
user82!info linux-image00:04
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB00:04
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BluesKajHi all12:11
MrChrisDruifAloha BluesKaj12:15
BluesKajhi MrChrisDruif12:15
MrChrisDruifHow's it going BluesKaj ?12:15
BluesKajnot bad ,..fighting off a cold12:17
MrChrisDruifGet well soon I'd say =)12:17
BluesKajthanks , just tried 13.04 again , ubiquity stalls ...I have to boot the live cd with noacpi and nomodeset in order to get a desktop , but the install doesn't do anything12:22
BluesKajI'm begining to think 13.04 won't work on this pc, ever12:24
BluesKajbut it's still early in the game12:24
* penguin42 has a kernel bug on +1 on this machine; Radeon driver falls to bits, in admittedly odd circumstances, but I can't get it to happen on the Quantal kernel, I've been trying to bisect it but nothing jumps out12:26
MrChrisDruifThat's a bummer BluesKaj12:29
BluesKajbeen exploring arch-linux , it's ok but it's not my cuppa tea either12:29
BluesKaja lotta work for a very ordinary OS , IMO12:31
MrChrisDruifBluesKaj; I'm running Fedora tbh12:31
BluesKajstill using 12.10 on my main drive , as soon as the 3.7 kernel doesn't balk at my HW I'll install 13.04 on the 2nd HDD12:34
smallfoot-When will alpha/beta will be available?16:41
penguin42smallfoot-: There is an alpha disc already of kubuntu/edubuntu but it looks like there will only be one pre-release disc for main ubuntu, you can get dailies however16:42
smallfoot-why there is no betas for main ubuntu?16:42
smallfoot-is it because canonical want to hide the development from the community?16:43
smallfoot-it does not seem in line with the spirit of open source16:43
penguin42smallfoot-: Yeh it's a bit odd and I don't know (and as a Kubuntu user don't really mind); having said that the dailies are still there so it's not really hidden unless some large change happens at the last moment (e.g. like the amzon stuff did last time)16:45
smallfoot-is it possible to upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04, or do i need download daily and reinstall?16:47
smallfoot-Python 2.7 is still in Ubuntu 13.04 repo, will it be dropped?16:58
jtaylorit will be a long long time until it can be dropped16:58
jtayloryou can upgrade to 13.0417:02
smallfoot-okay, because I earlier heard it would be dropped17:04
smallfoot-I see17:04
smallfoot-If there any page that documents the new features and changed introduced to 13.04 and what features will be added?17:04
smallfoot-Fedora seem to document this very transparent and clearly17:04
jtayloryes thats neat in fedora17:05
jtaylorthere are release notes in ubuntu17:05
smallfoot-Anywhere I can find information about upcoming release of Ubuntu 13.04?17:05
jtaylorbut they mostly concern stuff in main17:05
smallfoot-Oh, where can I find release notes for 13.0417:05
jtaylorI'm not aware they have started already17:06
smallfoot-Nope, not at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop 404 :(17:07
=== gpc is now known as IdleOne
smallfoot-its rather weird that .deb files get opened with Ubuntu Software Center :s18:54
bjsnideryou can open them with gdebi if you install it18:56
smallfoot-yeah, gdebi makes more sense18:56
smallfoot-I don't understand why they changed it18:56
penguin42smallfoot-: Probably just to reduce the number of things installed by default18:57
smallfoot-I see, but to the end-user, I think gdebi makes more sense18:57
smallfoot-kinda confusing that Ubuntu Software Center open when you open a .deb file18:57
IdleOnemakes perfect sense to me. The Software Center is the suggested method of installing software.18:58
smallfoot-but it seems Software Center is an app store, a place where you go to fetch/get/download apps18:59
IdleOneThink of it as a reminder "Why you downloading random .deb when you should be searching the software center first!?"18:59
smallfoot-because things are slow to get put into repo, and its outdated old software18:59
IdleOnethe software center is a software center which also has an app store feature.18:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
IdleOnesmallfoot-, to an experienced user it may seem odd, but Ubuntu is being made for the Every Day user.19:00
smallfoot-opening a .deb file in software center can lead the user to falsely believe the software is located or available from the app store19:00
IdleOnehow so, they downloaded that .deb from $random site19:00
smallfoot-yeah, then they open it in Software Center, and thinks "huh, its in app store?"19:01
IdleOnein the time it took for the software center to load they already forgot where they got the .deb?19:01
FernandoMiguelsmallfoot-: I'm still bored usbx is 6 month old19:01
smallfoot-well software center loads kinda slow19:01
FernandoMiguelhad to use fedora to update my phone19:01
IdleOnefor you perhaps19:01
penguin42smallfoot-: I've not looked at what happens; but if it's not clear where the deb has come from, then I'd agree that it needs some better wording19:01
smallfoot-I think .deb should act more like clicking on a .msi file on Windows19:02
smallfoot-I think .deb should act like it did before, when it used gDebi19:02
