  what release are you using now?06:20
murlidharoops i mean i want to upgrade to 12.1006:21
dr_willisYou ment 12.10 :) heh...06:21
murlidharyeah :)06:21
dr_willisif you boot the 12.10 thing . i THINK it will ask to upgrade.06:21
murlidharna it isn't asking06:21
Ghoul_can we upgrade using apt?06:21
dr_williscould be faster to just do a clean install06:21
john_sc_netyes ghoul06:21
john_sc_netsudo apt-get update06:21
murlidharna i don't want to lose my settings06:21
dr_willisthere are specific tools to upgrade to the next release06:21
murlidharlike ?06:22
dr_willisdo-release-upgrade   i belive is the command.06:22
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dr_willistheres some options to upgrade to non LTS releses from a LTS release however that may be needed06:22
murlidharbut that would upgrade online only i guess06:22
Ghoul_apt-get dist-upgrade is the command , Ithink06:22
murlidhari have already downloaded the iso06:22
dr_willisGhoul_:  nope.. thats not it.06:22
murlidharand can't rely on online upgrade ( bad internet conn )06:22
dr_willisthat will not upgrade to the next release.06:22
Ghoul_oops, just ran it. What does it do.06:23
bjrohanSnowie: That helped quite a bit. Not fully, but much better, thanks!06:23
dr_willisjust a more intensive upgrade.06:23
IdleOne12.04 is set to only do LTS upgrades by default, you need to Change the setting in Software Sources which can be done via the Software Center06:23
dr_willismurlidhar:  i was thinking if you just mounted the iso, it would ask you if you wanted to upgrade also.. but i rarely upgrade06:23
IdleOnedo-release-upgrade won't work unless that setting is set to Normal Releases06:24
Snowie$ mv ./*/* ./*       boned or method to recover. is it possible all my data is still there just named * (as in nothing/anything/everything)?06:24
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:24
Snowiebjrohan, np06:24
john_sc_neti was compiling my kernels on centos for the hardware and cpu features not on by default in linux-kernel-xx.srpm; optimized for cpu. Using ubuntu as a VM guest, I shouldnt compile or set any specific options to tell ubuntu its "sharing" resources, for optimization?06:24
murlidhardr_willis:  yes by default it should ask. i remember last time it happened06:24
murlidharbut this time i dont know why it isn't asking :|06:24
murlidharthanks for the link though06:24
murlidharwill read it06:24
john_sc_netoh whats the development packages on apt-get?06:25
Ghoul_Is there a way to downgrade iptables?06:26
malkaunswhere can u get the latest compiz?06:26
dr_willismalkauns:  from a PPA would be the safest bet.06:26
malkaunsdr_willis, which ppa?06:26
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:27
Snowie$ mv ./*/* ./*      would scalpel see and recover these files?06:27
dr_willisuse the ppa search features/tools06:27
eristikophilesdr_willis- no i'm not running anything that complicated. it's only a desktop box, mostly just text-chats.06:27
dr_williseristikophiles:  i would think something is running crazy if you are getting to many open files as a normal user.06:28
eristikophilesi read somewhere you can edit the number of tasks you're running but not sure whether that would actually help; i mean, that may just crash the system if i do it wrong06:28
dr_willisthe default is like a very high number. ;)06:28
Ben64eristikophiles: what does "ulimit" say06:28
SeptimaSnowie: be worth a try06:29
eristikophilesok so, running things through gui, i get an error from KDE saying that the file has no type= entry.. which they should, since i've been using those shortcuts for a couple years06:29
dr_willisUse the following command command to display maximum number of open file descriptors:06:29
dr_williscat /proc/sys/fs/file-max06:29
eristikophilesi did upgrade to the newer kubuntu recently, but how that'd cause problems i don't know06:29
SnowieSeptima, would you agree that other than that im boned with out full hdd recovery?06:29
eristikophilesthere were no config files that were radically changed06:29
SeptimaSnowie: probably, without backups06:29
dr_williswhat newer kernel?06:29
SnowieSeptima, thanks mate. will give that a go.06:29
eristikophilesBen64- it says it can't open the shared object file / too many files open in system06:30
eristikophilesbasically i can't run anything. including reboot.06:30
eristikophiles..i know i could hard-boot, but i'd prefer to stay on irc and such for now.06:30
john_sc_netubuntu is confusing for me cause we can do /sbin/service x start;stop;restart;etc; no i havent been able to start/stop one service06:31
dr_willisi wonder how you can see whats got all the open files06:31
Ben64which might not run : /06:31
dr_willissudo service servicename start/stop/whatever06:31
john_sc_nettried that, service not found06:32
Septimawhy doesn't that work for iptables in ubuntu?06:32
john_sc_netthe actual binary06:32
eristikophileslsof won't run either06:32
eristikophilesit's kinda amazing the system works at all, except it's also sort of scary frustrating.06:32
dr_willissudo service ushare start06:32
Ben64eristikophiles: you might want to reboot then come back in here06:32
eristikophilesyeah lol06:32
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key06:32
john_sc_nethow do you search for packages with apt-get?06:33
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)06:33
bazhangjohn_sc_net, apt-cache search name06:33
dr_willisapt-cache search pattern06:33
john_sc_netcache, ok06:33
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eristikophilesi'll show up on my other box so i can stay online in case something is odd06:34
eristikyeah so, exiting kde with ctrl-alt-backspace, then logging in on the F1 shell, i can do lsof06:36
eristikwhat was the other thing to try? i can't remember06:36
dr_williseristik:  its possibl when you exited..it closed all the files that were open06:36
wchan_whats a good image viewer?  the gnome default one has horrible pixilation on ultra high resolution images down sampled on monitor06:36
john_sc_netsorry for bugging you guys; happy holidays and new year. one last question. what the hell is up with the run levels, NOTHING changes anything to type init 3-5. i cant get x server to quit starting at boot06:37
eristiki didn't remember to try F1 shell until after force-exiting kde06:37
bazhang!nox | john_sc_net06:37
ubottujohn_sc_net: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode06:37
dr_willisjohn_sc_net:  ubuntu dosent really use runlevels...06:37
bazhangwchan_, check the package manager , there are a bunch06:37
john_sc_netyes but in other linux distros there's a service config binary06:37
dr_willisjohn_sc_net:  sudo service lightdm stop    if you want to stop kdm06:37
dr_willisservice command works fine here. ;)06:38
fatanybody knows how to get a GUI for encrypt/decrpt in Ubuntu using seahorse. Seams like it cannot give a clipboard to use for that purpose06:38
bazhang!runlevel | john_sc_net06:38
eristikwhat was the other command to try to see what files are open? i'd seen that one googling but can't remember06:38
ubottujohn_sc_net: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.06:38
dr_willisThe upstart 'cookbook' homepage - has some very well done docs on upstart.06:38
Ben64eristik: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max06:38
dr_willis$ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max06:38
rabbi1Having problem in displaying correct time in ubuntu 12.04.. I have dual boot with Windows XP. I have checked /etc/default/rcS ... under this file i have tried both UTC=yes and UTC=no. but no luck. Any suggestion ?06:39
dr_willisso a user can have 800000+ files open in a single login session06:39
Ben64my system returns a higher value... 120746106:39
john_sc_net"alias stopx='service lightdm stop'"06:39
eristikis that based on your ram?06:39
john_sc_netdamn ubuntu06:39
Ben64i think so06:39
Ben6412GB of ram = 120746106:39
bazhangseahorse-nautilus   fat  you mean this?06:39
eristikyeah this box is pretty old. 2gb ram06:39
dr_willisThe number of concurrently open file descriptors throughout the system can be changed via /etc/sysctl.conf file under Linux operating systems.06:39
dr_willisfrom what im googling. ;)06:40
Ben64but 809,103 should be fine06:40
dr_willisthese sites may be out-dated06:40
dr_willisIhave 8gb-o-ram06:40
dr_willisso it does seem tobe related to your ram amount06:40
eristikyeah, so, setting it too high could crash the box due to lack of ram, as i suspected06:40
Ben64eristik: how about "ulimit -n"06:40
dr_willisive never seen anyone need to touch it. ;)06:40
dr_willis# ulimit -Hn06:41
dr_willis# ulimit -Sn06:41
Ben64eristik: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr06:41
eristiklsof i saved in a text file. i'd have to boot into kde to use it06:41
dr_willishard and soft values.. :) not sure what those mean06:41
rabbi1Having problem in displaying correct time in ubuntu 12.04.. I have dual boot with Windows XP. I have checked /etc/default/rcS ... under this file i have tried both UTC=yes and UTC=no. but no luck. Any suggestion ?06:41
dr_williseristik:  nano textfile ;)06:41
eristik-Hn is 4096 and -Sn is also 102406:42
aeon-ltdrabbi1: have you tried using ntp to set your time instead?06:42
rabbi1aeon-ltd: no idea, suggest me how to please ...06:42
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)06:42
rabbi1aeon-ltd: ntp? 'network on' ?06:43
rabbi1yesh, network time works good. i  used to have that always. but what if i don't have a net available ?06:44
aeon-ltdrabbi1: heh, no idea.06:45
OerHeksrabbi1, set your time correct in your bios then06:45
rabbi1OerHeks: bios? windows shows correct time06:45
dr_willisI thought if you used UTC=NO then you set your timezone to be GMT/UTC06:45
rabbi1anyway, let me check and give it a try.......  OerHeks06:46
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dr_willisbios clock +- the timezone modifier.06:46
rabbi1will check on the bios and be back06:47
fatbazhang seahorse just create keys and seahorse plugins give option to encrypt/decrpt via Nautilus any files in directories. What I am looking for is to encrypt text, not files in clipcoard or some text editor. It used to be possible in GPA and then copy encypted text to your email.06:47
dr_willisI rember back in the days when PC's dident even have clocks on the MB.06:47
MK`whenever I plug in my USB headphones, I need to go into sound preferences and select it as the output so the volume controls will work with it. How can I make it so it recognizes whenever I plug in the headset?06:47
eristikso yeah.. not sure what's up. i turned it all the way off. i could edit the ulimit # then? or the file-max?06:51
eristiki'll look and see what lsof said in a minute when i boot it up06:51
rabbi1friends, I wonder how my bios time was changed all of a sudden. thanks dr_willis OerHeks06:51
dr_williseristik:  i would guess its some service or app missbehaveing.. and doing stuff.06:51
dr_willisrabbi1:  if your mb battery is dead - it can reset the clock06:51
rabbi1dr_willis: that's the only possibility we can think of now :)  anyway, will have it checked in the next boot after shutdown ....06:52
dr_willisrabbi1:  a spider across teh terminals! ;)06:54
john_sc_netis this right for lightdm.conf in /etc/init...........and runlevel [!0123456]............ to not run on levels 0 - 6?06:55
dr_willisjohn_sc_net:  if you dont want lightdm to run. you can either use the text option. or rename the /init/lighdm.conf to be lightdm.dontrun06:55
dr_willis;) altering the contents of the file.. is another way06:56
dr_willisthen theres like 2 other ways to disable the service.06:56
john_sc_netbut is that the syntax or do i use commas between runlevels?06:56
john_sc_neti dont want to break it; i also need to conform cause other admins will administer this system06:57
dr_willisWith Upstart 0.6.7, to stop Upstart automatically starting a job, you can either:06:58
dr_willis    Rename the job configuration file such that it does not end with ".conf".06:58
dr_willis    Edit the job configuration file and comment out the "start on" stanza using a leading '#'.06:58
john_sc_nethmm ubuntu is more friendly with setting environment06:59
ILYGhi guys ! how can tell me , "you need to be identified with services" what`s mean ?06:59
dr_willis3rd way -> echo "manual" >> /etc/init/myjob.override06:59
dr_willis;) i think theres a 4th way.. but cant find it07:00
john_sc_netim reading that  ty man07:00
dr_willis.override only works with newer upstart versions07:00
dr_willisand i still think user-defined upstart jobs are not in 12.10 *not sure about that*07:00
eristikophileshey so, here is a pastebin of lsof: http://pastebin.com/yxqz9cKJ07:01
eristikophilesi'm not sure whether it'll really help though07:01
eristikophilesbut, can i edit my file max or ulimit without breaking things, do you think?07:01
eristikophilesnote: pastebin will expire07:02
Kartagishrm, when I clicked on my program icons to make them launchers, their icon turned into question marks. any ideas?07:02
Kartagisgood morning by the way07:02
Mike1986how can i get android on my android phone?07:02
moon`I try to open this link http://ubuntuone.com/64OujxgkGMv1N2QSoPmXin and I get a bunch of weird symbols07:03
dr_williseristikophiles:  ive never ever managed to max out my file open limit in the many years of using linux. ;07:03
FloodBot1Mike1986: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
dr_williseristikophiles:  i think somthing is running crazy and doing it.. so upping the limit will be just delaying it.07:03
john_sc_netdr_willis, i just dont agree with the way they're creating a service.conf in etc/inittab on that link you posted; they're using a grep script to check to see if filesystem service is up instead of using simply "start on ((filesystem......"07:04
john_sc_netloook at their startup script for logging07:04
dr_willisjohn_sc_net:  dosent mean much to me either way really.07:05
dr_williseventually upstart will get replaced.. perhaps 3+ releases from now..  so im not too worried about it.07:05
Ben64I don't understand the point of upstart. It's more confusing and harder to use than init for me07:06
dr_willisthat cookbook site gave info on the reasons Ben64  - its a neat read.07:06
dr_williseven if most of the problems dont affect normal users.07:06
Ben64yeah I read it a bunch to figure out my problem, just made it more confusing07:07
Ben64turns out, you need a static ip address set in /etc/network/interfaces for the dhcp server to start on boot07:08
cubyou can install Windows 7 which will automatically detect ALL network informatio! :)07:08
goddardhow can i use a key with nautilus?07:15
Ben64goddard: what key07:15
cubwow installing java on linux is a pain07:17
cuband they wonder why more ppl dont want to use it07:17
Ben64if you don't have a support question, bring your trolling elsewhere07:18
cubstfu you gay ass bitch07:18
Ben64no thanks07:19
eristikophilesdr_willis- well, ok. i won't change it. did you take a look at the lsof results? i can't tell if they appear normal or not. i don't tend to run that one much07:23
Ben64eristikophiles: that was from console with no gui running though, right?07:24
dr_williseristikophiles:  i really cant see much weirdness. it could be the user causing it.. or some rogue system process..07:24
Ben64on my system, lsof prints over 6000 lines07:25
dr_willislsof | wc -l07:26
Ben64ok, you win07:26
dr_willisso i could assume that i have 36000+ open  files?07:26
Ben64yep, but they aren't all "files" in the traditional sense07:27
* dr_willis files that away.07:27
Ben64dr_willis: I'd have to guess based on your 36485, that you're running bittorrent07:27
dr_willisBen64:  not really.07:28
dr_willismy upnp server may be doing it however.07:28
dr_willisand i am copying a lot of files from hd to hd with mc.07:28
eristikophilesBen64- yeah it was07:33
eristikophilessorry for the delays in response07:33
eristikophilesi have no idea what it'd be either. i mean, other than only having 2gb ram, which isn't *that* bad..07:33
Ben64I'd have to agree with it being a process or service gone crazy07:33
eristikophilesskype was giving errors, and other crap too07:33
Ben64if you keep a terminal up with htop running, and it happens again, it might shed some light onto what it is07:34
eristikophilesi'm going to run htop in the background. if it happens again, at least i'll have that letting me know things07:34
eristikophiles(it doesn't seem to effect already-running apps)07:34
jiwanwhy my ubuntu too slow to show the desktop while entering password?07:35
dr_willisjiwan:  You may want to rephrase that07:41
eristikophileswell, thanks for the help y'all. i'll try to mess with this again when it next occurs, see if i can get better data on it07:49
Unknown0BCHave you ever had that feeling that you are going completely insane ?07:51
Unknown0BCMy evolution email client is working fine, yet when I look at the .evolution directory there is just about nothing in it.07:52
Unknown0BCI wanted to back up my evolution directory and noticed that its so small ? It suppose to be about 80 megs.07:52
Unknown0BCnow its a couple of kb.07:52
Unknown0BCHow is that possible ?07:53
Unknown0BCLets run through the facts. 1) Evolution email client stores all its data in the .evolution directory found in a user's home directory.07:53
Unknown0BCtrue or false ?07:53
slnlsevolution stores mail somewhere else iirc07:53
Unknown0BCyeah ?07:53
Unknown0BCWhere I could have sworn it was the .evolution directory for years now...07:54
Joe23Hi Everyone, I am in need of some ubuntu networking advice07:54
Joe23for some reason, whenever I try adding an ip address to an interface, it just ....disappears.... after a few dozen seconds07:54
Joe23the ip address disappears, not the interface07:55
slnlsUnknown0BC: why dont you just use the evolution backup-function. that is built into evolution?07:55
Joe23has anyone ever seen anything like this?07:55
Joe23or does anyone have an idea on where to look for clues?07:55
Unknown0BCslnls, maybe I just should, however this does not  make me sane again. I have been backing up evolution for years by just copying the .evolution directory. Now its virtually empty yet my evolution is fine.07:56
slnlsUnknown0BC: ~/.local/share/evolution/mail/local/folders.db   there should be everything evolution saves. but the backup function of evolution works just fine, so use this07:56
kevinlu310Power Statistics is showing incorrect battery information. How can I correct it manually? I'm on 12.04 LTS.07:56
=== Err404NotFound is now known as Error404NotFound
* Unknown0BC frowns07:58
Unknown0BCI think I should not let females mess up my head.07:59
Unknown0BCBut they are so sweet.07:59
szxhave anyone had an issue when you press RMB ones it does a double click instead?08:00
szxcould this be a bug in X server?08:00
john_sc_netis this valid as init/*.conf:    start on started filesystem and started auditd08:00
Unknown0BCslnls, thanks.08:01
john_sc_netevolution = imap?08:01
john_sc_neti like dovecot and ldap08:02
slnlsUnknown0BC: however, evolution saves everything in one file iirc. which i find bad for backup reasons. maybe you want to try something else, like claws mail.08:03
slnlsevolution is mbox iirc08:03
john_sc_netoh wa sjust guessing based on folders.db08:03
slnlsevolution is very easy to use, though08:04
slnlsimap is a protocol and has nothing to do with evolution08:04
john_sc_netdovecot has some serious security options thoug08:04
slnlsjohn_sc_net: which?08:04
john_sc_neti know i meant imap/pop3 daemon08:04
john_sc_netit allows to layer security encryptions and integrates with iptables to automatically block brute force, etc08:05
slnlsif you are into security you should probably work with starttls and encrypt your emails via PGP or similar08:06
john_sc_netim talking about encryption from client to server, not the actual mails, that is still an option with this08:06
slnlsi cant see the benefits over starttls and PGP08:07
voxwho is the unmitigated genius ubuntu dev that decided if a raidset cannot be assembled at boot, the entire system will ONLY go to busybox(regardless of if you tell it to ignore the failed assembly), even if the raidset has ZERO to do with the operating system itself?08:08
john_sc_neti setup a vpn layered with normal tls where people could vpn to dovecot using their email logins, etc; ability to add users using dovecot command instead of just in ldap/mysql08:08
john_sc_netat one point08:08
slnlsjohn_sc_net: i dont understand. me noob.08:09
john_sc_netdouble encryption capability, if they were paranoid08:10
john_sc_nettheir choice to vpn to dovecot server; they couldnt use vpn to get to internet08:10
john_sc_netjust to services on server08:10
eFfeMhi, where does unity store its startup settings (what windows are opened when started) and/or how can I modify that ?08:12
aadityaho u08:12
handonghow to use chinese08:13
john_sc_netwhen they vpn, they would have some things ignored; i had checks to see how many connections a certain subnet was trying within a given time and to see how many of the connections went through and finished (they got logged into the service they connected to, did whatever, and finished). If there was 20 or 30 connections within 1 minute that didnt go anywhere (portscans) their ip would get blocked. Normal users will make a lo08:13
john_sc_nett of connections to; so anytime a login was successful, their ip would get ignored for this one check.08:13
slnlseFfeM: click where you shutdown your pc. upper right. click startup-programs there.08:13
dr_williseFfeM:  if you mean by what files get auto ran at login. theres ~/.config/autostart/  and /etc/xdg/autostart/08:13
dr_willis!zn | handong08:13
eFfeMslnls: dr_willis thanks for the advice, will peek at it08:14
dr_willishmm.. whats the ! for chinease.. :) i forget08:14
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:14
handongthink you08:14
dr_williszh? how do you get zh from chinese. ;) no wonder i frogot it.08:14
serp_zhongwen is chinese for chinese08:15
eFfeMslnls: dr_willis: thanks; used the startup programs but also peeked at the autostart file; had a window that started too big, fixed the --geometry and now it is ok08:16
Snurre86i used this guide http://www.tecmint.com/install-vlc-2-0-5-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-linux-mint-14/ to add a ppa for vlc, this gets me version 2.0.6 but te newest version is 2.0.5. Is this a scam08:16
handongit's my first time use irssi.08:17
Lester_Fred_StanIf you are a guy and wish to wear a bra, or do wear a bra, you do not have a problem and it is not abnormal. Many men feel the desire to wear bras, from average joes to celebrities. Visit http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi to be a part of a community of men who like to wear bras. Remember, men who wear bras are not abnormal, they are just like anyone else. So quit worrying and just wear a bra today, worry free!08:17
john_sc_netwhen i do security, i look at connections as scales. if they do something supcious enough times but isnt very serious it would tip the scales to more suspicious. i had a conntrack in iptables to keep up with their "suspicious level" and things they did (sending certain tcp flags is one, like state new and no SYN flag is one :)08:17
john_sc_nethigh enough level, they get permanently blocked08:18
ubunoobHello all, I install squid and was messing around with it, I messed up my config so I uninstalled squid using software centre and deleted the squid3 folder in etc08:19
john_sc_netspeaking of which, does ubuntu have iptables-conntrack installed by default?08:19
john_sc_netand ubuntu setup didnt give any option to configure packages08:19
ubunoobWhen I reinstall it it doesn't recreate these folders and the config files, can anyone help me?08:19
aeon-ltdubunoob: have you tried using it? does it write the files?08:20
ubunoob@aeon-ltd yes I tried to run it after reinstall I get 'FATAL: Unable to open configuration file: /etc/squid3/squid.conf: (2) No such file or directory'08:21
john_sc_netyeah ubunoob you have to create the config file08:22
john_sc_netthe default one is what i linked08:22
ubunoob@john_sc_net is the default available online somewhere?08:22
ubunoob@john_sc_net wow. . I feel stupid, I even saw that yesterday come to think of it. will try and do it right now. .08:24
aaditya__hello jivan08:26
john_sc_netwow thats cool; upstart constantly monitors /etc/init folder for changes08:26
jiwanwhy my ubuntu slow starts after entering password?08:26
handonghello,where can study the irssi document08:26
john_sc_netinstead of having to run a command to have it update service list08:26
john_sc_netjiwan how are you running ubuntu?08:26
jiwanit takes almost 30 second to show the desktop.08:27
jiwansometimes around of 4008:27
john_sc_net@ handong08:27
john_sc_netman irssi08:27
john_sc_nethappy holidays08:28
handongwhy don't you speak chinese?????08:29
jiwananye here who can solve me?08:29
aaditya__have any girl08:31
somsip!support | aaditya__08:31
ubottuaaditya__: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com08:31
what_up1how can i tell what version of ubuntu i'm running and if i should update?08:32
somsipaaditya__: so it isn't for chat08:32
dr_willisjiwan:  try disabling some of the auto starting stuff perhaps in ~/.config/autostart/ and /etc/xdg/autostart/ perhaps08:32
=== what_up1 is now known as what_left
dr_willis!version | what_up108:32
ubottuwhat_up1: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »08:32
what_lefti have intrepid. should i do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?08:33
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »08:33
what_leftya i saw that08:33
what_leftthanks though08:33
jiwanthere is nothing │~/.config/autostart08:34
dufawhat_left: if you intend to upgrade to 12.10 you might consider a backup and fresh install08:35
FloodBot1jiwan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:35
jiwanbut tell how to manage it08:36
=== temp is now known as Memphis
jiwanhey what after pasting it?08:38
dufajiwan: enter the link to the paste in the chat08:38
what_leftdoes xubuntu fit on cds anymore?08:39
euaxjiwan: after access to the web page and paste your text, will be created a link.08:39
jiwanthis is the link08:40
dr_williswhat_left:  i think xubuntu and lubuttu fit on cd. but im not 100% sure about xubuntu. ;)08:40
harpalI am having i3 processor and 6GB or RAM. Should I install ubuntu desktop? or ubuntu server?08:40
what_leftwhat's lighterweight, xubuntu or lubuntu?08:40
what_leftharpal: what is your usecase?08:41
dr_willislubuntu is the lightest 'desktop'08:41
dufajiwan: those are the files in ~/.config/autostart, yes?08:41
aeon-ltdwhat_left: lubuntu, it's mostly just openbox which is a standalone wm08:41
Mike1986how can i install ubuntu on my phone08:41
dr_willisjiwan:  move them to some .autostart-disabled directory and see if it helps.08:41
dr_willisMike1986:  theres vm's in the android market you can use.08:41
harpalwhat_left: I am using eclipse and some tools. and system is up most of the time.08:41
FloodBot1Mike1986: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
dr_williswow. he never learns.08:42
jiwanno this files are from /etc/xdg/autostart08:42
dr_willisjiwan:  so move them and see if it helps.08:42
what_leftharpal: if you're using eclipse, wouldn't you want some type of desktop?08:42
jiwanwhere to move08:42
dr_willisMike1986:  theres vm's in the android market you can use..08:42
jiwancan i remove it randomly?08:42
dr_willisjiwan:  move them to some .autostart-disabled directory and see if it helps.08:42
dr_willisi said move.. not 'remove'08:43
harpalwhat_left: ya, but server can also install Gnome.08:43
jiwanshould i have to create new directory or there is existing one by this name08:43
dr_willisjiwan:  its trivial to make a directory.. so make one.08:44
dr_willisIts not rocket surgery. ;)08:44
dr_willis'move them someplace you will rember so you an move them back later if you want to'08:44
dr_willislike /etc/xdg/autostart-moved/08:45
gancarHi. How could I create Ubuntu on a VPS. (I'm new to virtual servers etc)08:45
varunpriolkar97guys how is the support like for gtx 6xx cards?08:45
l057c0d3rk just wondering what the chances are of clam antivirus on nix breaking my windows install08:45
varunpriolkar97i am on 4650and am tired of amds crap08:45
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  you can have it just scan and report... no chance at all of harm08:45
l057c0d3rbecause i've scanned my win pc with three different windows virus scanners and nothing ever came up08:46
l057c0d3rfor kicks i stuck my linux pendrive in and booted up and mounted the windows partition.. and started a virus scan.. and its not even done yet and said there were 536 threats found08:46
gancar Hi. How could I create Ubuntu on a VPS. (I'm new to virtual servers etc)08:46
what_leftl057c0d3r: o_o08:47
what_leftl057c0d3r: i recommend you just get rid of that windows installation, since clamav isn't even close to top tier in terms of identifying them08:47
l057c0d3ri know right.. thats why i'm thinking it might cripple windows on me if it actually tries to fix the issues08:47
dr_willisthere are live-av-cds made by avast and some other av makers you mayt want to test out08:48
what_leftl057c0d3r: are there any actual issues you're encoutnering?08:48
gancarHi. How could I create Ubuntu on a VPS. (I'm new to virtual servers etc)08:48
l057c0d3rwhat_left, right.. but three different windows scanners ran in windows found nothing08:48
=== tom__ is now known as sequencesequence
what_leftgancar: that's not really a valid question. do you want to create an ubuntu image for a vps?08:48
gancarLike a remote desktop connection similar to XP08:48
l057c0d3rand the windows is a factory install that has only been on there  for 6 months with very little use to it08:48
what_leftgancar: most vpses have default installations, oftentimes including ubuntu among the mix08:48
l057c0d3rnot really.. i was just doing the scan for fun... to see what it would say08:49
what_leftgancar: you mean vnc?08:49
dr_willisdosent take more then 6 min.. to get a windows virus if you do it right. ;) or wrong...08:49
what_leftgancar: for remote desktop, i found TeamViewer to be rather decent08:49
dr_willisIt all depens on what its reporting.. it may be reporting specific things for specific reasons, or having false positives08:49
gancarSee http://bluevm.com08:50
gancarTo install on one of those08:50
l057c0d3rwell dr_willis im starting to think it just thinks windows itself is a virus :-p08:50
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  theres always the potential for false positives08:50
l057c0d3rbut yeah..  looking forward to looking over the list of results when it finishes just to see what its reporting08:50
what_leftgancar: that is sketchily cheap08:51
l057c0d3rso what is a good virus scanner for nix then.. since this said one is supposidly not up to par08:51
l057c0d3rand i will say this much.... this one is slow... its been scanning for quite some time now08:51
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  several companies make  them. clamav is just one of many.08:51
what_leftgancar: prgmr is already on the cheap-as-crap side, and it's like 3x the price08:51
gancarYeah but could you install a remotely accessible Ubuntu on there08:52
dr_willisavg and norton i THINK have linux based live cds08:52
what_leftgancar: assuming they offer what they're claiming to... yeah08:52
dr_willisor was it mcafee? been a while since i bothered with av apps08:52
gancarHow actually though?08:52
l057c0d3rright..  how likely is it for a virus to get on linux....  peeps always tell me its a lot safer.. and i know its easy to get them on windows sooo08:53
