
UltimaKRstill searching...the 7800 GT seems very nice, but unless you buy used i dont think you can beat $15000:00
user82agsel, delete permanently and use the space for something else?00:00
user82agsel, that i would do with a live system and gparted00:01
UltimaKRshaolin77: if you want to go a couple of tiers up for only $49.99, take a look at this one http://www.amazon.com/nVidia-Geforce-512MB-Graphics-S-Video/dp/B006P0RZF2/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1356738957&sr=8-16&keywords=geforce+7800+gt00:01
agseluser82: the swap was just in the way. I had partitioned my drive like: 6GB, swap, the rest 24GB. I wanted just to extend my 2GB part00:01
agselbekks: thanks, that did it00:02
jak2000i deleted the data dir: /var/lib/mysql (the content) now do: sudo -i    then apt-get install mysql-server    but again type new password and retype, and then get this message :http://pastebin.com/e2rEzwqw then how to remove cokpletly the previous mysql installation? thanks00:02
SunMoonStarSunMoonStar: test00:02
shaolin77I think it can go a bit higher...I want to avoid any of the 8xxx series and lower00:03
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shaolin77lets narrow it some more...no less that 1GB00:04
UltimaKRshaolin77: that one had 512MB of dedicated RAM, which is nice...define lower though because for example 6200 is better than the 800000:04
user82does nvidia still support older cards like the 8xxx series?00:05
blackshirtuser82, i think opensource driver version has a great support for 8xx series00:06
shaolin77according the new drivers nvidia is working for Ubuntu/linux they suggest 8xxx and up00:07
Dave2cd hexchsrfeg00:08
shaolin77now that Steam Linux is out I wouldnt mind using that but the current card 7300 LE doesnt seem to be supported with the 310 experimental drivers just recently released00:08
troopwhy linux font rendering is so bad?00:08
=== slank is now known as slank_away
bman_Just installed ubuntu and it is running really slow. like a 1 1/2 sec lag from clicking the mouse and it regiatering00:09
troopbman_ remove amazon lens00:10
mwmnjAny nginx buffs around?00:10
mwmnjI am having trouble getting a zend site up: http://dpaste.com/854998/plain/00:10
moon`how do I uninstall google earth?  sudo apt-get purge google-earth does not work00:10
dr_willismoon`:  how did you install it?00:10
bman_Ok will try. Its weird that last time it didnt do it00:10
moon` dr_willis: wget http://dl.google.com/dl/earth/client/current/google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb00:11
moon`dr_willis: sudo dpkg -i google-earth*00:11
dr_willismoon`:  and apt-get remove gives any error>00:12
dr_willismoon`:  and apt-get remove gives any error messages?00:12
moon`dr_willis: that gave me an error so then I used sudo apt-get install -f00:12
shaolin77newegg doesnt have a filter for powersupply requirements :(00:12
moon`unable to locate package google-earth00:12
moon`E: Unable to locate package google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb'00:13
dr_willismoon`:  use the proper package name. NOT the file name.00:13
dr_willis google-earth-stable  seems tobe the package name. i think00:13
shaolin77If I'm reading the chart from Toms Hardware right the  Nvidia 450 is a significant jump any thoughts on this?00:13
moon`dr_willis: thank you00:13
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
dr_willisPreparing to replace google-earth-stable (using google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb) ...00:13
dr_willisUnpacking replacement google-earth-stable ...00:13
dr_willisthat said the package name. ;) i think... checking now00:14
moon`no google-earth-stable was the package name. Thank you sir00:14
dr_willisPackage 'google-earth-stable' is not installed, so not removed. Did you mean 'google-earth-stable:i386'?00:14
dr_willisOn 64bit i had to use the fancyer name. ;P00:14
dr_willismoon`:  apt-get supports TAB completion also i belive. :) at least it does in some cases00:15
dr_willis$ sudo apt-get remove google-00:15
dr_willisthen hit <TAB> google-chrome-stable  google-earth-stable   google-talkplugin00:15
moon`dr_willis: awesome, thank you00:16
crichar32hi guys i was wondering if anyone has installed 12.10 on a new mac mini? i am having an issue where the install goes through fine but when i reboot all i get is a gray folder with a question mark00:18
troopbe honest, which is good and natural? http://s7.postimage.org/mor4s85rf/which.png00:19
ad_dahi, how can I see I my kernel support filesystem capabilities ?00:20
dr_willisad_da:  used to be a /proc/fs/  or som,e other special file that showed them00:21
Tex_Nickad_da : please elaborate00:21
dr_willisHmm. used to be some system file that showed what filesystems were compiled into the kernel.. ages ago00:24
dr_willisthe dir  /lib/modules/3.5.0-18-generic/kernel/fs/  shows filesystem modules.00:26
ad_dadr_willis: um I don't see anything relevant :p00:26
ad_daTex_Nick: I don't understand you00:26
dr_willisad_da:  we have no idea what you are really talking about..00:26
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
Jordan_Usalih1453: Please don't spam links to your blog on this channel.00:27
knaughti used a command some time ago and am trying to look it up. i tried arrow up but its been awhile and im sure its burried deepc is there a searchable file with command line history?00:29
yeatsknaught: Ctrl-R searches, as does 'history', but the file is ~/.bash_history (which varies per virtual terminal)00:30
Tex_Nickad_da : your question seemed to me to be a bit ambigous ... could you please expand it a bit :)00:31
ad_daTex_Nick: maybe is the engilsh languaje sorry. I'm reading about filesystem capabilities. I just want to know if my filesystem support capabilities00:32
knaughtyeats: awesome, thanks00:32
yeatsad_da: define "filesystem support capabilities"00:32
haylodoes ubuntu have intel drivers for integrated graphics cards yet?00:32
bekkshaylo: Yes.00:33
haylothis 60fps business is bogus   :P00:33
Tex_Nickad_da ... this link will explain a bit about filesystems ... http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man5/filesystems.5.html00:33
haylohaylo: like with jockey ?00:33
haylowhat sort of frame rate can it pull? they didnt have it a year ago00:33
ad_daTex_Nick: thank you so much :)00:33
