
raevolphilipballew: i guess wayland hit 1.0.0 in october?00:00
raevoli wonder why that wasn't bigger news?00:01
philipballewraevol, because these days people just want linux to work and noone cares much about what their desktop does behind the scene.00:02
philipballewthis is because the people whgo work on desktop stuff do such a great job00:02
raevolwell, but from a technical standpoint, it's a big deal00:02
raevoli wonder when it's going to be usable enough for ubuntu?00:03
philipballewno idea myself.00:05
philipballewI have noo idea what is going on in the linux desktop world00:05
philipballewI just know what happen enough to fix my laptop00:07
philipballew13.04 is nice though00:07
pleia2there are a lot of bugs still, not the least of which: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/95435200:08
darthrobotTitle: [Bug #954352 “Enable wayland backend” : Bugs : “gtk+3.0” package : Ubuntu]00:08
philipballewanother reason I am not running wayland00:09
raevolwell, i am looking forward to when it's ready :)00:12
raevoli wonder if the noveau driver will have caught up by then (and be usable in wayland)00:12
philipballewraevol, you should run it now00:14
philipballewlive life on the edge00:14
raevolnah :P00:14
raevoli guess i could run it on my netbook since i never use that anymore00:14
philipballewnetbooks are nice00:15
raevolit was a life saver when i was in school00:18
raevolbut now that i am only ever at work, home, or socializing, it's pretty unnecessary, especially with a smartphone00:18
* philipballew does not own a smartphone00:19
dragonIn Soviet Russia, smartphones own you!00:24
dragon(isn't that true everywhere now?)00:25
raevoli love threads on any controversial new large piece of software in the open source community00:26
raevolthey always go the same way00:26
raevolfirst post: some sort of announcement00:26
dragon[Is this a separate independent conversation thread?]00:26
raevolfirst few pages of responses:  angry nerds deriding the new software, saying the old software is fine00:27
raevol[is now!]00:27
dragon[Never thought this was possible!]00:27
raevolnext few pages of responses: mix of trolling and highly informative technical discussion about the release00:27
raevollast few pages: people posting anecdotes about struggling to use the new release, finding bugs, and being amazed by the new features00:28
raevol /thread00:28
raevoli guess the beauty of reddits vote system is that all the trolling gets pushed to the bottom of the page, instead of sitting happily in the first few pages of responses, like in traditional flat forums00:29
raevolit feels weird calling flat forums "traditional" since i remember when they only came in threads...00:29
raevolthey just weren't vote-able00:30
philipballewrdddit is kinda cool sometimes00:39

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