
=== xerxas_ is now known as xerxas
daffis it possible to configure and use (tagged) VLAN support in the ubuntu installer when running from PXE? if so, how? this is on 12.04.00:19
pmatulisTheLordOfTime: of course, with apt pinning (or aptitude holding)00:55
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_thufirhello.  I can use finch but cannot start xwindows properly.  running ubuntu server 12.1005:59
_thufirhmm, am I known as password? LOL.05:59
_thufirI don't have access to the web.  how can I run startx so that lxde starts pls?06:01
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FlynsarmyI created an array with sudo mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 and rebooted. /dev/md0 no longer exists after reboot but /dev/md127 and /dev/md/xbmc:0 do…why is that? I've added ARRAY /dev/md0 metadata=1.2 name=xbmc:0 UUID=3dcfe843:c2300a40:75190922:f6caf9c7 to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf10:02
uvirtbot`New bug: #1094438 in samba (main) "Samba crashes invalid pointer: 0x00007f0bc3de7590" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109443810:05
samba35RoyK: hi10:13
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RoyKsamba35: hi10:44
samba35how r u10:56
RoyKfine, or ok, or something :P a few beers last night11:02
samba35i need rum ,to kill chill11:03
samba35need some thing wrorm11:03
samba35do you have any idea on nagios ,once i login with user how do logout and login with admin11:04
RoyKiirc, you need to kill the browser11:05
samba35i reset cache11:05
samba35it did not help me11:05
* RoyK replaced nagios with icinga11:05
RoyKnagios development halted around 2006 or so11:06
samba35icinga ?11:06
RoyKdot org11:06
samba35let me check that thanks11:07
RoyKnagios development halted when Ethan Galstad found out he could release Nagios IV and charge money for it. The Nagios code belongs to the early copper ages11:08
samba35using it ?11:10
RoyKnot currently - but I was running it for a couple of years until I got a new job11:12
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1094461 in irqbalance (main) "irqbalance spamming syslogd. Higher than normal system load." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109446112:26
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Heart^Killerhi anyone here13:12
babbajoin #WiiNintendo13:17
tdnCan I install Ubuntu Server on a USB pendrive so that I can use it on a computer with no hard drive?13:41
RoyKtdn: no problem13:46
RoyKtdn: there are apps for windows and linux to do that13:47
tdnRoyK, which ones for linux? (KDE=13:47
tdnRoyK, what do I need to consider in order to optimize performance when installing linux on a USB flash drive?13:47
RoyKget a fasat pendrive13:49
mfraz74is it possible to purge packages from squid deb proxy's cache?13:49
samba35i am trying to extract .gz which is 24 mb but it could not unzup the file even after 20 mints  and check with ubuntu desktop it show that folder is locked and cross14:00
RoyKmfraz74: as in "apt-get purge squid3" ?14:02
RoyKsamba35: no idea about desktop icons etc - I don't use that on servers :P14:03
samba35you are one of the true server user :)14:03
* RoyK uses a mac for desktop things ;)14:03
samba35but any idea why does it so much of time ,seems locked14:04
samba35max file reached ?14:04
samba35which version osx on mac14:04
mfraz74RoyK: No, I want to get rid of the old packages that squid-deb-proxy has cached14:04
RoyKno idea - is this a single gz file or a gzipped tar ball?14:04
RoyKmfraz74: oh, you mean empty the squid cache+14:05
mfraz74RoyK: yes14:05
mfraz74but not remove all of them14:05
samba35RoyK: which version os mac osx ?14:05
RoyKmfraz74: not sure, but the store log may tell14:09
tdnWhere do I get an install image that does not require PAE?14:23
RoyKerm... 8.04? ;)14:26
RoyKtdn: got an old pc?14:27
RoyKtdn: just tested a bit here, and lucid seems to boot without PAE15:02
RoyKrequirung PAE seems a bit silly, though, although from 12.10 there's no 32bit server install15:03
samba35RoyK: ubuntu owe you ??? us$/day15:05
samba35??? ==how much dont know15:05
TheLordOfTimetdn, Lucid.15:10
TheLordOfTime10.04 :P15:10
TheLordOfTimei'm not sure if 12.04 requires PAE or not.  I didn't check :P15:11
TheLordOfTimesince all my servers run 64bit.15:11
RoyKTheLordOfTime: I just tried with virtualbox - it doesn't work without PAE. Lucid and back works well15:16
TheLordOfTimeRoyK, okay, so 12.04 required PAE.15:17
TheLordOfTimegood to know15:17
RoyKand 12.10 server does not (since it requires 64bit instead :P)15:17
