
magespawnearly morning humour http://www.toodarkpark.org/computers/humor/shoot-self-in-foot.html02:45
magespawnand useful stuff03:11
magespawnMorning Squirm06:08
Kilosmorning all06:27
inetprogood morning06:31
=== Kilos is now known as QA
=== QA is now known as Kilos
Kiloshi zeref 06:55
kbmonkeyhi hi07:00
Kilosyo kbmonkey howzit07:02
kbmonkeyhi kilos07:04
kbmonkeyoh dear i think my airtime just ran out07:04
kbmonkeyhow you Kilos 07:05
zerefhi Kilos 07:05
Kilosok ty kbmonkey 07:05
Squirmso tired this morning07:24
Kiloshi Squirm 07:30
Kiloslate night07:30
Squirm2 hours sleep :/07:40
* Squirm shrugs07:40
Squirmgoing to sit at the dam today07:41
Kilossit and sleep but no in the sun08:19
magespawnHey Kilos08:27
Kiloshiya magespawn 08:27
Kiloshave you got your server connected to a router?08:29
magespawnI let the router control the ip addresses for my network08:30
Kilosmaybe thats why im struggling so. mine is direct cable to this pc and iptables arent working good08:30
Kiloswhat if one installs server on a second drive in a pc?08:31
Kilosmight it then go via first drive to 3g?08:31
magespawnNo you can only have one boot os as far as i know08:32
magespawnthe direct cable should work fine08:32
Kilosi noticed when i added the maverick drive there maverick didnt see it but the server saw maverick08:33
Kilosits a serious business setting up iptables to actually work. i got the server once to ping google but it couldnt do an update08:34
Kilosnow i dont even get it to do that anymore08:34
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosmagespawn, can i bug you?08:51
Kiloshow do you get the server to cp from a flash drive08:51
Kiloswhen i plug in a stick here i get08:56
Kilosassuming drive cache write through then no caching page present a few times then it just stays there but sees the stick as sdb08:57
Kiloslike i cant get to rsync via /media/stick or /dev/sdb/09:01
magespawn You would you the path to your flash drive then the path to where you want to copy09:01
Kilosits the correct path i cant find09:02
magespawnAh right hold on  asec09:02
Kiloson ubuntu i use rsync -av /media/packs/ /var/cache/apt/archives/09:03
magespawndf -h09:04
magespawnThat should show all the mount points09:04
magespawnLet me go to pc09:05
Kilosnothing there about sdb at all09:06
Kilosand i cant even paste the output anywhere09:06
Kilos/dev/mapper/slowP4-root and /dev/sda109:07
magespawngandcnet2@gandcnet2-desktop:~$ df -h09:07
magespawnFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on09:07
magespawn/dev/sda1       293G  9.2G  269G   4% /09:07
magespawnudev            430M  4.0K  430M   1% /dev09:07
magespawntmpfs           175M  820K  174M   1% /run09:07
magespawnnone            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock09:07
magespawnnone            437M   88K  437M   1% /run/shm09:07
magespawnthat is before the flash 09:07
Kilosya like that09:07
Kiloswhere is the stick09:08
magespawnand after is shows /dev/sdb1       7.5G  3.2G  4.3G  43% /media/3935-193F09:08
magespawnat the bottom09:08
Kilosaw mine doesnt09:08
magespawnso this means that tha it is not mounting or it is not working at all09:08
magespawndid you set it to auto mount?09:10
Kilosno it says assuming drive cache: write through then doesnt go back to prompt again09:10
Kilosi never saw any settings like that09:11
magespawnme neither09:11
Kilosleme try mount it09:12
Kilosgrrr it says you must specify the filesystem type09:13
Kilosmaybe i must format the stick to ext4 first because it seems to look for ext 4 and 209:14
magespawnhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB maybe look here09:14
magespawnno it should work with the other file systems too09:15
KilosVFS: cant find ext4 filesystem09:16
Kiloserror: cant find ext2 filesystem on dev sdb09:16
magespawnoh and dconf-tools will only work on a gui system09:16
Kilosif i could just get it to go online with 3g id install a gui09:17
KilosMaaz, google how to setup an ubuntu server to use a 3g modem09:17
MaazKilos: "Configure Micromax MMX 352G USB 3G Modem and ... - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/143394/configure-micromax-mmx-352g-usb-3g-modem-and-aircel-in-ubuntu-server-12-04-to-co :: "10.10 - How to install 3G mobile broadband? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/8441/how-to-install-3g-mobile-broadband :: "NetworkManager/Hardware/3G - Ubuntu09:18
MaazWiki" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G :: "[ubuntu-za] 3G modem" https://li…09:18
Kilosmaybe im getting somewhere09:22
Kilossudo fdisk -l shows it as /dev/sdb109:22
magespawnwas about to ask what fdisk shows09:24