l057c0d3rnever was fond of avg..08:53
what_leftgancar: install ubuntu, ssh in with x forwarding to install something like xubuntu-desktop (probably wouldn't want unity because of resource constraints), then install something like teamviewer or vncserver on there08:53
gancarSee that is said simply but half of what you said jist made no sense to me :/08:54
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  i know of no linux viruses.. biggest danger to a linux box is the users doing somthing stupid08:55
what_leftgancar: i imagine when you set up your hosting plan, they ask you what distro you want to run. you select ubuntu, which will probably be ubuntu-server (text only ubuntu)08:55
l057c0d3ri'm not worried about that.. i've broke my system a few times..  nothing that;s not fixable....  i've never had to actually format and reinstall a nix install like windows.....08:56
what_leftgancar: then you ssh in (connect to it) with X forwarding (so you can also see anything that would be displayed), and install/run xubuntu-desktop so that now there's actually a user interface you can work with08:56
l057c0d3rwhat_left  why not lubuntu-desktoo08:56
what_leftl057c0d3r: either one08:56
what_leftgancar: from here, you install a more permanent solution for remote viewing, such as TeamViewer, which is something you just download from a certain website and run (it's simple to set up)08:57
gancarOh what ssh program to use08:58
what_leftlubuntu 12.10 should run better on a 2005 dell than gnome-based jaunty, right?08:58
what_leftgancar: what OS are you on right now?08:58
gancarWindows 708:59
what_leftgancar: i think PuTTY does x forwarding, but am not sure08:59
hero616Could 2 programs access the same mouse? read("/dev/input/mouse0",...)08:59
bindaasomaticubuntu 12.04 laptop touchpad works in xfce but doesn't work in unity ,any idea?09:00
what_leftgancar: if you trust someone with a name as sketchy as what_left from an irc channel, i can maybe have a go at it (though i wouldn't be the best person for the job, and i can't guarantee i'll be around much)09:00
ubunoobHi all I was in earlier trying to repair my squid config, I got it right by using the default at http://wiki.imagestream.com/wiki/Squid_default_configuration09:00
gancarWhat spec would you recommend at http://bluevm.com as a vry minimum?09:00
dufagancar: also, if you want bluevm specific support, they have an irc channel at irc.obsidianirc.net #bluevm, they might be able to help you as well09:01
ubunoobI followed the instructions step for step from https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/squid.html up to step 3 but all I get now is that the proxy is refusing connections. can anyone help?09:01
gancarYes i used to be an oper there :)09:01
gancarOk if u want to09:01
dufagancar: what specs are minimum will depend on what you plan to do with the vps09:02
what_lefti would imagine the bluevm3 should be sufficient for really basic use with lubuntu09:02
ubunoobI messed up my config yesterday so I really just need someone to show me how to do it right09:03
what_left128MB ram might be pushing it these days? who knows09:03
what_lefti remember my first multi-megabyte RAM computer... good times good times09:03
aragorn4hi. I'm trying to get a high id on aMule, when I do a command: netstat -an | grep "LISTEN "  I see the port listening  while all other ports are, why is it so?09:04
l057c0d3rwhat_left.. i remember when bill gates said no one would ever need more then 512mb hard drive space09:04
what_leftaragorn4: is broadcast, isn't it? (or is that
what_leftl057c0d3r: i don't think he said that?09:05
gancarThanks for your help. I'll be back soon on my PC09:05
l057c0d3r255.255.255.0 is a subnet mask09:05
l057c0d3rwell the exact mb may have been different.. but i know it wasn't much..  and yes he said it09:06
aragorn4what_left, is it related to having a high ID?09:06
what_leftif i remember my networks course correctly, is broadcast which means it's intended for EVERYONE on the network to see09:06
what_leftaragorn4: i know nothing about the software you're using, so i don't know what it would imply09:06
aragorn4what_left, I mean an open port09:07
l057c0d3rhmm i always thought it was *.*.*.255 for broadcast09:07
l057c0d3rusually 192.168.*.25509:07
llutzaragorn4: those services with are only bound to localhost, those with to any available iface. has nothing to do with broadcast etc.pp09:12
=== root is now known as hong
ubottuciccio123456: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:24
dr_willisWow.. going to !list again?09:25
dr_willisyou just dont read do you?09:25
llutzitalians are different...09:25
dr_willisim tempted to start sending them Ubuntu ISO torrent files...09:26
somsipdr_willis: I was told off for sending a !list to someone as soon as they said 'ciao'... ;)09:26
dr_williswhat were they expecting? ;)09:26
somsipdr_willis: I deserved it, but they did try a !list immediately after09:26
dr_willisamazeing thing is i ONLY see it in that exact order..09:26
dr_willisnever hello. or aloha. or  buena nochas..09:27
longxiongqiumy english is not good09:27
Ben64dr_willis: I don't know what it is, many many italians come in here and !list09:29
c_nickI need someone to download a video from youtube for me .. and really appreciate if he could send me via dropbox?09:29
c_nicksince youtube is blocked here  I want  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR_CXlJFe2E song09:30
dr_willisBen64:  or is it just one? ;)09:30
longxiongqiumany  websites is blocked in china09:31
brezhi all, just installed 12.10, Im wondering.. where do I locate the oldmenue subfolders like "internet/grapics" etc?09:31
llutzdr_willis: one extremly learningresistant italian... i doubt so09:31
dr_willisits the fbi looking for warezers ;)09:32
dr_willisbrez:  the top left Ubuntu icon is the dash that has items and search and filters to find stuff.. if you 'must' have the classic type menus in unity. theres a few classic-menu indicator applets and other tools out in various ppas09:33
dr_willis!manual | brez09:34
ubottubrez: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:34
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
dr_willisbrez:  'Superkey-A' gets to the applications lens. then you can filter stuff and search and so forth09:34
dr_willisthe 'filter results' check boxs can clean out clutter09:35
brezdr_willis: - I wasin the dashboard before, and it gave me sub menu options,for the old menus, I just cannot forthe life of me find it again09:35
dr_willisbrez:  i dont recall ever seeing that09:36
brezI may not of been in dashboard, but certainly somewhere where I could see "internet > empathy, thunderbird, firefox"09:36
dr_willisi tend to just tap super, then enter what i need.09:37
dr_willisunless you were using the classic gnome desktop thing.09:37
peat88hello everybody09:37
riderplusI try to play a vlc online video09:37
riderplusI get this error09:38
breznot sure - was in a dashboard like screen.09:38
riderpluspython 2.7 required to install plugins to play media files of the following type h.26409:38
peat88install codec h@^$09:38
peat88codec h09:38
riderpluspeat88: where from?09:38
riderplusok...do I find it in Ubuntu repos?09:38
paul3I'm having a problem with my USB sound device. It worked before, but now everything is sounding "robotic". It's a strange distortion can't really explain how it sounds. Anyone familiar with this problem?09:39
dufabrez: if you use super-a to get the applications lens, it says filter results in thet upper right corner, clikc that and choose a filter09:39
peat88hmm i dont thnink so09:39
dr_williswhat is the url of the video riderplus ?09:39
peat88try to dl the pack google is ur friend .D09:39
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dr_willisi dont really see how that site is using vlc..  :)09:41
brezdufa: I didn't do anything fancy, I just had all the old submenus available to me in a tree view in a dashboard like screen.09:41
riderplusme neither09:41
dr_willisits launching in its own player.. unless theres some url you are putting into vlc09:43
riderplusdr_willis: it's launching in flash, vlc, and sopcast09:44
riderplusi want to watch it using vlc09:44
riderpluswhen i try the ling it gives me that error09:44
dr_williswhich link?> :) the first top left icon is playing.. in the embeded player.09:44
paul3Any pointers on how to debug my sound problems? What's they keyword here (alsa??). I'm new to Linux on the desktop :-)09:46
solitude88hey guys whats apache irc channel?09:46
blamipaul3: alsa or pulse09:46
llutzsolitude88: #httpd09:46
solitude88wicked thanks llutz09:46
dufabrez: if you really want old style application menu you could install classicmenu-indicator, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/install-classic-menu-indicator-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/09:47
paul3blami: what's the difference?09:47
riderplusdr_willis: tv online>vlc09:47
dr_willisriderplus:  must be somthing with how your browse is configured. they all popup  in an embeded player here. i dont think thats using vlc. :) guess it could be09:48
dr_willisGuess it is some sort of limited vlc player thats playing.09:50
blamipaul3: alsa is the very thin interface to operating system core sound interface (one in the kernel), pulse or pulseaudio is more complex framework built on top of it09:50
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paul3ok, ic09:51
paul3now eveyrthing sounds like a robot09:51
dr_willisriderplus:  this one is working for me here.. (barely)  http://www.totalweblink.altervista.org/Tv/VLC-Tv/Antena-1.php09:51
paul3i.e. youtube videos09:51
paul3I already tried rebooting and alsa reload09:51
riderplusdr_willis: that one is not working for me09:52
paul3syslog says Rike pulseaudio[1930]: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Failed to set hardware parameters: Broken pipe09:52
paul3no idea if that's related09:52
riderpluspython 2.7 is searching for h.264 codec09:52
riderplusand doesn't find it09:52
blamipaul3: it seems it does09:52
dr_willisriderplus:  heh.. thats the only link on the whole site that actually plays anything..09:52
dr_willisriderplus:  you have installed the vlc-browser plugin?09:52
dr_willisit maybe trying toplay in totem or somthing09:53
riderplusdr_willis: I don't know...let me check09:53
dr_willisriderplus:  ive installed various vlc plugins for the browser - for my flash-replacer extensions09:53
gancarIs what_left around?09:53
dr_willisbrowser-plugin-vlc - multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC09:54
riderplusI have installed it..but for no reason python 2.7 is looking for codecs09:56
riderplusis there a way to set it to play in vlc?09:56
dufagancar: no, he left09:56
gancardufa: the channel or the network?09:57
dufagancar: not sure, channel at least09:57
dr_willisgancar:  you can use memoserv to send him a message. or do a /whois to see if hes still here10:01
riderplusok. I got rid of that error, it installed ffmpeg but now I don't think it's playing with vlc10:02
riderplusit's actually using gstreamer10:02
fomalhautsalve !10:03
cristian_c!italian | fomalhaut10:03
ubottufomalhaut: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:03
dr_willisriderplus:  i cant really tell what its playing with. its some rather basic gui in a window,10:03
dr_willisriderplus:  i dont think its actually using vlc. ;)10:04
riderplusdr_willis: yes, that's the problem10:04
riderplusand I don't know how to set it to play with vlc10:04
dr_willisand i cant see how web link can specifically say 'play with vlc' ;)10:04
riderplusbecause playing that way is crappy10:04
fomalhautok thank you10:05
nyuszika7hwas just trying to search logs :P10:06
KaiserThawshi, anyone using log analyzer ?10:07
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aragorn4so why is aMule listening on and not on like other programs?10:15
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llutzaragorn4: because you configured it to do so and it wouldn't make sense to let it listen to localhost only10:15
boichevanyone willing to help me run evilwm on ubuntus lightdm10:15
llutzaragorn4: those services with are only bound to localhost, those with to any available iface. has nothing to do with broadcast etc.pp10:16
aragorn4llutz, ok thanks10:16
exalthello, can anyone update me with news about nvidia native optimus support progress10:23
andreas ]10:27
ognyhasektor ya10:29
blaz_hi guys, im using 12.04 how can i change metric (i want wlan to have priority over lan)10:30
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blaz_because i watch iptv over lan and want to also surf the net over wlan while watching10:30
Guest77694hey, my ubuntu crash help me10:31
* joey8 wonders if please's and thankyou's have gone10:31
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Guest77694when i try to move the file of /etc/xdg/autostart files10:32
Guest77694how to get my /etc/xdg/autostart files again10:33
niktHave a nice day.10:33
=== Mouse|Eating is now known as iDangerMouse
Guest77694how to copy /etc/xdg/autostart folder10:38
srhbGuest77694: I assume just like you would copy any other folder.10:39
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CeroIs there a supported way available to run a read-only root filesystem with Ubuntu (Core) to allow appliance operation?10:40
CeroI was thinking about something like flashybrid, overlayfs in conjunction with squashfs, or something like that.10:40
juniourCero change the permission10:41
srhbCero: Sort of. You would have to make all the subdirectories that need writing live on other partitions, though.10:41
srhbCero: ie. with write permission.10:41
juniourcheck allwo file executing as prrogram10:41
CeroI could do with flashybrid but it seems to be bit of an outdated way to achieve this.10:42
CeroUntil now I've been using tinycorelinux for that purpose.10:42
srhbCero: It sounds like overlayfs is the cleaner method though.10:42
CeroBut I read something that it was not supported as of the last LTS.10:44
srhbCero: The entire thing you want is unsupported, why would that bother you. :P10:44
lewcienguys I have vt-d can I use it with vbox?10:46
juniourlewcien ??10:46
shai5482Hello, I would like to know how I can install RVM on Ubuntu 10.04? I cant find good command on Google10:46
srhblewcien: Yes.10:46
juniourshai5482 ubuntu 10.04 has EOL10:47
mcb_2Bom dia Francisco. Acabei de alterar mais uma vez a regra do Firewall. Você tentar mais uma?10:47
Cerosrhb: so you recommend going for overlayfs? (as in http://askubuntu.com/questions/109413/how-do-i-use-overlayfs)10:47
srhbCero: I think I would.10:47
mcb_2Sorry wrong place.10:47
Cerosrhb: thanks!10:48
srhbshai5482: In fairness, there's no easy way in supported versions of Ubuntu either.10:49
srhbshai5482: But there are guides.10:49
kevinI have a bluetooth mouse from a4teck (bt-630) that doesnt show up when I search for it in bluetooth settings in ubuntu 12.10... I have pressed the pair button on the mouse and it goes into pairmode... any ideas?10:49
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HeKTonhello anybody10:50
joey8HeKTon→ hi10:50
lewcienwelp how do I switch between intel hdma and amd radeon?10:51
lewcien*it's switchable, and even has an option for it in the bios*10:51
Noriandirhi. is there a way to add new modes to xrandr at boot?10:51
Noriandirits stupid to add new modes at each user login at each boot10:51
HeKTonguys i`m very new here. Basically we ask questions about Ubuntu and linux in General right ?10:52
srhblewcien: Is the amd card on?10:52
lewciensrhb: yes10:52
NoriandirHeKTon: i guess so10:52
lewciensrhb: just installed amdcccle10:52
HeKTonThat`s cool10:52
HeKTonayt I have a question :)10:53
lewcien!topic | HeKton10:53
ubottuHeKton: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:53
umeris there any good dictionary available for ubuntu like world web10:53
lewcien!ask | HeKTon10:53
ubottuHeKTon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:53
HeKTonI got a problem with thunderbird...10:53
lewcienHeKTon, it would be appreciated if you would state the problem...10:53
HeKTonjust one moment to see exactly what it says10:53
srhblewcien: I don't think virtualgl has support for those AMD cards yet.10:54
lewciensrhb: thanks10:55
srhblewcien: However, if you're willing to live with an X reboot, you could checkout vga switcheroo10:55
dwakarI want to start my terminal everytime my computer boots. How do I do that with crontab?10:55
linudzHi there, does anyone know how to set up touchscreen funcs on an Asus eee-top all-in-on pc? Could you PM me? TNX10:55
lewciensrhb: thank you10:56
umerdwakr u don't need crontab for that10:56
HeKTonok lewcien so basically it was setted up and then all of my accounts dissapeared10:56
dwakarI added @reboot /usr/bin/gnome-terminal but nothing.10:56
lewcienHeKTon: you could try #thunderbird though...10:56
HeKTonnow I`m tryying to register again but it doesnt seem to work10:56
lewcienHeKTon: type /join #thunderbird10:56
HeKTonthanks :)10:56
dwakarumer: so what do I need to do?10:57
srhb  dwakar: Check out ~/.config/autostart10:57
umerdwakar there is startup application on search10:57
shai5482Hello, I've installed RVM on my server, when I type "which rvm" and "which rvmsudo" I found them /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvmsudo but when I type the command I get rvm: command not found any idea?10:57
HeKTonunfortunatelly there`s no one in that room10:57
umerjust add your gnome-terminal in it10:58
srhbshai5482: Are they executable?10:58
shai5482srhb: yes10:58
dwakarsrhb: yeah there are bunch of .desktop files10:58
umerdwakar /usr/bin/gnome-terminal use following to add gnome-terminal10:58
shai5482srhb: I found on Google that I should add them to the PATH variable, but how I can do that?10:59
donnieHow do I fix this error from synaptic "Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT"10:59
srhbshai5482: They should be in your PATH if which finds them10:59
umerdwakar which ubuntu you are currently using version10:59
dwakarumer: 12.0410:59
srhbdwakar: but show your PATH anyway. echo $PATH10:59
umerpress window button10:59
srhbshai5482: ^^^10:59
umertype startup10:59
shai5482srhb: so why they not working? and I get message command not found?10:59
shai5482srhb: one sec..11:00
umerdo u able to find that startup application ?11:00
shai5482srhb: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/rvm/bin11:00
srhbshai5482: So indeed, it is in your PATH (last item)11:01
umerdwakar ?11:01
srhbshai5482: Are you positive they are marked as executable? ls -l /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm11:01
dwakarumer: yes I'm not using unity so I can't do search and type startup11:02
kevinI have a bluetooth mouse from a4teck (bt-630) that doesnt show up when I search for it in bluetooth settings in ubuntu 12.10... I have pressed the pair button on the mouse and it goes into pairmode... any ideas?11:02
dwakarumer: is there anyway I can do it from terminal11:02
shai5482srhb: -rwxrwxr-x 1 root rvm 1272 2012-12-28 03:44 /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm11:02
umerdwakar ya wait11:03
srhbshai5482: very odd. How about if you execute it with its full path?11:03
dufadonnie: you can read the manual for apt-cdrom with the command "man apt-cdrom"11:03
shai5482srhb: I can try, you think I should try to restart the server?11:03
srhbshai5482: That should make no difference.11:03
dufadonnie: basically what you need to do is "apt-cdrom -d=/mount/point/for/cd add11:04
dufaif I recall correctly11:04
Banosanyone wanna chat11:04
Banosabout comp networking careers11:04
donnieBut it's an error in syanptic. Saying it can't download certain update info... I don't even have a cd11:04
srhbBanos: Not in this channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic11:04
srhbshai5482: How about it then? Does it execute with the full path?11:05
shai5482srhb: I did reboot and its working now :)11:05
srhbshai5482: Mysterious.11:05
varunpriolkar97hello Aleksander11:06
dufadonnie: what are you exactly trying to do in synaptic11:06
donnie"the update information is outdated" is a notification I get. When I try and connect to update it. That's the error I get11:07
TomyLobodonnie which ubuntu version?11:07
donnieNo idea... Whats the terminal command again?11:07
TomyLoboand what do you mean by "try and connect to update"11:07
TomyLobodonnie "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and look for precise, lucid, quantal or something like that11:08
donnie11.10... And I get a notification on my panel that says my update info is out of date. When I say "update it"... It give me that error I posted about apt cdrom11:09
dzieglerHi, I have a small question. Is it possible to check whether a network card has a link? For example, if the network card is connected to a switch.11:09
shai5482srhb: Thanks for your help..11:10
HeKTonso guys no one of you had same problem as i have with thunderbird ?11:10
HeKTonthere is no thread on google either11:10
TomyLobodonnie what does "apt-get update" say?11:11
srhbdziegler: You could use ethtool for ethernet cards11:11
donnieSays there's no updates available. And the same in apt-get upgrade11:11
technikfreakand if its blinking or not11:11
TomyLoboapt-get upgrade does something entirely different11:11
TomyLoboupdate updates the package lists11:11
srhbtechnikfreak: ifconfig will not show you whether there's a link, I believe.11:11
TomyLoboi.e. the lists of what there is out there11:12
TomyLoboupgrade upgrades packages11:12
srhbdziegler: Or better yet, cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate11:12
donniew: failed to fetch cdrom://11:12
srhbdziegler: Replace eth0 with your adaptor, of course. :)11:12
TomyLobodonnie well do you want to fetch packages from the cd?11:13
technikfreaksrhb, as son as you have a link it will sends package for sure11:13
dzieglersrhb yes thanks a lot :-) works fine, nice parser output :-)11:13
srhbtechnikfreak: What?11:13
srhbdziegler: There's also carrier, you might need to check the difference11:13
donnieTonyLobo I don't have a cd. I don't even have a cdrom drive in my computer anymore since it's really not needed11:13
srhbdziegler: In the same directory11:13
TomyLobodonnie ok, edit /etc/apt/sources.list with your favorite text editor (with superuser privileges) and remove the cdrom line then11:14
TomyLobo(or prefix it with "#", which disables it)11:14
dwakarsrhb: I guess .config/autostart doesn't work for me since I run a different WM11:14
donnieOk. Thank you11:14
dzieglersrhb: thanks :-)11:14
the_wave3Hi I have a Billion USB ISDN modem but i don't know if it is working or how to configure it. from different forums and websites i presume that the hisax (=mISDN?) ISDN driver run it under linux. anyone fit  on this topic?11:15
TomyLobodonnie for kde: kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list11:15
TomyLobodonnie for gnome: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:15
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subdesignanyone can help me why I cant ssh to a hosting server. password is right because i can log in to ftp with it.11:30
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=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
dufasubdesign: sure, do you get any error messages?11:32
subdesignssh info: http://pastie.org/558815611:32
_graham_Is the ssh server configured to allow password authentication?11:34
subdesigni guess i could connect earlier, so it worked11:35
_graham_It kinda looks like it is, but I've never debugged a system that disabled password ssh logins so I'm not sure...11:35
subdesignthe prob was i just wanted to apply an automated ssh login, added the generated key to the server, and accidentally exited11:35
subdesignso i break something meantime11:36
_graham_What happens if you connect from a machine that doesn't have the generated key?11:36
subdesignhm i have one machine11:36
_graham_Or a different user account from the same machine11:36
_graham_Or - worse case - temporarially remove the keys from your local .ssh directory11:36
subdesignok trying ..11:37
subdesignnow the authorized_keys file is renamed11:37
subdesignbut the login unsuccessful11:37
_graham_Ok - Stupid question time. You're certain the username and password are correct? And you're certain the hostname is correct?11:38
subdesignyes it haven't changed11:39
subdesignwhat if I delete the generated key?11:39
joey8Hi. Can anyone tell me please what is the terminal command for running “system monitor”.  Ubuntu 12.04 / Mate 1.4.2. Thank you11:39
dufasubdesign: move it rather than delete it, you might want to have it later11:39
_graham_Delete or move it. Deleting it means you can't get it back if you need it elsewhere11:40
_graham_I'm not sure that'll make any difference though11:40
dufasubdesign: you could use ssh -v ... for vebose mode, it could help in debugging11:41
joey8Hi. I have found it eventually if any one is interested.... “mate-system-monitor”11:42
jeeves_mosshow do I setup my bind server to be a slave with no upstream replication to my windows servers?11:42
subdesigndufa, with -v I only get "Sorry, try again."11:43
ranjan hi all, how can i use libnotify/notify-send centrally to show message on multiple ubuntu nodes on my network11:43
Noriandirdoes anyone know how to add permenantly a resolution to X11? my screen supports 1280x1024 and ubuntu only detects 1024x768... right now I'm using xrandr with --newmode and doing a --addmode after, but that is not permanent...11:46
agselI want to copy contents of 32GB drive onto 128GB drive. I tried dd. now file utility shows that I have 128GB of ext4 filesystem. file explorer shows that the drive has 32GB. how should I fix this?11:46
dufasubdesign: it says that after you type the password?11:46
=== rudy_ is now known as Guest57844
exalthello, can anyone update me with news about nvidia native optimus support progress?11:47
subdesigndufa, no, i have permission problem11:47
rudy__Hello every one11:47
rudy__i am from China11:47
subdesigndufa, http://hastebin.com/perexepevi.cpp11:47
joey8rudy__→ hi11:47
rudy__Can i make a friend for you11:48
epx998Anyone ever mess with the old ldmud junk?11:48
dufasubdesign: is that all of the verbse output or is there more, would you mind pasteing the rest?11:51
InspectorCluseauagsel, http://clonezilla.org/show-live-doc-content.php?topic=clonezilla-live/doc/03_Disk_to_disk_clone11:52
subdesigndufa, http://hastebin.com/veyumavadi.hs11:53
Kartagishrm, when I clicked on my program icons to make them launchers, their icon turned into question marks. any ideas?11:56
_graham_Curiously, when I try that locally to my own machine, it calls it "keyboard-interactive" when it prompts for a password, and not "password"11:56
dufasubdesign: are you specifying in the ssh commnd the username you want ot log in with, the degub output suggests youre logging in as "user"11:57
_graham_dufa: He must be, otherwise it would default to his local username of "mercury". Might be that he isn't specifying the correct username though...11:58
_graham_dufa: Well, he either is or else it doesn't actually output the real username requested to that log...11:58
subdesigni changed my un to user11:58
subdesignsurely i mixed up the keys or something. how can I revert ?11:59
_graham_What is the actual command you are using? (Redacted as appropriate)12:00
Noriandirhow do I recreate xorg.conf?12:00
Noriandiri don't have it12:00
subdesign_graham_, sudo ssh username@username.webfactional.com12:00
_graham_Why are you runnign ssh with sudo?12:01
subdesignlike: http://docs.webfaction.com/user-guide/access.html12:01
subdesignhm good question12:01
_graham_There is zero need for that. That just runs the local ssh client as root on the local machine12:01
subdesignsorry u right12:02
subdesignthx _graham_, dura12:02
_graham_And then - it occurs to me - sudo will ask for your local password before it even tries to connect to the remote machine, which is likely a different password12:02
dufagood point12:03
dufaright , which is why the faild authentication popped up in the local log, the first paste: http://pastie.org/pastes/5588156/text12:04
_graham_Yes. It's not the remote ssh auth that was failing but the local sudo auth12:04
subdesignyes it was a leak in my knowledge. ssh doesn't need sudo.12:05
_graham_That's probably why the key auth wasn't working too - because it will have been getting the keys from /root/.ssh instead of from /home/mercury/.ssh12:05
M1C4HTRON13getting an error running grub-update12:05
M1C4HTRON13sudo update-grub12:05
M1C4HTRON13 /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 1: /etc/default/grub: ]#: not found12:05
_graham_You should use sudo as little as possible. The vast majority of non-local-sysadmin tasks don't need it at all12:06
_graham_(By "vast majority" - I can't think of any that need it off the top of my head)12:07
MonkeyDustsubdesign  _graham_  basically, any command that changes something outside /home, needs sudo12:10
subdesignso because i was in .ssh , its in the home, i dont need sudo. memorized.12:11
_graham_MonkeyDust: Basically, yes, with some exceptions. Most normal activities don't need to do that at all though12:11
skrplease help12:17
=== skr is now known as Guest1607
Guest1607GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend.  Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications.12:17
Guest1607GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend.  Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications. help plz12:19
MonkeyDustGuest1607  start with a question12:20
M1C4HTRON13how do I update grub after editing /etc/default/grub?12:24
Guest1607try  sudo update-grub212:25
M1C4HTRON13I get an error12:26
M1C4HTRON13 /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 1: /etc/default/grub: ]#: not found12:26
merlin_/etc/default/grub not found12:27
merlin_check this file12:27
rzsIm on ubuntu 12.1012:27
rzsIm unable to play mp3 in firefox12:27
rzsalso, its not working in opera...in chrome the mo3 plays fine12:28
rzsany way to fix this ?12:28
MonkeyDustrzs install restricted areas12:28
MonkeyDustrzs  mp3 is a closed format12:28
Guest1607i am getting an error when opening gedit "GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend."12:28
cfhowlettrzs: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:28
MonkWitDaFunkrzs, i think.you can get a plugin that works with your web browser from the ubuntu.software.centre:-)12:29
rzsMonkeyDust cfhowlett : ok, let me try installing the restricted extras package12:29
M1C4HTRON13merlin /etc/default/grub is fine as far as I can tell12:29
Guest1607i am getting an error when opening gedit "GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend."  any help12:30
merlin_try  $grubmkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:30
merlin_try  $grubmkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:31
MonkeyDust!who | merlin_12:31
ubottumerlin_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:31
JF1976good day to you all, Q). I did a disto upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 and now i'm left with a disk check on every boot for the "unclean 10.04", whats the correct way to fix this rather than disabling the disk check? thanks.12:31
merlin_!M1C4HTRON1  try  $grubmkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:31
ubottumerlin_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:31
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:33
M1C4HTRON13merlin did you mean grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:33
M1C4HTRON13it gives the same error12:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:34
