
Zelouillefaryshta: I don't really know... Maybe try : ifup eth000:25
faryshtaZelouille: unknown instance eth000:26
well_laid_lawnhave a look at   ifconfig -a   to find out what it's called00:27
Zelouillefaryshta: yup, check the name with "ifconfig", or try "ifup -a". All your interfaces will be turned ON.00:29
faryshtaZelouille: ifup -a doesn't show any result00:34
Zelouillefaryshta: and what does "ifconfig -a" return ?00:35
Zelouillefaryshta, sell_laid_lawn: Maybe "ifup" does need a "sudo" ? I don't know.00:36
faryshtaZelouille: yup I used sudo but I get no errors or anything00:39
xubuntu227quick question: what command do i use to discover whether my hardware is 32 or 64-bit?00:40
Zelouille!64bit | xubuntu22700:46
ubottuxubuntu227: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit00:46
Zelouillexubuntu227: look for "How to Check"00:47
xubuntu227no way to query your system so it will tell you?00:47
xubuntu227sorry,  your note re "how to check" came just before i hit send re "query"00:48
xubuntu227will do as "how to check" advises, thx00:48
xubuntu227hmmm. article says run "grep --color=always -iw lm /proc/cpuinfo" etc so i did that and got no response whatsoever00:51
well_laid_lawn"If this command returns lm (Long Mode) as one of the flags, then your processor is capable of 64-bit. "00:54
well_laid_lawnnothing like reading to find out stuff ;)00:55
Zelouillexubuntu227: If you want something more verbose : if [[ $(sed -n '/flags/{/lm/ p;q}' /proc/cpuinfo) ]] ; then echo "Compatible 64 bits" ; else echo "Non-compatible 64 bits" ; fi00:57
Zelouillexubuntu227: well, it's french, but you should understand.00:58
xubuntu227apologies, well_laid_lawn and Zelouille, walked away and now no time to pursue matter. until another day then and thanks. over and out.01:26
EnmityHi, I am a new linux user using xubuntu.  I inserted a usb drive and copied over photos but when I got to the photo shop they were not on the drive.  Now that I am back home and checked on the drive they are there again.  Am I going mad or can only xubuntu see the files it copies onto the drive?02:19
sgtmccEnmity: what file format are the photos in?02:32
Enmitysgtmcc, just normal .jpg02:37
sgtmccIve never had an issue copying from linux to a thumbdrive and having it read by anything else, unless it was not properly unmounted02:38
Enmitysgtmcc, and the usb drive is just normal fat3202:39
sgtmccthen based on what you said it SHOULD work02:39
sgtmccwhy it isnt I am not sure02:39
Enmitywhen I look at the file permissions it says owner is read write but group and other are none, so I think that is the problem but it will not let me change it02:39
sgtmccyou can open up a terminal in that folder and try chmod 777 *02:40
Enmitysgtmcc, tried that, even with sudo and it will not change it02:41
sgtmccdo you have a windows partition or another computer to see if they can be seen?02:42
Enmityso, how do I make xubuntu automatically mount and write files to the usb with read/write for all?02:43
sgtmccthat I am not sure of, might have to do with the fstab...not 100% sure though02:44
Enmityno, just this one at the moment02:44
Enmitynothing in fstab for mounting flash drives02:48
xubuntu460hi all i m currently stuck in xubuntu installation via usb key someone can help?03:04
holsteinxubuntu460: stuck?03:08
holsteinxubuntu460: what are you doing and what do you want to do?03:08
sgtmccwhats the problem?03:12
Zelouilleknome: Since two weeks, Firefox can't read your blog RSS feed anymore.03:45
Zelouilleknome: maybe because your <?xml ?> tag is on line 2 instead of 1.03:46
hero616Could 2 programs access the same mouse? read("/dev/input/mouse0",...)09:01
TheSheephero616: there is a multiplexer09:04
TheSheephero616: gpm09:05
hero616Could you give more details?09:05
TheSheephero616: no09:06
TheSheephero616: you will have to google09:06
TheSheephero616: I don't know more details09:06
hero616I'm googling09:06
hero616looks like cannot use gpm in X window, but I exactly want to use it under x window.09:10
TheSheephero616: x has its own mouse support, why are you even trying to get to /dev/input/mouse?09:11
hero616I want to disable a particular mouse support in x window.09:12
TheSheephero616: you want to grab the mouse cursor, maybe?09:13
hero616no, I want the raw data from mouse, not used as a mouse.09:13
hero616Maybe I can try a system without x window.09:14
TheSheepand you want it to be read by several applications at the same time?09:14