magespawnit might be easier to share the network connection than set up the modem on the server09:25
Kiloswhat a job to read this09:26
Kilossudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o uid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=13709:26
Kiloshere and type it on server09:27
magespawnno copy/paste09:28
magespawncan you not ssh to the server via the network cable?09:28
magespawnyou winning Kilos?09:33
Kilosit is now seen as /media/external09:33
Kilosand rsync running09:33
magespawncan you ssh to the server Kilos?09:34
Kilosso the big job is to let it be able to do an update09:34
Kilosi dont know what that is magespawn 09:34
magespawnhold on a sec09:35
Kilosi can ping it from here but not from there back again09:35
magespawnSecure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices09:35
magespawnso you set up a ssh server on the serve pc09:35
magespawnvery useful then you can control both computer using just one keyboard/monitor setup09:38
Kilosty i will look there09:39
Kilosi used the openssh choice09:39
Kiloshad to mkdir /media/external for external sticks etc09:40
Kilosso much that ubuntu does for us one doesnt  realise till you try a server09:41
Kilosgui i mean09:41
Kilosmaybe this is what zeref was looking for yesterday as well09:42
Kilosty magespawn 09:42
magespawnyup but it is a good way to learn09:42
magespawni love ssh 09:43
Kilosyou are right09:43
magespawnKilos do you use youtube?09:50
Kilosto watch videos etc?09:51
Kilosi have an account there but never go look at stuff09:51
Kilosgetting software is a far better use of data09:52
Kiloswhy you ask?09:53
magespawnyoutube does use a lot, but there are a lot of tutorials 09:53
Kilosi just got some on drive repairs09:54
Kilosif i go there often my 8ta bundle wont make 2 months09:55
magespawnthats true09:58
magespawnthats is one thing the govenment does not seem to understand about internet access09:59
Kilosas long as there is money to be made peeps will limit everything they can to make more money10:00
Kilosespecially mobile broadband providers10:01
Kilosso weird, i can ping from server but cant do an update10:15
magespawnwhat is
magespawnthe mobile guys are stuck with the bandwidth provided with the international cables etc10:20
Kilosthats what the fly said methinks10:24
Kilosyo superfly 10:24
magespawnwhen i ping www.google.co.za i get this ip
Kiloslemme try that10:25
superflyhi Kilos10:25
magespawnand when i ping www.google.com i get this ip
Kilosi get unknow host www.google.co.za and .com10:27
Kilosbut can ping
Kilosmagespawn, how do you now use this ssh thing to see the other pc10:28
Kilosa link will do10:28
magespawnopen a terminal on your pc then type ssh username@ipaddress where username is the name of the user on the server and the ip is the ip address of the server10:29
Kilosah ok ty10:29
magespawna ssh server has to be running on the server though first10:29
Kilosoh my and i cant install it till i get it online10:30
Kilosisnt that openssh the server10:30
Kilosssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused10:31
Kilosworked from server to here and made its own key thing10:34
magespawndid you read that link i posted?10:34
magespawnlooks like your desktop is blocking incomming connections10:34
Kilosits the server that i coudnt ssh from here10:35
Kilosbut worked from server to here10:35
Kilosi didnt do the key part in that link. didnt know what to do but will look again10:36
Kiloswhich pc is the host now this one or the server10:37
magespawnhost for what?10:42
magespawnthe ssh?10:42
Kilosssh-keygen -t dsa10:48
Kilosgenerates keys from each pc but i cant do this10:48
Kilosssh-copy-id username@remotehost10:48
Kilosfrom either pc10:49
magespawnan easier way to do it would be to use iptables to restrict access to specific ip address. not as secure10:49
Kilosi have setup iptables in nm for the 2 different ips10:51
Kilosssh-copy-id miles@
Kilos/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found10:54
Kiloscan the username be the same?10:54
magespawnas far as i remember10:56
Kilosthen i dunno why it cant copy then10:56
magespawnor you can set up a user with restricted access for the ssh10:56
magespawni forget much too Kilos10:56
Kilosone pc is miles@
Kilosother is miles@
Kilosmaybe its something in the ssh conf file i gotta change10:58
Kilosi gotta go eat11:00
Kilosbe good meantime11:00
Kilosty for the help magespawn 11:00
superflymagespawn, Kilos: openssh server is not installed by default on desktops 11:10
magespawnahh so maybe that is the problem then11:11
superflythere is nothing wrong with your configuration or you firewall11:11
magespawni th11:12
magespawnwhat would be the problem with the ping then11:12