=== merlin_ is now known as lulu
=== merlin_ is now known as merlin__
JF1976!tune2fs -c o -i 012:36
ubottuJF1976: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:36
rGiskardReventloI'm trying to cross compile AROS (Amiga Research Operating System) using this tutorial (http://meehow.de/index.php/aros/crosscompiling-aros-for-arm/) however when I try to install the package I have unresolved dependencies... I think it has something to do with ubuntu searching for the package in the wrong location (using multiarch and armhf) but I'm unsure of how to resolve the issue. Can12:36
rGiskardReventlo anybody help?12:36
ThomasBerendsI've installed a lamp-server using Tasksel a while ago, but now I fucked up. Is there a way to remove the lamp-server completely?12:36
JF1976tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 | touch /forcefsck12:37
anonymouswe are anonymous12:37
anonymouswe do not forgive12:38
anonymouswe do not forget12:38
MonkeyDustanonymous  wrong channel12:38
JF1976thats what i was thinking lol12:38
JF1976goto #backtrack-linux12:38
anonymousim using the new anonymous OS12:38
blamianonymous: geez goto #gentoo or #backtrack-linux ...12:38
blamianonymous: don't tell me it is ubuntu flavour12:39
blamiwe're anonymous ... unless our searches in unity are sent to amazon :D12:39
rGiskardReventloanybody? experience of cross compiling using multiarch?12:40
JF1976blami, apt-get remove geoclue-ubuntu-geoip ;)12:40
JF1976ever had to fix a disk check error after upgrade ?12:41
JF1976disk is fine, just runs a check on every boot? 10.04 - 12.0412:41
learnLinuxwhen at this learn linux website and clicking on module 1 which does come up, I cannot see any of the " click on the right arrow" buttons.  what software am I missing?     http://linuxsurvival.com/LinuxSurv1/start-win.php12:48
delohello every body12:50
deloit'my first time in it12:50
paco_me too12:51
JF1976you both users or looking to start..12:51
delowhere are you come from?12:52
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learnLinuxI have a new installation and I am sure Im missing some ad on or plugin to help me view all things on web pages... Can someone take a look at this webpage and tell me what I am missing from the software center.. thanks.when at this learn linux website and clicking on module 1 which does come up, I cannot see any of the " click on the right arrow" buttons.  what software am I missing?     http://linuxsurvival.com/LinuxSurv1/start-win12:54
learnLinuxNevermind!! I was using the windoze link instead of linux..12:56
MonkeyDustlearnLinux  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows12:56
JF1976learnLinux, have you installed the ubuntu-restricted-* packages12:56
JF1976delo, register your nick and request a host cloak :- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=register+your+nick+and+request+a+host+cloak+freenode&btnG=Search&sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&tbo=d&site=12:58
cfhowlettkujah: greetings12:58
JF1976are you new to irc ?12:58
delome too12:58
kujahI am a new boy in the chat12:59
kujahI want looking this channel in spanish please help12:59
ubottukujah: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:59
evrardohow can find help about ubuntu?13:00
deloand I am a new ubuntu user...13:00
cfhowlettevrardo: Ask your question here13:00
evrardohow can install usb webcam on ubuntu 12.04?13:01
delothere are much god boy could give some help13:01
MonkeyDust!webcam | evrardo13:01
ubottuevrardo: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras13:01
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JF1976more than likely evrardo, if you havent installed ubuntu yet have a go with the livecd check system requirements for you device..13:02
yunhaii all13:04
cfhowlettyun: greetings13:04
tymnetHi guys, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year13:05
yunyeah happy new year13:06
tymnetanyone about to answer a quick question? should I install 12.10 or 12.04 lts?13:06
ThinkT510tymnet: whichever meets your needs13:07
MonkeyDusttymnet  depends on what you prefer13:07
tymnetthis will be my first time on linux13:07
tymneti don't know which suites me more13:07
ThinkT510tymnet: try 12.04 in a vm13:07
tymnetwhats the most used in the community?13:07
lvlephcan someone help me with audio through hdmi using radeon driver?13:08
cfhowletttymnet: 12.04 is a Long Term Support version with desktop support for 5 years.  LTS tends to be more polished than interim versions.13:08
lvleph01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880 [Radeon HD 4290]13:08
Mechdavetymnet, I would install 12.04 first, it is less bleeding edge and is more likely to work properly, besides it has updates for a long time to come13:08
jrgiffordtymnet: i prefer 12.04 for desktops, 12.10 for laptops. however, i seem to be in the minority here, so feel free to ignore me. :)13:08
lvlephLinux Media-PC 3.2.0-35-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 17:42:16 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:09
lvlephubuntu 12.0413:09
tymnetso most people use 12.0413:09
MechdaveI use 12.0413:09
ThinkT510tymnet: i can't answer for most people but i tend to use the latest stable13:09
tymnetmore of a ready for daily use thing like the pre releases of android os's13:09
cfhowletttymnet: LTS then.  12.04 is the most recent LTS13:10
tymnetso whats the benefits to using 12.10?13:10
ThinkT510tymnet: more recent kernel and apps13:10
cfhowletttymnet: people like shiny, new things ...13:10
jrgiffordtymnet: slightly newer software, that's about it.13:10
jrgiffordfor AMD computers i recommend 12.04, since they broke some things in 12.10.13:11
cfhowletttymnet: consider the non-LTS versions as test-beds for the LTS releases13:11
tymnetthanks guys for this. there's doesn't seem to be a straight forward answer on the net to this question13:11
tymneti get you13:11
tymnetlooking forward to chatting here after the reinstall and working with you guys :)13:12
Mechdave12.10 is newer versions of software and newer ideas implemented by ubuntu. 12.04 is slightly older but much more stable.13:12
ThinkT510tymnet: chat in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is purely support13:12
blamitymnet: also, in case of need with all this infrastructure around ubuntu is really not hard to build newer software to fit your 12.04 installation13:12
tymnetoh :)13:13
MechdaveI recommend you to install 12.0413:13
tymnetthanks guys13:13
tymnetopen source for life!13:14
ThinkT510blami: building newer software to work on 12.04 means you won't get support for that here13:14
matt21067hey, anyone have any expierience with wubi.exe?13:14
ThinkT510matt21067: better off without it13:14
vlt!anyone | matt2106713:14
ubottumatt21067: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:14
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cfhowlettmatt21067: wubi is for testing ubuntu.  If you really want to install it, consider dual booting or virtualbox13:15
blamiThinkT510: that's true ...13:15
matt21067how do those work? do i need a disc to install, or could i install another way?13:16
geniuscan anyone help me13:16
jrgiffordcfhowlett: with all due respect, i beg to differ. wubi is good for a lot of things, and not nessecarily just for testing out ubuntu. i recommend wubi for those who want to do a dual-boot without the potential issues.13:16
vlt!ask | genius13:16
ThinkT510genius: only if you describe your issue13:16
ubottugenius: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:16
cfhowlettjrgifford: the developers have stated wubi is for testing ...13:16
jrgiffordcfhowlett: got a link to the wiki?13:17
cfhowlettjrgifford: but I appreciate your sentiment13:17
vesurimiesHi all13:17
geniusi was trying to install citadel13:17
vesurimiescould someone help me13:17
geniuson ubuntu13:17
geniusand backtrack13:17
vesurimiesi have problem with wine13:17
ThinkT510genius: backtrack isn't supported here13:17
geniusbut i was getting allot of error13:17
ThinkT510!enter | genius13:17
ubottugenius: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:17
cfhowlettjrgifford: as in have I seen the wiki?  Yes13:18
ThinkT510vesurimies: the guys in #winehq can help better13:18
vesurimiesI cannot seem to find way to ~/.config/urw3-Linux/ how will I get there? I have to add one file in that location, thats all13:18
jrgiffordcfhowlett: It says on the download page "With our officially supported Windows installer, you can install and uninstall Ubuntu easily and safely", so I think it works. anyway, not trying to pick a fight, just stating an opinion on wubi.13:18
cfhowlettjrgifford: fair enough.  No worries13:18
ThinkT510vesurimies: ~ == /home/username13:19
vesurimieshmm where do i put that, think13:20
matt21067i installed ubuntu via wubi before and it worked just fine. i booted into ubuntu, updated and it was good. i had a bad LCD TV then tho which gave me problems with it, now i have a much better monitor and would like to reinstall13:20
uu88how to write zeros to multiple drives with 'dd'?13:20
Mechdaveuu88, google zero hard drive with dd13:21
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matt21067the problem, however, is that when i run wubi, nothing happens. no prompts or splash screens or anything.13:21
TakeItEZ!google | Mechdave13:21
ubottuMechdave: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:21
JF1976vesurimies, get a console [ctrl]+[alt]+[t], then type " mkdir -pv ~/.config/urw3-Linux/ " without quotes13:21
vltuu88: You could use either tee or some shell magig (zsh ftw)-13:21
TakeItEZuu88: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX13:21
JF1976this will make the path you are requesting,13:22
uu88<Mechdave>, I already did and all I got is how to zero ONE drive, but how to zero multiple drives I still don't know13:22
vltuu88: Just multiple dd processes, tee or shell redirection. I'd just take the first option.13:23
uu88are you sure /dev/sdX could work?13:23
TakeItEZuu88: not to  zero multiple in ONE run, no13:23
Mechdaveuu88, It does take a long time to zero 1 hd, in order to zero many you will need to write a script to be executed in bash13:24
matt21067does anyone know what could be wrong? i've tried all kinds of compatibility settings. before it worked just fine, no hitches, but this time it's just being a pain. i've tried searching google for a solution, but nothing has worked so far13:24
vltuu88: Have a look at ddrescue which runs with faster default values or "shred".13:24
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Mechdaveuu88, something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/whatever; dd etc etc Or you could write dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sr* maybe13:25
uu88so, when I will run the script dd will zero one drive and once it is finished will take the other one, right?13:25
vltuu88: "shred" has a "-z" option and "-n 0" instantly zeroes the drive (instead of multiple random writes before).13:25
Mechdaveuu88, Yep, that is right... Best check with the bash manual first though... My bash scripting is a bit rusty!13:26
vltuu88: If you want it not one after another, there are several options. The easiest one would be to run several processes simultaneously.13:27
Mechdaveuu88, If you want to just do a file or a group of files then shred is the go13:27
uu88vlt, you mean 2 drives would be zerod simultaneously?13:27
WDKevinI have 2 drives being delivered today that will be the host drives for my new server. They are to be exact replicas of each other, but I'm not looking to use RAID. Is this something that I can do with ZFS?13:27
ThinkT510!zfs | WDKevin13:28
ubottuWDKevin: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS13:28
WDKevinThinkT510, thank you, but that does not answer my question13:28
uu88thanks, guys, I got good advice fro you. I'll start testing..13:29
ThinkT510WDKevin: it tells you how to use zfs on ubuntu and its state of support, other than that i can't think why you would ask a zfs question on a ubuntu channel13:30
matt21067so no one here knows?13:33
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ThinkT510matt21067: not many here use or even like wubi13:33
JF1976matt21067, download the latest livecd version and try booting it live, are you looking to fix the current install or provide a more stable reinstall?13:35
matt21067i'm assuming you need a CD for livecd version?13:37
vesurimiesdemons!!! my computer is possessed by demons!!! I hear voices!!!13:37
MonkeyDustvesurimies  wrong channel13:37
cfhowlettvk: greetings13:38
joey8vesurimies→ turn your volume down ヅ13:38
JF1976tbf im thinking last time i downloaded a latest it was dvd sized, however you can use USB if you device boots from USB13:38
roman_345hi, what is this chat for? I'am first time on irc13:39
matt21067i would like to use the windows installer again because it's simpler, and i don't have any spare CDs around and i'm not sure if i have a USB drive to use..although i might be able to rig up a spare HDD and use it as a USB drive to install from..if that's even possible13:39
ThinkT510roman_345: ubuntu support13:39
JF1976matt21067, are you looking to install the 12.04 LTS or the 12.10 version, also have you decided on Ubuntu or another Ubuntu such as xUbuntu13:40
matt21067and Ubuntu13:40
roman_345u can install from usb thumb drive13:40
JF1976ok so you have a working windows system and you want to update the wubi,13:40
vkim using ubuntu 12.04, how to find buffered flv files location,   firefox  11.0 is in place.  earlier flv files used to get stored in /tmp files. pls help i dont wish to use  plugins and download flash videos seperatedly, i wish to get locate buffered flv files only. Hope this is what every one wishes...13:41
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JF1976from my understanding the best way to do that is via the windows add remove ? you i think you remove like standard app then download the latest wubi and install the same way you would for windows,13:41
matt21067i am working from windows 7 x64, i don't currently have Ubuntu installed on this machine, and i've downloaded wubi.exe 3 times or more just this morning and tried to run with no success13:41
JF1976go buy yourself a nice new usb pen drive 2Gb should be fine but 4Gb will do a dvd so i would get that ;)13:42
b33njThinkT510, http://s55.radikal.ru/i150/1212/d1/2fdd43de9521.jpg13:43
ThinkT510b33nj: please don't post things like that here13:44
JF1976then download the ubuntu you want to use and follow the guide to create a usb boot from the iso, reboot live and see how the device responds, i take it your up to spec cpu ram wise ?13:44
b33njThinkT510, why?13:44
ThinkT510b33nj: many beginners join this channel13:44
JF1976pm it so the person or else its spam13:44
exalthello, can anyone update me with news about nvidia native optimus support progress?13:44
b33njThinkT510, how can i send pm to you?13:45
icerootexalt: still not good so you have to use bumblebee13:45
matt21067this PC is capable of running Ubuntu. i've had it running it before on the exact machine, so i know at least it will run13:45
ThinkT510b33nj: /msg nick whatever you want to say13:46
exalticeroot: i read that there was proof of concept13:46
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b33njThinkT510, have you received the pm?13:47
icerootexalt: there is one big issue, the licence. nvidia wants to do some special things but the licence does not allow to use closed source in that case (shared drm access)13:47
ThinkT510b33nj: multiple times, stop it13:47
icerootexalt: it was this "nvidia fuck you" and there reaction to that13:47
b33njThinkT510, sorry, i thought they weren't sent13:47
ThinkT510iceroot: no need for that language here13:48
icerootThinkT510: i am just quoting13:48
ThinkT510iceroot: still applies13:48
icerootThinkT510: send your worries to linus13:48
ThinkT510!guidlines | iceroot13:49
ThinkT510!guidelines | iceroot13:49
b33njlinux torvalds13:49
ubottuiceroot: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:49
icerootexalt: but there is a proof of concept yes, with only one xserver running, bumblebee is using 2 x-servers at the moment13:49
blamiiceroot: not linus, better to send them to alan cox13:49
icerootblami: that quote was from linus13:49
icerootblami: but yes i know what you mean :)13:49
exalticeroot: and the problem is there is not full support of the graphics card with bumblebee13:49
blamiiceroot: yeah but nvidia tried then. They have dmabuf support in driver but they can't link gpl symbols13:50
icerootexalt: bumblebee is using the non-free nvidia drivers and starts 2 x-servers13:50
icerootblami: yes that was the issue13:50
blamibumblebee is weirdo hack13:50
icerootblami: but working fine here13:51
HOBOTOMTOMGPSjoin #ubuntu-offtopic13:51
icerooteven with steam games13:51
blamiiceroot: not here, as my t420 has both dvi's wired to nvidia only so I can't have reliable multihead with bumblebee ... hope dave airlie prime will make it into Xorg soon13:52
scoobyI have a system where I need to get to the root shell - I manage to do a sudo su - but when there it tells me that output is not a terminal when I try and edit and even simple commands like echo do no output13:52
icerootscooby: sudo su is wrong13:53
icerootscooby: its setting the env wrong13:53
icerootscooby: you "want" sudo -i  but normally you dont want a root-shell, only normal sudo13:54
scoobyiceroot:  OK - let me try that - stand by please13:54
scoobyiceroot:  just did the sudo -i - seemed to get to a shall but when I go there: vi test gives me Vim: Warning: Output is not a terminal13:56
icerootscooby: screen?13:56
icerootscooby: or something like  ssh foo@bar sudo -i?13:57
scoobyiceroot: I am at a screen if that is what you mean - have not tried ssh to it - do you mean from another machine?13:58
icerootscooby: i am talking about GNU screen  not a monitor13:58
icerootscooby: i am not sure if you can change the user in screen and get the new correct terminal13:58
blamiscooby: what says echo $TERM?13:59
TakeItEZiceroot: screen has no problems with sudo -i, more a terminal-issue i guess14:00
scoobyiceroot:  the strange thing is that I do this all the time on other computers and have no problems - and yes through xfce14:00
icerootTakeItEZ: ok, wasnt sure about that, thanks14:00
scoobyblami:  see above - even echo does not work14:00
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blamiscooby: and 'set'?14:01
blamiscooby: but still it seems like you're trying to do something from script or so (stdout is not terminal)14:02
scoobyblami - I agree - and as far as I know I am really at a shell since I move there from a shell - using su14:03
HoNgOuRuhi, any good xml editor ?14:03
scoobyHoNgOuRu:  emacs14:04
HoNgOuRuyeah right... thank u scooby14:04
HoNgOuRuI am trying to avoid text editors14:04
HoNgOuRuI mean, I need an XSD editor as well14:04
Therion87Anyone using the Dell Sputnik yet?14:05
scoobyblami:  and iceroot  this is not worth a lot of problem - I will just dd from another working system - they are supposed to all be the same anyway - so I am assuming something messed up on this one - probably best to reload14:05
scoobyHoNgOuRu: if not text then what - xml is text14:06
KaiserThawsHello, I have this message in my log every minute : "pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)" do you know the reason of that ?14:08
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icerootKaiserThaws: maybe cron, there can be many reasons14:09
icerootKaiserThaws: or any other process which needs root-access is validating through pam14:10
Ronalds_Mhi everyone14:10
technikfreakmy pidgin takes a huge of processor on my netbook with xubuntu14:10
technikfreakis that normal?14:10
KaiserThawsiceroot: yes it's cron related14:10
KaiserThawsbut I have nothing in my crontab14:11
Biomechdhey, i never did get the weird update/keysignature thing fixed, but right now there's another issue: my touchpad has shut down. if it weren't for the little pressure button thing in the middle of my keyboard, i probably wouldn't be able to do much of anything without a restart right now.14:11
icerootKaiserThaws: /etc/cron.d/14:11
icerootKaiserThaws: also see crontab for root14:11
Ronalds_Mwhy linux gets to 50 celsium without nothing14:12
Ronalds_Mwhen on windows, it's always lower14:12
Ronalds_MI have xfce+ubuntu14:12
Ronalds_Msomething like 5-10 grades difference14:13
Biomechdwindblows produces more forced air current, so it naturally stays cooler lol14:13
Ronalds_Mbetween windows and ubuntu14:13
Ronalds_Mnice explanation14:13
Biomechd(not really, i'm just not a windows fan and like poking fun at it)14:13
Ronalds_MI don't like windows at all14:14
Ronalds_MI'm just want to know is it normal14:14
BluesKajHiyas all14:14
Biomechdno clue.14:14
Ronalds_Mon linux it takes 500 mb of RAM, while on windows it's 1,6 gb14:15
KaiserThawsiceroot: I have two files on etc/cron.d and one executing "09,39 *     * * *"14:15
Ronalds_Mbut linux heats more14:15
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KaiserThawsbut never seen that kind of value in the first spot. What does it mean ?14:15
ThinkT510Ronalds_M: ram is there to be used14:15
TakeItEZKaiserThaws: every hour+09minute and +39minutes14:16
Biomechdperhaps linux uses more processing power and demands more?14:16
KaiserThawsTakeItEZ: alright thanks :-)14:16
HoNgOuRuany xml editor like xmlspy ?14:16
TakeItEZKaiserThaws: "man 5 crontab" for further explanation14:17
Biomechdwould anyone happen to know why my touchpad crashed? i can do without alt-lmb&drag for now, but losing my touchpad is going to severely decrease my productivity.14:17
KaiserThawsTakeItEZ: Thanks, i'm just trying to understand why a root session is open by cron every minute14:18
Biomechdi really just wanna know how to restart my touchpad so i can use it again without having to restart it.14:19
matt21067would it be at all possible to install ubuntu from a USB HDD or android phone attached to USB?14:19
Biomechd(restart the computer, that is)14:19
christarasHi guys. I have a problem. Ubuntu always uses vesa drivers instead of AMD Catalyst FGLRX. Why is that so? it happens on  13.04 12.10 12.04 . Can you help me fix that14:19
Biomechdlogically, yes, matt2106714:19
ThinkT510christaras: did you install fglrx?14:20
bao_i can't play left 4 dead on Ubuntu. I installed Wine14:20
christarasI installed many versions (13.04 is in aplha stage)14:20
ThinkT510christaras: 13.04 support in #ubuntu+1 until release14:21
christarasWell the problem exists in every version of ubuntu not just 13.0414:21
Dead-iHi, for some reason every time I boot into my Ubuntu Server setup I am unable to access the internet. However, when I type "sudo restart networking", it works again?14:22
Biomechdcould someone please tell me how to restart my touchpad?14:22
ThinkT510christaras: i don't know what cards fglrx supports, perhaps your ati card is too old?14:22
christarasno it is 6450 HD. it is still supported14:23
MonkeyDustDead-i  if you can ping an IP address, but not surf to it, it's a DNS issue -- DNS translates an IP address to an url14:23
DrShoggothDNS translates the hostname from the url to an IP address14:23
b14d3I think Monkey meant DNS translates an IP FROM a url :P14:24
b14d3He knew where he was going with it, his fingers just made him incorrect :P14:24
ubunoobHello all, I am trying to get a small server running, I have four windows computers and they connect to the internet through my ubu machine. I did a dhcp setup and ICS. that worked fine. I wanted all the winboxes on static IP so I changed that. everything was working just fine until I played around with squid, now all the windows pcs say the dns server is unreachable despite being able to ping my ubu machine. I have tried everything I ca14:25
ubunoobn think of, can someone please, please help me?14:25
christarasno he was mean and he did it on purpose :P14:25
christarasSo guys no idea about why ubuntu uses VESA instead of FGLRX?14:25
ThinkT510christaras: check if your card isn't blacklisted14:26
Kartagiswhen I clicked on my program icons to make them launchers, their icon turned into question marks. any ideas?14:27
christarasIt is not blacklisted it is compatible with linux. Even in amd site it says that. Also the old and wise google says that.14:27
christarasGoogle Knows everything14:28
tymnethey guys, just wanting to confirm. install 12.04 instead of 12.10?14:30
LordOfTimetymnet, depends on what you want: long term stability and security updates, or more cutting edge than stable.14:31
LordOfTimes/cutting edge/newer software/14:31
LordOfTimetymnet, 12.04's pretty stable though.14:31
cfhowletttymnet: consider this: if you don't mind the risks/rewards of updating every 6 months, don't install LTS.14:32
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tymnetwhat do the majority of the community run?14:32
christarasHey guys has anyone tested latest kernel 3.8 on 12.10?14:32
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Biomechdchristaras, if google knows everything, why has it not told me how to restart my lenovo thinkpad edge 15's touchpad? i'm forced to use the little pressure button thing in the middle of the keyboard or restart my laptop.14:33
Biomechd(and i'd rather not restart if i can just type in a command or something and go back to using my touchpad, but with the time it's taking, it would have been much faster and easier to just restart anyway)14:34
christarasWell by using linux i have to say one this for it for sure.14:34
ThinkT510Biomechd: tried finding out which kernel module is loaded for your touchpad?14:35
Dead-iMonkeyDust: I get "Destination Host Unreachable"14:35
BiomechdThinkT510, how would i do that?14:35
christarasIt is way too complex And has many problems.14:35
ThinkT510Biomechd: lsmod will list the modules loaded14:35
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BiomechdThinkT510, "psmouse" says it's being used by 014:37
BiomechdThinkT510, that's the only thing i can find that looks like it would be related to the touchpad14:38
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ThinkT510Biomechd: says same here and my touchpad is fine14:38
TakeItEZDead-i: and what dns-server do your windows-machine use (ipconfig /all)? can they ping that ip? is that the correct dns-ip?14:39
BiomechdThinkT510, what is your touchpad connected to in the lsmod list?14:39
Dead-iTakeItEZa: I meant I get  "Destination Host Unreachable" when I ping an IP (in this case, :)14:40
sequencesequenceBiomechd: They're PS/2 touchpads, pretty standard thinkpad stuff14:40
ThinkT510Biomechd: no idea14:40
TakeItEZDead-i: and what dns-server do your windows-machine use (ipconfig /all)? can they ping that ip? is that the correct dns-ip?14:40
sequencesequenceBiomechd: For legacy purposes14:40
LordOfTimeTakeItEZ, DNS-IP is irrelevant if they can't reach the outside14:40
Biomechdsequencesequence, so are you saying these crashes are common for them?14:40
LordOfTimeTakeItEZ, if they're getting Destination Host Unreachable for an external IP it means they have no network access to the internet14:40
LordOfTimeusually at least14:41
sequencesequenceBiomechd: Maybe a devicekit issue related to FN+F8?14:41
Slingdo I need to enable something special when putting a script in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ ? i've made the script, chmod+x, running it manually does what i want (iptables-restore < /root/firewall) but on a reboot iptables is empty again14:41
Dead-iI use a Mac instead of Windows, so I'm not sure what the Mac equivalent of that is.14:41
Dead-iYeah, I have no network access unless I run "restart networking" manually, but I would like networking to work without me having to run that14:41
sequencesequenceBiomechd: Something in userland? I actually have no idea what you're talking about, i'll read back a bit14:41
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TakeItEZDead-i: sry i put you in the wrong context (other guys issue)14:42
Dead-iTakeItEZ: np :)14:42
KartagisSling: do you iptables-save?14:43
memandHey guys, I'm running 12.04 and have a laptop with a Nvidia gt555m and an intel i5 with intel graphics on it, I can see that there is a driver set for the Nvidia chip loaded called nouveau and a driver for the intel chip called i915. I installed Xscreensaver and get really choppy performance, so my guess is that the Nvidia chip is not being used properly. Any thoughts on that?14:43
SlingKartagis: yes, that is what generated the /root/firewall file14:43
Slingi dont iptables-save automatically anywhere though14:43
KartagisSling: you do iptables-save after putting in rules14:44
LordOfTimeSling, you should iptables-save after you add rules14:44
LordOfTimeso that they're saved somewhere.14:44
Slingthey are already in the /root/firewall file14:44
Slingiptables works fine when running the script i have in pre-up14:45
LordOfTimeoops old data :PP14:45
sequencesequenceBiomechd: PS/2 is from the 80s and really standard, and there aren't any thinkpads with USB Touchpads or trackpoints. That is, they work even in DOS without drivers. I actually didn't have IRC logging on, no idea what your issue is.14:45
Slingit just doesnt execute the script on boot14:45
* LordOfTime wasn't scrolled down :P14:45
LordOfTimeSling, add it to rc.local then14:45
Slingwell yeah i can put it in other places too14:45
LordOfTimeSling, or install iptables-persistent and use /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and /etc/iptables/rules.v614:45
Slingjust want to know why pre-up doesn;'t work14:45
LordOfTime(iptables-persistent's easier :P)14:45
Biomechdsequencesequence, my issue is that my touchpad randomly crashed, and it does this sometimes (don't keep track of how often)14:46
Slingi guess the rules.v6 would be nicer then having another script for ip6tables14:46
LordOfTimeSling, you'll still need to ip6tables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v614:46
sequencesequenceBiomechd: And you've tried pressing FN+F8, which disables/re-enables it?14:46
Biomechdsequencesequence, if it weren't for the little pressure button thing in my touchpad, i'd be without a mouse right now unless i restarted my laptop.14:46
SlingLordOfTime: yes i know how iptables works :)14:46
LordOfTimeSling, and iptables-persistent will load iptables at load time14:47
LordOfTime(i.e. boot)14:47
Slingusing what hook though?14:47
sequencesequenceBiomechd: Do you get a indication of the "Touchpad On/Off" symbol when you press FN+F8?14:47
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Slingas in, what would make iptables-persistent apply the rules on boot, and my pre-up script not14:47
ewookLordOfTime: doesn't a script in /etc/network/interfaces/if-up.d/script.file.sh work anymore? ^^;14:47
TakeItEZSling: if-pre-up.d is meant to work14:47
Slingyes, thats what I thought14:48
LordOfTimeewook, not sure, but the easiest method is to use iptables-persistent14:48
Biomechdsequencesequence, fn+f8 on my keyboard is f8. my keyboard's a bit weird in that what would normally be secondary functions of the f# keys are instead the primary functions.14:48
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ewookLordOfTime: okidok. when did that change?  :S14:48
LordOfTimeewook, i think its always been that way... *checks the iptables howto*14:48
Slingid rather not go for 'easiest method' as soon as something doesn't work :)14:48
SlingLordOfTime: its not something iptables specific im doing here14:48
LordOfTimeSling, i understand, i'm talking to ewook now :P14:48
Slingits just a bash command that is supposed to be ran before bringing eth0 up14:49
LordOfTimeewook, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration_on_startup  <-- always been there in solution #314:49