ad_daI was reading this one http://linux.die.net/man/7/capabilities00:33
haylobekks: *00:34
haylobekks: so it is new?00:34
Zeivahaylo: What card do you have? What CPU or motherboard chipset?00:34
bekkshaylo: You dont need > 24 FPS, since your eye cant resolve the difference on higher rates, biologically. :)00:34
bekkshaylo: It is not new.00:34
Zeivabekks: Not true00:34
haylobekks: im a gamer, i can see like 10,000 fps00:34
haylono kidding00:34
hayloeveryone has is different00:34
Tex_Nickad_da ... if that is not what you are after. please ask again :)00:34
bekksYes, for sure. 1 Million dollar dude.00:34
causativeis there a simple way to determine what keystrokes are being sent over VNC?00:35
causativeCtrl-x is not working (for emacs) and I'm trying to diagnose the problem00:35
haylobekks: seriously. a violinist hears music much differently than a normal person. likewise a gamer can percieve subtle differences in performance00:35
haylothe fps is a reflection of the efficiency of the enitre computer00:35
bekkshaylo: Even a gamer cant break the rules of biology and physics.00:36
ad_daTex_Nick: I found what I was looking for. Thank you :)00:36
haylobekks: you need to look at some computers running different frame rates00:36
ZeivaYou dont need to be a gamer to see the differance between 24FPS and higher. Thats one of those old dumb myths thats been disproven for decades00:36
ZeivaThe eye does not see in FPS, geez00:36
Ben64bekks: dude, you can definitely see over 24fps, I'd say at least 60fps and above might be indistinguishable00:37
Tex_Nickad_da : you're welcome00:37
bekksBen64: Then provide evidence on that please.00:37
haylopeople dont see in fps's00:37
FlynsarmyWhen using mdadm to create a raid array you specify sda1, sdb1 etc. I have a machine with 24 drive bays and only a few drives plugged in. When I plug in more drives, won't sda, sdb etc change? Won't that mess with the array?00:37
haylolulz bekks00:37
ZeivaBen64: Even more, anyone could see the differance between a 60 and 120Hz monitor00:37
Ben64bekks: do any sort of research00:38
dr_willistime to refer to the wikipedia pages.. ;)  and get back OT.00:38
ZeivaA simple search of the web would prove it in a second00:38
ZeivaThis explains it well: http://www.100fps.com/how_many_frames_can_humans_see.htm00:38
Zeiva24 frames is enough to make a movie appear smooth, but that does not mean we cant see MORE than that00:39
ZeivaI mean there is a reason why the new Hobbit movie is shot in 48 fps for example00:39
=== halberd is now known as causative
bekksYes. Marketing. Earning money. Thats the reason, at first glance. ;) And now off from OT.00:40
Ben64Zeiva: a 24fps movie only looks smooth because the huge amount of motion blur going on00:40
ZeivaBen64: Agreed00:40
=== adrien_ is now known as Guest77174
* dr_willis has blur even when sitting still..00:40
ZeivaBen64: One of the common tricks in consol gaming this day compared to PC gaming is to apply tons of motion blur. Lets them keep the graphics detail higher than the old consol hardware can actually manage by hiding the frame drops in blur :)00:41
causativeis there a simple program I can run that will report to me every keystroke sent to that program?00:41
wikinki have newly installed 12.10 in HP probook 4510s and my wireless is not shown in iwlist how  to fix00:41
jribcausative: xev00:41
causativeah great thanks!00:42
excuhi all00:42
knaughtyeats: ctrl w gets me a search bar but it wont find the text. j can see the text, like cd dir ls and so on00:44
knaughtyeats: in nano00:44
ZeivaNow for a question of my own: I have a laptop with Xubuntu 12.10 ati HD3600 graphics with the open drivers which does not show any boot screen, its simply black until suddenly the desktop pop up. Is this intended or can I fix the bootscreen?00:46
MuphridZeiva: plymouth is broken in 12.10 for ati cards00:47
Flynsarmyare you able to create a raid array with mdadm by uuid rather than /dev/sdx?00:48
Muphridi think rollbacking xorg is a solution00:48
ZeivaMuphrid: Ahhh! Thanks a bunch, saves me the trouble of trying to fix that. I guess it'll eventually get fixed, either in a patch or with the next major release00:48
ZeivaMuphrid: Its a small issue, just that it would be nice to have a bootscreen since the laptop will be used by a computer novice. Could be useful if they had an idication that stuff was actually loading00:48
wikinkwireless prob in HP probook sometimes was not working properly in 12.04 but with 12.10 wireless is not shown in Network can any one help00:49
dr_willisI just remove pymouth as a solution to plymouth issues..00:50
dr_willisor use the failsafe text theme for pymounth00:50
MuphridZeiva: you can take a read at this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-amd-catalyst-legacy-drivers-in-ubuntu-12-10-quantal.html00:51
Muphridyou dont need to isntall fglrx but an upgrade from that ppa would theoretically solve the plymouth corruption00:53
ZeivaMuphrid: I'd rather keep it stock and on the open source drivers to ensure it has a stable easy upgrade path. Messing with xorg and such seems like a recipie for disaster when the next major rev hits and the inteded owner clicks "yes please!" :)00:53
OerHeksbe carefull with PPA's , it is not supported here.00:53
Muphridas you wish00:54
Zeivabesides the most demanding thing they'll be doing is playing the card games and browsing the web. I doubt the real drivers would help much sadly00:54
knaughtnm, i just grep it00:59
xxiaodo I need do 'apt-get remove pkg1' before  I runn 'checkinstall"?01:01
mana9000what irc server is easy to setup01:03
OerHeksany irc server is easy to setup, but a secure irc server is hard to maintain.01:04
mana9000tobias_r33per: what irc server is easy to setup on lan01:04
mana9000OerHeks: Thanks, any particular you would suggest I want it for LAN in my college01:05
OerHeksmana9000, see that url, ircd-hybrid01:06
mana9000OerHeks: thanks01:07
HawkerzOerHeks, that guide is massively outdated...01:07
Hawkerzit instructs the installation of epona for services01:07
Hawkerzepona has been rereleased as anope in like 2006...01:08
OerHeksHawkerz, do you hava a better suggestion ?01:08
Hawkerzwell don't give people bad advice in the first place, better to give none at all01:08
Hawkerzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/irc-server.html <- is the official ubuntu guide01:09