superflyoh, you can ping ip addresses but not domain names?11:15
magespawnexplain please11:15
superflyDNS forwarding11:15
* superfly didn't see the whole story11:15
magespawnKilos can ping the his server from the desktop but not vice versa11:16
superflymagespawn: ah, yes, most likely routing11:21
magespawnso the server does not know where to send the packets?11:22
superflymost likely11:22
superflythough that's a little strange11:23
Kilosi can ping both ways magespawn 11:24
* superfly is starting to get used to this swiping11:24
magespawncool Kilos11:24
magespawnnice hey superfly11:24
Kilosfirewalls purged superfly 11:25
superflymagespawn: pretty cool11:25
Kilosarno and ufw11:25
magespawngotta go, bbl y'all11:25
Kilosgo well magespawn 11:25
superflystill love my n900's physical keyboard more 11:26
Kilosall good there superfly ? put on some weight11:27
superflykilos, why are you running two firewall programs at the same time?11:27
Kiloscan one wget updates11:27
superflyKilos: no extra weight yet11:27
Kilosforgot ufw was there when i installed arno to try the sharing 3g bit11:28
Kilosmy server can ping but cant do sudo apt-get update11:29
Kilosso maybe a restriction somewhere11:29
superflyno, just DNS not set up properly11:36
superflyKilos: type: cat /etc/resolv.conf 11:38
Kilos# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)11:39
superflyyes, there we go. 11:39
Kiloshehe what do you see?11:40
Kiloswrong ip for server?11:41
Kiloshow would one edit that and not let it be overwritten11:46
Kilossuperfly,  sorry to bug you. when i gedit that resolve.conf13:11
Kilos do i add the ip of this pc or the server?13:11
Kilosi mixed up some. this is the ssh server right and that is just a server pc13:11
charl_good afternoon all13:12
charl_hi Kilos 13:12
Kiloshi charl_ 13:12
charl_i'm looking at the fibre optic deals, i could get 100mbps for only about 3 euro per month more than what i'm paying already13:21
charl_it's time they upgrade my city to fibre :)13:21
charl_yeah i don't know why the city where i live is lagging behind13:22
charl_i'm not really happy with my current cable provider because i am paying 53 euro per month for 60mbps13:22
Kilosouch thats not cheap13:22
charl_i'm thinking i should downgrade to dsl, then i pay 23 euro per month but i get only 29 mbps13:23
charl_but that's less than half what i'm paying now for half the bandwidth13:23
charl_but ziggo (my cable provider) has monopoly at this point, that's why the prices are so high13:23
charl_not that the service is bad, i've never had my connection die on me or anything13:23
charl_what i also don't get is that the pirate bay is being blocked on ziggo even though pirating is legal in the netherlands13:25
charl_i don't care about pirating too much but i do care about net neutrality13:25
Kiloshi Mezenir 13:26
Kiloswhat you want to pirate?13:26
charl_no like i said i don't care about the pirate bay, but it's against net neutrality13:27
Kilosgood pirates end up walking the gang plank13:52
charl_but that's not the point, they could have been blocking any ip address, it's the principle behind it13:58
charl_the principle is that they should not be able to block any given ip address13:58
Kiloslol ya i understand13:59
charl_this looks like a great course, but it's quite expensive: http://www.w3devcampus.com/writing-great-web-applications-for-mobile/14:00
charl_when i see the price tag i think "i'll just figure it out myself and do some googling"14:01
charl_but if you work for a company and they have a budget for training...14:01
* Squirm stretches15:23
SquirmKilos: guess what happened to me at the dam today :/15:23
Kiloslol tell15:23
Kilosaw no man15:23
Squirmyou have no idea how much suncream I used :/15:23
Kilossome are just a waste of money15:24
Squirmoh well15:24
Squirmif I go tomorrow I'm wearing a shirt all day15:24
Kilosdo you tan or just burn and peal15:24
SquirmI used to tan15:25
Kilosvinegar will help for the burn15:25
Squirmbut since I've come back from the UK, I don't think I've quite built up my base tan properly15:25
Kilosand vicks will help so you dont peal15:25
SquirmI may peel again15:25
Kilosvicks should help prevent pealing15:26
Kilosand vinegar should stop the eina15:26
Squirmnot that sore15:26
Kiloshave you googled how to prevent pealing after sunburn15:27
SquirmI just try aqueous cream15:27
Kilosif you can save from pealing then your base tan should stay15:27
Squirmyeah, I think I was burned as well, cause it's kind of new skin. I haven't finished peeling from last Friday15:28
Squirmbut yoh, the sun was hot today. easily 30deg15:28
Kilosyeah today was 33 here by us15:28
Squirmand I got my skii and wakeboard15:28