hero616no, I just want it to be read by my program, not the x window.09:15
TheSheepwell, you can easily override X config to use only specified mouse devices, I think09:15
TheSheepin the xorg.conf09:15
hero616OK, I will try, thanks a lot.09:16
Alfred__Hello every one I have a question09:47
Alfred__Can you answer it for me?09:47
well_laid_lawnAlfred__: it depends on what the question is ;)09:49
Alfred__I have installed Dropbox in my xubuntu computer09:51
Alfred__When I done, all the sync is ok but the sync folder don't have the little emblem tell me the folder synced to the internet09:52
Alfred__so how can I correct it?09:52
Alfred__hey i need help here!09:59
well_laid_lawnAlfred__: see if this works for you09:59
Alfred__I think it not10:02
Alfred__see the screenshot10:02
Alfred__anybody can help me?10:22
Guest77694how to copy my /etc/xdg/autostart backup10:39
Guest77694anyone help me please10:39
=== lolo is now known as Guest95193
Guest95193who else got laptop temperature with linux, higher than in windows11:00
Guest95193still windows uses 1,5 gb of RAM while linux takes to 50011:01
Guest95193I'm using intel i5, there is sticker with ice cold on it for sake...11:02
Guest9519350 grades ar normal, for just a firefox?11:03
Varna123what item i need to add to panel1, if i want see minimaized programs ?13:31
Catbuntuwindow buttons13:32
Varna123thank you13:33
dr0nfi want to install xubuntu, but after booting from usb-stick all i get is a login prompt.19:10
SuSu_i have a webcam but does not seem to work on linux its an outdated camera and hard to get drivers for it suggestions?19:10
dr0nfwhat is the standardpassword for root?19:10
pleia2dr0nf: none19:10
dr0nfhm.. none does not work19:11
pleia2the root account isn't enabled in xubuntu, you want to use the user account you set up19:11
pleia2or is the usb-stick the installer?19:11
dr0nfyes its the installer19:11
dr0nfat least it should be19:11
pleia2strange, are you sure it's done loading up the installer?19:12
dr0nfhm... may be something got lost...19:13
dr0nfi'll dd the image once more to the usb stick and try it again19:13
SuSu_dronf did you try unetbootin19:13
pleia2dding won't work, use unetbootin as SuSu_ says or usb-creator-gtk19:15
dr0nfso far i just use dd if=bla.iso of=/dev/sd* and it always worked well19:15
SuSu_your welcome pleia2 =]19:16
SuSu_webcam not working here, anyone know of solutions?19:18
dr0nfokay i'll give it a try19:18
SuSu_anyone know how to fix webcam drivers?19:26
pleia2SuSu_: might want to search ubuntuforums.org or askubuntu.com for your camera make and model, they are all different and it's highly unlikely that someone here has the same one as you do19:31
SuSu_pleia2:  i was curious because on cheese and camorama it works but on skype and tinychat it doesnt19:32
pleia2SuSu_: ah, looks like you need to do some application-level debugging then19:33
SuSu_pleia2: im new to linux i have a very small understanding of the OS19:33
pleia2skype is tricky because it's closed-source and there isn't really a way to get fixes for it (Microsoft doesn't do a great job of supporting the Linux version, updates are pretty rare), but there are some settings you can change for the video19:33
SuSu_pleia2:  if i can get it to work in skype is a plus but if i can get it to work most other places its a plus19:35
pleia2SuSu_: I recommend looking at the settings in the application where you want it to work, if that doesn't work do some searches for you camera make and model and the application you want to use it with19:36
pleia2could be the application doesn't support your camera, or people had to do some tricky things to get it to work19:36
SuSu_pleia2: i was thinking (and mostly my style) is the 2nd part you suggested19:36
SuSu_pleia2: in windows i had to use an old webcam driver to get it to work cause its an old webcam that isnt compatible with most drivers19:37
SuSu_pleia2: but when i try to change the settings in programs it doesnt give me an option its just a black screen19:37
SuSu_i changed my desktop, i changed my terminal, getting my webcam to run is the last piece of the puzzle19:38
pleia2SuSu_: I really suggest you do some searches, "my cameras work fine" so I am not very useful to help you debug :)19:38
SuSu_its ok i came to check out the community to see if any prolevels were here to help me =] but i dont mind doing some searches19:39
SuSu_pleia2: also, some user yesterday was helping me with compiz so i was in the compiz channel yesterday19:39