Hawkerzyou should probably follow that if it's your first time01:09
mana9000Hawkerz: thanks01:10
Hawkerzi like unreal myself but that's just out of habit by now01:11
mana9000Hawkerz: can I you use one computer as server on LAN so that others can chat on that01:12
ConGiunhelp me guys :(01:13
wavekidsjpCan I use ubuntu as server instead of ubuntu ?01:14
B1ue5kyConGiun, say man :D01:14
B1ue5kywavekidsjp, yes01:14
Hawkerzyou understood what he was asking?01:14
ConGiuni want karaoke01:14
wavekidsjpThank you.01:14
wavekidsjpKaraoke ?01:14
B1ue5kyHawkerz, no o_o01:14
ConGiuni installed paman01:15
B1ue5kywavekidsjp, Ubuntu instead Ubuntu?01:15
ConGiunafter that type pacat -r --latency-msec=1 -d  alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo | pacat -p --latency-msec=1 -d  alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo01:15
dbromhello all01:15
usr13wavekidsjp: Yes01:15
B1ue5kydbrom, hello01:15
dbromI am the one with the monitor issue01:15
wavekidsjpYes. I like Ubuntu rather than Server.01:15
HawkerzConGiun, that question is pretty specialized... I doubt anyone here knows your problem wit hthat specific piece of software01:16
usr13BluesKaj: I think he meant server instead of desktop.01:16
B1ue5kywavekidsjp, Yes u can, any Linux can be a server01:16
Hawkerzas it is not a part of ubuntu...01:16
Hawkerzdbrom: i'm not sure if anyone is suppoed to know you cause of your monitor issue but you'll need to share more details01:16
B1ue5kyhumm I see01:16
dbromwhats that Hawkerz01:16
wavekidsjpThank. I will try.01:16
Tex_Nickdbrom : i remember your past posts, however things have changed since then ... you might need to start all over again ;)01:17
ConGiunI can not listen to music just to hear voice01:17
dbromhere is the issue I have a Nvidia 580 Ti which supports four monitors but when I have them hooked up only two work and the two are just clonning each other01:18
Muphriddbrom: do they show up in system settings -> monitors?01:18
dbromand when I try to Enable Xinerama it fails... the two show up only and only at 8 by 601:19
rodayoI want to create a partition to install win 8 along side ubuntu. what kind of partition does it need to be, I know it has to be ntfs but are there any other special options that are required?01:19
dbromrodayo: No that all you need01:20
usr13rodayo: Probably best to just leave as unpartitioned "free space"01:20
dbromor use Virtual Box01:21
rodayoCool, now there's probably something i need to do with grub to get that menu option on start up right?01:22
dbromThere should be but the thing is that Win8 will try to take over from Grub01:23
dbromim just thinking its Windows so its going to want to take control01:23
dbromI cannot save changes when I mode the setting went enabling Xinerama01:25
jak2000exist a way for uninstall all dependencies, this command: apt-cache rdepends mysql-client    generate the next output: http://pastebin.com/1Nt2kPuL01:25
Tex_Nick!uefi | rodayo01:25
ubotturodayo: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:25
Tex_Nickrodayo : just in case you're not familiar with the secure boot issue :)01:26
rodayodbrom, yeah sounds like something windows would do =P01:26
B1ue5kyEratosthenes, hi01:27
dbromAnyone have any ideas about my monitor issue01:28
Alex12i need help01:28
B1ue5kyme not =/01:28
Tex_Nick!ask | Alex1201:28
ubottuAlex12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:28
Alex12DE E17 i not see cyrillic in MENU!!!!!!!01:28
jak2000b1tgl0wany advice?01:29
veryhappydoes anybody on here have any experiences with ubuntu 12.04 or later version of ubuntu WITH GPT partition table?01:29
Alex12Any help please?01:30
gvoAlex12: did you forget the /join?01:30
Tex_Nick!patience | Alex1201:30
ubottuAlex12: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:30
Alex12u can help?01:31
gvoalex12 I have no idea what you are asking.01:31
Tex_NickAlex12 : please explain your question better ;)01:32
Alex12ok now i good translate it01:32
gvoI know nothing about cyrillic and DE E17 means nothing.01:32
shaolin77I think I have narrowed it down to a specific card for this old rig01:32
Alex12i enable russian language in MENU in E1701:32
Alex12but i not see it01:32
dr_willisI belive he means he can not get The E17 desktop enviroment to show Russian. :)01:33
Tex_NickAlex12 : what language do prefer to speak ... there are other channels for other languages01:33
Alex12there is an empty strings01:33
dr_willisI would have to suggest the E17 forums and support pages Alex12 .01:33
dr_willisis E17 even in the repos?01:33
Tex_Nick!russian | Alex1201:33
ubottuAlex12: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.01:33
Alex12all sleep!01:33
dr_willisGuess it is. ;)01:34
Alex12help please01:34
shaolin77Nvidia GT440 1GB GDDR5 PCI Express01:34
Alex12Problem with cyrillic in mean menu01:34
Tex_NickAlex12 : not trying to point you away from this channel ... but maybe that will help01:34
dbromAlex. If we can help we will ask the problem and do some searching01:34
blamiAlex12: you'd better to ask E17 devs on their channel01:34
dr_willisNot a lot of Russian E17 users in here. ;)01:34
xanguaAlex12: http://www.enlightenment.org/p.php?p=support&l=en01:35
wikinkhowto activate my wireless in 12.10 its not coming up in Network Manager01:35
dbromif it has nothing to do with the chennel then cant help01:35
blamiAlex12: they spent ~10 years by putting it together01:35
shaolin77any of you familar with this card?01:35
dr_williswikink:  the chipset may need some extra drivers.01:35
blamiAlex12: they probably know01:35
dr_williswikink:  looked under the software-sources/addational drivers  tab yet?01:35
Alex12How me have russian language in menu?01:36
wikinkhow can i go ahead01:36
Alex12i want01:36
dbromAlex12: What language did you sent the system up in01:36
dr_willisAlex12:  we dont have any magical answers.. no matter how many times you rephrase  the question.01:36
dr_williswikink:  software-properties-gtk  -> addaditional drivers  tab. Might show it needs extra stuff01:37
Alex12Me russian01:37
yaluyou Jane01:37
dbrombut the menus are in English01:37
wikinkok its not showing anything01:37
dr_willisAlex12:  yes.. You are a russian user, using E17 and cant get Cryllic Fonts working in the menus..... That may be worth checking out on the E17 forums.01:37
dbromyalu... good come back01:37