Squirmbbl, pool time ;)15:29
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
* Squirm yawns17:03
* Squirm prods Kilos 17:04
Kiloshi Squirm Cantide 17:04
SquirmKilos: good weekend?17:04
Kilosis today not saturday?17:04
Squirmit's Sunday...17:05
Kilosif so weekend still got another day to go17:05
Squirmbut has it been good so far?17:05
Kiloskinda if my server would listen to me17:06
Squirmwhat's it doing?17:06
Squirm...or not doing17:06
Kilosi installed the ssh stuff here too but can ssh from server to here but not the other way around17:07
Squirmhave you started the service?17:07
Cantidehey Kilos :)17:07
Kilosthen storm comes and kills power twice so i left the server off now17:07
CantideSquirm '<17:07
Squirmhello Cantide 17:08
SquirmKilos: firewall not getting in the way?17:08
Kilosit kinda refused or something17:08
Squirmmaybe try `ufw disable`17:08
Kilospurged all firewalls everywhere17:08
Squirmtest it17:08
Kiloswait some its booting17:09
Squirmso connection refused?17:09
SquirmI'd say firewall or service isn't running17:09
Squirm# service ssh start17:10
Kilosmust i install anything on the server too17:10
Squirmon the server, you just need the openssh-server17:10
Kilosok i chose that17:10
Kilosjob is already running17:12
Squirmand you still can't login?17:12
Kiloswith this command17:12
Kilosssh miles@
Kilosthats the servers ip17:13
Kilosssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused17:13
SquirmKilos: on the server, try   ssh miles@
Kilosok sec17:14
Kilosconnection refused17:14
Kilosthew fly said it was here17:15
Squirmtry this on the server, cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Port17:15
Squirmit should be 2217:15
Squirmthough it's a long shot that it isn't17:15
Squirmand I know you said it was running17:16
Squirmps aux | grep sshd17:16
Kilosno such file or directory17:17
SquirmKilos: are you sure you have openssh installed?17:18
Kilosya i chose the top option it was openssh something17:18
Squirmapt-get install openssh-server17:18
Squirmit should tell you if you have it installed17:19
Squirmor if `which sshd` returns anything17:19
Kilossshd in red at the end of ps aux | grep sshd17:19
Squirmhmm, so you have sshd17:20
Squirmbut the config file doesn't seem to be there17:20
Kiloswait lemme find what the fly said to do17:21
Kilos cat /etc/resolv.conf17:21
Kilos# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)17:22
Kiloswhere that ip comes from17:22
Squirmthen I still think this command should have worked17:22
Squirmssh miles@
KilosThe authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.17:23
KilosECDSA key fingerprint is 10:a1:ec:28:08:11:8b:72:6e:a0:1d:c5:c9:6f:4a:ed.17:23
KilosAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 17:23
Squirmtype yes17:24
Squirmoh wait, did you type that command on the server?17:24
Kilosno here17:24
Squirmyou just ssh'd into your pc from your pc17:25
Kilosshould i have done it there17:25
SquirmKilos: try and copy /etc/ssh/sshd_config from your pc to your server17:25
Squirmor an example17:25
Squirmdoes your server have internet?17:26
Kilosno i have 3g here17:26
Squirmmaybe copy it onto a flash drive17:26
Squirmand put it in the same place on the server. then from the server do a `service ssh restart`17:27
SquirmI skiied once today and wakeboarded once today. but my legs are like jelly :/17:27
Squirmmore skiing in the morning :)17:27
Cantidethat's the best way to get fit - keep at it :)17:28
Kilosi need a command to copy that file please17:29
SquirmCantide: I try, I just don't have a boat. so I have to rely on other people17:29
SquirmKilos: to where17:29
Kilosflash here is media 4G17:29
Squirmso, `cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /media/4G`17:30
Kilos   /media/4G/17:30
Squirmthen on your server, as root. `cp /media/4G/sshd_config /etc/ssh`17:31
Kiloswhats the little ' at the end for17:31
Squirmit's just to denote it's a command17:31
Kilosno there it is /media/external17:31
Kiloshad to mkdir /media/external there17:31
Squirmthe just substitute it for 4G17:31
Kilosok lemme go there now17:32
SquirmCantide: it's really good fun though. haven't used a wakeboard in a while. too tiring and much prefer slalom17:33
CantideSquirm, I bet :)17:34
Cantidei was invited to go water skiing tomorrow17:34
Cantidebut the weather is too hot17:34
Cantideand i have some things to do17:34
Kilosno such file or directory17:36
SquirmKilos: which pc?17:38
Kilosi can see the file on the stick here17:38
Kilosi can cd to /media/external on the server17:38
Kilosbut ls shows nothing17:38
Squirm`ls /media`17:39
Squirmwhat do you see?17:39
Kilosserver givescdrom external floppy floppy017:40