Biomechdsequencesequence, and none of the keys show any sort of mouse/touchpad-related icon.14:49
sequencesequenceBiomechd: You've just started with Linux, and you're on 13.04? It's not ready yet. I am absolutely sure that it works perfectly on 12.10 and has for years14:49
Biomechdsequencesequence, no, somebody else is using 13.04. i simply inquired about it. i'm using 12.10.14:50
ewookLordOfTime: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration_on_startup14:50
ewookLordOfTime: lol :p14:50
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
memandHey guys, I'm running 12.04 and have a laptop with a Nvidia gt555m and an intel i5 with intel graphics on it, I can see that there is a driver set for the Nvidia chip loaded called nouveau and a driver for the intel chip called i915. I installed Xscreensaver and get really choppy performance, so my guess is that the Nvidia chip is not being used properly. Any thoughts on that?14:51
sequencesequenceBiomechd: Tried making a new user account and see if you can get the indication? It's almost certainly a configuration problem in userland, not a kernel problem. Maybe devicekit. Did the button ever work? Like it works in Windows, correct?14:52
ewookmemand: nouveau isn't that good..14:52
memandewook: Ok, do you know of a better driver and how to get it?14:52
sequencesequenceBiomechd: and you want into Mouse and Touchpad settings and tried unticking "Disable touchpad when Typing"? Maybe something's broken there.14:52
Biomechdsequencesequence, i don't use windows very often, and i haven't had this problem in windows before that i know of.14:53
sequencesequenceBiomechd: Do you have gpointing-device-settings installed, maybe?14:53
ewookmemand: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates14:53
Biomechdsequencesequence, i could try it. it doesn't seem like having that option ticked is doing anything anyway. i still end up doing random crap while my thumb rests on the touchpad when i'm doing stuff.14:54
ewookmemand: that's the PPA I'd recommend.14:54
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Jiteshok guys,i just installed ubuntu 12.10 along side windows 7 and after installation i restarted pc and after selecting UBUNTU from GRUB it was showing me attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'14:54
ewookmemand: using it with my lenovo w530, still not perfect due to my weird gfx-combo, but works well with the nvidia.14:54
Dead-idoes anyone have any ideas as to why I need to run 'sudo networking restart' for my networking to work on boot?14:55
memandewook: Ok thanks :) and when I add the ppa it should automatically detect the driver update?14:55
SlingDead-i: anything in dmesg about networking after booting? or in syslolg14:56
Slingsyslog even14:56
Slingalso how did you configure your network14:56
Biomechdsequencesequence, messing with the disabled-during-typing option didn't do anything. i toggled it off and on with no effect.14:56
ewookmemand: if a update/upgrade doesn't , simply ask to install the nvidia packet as provided in the ppa - lesse if I can find a more accurate guide for it.14:56
Dead-iSling: In my network interfaces I have lo, p4p1 and xenbr0 configured.14:57
ewookmemand: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104527/how-do-i-install-the-latest-nvidia-drivers-via-the-additional-drivers-tool14:57
ewookmemand: that link contains all the steps what I can see :).14:57
memandewook: Cool, thanks :) it's actually surprisingly hard to find info on getting nvidia chips to work :)14:57
sequencesequenceBiomechd: do you have the "gpointing-device-settings" program installed? People used to install it before gnome got better support for trackpoints and touchpads, but I think that it causes major problems14:57
ggherdovHi all. I am building some code, and the configure script complains with "error: GLib >= 2.28 is required". Question: what is the package providing GLib on ubuntu 10.04 ? "apt-cache search glib" didn't help much.14:58
sequencesequenceDead-i: Wifi?14:58
ewookmemand: yeah.. well, you could install it directly from nvidia.. but.. geh.. that's gonna break quick.14:58
sequencesequenceDead-i: Chipset? Try reading through dmesg?14:58
b14d3ewook: That's assuming it works in the first place :)14:58
memandewook: Yeah I heard a rumor about that :P14:58
memandit's amazing that they still don't provide proper suport for *nix14:59
Jiteshok guys,i just installed ubuntu 12.10 along side windows 7 and after installation i restarted pc and after selecting UBUNTU from GRUB it was showing me attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0' any 1 know how to solve this issue?? please14:59
Biomechdsequencesequence, no, i don't, and in fact i just did sudo apt-get remove to make sure it wasn't.14:59
Dead-isequencesequence: Though I have a wireless card, I'm using the Ethernet port in my motherboard (p4p1).14:59
iDM|BusyUbuntu on Galaxy S2 bad idea kids!15:00
sequencesequenceDead-i: and did it start happening suddenly or from when you first installed Ubuntu?15:01
Dead-isequencesequence: Just spotted dmesg says "p4p1: link down" if that's any use15:02
Dead-iI had originally configured Ubuntu to use wlan0, but I've changed it to p4p1. This seems to be happening after every boot after changing it to p4p1.15:02
ewookb14d3: ah, well it does, or did for me a couple of versions ago (around 304.x I think)15:02
memandewook: Just did an update/upgrade gonna reboot and see what happens, if it's still buggy I'll check that link out. Thanks for the help and info :)15:02
ewookmemand: well, they kinda do.. but I hear ya..15:02
b14d3ewook: I've heard of it working (however briefly) but have never actually seen it happen with my own eyes lol15:02
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ewookmemand: gl!15:02
Biomechdsequencesequence, any other ideas?15:03
ewookb14d3: Mine worked for two reboots - if the x-config actually worked :p.15:03
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sequencesequenceBiomechd: No idea......but I bet a new user account wouldn't have that problem, meaning that there's probably some weird setting in dconf, which you could look for using dconf-editor15:04
sequencesequenceBiomechd: Basically idiopathic, screw it ;)15:05
Dead-isequencesequence: Since running "sudo restart networking" seems to fix it, is there any way of running that at boot or something? :S15:05
Slingwhat was the package/setting again for having to confirm iptables changes, and rolling them back within X seconds if unconfirmed?15:05
Slingor is that just a script somebody made15:05
TakeItEZSling: its just a script/cronjob15:06
joey8kevinliu→ hello15:07
diverdudeDoes anyone know if there is a way to remote control spotify running on a ubuntu machine from an android device?15:07
SlingTakeItEZ: a cronjob?15:08
Slingi dont want to periodically change my firewall :p15:08
sequencesequenceDead-i: Yes, but that's a pretty messed up way of fixing it. Has it been this way ever since you first installed Ubuntu, or did it just show up suddenly? Under "Startup Applications" you can run the command "gksudo restart networking" without quotation marks. Not really a fix, but whatever.15:08
sequencesequenceDead-i: Then you'll have to type your password in every time your desktop pops up after logon15:08
dufadiverdude: I'd guess vnc would be easiest to set upp15:08
TakeItEZSling: its just for testing purposes. as long as you fiddle with new rules, let a cronjob reset iptables every xxx minutes15:09
Dead-isequencesequence: It has been that way since setting up p4p1.15:09
diverdudedufa, hmm for spotify? Are you sure15:09
Dead-isequencesequence: I'm using Ubuntu Server, not the Desktop version :)15:09
SlingTakeItEZ: no thanks15:09
TakeItEZSling: after you're done, you remove the cronjob of course15:09
Slingits a wrapper around iptables15:09
dufadiverdude: oh, I didnt read carefully enough, yeah, vnc is overkill15:11
diverdudedufa, hmm this might be an idea to try15:11
diverdudedufa, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cewan.spotify&hl=en15:11
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Slingill continue /win 215:13
Biomechdsequencesequence, since you mention dconf-editor, would you happen to know where i could go to permanently disable alt-lmb&drag for moving windows, or at least to change it to, say, super-lmb&drag?15:13
dufadiverdude: seems there is an app for that https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cewan.spotify&hl=en it's free, you might want to check it out15:14
dufasorry its the same link15:15
domdomhi every one15:15
domdomi dont know if it's a problem or not but i noticed that when i do "apt-get upgrade"15:16
domdomi get "The following packages have been kept back:"15:16
domdomlintian linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic15:16
domdomis that normal ?15:16
TheLordOfTimedomdom, i see that on my server, linux-* usually gets held back because it updates the kernel and requires a reboot15:17
b14d3Yep. Do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" without the quotation marks15:17
BluesKajit's not a problem , it's normal15:17
domdomok thanks :)15:17
TheLordOfTimeand BluesKaj's right, its not a problem its Working As Intended15:17
sequencesequenceBiomechd: Can't remember the key, but you can do it using move plugin of compizconfig-settings-manager15:18
Nightwatchcan someone help me lock users to their home directory in vsftpd?15:19
sequencesequenceBiomechd: aka ccsm15:19
wh0datafter cloning my 500gb hdd to a 2TB one, I can't boot ubuntu from the new drive. however if i mount it, everything is there. tried even doing a grub-install, and still will not boot. what am I missing?15:20
Slingwh0dat: how did you clone it?15:21
wh0datsling: ddrescue command15:21
sequencesequenceDead-i: I bet your problem is that the fact that the ethernet interface is being called p4p1 instead of eth0 or something more normal, it's screwing up some configuration file? Like did you just upgrade your motherboard or ethernet card or something?15:21
Slingwh0dat: and does the partition have the bootable bit set, and mbr installed?15:21
Slingthe boot partition, that is15:21
watchtowerDoes ubuntu offer cloud deployment15:22
sequencesequenceDead-i: and you've looked at /etc/network/ and all its files to make sure there's nothing screwy?15:22
ThinkT510!cloud | watchtower15:23
ubottuwatchtower: The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC15:23
Dead-isequencesequence: According to Ubuntu Server the logical name is p4p1 and I haven't changed anything regarding that.15:23
Slingwatchtower: also check out openstack / http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud15:23
watchtowerOK Thanks for your help guys15:23
Dead-isequencesequence: My /etc/network/interfaces file is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1472962/15:24
wh0datSling: GParted reports that it is set as a boot partition (/dev/sdb1). and I reinstalled the MBR as well with a GUI utility.15:24
sequencesequenceDead-i: I don't know much about xen, is this a virtualised instance or a VPS or something? Or is that a host thing?15:25
sequencesequenceDead-i: Because if you're using Xen, I dunno.....race conditions, maybe ? :)15:26
Dead-isequencesequence: This is the host, and I'm under an Xen kernel :)15:26
linuxthefishdo any ubuntu people know why gparted gives this error? http://linuxthefish.net/personal/gparted_details.htm15:26
wh0datsling: I used boot-repair : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair15:26
linuxthefishstupid ubuntu :'(15:29
sequencesequenceDead-i: Well I can't think of anything right now. If you want to go with the horrible hacky solution of running that command at boot, make an upstart script that runs whenever the machine is started, and.....at some point after networking is supposed to start, I guess. That feels so wrong. Good luck!15:29
Dead-isequencesequence: Mmm, yeah15:30
Dead-isequencesequence: Thanks :)15:30
Biomechdi guess i'm going to restart my laptop since fixing this stupid trackpad without a restart is a no-go.15:30
lupsakkaI have IWL 3945ABG wlan chip on my laptop. Networkmanager sees all the APs, but cant connect to them. dmsg output several lines of wlan0: direct probe to ... (try n/3). Thoughts?15:31
Dead-isequencesequence: Just rebooted and it's working this time O_o15:31
sequencesequenceDead-i: Well you may have found some horrible bug. Can you enable/disable the trackpad with F8 now?15:32
pamccabeI installed Tor from documentation i found, now how do i know if it is running?15:33
sequencesequencepamccabe: Server or Client?15:33
Dead-isequencesequence: Pushing F8 just makes me type a ~ (probably because I'm on ubuntu server)15:33
sideeffecti have so often issues with ubuntu. sometimes after booting only this blank magneta screen appears and nothing cqan be done15:34
sequencesequenceDead-i: Whoops sorry, just got mixed up between 2 conversations there :)15:34
ThinkT510!nomodeset | sideeffect15:34
ubottusideeffect: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:34
shivnamhacan anyone help15:35
sequencesequencepamccabe: Well hopefully you're running the Tor Browser Bundle or had a good reason to decide not to. but check.torproject.org will tell you if you're using Tor15:36
srhb!enter | shivnamha15:36
ubottushivnamha: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:36
pamccabethanks ill check it out15:36
BluesKaj!aski | shivnamha15:36
BluesKaj!ask | shivnamha15:36
ubottushivnamha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:36
krambhow to open vlc from shell15:37
srhbkramb: vlc15:38
krambvlc media player15:38
srhbkramb: type vlc15:38
krambor any gui program from shell15:38
srhbkramb: The name of the program.15:38
krambsuppose firefox15:38
srhbkramb: type firefox15:38
srhbkramb: etc.15:38
krambnot from terminal shell15:38
srhbkramb: Oh, from the F1-F5 consoles?15:38
srhbkramb: That's more difficult, you will have to specify the X server on which to open them as well as have access to that X server15:39
shivnamhai am getting Error while installing Ubuntu Server15:39
shivnamha"failed to copy file from CD Rom15:39
krambwould you mind teaching me15:39
memandewook: Hmm, it kinda worked and kind of didn't. When i do sudo lshw -c display it tells me that the nvidia drivers are being used, but when I go in Xscreensaver I can see that all the ones that uses GL don't work...15:39
shivnamhai was trying to install it on Virtual Machine15:39
srhbkramb: Are you logged on as the same user as the one running the X session?15:40
sequencesequencekramb: export DISPLAY=:0.015:40
sequencesequencethen you can run things in X15:40
srhbkramb: If so, try to export DISPLAY=':0' and then run the command you want15:40
krambsrhb: can you wait for a while15:40
srhbkramb: Maybe, maybe not. I may have to run soon.15:41
krambplease continue15:41
srhbkramb: There's no continuation, I gave you everything you need.15:41
krambsrhb: it ended with blinking cursor15:42
krambsrhb: thnks for ur help15:43
srhbkramb: Well, the program should now be open on the X server.15:43
krambsrhb: one more question15:43
srhbkramb: Mind, if you log off, it will be killed. use nohop programname & to prevent that15:43
memandDoes any of you have experience with nvidia and driver issues ?15:44
srhbmemand: State your specific question instead.15:45
thesebEasiest way to make an "old style" audio CD from a bunch of mp3's if your car stereo won't play mp3s?15:45
krambhow to connect to wireless network using shell?15:45
leo-the-manicI'm trying to setup mutt and fetchmail with my Gmail account, it more or less works except all my spam messages get downloaded. I've been searching Google but can't seem to come up with the right terms, does anyone know how to solve this/where to look?15:45
krambshrb:how to connect to wireless network using shell?15:45
joey8theseb➤ wont brasero work for you15:46
srhbkramb: Something like iwconfig wlan0 essid NameOfNetwork key s:KeyOfNetwork15:46
srhbkramb: And probably dhclient wlan0 afterwards15:46
thesebjoey8: i don't know.....it mustn't just copy mp3's.15:46
memandI have an nvidia gt555m chip and intel graphics on my laptop and have just installed the updated x drivers and can see when I run sudo lshw -c display that all the drivers are in use but I can't do GL15:47
joey8theseb➤ i think you have the option of making a music cd15:47
srhbmemand: Optimus?15:48
memandsrhb: I'm actually not sure, how can i check that?15:49
thesebjoey8: k, thanks!15:49
joey8theseb➤ YW ヅ15:49
srhbmemand: It probably does support optimus. See here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee -- not that it is unsupported15:49
srhbmemand: If it works, it will allow you to run things on your nvidia card by prepending optimus to the command, and keep it shut off to save power when no such programs are running15:50
krambsrhb: are you there?15:51
srhbkramb: Yes, and I answered your last question.15:51
memandsrhb: ok so if the card supports it, it does not get activated unless I use the optimus command?15:52
srhbmemand: Correct.15:52
srhbmemand: At least if Optimus is enabled in BIOS15:52
memandsrhb: That would explain why it is not activating, but does the nouveau driver circumvent that?15:53
memandsrhb: the reason I ask is that there is some things that worked with the nouveau driver that does not work now15:54
srhbmemand: I'm not sure. Do you know which card is currently running the X server?15:55
memandsrhb: no idea15:55
memandsrhb: Can i check it?15:56
thciprianiAny ideas as to why my PS1 isn't changing it's svn/git status on cd: bashrc here: https://gist.github.com/439905715:56
srhbmemand: Yes, you can see which driver is in use in the X log. Not sure if there are other ways. Probably is. :P15:56
memandsrhb: Do you know where the log is placed?15:56
srhbmemand: lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:.+(\[\S+\:\S+\])/' | grep VGA15:57
srhbmemand: The one with [VGA Controller] at the end is currently active15:57
memandsrhb: Can I ask why there is perl in that command?15:58
srhbmemand: Because of the regular expression15:58
memandsrhb: ok15:58
riderpluscan someone help me modify the colour of the icons' titles in nautilus 3.6.3? this is what they look like: http://www.imagetoo.com/images/screenlwl.png15:58
riderplusthey are white on a white background15:58
memandsrhb: just a sec and I'll check it15:58
srhbmemand: Good to be careful though. I might be an evil blackhat who is currently taking over your computer. Bwahaha.15:58
srhbI wonder what the shortest, most obfuscated Perl to do that would actually look like.15:59
memandsrhb: probably like something from outer space :P15:59
memandmust say I hate obfuscated perl15:59
Slingsrhb: shortest would probably be triggering some buffer overflow with a loop and then using RFI to include a larger script/shellcode16:00
srhbSling: I think it would be possible to hide a call to an ssh tunnel easier :P16:01
memandsrhb: It's the intel chip that's in control right now16:01
srhbmemand: Right, I think you should follow that bumblebee guide and come back if it isn't working16:01
srhbmemand: Either way your GPU is using tons of power right now, you will need bumblebee to turn it off (if you don't want to turn it off permanently in the BIOS)16:02
memandsrhb: cool thanks :)16:02
srhbNote that it isn't supported (but works great for me)16:02
=== Teufelchen_ is now known as Teufelchen
diverdudewhy is it so complicated to install java in ubuntu16:03
memandsrhb: off topic but in the start of this video there is a pretty interesting obfuscated perl script http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeghXnAGJV416:04
srhbmemand: Thanks :)16:04
mihahttp://www.ubuntu.com/usn/rss.xml i think rss feed items really should have pubDate16:04
mihaor do i see it wrong?16:04
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riderplusI have installed ambiance dark sidebar but I don't know how to make the titles of the icons black16:08
riderplusthey're all white on white background16:09
riderpluslooks like crap16:09
memandsrhb: Ok rebooting and x'in my fingers :)16:10
memandsrhb: NICE, everything seems to be working smooth as butter now :)16:16
joey8i tried some butter with salt crystals in over the holidays - that was all BUT smooth16:17
noobatlifeI am new to bash scripting and i want to get started. Could you recommend some resources which I could use?16:18
memandsrhb: just as a last check can I maybe get you to post that command with the perl again, so I can check witch car is in control now?16:18
joey8which ones have you tried yet?16:18
srhbmemand: Does optirun work?16:18
srhbmemand: lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:.+(\[\S+\:\S+\])/' | grep VGA16:18
srhbmemand: It's simpler to try glxspheres and then optirun glxspheres -- there should be a marked difference and a report in the terminal on which card is rendering.16:19
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noobatlifeHow can a human being memorize so much things?16:19
srhbmemand: I just remembered that my kernel headers were kept back when I installed it, you might want to check if the same happened to you,16:20
memandsrhb: Ok, so the intel is in control still but HUGE difference between normal and optirun :D16:20
memandsrhb: kernel headers ?16:21
noobatlifeWhat are other graphics drivers  I can use for my integrated Intel core i3 board aside from Mesa?16:21
srhbmemand: Good! Now try sudo apt-get upgrade16:21
srhbmemand: Take note of whether it says linux-something has been held back.16:21
noobatlifeWhat are some good sites to learn bash scripting?16:22
noobatlifeor books?16:22
srhbnoobatlife: http://linuxconfig.org/Bash_scripting_Tutorial16:23
zmoI have an old ubuntu install that is totally crashed (I think it was 8.04), so I want to install a newer ubuntu (12.10) on that machine... Problem is that I can't boot from the ubuntu 12.10 install CD, whereas I still can boot from the ubunte 8.04 install CD. The BIOS is correctly configured, and it seems the 12.10 CD spins at boot time, and then the BIOS fallback to HDD. Anybody has an idea of what could be wrong ?16:23
memandsrhb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473260/16:23
srhbmemand: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:24
srhbmemand: That should take care of it16:24
noobatlifex srhb16:24
pamccabei installed Tor and was using the Tor browser fine. (client) i restarted and now i am back to just using firefox. is this correct? should i be using a tor browser instead? if so, how do i find it to open it?16:24
tymnetcan you guys see me typing?16:25
memandsrhb: Cool thanks a lot :D16:25
max999hi, can i get support for lxappearance here? getting a segmentation fault.16:25
srhbmemand: No problem, enjoy your 1000% battery life. :-)16:26
tymneti just installed ubuntu 12.10 and went to install the latest nvidia drivers which sent me on a wild goose chase. install root at the command line because i'm an idiot. then enabled superuser. basically i just need to install NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-310.19.run can someone please show me how. i'm a n00b16:26
memandsrhb: Will do :) just have to make a note of using optirun for gfx apps :)16:27
srhbmemand: Yes. :) It really is quite nice to have that control, I think.16:27
srhbtymnet: Can you not just install nvidia-current via apt-get?16:27
memandtymnet: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104527/how-do-i-install-the-latest-nvidia-drivers-via-the-additional-drivers-tool16:27
memandI have just been on that exact adventure ;)16:28
tymnetheh one of many to come memand16:28
memandtymnet :)16:29
tymnethow'd you go?16:29
max999providing some more information: lxappearance is the lxde configuration tool ('customize look and feel'), if i try to remove icon themes i get a segmentation fault (when starting from command line) / it just closes (without commandline)16:29
memandsrhb: It certainly is, I just wish that there was more readily information about it16:29
tymnetsrhb: should i remove su and if so how?16:30
memandtymnet: follow the link, that should take care of the drivers16:30
srhbmemand: Blame NVidia. This has been hacked together by enthusiasts.16:30
memandsrhb: Oh I do ! ;)16:30
krambsrhb: ping doesn't work16:31
memandsrhb: on the bright side gaming is soon to come to *nix then nvidia kinda has to get in the game :)16:31
srhbkramb: Did you do the dhclient bit?16:31
srhbmemand: Yes, did you notice the Steam Linux Beta is now open?16:31
srhbkramb: Sorry, no idea then.16:31
memandsrhb: No, but that is a pretty big step :D16:32
tymnethey memand the install took only a few seconds, that sound right?16:32
srhbmemand: Yes it is.16:32
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
tymnetah i had to run the second string. the update16:33
memandtymnet: sounds right, but did you do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings ?16:33
memandtymnet, what card do you have?16:34
tymneti need to get an irc client16:34
tymnetweb client is making my system choppy16:34
memandtymnet: xchat is the way to go on the irc side. Do you have intel graphics also?16:35
tymnetnah i'm running the p5q pro16:35
tymnetwhy do you ask memand16:36
memandtymnet: beacause if you had you probably had to set it up to use ypur graphics card instead of the intel chip16:36
srhbmemand: He probably wants that since he's on a stationary pc16:37
pamccabeVidalia did not run at start up, how do i start it up? trying to use Tor16:37
memandtymnet: I must say that I'm not an expert but I think that you should be all set after a reboot :)16:37
tymnethehe memand you funny. ill reboot and you guys won't see me for another hour :) jk16:38
memandpamccabe: did you install the bundle from their website?16:38
pamccabeyes i did memand16:38
memandtymnet, good luck ;)16:38
memandpamccabe: It's been a while since i used it, but as far as i remember their is a file in the folder you download that is called vidalia that you just run...16:39
pamccabeok, ill take a look, thank you16:40
pamccabeyea that works. was just hoping the control panel would start up automatically16:41
memandpamccabe: I just downloaded the pack to check, you just run the start-tor-browser script, and that's it16:42
watchtowerDoes anyone know of any Brillant codecs for hd 1080p video playback with vlc16:43
pamccabememand, alright, i just didnt see any documentation for starting that up. ill use it to use Tor. thanks for your time16:43
memandpamccabe: NP16:43
srhbwatchtower: What do you mean?16:44
srhbCodecs have very little to do with the actual resolution of whatever you're playing.16:44
memandwatchtower: As far as I'm informed vlc has all the codecs you would ever need...16:46
watchtowerok thanks16:48
memandsrhb: On a side note I have noticed that my laptop does not get nearly as warm as it used to do now that I'm running with optimus :)16:48
srhbmemand: Indeed. :) One of those nice features of bumblebeed.16:50
srhbmemand: Mine drops power usage about 15W even with just a trivial GL application running.16:52
d4rkh4ndhello, anyone know a command i can useto wipe the contence of a plain txt file?16:52
b14d3d4rkh4nd: Instead of just deleting and recreating it for some reason?16:52
memandd4rkh4nd: what do you mean?16:52
d4rkh4ndI guess that would be easyest16:53
srhbd4rkh4nd: echo > testfile16:53
d4rkh4ndits early lol ty16:53
memandsrhb: nice :)16:54
memandOne more reason to love Linux16:54
srhbmemand: A proper shell is definitely a must-have for me.16:54
merlin2Simple Simple Simple16:54
nomikeI want to know which user a running process is running under. "ps -ef" shows me this:16:54
nomikeIsabel Burian Isa isa@fstph.at 0660/ 76 29 783     aktiv16:54
jcapincsrhb: im not picky about my shell, what would you say is an improper shell?16:55
nomike1047     26582  9942  0 17:36 ?        00:00:00 dovecot/imap16:55
d4rkh4ndsrhb: thank you again idk why i didnt think that was easyer lol16:55
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memandsrhb: I merged to Linux about two years ago now, and now I have no idea how I could have lived without the shell16:55
ckingthat was the worst 10mins memand16:56
ckinglol :)16:56
memandcking: you where tymnet before?16:56
ckingyeh sorry one sec16:57
_graham_nomike: Putting "u" on the ps command line outputs the user details16:57
memandcking: welcome back16:57
_graham_So "ps -efu" for example16:57
srhbmemand: Yes :P16:57
ckingtrying to figure out how to change my name back16:57
srhbjcapinc: cmd.exe16:57
memandcking: /nick16:58
nomike_graham_, cool, that did the job, thank you16:58
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tymnetyou wanna know what happened mem?16:59
Drone4fourhow do i enable my nvidia drivers? unusual xorg.conf here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209892517:00
memandtymnet, Yeah17:00
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memandtymnet: can you try running 'sudo lshw -c display' and tell me what you see?17:01
tymnetafter installing the drivers and reboot, the resolution wouldn't go passed 1280xsomething when i'm running 1920x1080 and none of the items on the screen would display. side panel and top panel gone. so i right clicked and went to change desktop background and from there to all settings. then went to software sources and additional drivers. from there clicked using x.org... and so on17:02
memandDrone4four: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104527/how-do-i-install-the-latest-nvidia-drivers-via-the-additional-drivers-tool17:02
Drone4fourty memand17:03
memandDrone4four: np17:03
d4rkh4ndcan cat > filename  return a value showing if its blank ?17:03
srhbd4rkh4nd: If what is blank17:04
d4rkh4ndif the file is blank17:04
srhbd4rkh4nd: cat filename17:04
srhbd4rkh4nd: Blank if the file is.17:04
d4rkh4ndI want my script to check if the file is blank17:04
macdaddy_how do i change my nickname again ? /nick new nickname ???17:05
d4rkh4ndmaybe check for lines or something ?17:05
tymnetit's /nick17:05
thciprianiAny ideas as to why my PS1 isn't changing the svn status on directory changes? bashrc here: https://gist.github.com/439905717:05
max999macdaddy_: yes. /nick yournewname17:05
macdaddy_not working ???17:05
bazhangmacdaddy_, help in #freenode17:05
jcapincsrnb: completely agreed.17:06
memandtymnet: it looks like you are still using the noveau driver, witch is not so good17:06
srhbjpacinc: ;)17:06
srhbjcapinc: ^17:06
tymneti was using the nvidia drivers but lost all panels and res was set to 128017:07
tymnetnot 1920x108017:07
tymnetcan someone help please17:07
memandtymnet: Ok, so that was why you changed back to noveau?17:08
tymnetI just installed 302.17 nvidia and lost all the panels plus the resolution options were 1280 and 1080 and 800. yeah memand that's how i got back here17:08
memandtymnet: then I must say that this problem is out of my league :P17:09
tymnetall good :) you got yours working?17:09
tymnethow's it feel?17:09
memandAll fussy inside :P17:09
tymnetnah i mean dragging etc. this is the reason i said you are funny17:10
Drone4fourmemand, i just followed that guide and my nvidia drivers are still not active17:10
tymnetDrone4four, you can check through software sources17:10
Drone4fouri ran nvidia-xconfig as root user and then rebooted17:10
tymnetthen additional drivers17:11
tymnetbrb gonna install through software center and see if that changes anything17:11
memandDrone4four: Did you reboot?17:12
MathuinHad a recent apt-get upgrade nightmare where several hundred packages were declared persona non grata.  Two weeks later, Unity seems gone.  What's up?  12.04.1 LTS.17:13
memandDrone4four: Then I don't know :(17:13