TheLordOfTimeRoyK, to confirm my knowledge, any EOL release's repositories disappearify from the mirrorsright?  therefore bugs against EOL releases about not installiung software are Invalid?15:22
TheLordOfTime(if you know)15:23
TheLordOfTimenevermind, got an answer :P15:30
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RoyKTheLordOfTime: what was the answer?16:20
patdk-lap12.04 dumped the non-pae kernel16:26
patdk-lapthe 32bit pae kernel should work for most all systems, if they do or don't support pae16:26
patdk-lapthe only known exception to that, that I know of, is if the cpu supports pae, but the motherboard screws it over, I have a motherboard like that16:27
RoyKpatdk-lap: non-pae cpus won't boot with 12.0416:38
RoyKbut then, pae saw light first in the PentiumII days around 1995, so I guess it shouldn't be a problem for most users16:39
patdk-lapI thought I had it booting on non-pae cpu's16:39
patdk-lapbut I can't claim I own any anymore, and I finished dumping all 32bit installs a few months ago16:40
RoyKI just tried with 12.04.1 on vbox, disabling PAE16:40
patdk-lapdunno about vbox, I would have done a real system16:40
RoyKamount of users on 32bit is rather low these days16:41
patdk-lapbut it would have been about a year ago, closer to 12.04 release time16:41
RoyKI don't own a 32bit machine (well, one, but that's ARM)16:41
qman__that's not a pae issue, it's an i686 issue16:41
qman__really old chips aren't i686, so they need the linux-386 kernel to work16:42
qman__but yeah, it's a non-issue PII and newer16:42
patdk-lapqman, you calling my pentium D 930, non i686?16:43
qman__no, I was referring to the old chips16:43
patdk-lapsupports pae :016:43
patdk-lapwin't boot a pae eneabled kernel16:43
patdk-lapcause motherboard is funky16:43
qman__for example, the AMD K6 series is only i58616:44
patdk-lapmotherboard won't allow me to boot with pae or 64bit, though cpu supports both16:44
qman__12.04 doesn't have the -386 kernel anymore16:45
patdk-lap-386 was dropped long before 12.0416:45
qman__it's in 10.04, which is what I'm running on my K616:46
RoyKqman__: well, testing 12.04 with virtualbox, it fails to boot if I disable PAE, works well with PAE16:46
qman__all of my non-pae systems died recently, except for the K616:48
RoyKthe y2012 problem, I guess16:48
qman__heh, not really16:48
qman__I had a couple old P4s still running but they crapped out16:49
patdk-lapI dropped support for all non-pcie only systems personally16:49
qman__I keep the K6 because it will outlast the rest16:49
qman__everything else is being replaced though16:50
qman__in fact I just put together a new one to virtualize the ones that died16:50
* RoyK disassembles old harddisks to make nice presents16:51
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javaJakeI've got SSH access to remote hardware running XenServer, and I'm attempting to do a fresh Ubuntu Server installation.21:33
javaJake(oops, ruined the one-line rule) What's the best way to install Ubuntu Server if all I have is SSH via XenServer? There doesn't appear to be a serial console either, but I bet I could get one if you guys think SSH is a bad idea.21:35
uvirtbot`New bug: #1094547 in ipsec-tools (main) "setkey fails to detect invalid use of esp-udp with IPv6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109454721:35
patdk-lapwell, it could be possible, but the issue is, if something goes wrong, your normally screwed21:39
patdk-lapideally you can install it to a seperate partition/drive21:39
patdk-lapthen install grub on the boot drive21:40
patdk-lapthen reboot21:40
javaJakepatdk-lap: so let's say I use a ramdisk...21:45
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1094556 in openvswitch (main) "confusing typo in /etc/default/openvswitch-controller" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109455621:55
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jn_Hi awstats trouble.. I have the application working and I can access the overview page in my browser. Some statistics such as country/hits are working but I have noticed that visitors show 3 and does not update as other parameters when I browse my testsite22:27
jn_and idea what this could be ? perhaps some file permission or logformat issue ?22:28
jn_any *22:28
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jn_think it is only showing unique visitors for some reason22:42
SpamapSjn_: honestly.. awstats.. so 2006. :) Just use google analytics :p23:19
=== ibiris|afk is now known as ibiris
patdk-lapspamaps, some people don't want google to own their lives :)23:33
ikoniaI'd harldy call a web trend tool "owning their life"23:34

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