jak2000dbrom any advice for me? :)01:38
dr_willisE17 - i find is the sort of thing i try out every so often.. then realize i hate it. ;)01:38
Alex12hmm i think then need fix xorg.conf?01:38
dr_willisAlex12:  i dont see how the xorg.conf figures into the problem.01:38
Alex12and write patches to01:38
My_JoneHow to use fnfxd,it cant save rightness,how can i do?01:39
=== benjamindaines is now known as spacecase
spacecaseI need to report a bug that affects more than one distro of Linux and more than one DE, how should I do that?01:40
gvospacecase what is unique?01:40
gvoOr common to both problems?01:40
dr_willis E17 is localized in 20 languages, including latin languages like English and French, cyrillic languages like Russian and Bulgarian and even Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Note that you can change the language on the fly without restarting E or your X server.01:41
dr_willislooks like you need to find the settings in E. and if those fail, ask in the #E channel01:41
dr_willisspacecase:  each disrto normally keeps its own bug tracker ssytem.01:42
spacecasenot sure, it happens in Ubuntu, fedora, and mint.  Gnome and KDE.  Kernel 3.5 and 3.6.01:42
wikinkno luck its not showing any additional drivers requirement01:42
gvospacecase what's the problem?01:42
dr_williswikink:  whats the chipset of your wifi card? does ifconfig show it at all>01:42
dbromdr_wills. I have the driver from the vid card that i need to run but when I do it tells me that im in xserver. how do i kill shutdown xserver01:42
spacecaseI know of Ubuntu's bug tracker, but I feel like it will just get labeled upstream bug01:42
Alex12Help please?01:42
dr_willisdbrom:  what are you trying to install exactly?01:42
dr_willisAlex12: looks like you need to find the settings in E. and if those fail, ask in the #E channel01:42
wikinkno wifi it says01:43
dr_willis!wireless  Id start here | wikink01:43
ubottudr_willis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:43
wikinkits a HP probook 4510s01:43
jak2000exist a way for uninstall all dependencies, this command: apt-cache rdepends mysql-client    generate the next output: http://pastebin.com/1Nt2kPuL01:43
Tex_NickAlex12 ... see if this helps ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcVeJWwqh7U01:43
dr_willisdbrom:  why are you not using the drivers in the default repos?01:43
spacecaseon my hardware (macbook pro 8,2 and macbook pro 2,1) the battery meter will randomly drop to a low, inaccurate charge.  upower reports incorrect as well, acpitool reports accurate01:43
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:43
dbromi have they arnt working01:43
jribjak2000: what are you trying to accomplish?01:43
dr_willisdbrom:  its very likely the .run drivers will not work either.01:44
spacecaseI've seen bug reports of the issue that happens on non-mac hardware01:44
dr_willisdbrom:  whats  your exact video chipset?01:44
Flynsarmyhow can i get my devices mounting under a persistant name? currently when i plug drives in they pick /dev/sd? based on the order they're plugged in01:44
Alex12i think i need write patchs in conf or install microsoft fonts01:44
Flynsarmyi think i'm supposed to use udev rules but couldn't find a useful tutorial. only a hugeass manual01:44
dbromhow would I find this01:44
jribFlynsarmy: those aren't mount points.  If you give your partitions labels, they will mount under /media/LABEL though01:44
jak2000jrib uninstall percona and mariadb01:44
gvospacecase: I'd file a bug with the kernel folks and they will probably give you info on the correct place, if that's not it.01:44
jak2000how to?01:44
jribjak2000: how did you install them?01:45
dr_willisFlynsarmy:   you can mount on the same MOUNTPOINT reguardless of the Device /dev/DEVICE.01:45
spacecasethaks gvo01:45
jrib!label | Flynsarmy01:45
ubottuFlynsarmy: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.01:45
dr_willisFlynsarmy:  if the filesystem has a proper label. it should mount to /media/labelname01:45
Flynsarmyjrib: dr_willis: i'm trying to keep them on the same /dev because i'm trying to set up raid501:45
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest583
dr_willisexternal USB's in Raid? Thats... scary01:45
jak2000i am on a server with products installed.... need remove the pboth products,01:45
jrib!raid | Flynsarmy01:45
ubottuFlynsarmy: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:45
jak2000not know how was installed...01:45
dbromdouble that dr_wills01:45
Flynsarmydr_willis: nah i have 24 drive bays. when i plug drives in it changes the /dev of all the ones after it which i would assume would break the array if the array needs a specific /dev/sd?01:46
dr_willisdbrom:  lspci and see what your video card is.01:46
jribFlynsarmy: people don't really on consistent /dev/sd* naming.  Instead people use UUID.  How that relates to raid, well see ubottu I suppose01:46
dr_willisI dont even touch raid. ;) to many hassles01:46
jrib!who | jak200001:46
ubottujak2000: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:46
dbromonly having one monitor is bloody pissing me off01:46
jribjak2000: were they installed through APT?01:47
dr_willisdbrom:  you can stop the X server with 'sudo service lightdm stop'01:47
Flynsarmyjrib: ya i was asking earlier today on how to specify uuid instead of /dev with mdadm and got no responses. i dont know if that's a good idea anyway bceause a replacement drive would have a diff uuid?01:47
jak2000jrib yes with apt i think01:47
dr_willisdbrom:  last i looked I Thiought there were experimental/post release nvidia drivers in the repos that were the same as the latest on nvidias site01:47
wikinkonly ethernet Marvell is shown with lspci01:47
spacecasegvo, what should I file that under, ACPI or power management?01:47
jribFlynsarmy: I'm not familiar with raid, but the docs ubottu gave you should clarify.  Have you checked?01:47
dr_williswikink:  this is a internal? or external wifi card?01:48
Flynsarmyjrib: ive been trying to read docs all morning but there's so much there01:48
jrib!apt | jak200001:48
ubottujak2000: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)01:48
gvospacecase: Either, they will move it if it's not appropriate.01:48
wikinkits built-in card01:48
jribjak2000: then use "apt-get remove" to remove them01:48