IdleOnepenguin42, How could it not be clear? if You downloaded the file from some site, how do you not know where the file came from? and if that is so, then I would say you have larger problems to worry about than where a file came from :)19:02
penguin42IdleOne: Perhaps smallfoot is worried about being fooled by things that cause a .deb to be downloaded19:03
smallfoot-IdleOne, because you start wondering "is it installing the .deb file I clicked on, or did it find the same or similar in the app store and want me to install that?"19:03
IdleOnethat is a possibilty I suppose but afaik the software center asks for sudo password, if the software center is loading and you don't know why, don't put in your password.19:04
IdleOneThe point here is that you can't rely on any application to keep you secure.19:04
IdleOneyou're the admin and you need to know why something is happening before you allow it to happen19:05
smallfoot-I do know, its just that I find opening .deb files with app store is confusing19:06
smallfoot-because I want to install the software, not use the app store or browse the app store19:06
bazhangsmallfoot-, so use the command line19:06
smallfoot-of course I can use the command line, I can also use software-center, its just the normal way is to double click on .deb, and then software-center opens which is confusing at least to me, maybe to others too, i think gdebi was better19:07
penguin42IdleOne: It's not a bad idea to be pretty explicit when doing something more dangerous; I've not looked to see what it looks like, but if it doesn't make it clear that's what's happening I can see it being reasonable to ramp it a bit19:07
IdleOnebecause you are holding on to antiquated way of doing things perhaps. The regular user does not want to use the terminal. They want GUI. Good thing that gdebi is still available to old users who insist on keeping things the same.19:07
bazhangsmallfoot-, if you dont like it, or are confused by it, then dont use it.19:08
IdleOnepenguin42, I agree, more info is better.19:08
smallfoot-yeah, gdebi is great19:08
smallfoot-bazhang, but am rly smart, so i can use it any way, i just find it a bit confusing but thats np for me, but maybe for other users19:08
penguin42smallfoot-: It's wrong to have to have two GUIs if you can have one just on a space/ram/disk principal - if you like cli then fine, if you want GUI then fine; there's nothing stopping you installing gdebi and changing the binding19:08
IdleOneA new user won't find it confusing because they don't know about gdebi in the first place.19:09
bazhangsmallfoot-, thats not really a raring issue is it now?19:09
smallfoot-okay I see19:09
IdleOneI have something to complain about and I am right because I said so!19:10
bazhanghe has a habit of that19:10
IdleOneoh, wait. yeah ok you all have a bunch of good points.19:10
* BluesKaj finds the terminal a lot handier than using a gui package manager\19:11
IdleOneI think when someone is about to complain about something new, they need to put themselves in the seat of a brand new user who is seeing it for the first time and also think about gaining market share.19:11
IdleOneBluesKaj, I agree, but we aren't building Ubuntu for the old hats now are we :)19:11
BluesKajand I'm an old timer but not a linux oldtimer :)19:12
IdleOneyeah, but you been around long enough to be considered an old time linux user by now19:12
BluesKajI understand the need for a gui ..my daughter is trying kubuntu 12.10 and she prefers the gui apps and managers19:13
BluesKajshe was a mac user so linux is slightly more familiar in some ways than windows19:14
BluesKajespecially kde19:14
BluesKajI hope the 3.7 kernel is modded/patched soon19:17
penguin42BluesKaj: I don't see it happening without being able to track down more of what is wrong for you; as I say it's fine for most of us19:18
BluesKajinstalled ok on the intel cpu laptop on 12.1019:18
BluesKajseems to be a problem with amd 64bit19:19
penguin42BluesKaj: It's not; I'm running 64bit fine19:19
penguin42I also know someone with early 64bit Pentium with problems19:19
BluesKajpenguin42, hmm, then it's gotta be the hardware , perhaps my graphics , nvidia 8400gs19:20
* penguin42 is always eager to blame nVidia hardware....19:20
BluesKajhehe yeah ...ati graphics is worse tho19:21
* penguin42 pats his Radeon19:21
BluesKajmust be a fancy card19:21
penguin42BluesKaj: What's your bug number again?19:21
BluesKajpenguin42, #108943919:24
penguin42bug 108943919:24
ubottubug 1089439 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 13.04 AMD 64 Desktop Daily Build install freezes at hardware scan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108943919:24
penguin42BluesKaj: On a 12.10 install if you try a 13.04 kernel does it work or fail - it's easy to select in grub if you can get the grub menu19:25
BluesKajpenguin42, no i tried the 3.7 kernel on this 12.10 install , no luck19:26
penguin42I'm wondering if it's worth putting a separate bug against that19:27
penguin42https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures  is also worth a look at; you can link that bug to an iso test failure19:28
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