SuSu_pleia2:  and they told me to kill my XFDESKTOP and stopped giving it a run command19:39
pleia2with hardware issues it's really hard because it's very very unlikely that in a channel of 100 random users someone will have identical hardware to you19:39
SuSu_pleia2:  oh i know, which is fine but at least they can point me to the right places to look, you know?19:40
pleia2the help websites I recommended have millions of users combined19:40
SuSu_pleia2: so this user told me to un-execute my xfdesktop, is this a bad thing cause afterwards they said something like TROLLED AGAIN19:40
SuSu_no over in #compiz19:41
SuSu_pleia2:  so i dont know if they ruined my OS or if they were talking to someone else (no one was talking) or if they were actually being helpful19:41
pleia2not sure what to tell you, but putting the make and model of your camera into one of the help sites I suggested really should at least get you on the right track19:41
xubuntu466Hey everyone, lately I've been looking for a fast and reliable Linux Distro and came upon Xubuntu, I was wondering if there was a better way to set up Xubuntu and instead of having to use the disk if I could dual boot to it, that way I don't have to keep carrying a disk/usb around.19:53
TheSheepsure, you can dual-boot19:59
TheSheepthe procedure is the same as with ubuntu19:59
TheSheepyou just use the xubuntu iso istead20:00
xubuntu466Well then how do we dual boot using the ISO? I used WUBI to dual boot ubuntu. SOoooo sorry for my newbieness20:45
xubuntu466Well then how do we dual boot using the ISO? I used WUBI to dual boot ubuntu. SOoooo sorry for my newbieness20:49
rmoorehey  everyone. having alittle trouble getting xubuntu 12.04 working on my old dell latitude d800. when i try to install the nvidia-96 driver from the software center i'm getting a "dependencies cannot be resolved" error message.22:13
rmoorehey  everyone. having alittle trouble getting xubuntu 12.0422:15
rmooreworking on my old dell latitude d800. when i try to install the nvidia-96 driver from the software center i'm getting a "dependencies cannot be resolved" error message.22:15
rmooreok i tried from the command line but it's telling me i need xorg-video-abi-10 but it's not installable?22:16
well_laid_lawnhow did you set your repos up?22:17
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:18
rmooreHow do I see how my repos are set up?22:19
rmooreI installed xubuntu straight from the 32 bit 12.04 iso22:19
well_laid_lawncheck the links ubottu mentioned22:20
rmoorei know which package I need exactly. its the nvidia-96 one for my Nvidia Go card22:21
thinpadT61hello, everyone22:21
thinpadT61anyone with insight into internal microphone set up in older thinkpads?  I am using Precise Pangolin22:22
oalI have a core i7, and I want to enable the builtin gpu, as I have no other gpu. System settings says "Driver: Mesa GLX Indirect", which is wrong. Any ideas how to enable the Intel gpu?23:32
nantouhow many here do fresh installs only?23:37
GridCubeoal, the generic drivers should work, do lspci | grep "VGA" to see the device23:37
GridCubenantou, many23:38
oalGridCube: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)23:38
oalGridCube: I installed another package. Let me reboot the computer and see if it changed anything23:39
oalGridCube: ok, so that didn't help. Suggestions?23:42
=== rslacke is now known as |Slacker|
palomahi all,  i was wondering if someone might be able to help me with a sound issue im having?23:46
palomawell, all my sound is fine on my laptop for 99% of things, though im using "audio-recorder" (and tried another similar one) to capture sound of some videos/websites etc23:47
palomaproblem is when i record from that the recordings come out slow, almost half the speed they should be23:47
palomaall other music files/videos etc play back fine on the computer23:48
palomai also tried audacity to capture the sound and the output comes out the same23:48
ZeivaQuestion: After installing Xubuntu 12.10 x64 on a HP laptop with ATI HD3600 graphics I dont get any bootscreen, its just black for a while and eventually the desktop comes up. Is this intended or can I fix it?23:56
ZeivaDoes not really bother me but I'm not the one who will use the laptop either. Would be good for the intended user to have a clear indication that something was infact loading23:58

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