dr_williswikink:  does lspci show it at all?01:48
dbromim trying the 310.19 off the site and the latest on the additional drivers link01:48
dr_williswikink:  could be its so new its totally unsupported. or the switch is OFF ;) if its in a laptop01:49
jak2000jrib yes i used before apt-get, with this command: apt-cache rdepends mysql-client    know wich packaged need to be removed right?   (the list is large large) not exist a way more direct?01:49
chaotixxwhen making a persistant live usb using usb startup disk creator in ubuntu, is there any reason why i would not want to slide the bar to the maximum amount stored in reserve extra space?01:49
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gvowikink: dr_willis  if lspci doesn't find it, willl linux be able to do anything with it?01:50
jribjak2000: you said you wanted to remove percona and mariadb, so why not remove those?01:50
dr_willischaotixx:  if you want some space on the usb for using on a windows box.01:50
dbromhere is the info01:50
dr_willisgvo:  i dont see how it could.. ;)01:50
dbrom2:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF110 [GeForce GTX 580] (rev a1)01:50
dbrom02:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF110 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)01:50
dbrom04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF114 [GeForce GTX 560 Ti] (rev a1)01:50
dbrom04:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF114 HDMI Audio Controller (rev a1)01:50
FloodBot1dbrom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
jribFlynsarmy: you're using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto?01:50
Alex12bb than :(01:50
wikinkthe rfkill list all says hp-wifi Wireless LAN Soft blocked : no       Hard blocked: no01:50
gvodr_willis: Agreed01:50
dr_willisdbrom:  looks like you have 2 video cards. a 580 and a 560 ti01:50
chaotixxdr_willis: the reserved space will be the size of my filesystem right?01:51
chaotixxon the live usb01:51
dr_willischaotixx:  yes the space the user can use,01:51
Flynsarmyjrib: reading through that page atm. i have a fakeraid card but want to go with softwareraid instead bceause if the card dies i'm SOL01:51
chaotixxthanks as usual, doc01:51
chaotixxwe ought to get one of those feedback pages like the\y have for the fedora channel01:52
jribFlynsarmy: ok.01:52
jak2000jrib yes i want remove percona and mariadb (the depndencies if you see, in a 90% are of percona and or mariadb) .... :(01:52
jribFlynsarmy: I guess https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID is more appropriate then01:52
Tex_Nickshaolin77 : i missed your PM earlier, sorry ... have posted to the PM01:52
jribjak2000: so start by removing mariadb and percona packages.  Have you done that?01:52
Sensei_JerHello I have a question about one software - bibletime01:52
jak2000jrib yes i start but the list is large, not exist other way more direct?01:53
Sensei_Jerthe question is - will USA persecute if I download from the bookshelf manager01:53
jribjak2000: it's two packages.  Not sure what you mean.01:53
Flynsarmyjrib: these seem to assume you aren't plugging/unplugging disks though so they can safely use given /dev/sd? paths which I can't do01:53
Sensei_JerI got the warning saying dont risk detection so don't use remote sources01:53
wikinkdr_willis: it was woking previously with 12.04 but now in 12.10 i could not see the wireless at all, shall i pastebin the lspci01:54
dr_williswikink:  good idea. but i really dont know much about wureless truble shooting. If it worked in 12.04  did you UPGRADE to 12.10? or is this a clean install.01:54
gvoSensei_Jer: I'm not any authority but the US probably doesn't really card.01:55
dr_willisSensei_Jer:  i belive no one in here has a clue what you are going on about.01:55
Sensei_Jeryeah I thought as well gvo01:55
Sensei_Jerit's nothing major really01:55
gvoThe US isn't in the business of worrying about individuals.01:55
wikinkactually with a DVD live also wireless didnot work and i have done clean install and trying to fix it01:55
dr_williswikink:  could be a bug with the newer kernel and that specific card or driver..  Ive also had cards iver had to go to windows.. turn ON and leave them on. for them to work in linux.01:56
gvoSensei_Jer: If it's a classified government project, look out.  Otherwise, ho hum.01:57
OerHeksSensei_Jer, there is a PPA for bibletime/sword > https://launchpad.net/~pkgcrosswire/+archive/ppa01:57
jribFlynsarmy: I don't know enough to advise you.  But feel free to repeat the question here. There's usually someone around with some raid experience.  You might also try #ubuntu-server if no one is around here at the moment01:57
Flynsarmyjrib: ok, thanks01:57
Sensei_Jertyvm OerHeks and others01:57
dbromdr_wills: so is there something i can do01:58
wikinkthe wifi hardware switch is showing up On and Off properly but nothing is happening01:58
dr_willisdbrom:  askubuntu.com has numerous posts on  quad monitor setups with nvidia systems..   Not sure which ones apply to your system. It could be the fact yu have 2 differnt cards  are goofing things up01:58
wikinki have also pasted the lspci in the above link01:58
dbromdr_wills: ill try it with one card...01:59
gvowikink: the  88E8072 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller  is a hardwired controller, right?02:01
gvowikink: For some reason the system doesnt' even know there is another network controller.02:02
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wikinkits showing only wired network is shown and wireless network connect is not coming up02:04
gvowikink is it a USB device?02:05
wikinkdo i need to manually the kernel module?02:05
wikinkno its built in mini pci02:05
gvoAnd this works in WInders?02:06
wikinkmany Hp probook users facing the same prob but no proper guide02:06
wikinkwith wireless02:06
jribFlynsarmy: https://raid.wiki.kernel.org seems like a nice source of info as well02:06
gvoJust for completness try lsusb02:06
jimmySamsung N150 netbook running 12.04. Brightness is stuck on lowest setting. Fn + up/down arrow  changes screen brightness graphic, but not brightness.02:10
JAIMEi have just installed mint 14 kde, but i cant get wireless card installed02:12
jak2000jrib: percona was installed: http://www.percona.com/doc/percona-server/5.5/installation/apt_repo.html   how to uninstall? apt-get remove percona-server-5.5      ?02:12