Squirmhave you ever used mount before?17:40
Kilossudo mount17:40
Kilos and /mnt at the end17:41
Squirmnot exactly17:41
Squirmif you type dmesg17:41
Squirmit'll be right near the bottom. you'll see text about a usb drive17:41
Squirmand you'll see the device17:41
Squirmit'll probably be sdf or something17:41
Squirmor sdb17:42
Squirmit'll be amongst talk about usb17:42
Squirmat the end17:42
Kilosthere is scsi6 usb-storage 1-7:1.017:43
Kilosscsi 6:0:0:0 Direct-Access hp v240b and some mopre17:44
Kilosand sdb: sdb117:45
Squirmok, that17:45
Squirmmount /dev/sdb1 /media/external17:45
Squirmthen try ls /media/external17:46
Kiloshard to read here and type there17:46
Squirmfor all I know we could be wasting our time :/ but I'm trying :P17:46
Kilosya it shows the file17:47
Squirmok, then try run the cp again17:48
Kilossshd_config in green17:48
Kilossame command17:48
Squirmcp /media/external/sshd_config /etc/ssh17:48
Squirmand then service ssh restart17:49
Squirmthen from the server, try ssh miles@
magespawnhey guys17:51
Squirmhello magespawn 17:51
Kilosssh: unrecognized service17:52
Kiloshey magespawn 17:52
Kiloscant restart it with that command17:52
Kilosor must that be here?17:52
Squirmno, on your server17:53
Kilosit dont recog that service17:53
Squirmon your server, did you try type ps aux | grep sshd17:54
Kilossec ill do it again i think17:55
Kilosya it gave sshd in red remember17:56
Squirm/usr/sbin/sshd -D17:56
Squirmshows something like that?17:56
Kilosthis is as difficult as iptables stuff17:56
Squirmon your server, try dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server17:58
Kilos/usr/sbin/sshd: no such file or directory17:58
Kilosok sec17:58
magespawnhey Squirm, Kilos17:59
Kilosopenssh-server is not installed18:00
SquirmKilos: I told you :p18:00
magespawnahh there is the problem18:00
SquirmI should have tried that command first :/18:00
Kilosgot some commands for dpkg to 18:00
Kilosexamine archives18:00
Squirmso you'll have to get internets on your server and apt-get install openssh-server18:01
Kilosand list their contents18:01
magespawnisnt it supposed to be installed by default?18:01
Squirmmagespawn: not the server18:01
Squirmthe client is18:01
KilosSquirm, i can copy openssh-server from here to flash and then take it there18:03
magespawni thought the server was installed by default in ubuntu server18:03
SquirmKilos: ig you have the deb18:03
Squirmand it's dependencies18:03
Squirmmagespawn: Kilos said there was a checkbox he did check. didn't seem to work18:03
Kilosi have it installed here so .deb must be in archives but dunno what dependancies18:04
SquirmKilos: maybe it's on the ubuntu server cd?18:04
Kilosok cd is in18:04
Kilosnow the media route again18:05
Squirmhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/openssh-server is a list of dependencies18:05
Squirmnever tried copying the files though18:05
Kilosis there a way to tell it to install from cd?18:05
Squirma line needs to be added to /etc/apt/sources,list18:07
Squirmbut it's to find out exactly what18:07
smile2013hi Squirm :p18:08
Squirmhello smile2013 18:08
smile2013hi Kilos :)18:08
Kilosand no gedit on the server18:08
Kiloshi smile2013 18:08
smile2013Squirm: what are you trying? :)18:08
SquirmKilos: nano18:08
SquirmKilos: on the server, nano /etc/apt/sources.list18:10
Squirmis there a commented out line that starts with cdrom ?18:10
Squirmstarts with something like: deb cdrom:18:10
Squirmuncomment it18:13
Kilos#deb cdrom [ubuntu-server 12.04.1 LTS bla bla18:13
Squirmthen apt-get update18:14
Squirmtake away the #18:14
Squirmthen apt-get update18:14
Squirmthen apt-get install openssh-server18:14
Squirmscroll to it with your cursor18:14
Squirmclick backspace/delete18:14
Squirmctrl + o18:14
Squirmctrl + x18:14
Kilosthere are 2 of them18:14
Squirmo saves, x exits18:14
Squirmmaybe just uncomment both18:15
Squirmthe update, then install18:15
SquirmI'll be back in 10. sorry18:15
Kilosgives me a chance18:16
Kilosign cdrom 7 times18:21
Kilosthen it tried to go online again18:22
Kilosyay its installing from cd18:23
smile2013Kilos: :DD18:23
* smile2013 installed mac os x a while ago18:23
smile2013it's slow :o18:24
smile2013But I don't like it18:24
Kilostry running ubuntu-server18:24
Kilosits fast18:24
Kilosbut not pretty18:24
Kilosall text mode18:24
smile2013Lol, I need xcode for mac :p doesn't run on ubuntu18:25
smile2013yaay, os x is now running full screen18:25
magespawnmaking progress Kilos?18:29
Kilosssh miles@ from server did the fingerprint thing18:29
Kilosand shows 1 user logged in18:29
magespawnthat would be you Kilos18:30
Kilosi would hope so magespawn 18:30
Kilosnow i should see it from here not so?18:31