Drone4fourit's ok...17:13
bekksmemand: What do you mean by "declared persona non grata"?17:13
memandDrone4four: I just got mine working myself17:13
MathuinNo bars on the top or bottom or side, can open terminal windows with Ctrl-Alt-T and thats' how I'm opening Chromium et al.17:14
bekksMathuin: Thats was meant for you ^^17:14
memandbekks: lol17:14
Mathuinbekks: the 'upgrade manager' was all "we can only do a partial upgrade" and walked me through this multi step process which involved removing pages of packages.17:14
Drone4fourhow do i enable my nvidia drivers? unusual xorg.conf here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209892517:15
bekksMathuin: Then provide the output of the following commands please, in a pastebin: lsb_release -a; uname -a; sudo apt-get update17:15
jwallingwhile updating 10.4 LTS - I noticed sudo was not authenticated - can anyone explain why sudo package was deleted from the Ubuntu library ?  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/lucid/main/proposed/sudo17:15
srhbMathuin: You probably want to reinstall ubuntu-desktop and unity17:15
srhbMathuin: Sounds like you did something bad though. Don't do bad things! ;)17:16
bekksjwalling: ?17:16
noobatlifeThat bash scripting guide sucks17:16
Mathuinsrhb: is there a quick way to see if thsoe packages are installed?  (... don't do bad things. :-) :-))17:16
Mathuinbekks: on the way.17:16
fearphagein 12.04, ubuntu detected 8 cores. in 12.10, it only detects 1. I have my cpuino, lscpu, dmesg, and uname listed here https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f3 any help would be greatly appreciated17:16
bekksnoobatlife: Which one?17:16
ThinkT510noobatlife: more help (and likely tutorials) could be found in #bash17:17
bekksnoobatlife: I'd suggest using the "Advanced bash script guide".17:17
watchtowerHow to intsall a .run file please im assuming its via the terminal and cd into the directry of the file correct me if im wrong17:17
noobatlifeI see what you did there17:17
bekkswatchtower: Whih program do you want to install?17:18
srhbwatchtower: File extensions are generally no guarantee of file type on Unix systems17:18
srhbwatchtower: It's better to run file filename to understand what it is17:18
watchtowerwhat do you mean by run filename17:19
srhbwatchtower: In a terminal type: file yourFileName17:19
bekkswatchtower: "file yourfile.run"17:19
Mathuinbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473529/17:19
TombikHello, i am Ubuntu newbie and i installed it on my Macbook 5,1. I have found a software that can regulate LCD brightness but i dont know how to install it? Can you help me? https://github.com/guillaumezin/nvidiabl17:20
BluesKajwatchtower,  ./metaspoilt.run17:20
bekksMathuin: I've never seen that much foreign package sources (PPA) on a single system.17:20
Tombiki want to install it because i have the same issue as this guys here http://askubuntu.com/questions/185341/cant-change-brightness-on-a-macbook-5-117:21
Mathuinbekks: When the indie bundles come out on Steam for Linux, many of them will go away.17:21
watchtoweri get error metasploit-latest-linux-installer.run: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, stripped17:21
srhbwatchtower: Then stand in the directory of the file and type ./metasploit-latest-linux-installer.run17:22
bekkswatchtower: Thats not an error, thats the output of "file".17:22
BluesKajwatchtower, or copy and paste the name of the file in the files properties then place the ./ in  front in the terminal with sudo17:22
tymnetay guys17:23
bekksMathuin: Having that much PPA, it is nearly impossible to find out what happened. I'd suggest disabling them, removing the software installed from them, and then trying to find the reason.17:23
watchtowerI Stood in the directory and typed the ./ it gives me permisson denied17:24
bekkswatchtower: "./" is wrong. "./yourfile.run"17:24
jwallingif anyone can explain why sudo pacakage was deleted from ubuntu repository please PM me. http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/lucid/main/proposed/sudo17:24
jhutchins_wkAre we trying to run a 32b binary on a 64b system?17:24
memandwatchtower: sudo ./filename.run17:25
bekksjhutchins_wk: Which is possible without any errors. Vice versa isnt.17:25
yayLINUXhello guys, I recently installed windows 8 pro fully on my laptop. The fact is, that it is totally a mess. I want to install ubuntu on it. The problem is, that when I boot, I can't come into my BIOS, or even into my boot menu.17:25
max999jwalling: if i get the page right, there are still 6 versions of 'sudo' for lucid in some repositories / areas17:26
bekksjwalling: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sudo&searchon=names&suite=lucid-updates&section=all17:26
yayLINUXhow can I completely remove windows 8 and install ubuntu 12.0417:26
watchtowerI did this and it just gives me the output of the file17:26
bekksyayLINUX: Just use the install cd, and install Ubuntu on your harddisk.17:26
jwallingmax999: when i do update - sudo is not authenticated - not something I like to install17:26
cdstangI have a GA-MA790GPT-UD3H motherboard with hdmi and I cant get the audio part to work. Im on Ubuntu 12.10 64bit17:26
max999jwalling: ? what do you write and what is the output?17:27
yayLINUXI can't come into the bios17:27
yayLINUXI can't come into the boot menu17:27
yayLINUXbooting from a cd/usb won't work for me17:27
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: You're going to have to figure out why you can't access the BIOS or boot menu unless it defaults to CD or USB boot.17:27
max999yayLINUX: on your bios splash screen it usually displays some keys to press to get in the boot menu (f10, f12)17:27
memandyayLINUX: Have you tried just putting it on a flash drive and booting with that inserted? Most BIOS'es are set up to boot from usb before disk if possible17:27
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: You may need to search the web for info about what key sequence your BIOS expects.17:27
jwallingmax999: i haven't updated to sudo Version 1.7.2p1-1ubuntu5.5  because it is not authenticated17:28
bekksyayLINUX: Or have a look at the manual of your mainboard on how to get into the BIOS/bootmenu.17:28
yayLINUXnormally I get into the bios by pressing F217:28
srhbyayLINUX: Try randomly mashing everything very fast :P. DEL, F1, RET, F10, F12 are all usual suspects.17:29
yayLINUXnow it only shows that image if you start it without things like press f2 for setup (bios) or f12 for boot menu17:29
max999yayLINUX: you can also use the windows-ubuntu installer (i think it will be installed alongside of windows then, but you can delete windows after booting to ubuntu then).17:29
max999yayLINUX: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer17:29
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
yayLINUXI don't like the wubi thing17:29
srhbmax999: You can?17:29
bekksyayLINUX: Then take a look at your manual.17:29
max999srhb: yes you can. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer17:29
MathuinTrying the suggestion to (re-)install ubuntu-desktop and unity.  A few extra packages: compiz and friends, unity-2d, lib*, xorg.17:29
max999yayLINUX: why17:30
bekksMathuin: Because it is not supported that well, AND it is not a native linux installation.17:30
srhbmax999: The guides seem to say it is not possible.17:30
srhbmax999: How would you delete Windows afterwards?17:31
yayLINUXit doesnt work well with me17:31
Mathuinbekks: what is not supported that well, and what is not a native Linux installation?17:31
memandyayLINUX: Does it respond when you press F2 ?17:31
max999srhb: just boot ubuntu and use gparted or whatever you like17:31
max999srhb: do i miss a problem there?17:31
bekksMathuin: I am mixing up nick names :P17:31
yayLINUXsec I will get my laptop, be right back17:31
jwallingmax999: I assume Version 1.7.2p1-1ubuntu5.5:  is not authenitcated because sudo pkg was removed from the ubuntu repository - that's why i'm asking why it was removed http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/lucid/main/proposed/sudo17:31
bekksmax999: THAT was meant for you ;)17:31
memandyayLINUX: Have you tried booting with the USB/disc in the computer?17:32
Mathuinoh!  That helps. :-)  Logging out to see if this fixes things...17:32
srhbmax999: Yes, the fact that the wubi Ubuntu is on the C drive of the Windows installation17:32
bekksjwalling: Please stop pasting that nonsense link. I've given you a link clearly showing that sudo is still in the repos. Please pastbin the entire output of sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install sudo17:32
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max999bekks: well. if he cant change boot order or access the boot menu he has not much choice =) except using master bios passwords.17:32
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bekksmax999: He cant even get into the bios ... so no chance to enter a master password.17:33
max999srhb: seriously?17:33
srhbmax999: Yes.17:33
max999bekks: he is doing something wrong then imo.17:33
bekksmax999: Yes, WUBI is just a big file on the C driver.17:33
bekksmax999: Then please guide him on what to do.17:33
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: I suppose you could try unplugging the hard drive and trying to boot.  That should get you a BIOS prompt if there is one.17:33
yayLINUXgood one17:33
yayLINUXbut it is a laptop17:33
yayLINUXacer aspire 531517:33
yayLINUXdon't know how that works17:33
yayLINUXand I don't want to mess with my hardware17:34
memandyayLINUX: Out with the screwdriver :P17:34
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: Most laptops these days have an access plate for the hard drive, it's a commonly replaced item.17:34
max999yayLINUX: there is an option to enter the bios, doesnt has to be f2.17:34
yayLINUXthis laptop isnt out of these days17:34
yayLINUXits 5 years old or so17:34
bekksyayLINUX: Did you took a look at the manual of your laptop already?17:34
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: Unfortunately my acer1 is at home or I'd boot it and check the key sequence.17:35
srhbI did, it's F217:35
yayLINUXI think I don't have that manual any more I thnk17:35
yayLINUXat me it is always f217:35
bekksyayLINUX: The manual is on the internet, too ;)17:35
yayLINUXbut untill I installed windows 817:35
ThinkT510yayLINUX: doesn't windows 8 require uefi rather than bios?17:35
bekksThinkT510: No.17:35
yayLINUXidk whats uefi is17:35
memandyayLINUX: here is a guide on how to reset your BIOS, http://www.tech-faq.com/reset-bios-password.html17:36
yayLINUXthe way to enter the bios disapears17:36
bekksyayLINUX: Just press f2 anyway...17:36
max999i find f2 for his laptop model on google too.17:36
tymnetyou there memand ?17:36
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: Yes, that model uses f2.17:36
bekksyayLINUX: It doesnt matter wether is shows the message "press f2 to get into the bios" or not.17:36
memandtymnet: Yes?17:36
yayLINUXk  I will shut it down, start it and I will hammer with my fingers at the f2 key17:36
tymneti got it working with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208093317:37
max999yayLINUX: power it off. power it on. hold f2.17:37
max999or hammer it if you like ;)17:37
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: Just keep whacking it as soon as you turn it on until something happens.  Holding it probably won't work.17:37
yayLINUXit just doesnt work17:37
agentHi there, I'm having a problem changing my root password. Can anyone recommend a solution?17:37
jhutchins_wkIf it's five years old he wouldn't be dealing with SecureBoot.17:37
yayLINUXsudo passwd agent17:37
yayLINUXwithout that agent, its your name17:38
yayLINUXjust "sudo passwd"17:38
never2farhow can i make history to remember more lines17:38
agentI was trying sudo passwd root. It says it's changed but when I log out and in, it's prompting me for old pw17:38
sebastian_o|hi guys, I have a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 and with the root user just added a new user. Now when logging in with the new user, the terminal is too minimal, it has no autocomplete, etc. How can I configure it to make it nice?17:39
TT079am i now reistered17:39
TT079ignore that, wrong channel17:39
sebastian_o|(or how should I google for he answer?)17:39
bekks!root | agent17:40
ubottuagent: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:40
agentI had to downgrade from 12.04 when my wireless became vunerable. Has that been fixed since?17:40
bekksagent: Which bug report do you refer to?17:40
max999bekks: we could make him destroy his partition table somehow, so his hard disk is recognized to be empty and it forwards to the next boot device ;-)))17:40
agentubottu, I'm sure I had set one17:40
ubottuagent: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:40
memandtymnet: sup?17:41
bekksmax999: I dont think that will magically get him into the BIOS.17:41
srhbbekks: Won't need to though!17:41
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: This says hold Fn and ESC down while powering up to boot from the CD: http://www.theeldergeek.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2997317:41
agentidk, I had a friend from redhat help me and we just downgraded assuming it was compatibilty issues17:41
max999bekks: it would get him to his bootable usb / cd. ;-)17:41
bekksagent: Using Ubuntu, you never had to set a root password. You only set a user password.17:41
emrHello, i'm searching files find .|xargs grep "aa" -sl, how i can edit this files with nano, i mean how i can redirect to nano, respectively17:41
yayLINUXjhutchins_wk: good idea, lets try17:41
jhutchins_wkyayLINUX: Asus does have several bios updates for that model, might be a good idea to apply the latest.17:42
agentwell, bekks. How do i change it? I am on a user account. When I log out and try to log in as root, I'm being propmpted for old password17:42
jhutchins_wkagent: What did you set it to?17:43
agentI could be completely confused, I had a password issue recently17:43
bekksagent: There is no root password. You dont have to change it, since the "normal" way to use the root account is to just use sudo.17:43
bekksagent: Thats what ubottu just told you.17:43
agentjhutchins_wk, the new password. said accepted in terminal but accepted old pw17:43
agentlogging out and trying ubottus suggestion17:46
jhutchins_wk yayLINUX f10 is supposed to be the boot menu key.17:46
sideeffecti made the the nomodeset in my ubuntu (1year old netbook, graphic over processor), because it was not running ubuntu properly after booting. now comes the next issue: with nomodeset i have a very low resolution and i cant change that17:47
sideeffect*in preferences17:47
jhutchins_wksideeffect: Right.17:47
jhutchins_wksideeffect: You're probably running the generic vesa driver because the hardware driver can't find the kms module.17:48
fearphagebekks: you were helping me yesterday when you disappeared. in 12.04, i had 8 cores. in 12.10, it only shows 1. Here is all the information you requested and more https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f317:48
jhutchins_wksideeffect: You can look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for more info17:48
jhutchins_wksideeffect: You'll need to do some searching on your graphics chipset and see what the driver solution for your version of Ubuntu is.17:49
agentok... so ubottus advice gave me that my pw no longer matches my key ring17:50
agentfor sudo passwd agent17:50
agentseems it's only changed the pw for this user or something?17:51
agentubottu, help17:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:51
yayLINUXgot itguys17:52
yayLINUXI needed to disable fast boot17:52
agentkk. Using sudo passwd agent command has changed my account pw but my computer now says the pw no longer matches my keyring. How do I change that pw?17:52
MinaHello everybody17:53
Minait's my first time using linux ubuntu17:53
Minaand i need to make a shortcut of my applkications in the desktop any help ?/17:53
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jhutchins_wkMina: Are they listed in the menu?17:55
r3al1tyi am r3al1ty17:55
yayLINUXyes I see, duh17:55
riderplushow can i change the background in nautilus file browser window? I don't need to change the desktop, just the background in the browser window17:56
dufaMina: for applications in the launcher you can use press the super key and the numbers 1-9 to launch the applications17:57
jhutchins_wkMina: You might be able to right click the item on the menu and copy it to the desktop.  I presume you're running unity, which I'm not familiar with.17:58
bekksyayLINUX: As you can see, it doesnt matter wether that press f2 message is displayed or not.17:58
yayLINUXit was the quick boot option17:58
yayLINUXor fast boot option17:58
bekksyayLINUX: Yes, and you can still enter the BIOS using the hotkey, even without the message displayed.17:59
yayLINUXthe message was displayed when i disabled the quick boot17:59
riderpluswhy in the world would it be so complicated?17:59
Minabut i can't make copy to the desktop ?18:00
agentso I tried logging into root (sudo passwd rand tried changing it again. I didn't get the key ring warning but, the terminal looked the same. How do I check and make sure it worked?oot)18:00
dufaMina: if you want the icon on the desktop you can also simply drag the icon from the dash18:00
dufaopen the dash, search for the application and drag it onto the desktop18:00
bekksyayLINUX: Yes. And again: it doesnt matter wether the message is displayed or not, you can always use the hotkey to enter the bios.18:01
agentwhere can I find info on pw please?18:01
bekksagent: What do you mean by "pw" in particular?18:01
agentThe same passwprd question I've been asking18:01
bekks!root | agent18:02
agent*password, sorry18:02
ubottuagent: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:02
merlin_hello every body18:02
agentim assuming that has something to do with the keyring password?18:02
bekksagent: No.18:02
TheEmpathhail sweet and tender ubuntu that has never failed me18:02
TheEmpathi have a question for youuuuuu18:02
bekksagent: the keyring password is something totally different.18:03
merlin_how to type this "agent: No."18:03
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TheEmpathanyone running an SILC server?18:03
merlin_how to type the name in the front of what you want to say18:03
bekksmerlin_: press a, press g, press e, press n ...18:03
bazhangmerlin_, tab complete it18:03
Minadufa thank you man so much :)18:03
agentso I went back in after the sudo passwd agent command and found it was a different pw for my keyring. I then tried sudo passwd root and was not prompted for key ring again. I was wondering if I had done that right.18:03
bazhang!tab | merlin_18:04
ubottumerlin_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:04
Minaplz can you take the control of my computer from any remote assistance to make the recommended settings in ubuntu ??18:04
bekksagent: The keyring password has nothing to do with your (not needed) root password set.18:04
srhbMina: Don't allow strangers to take over your computer.18:04
merlin_merlin_, this18:05
riderplusdoes anyone know nautilus?18:05
agentI didn't. My host is exposed here and I dont want to use onion or vpns belonging to people I do not know. I wanted a normal v-host or something so I can access info, thats all18:05
bazhangmerlin_, try someone else.  type three or so letters then hit tab18:05
merlin_merlin_:i'm stupid18:05
fearphageubuntu 12.10 is only recognizing one of my 8 cores. can someone help me resolve this issue? https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f318:05
riderplusI'm looking for hours to change that bloody background18:05
bazhangriderplus, to a color?18:05
merlin_bazhang,  there is no color18:05
agentbekks, I think the pw has changed but I really dont know18:06
merlin_bazhang,  there is no color18:06
agentNautilus is a fossil18:06
merlin_bazhang, there is no color18:06
bazhangmerlin_, only if I highlight you there is18:06
bekksagent: I still do not understand why you want to change the root password.18:06
ev_i used a command a while back and am looking for it. i tried using te up arrow to scroll back throug pevious commands, but this was a long time ago. is the command line history available to be searched?18:06
agentHasn't changed since it's pre-docessors18:06
bekksagent: Because there is NO password set for root.18:06
bekksagent: ubottu told you twice already.18:07
agentbekks, I just wanted to18:07
agenthow to change the user account18:07
merlin_!bazhang,  there is no color18:07
agentusre account was agent, some name on this computer.18:07
bazhangriderplus, you wish to set the nautilus background to a different color?18:07
bekksagent: by typing "passwd" as user.18:07
riderplusbazhang yes18:07
riderplusbut not the desktop background18:08
agentyes bekks18:08
riderplusthe browser background18:08
agentinstead of logging in as root user18:08
ThinkT510agent: you shouldn't be logging in as root18:08
riderpluswhen I open home folder the icons' titles are white, the background is white, I can't see anything18:08
agentI'm very new, sorry if I can be frustrating but, i'm trying18:08
Minaplease how i can make the ubuntu more faster ??18:08
riderplusany clue bazhang18:08
merlin_! agent l18:09
bazhangmerlin_, stop repeating18:09
agentto lock the password merlin?18:09
agentas in -l?18:09
bazhangriderplus, yes, just a moment18:09
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
riderplusok thank you18:09
Ben64agent: what exactly are you trying to accomplish18:09
sideeffectjhutchins_wk: AMD Radeon™ HD 6290 Graphics is my graphics. so i need to search driver solutions for than in ubuntu? what do i need then for to look in to Xorg.0.log ?18:09
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.net/change-nautilus-background-color-ubuntu-12-04  riderplus18:10
agentchange all passwords18:10
Ben64agent: which passwords18:10
agentand account permissions18:10
merlin_ok !!!18:10
Minaplease now i have the update manager and i found more than 282 update it's ok if i installed all of them ??18:10
agentroot, user and permissions really18:10
bazhangMina, sure18:10
ScuniziI've just run sudo fdisk -l from a live cd and was presented with one drive in the system sdb.  There is another drive formatted with ntfs that should be sda but it's not showing.  Is there something that I have to install to recognize the ntfs formatted drive? I though fdisk didn't really care what the format was.18:10
Ben64agent: root doesn't have a password, to change your user's password, use "passwd"18:11
aibhi, my LiveCD is trying to "fix" improperly unmounted NTFS partitions on sda&b, which is taking ages.. who is doing it and how can I prevent it?18:11
ThinkT510Mina: yes, you should be installing the updates18:11
agentshould be the same18:11
bazhangagent, thats not right18:11
agentjust logged in as user18:11
Ben64agent: root by default has no password and shouldn't have one18:11
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bazhangagent, the root password is not enabled, as we have said many times now18:11
agentkk, please help bazhang. What do i do?18:12
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agentSo how do I make one then?18:12
riderplusbazhang I've done that...it changes the firefox interface and other apps. the interface of nautilus windows is white on white18:12
riderplusI don't know why18:13
=== merlin_ is now known as merlin_33
Ben64agent: make one what18:13
viaSanctusis ubuntu suited to host an smtp service on a vps with 256MB of ram?18:13
Scuniziagent: you don't.. what are you doing that you think you need a root password for? or are you just use to that from another distro?18:13
viaSanctusor is another distro better suited for that job?18:13
bazhangagent, you DON'T make a root password18:13
agentI was hoping to do some online courses but I need a computer that is secure as I had a problem with my exams in 200918:14
bazhangviaSanctus, lubuntu perhaps18:14
bazhangviaSanctus, or use the mini and build up18:14
Scuniziagent: that doesn't explain why you need a root password.. it doesn't add security18:14
jmb70056can someone please help me i upgraded ubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10 and now it won't let me login18:14
Scuniziagent: ubuntu is secure from the start..18:15
riderplusbazhang have a look at how dconf-editor window looks like here please http://www.imagetoo.com/images/screenrrr.png18:15
bazhangriderplus, is this 12.04 or 12.1018:15
agentwell, the "f" I got was unwarrented and I no longer have to pay the tuition. This time, i'd like a fair shot. Looking to eliminate any outside interferrance, thats all18:15
riderplusI don't have any idea of how to change nautilus' colours18:15
bazhangagent, stay on topic18:15
Minaplease how i can take a shortcut of my harddisk partation to desktop ??18:15
Scuniziagent: if you need to install something preface the command with sudo and it will ask for your password giving you temporary root permissions to do the install.18:16
agentthanks Scunizi but, I just want to be safe online18:16
riderplusbazhang nautilus 3.6.218:16
jmb70056can someone please help me i upgraded ubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10 and now it won't let me login18:16
Ben64agent: a root password does absolutely nothing for online safety18:16
bazhangriderplus, let me check the forums again, just a moment please18:16
riderplusok bazhang18:17
riderplusthough I've spent hours checking them...18:17
agentthanks ben6418:17
riderpluswhite on white..18:17
Scuniziagent: a root password doesn't do that.. you must be looking for something else to secure your online presence... like https: ?? VPN? SSH? If it's online courses then your only real options would typically be https: if the site supports it.18:17
haWxjmb70056: try using toor18:17
agenthi jones18:17
haWxfor the root user18:17
riderplusat least if I could change one of them...the colour of the background or the color of the icons' titles18:18
ScuniziWhy would fdisk not see sda but show me info on sdb?18:19
Ben64Scunizi: fdisk doesn't like GPT18:19
ScuniziBen64: what's GPT?18:19
viaSanctusi only have the choice between Ubuntu 11.04, CentOS 6.0, Debian 6.0, Fedora 15.0, FreeBSD 8.2, ArchLinux 2010.08.19, AsteriskNow 1.7. and OpenSuse Linux VPS18:19
viaSanctus    OpenSuse 11.418:19
Ben64Scunizi: partition table format, as opposed to msdos18:19
agentthanks Scuizi. I will see if I can get one. How do I get a v-host or something temp?18:19
viaSanctuswhich one is the lightest to run? It's only for 1 service = smtp18:20
jay_why_beeI have a postfix question.  I mbox format, but have the INBOX in the home directory.  This is as simple as changing postfix's main.cf to have "home_mailbox = Mailbox".  This has worked in a virtual machine (fresh install), but doesn't work on my production server.  Any ideas where to look as to why this isn't working?  I have purged my original postfix config, but no luck.18:20
ScuniziBen64: sda is a ntfs formatted drive..18:20
ThinkT510viaSanctus: 11.04 is no longer supported18:20
ScuniziBen64: I'm also doing this from a live cd.. would it not see the drive because of the format type?18:21
Ben64Scunizi: pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"18:22
bazhangriderplus, do you have dconf-tools installed?  if so, please see if this link helps http://main.solusos.com/showthread.php?2024-Change-Nautilus-Background-Color-Pattern18:22
ScuniziBen64: It's working on it.. sda is a failing drive I'm trying to clone.  However it seems to boot fine into winxp. It's just starting to develop "issues"18:24
viaSanctusUbuntu gets most of its packages from Debian’s unstable branch...18:24
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viaSanctuswhich distro is considered "stable" ?18:25
riderplusbazhang: I have exactly those values and yet my window is white on white18:25
mark_fruanyone good with xubuntu?18:25
riderplusthat's 12.1018:25
jenniehow do i test that my graphics drivers are installed properly in 121018:25
riderplusthe interfaces of guake, firefox, google-chrome have those colours18:25
ThinkT510viaSanctus: this is just for ubuntu support, better to ask in ##linux18:25
riderplusbut the nautilus window is white on white18:25
Ben64viaSanctus: for a server, I'd use 12.04 (and I do on my server)18:26
davidI need help with Brasero. It only sees 31.2 Mb of the DVD I'm trying to copy.18:26
mark_frulooking for help with xubuntu .... anyone ?18:26
Ben64mark_fru: try reversing the polarity18:27
ThinkT510jennie: lsmod will list the kernel modules that are loaded, check to see which graphics module is in use there18:27
mark_frudid the but the cpu started to smoke !18:27
ThinkT510mark_fru: to get help you need to state the issue18:28
jennieThinkT510: are my ATI / AMD drivers working http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473674/ please have a look18:28
mark_fru<----- to ashamed to admit my issues in public !! .. .hahaha :S18:29
ThinkT510jennie: yes, fglrx is loaded18:29
davidBrasero help, someone?18:29
memandmark_fru, Ben64: LOL18:29
mark_frutrying to find out how to brows my local network with xubuntu18:29
jennieThinkT510: why in about this computer option at top bar , it is showing graphics info "driver - VESA: TURKS "18:30
izinucsBen64: izinucs = Scunizi Here's the paste of the results from sudo parted -l.   http://pastebin.com/VQMW7vCy18:30
mark_frudo not like the standard ubuntu anymore as the interface irritates me so loaded xubuntu but need to link to my windows junk18:31
b14d3!samba | mark_fru18:31
ubottumark_fru: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:31
ThinkT510jennie: try installing mesa-utils18:32
mark_frucool ..... forgot about loading samba, spoilt by the other distro's18:32
Minaany remote assistance here please ??18:32
izinucsWe're all remote18:32
thufir_I burned the .iso onto disc.  can I get the iso back onto the hard drive?18:33
GneaMina: we're already remote. What assistance do you need?18:33
mark_frutold you I should not be left out in public ....18:33
izinucsmark_fru: sambafs  ... you probably don't need the entire samba package18:33
mark_fruthanks for the help see you again if I still need help...18:34
mark_fruthank will try that izinucs18:34
izinucsmark_fru: do it as your first shot..18:34
juliohmHello, how to the get the most recent version of GCC on my Ubuntu 11.10? I tried adding a ppa as described in the Ask Ubuntu forum, but the ppa doesn't contains the gcc-4.7 package as described in the post.18:34
izinucsBen64: any ideas?18:35
juliohmI would like to add some Debian repo to get constant updates and bleeding edge gcc18:35
RyuGunsHey, I'm about to install Ubuntu to my macbook..18:35
Ben64izinucs: about?18:35
RyuGunsDo I have to partition myself or will the installer do it for me?18:35
ThinkT510juliohm: don't, never mix repos18:35
juliohmThinkT510, and ppas?18:35
juliohmThe same applies for ppas?18:36
izinucsLook up to my previous post to you.. I was Scunizi on my other machine.. I posted a link to pastebin with results from sudo parted -l18:36
ThinkT510juliohm: i avoid ppas, they are unsupported18:36
juliohmMe too18:36
thufir_I'm having trouble installing.  I downloaded ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent with bittorrent and burned the iso to a DVD. However, my only DVD drive is via usb.  when I booted, it just booted to rescue mode for 12.04 wheras I want to boot to the bootable disc I made.  it won't boot because it's a DVD?  or because it's USB?18:36
juliohmBut i really want GCC 4.718:36