JAIMEhow do i check what card it is and compatibility02:12
bazhangJAIME, get mint support then02:12
gvoJAIME: lspci | grep net02:12
jribjak2000: yes, if that's the package you want to remove02:12
bazhang!mintsupport | JAIME02:12
ubottuJAIME: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:12
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WeThePeoplehow would i copy my ubuntu with all my apt on here and have some one else be able to use it?02:13
bazhangWeThePeople, aptoncd02:13
bazhang!aptoncd | WeThePeople02:13
ubottuWeThePeople: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline02:13
WeThePeopleok thankyou02:14
jak2000mmm not remove02:14
jak2000continue dependencies here02:14
wikinkhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1474587/   the  wireless not working02:14
jribjak2000: you have to be more specific.02:15
jak2000jrib the percona files continue in the system :(02:15
jak2000jrib i want remove all percona files and systems :)02:15
WeThePeoplebazhang, what about being able to keep the customizations as well?02:15
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bazhangWeThePeople, sounds like you want a clone02:16
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WeThePeoplemaybe not02:16
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jribjak2000: you can find what package is responsible for a file with "dpkg -S /path/to/file".  Then you should use "apt-get purge PACKAGE" (not apt-get remove)02:17
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=== GuyFawkess is now known as f4wk33s
cabAnyone here using pidgin with plugins?02:19
shaolin77OK people I need a collective thought to be processed.  Who is good with Hardware/upgrades?02:19
jimmylol, whoops02:20
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bazhangshaolin77, the people in ##hardware02:21
bazhangcab, whats the actual question02:22
Muphridi use pidgin but not many plugins02:22
gvoI used to raise pigeons.02:22
bazhangcab, you might also be interested to know of the channel #pidgin02:22
cabno it's ok just manage to make it work02:22
shaolin77thanks bazhang I will try that02:23
wikinkhow to check my wifi chipset; its not shown in lspci02:23
cabany lighter irc client than pidgin? (that's just the one by default one my system)02:23
wikinklsusb also no luck02:23
Hawkerzcab: lighter?02:24
cabbut my seems intensive02:24
Hawkerzi use xchat, and have done for years02:24
Hawkerzif you can manage command line irc, irssi is the way to go02:24
cabI'm just using LXterminal (lubuntu)02:25
cabnot sure it integrates with02:25
gvowikink: take a very close look at your bios and see if there are any settings for the wireless card there, to enable/disable it.02:25
usr13cab: irssi02:26
scottjmy laptop keyboard stops responding periodically until reboot, external keyboards keep working, I don't see anything in syslog or Xorg log, any ideas?02:26
usr13scottj: hardware issue02:26
scottjdoesn't do it under windows, I don't think it's hardware02:26
gvowikink: If lspci can't see it, Linux will not be able to use it so something is preventing it's being seen by linux.  That implies either a hardware switch or bios.02:26
wikinkmy wireless hardware switch is active and bios also active,02:27
cab Hawkerz: ok will try irrsi and xhat else02:27
Hawkerzhow many irc clients do you need?02:27
Hawkerznothing is lighter than irssi02:27
cab1 lol02:27
wikinkwhen i try On and Off, the blue led is responding too02:27
gvowikink: Then you probably can't use it with whatever version of Linux you are trying to use.  Try a different distro.02:27
caband one big requirement is to hide out/in messages02:27
cabthat pollutes02:27
usr13cab: http://www.irssi.org/documentation02:28
cabit's working on pidgin right now02:28
Hawkerzi dont know what 'hide out in messages' means02:28
wikinkits Ubuntu 12.10 and it was working in 12.0402:28
dbromdr_wills: what was that site you said there were posts about my issue02:28
Hawkerzcab: so you want a command line irc client right?02:29
cabyep  if works with the raw LXTerminal02:29
Hawkerzif that is what you are asking for, use irssi with screen/tmux02:29
Hawkerzthat is, screen or tmux02:29
gvowikink: then boot 12.04 and make sure it's still working.  Run lspci and find out wall you can about the card and search the web for info.02:29
Hawkerzit does everything you are asking02:29
bazhangcab most IRC clients can do that without issue02:29
gvofind out all02:29
Hawkerzthere are some nice plugins to make it look pretty too02:30
Zaibach333I'm running into issues installing my amd graphics driver, my laptop is stuck in terminal.  I've been at it all day and can't seem to get it right...02:30
Hawkerzi've had a lot of fun with irssi in the past02:30
MalsasaHello, can somebody give me replacement for Netbeans? I want one that can make GUI easily. I think it is heavy on my system.02:30
diverdudei am trying to do: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse but then I get an error saying:    Package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:31
diverdudeThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:31
diverdudeis only available from another source02:31
diverdudeE: Package 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse' has no installation candidate      How can i fix this?   My /etc/apt/sources.list looks like this:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1474608/02:31
Hawkerzfor java? eclipse02:31
usr13Zaibach333: lspci | pastebinit #Send resulting URL, we will see what hardware you have.02:31
bazhangdiverdude, use tab complete for that package02:31
usr13Zaibach333: What hardware driver did you install?02:31
Zaibach333usr13, I installed amd catalyst 12.10 proprietary linux x86 display driver from their website02:32
gvoMalsasa: All IDEs have a pretty steep learning curve.  Meaning, easily isn't.02:32
cab__hello from irssi02:32
cabok working02:33
Malsasagvo: hmmm... so there is no one? Thank you...02:33
usr13Zaibach333: What does lspci say about your video card?02:33
diverdudebazhang,  you mean: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ?02:33
cab__just waiting for a join/part message to see if they show up on irssi02:33
bazhangdiverdude, why not just install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?02:34