Kilosso now do i ssh miles@ from here?18:31
Kilosit shows that as its ip addy18:32
magespawnyes 18:34
magespawnsorry got disconnected18:35
magespawnyes that should work18:35
Kilosshows the same info as the server did18:37
Kilosalso did the fingerprint thing18:38
magespawnthat should be it then18:38
Kilosso now if i apt-get update here will it do the server18:39
magespawnthe fingerprint is so that you know you are connecting to the right machine18:39
magespawnis your internet connection shared?18:40
Kiloswell i could ping from there but power been off since then18:40
Kilosaw cant any more18:41
magespawntry something like www.google.co.za18:41
Kilosi think i need to give it a command18:42
Kilossudo route add default gw
Kilosnope it forgot how18:43
magespawni think you can also ifconfig gw
magespawnbut check ifconfig man to make sure18:44
WrazWhy does gravity push down to earth ?18:44
magespawnhi Wraz it pulls18:45
Kiloshi Wraz it sucks from down here18:45
WrazHello magespawn, but why does it pull ?18:45
magespawnyou mean why do we have gravity?18:45
Kilosi think its to do with the spin of the earth18:45
magespawnand the size of the planet18:46
Wrazno, like what attact,s its not magnetisim or someother force.18:46
WrazIt is some kind of wierd attraction18:46
Wrazbut then why am i not attracted to the ceiling or the walls.18:47
WrazI would think it is centrifical force from the spinning earth, but the earth is round, so rthat does not make sense.18:47
Kilosbecause gravity is sucking you down too18:47
WrazSo if I made a Vaccume chamber, and but a big Iron ball with lots of polystyrene bit's maybe they will all stick to the ball18:48
magespawnif i can recall correctly it pulls towards the center of the mass creating the gravity18:49
WrazLike a mass osmosis18:49
Wrazthat is garvity :P18:49
Kilosif you spin water in a round dish with rice grains in they go to the centre18:49
WrazThat is interesting... thanks Kilos :)18:49
Wrazill try it18:49
Cantidedoesn't it have to do with the mass and density?18:50
Cantideeverything has a gravitational pull18:50
Kilosnow with the earth being round it tries to pull everything to the centre18:50
Cantidebut smaller objects of course have a weaker pull, so it's not noticeable18:50
KilosWraz, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_does_gravity_keep_us_on_the_ground18:51
Kilosnice to see you chatting Wraz  welcome to ubuntu-za18:52
WrazTa ;)18:53
magespawnKilos is it working?18:53
Kilosnope the ifconfig command said no such device18:53
Kilosi think somehow my ip isnt anymore18:54
Kilos cat /etc/resolv.conf18:54
magespawnjust do ifconfig18:54
Kilos# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)18:55
charl_good evening18:56
charl_Kilos: what are you trying to do? edit your dns servers?18:56
magespawnis that ifconfig Kilos?18:56
magespawnhey charl_ 18:56
charl_hi magespawn :)18:56
Wrazipconfig(doze) Ifconfig(nix) if it says no such device maybe you only have LO(loopback device enabled and it does not have drivers for your network card instaleld so you cannot ping out or ifconfig ?18:56
Kilosno that was that cat command magespawn 18:56
magespawntry ifconfig18:57
WrazNetwork Interface configuration.18:57
Kilosi cant pastebin that output18:58
Kilosmaybe i should install a gui from my ubuntu cd18:58
Wrazor webmin18:58
Wrazor SSH18:58
Kilosim using ssh'18:59
Wrazwhy can't you pastebin the output ?18:59
Kilosroute -n shows as the gateway19:00
Kilosits all in testmode19:00
Kilosand cant get to the internet via the 3g on this pc19:00
Wrazcan you "ping" ?19:01
Wrazsweet, you can see your gateway.19:01
Kilosand i can ping from here19:02
Wrazcan you traceroute to a internet address ?19:02
Kilossec ill try it19:02
Kilosaw traceroute isnt installed19:03
WrazOne possible problem could be that it Might just be your DNS is not setup to resolve internet addresses. and if you use like openDNS ip'addresses, you might get net.19:04
magespawnKilos just for the record where are you typing those commands?19:04
WrazSSH, i understand, to his ubuntu box. from internal network ?19:05
Kilosthe ping ones19:05
Wrazping ones ?19:05
Kilosim trying to ping google from the server19:05
Kilosand tried traceroute from  there too19:06
Wrazcan you ping google's Ip address ?19:06
magespawnso no internet traffic to the server then19:06
WrazTry (to configure to) use these two adrresse's for the Server's DNS addresses http://www.opendns.com/opendns-ip-addresses19:07
Wraz208.67.222.222 -
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloscan ping again19:09
Kilosiptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW ! -i ppp+ -j ACCEPT19:09
Kilosiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp+ -j MASQUERADE19:10
Kilosecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward19:10
superflyWraz, magespawn: as I previously diagnosed, Kilos's problem is that he does not have DNS set up properly. both machines need to have and set as their DNS servers in resolv.conf19:10
Kilosthose commands need to be run here every boot19:10
magespawnah cool superfly19:11
superflyKilos: why? UFW or Arno's (which ever one you might be using) do that for you already19:11
Kilosthey both purged superfly 19:11
superflyKilos: why?19:11
Kilosmember i couldnt ping here till i got rid of them19:12
superflyKilos: because you went chasing after some other problem and thought that it was one of those?19:12
Kilosya well i dunno what im doing here most of the time19:12
Kilosthis is all greek to me about19:12
superflyKilos: you jump too soon19:13
Kilosbut i still dunno how to fix that cat resolve thing19:13
magespawnsuperfly any specific reason why those addresses for dns?19:13
superflymagespawn: Google DNS19:13
magespawnahh i did not know that19:13
magespawnwhen Kilos said google i thought their main ip/s19:14
Kilosfly told me ping months ago and said its goolge19:14
Kilosi forgot the dns bit19:14
* magespawn has a small lit light bulb above his head19:14
Kiloslol for?19:15
magespawnwhy they fly told you those particular ip addresses19:15
Kilostell me too19:16
magespawnDNS stands for domain name server19:16
Kilossorry Wraz you need to know im kinda slow catching on19:16
Kilosya but i can ping but cant update19:16
magespawnthey take the name like www.google.co.za and tell your pc where to go to find it 19:17
Kilosoh so must i put in somewhere?19:17
magespawnthey resolve www.google.co.za to
superflyKilos: yes, in your resolv.conf19:18
Kilosin placve of that other ip superfly ?19:18
Kilosplace too19:18
superflyKilos: yes19:19
superflyin essence19:19
superflyKilos: how do you set your IP address?19:19
superflyKilos: using NM?19:19
superflythen use NM to set your DNS servers (name servers)19:19
Kilosthats how i set this one. the server i made while installing19:20
superflyKilos: so which machine dials up?19:21
Kilosthis one
superflyKilos: OK, is this the one that can't update?19:23
Kilosok set dns to
superflyya, OK19:23
Kilosthis one can19:23
Kilos192.168.1.2 cant19:23
superflyof course, cause its DNS is set when you dial up19:23
superflyKilos: when you say "server", do you mean, "it doesn't have a GUI"?19:24
Kilosall cli19:24
Kilosbut this one is acting as a server isnt it to let that one go to the net19:24
Kilosin nm must i type in something by search domains as well19:25
Kilosor just by dns19:25
Kilosdns servers19:26
superflyjust dns19:28
superflyKilos: stop before you confuse yourself with scenarios that don't exist19:28
magespawnsuperfly i have a question for after this is sorted19:29
superflyKilos: cat /etc/network/interfaces19:31
superflyKilos: on your server19:31
Kilosauto lo19:31
Kilosiface lo inet loopback19:31
Kiloscat command not found19:32
superflyon your server?19:33
Kiloseek how do i paste that19:34
smile2013byee :p19:34
magespawncheers smile201319:34
superflyKilos: netmask, gateway, etc?19:34
smile2013see ya, magespawn :)19:34
smile2013good night everyone19:34
Kilosnetmask 255.255,255,019:34
Kilosdns search kilos.org19:36
Kilosoh my19:36
superflyKilos: OK, on that dns-nameservers I want you to replace with "" (without the quotes, but with a space between the and the
Kilos#dns options are implemented by the resolvconf package if installed19:37
superflyKilos: OK, OK, OK, thats enough19:37
Kiloshow do i replace them on the cli 19:38
superflyKilos: use nano19:38
superflysudo nano /etc/network/interfaces19:38
inetprogood evening19:38
Kilosyo inetpro 19:38
magespawnhey inetpro19:39
inetproyou guys talk lots today!?19:39
inetproto much to read all that now19:39
magespawnbusy busy19:39
Kilosby gateway superfly 19:40
Kilosdidnt read properly19:40
Kilosctrl o and ctrl x19:43
Kilosand enter after ctrl o19:43
Kiloswhew inetpro you dont want me to install a gui on the server19:43
SquirmKilos: I see you're sorted on the ssh side19:46
Kilosi think so Squirm 19:46
Kilosinetpro, you like to see me suffer hey19:47
Squirmand I'm off to bed. 2 hours and a day in the sun.19:47
Kilosty for the help squirm19:47
Squirmalong with the fact I could still believe it's 30deg inside19:47
Kilossleep tight laddy19:47
Kilostomorrow 3319:47
Squirmand back at the dam :)19:48
inetproKilos: with superfly you're in good hands19:48
Kilosyeah thank heavens19:49
Kilosbut he is busy man he cant help me all the time19:49
* inetpro just came to show a sign of life19:50
Kilosand did you see we chatted to Wraz 19:50
