
Guest26017ive installed and fully updated 12.04 on my galaxy s3. Is there anyone who can provide a link to help me get the sound going?00:33
Guest26017bkludkloy jfkoddoi??02:16
SmallFryhello. anyone arround?03:28
aladdinany update for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/1084852 ?12:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1084852 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Chromium still tries to enable NEON on arm* builds when told not to" [High,In progress]12:24
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
FS-21Question related to touch screens: If in my A10 tablet I load the kernel module "goodix_touch" and I see the file /dev/input/events4 producing symbols when I touch the screen... what is the next step to make the touch screen working? I'm a bit lost.14:06
=== playya is now known as derFred
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
mrspinxHi I just installed ubuntu on a nexus 720:38
mrspinxI keep getting an error system problem detected20:39
mrspinxat boot20:39
mrspinxubuntu loads fine I just keep geting this error every few minutes20:50
Tassadaris it just error window with two buttons, "cancel" and "report" or something like that?20:51
mrspinxyep thats the error I keep seeing20:52
Tassadaryeah, i got that one too. Are you dual-booting it?20:53
mrspinxnope full install. I used the ubuntu nexus core installer20:53
Tassadaroh, thank god. I thought I did something wrong in the dual-boot process20:53
Tassadarbut dunno why it is happening, sorry :)20:54
mrspinxhave you tryied plasma active?20:55
mrspinxhow did you setup the dual boot20:56
mrspinxmaybe we are using the same image21:04
SmallFryTassadar, mrspinx i have my Nexus 7 dual (more 5 booted) with Ubuntu21:07
SmallFryNot Plasma active, but ubutntu21:07
SmallFryTry a different kernel?21:08
TassadarI was concerned because of the error, I thought maybe it is because of the multirom, but it is not21:09
SmallFryah. I don't get the error, I downloaded my Ubuntu img from the MultiROM page however21:09
SmallFryI am running a different kernel, of which I can't remember at the moment21:09
SmallFryWhat I really want to do is get Plasma Active in an IMG to work with MultiROM...21:10
SmallFrybut... off to play some games for a bit. I'll be back later21:10
mrspinxI may try to update my kernel or use another image21:11
mrspinxhas anyone had any battery issues?21:25
SmallFrywith ubuntu it's fairly comparable (in the wiki)21:30
SmallFryoff to play again though, now that I've muted my IRC client :P heh21:31
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
lorddeltaSo how does nexus 7 do with ubuntu on it?22:42
Sonicadvance1lorddelta, Should do pretty well I would think22:59
Sonicadvance1If any indication of how well it runs on my ODROID-X and Samsung Chromebook anyway23:01
=== _Lucretia___ is now known as _Lucretia_

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