gvoMalsasa there are others, but none are "easy".. What do you know?  What IDEs are you familiar with?02:34
usr13Zaibach333: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?02:34
Malsasagvo: thank you, I am familiar with Netbeans only. Visual Basic-like.02:34
Zaibach333usr13, there's a big list, alot to type. I'm using lubuntu 12.10 on the laptop02:34
usr13Zaibach333: lspci | pastebinit #Send resulting URL, we will see what hardware you have.02:35
BlueNeXuS`ello all02:35
gvoMalsasa: Eclipse is another popular one.  Since you know Netbeans, you understand there is a learning curve.  Right?02:36
BlueNeXuSAnyone here using ,or  tired cylon/ceylon version of Ubuntu?02:36
Malsasagvo: no, what is learning curve?02:36
gi6sonhello. I got the 12.10 live iso, burned, installed to a usb, rebooted, login screen asked for a password. never asked to submit such so no clue.02:37
Zaibach333usr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1474614/02:37
CoreyBRwhat is the channel for chitchat about ubuntu and stuff?02:37
dbromanyone using more then two monitors on kubuntu02:37
gvoMalsasa: Learning curve means you have to use it for a while before it becomes easy.  It's the opposite of intuitive.  I'm sure when you first used netbeans it was difficult so understand.02:38
bazhangCoreyBR, #ubuntu-discuss  /  #ubuntu-offtopic02:38
eanggi6son: did  you tried using a blank pswd?02:38
gvoMalsasa: so==to02:38
MuphridMalsasa: have you tried Geany?02:38
usr13Zaibach333: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak02:38
cab__Hm just scrolled all02:38
BlueNeXuSi really like the cylon variant of ubuntu,, but i get tired of the fire sparks and flames every time i click a menu02:38
BlueNeXuSthe rest of the gui special effects is nice02:38
gvoMuphrid: I think he's only done netbeans02:39
Malsasagvo: Yes, yes, you are right. Oooh, so intuitive is opposite from learning curve?02:39
cab__Hm just scrolled all http://www.irssi.org/documentation/settings and can't find any setting to hide join/part messages02:39
MalsasaMuphrid: yes, i have. Geany is great.02:39
bazhang!quietirssi | cab__02:39
gvoMalsasa: Yes.02:39
ubottucab__: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS02:39
wikinkhow do i connect from irssi  it says Not connected to server02:39
MalsasaMuphrid: but geany doesn't have GUI builder. CMIIW.02:39
Zaibach333usr13, k02:39
diverdudebazhang, thx02:39
bazhangBlueNeXuS, what is cylon version of ubuntu02:39
MuphridMm ok02:39
Malsasagvo: thank you. You kindly answer newbie like me....02:40
MuphridGUI builders are heavy on resources, eclipse is the only other i know of02:40
cab__hide_server_tags = OFF  ??02:40
bazhangcab__: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS02:40
cab__ubottu: ok02:40
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:40
gvoMalsasa: Good luck.  Why do you want to leave netbeans if you know it?02:40
usr13Zaibach333: Just use the OS driver.02:41
BlueNeXuSit's basically ubuntu.. but with a very luxurious gui.  and full access to the ubuntu app-store type interface, auto updates,, a few extra nicknacks02:41
Flynsarmyhow do you close the 'watch' command? just ctrl+c or is there a proper way?02:41
usr13wikink: /server irc.freenode.net  #or server of your choosing.02:41
cab__bazhang: and to define it as default, at startup?02:41
bazhangBlueNeXuS, link please02:41
Malsasagvo: thanks, but I will not leave Netbeans. I just wanna searching for new IDE. Maybe my friends need it. And for me, Netbeans is so heavy.02:41
usr13Zaibach333: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne52202:41
bazhangcab__, set it and forget it, should stick02:42
Malsasagvo: I found IntelliJ IDEA open sorce version. It is very great. But I just try it a while. Now it saved on my disk ;)02:42
gvoMalsasa: Eclipse is heavy too.  It is the nature of the beast.02:42
BlueNeXuSjust a sec, I'll get that for yah bazhang02:42
BlueNeXuSyou may want to youtube it too02:42
Malsasagvo: :) yes, I have Eclipse too in this machine. But Eclipse is heavy too.02:43
gvoMalsasa: Yes02:43
gvoMalsasa: with power comes complexity.02:43
BlueNeXuSceylonlinux.com   though when you install it , it spells it cylon instead on the installation screeen02:44
bazhangBlueNeXuS, yeah, thats not supported here. use alis to find their support channel02:44
Malsasagvo: I agree.02:44
bazhang!alis | BlueNeXuS02:44
ubottuBlueNeXuS: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:44
Zaibach333usr13, I just got some humble bundle and was looking to see how they run on ubuntu... is my card not capable of getting an updated driver on 12.10?02:44
MyCahHello -- I've tried to run a couple of games and am getting this error X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation). My googling only brought up solutions to people programming in opengl... Any ideas?02:45
Malsasagvo: do you have tips for reducing heaviness from Netbeans?02:45
BlueNeXuSactually wasnt asking for any help.. I just asked if anyone here has tried it02:45
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BlueNeXuSits a variant of ubuntu , so i figured someone had tried it here02:45
usr13Zaibach333: I dono, see jockey-gtk02:45
bazhangBlueNeXuS, great question for the offtopic channel02:46
BlueNeXuSbut thanks all the same baz02:46
gvoMalsasa: No, I'm just a casual user, not a power user.02:46
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Malsasagvo: same with me... :)02:46
MuphridMalsasa: you could install it with --no-install-recommends, it installs less software than a full install but not sure if it makes it less heavy on other resources02:46
Zaibach333usr13, k, thanks02:47
MalsasaMuphrid: oooh, thank you.02:47
ferret_guyis there an application that allows a server with more than one LAN interface to act as a "router" with DHCP passthrough02:49
Ben64it'd be easier to get a router02:49
ferret_guyi know but i have several LAN cards laying around and wanted to try it02:51
zullyferret_guy: it can be done02:53
enriqhi. How do I install a 12.04 to a new partition, from my running 10.04? I'd like dual boot. (of course upgrade does not work)02:53
ferret_guyhow would i go about it?02:53
zullyferret_guy: ip masquerading02:54
dbromhello all I have a monitor issue: Nvidia 580 Ti not displaying two monitors and cloning on the other two...02:55