inetprotired and need to go sleep19:50
Kilossleep tight old man19:50
inetprothanks Kilos19:50
magespawnnight inetpro19:50
inetprogood night everyone19:50
Kilosso now must i restart the ssh thing magespawn 19:51
magespawnahhh can i plead the 5th on this one?19:52
Kiloscan still ping but no further19:52
Kilosi told you when you did yours to write it all down19:52
magespawnmine is all dhcp through my router, so i get my dns from my isp19:53
WrazGoie Naand, eg gaan uit te dop.19:53
Kilossigh no fair19:53
Kiloslekker slaap Wraz 19:54
Kilosoh uit te dop19:54
Kilosyou go out so late19:54
Kilosnaand magtie 19:55
magtiehi Kilos19:55
superflyKilos: you need to restart your networking before it will take effect19:58
Kilospulling ethernet cable ok?19:58
Kilosor with ssh restart19:59
superflyKilos: no, sudo ifdown eth0 19:59
superflythen sudo ifup eth0 20:00
superflyKilos: but you need to do that directly on the box!20:00
Kiloshmmm the box?20:01
superfly(and how would logging out of ssh do anything to the networking?)20:01
Kilosis a bow a pc wihtout a gui20:01
superflya box is a computer20:01
Kilosthey both are computers20:02
Kilossudo ifdown eth020:02
Kilosok that command doesnt work here but it did on the server box20:04
magespawnwe are all waiting in suspense20:11
Kilosstill nothing past ping
Kilosifdown dont work from here20:12
Kilosifdown: interface eth0 not configured20:13
Kilosyou only need to ssh from this pc magespawn or from both?20:16
Kilosgot some landscape message on rebooting server20:16
magespawnyes that advertise landscape, you can ignore that 20:17
Kilosmanage this system at https://landscape.canonical.com/20:17
Kiloslol i cant even get online20:17
magespawnyou ssh from your pc to the server20:18
magespawnbut if that ifdown message is on this machine the one connected to the internet20:18
Kilosifdown dont work here20:19
Kilosnm shows it as eth0 but it says its not configured20:20
magespawnthen the cable connection is not working i would guess20:20
Kilosthey can ping each other20:20
Kilosmaybe a reboot here will wake it up20:21
* Kilos waits to be bombed20:21
magespawnokay i am confused20:21
magespawnhow can they ping if it is not configured?20:22
Kilosmaybe my nm is corrupt20:22
Kilosservers ifdown works with eth120:22
Kiloshere neither work20:22
Kilosyou confused. come sit in my pants20:23
magespawndid ifup again on the server?20:23
Kilosjust looked. a 3g router is R800 on olx20:24
Kilosyip and it worked20:24
Kilosim sure at some stage this nm showed as wired connection 1 not eth anything20:25
Kilosnow it shows eth0 but dont work20:25
Kilosmaybe i gotta add some info in routes in nm20:28
Kilosi gonna reboot bb soon20:29
magespawnokay Kilos20:29
magespawnand Kilos?20:41
superflyKilos: you have to run ifdown and ifup on the computer whose network card you are restarting20:41
Kilosnope still cant ping www.google.com20:42
Kilosmiles@P4:~$ sudo ifup eth020:44
KilosIgnoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.20:44
Kilossame with eth1 on this pc20:44
magespawnsorry Kilos i think i am a little out of my depth here20:48
Kilosnp magespawn thanks for trying and helping too20:49
Kiloshere be ifconfig from this pc20:51
WrazWroung window, and i ahvent left yet :D20:51
Wrazsoz :D20:51
magespawnnot yet Wraz20:51
WrazNo Russians...20:51
Kiloshe is a night owl20:51
Kilosand im falling asleep here20:52
Wrazwrougn window again.. :D no, just in a different time zone.20:52
Kiloswhere are you Wraz ?20:52
magespawnnot too much difference then20:53
Kilos2 hours20:54
Wrazyeah, only +1. but things here open later and stuff, prob to do with the saesons and days with longer days and more sunlight.20:54
Wraz+2 sometimes20:54
Kiloshow did you get here and where you learned afrikaans20:54
WrazWe are not on the equator like sunny old SA20:54
magespawnthat output looks okay Kilos20:55
WrazI got here from Durban Linux User group forums.20:55
Kiloswe even thought you were a bot for a while20:55
WrazYeah, i was on freenode for #London-hackspace20:56
Wrazbut they are not really nice people there on that #, like a bunch of troller's, 20:57
Wrazbut this # and ##Programming are nice.20:57
Wrazyou too20:57
Kiloslol youre tired20:58
WrazNo, ia m about to go get drunk, it is just that Google chat on a multi window multi display is confusing.20:58
magespawnguys i am off to bed, Kilos let me know how it goes20:59
Kilosnight magespawn 21:00
Kilossleep tight21:00
magespawngodd night21:00
Kilosive gotta crash too methinks21:00
WrazGoie Aand21:01
Kilosnight Wraz 21:01
Kilosnight all sleep tight21:02
superflysince when was RSA on the equator?21:11

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