Minai need someone take the control of my ubuntu and do the recommended settings for my ubuntu ??18:36
Ben64izinucs: oh. well that looks bad. have you tried mounting the ntfs partition?18:36
ThinkT510juliohm: its availabe in 12.1018:36
thufir_RyuGuns: it will prompt you.18:36
RyuGunsIs it scary?18:37
juliohmThinkT510, yes, i would like to update my distro, but i can't till finish the current work.18:37
Tech-1big monsters inside18:37
thufir_RyuGuns: this is a laptop? with one disc?  if so, then it's easy.18:37
ThinkT510juliohm: then finish your current work18:37
thufir_hard drive disc I mean.18:37
juliohmThinkT510, i think i'll do that18:37
juliohmBut my current would be much more easy with some C++11 features.18:38
RyuGunsthufir_: It is a laptop with one disk. THanks.18:38
izinucsBen64: no.. sdb is a new out of the box drive that has yet to be formatted.. sda is ntfs and boots fine.. I'm trying to clone sda to sdb using ddrescue because sda is a failing drive.18:38
thufir_RyuGuns: just select "use entire hard drive" or something like that.  note: it will erase data on the hard drive and put ubuntu there.18:38
ThinkT510juliohm: should have considered that before you started18:38
Ben64izinucs: have you tried using ddrescue then?18:39
thufir_why is the iso > 700 MB?18:39
Gnea!pm | Mina18:39
ubottuMina: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:39
juliohmThinkT510, before i started? When i started GCC 4.7 didn't exist.18:39
GneaMina: we cannot do that, but someone can surely help troubleshoot your problem and help you figure out how to fix it yourself the next time the problem arises18:39
izinucsBen64: doing that now.. I was just concerned because fdisk didn't see sda at all.  ddrescue seems to be running18:40
ThinkT510juliohm: you got a choice to make, continue as you are or upgrade, i can't decide for you18:40
nuklrbbqHi. I'm trying to install an older graphics card in xbmcbuntu. It's a Matrox G550. I have downloaded the package xserver_xorg_video_matrox but I don't know where to go from here.18:40
izinucsBen64: I'm using the -n switch and --force to read only the good blocks then I'll go back and try to recover the bad ones18:41
Ben64izinucs: well dd just copies block by block, so it doesn't matter if fdisk sees it as long as it works18:41
izinucsBen64: true.. I was just trying to validate that sda was the correct designation for the drive.. I'd hate to copy a blank drive to a populated one :)18:42
juliohmThinkT510, what about gcc-snapshot package from Ubuntu repos?18:42
thufir_when ubuntu-12.10-server-i386.iso.part finishes downloading, can I burn it to CD?  it's 705M.  isn't that too big?18:42
juliohmIt's description says it's the trunk from GCC, but when i do apt-get install it shows gcc-4.6-multilib18:43
Ben64izinucs: i see... how about "sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda"18:43
ztguAnyone with experience on changing GPUs with vga_switcheroo? ( or some other techniques?)18:43
ThinkT510!latest | juliohm18:43
ubottujuliohm: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:43
izinucsBen64: never used that one.. but since ddrescue is running I think I'll leave that try for later18:43
jennieThinkT510: the game I am playing in ubuntu1210 is running at 100FPS and this is output of glxgears 301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.003 FPS, the game is running fine in win7 but it is lagging in ubuntu what should I do ?18:44
Ben64izinucs: that command just grabs info directly from the drive, doesn't mess with data or anything18:44
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:44
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:44
ThinkT510jennie: just play it in windows?18:45
TheLordOfTimejuliohm, can we help you with something?18:45
izinucsBen64: thanks.  I may be a little superstises (sp?) but I'll try it after the copy is done.18:45
jennieI dont want to use windows anymore18:45
Muphridjennie: is is a steam game?18:45
jennieyes Muphrid18:45
Muphridyou could try to use steam-login to login into steam instead of unity if youre not doing it18:46
Ben64100fps doesn't sound like it's lagging18:46
ThinkT510jennie: i don't do much gaming in linux so i'm the wrong person to ask18:46
ztguAnyone who knows how to fix black screen av hibernation and sleep? can't get back without turning computer entierly off18:46
nuklrbbqIf I download & install xserver-xorg-video-mga from synaptic, is the driver for my old Matrox card installed and ready or are there further steps I need to take to activate the drivers?18:47
EtadoleHi, I would know something... I'm using mkdir function in php but I've some permission problem, it creates a folder with permission accorded to www-data, it is not interesting for me18:47
andy_gigikonia: helo18:48
izinucsEtadole: you must make your user a member of the www-data group18:48
Etadoleizinucs: I already did it, change nothing18:49
crichar32hi guys i was wondering if anyone here might have installed ubuntu on the newest mac minis by anychance i am running into an issue installing 12.10 64b where install looks to go through good but when it reboots it doesnt seem to find the mbr or something18:49
bekksEtadole: Did you log out completely after doing it`18:50
Etadolebekks: No ! I will do it thanks :)18:51
EtadoleSee you later everybody, bye bye18:52
EtadoleAnd thanks18:52
nuklrbbqhow can I query Ubutu to find out the exact version of a graphics driver currently running?18:52
Ben64nuklrbbq: which driver18:52
izinucsnuklrbbq: nvidia? ati? intel?18:53
ztguI need some help with closing lid problem on my linux laptop ( screen turns black and I can't get it on?18:53
ztguthink it has to do something with swap partition?18:53
nuklrbbqBen64: I am working on an old system, trying to set it up as a HTPC. Have just added an old Matrox G550 AGP card, but XBMC gives me driver errors. Trying to figugre out what driver it is actually using.18:53
Ben64oh, I don't know about those cards at all18:53
nuklrbbqIf I download & install xserver-xorg-video-mga from synaptic, is the driver for my old Matrox card installed and ready or are there further steps I need to take to activate the drivers?18:54
ThinkT510nuklrbbq: lsmod will show you what is already loaded18:54
Ben64nuklrbbq: a computer that old might not work well as a htpc though18:55
FiraHi ! I'm about to migrate my Ubuntu primary parition to LVM. Already got GRUB 'n stuff covered, but is there any specifics steps i need to take to enable LVM Support in Ubuntu's initramfs, or regenerate it ?18:55
Minaplease , in ubuntu i need to use antivirus or it's ok without any program for secfdurity ??18:55
Ben64!antivirus | Mina18:55
ubottuMina: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:55
nuklrbbqBen64: It works well without the graphics card (ie using on-board graphics). It should be even better with a dedicated card! In theory anyway.18:55
Scunizinuklrbbq: also you typically have to either log out and back in or restart the graphics system to get a new driver to function.. restart is your best option.18:55
nuklrbbqThinkT510; Thanks, will try that.18:55
Ben64nuklrbbq: it probably won't be able to decode high definition videos18:56
Firanobody? well i'll give it a shot with default initramfs :/18:57
jhutchins_wknuklrbbq: A newish motherboard could easily have better on-board graphics than an older card.18:57
yuxso I was going to install ubuntu and it's stuck18:58
yuxat copying files, my dvd rom is making sounds in A18:58
yuxthe whole thing blocked18:59
ikoniaandy_gig: did you want me ?18:59
jhutchins_wkyux: If you have drive activity it's probably copying files.18:59
andy_gigyes sir!18:59
andy_gigikonia: hi!18:59
ikoniaandy_gig: how can I help18:59
thufir_the only way to install without burning a disc is grub?   see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot    (no usb stick that big)19:00
yuxjhutchins_wk: It just made sounds in A and now it completely stopped, do you want a screenshot?19:00
yuxI can't move the mouse around the screen.19:00
wachwk c19:00
nuklrbbqBen64: Low-definition videos are enough for me :-) I can watch stuff downloaded from iplayer no problems using the onboard graphics. PC is a Dell GX260,19:00
yuxIt's just stuck in here19:01
yuxit won't let me move my mouse pointer or anything :(19:01
yuxthe dvd-rom isn't even readed anymore :(19:02
yuxany suggestions? :(19:03
bekksyux: Just reboot and start over.19:04
yuxbekks: won't it affect my current installation though? :(19:04
user82hi. on one notebook ubuntu always puts the filesystem into read only. i did a fsck in recovery menu and it keeps happening again and again. what can i do ?19:04
yuxbekks: can't I do anything at this screen?19:04
bekksyux: Sure, but currently, you have an unusable system. And with a system stuck, you cant do anything.19:04
yuxbekks: thanks then :(19:05
bekksuser82: You could take a look at dmesg when it happens. Most likely, you harddisk is going to fail soon.19:05
thufir_the only way to install without burning a disc is grub?   see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot    (no usb stick that big)19:05
user82bekks, the smart status says 11 broken sectors but everything ok19:05
user82and bekks it works for a very short time after book19:06
bekksuser82: 11 broken sectors are 11 sectors too much. I'd backup and get a new harddisk.19:06
user822.5 years old hdd but worked on that hevily19:06
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bekksuser82: You could investigate further with smartctl and the selftests offered there.19:06
rootieLo I'm using a live-cd to use gparted to move all my paritions from a 160GB disk to a 500GB disk - it's finished... but how do I re-install GRUB in to the MBR of the new disk!?19:06
bekks!grub > rootie19:06
ubotturootie, please see my private message19:06
bekks!grub2 > rootie19:06
rootieyeah I've already followed that - or I wouldn't be here19:07
rootieI tried "grub-install /dev/sda' but I get.... Path `/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting.19:07
bekksrootie: Could you pastebin sudo fdisk -l then please?19:08
rootiebekks, sure... http://pastebin.com/BdCbhkm519:08
user82bekks, what to grep for in dmesg looking for errors?19:08
crichar32hi guys i was wondering if anyone here might have installed ubuntu on the newest mac minis by anychance i am running into an issue installing 12.10 64b where install looks to go through good but when it reboots it doesnt seem to find the mbr or something19:08
bekksuser82: Nothing to grep, but taking a look at the whole output.19:09
user82bekks, the notebook is located at my cousin who installed ubuntu for the first time yesterday..i am a little limited in possibilites19:09
user82but i might give him the hint ot backup the data19:09
thufir_I burned the iso to disc, DVD but the boot just hangs, and then goes to rescue mode.  what am I doing wrong to install?19:10
ntzrmtthihu777how did you burn the iso?19:10
user82bekks, can i output the smart status with installed tools? read only means no insalling new tools19:10
thufir_ntzrmtthihu777: xfburn19:10
bekksuser82: smartctl is the tool, smartmon-tools is the package. And you have to install it in read-write.19:11
ntzrmtthihu777what os are you burning under?19:11
thufir_ntzrmtthihu777: linux.  I selected "burn image.  burn from a prepared compilation, ie iso." and burned the dvd.19:11
user82thanks bekks .. i will try to do my very best with the limited possibilites19:11
ntzrmtthihu777what linux flavor?19:11
thufir_ntzrmtthihu777: ubuntu 12.04 server.19:12
ntzrmtthihu777ah, server I am ignorant about. can you use startup disk creator?19:13
jhutchins_wkthufir_: Did you verify the DVD?19:13
yux10.04.4 still uses gnome 2 right?19:13
ntzrmtthihu777yup, tink so. I use gnome-classic19:13
thufir_jhutchins_wk: no.  also, the .iso is deleted.19:14
yuxntzrmtthihu777: that's buggy...19:14
rootiebekks, stumped?19:14
thufir_jhutchins_wk: how can I check it?  I need to re-download the whole thing?19:14
jhutchins_wkthufir_: If you check the md5sum of the disk you should get the same as the md5 on the web.19:14
ntzrmtthihu777I never had issue.19:15
thufir_jhutchins_wk: doh. thx.19:15
ntzrmtthihu777check the md5 hash19:15
Nl0stI have a problem with ubuntu installation... I have tried to boot ubuntu via USB and CD. Then choose what i want to do, and when the splash screen appears (the one with the ubuntu logo), the screen turns dark (almost black, and if you t)19:15
yuxthanks ntzrmtthihu77719:15
bekksrootie: Take a look at your /etc/fstab and verify that (inside your chroot) everything is mounted as on your real system.19:15
Nl0st*and it seems like the machine is stuck19:16
ntzrmtthihu777pres ctrl+alt+f7, Nl0st19:16
rootiebekks, the wiki makes no reference under "the terminal way" of requiring a chroot19:16
thufir_jhutchins_wk: I don't see how to do that, it's from the CLI against the mounted DVD?19:16
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ntzrmtthihu777haha, look. do you have a windows box nearby? if you do use burncdcc to burn the iso. it did the trick wonderfully19:17
navillushi i have a problem with pulseaudio configuration19:17
navilluswhen adding a second device to use the hdmi output it doesnt play anything19:18
navillusaplay does work through the device...19:18
navillusanyone have any ideas?19:18
user82bekks, managed to install gsmartcontrol(gui). read failure19:18
thufir_ntzrmtthihu777: no windows box.19:18
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ntzrmtthihu777who doesnt19:18
Scelernavillus so far al my audio problems were fixed after a reeboot19:18
Scelermess with the settings, reboot19:19
ntzrmtthihu777hmm. ok, let me have a look-see thufir_19:19
Scelerthufir, whats your problem?19:19
navillustried that a couple of times that just makes the analog output work, the hdmi doesnt work under pulse...19:19
navillusjust aplay...19:20
ntzrmtthihu777what iso are you trying to burn, thufir_19:20
Nl0stntzrmtthihu777: tried pressing the buttons, no reaction..(when the screen goes black, the ubuntu logo is displayed, but it's extremely hard to see, if you understand what i'm saying..)19:20
ntzrmtthihu777try different f keys.19:20
CrazyGangsterNl0st: try boot with the i915.broken=1 boot parameter19:20
thufir_it was the i386 desktop for 12.10.  maybe my hardware isn't good enough?  I've always had to use the alternate before.19:21
ntzrmtthihu777hmm, possibly.19:21
ntzrmtthihu777what are your specs?19:21
jhutchins_wkthufir_: Sorry, doesn't have to be mounted, md5sum /dev/dvd019:22
thufir_it's an older computer.  few minutes while I gather that.19:22
thufir_jhutchins_wk: md5sum /media/Ubuntu\ 12.10\ i386\(vcd\)   gives error that it's a directory.19:22
thufir_jhutchins_wk: let me try that.19:22
ntzrmtthihu777try adding a -r option19:22
user82bekks, error=continue to fstab and a new hdd into amazon basket..solved for now19:23
CrazyGangsterNl0st: i think when u tryng boot ubuntu your back-light is turned off, that happened in my Acer machine19:23
jhutchins_wkNl0st: Try adding nomodeset to the kernel command line.19:24
Nl0stCrazyGangster: Even though the backlight is off, the screen is static for 5+ mins19:26
thufir_ntzrmtthihu777: I should add -r?19:26
davidoknerIs there any way to burn the Ubuntu 12.04 iso to CD in OS X?19:26
ikoniadavidokner: same way as any CD in os X19:27
ikoniadavidokner: it's just an ISO image19:27
ntzrmtthihu777if you are trying on a dir adding -r or -R usually adds recursive option. but try it on the .iso instead19:27
thufir_jhutchins_wk: 67087df47afcee6ad36a5c9ceffe1ae5  /dev/dvd2  I'm just checking that.19:27
davidoknerikonia: Actually it isn't. It is a hybrid format and can't be mounted for burning using disc utility.19:27
ntzrmtthihu777its an iso. not our fault osx does not know what to do with it19:28
ikoniadavidokner: burnt find for me19:28
CrazyGangsterNl0st: u tried the safe mode boot?19:28
davidoknerIt is not a standard ISO, it is an ISO encapsulated in another format.19:28
* ntzrmtthihu777 sighs19:28
ikoniaon a 10.7 box19:28
davidoknerikonia: You burnt Ubuntu 12.04 to a CD in OS X using disk Utility?19:28
ntzrmtthihu777its a standard iso. I can manipulate it just fine with both linux and win$ iso software19:29
RollinV2Anyone running Ubuntu on the c7 chromebook? Need to know if unity and gnome3 run smoothy.19:29
davidoknerntzrmtthihu777: That is because they are loading it despite it NOT being a standard ISO image.19:29
kn1ghtfr0sthow much does a chromebook cost?19:29
RollinV2The c7 is $20019:29
ikoniadavidokner: I believe it was disk untility, whatever is the pre-installed default tool19:30
ikoniaI don't have my mac in front of me19:30
ikoniasorry, it's 10.619:31
ikonianot 10.719:31
davidoknerikonia: You can't mount it in disc utility in os x.19:31
ikoniaI don't remember ever mounting it19:31
davidoknerDisk utility says it is not a valid file system19:31
ntzrmtthihu777open the mac disc util, then drag the iso image into it19:32
triton_Hello!  I wonder if there is any way to get some help for a networking question?19:33
lucidohow cacan I install ubuntu if my cdrom is dead and it cant boot from usb19:33
thufir_ntzrmtthihu777: hardware as so:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473813/   maybe I can't install ubuntu on that hardware?19:33
davidoknerI think it is working now. I closed disk utility and opened it and told it to burn it.19:33
ntzrmtthihu777see. standard.19:33
b14d3lucido: Move the hd to a different computer than CAN do one of those things19:33
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ikoniadavidokner: that sounds more like what I did19:34
davidoknerI did a google search and it said it wouldn't work because it was a hybrid image and it gave that error.19:34
ikoniadon't remember mounting anything19:34
lucidob14d3, I can do network boot19:34
ntzrmtthihu777and google is never wrong19:34
davidoknerIt can't mount it because it is a USB/CD hybrid image I think.19:34
ntzrmtthihu777hmm very strange thufir_19:34
izinucstriton_: only if you ask a question.19:34
davidoknerDell has a $300 laptop with a celeron processor that has Ubuntu on it.19:36
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thufir_jhutchins_wk: I'm checking that DVD for it's md5, just ensuring that I'm doing it right.19:36
ikoniadavidokner: ......and ?19:36
davidoknerI called Dell to ask which version of Ubuntu they install on their computers and they said they don't know.19:36
triton_izinucs: OK, I have a remot machine, it has 2 nics, 1 is the Internet, the other is for local network. I am trying to port forward using iptables. The thing is that I have 2 more installations just like this one  and there I am successfully forwarding.19:36
davidoknerBut they know if you are getting windows 7 vs. windows 8.19:36
RollinV2davidoker dell is clueless with their Linux laptops19:37
triton_Basically I am confused with 1 installation out of 3 with nat, port forwarding.  I don't think pasting iptables rules makes sense, since they are the same in all 3 cases19:37
davidoknerikonia: I was considering it for my cousin who needs a laptop, but found a referbished for $370 with a core i3 and 4gb more ram etc.19:37
ikoniadavidokner: what do you want us to do about this ?19:37
pzulaI am trying to set up a site for Apache to use from etc/apache2/sites-available and my files are at ~/Sites/projects  ... how do I reference that for my document root?19:37
davidoknerikonia: I don't think I want you to do anything. Although, maybe somebody with Ubuntu could.19:38
ikoniadavidokner: somebody with ubuntu ? I have ubuntu19:38
triton_I was wondering what's a good way to analyze a problem where I can't port forward from local network to the Internet19:38
ikoniadavidokner: however I have no control over dells marketing or staff training19:38
davidoknerikonia: I was telling more because I think it was interesting.19:38
ikoniait's not really relevant to this channel,19:38
ThinkT510davidokner: this is a suppost channel19:38
pzulaI am trying to set up a site for Apache to use from etc/apache2/sites-available and my files are at ~/Sites/projects  ... how do I reference that for my document root?19:38
RollinV2pzula you need virtual host in apache19:39
pzulaRollinV2 I think I have that19:39
davidoknerThinkT510: Well actually I wanted to know originally becuse there was a wireless driver problem with the Dell 2520 I discovered and I wanted to know if it was with the version that is intalled on the laptop from dell.19:39
pzulaI have sites set up at /var/www working fine19:39
pzulabut now I want to use files at ~/Sites instead19:39
RollinV2Pzula check permissions19:40
davidoknerI'm going to try to install Ubuntu on my 2008 macbook.19:40
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davidoknerI only have 12GB free.19:40
RollinV2That's enough space19:41
pzulaRollinV2 I'm not sure it's permissions... It's when I do sudo service apache2 reload, it tells me this :  DocumentRoot [/~/Sites/projects] does not exist19:41
pzula 19:41
ntzrmtthihu777hmm. I am running 12.04.1 x64 on a hp dv519:42
izinucstriton_: are all the machines the same OS or is ubuntu the only one you're having issues with?19:42
thufir_jhutchins_wk: paste.ubuntu.com/1473836/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473827/ don't seem to match.  that being said, maybe I did the check wrong? or checked the wrong thing?  I've just never had a bad burn or download -- yet.19:43
icerootpzula: the path is wrong, there is no /~/ its ~/ or /home/username/ but not /~/ which would be //home/username19:43
ksx4systemI have Samsung Wave 3 (badaOS 2.0 powered) phone and I wonder if it's possible to write SMS messages from my Ubuntu based PC after connecting phone via USB19:43
ksx4systemis it possible?19:43
Guest45177Im running ubuntu 12.04 on my asus ux31a , i cant disable my backlights on the keyboard19:43
triton_izinucs: all 3 are ubuntu machines19:43
izinucstriton_: same version?19:43
triton_yes, same kernel, same shell19:43
icerootksx4system: have a look if "airdroid" exist also for badaOS19:44
triton_I am checking right now if it's the same gui19:44
izinucstriton_: same ubuntu release?19:44
ksx4systemiceroot: it doesn't and "airmessage" or something isn't available in Samsung Kies on WinXP :(19:44
bekksuser82: error=continue will endanger your data.19:44
izinucstriton_: so in essence .. the machines are acting like the router for the internal network?  providing internet, dhcp, etc?19:45
usr13 pzula http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80665319:45
triton_izinucs: I just checked, it's the same 2.6.35-32 kernel19:45
user82bekks, i know it is a messy solution but the system was installed yesterday as playground..new hdd is on the way19:46
izinucstriton_: see my post right above your last one.19:46
triton_izinucs: yes, the machines are like routers, not dhcp though, the addresses internally are all static19:46
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icerootksx4system: smsclient - Ein Programm zum Senden von Short Messages19:47
icerootsmstools - SMS Server Tools für GSM-Modems19:47
icerootksx4system: maybe something from that19:47
triton_izinucs: but yes, they provide Internet, they do nat and they act as firewall normally.  We added cameras to every location and it's cameras that I am allowing to be used from outside of every network via ports 44 and 55, and in 1 case out of 3 the same rules don't do it19:47
icerootksx4system: have a look at apt-cache search to see the description in your language19:47
icerootksx4system: maybe also gsm-utils19:48
MikeWorthHi, I've upgraded my computer and now have plenty of RAM that it empty; it will fill up with filesystem cache over time, but is there a way to populate it at boot? Would some sort of process with a high niceness that somehow loads things into the cache allow me to do this without affecting whatever else I might be doing?19:48
triton_izinucs: I am just wondering how would I trace this problem? What should I look at?  I looked at /etc/hosts.allow and hosts.deny, nothing there. The forwarding is on in all 3 cases19:48
izinucstriton_: with everything the same you should be able to mirror the iptables from one of the functional machines, copy it over and have it work.  I guessing though.. there are others here that know much more about the ip tables and bridging two nics.19:49
KsMMikeWorth: the package `preload' maybe19:49
thufir_jhutchins_wk: what do you think?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473836/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473827/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473852/19:49
pzulausr13: I set the permissions but I still get DocumentRoot does not exit19:49
triton_izinucs: I should be able to. I can't overwrite the entire OS though, but I copied over the iptables rules. ufw is off in all 3 cases. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is 119:50
pzulaWarning: DocumentRoot [/home/username/pzula/Sites/projects] does not exist19:50
KsMMikeWorth: "preload monitors applications that users run, and by analyzing this data, predicts what applications users might run, and fetches those binaries and their dependencies into memory for faster startup times."19:50
bekkspzula: And does it exist...?19:50
fearphageubuntu 12.10 is only recognizing one of my 8 cores. can someone help me resolve this issue? https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f319:50
thufir_I can use wodim to extract the .iso from the dvd which I burned from the iso which I downloaded?  (deleted the iso by accident)19:50
pzulabekks: I am targeting ~/Sites/projects19:50
bekkspzula: Did you check with: ls -lha /home/username/pzula/Sites/projects19:50
bekkspzula: Then the path /home/username/pzula/Sites/projects is wrong. It has to be /home/pzula/Sites/project assuming your username is pzula and not username19:51
triton_izinucs: so I guess I am stuck because it's the same :)  I expected it to work the same and got it to work the same on 2 machines and all of a sudden... unexpected19:51
pzulabekks: that makes sense! haha sorry for that!19:51
pianotipsI am trying to install 12.04 (64) from a dvd, during the base install (near the end) it gives me a cannot install the kernel into the target system kernel package 'linux-server'.. installed from dvd and usb? wiped hdds clean, new raid partition (0 for test).. what i am doing wrong? someone help please? it gets to the 92% and then errors out. if it matters i had to find tigon drivers to get the19:51
pianotipsnetwork to install...please help?19:51
OerHeksfearphage, all your 8 cores or 4 cores and HT hypertreading are recognized, what makes you think it does not ?19:52
izinucstriton_: you might ask in #ubuntu-server.. unfortunately I'm stuck..19:52
triton_izinucs: ok, thanks19:52
ntzrmtthihu777what did you burn the dvd with piano19:52
ztguHow can i figure out if my swap partition works?19:52
MikeWorthKsM: That looks useful; I'll go away and read up. Thanks19:52
usr13pzula: Here's another:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/server/apache2/SSL19:52
pianotipspower iso i think19:52
ntzrmtthihu777check your system monitor19:52
bekksztgu: By typing: cat /proc/swaps19:52
ntzrmtthihu777under windows? do it using burncdcc, it always did the trick for me19:53
k1l_ztgu: look at htop, if its shown there :)19:53
pianotipsum i am using a windows box to prep the server for install19:53
pianotipsso uve had this problem too?19:53
jhutchins_wkthufir_: You can check which device it is by mounting it and using the mount command.  You want to compare the md5sum output to the md5sum that's available on the mirrors in the same directory as the iso,19:53
pianotipsntzrmtthihu777 but i tried using a usb install and had the same problem19:54
RollinV2On windows use imgburn for iso19:54
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I get that. there is a freeware program called burncdcc for windows that will burn your iso right. no, I never had issue because I always used burncdcc or the in-ubuntu startup disc creator19:54
ztgubekks, k1l_: it's not running at htop and this is my result bekks: FilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority19:54
pianotipsill try it19:55
panahello world19:55
bekksztgu: Then you have no swap active.19:55
ztgubekks, k1l_:my swap is not working how can I get it to work?19:55
ntzrmtthihu777ack! its a beginners program!19:55
XTry_XHackhi pana19:55
panahi loui19:56
thufir_jhutchins_wk: what do you mean the same directory as the iso?19:56
bekksztgu: pastebin the output of the following commands please: sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid19:56
ntzrmtthihu777pana = hello_world.sh19:56
ntzrmtthihu777directory = folder19:56
panaey loui19:56
jhutchins_wkthufir_: On the mirrors that have the iso files for download, there should be a checksum file either for each iso or one that has all of them.  Plain text file.  Compare your results with the checksum there.19:56
k1l_ztgu: what is the issue? did the swap work before? what happend? which ubuntu? what did you do? etc...19:56
thufir_jhutchins_wk: it doesn't match https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes  but did I check the correct thing against that list?19:58
ztgu/dev/sda1: TYPE="vfat"19:58
ztgu/dev/sda2: TYPE="ntfs"19:58
ztgu/dev/sda4: TYPE="ntfs"19:58
ztgu/dev/sda5: TYPE="swap"19:58
ztgu/dev/sda6: TYPE="ntfs"19:58
ztgu/dev/sda7: TYPE="ext4"19:58
ztgu/dev/sdb1: TYPE="vfat"19:58
Ben64!pastebin | ztgu19:58
ubottuztgu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:58
ztguk1l_, bekks: I have a hibernation sleep probelm when closing my laptop lid. I red about the swap partition not working properly. I have 8 gb ram and a 7.5 gb swap.19:59
jhutchins_wkthufir_: I can't know what's what on your hardware.  If you can mount the device and see the right contents, or if it automounts and you check with mount that should tell you which device it is.19:59
bekksztgu: Thats 0.5 GB too less then.19:59
ztguI gnow20:00
jhutchins_wkthufir_: Another possibility is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub  although framebuffer problems are usually just a blank screen.20:00
k1l_ztgu: swap needs to be atleast the amount of ram, if you want suspend20:00
ntzrmtthihu777geeze whit 8 gigs of ram you don't really need that much swap20:00
jhutchins_wkthufir_: What hardware are you installing on?20:00
thufir_jhutchins_wk: ok, thanks for the help.  I'm going to wait for ubuntu server to download, get some rest, and try to check this md5 in a bit.  :)20:00
ztgubekks, k1l_: I know I made a mistake when making it20:00
thufir_jhutchins_wk: one sec.20:00
k1l_ntzrmtthihu777: read what i said. your statment is not right20:00
thufir_jhutchins_wk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473852/20:00
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: You are missing the point.20:01
Peckeris there drivers to run the ps3's navigation controller wirelessly? also whats the minimum kernel neede to run it via usb?20:01
k1l_ztgu: so load a livecd/stick and change the partition sizes?20:01
jhutchins_wkthufir_: That doesn't give me anything I can help you with.20:01
thufir_http://paste.ubuntu.com/1473881/  whoops, pardon about that.20:02
ztguk1l_: yeah: It doesn't work while inside this partition? I need to make this partition smaller to add more swap20:02
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: You need as much swap as you have ram, (if not more).20:02
jhutchins_wkthufir_: What's running on it now?20:02
k1l_ntzrmtthihu777: your statment is still wrong. see what i wrote20:02
thufir_jhutchins_wk: ubuntu 12.04 server20:02
jhutchins_wkthufir_: P4 shouldn't have any hardware that's not well covered by the kernel.20:03
