
[1]NateI need some help with Ubuntu Studio recognizing my external drive05:47
[1]NateI'm having trouble getting the Ubuntu Studio installer to recognize my external drive's total space06:09
[1]Natewhen I try to do the installation, it says I only have 375 GB of space.06:09
[1]NateMy external drive is a Toshiba Canvio, and the model number is HDWC130XK3J106:10
Patero-ngis ubuntu studio the same as ubuntu but with video editing applications07:38
zequencePatero-ng: Yes, but more of a Audio centered distro, with video and graphics applications preinstalled09:36
zequencePatero-ng: Or rather, Ubuntu Studio is mostly resembling Xubuntu, which in turn is a flavor of Ubuntu09:37
Ricardo-UbuntustHello, good morning!10:03
Patero-nghola broster10:04
ese311I need some guidance relating whether to choose qtractor over ardour23:20
ese311I need some audio+midi capabilities23:21

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