jhutchins_wkthufir_: Remind me what your goal is?20:03
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: It is clear that you do not have a grasp on all of the uses and needs for the swap partition.20:03
ntzrmtthihu777Oh I get it. when you run out of ram you start swapping. maybe for hybernate, but why use it. I never do20:04
thufir_jhutchins_wk: ok, downloaded iso.  burned to dvd on external usb burner.  rebooted, it saw the new optical drive, but booted to safe mode of 12.04.  I cannot seem to install 12.10             right now I'm downloading 12.10 server20:04
bekksntzrmtthihu777: For hibernating.20:04
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:04
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: How big is your HD?20:05
ntzrmtthihu777but again, why hibernate?20:05
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Why not?20:05
k1l_ntzrmtthihu777: you cant hibernate when your swap is to small. that is the point.20:05
jhutchins_wkthufir_: Generally you don't use the DVD to upgrade, you use aptitude.  Update your sources.list or sources.d files and go from there.20:05
k1l_ntzrmtthihu777: and just because _you_ dont need to hibernate, its not forbidden for others20:05
ntzrmtthihu777I understand that. I just fail to see the reason for hibernation20:05
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: You have 320G HD and you are worried about allocating 6 or 8G to swap?  (or even 16G?)20:06
thufir_jhutchins_wk: oh, I want a clean install. it's to a different hard drive, and, somehow, way too many broken packages. so, clean install.20:06
jhutchins_wkntzrmtthihu777: More applicable for desktops and laptops than servers.20:06
ScelerI have an issue, I just installed Peppermint 3 (based on ubuntu) and now I have a black screen with a flashing _ on startup and I can do nothing about it20:06
ntzrmtthihu777lol, I am not worrying about anything, just commenting20:06
jhutchins_wkthufir_: Ah, that explains it.20:06
ScelerI think I can solve it by using an older driver version of the GMA_500 (Poulsbo) chipset20:06
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: There is not much of a reason for hibernation unless it's a laptop20:06
ScelerCan I make it use that by using the live USB?20:06
k1l_ntzrmtthihu777: so you shoulnt advice to go with no swap, if the user wants to use hibernation. that is the point here20:06
jhutchins_wkthufir_: Most CD burning programs will do a checksum against the source file to make sure they match, and then check against the file on the download server.20:06
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I am running off a hp dv5 'top20:07
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: That's ok, just trying to help youunderstand.20:07
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jhutchins_wkthufir_: (You have to do that part.)20:07
ntzrmtthihu777who was asking, again?20:07
XTry_XHackwo gibts deutsche hilf20:07
k1l_XTry_XHack: #ubuntu-de20:07
ntzrmtthihu777ich kann deutsch20:07
thufir_jhutchins_wk: yeah, I'm going to stop for now, thanks for help.  I can't find that option in xfburn, and deleted the .iso thinking I didn't need it (stupid),  I'll come back to this.  (k3b won't install, broken packages)20:08
cristianHello.. just checking out this xchat... It looks just fine20:08
cristianHey Pecker20:08
ntzrmtthihu777whatsup, Pecker?20:08
cristianYou 77720:09
cristianhow are you doing pal?20:09
Peckeris there drivers to run the ps3's navigation controller wirelessly? also whats the minimum kernel neede to run it via usb?20:09
Scelerany ideas on my boot problem?20:09
ntzrmtthihu777I am well, waiting for them to update our wifi here20:10
leonardpopHello! I have installed ubuntu minimal + gnome3 desktop. Wireless internet is working but slowly and in network menu (up in top right bar) wireless says unmanaged. Can someone help me? thank you!20:10
cristianCould u tell us about ur problem again Sceler??20:10
yeatsSceler: if it's not ubuntu, it's not supported here20:10
ScelerIt's a kernel that runs ubuntu underneath, it's just more lightweight20:10
Scelerand when I boot I only boot to a flashing cursor right after bios20:11
yeats!derivatives | Sceler20:11
ubottuSceler: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:11
ryugunsI'm installing on a mac..20:11
usr13!nomodeset | Sceler20:11
ubottuSceler: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:11
ntzrmtthihu777ouch, I hear that is tricky20:11
ryugunsTHere are only to options, one is to install and erase OS X.. the other is to partition it myself...20:11
k1l_Sceler: we dont know what they changed, so ask them for support.20:12
ryugunsIs there any option to install along OS X like with Windows?20:12
Scelerubottu, thanks, that's what I'm looking for exactly20:12
ubottuSceler: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:12
Scelerusr13 :')20:12
jhutchins_wkthufir_: See what ubottu just said to Sceler - something to consider.20:12
* ntzrmtthihu777 laughs20:12
bekksryuguns: Which hardware do you have?20:12
ryugunsMacbook 200620:12
thufir_jhutchins_wk: thx20:12
yeatsleonardpop: look in /etc/NetworkManger/NetworkManager.conf and change it to 'managed=true'20:13
jhutchins_wkruan: You may be able to do it with bootcamp, otherwise you'll probably need to run it in parallels.20:13
thufir_yeah, it didn't boot to black screen or anything, but thx.20:13
mythtvuser76any using mythtv with Hauppauge 2250 card?20:13
jhutchins_wkryuguns: That was meant for you, bootcamp or parallels.20:13
panaloui bist du da20:13
jhutchins_wkryuguns: afik you can't load osx from grub (but I could be wrong).20:14
XTry_XHackja geh privaten chat pana20:14
k1l_!german | pana XTry_XHack20:14
ubottupana XTry_XHack: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:14
ryugunsI installed refit to boot OS X..20:14
ntzrmtthihu777they are going into private chat k1l_20:14
jhutchins_wkryuguns: That should be able to load ubuntu as well.20:14
ryugunsThere is also a "Something else" option to partition it myself, but I don't have a clue what to do there.20:14
k1l_ntzrmtthihu777: i read it, but to join the german channel would be more appropriate for peer review.20:15
ntzrmtthihu777perhaps they just want to shoot the breeze20:15
randomuser44Hey guys im looking to switch grub bootloader to default to windows instead of ubuntu and I went to /boot/grub/menu.lst and I don't see any code, could grub be located somewhere else?20:16
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ntzrmtthihu777ah, not sure how you do that. I can do the reverse, there should be a tool to do it20:16
ntzrmtthihu777windows bootloader can't load linux, I don't think20:16
bekksntzrmtthihu777: It can chainload almost every OS.20:17
leonardpopyeats i found the file but cannot edit it. can you please tell me how to edit it?20:17
usr13ntzrmtthihu777: That is not what he is asking about.20:17
leonardpopyeats i found the file but cannot edit it. can you please tell me how to edit it?20:17
Pecker!grub2 | randomuser4420:17
ubotturandomuser44: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:17
yeatsleonardpop: try 'gksu gedit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf'20:17
Peckerrandomuser44: grub2 doesnt have a menu.lst, its all script based now20:18
randomuser44Oh :) Okay. I will look at the help articles. Much Appreciated.20:18
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, but you can add menu options to /etc/grub.d/40_custom20:18
OerHeksrandomuser44, No /boot/grub/menu.lst. It has been replaced by /boot/grub/grub.cfg.20:18
leonardpopyeats:  that did it, thank you. do i have to restart now?20:19
OerHeksntzrmtthihu777, if you answer someone, use the irc-name to adress to her/him20:19
ntzrmtthihu777its a bad idea to modify the grub.cfg itself, as when you run update-grub any changes you made get lost. if you put your custom menu entries to 40_custom it will remain20:19
ntzrmtthihu777how do you do that. oerheck20:19
ntzrmtthihu777new to irc. using irssi20:19
k1l_randomuser44: just change the standard path in the grub script to the exact name from the windows entry20:20
Far_I am new to Unix/Linux command, I have this command line "sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER", and get error as follow "usermod: group 'wireshark' does not exist",  Should I put my username instead of $USER or what? or change directory to find it?20:20
randomuser44ntzrmtthihu777: I just need to change Windows to default boot when no key are pressed. easy to do?20:20
b14d3ntzrmtthihu777: Just start typing their name and hit tab20:20
OerHeksntzrmtthihu777, like you did now20:20
Ben64Far_: what are you trying to accomplish20:20
k1l_randomuser44: so edit the /etc/default/grub20:20
Far_setup the wireshark running20:20
ntzrmtthihu777place the windows menu-entry at the top, it should load by default randomuser4420:21
Ben64Far_: why usermod then?20:21
XTry_XHackGibt es einen deutschen ubuntu chanal20:21
k1l_randomuser44: and run a update-grub2 afterwards20:21
ntzrmtthihu777I mean the other way.20:21
k1l_!german | pana XTry_XHack20:21
ubottupana XTry_XHack: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:21
Far_I got this set of commands from somewhere to activate wireshark20:21
Ben64Far_: you should be able to run it by doing "sudo wireshark"20:22
ntzrmtthihu777but again, running update-grub will eraise any changes you make to grub.cfg | k1l_20:22
usr13Far_: Just use sudo20:22
panalass knacken alterr20:22
k1l_ntzrmtthihu777: dont suggest to edit the grub.cfg:(20:22
ntzrmtthihu777I did not suggest it.20:22
ntzrmtthihu777I suggested changing 40_custom20:22
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Far_yes, but capture interface are not active20:23
k1l_randomuser44: edit the /etc/default/grub. its the line with "GRUB_DEFAULT="20:23
Ben64Far_: it will work with sudo20:23
usr13k1l_: ntzrmtthihu777 Here, suggest this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/20:23
yeatsFar_: that error just means there's not a "wireshark" group on your system -20:23
Far_and what that means?20:23
Far_is it a privilege thing?20:24
ntzrmtthihu777grub2 is pretty awesome. You can boot straigt from an .iso20:24
blaizcoFinnaly i could enter here20:24
yeatsFar_: I would just run it with 'sudo' as others are suggesting20:24
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
Far_what is the exact command for that?20:24
ntzrmtthihu777why is everyone's answer to anything is "use sudo"?20:24
ztguHi, how can i make new partitions with gparted? I20:24
randomuser44k1l_: Thanks I found that line. How do I know what number Windows is though. I heard it was mostly always 4.20:24
yeatsFar_: 'sudo wireshark'?20:24
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: its not the answer for everything20:25
ntzrmtthihu777if its just ubuntu and windows then 4 should do it20:25
Far_so then Any time I want to run it, I could not run the ewireshark icon without doing this step?20:25
randomuser44Thanks ntzrmtthihu77720:25
k1l_randomuser44: you can write there the exact name of the entry and it will boot that line20:25
Tex_NickFar : also you might have a look at /usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian20:25
ztguHi, how can i make new partitions with gparted? I20:25
ntzrmtthihu777run gparted, choose some unpartitioned space, choose the create option. ztgu20:26
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ztguntzrmtthiu777: unpartitioned space is called unallocated?20:27
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Patero-ngdoes anyone knows how to install traceroute20:27
ntzrmtthihu777nope. check #airmon-ng20:27
blaizcopatero use: sudo apt-get install traceroute20:28
Patero-ngit says is not there20:28
Patero-ngis called by another or sum20:28
ztguntzrmtthiu777: unpartitioned space is called unallocated?20:28
blaizcoare you using 12.10 right?20:28
malkaunshow do i reinstall unity and compiz, i messed up my compiz install when building and installing from source :(20:28
Patero-ngubuntu 1120:28
blaizcohumm i don't know if ubuntu 11 have the repository for traceroute i mean, is a basic package20:29
ntzrmtthihu777I believe so, ztgu. been a bit20:29
Guest25138ubuntu 12.04 is the best distro for my hardware , but i would like to change the desktop enviorment. and run it from 12.04 is it possible?20:29
blaizcowrite: sudo apt-get update20:29
blaizcoand then try again20:29
Patero-ngI did20:29
ntzrmtthihu777what desktop environment do you want, guest?20:29
yeats!info | traceroute20:30
ubottu'traceroute' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable20:30
Patero-nghas noinstalation candidates20:30
yeats!info traceroute20:30
Guest25138a lightweight , maybe xfce20:30
ubottutraceroute (source: traceroute): Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.0.18-3 (quantal), package size 42 kB, installed size 157 kB20:30
leonardpopyeats: after i did what you said i rebooted and my wireless was unavailable and internet not working at all. I undone the changes to networkmanager.conf and now i am back to square one: internet is slow and wireless says is unamanged20:30
yeatsPatero-ng: make sure you have the "universe" repo enabled20:30
Guest25138i had xfce whit mint 14 nadia before but it didnt work so good whit the hardware20:30
blaizcosudo apt-cache search traceroute | grep traceroute -n20:30
blaizcotry this20:31
ztguHow much swap is recommended?20:31
ztguI have 8 gb ram20:31
blaizcoto find a traceroute alternative20:31
blaizcoi found this: sudo apt-get install tcptraceroute20:31
k1l_ztgu: equally swap if you want hibernation20:31
=== dankest|away is now known as dankest
ntzrmtthihu777I need moar ram >.<20:32
blaizcoPatero, did you tried the command i typed?20:32
ztguk1l_: how do I launch swap when I have created it?20:32
jhutchins_wkztgu: 2x RAM up to about 2GB, which is all you want to deal with unless you need suspend-to-disk.20:32
k1l_ztgu: put it into the fstab.20:32
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:32
k1l_ztgu: but if you just make it bigger it should stay as it is in fstab20:33
jhutchins_wkztgu: man swapon20:33
ntzrmtthihu777is there a way to cut down on compiz ram usage? I want only a few features of compiz20:33
yeatsleonardpop: that should have done it as far as I know, but whether NetworkManager is managing your connection would not affect connection speed20:33
Guest925Does anyone know why I can't open the "Phone" or "Card" directories on a phone mounted with mtpfs?20:33
Gneantzrmtthihu777: adjust the settings using the compiz manager20:33
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:33
ztgujhutchins_wk, k1l_: I just made 15.98 gb swap partition. I have 8 gb. Is that good for hibernation, suspend to disk and sleep?20:34
jhutchins_wkztgu: It's more than you need, but it will work.20:35
k1l_ztgu: like i said: 1:1 is enough20:35
jhutchins_wkztgu: You only need swap =  ram (best to round up a bit) for std and if you actually use that much your system will be very slow.20:36
ztgujhutchins_wk, k1l_: If i make my swap smaller will my system be faster?20:37
ztgujhutchins_wk, k1l_: My /etc/fstab is empty20:37
k1l_ztgu: swap is slow. so if you need to use swap because your ram is too small it will be slow no matter how much swap you make20:37
k1l_ztgu: and you should work on one problem at a time. you problem was to make swap bigger for hubernation. and not to speed up your system20:38
randomuser44memtest86 was actually 4. I think Windows is 5.20:39
mythtvuser12any mythtv user?20:40
ztgujhutchins_wk, k1l_: I just ran "swapon /dev/sda5" where my swap is located and nothing came up.20:40
fearphageOerHeks: did you click my link? cpuinfo and lscpu both report one cpu20:41
OerHeksfearphage, no, it reports 8 cores20:42
fearphageOerHeks: you are looking at the 12.04 read out. compare it to the 12.10 report20:43
OerHeksfearphage, please post both again20:44
Tex_NickOerHeks, i think it's https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f320:45
OerHeksyes, that is the 12.04 part20:46
cucujoideaHello, while trying to install ubuntu 12.04 AMD64, I got following problem: my SATA hdd does not show up when the partitioning dialog opens; It is visible in gparted though. Is there a possibility to make it show up for installation?20:46
Tex_NickOerHeks, scroll down20:46
abailarriHello. Has anyone used ekiga? I can not register my user. I get an error20:47
usr13ztgu: Nothing is supposed to come up.20:47
submanI have a piece of software to install that requires java 6 or better.  When I check I get:  java version "1.7.0_09".  How to tell if I meet the minimum requirement?20:48
jhutchins_wk,versions openjava20:48
usr13ztgu: Just so you understand;  Not having a swap partition set up on your computer does not make it run faster. (I know that some people are under that impression but that is not the case.)20:49
Peckersubman: java 6 is "1.6.blah", you have 1.7.blah.. which means you have JAva 720:49
OerHeksTex_Nick  ic,  fearphage: there is a package " intel-microcode " for updating processor in the kernel ( also available for AMD > amd-microcode ) install it and reboot, maybe it will fix20:49
submanPecker, Thanks!20:49
jhutchins_wkztgu: With 8G you shouldn't have to use swap unless you suspend to disk.  It's good to have some in case you have a rogue memory leak or something, but if your system tries to swap more than about 2G of data it will slow down.  Trying to manage 16G of swapped files will really bog down the system, but just becasue it's there doesn't mean it will be used.20:51
ztguudr13: My sleep and hibernation does not work, i need swap to fix the problem. But the thing is that i don't understand how it works just yet.20:51
fearphageOradeanul: first file is cpuinfo from 12.04. 2nd one is from 12.10 https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f3 then there is lscpu, dmesg, and other all from 12.1020:51
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:51
luvI like unity and all only one glitch here - I would like to make an exception for the terminal icon to start a new terminal every time i click it20:51
luv(yes i know about middle-click :-) )20:51
Tex_NickOerHeks, thanks for the post on that ... i have a friend who has the same problem ... will pass that along20:52
Patero-ngyes blaizco20:52
ztgujhutchins_wk: I understand.20:52
OerHeksTex_Nick, i was affected too, with athlonII x220:52
blaizcoand it worked patero?20:53
jhutchins_wkztgu: I think the swapon command should enable the swap, top should show it available.20:53
kmonlinuxcant connect a usb modem to ubuntu help20:53
jhutchins_wkkmonlinux: -> #ubuntu20:53
jhutchins_wkkmonlinux: Um, nevermind.20:54
jhutchins_wkkmonlinux: Does it show up in dmesg?20:54
yaluhi. I can't figure out how to run "make oldconfig" on a x86-64 so it generates a configuration for i38620:54
ztgujhutchins_wk: I used swapon command. and spesified the partition "swapon /dev/sda5". I can't find it in "top"? any suggestions?20:54
jhutchins_wkkmonlinux: Does lsusb see it?20:54
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jhutchins_wkztgu: man swapon20:54
yalusorry got it: export ARCH=i38620:56
jhutchins_wkztgu: You may need to put it in the fstab for swapon to work. I don't think so, but maybe.  The partition is type linux swap, right?20:56
ztgujhutchins_wk: The partition is linux swap, I am just about to put it in fstab20:58
fearphageOerHeks: first file is cpuinfo from 12.04. 2nd one is from 12.10 https://gist.github.com/ebabcc23991b741f67f3 then there is lscpu, dmesg, and other all from 12.1020:58
=== Guest97645 is now known as JesseC
OerHeksfearphage i read that,  there is a package " intel-microcode " for updating processor in the kernel ( also available for AMD > amd-microcode ) install it and reboot, maybe it will fix20:59
cliffHello Everyone.21:00
blaizcoHi there cliff21:00
cliffIs there some reason java doesn't like being installed on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?21:00
usr13cliff: no21:00
blaizcocliff, what problems you have?21:00
blaizcodid you used open-jdk?21:01
ztgujhutchins_wk: I am going to reboot my system, to check with swap21:01
fearphageOerHeks: i'll give it a shot21:01
pianotipsI am trying to install 12.04 (64) from a dvd, during the base install (near the end) it gives me a cannot install the kernel into the target system kernel package 'linux-server'.. installed from dvd and usb? wiped hdds clean, new raid partition (0 for test).. what i am doing wrong? someone help please? it gets to the 92% and then errors out. if it matters i had to find tigon drivers to get the21:02
pianotipsnetwork to install...please help?21:02
pianotipsnot the cd, usb ... tried everything now21:02
blaizcoPianotips i have the same problem :/21:02
cliffI'm trying to use a website that won't load because it's missing a plug-in in firefox and it seems there isn't a plugin that exists.  Maybe I need open-jdk.21:02
pianotipsany other suggestions?21:02
pianotipsi hear u blaizco21:02
usr13cliff: Maybe?  It should be telling you what the problem is.   Do you have any error report you can give us?  Or the site?  (We don't have much go go on here... yet.)21:03
kmonlinuxit shows in dmesg so what shd i do21:04
randomuser44grrrr...this ubuntu install freezes at the logging screen everytie...12.04 LTS21:07
kmonlinuxcant connect a usb modem to ubuntu help21:07
ztguI just rebooted my laptop21:07
fearphageOerHeks: no go. Still reporting 1 core21:07
ztguwhat am I supposed to see after in top to find swap?21:07
usr13ztgu: free21:08
OerHeksfearphage, sorry to hear that, i have no clue21:08
usr13ztgu: (the output of free will tell you about the swap partition)21:08
cliffusr13: I don't have a errror code from the website.21:08
usr13cliff: Ok.  Sorry, we can't help you.21:09
Tex_Nick!nomodeset | randomuser4421:09
ubotturandomuser44: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:09
ztguusr13: I grepped "top | grep free" It's a lot of outbut21:09
fearphageOerHeks: thanks for trying. i'll keep asking and see if anyone else has any suggestions21:09
ztguusr13: outputs*21:09
usr13ztgu: Never mind.... sorry.21:09
usr13ztgu: free | pastebinit  #And we'll have a look.21:10
OerHeksfearphage, maybe a post @ askubuntu.com helps too21:10
ztguusr13: what is the pastebinits program for?21:11
usr13ztgu: Open terminal, type  "free |pastebinit"  hit enter, show us resulting URL.21:11
ThinkT510!pastebinit | ztgu21:11
ubottuztgu: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:11
usr13ztgu: pastebinit is a command-line pastebin client21:12
usr13ztgu: Ok good.  You now have swap.  "Swap:     16755708"21:13
usr13ztgu: You're done.21:13
ztguusr13: ty, I am going to test it with hibernation now21:14
randomuser44Tex_Nick: So I just add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset" to my /etc/default/grub file?21:16
fearphagehow would i see my current boot options?21:16
woorandomuser44: there should be a warning about editing the grub.cfg directly.  Is that what you are trying to do?21:18
randomuser44well 12.04 LTS is freezing at login screen after a few seconds. I'm trying to fix it.21:18
randomuser44I think it is related to the video card.21:18
ztgu_Hi, sleep didn't work on my computer (suspend to RAM)21:18
blaizcowhy you don't use 12.10? :)21:19
Tex_Nickrandomuser44, it's been a while since i had to use that ... confirm it with someone else here21:20
diverdudehi, im trying to install boost but i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1474068/ How do i fix that?21:21
woodiverdude: did you search forums?21:23
usr13diverdude: What version of ubuntu are you using?21:24
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MonkeyDustwoo  the guy is looking for help, don't send him away21:24
wooWasent trying to Monkey.  Just found a solution that I dont know if Diver has tried yet.21:24
diverdudeusr13, 12.1021:25
usr13diverdude: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install -f21:25
faryshtaHi, I just installled the bcmwl-kernel-source driver on a laptop with broadcom wifi. The wifi is still not working. What is there left to do?21:26
diverdudeusr13, that did not remedy the problem :(21:26
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:26
BluesKajdiverdude, you could run sudo apt-get -f install , or copy and paste all those depenedencies and install them , if you feel adventurous21:26
ztgu_Hi, sleep didn't work on my computer (suspend to RAM) suggestions?21:26
OerHeksfaryshta, did you restart after install ?21:26
faryshtaOerHeks: yup.21:26
user82faryshta, i had that same issue...did not solve it yet21:27
faryshtauser82: :(21:27
woodiverdude: I found a forum that http://askubuntu.com/questions/223237/unable-to-correct-problems-you-have-held-broken-packages and Im not trying to offend Monkey by offering my google search :-)21:27
user82faryshta, if you go to the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf you can see21:27
user82# replaced by b43 and ssb.21:27
user82blacklist bcm43xx21:27
user82the people usually have a reason to blacklist stuff..but give it a try and edit hte file as root adding a "#" in front of blacklist21:28
wdp_hey, i'd like to update from 11.10 oniric to 12.10 - Though it only offers me LTS and i don't want the lts21:28
faryshtauser82: ok let me try21:29
wdp_what shall i do?21:29
user82wdp_, in the software center under packet sources (might be called repositories in english) you can change it21:29
jribwdp_: you upgrade to 12.04 first and then to 12.1021:29
ThinkT510wdp_: you can only go directly from one release to the next21:29
OerHekswdp_, 11.10 > 12.04 > 12.10 is the only way, or do a fresh install 12,10 ( i prefer, because it can take hours to upgrade)21:29
blaizcodon't upgrade, upgrade is headache :/21:30
randomuser44trying to use pico to edit /etc/default/grub and when I write out it tells me the file systme is read only...I used the sudo comamnd...how can I write to this file?21:30
wdp_yeah but the update gui just shows me "theres a new version available" and just shows me the lts21:30
jribrandomuser44: pastebin the output of "mount"21:30
user82well i would like to add for wdp_ if you really pull it off in 12.04 you have to use my method to make it show 12.10 as "non-lts"21:30
randomuser44well im using it in recovery mode so I can't do that jrib21:31
user82randomuser44, i think your filesystem is read only21:31
randomuser44I'm able to access the file system in a root comamnd prompt21:31
ThinkT510wdp_: you can't skip releases when upgrading (apart from lts to lts)21:31
user82"mount -o remount -t /" randomuser4421:31
* wdp_ sighs21:31
user82sorry randomuser44 "mount -o remount -rw /"21:32
OerHeksCavisty, please don't spam21:32
wdp_ThinkT510, did i say i want to skip releases?21:32
ThinkT510wdp_: yes, you said you want to go from 11.10 directly to 12.1021:32
faryshtamilamber: tried that page. Didn't worked21:32
jribrandomuser44: mount -o remount,rw /21:32
wdp_no i didn't say i want to go that route directly.21:32
wdp_i'm worried because it doesn't show me the normal versions - it only shows the next LTS.21:33
user82jrib, i think it is the same thing..good to know that also works21:33
wdp_user82, yeah, i already selected that, but still only shows the lts.21:33
jribwdp_: 12.04 is the version after 11.10.  What is your question?21:33
ThinkT510wdp_: it won't show you another version because thats the only one you can update to from 11.1021:33
wdp_ThinkT510, ah! Thanks :)21:34
user82wdp_, the release by release upgrade might be true..only 12.04 can show 12.10 when selected to show all upgrades21:34
xpistosIs there a way to get a list of packages installed on a computer, reinstall and have that list of software reinstalled without install each package?21:34
jribxpistos: why would you want to reinstall every package?21:34
* wdp_ has been just a bit confused because I thought there would be another -non-lts between 11.10 and 12.x.x-lts21:35
idlemindjrib: it would be useful to verify all packages in a system kind of like a validation repair21:35
xpistosjrib: Well I am trying to figure out a way to do a clean install and install the software without taking two days to do so21:35
ThinkT510wdp_: ubuntu releases are every 6 months21:35
randomuser44user82, jrib: Thank you. It wasa mounted as read only. Remounted with write access worked. Why the crap did it mount as read only.21:35
idlemindxpistos: i believe there is a thread on the ubuntu forums about doing that21:35
wdp_mhm lol.21:35
xpistosI am more concerned with install Virtualbox, Comix, etc21:35
jribidlemind: debsums?21:35
hakin9Hello, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 and don't wish to upgrade to 12.10. I use Gnome 3 shell version 3.4, I would like to upgrade to version 3.6. Is it safe to do so?21:35
wdp_"an unresolvable problem occured "hold back corrupt packages" (sorry for my translation, but it's german, so..)21:36
jrib!clone | xpistos21:36
ubottuxpistos: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate21:36
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wdp_not sure what i did there when i initially set that box up. That's the box of my mom. Any idea how i can solve that?21:36
ThinkT510wdp_: if you are using ppas uninstall them21:37
brx_Does rhythmbox have config/themes ? Like with xchat where u can downlpad other users config?21:37
wdp_ThinkT510, where/how can i check that?21:37
MonkeyDustxpistos  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1474097/21:38
brx_I want the artist window to display the number of albums instead of total tracks for an artist21:38
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:39
ThinkT510wdp_: i don't use ppas sorry21:39
randomuser44still freezing at login screen. Not sure what to do. Can I run a command from recovery root shell to update all packages?21:39
randomuser44apt-get update kind of thing.21:39
a216vctiHey guys, I'm back. I tried downloading openJDK and I'm getting the following error:  Errors were encountered while processing:21:39
a216vcti oracle-java7-installer21:39
a216vctiE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:39
wdp_ThinkT510, i think, me neither.21:40
a216vctiI saw this: http://rootzwiki.com/topic/23008-howto-install-java-7-on-ubuntu-1204/21:40
a216vctiand was wondering if that was still correct.21:40
a216vctiShould I try that procedure?21:40
ThinkT510wdp_: if you just stuck to software in the repos then there shouldn't be a problem in upgrading21:40
ThinkT510wdp_: i've always fresh installed21:41
k1l_a216vcti: that is an ppa source. that cant be supported here21:41
jribwdp_: you should investigate the actual error you are getting from update-manager21:41
hakin9Hello, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 and don't wish to upgrade to 12.10. I use Gnome 3 shell version 3.4, I would like to upgrade to version 3.6. Is it safe to do so?21:41
a216vctiwhat is ppa?21:41
wdp_jrajeesh, there's not much more in there, then i told you. pretty useless error dialog.21:41
wdp_jrib, :)21:42
jribwdp_: run it in engish and pastebin the full message21:42
dufa!ppa | a216vcti21:42
ubottua216vcti: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:42
k1l_a216vcti: its a repository that is maintained by a private person, not ubuntu itself21:42
a216vctithank you.21:42
xpistosMonkeyDust: Thank you. I will try that out21:43
a216vctiHow would you all recommend that I install OpenJDK?21:43
jrib!java | a216vcti21:43
ubottua216vcti: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.21:43
k1l_a216vcti: why dont you take the openjdk 7 java?21:43
a216vctik1l_ I'm a noob so please forgive, when you say 'take' you mean install, correct?21:44
wdp_jrib, is there a way to see installed packages which are not part of ubuntu (third party / ppa) so i could remove them? And is there some command how i could get more verbose output on which packages are "hold back"?21:45
faryshtaMy chipset is bcm5787m ubuntu and I installed bcmwl-kernel-source driver but I can't get it to work21:45
faryshtacuriosly enough it works with the liveUSB21:45
k1l_a216vcti: yes, there is openjdk-7-jre or -jdk in the universe repos fro ubuntu. that should be the first steps to try21:45
randomuser44oh snap. adding nomodeset to grub config did work! I forgot to run update-grub2. Silly me. Thanks all who helped!21:47
a216vctik1l_ :( I should have done that first. I tried using the apt-get install openjdk-7-jre and came across this error:21:47
jribwdp_: yes, you could use ppa-purge.  Yes, logs for the upgrade are made.  Again, I suggest you start by just pastebinning the actual error you are seeing in english and in full21:47
a216vctiErrors were encountered while processing:21:47
a216vcti oracle-java7-installer21:47
a216vctiE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:47
k1l_a216vcti: which ubuntu are you using?21:48
guntbert!paste  | a216vcti21:48
ubottua216vcti: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:48
a216vctiok. sorry about that.21:48
a216vctik1l_: I'm using 12.04 LTS21:48
k1l_a216vcti: run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" to make sure your system is uptodate. (it will not upgrade to 12.10)21:49
a216vctiHang tight, it says that openjdk-7-jre is installed.21:49
oknerI just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my 2008 macbook and the cursor can't move diagnoally? Could an update be released to fix that?21:50
faryshtaI have a laptop HP 6735B. Which is the proper wifi driver to use?21:50
blaizcowhy people install 12.04 and not 12.10 :/21:50
what_lefti just did a fresh install of lubuntu on a 2005 laptop, and it seems to be reading from disk almost constantly and act generally sluggish. i have 256mb memory, 88mb of which is just buffers/cache according to free -m. what gives?21:50
k1l_faryshta: can you show the line in "lspci" where is the wifi mentioned?21:51
jrib!lts | blaizco21:51
ubottublaizco: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)21:51
jribwhat_left: anything interesting in top?21:51
wdpjrib, funny. export LANG="en" doesn't work for do-release-upgrade.21:52
what_leftjrib: firefox at 30% mem usage, but otherwise no (all is 3% or below)21:52
a216vctiThe website still doesn't work.21:53
a216vctiIt still says it needs a plugin.21:53
k1l_a216vcti: which website? you are sure it really needs some plugin in and that isnt a faulty website?21:54
Gavilan2How much memory does ubuntu need to work fine if I'll only use the browser for not extremelly interactive not audio/video things?21:54
faryshtak1l_: it just say BCM5787M for ethernet.21:54
oknerWhen I move the cursor diagonally it moves in a stair-case fasion instead of a straight line.21:54
a216vctik1l_: I checked it on my windows machine. It's ADP self service portal for my work.21:54
k1l_faryshta: can you pastebin the whole output?21:54
a216vctiI verified it's up.21:54
MonkeyDustGavilan2  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements21:55
faryshtak1l_: sorry I can't I am writting from another computer.21:55
a216vctiDo you know where I would be able to view logs?21:55
Gavilan2MonkeyDust: Great! thank you...21:55
oknerTwo finger scroll isn't working either.21:55
* blaizco i know what is lts, but :/21:56
jribwdp: try LANGUAGE21:56
a216vctik1l_: I don't necessarily need to have that website work, it's just that I don't like the fact that it's not working.21:56
faryshtak1l_: codepad.org/ZzxWmPj521:57
cabHi, just asking if it's possible on pidgin to hide irc  status messages  like (10:57:42 PM) delinquentme left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving).21:57
Tex_Nickrandomuser44, there are some people here that can probably help you ... you might try pasting the output of sudo lshw -c display to http://paste.ubuntu.com ... ask your question again then provide a link to the pastebin link21:57
ZiberIs there any keyboard shortcuts, or places I can set keyboard shortcuts, to move a window to another workspace?21:58
faryshtahow do I know if Ubuntu 12.10 recognize my wifi chipset? codepad.org/ZzxWmPj521:58
a216vctik1l_: The plugin is supposed to show a .pdf file21:58
oknerI fixed two finger scrolling, it was an option.21:58
cabHi, just asking if it's possible on pidgin to hide irc  status messages  like "(10:57:42 PM) delinquentme left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving)."21:58
faryshtathe chipset works when using liveUSB or the 11.10 installation21:58
oknerDiagonal cursor movement is still not working for me.21:58
Gavilan2Is there any theme or skin or something to make ubuntu look as close as possible to windows? (or mac if that's not possible)?21:58
xanguacab: enable the hide join/leave plugin21:59
faryshtak1l_: what do you think?21:59
Tex_Nickrandomuser44, the problem you are experiencing is one i've seen solved here many times in the past21:59
k1l_faryshta: can you pastebin a " codepad.org/ZzxWmPj521:59
randomuser44:) All fixed though.21:59
k1l_faryshta: can you pastebin a "rfkill list"21:59
k1l_faryshta: or is there a hardware button/switch which turns the wifi off?22:00
oknerHow do I invert scrolling direction?22:00
k1l_faryshta: i dont know which chip the build in that laptop22:01
cabxangua: k hmm may I ask how you install a plugin on pidgin?22:01
faryshtak1l_: I don't get it it works when I boot using the 11.10 installation and the liveUSB22:01
oknerThree problems. 1. Horizontal scrolling isn't working 2. Scrolling direction is inverted 3. Diagonal cursor movement doesn't work.22:01
faryshtak1l_: So what can it be?22:02
xanguacab: if you don't have the hide join/leave plugin in the plugins list install  pidgin-plugin-pack22:03
xangua!info pidgin-plugin-pack | cab22:03
ubottucab: pidgin-plugin-pack (source: purple-plugin-pack): Collection of Pidgin plugins. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.3-2 (quantal), package size 282 kB, installed size 1060 kB22:03
faryshtak1l_: should I restart and check on the bios?22:03
k1l_faryshta: does it show up on a "lsusb" ?22:03
xpistosMonkeyDust: Didn't work, it just said it couldn't find a bunch of packages and then stopped22:04
k1l_faryshta: have you tried the "restricted manager" if it wants to install a 3rd party driver?22:04
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faryshtak1l_: The restricted manager doesn't work on 12.10 AFAIK. At least not when I try it22:05
faryshtak1l_: and lsusb shows nothing related to internet22:05
ARSMI just updated my google chrome from Version 23.0.1271.64 to Version 23.0.1271.97. Now my youtube videos are afflicted with "yellow snow." I'm not in the HTML5 trial...22:05
ARSMI'm on oneiric.22:05
faryshtak1l_: the way I have tried additional drivers is by software center->software origins-> additional drivers22:06
cab xangua: k thx need to restart now22:07
stobixyo. If I have made my own xkb layout and want gnome-control-center to recognize it, what file is it I must edit? I've tried adding an entry to each of the /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/*.lst files22:07
faryshtak1l_: what do you think?22:07
stobixsetxkbmap recognizes my new layout, I just want the gui fluff to find it as well22:07
faryshtak1l_: rebooted on 11.10 and now it doesn't work there either22:09
k1l_faryshta: dont know, sry22:09
faryshtahow can I know if my wifi card is recognized? codepad.org/ZzxWmPj522:10
MonkeyDustfaryshta  iwconfig22:10
Gavilan2What's a good free antivirus for Ubuntu? And a free good password manager?22:10
MonkeyDust!av | Gavilan222:10
ubottuGavilan2: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus22:10
faryshtaMonkeyDust: iwconfig shows eth0 and l022:10
faryshtaMonkeyDust: I mean the hardware.22:11
k1l_faryshta: if it is not shown on lspci its no recognized22:11
jak2000hi all22:11
guntbertfaryshta: when you show us a pastebin-link please show the http://  part as well - makes it easier for us to follow22:11
faryshtak1l_: I restarted taking out the ethernet cable. Now the wifi works. Lolwut?22:12
k1l_faryshta: maybe there is some hp mainboard acpi going on which blocks the wifi card22:13
faryshtak1l_: how do I disable that? I put the cord back and the wifi died again.22:13
k1l_faryshta: sry, dont know22:13
faryshtak1l_: well at least now I know my problem.22:14
faryshtaHi. I have a problem with the ethernet / wifi. If I plug the ethernet cable the wifi dies.22:14
guntbertfaryshta: thats quite normal - lan takes precedence over wlan22:14
faryshtaguntbert: I mean I have to reboot to get the wifi back again22:14
guntbertfaryshta: thats not normal - sorry22:15
faryshtaguntbert: how do I remove the rfkill from a device?22:16
faryshtaguntbert: my wifi is hard blocked22:16
faryshtamy wifi is hard blocked according to rfkill. How do I unblock it?22:17
guntbertfaryshta: hard-blocked means by hardware - normally a switch22:18
faryshtaguntbert: how do I solve that?22:19
Gavilan2what are ubuntu's "Unsuported updates"?22:19
guntbertfaryshta: if you don't have a switch - I have no idea, sorry (maybe talk to the manufacturer of your notebook)22:20
jak2000hi all how to remove mysql server on a ubuntu server? i try: sudo apt-get remove mysql-server but not remove.. here the error: http://pastebin.com/WGLDpkr8 any advice how to remove?22:20
jak2000i try access to my mysql data dir.. and cant see: http://pastebin.com/WkEMhE4f   any advice?22:20
faryshtaguntbert: I keep pushing the wifi switch but it doesn't change. Nor does rfkill22:21
guntbertfaryshta: looks like a hardware problem to me - talk to the manufacturer22:21
Jstthe01Hello all, can anyone give me some help gettting a ALFA AWUS036H usb dongle to work in Ubuntu 12.1022:22
fxfitzI'm trying to recover data from a friends drive (windows) from an Ubuntu live cd. Any hints?22:22
faryshtaguntbert: ok thanks22:22
oknerI can't install package "naturalscrolling" it says it is not found after adding the repository.22:22
spacecaseI have a macbook pro 8,2 how can I get ububut 12.10 to boot via EFI?  There's so many different instructions online, I can't tell which are up to date, nor can I get it to work.  I've gotten as far as getting to grub2 via efi, but I can't figure to how actually start ubuntu22:23
dufaokner: you need to run apt-get update after adding a new repo22:23
oknerdufa: i did22:23
oknerdufa: I followed the directions here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/137444/is-there-anyway-to-enable-system-wide-inverse-scrolling22:25
oknerdufa: Because the cursor doesn't work right out of the box.22:25
Jstthe01Can anyone help me with this alfa problem,supposed to work out the box and does sometimes but sometimes will only connect and show good signalbut willnot surf web pages22:25
guntbertjak2000: how about you try to update/upgrade the system before trying to install/uninstall anything?22:25
okner_dufa: I followed the directions.22:26
Tex_NickJstthe01 : in terminal you might try lsusb to see if your device is listed ... then paste the output of dmesg to http://paste.ubuntu.com & post the link here & reask your question22:26
Jstthe01I have updated and upgrades everything but stillhas problems, says has great signalconnection but will not load web pages somestimes it will and somrtimes it wont!22:27
Jstthe01I would but right now I22:28
okner_Is there any way to get rid of tap touch pad for click on Ubuntu?22:28
rmooreanyone have any experience getting *buntu or linux in general on a Dell Latitude D800?22:28
dufaokner: yes, you can do it in the system setting22:28
rmooreI'm having a terrible time getting the nvidia-96 driver to work.  It keeps coming up with "package dependecies unresolved" messages.22:28
okner_I looks like Ubuntu is not meant to work with macbooks.22:29
rmoorefurther inquiry resulted in my learning that I apparently need xorg-video-abi-10 but it's "uninstallable"22:29
Jstthe01I wouldbut rightnow I'm on a argh WINDOWS laptop,I refuse to not use Linux but the adapter is working great with windows and not hardly at all with linux, I realized it is suppposed to already have the newest driver in the brand new linux kernal but not seeming to work for me22:30
rmooreyouve got a dell d800 as well jstthe01?22:30
r0d3r1ckAnyone know why a bootable USB flash drive with Ubuntu 12.04 on it would spontaneously become unbootable?22:31
okner_I think the Ubuntu developers should work on cursor functionality.22:31
okner_Make the windows move with the cursor and make the cursor and scrolling improved.22:32
Jstthe01no its a dell latitude d53022:32
hakin9Hello, I am running Ubuntu 12.04 and don't wish to upgrade to 12.10. I use Gnome 3 shell version 3.4, I would like to upgrade to version 3.6. Is it safe to do so?22:32
okner_At least the scrolling and cursor, you think that would be asy, the window moving thing may be hard.22:33
xanguahakin9: you wish to upgrade but you don't want to upgrade, what a contradiction :)22:33
usr13Jstthe01: Won't load websites?  Sounds like a DNS problem.22:34
spacecaseWhat's the difference between the normal 64bit iso and the 64+mac iso?22:34
rmooreno one with any idea about my nvidia issue?22:34
hakin9Why?? I don't want to upgrade distro just Gnome shell22:34
usr13Jstthe01: tail /etc/resolv.conf22:34
xanguahakin9: then you would need to upgrade gnome and then the gnome programs and so you'll need to upgrade your distro version22:35
Jstthe01Yeah I know,heard about it in many threads just dunno how tofix,sometimesit wll work ok just extremely slow, its connected to this WIN laptop now and working great sad to saay22:36
dean_Hi I was wondering if someone could tell me if the galaxy nexus 7 is able to be used as a mass storage device I can use my galaxy s2 phone but when I plug my nexus 7 tablet in it don't do anything?22:36
kostkondean_, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/12/how-to-mount-android-40-ubuntu-go-mtpfs.html22:37
k1l_dean_: no i cant. mtp is the thing that replaced the mass storage device22:37
dean_k1l_, Have you found a way around it at all? I could try wirelessly between devices but kies is samsung only22:38
k1l_dean_: you can use mtp on ubuntu. but its not that easy as on windows so far. see the link kostkon gave you22:38
Jstthe01I know without the output it will be hard to help so im gonna try and seee how its working now on the linux box and come back with the info22:39
dean_k1l_, I am using an older version of ubuntu22:39
dean_and looking at the page I dont have issues with my S2 at all22:39
xanguadean_: if it's wirelessly i use Airdroid when i am in a hurry; you just need your android and pc to conect the same network22:41
dean_xangua, Airdroid can that be used between android devices too?22:42
eboyWhat happened to maverick????
xangua!eol | eboy22:46
ubottueboy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:46
spacecaseI have a macbook pro 8,2 how can I get ububut 12.10 to boot via EFI?  There's so many different instructions online, I can't tell which are up to date, nor can I get it to work.  I've gotten as far as getting to grub2 via efi, but I can't figure to how actually start ubuntu22:47
murderhow can I possibly force vermagic to load modules without matching magic versions?22:48
dr_willisspacecase:  i tend to find the info at askubuntu.com more up to date. Or at least its normally dated so you know exactly how old  they are.22:49
oknerHow do I tell the Ubuntu developers to fix problems with Ubuntu?22:51
dr_willis!bug | okner22:51
ubottuokner: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:51
oknerdr_willis: What if they try to say the bug is a "design choice"?22:52
randomuser44AFter windows is installed it removed grub bootloader, what is the best guide to follow to get it back?22:52
dr_willis!brainstorm | okner22:52
ubottuokner: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!22:52
dr_willisThen its not a bug.22:53
dr_willis!fixgrub | randomuser4422:53
ubotturandomuser44: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:53
dr_willisrandomuser44:  i tend to use a live cd and the 'boot-repair' tool mentioned in those guides.22:53
oknerdr_willis: for example I'd call not having responsive and smooth scrolling a bug.22:53
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oknerMy headphone jack is not working. I have a 2010 macbook and Ubuntu 12.04.22:55
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eboyxangua: I feel like I should still have extended server support23:00
eboyxangua: Nevermind that's lucid :]23:00
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L8DHello! I need help!23:07
L8D#xfce sent me here.23:07
TheLordOfTimeL8D, you need to give details on what you need help with23:09
TheLordOfTimewe can't help you without details.23:09
L8DOkay, I was just waiting to see is someone was online23:09
L8DWell, I'm in xfce4, and I have the gnome-globalmenu-xfce installed23:09
bekksL8D: Currently, 1591 people in here are online ;)23:09
L8DAnd well, the menu doesn't show anything at all.23:10
L8DAnd there is no prefences option on right click23:10
bjrohanCan anyone give some pointers on installing Mac 10.8 on virtual box? I followed instructions, ran Hackboot1, installed, then shut system down, pointed to Hackboot2, restarted, and up came the O/S put in my credentials, surfed the web, downloaded MultiBeast 5.2, tried to install it but it gave me an error. I shut down the system, tried to restart, and it says no boot medium. How do I point VB to the right area?23:12
OerHeksbjrohan, it is not legal to run mac osX in virtualbox, afaik23:12
dbromhello anyone here23:13
dbromanyone using more then two monitors on kubuntu23:13
L8Ddbrom: What is the probelm23:14
dbromim trying to setup four monitors on kubuntu 12.10 64 bit23:15
L8DCan you?23:15
dr_williswhat video chipsets?23:15
L8DOr is it mirroring or something.23:15
dbromhave three but two are clones of each other23:15
dbromNvidia 580 Ti23:16
dr_willisYou have a single video card with 4 monitor outss?23:16
dbromsingle with two splitters23:17
dbromat the moment the chat window is being shown on two monitors23:18
dr_willisYou did enable twinview?23:19
dr_willisive never tried more then 3 monitors. :) and that was with 2 video cards.23:19
dbromyes but that just extends the screen correct23:19
bekksdbrom: two splitter like 1 input and 2 outputs?23:20
dr_willisIm not clear on exxactly what you want then..23:20
dr_willisYou either extend the monitor. or use clones. or seperate X sessions for each monitor.23:20
dr_willisive never seen a 'hdmi' video splitter. ;) unless its a special cable for those cards to allow more monitors.23:21
dbromi have two outputs on the card (DVI) I am splitting each output with a splitter to allow the four moniors to be connected.... the thing is that I am getting one two displays one on one onitor and the second on the other two...23:22
dbromid like to have a desktop across all four23:22
bekksdbrom: Do you use signal splitters or some more intelligent stuff splitters?23:22
dr_willisso you have 2 pairs of monitors - both are cloning23:23
jak2000when i try access to: cd /var/lib/mysql show me a Error Message: "Permission Deneied"  i try with: sudo cd /var/lib/mysql   but show me thesee rror: sudo: cd: command not found   why? need format or unmount or? thanks23:23
doubledubbaI've installed the unity-webapps-youtube package, but the youtube webapp won't start when I go to youtube.23:23
doubledubbaDoes anybody else have this issue or have any suggestions?23:23
dr_willistwinview is what i enable to have one big huge wide/tall desktop across several monitors23:23
randomuser44lol broke grub..it boots to error: no such device: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx23:24
randomuser44grub rescue>23:24
bekksjak2000: sudo -i     -- then do you stuff, then exit the root shell using "exit"23:24
dbromtwinview works with two not four23:24
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dr_willisjak2000:  'sudo cd' makes no sence. because once the cd command exits.. you would be back to your normal user rights.23:24
dr_willisdbrom:  ive used twinview with 3 monitors.. Its possible the drivers dont support a 4 monitor big desktop.23:25
The_ManU_212i bought a dvb-s2 usb device pcstar 460e which should be supported well since kernel 3.223:25
dbromdriver suppouts four monitors23:26
The_ManU_212i cant get it configured with tvheadend sicne im getting the error "disecq setup failed error: -1"23:26
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The_ManU_212dr_willis: what do i need to get twinview with 3 monitors?23:26
oalI have a core i7, and I want to enable the builtin gpu, as I have no other gpu. System settings says "Driver: Mesa GLX Indirect", which is wrong. Any ideas how to enable the Intel gpu?23:26
dr_willisThe_ManU_212:  i just plugged them all in.. and ran nvidia-settings.. this was a year+ ago.23:27
The_ManU_212dr_willis: what do you have for a graphics card?23:27
dr_willisThe_ManU_212:  I had issues with it loseing the setting at each reboot..23:27
The_ManU_212dr_willis: what was the reason?23:27
dr_willisThe_ManU_212:  on that setup - I dont recall  8800 and one on the MB.23:27
mick_What is the point of Long Term Support, given that one can just upgrade to the latest Ubuntu?23:27
UltimaKRhi can anybody help me with my lubuntu install?23:28
The_ManU_212dr_willis: can you play accelerated games fullscreen using all threee devcies at once?23:28
dr_willisid get 3 monitors working. then when i rebooted. have to rerun nvidia-settings23:28
dr_willisThe_ManU_212:  never really tried it with games. I used it for watching videos on one monitor mainly23:28
The_ManU_212dr_willis: so it was one big screen with two graphiccards but both from nvidia?23:28
dr_willisI cant even imagine what game would use/need 3 monitor wide desktop23:28
dr_willisThe_ManU_212:  yes. one video card handled 2 moniotors.  the onboard handled a 3rd23:29
The_ManU_212dr_willis: ever heard of staregy games or a great first person shooter?23:29
The_ManU_212there it does make sense23:29
dr_willisThe_ManU_212:   as i said.. i cant imagine those needing the feature..23:29
The_ManU_212dr_willis: i didnt thought that this works with one xserver23:29
UltimaKRsometimes in a game the monitors do not actually show the game, but rather menus or some sort of UI that assits (like items or spell bars)23:30
dr_willisThe_ManU_212:  and ive done the old  quake tweaks to have a wide view. :) just made me dizzy23:30
dr_willisand irecall some RTS on windows that had a minimap on the 2nd monitor..  dosent seem like a real poplar feautre.23:30
dr_willisI use it for watching videos as i chat. ;)23:30
The_ManU_212dr_willis: thats normal after a while it will get better like switching from 17" to 27"23:30
UltimaKRdr_willis: can you help me with an error I am getting in my lubuntu install?23:30
dr_willisUltimaKR:  tell the channel the error and lets see who can help.23:31
UltimaKR"The creation of swap space in partition #5 of scsi1 (0 0 0) (sda) failed."23:31
UltimaKRsince when did I even have partition #5? lol23:31
dr_willisUltimaKR:  You could add a swap partion or file later.23:32
UltimaKRdr_willis: so what do i do to fix the error? if i click ok will the install proceed anyway?23:32
RandomFloathi all23:32
UltimaKRRandomFloat: hello :)23:32
RandomFloatMay I ask a question?23:33
TheLordOfTimeRandomFloat, just ask23:33
TheLordOfTimeno need to ask to ask.23:33
UltimaKRRandomFloat: you just did :P23:33
agselI have 32GB harddrive. in the beginning I allocated 6GB to opsystem. then there is 2gb swap/extended partition. the rest 24GB is free. can I somehow extend my 6GB by that 24GB?23:34
RandomFloatOh :P23:34
RandomFloatInception :P23:34
dr_willisUltimaKR:  or use gparted and set up the partions how you want beforhand. and use the 'somthing else' part of theinstaller to define exactly what partions get mounted where23:34
dr_willisUltimaKR:  it could be somthing weird with how your hd is partioned.23:34
mick_Can someone please explain what is the point of Long Term Support, given that there is always the alternative of simply upgrading to the latest Ubuntu? Sorry for the dumb question.23:34
RandomFloatBut, is there a way to play audio through the terminal on an ubuntu server?23:35
dr_willisagsel:  you could delte teh swap partion. resize the 6gb. then put swap at the end.. is one way23:35
dr_willis!info moc | RandomFloat23:35
ubottuRandomFloat: moc (source: moc): ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0~alpha4+svn20120224-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 244 kB, installed size 680 kB23:35
UltimaKRdr_willis: i just got the drive...this computer is kinda dead until i put the lubuntu on it (it cannot handle windows XP with its miniscule RAM)23:35
dr_willisUltimaKR:  id check how its partioned then.  somthing may be confuseing it in how its partioned.23:35
SolarisBoycmus is nice too RandomFloat23:35
UltimaKRdr_willis: should i remove the drive and attempt to examine it on this computer?23:35
dr_willisUltimaKR:  the most basic partioning  scheme would be / and a swap partition23:36
dr_willisUltimaKR:   how much ram is on the thing?23:36
dr_willisUltimaKR:  and how big is the hd?23:36
UltimaKRdr_willis: 256 MB....this is kind of my pet project, not planning to use it as a main PC or anything...the HDD is 160 GB, which probably means 137GB as that is the max allowed by the bios23:37
UltimaKRdr_willis: that's why i picked lubuntu as opposed to the regular ubuntu23:37
shaolin77Hey Everyone, looking from some advise on upgrading a video card on old box.23:37
RandomFloatSolarisBoy: do I need to install other packages too?23:37
UltimaKRshaolin77: is this a ubuntu question? because if not then i am probably more capable of answering it lol23:38
dr_willisUltimaKR:  it pop in a puppylinux live cd. and partion it how you want. then retry the ubuntu installer.23:38
shaolin77well I'm running Ubunto 12.04 64bit on it :)23:38
SolarisBoyRandomFloat: installing cmus or mocp using the apt should pull in any deps required23:38
dr_willisUltimaKR:  that little ram. may not run lubuntu well either23:38
RandomFloatOk, thank you.23:39
Tex_Nickmick_ : system administrators have enough work to do providing hand-holding support ... lts means they only have to upgrage their PC's evryy few years23:39
shaolin77but I guess it shouldn't really matter23:39
UltimaKRdr_willis: what does puppylinux do as opposed to my lubuntu CD?23:39
shaolin77I just want to some input from the community before going out and buying a new card23:39
UltimaKRshaolin77: what do you want to know? and what card do you have now?23:40
jay_why_beeagsel: easiest solution is to partition that 24G how you need it and mount it.  You could create a 24G /home.  Or break it up so /var is its own 10G and /home is 14G.  Like that.23:40
Tex_NickmicK_ : if a company has a hundred or more PC's release upgrades can take substancial time23:40
UltimaKRshaolin77: also I should probably have asked what the specs are of the computer using it23:41
shaolin77I was given a older box for free (XPS 400) which was running windows XP at the time.   Naturally I wiped it and installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit and its running like a champ23:41
shaolin77Processor: Intel® Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz × 223:42
UltimaKRshaolin77: yeah windows xp might have been too demanding for it23:42
shaolin77Ram: 4GB Ram23:42
shaolin77Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 7300 LE (512MB) /PCIe/SSE223:42
shaolin77Hard Drive 25023:42
FloodBot1shaolin77: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:42
UltimaKR@FloodBot1: he isnt doing anything wrong lol23:42
dbromill set all four up and see what happens... the thing is the way its acting it will clone the second monitor23:43
jak2000jay_why_bee any advice?23:43
jay_why_beejak2000 I missed the question23:44
UltimaKRshaolin: let me take a look at the card and see if i can find anything compatible but that won't bottleneck your system23:44
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shaolin77Great Thanks for your help23:44
shaolin77I know this is an older rig...so I dont want to spend $$ on it23:44
jak2000when i try access to: cd /var/lib/mysql show me a Error Message: "Permission Deneied"  i try with: sudo cd /var/lib/mysql   but show me thesee rror: sudo: cd: command not found   why? need format or unmount or? thanks23:44
bekksjak2000: sudo -i     -- then do you stuff, then exit the root shell using "exit"23:44
UltimaKRshaolin77: i know what you mean...i am trying to fix up my Dimension 4300 for a grand total of $023:45
UltimaKRcould you tell me what your power supply is? i don't want to recommend a GPU that you cannot run in the first place23:45
shaolin77the power supply is 375W23:45
jimmy_Samsung N150 netbook running 12.04. Brightness is stuck on lowest setting. Fn + up/down arrow changes screen brightness graphic, but not brightness.23:45
shaolin77I would like to stay with Nvidia if that helps narrow it down23:46
jak2000bekks done thanks23:46
shaolin77I was looking at possibly a Nvidia 440 or 45023:46
shaolin77someone game me a $30 gift card to Best Buy should I can use that also to minimize the cost of buying a new card23:47
UltimaKRshaolin77: ok, keeping it nvidia should probably make the drivers more simple to do and you might be more familiar with that anyway23:47
UltimaKRi found this link that lists the hierarchy of cards: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html23:47
UltimaKRmaybe if you check it you can see how high of a tier you would like to go23:47
UltimaKRthe left column is all nvidia, middle for AMD, and right for intel23:48
Tex_Nickshaolin77 : you might get a better deal from www.newegg.com ... even considering the gift card ... also if you're not in CA you won't pay sales tax23:49
shaolin77good suggestion Tex_Nick!23:49
UltimaKRshaolin77: oh yeah when you look at that, only check the ones under "discrete"...the "Go" ones are meant for laptops23:49
UltimaKRwould you mind telling us your price range? that would help a lot in determining what to look for23:50
Tex_Nickshaolin77 : I purchase several hundred dollars worth of equipment per month from newegg ... they are good to deal with23:51
UltimaKRnewegg is a great site, actually just bought a computer tool kit from them...most things (especially larger items) come with free shipping23:52
shaolin77within $100, like I said this is an older rig. Any higher than $100 would not be worth it23:52
Tex_Nickshaolin77 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709%20600030348&IsNodeId=1&name=NVIDIA23:54
Tex_Nickshaolin77 : $100 price range ... http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709%20600030348%204027&IsNodeId=1&name=%2475%20-%20%2410023:55
shaolin77Just need to narrow it down a bit more, due to the power supply only being 375W and also the type in CPU23:56
agseljay_why_bee: I thought of mounting 24GB, but I don't know how much space I need for home, var etc23:57
agselso, I will try extending my main partition23:58
agseldr_willis: how do I delete swap partition?23:58
agselor anyone else, how do I remove swap partition?23:58
Tex_Nickshaolin77 : on newegg ... look at the options in the left side of the page ... you can filter your options there23:58
bekksagsel: use swapoff to deactivate it.23:59
prawnsaladhey guys. i have a webapp with a comodo certificate. i have a few users on ubuntu 10.04 having issues with that one certificate.23:59
prawnsaladhow can i find out if that version of ubuntu was allowing certificates by comodo?23:59

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