zullyferret_guy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router02:55
ferret_guyThanks zully!02:55
dbromI can see all four down by the Activity manager tho02:57
Pei_Hello, i'm going to try and install ubuntu for the first time, although I am a seasoned slackware and archlinux user02:58
Pei_it's just that, the install for archlinux is a joke02:59
bazhangPei_, using the live cd? the minimal installer (for Ubuntu)?03:00
Pei_no downloading uhm ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso03:01
bazhangthat'd be the live cd03:01
Pei_i have two exact same laptops, one is windows 7, the other one i am making a linux desktop03:02
enriqbtw can I mount the 12.04 live cd iso from ubuntu 10.04 and install 12.04 to another partition?03:02
dr_willisenriq:  that may take some doing to install from within 10.0403:04
dr_willisenriq:  you could set up grub2 to boot the ISO file.03:04
enriqdr_willis, a grub2 entry in the menu that boots the iso? sounds good03:05
dr_willisenriq:  i dont recall if 10.04 used grub2 or not. ;)03:06
dr_willisenriq:  i used to keep a /boot/ partion of about 3gb in size. to keep a few ISO files on. and had grub2 set to boot them. a Ubuntu Desktop for reinstgalling, a gparted, and a few other rescue type isos ;)03:06
enriqdr_willis, good idea, I have a separate /boot ... 10.04 apparently has grub103:07
dr_willisthat sort of shoots that idea in the foot. ;) unless you got a Flash drive.. but then you could just put 12.10 on the flash and boot that..03:08
enriqdr_willis, grub2 is on the repos apparently but not installed... should I...03:09
cab irssi is not enabling to scroll >> http://i.imgur.com/wbbfa.png03:10
CoreyBRcan anyone help with and wifi card issue?03:11
bazhangwhat chipset CoreyBR03:12
CoreyBRbazhang, 01:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)03:13
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:13
jimmySamsung N150 netbook running 12.04. Brightness is stuck on lowest setting. Fn + up/down arrow   changes screen brightness graphic, but not brightness.03:13
bazhangCoreyBR, please see above03:13
CoreyBRbazhang, thanks i'll take a look.03:14
cordycepsHow do I tell avconv to rip from my cd?03:14
cabpage up/down works but sucks to not do it by scrolling03:15
iKernelHi guys, having trouble transferring files from my computer to my phone using bluetooth, Xubuntu 12.10 x86_64. Seems to pair with the phone succesfully, however the pass key I see on my phone is different from what comes up in the wizard. When I try to send files to the phone, it connects, then gets stuck on 0.00 B/s/s then says Error occurred while sending file (filename). When trying to browse files on the device, it immediately throws t03:15
iKernelhe error "Failed to open "obex://[0C:C6:6A:95:5A:31]/". Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)." I've not tried doing this on Windows, and I don't have a USB cable, even if I did the usb ports in this laptop are broken.03:15
OerHekscab i don't use irssi, but if i remember right, simply hit escape, then p to go up or n to go down03:15
CoreyBRbazhang, the help have the solution for the ubuntu v10 i'm using 12.1003:16
CoreyBRdoes it work?03:16
cordycepsHow do I rip a CD using avconv?03:17
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/avconv.1.html  cordyceps03:17
bazhangcordyceps, scroll down to see the example and change to suit your needs03:18
cab OerHeks: page up/down works.. but I'd prefer a vertical bar03:18
bazhangcab, then try a different IRC client?03:18
blerphey all, I'm having trouble, I've got a cifs share on a windows server with 111 folders in it and when I mount it in ubuntu it only shows alphabetical listings up to 84, and that's it.. is there something I can do to fix this?03:18
zullyblerp: in nautilus or cl?03:21
zullywhats ur output from mount?03:22
d4rkh4ndanyone here know how to use kdialog --slider ?03:23
kylescottmcgillAnyone know of a Good GTK2 chooser03:24
hangdeadmanHow do I remove getdeb repositories from ubuntu 12.04? I have been getting error messages when I update for almost a month now03:24
hangdeadmanI can't find them in synaptic...03:25
diablo69Someone who speaks Spanish?03:25
OerHeks!es | diablo6903:26
ubottudiablo69: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:26
OerHekshangdeadman, open softwarecentre and edit softwaresources03:26
diablo69ah thanks for the help03:27
diablo69gladiatus someone plays?03:29
kevinlu310Battery info of my laptop seems wrong on 12.04 lts. How can I fix it?03:29
hangdeadmanOerHeks: thanks!!! any idea what may be causing nautilus to crash when opening my music folder?03:30
cordycepsbazhang: Can't seem to find it. The cd is on /dev/sr0, but I can't seem to tell avconv.03:30
OerHekshangdeadman, can't say why, try this and see the errors: open terminal and type nautilus03:30
diablo69Anyone know how to install pes?03:31
jason2007anyone know what happened to playdeb?03:31
OerHeksjason2007, playdeb servers are down for some weeks now03:32
diablo69Thank you much help che, are selfish03:32
jason2007DerHeks, do you know when they will be back up?03:33
dr_willisnever knew how many people used them. :)03:33
dr_willisdiablo69:  we pointed you to an ES channel03:33
dr_willis!info pes03:33
ubottuPackage pes does not exist in quantal03:33
dr_willisNo idea what 'pes' is03:33
OerHeksjason2007, i have no info about that, rumors say they are working on crashed servers03:34
diablo69The PES is a football game03:35
cordycepsWhen using avconv to convert rip cd what do I call /dev/sr0? Since it is not mounted.03:35
dr_williscordyceps:  you dont mount audio cds03:35
dr_williswhy dont you use some nice front end to rip your audio cds ?03:35
cordycepsyes, you're right. How do I tell avconv that?03:36
dr_willisive never used avconv to rip audio cds. so no idea. Id have to google for example ussage of it.03:36
cordycepslike a challenge03:36
OerHeksdiablo69, if pes is Pro Evolution Soccer, check the wine database03:37
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:37
dr_willisNot much of a challange if we tell you then. ;)03:38
diablo69Thanks OerHkes, never before saw such Chat or whatever.03:39
hangdeadmanOerHeks: I got the error, it says to ask system administrator to enable user sharing, I'd share it but can't remember how to use pastebin from the terminal...03:41
dr_willishangdeadman:  the pastebinit command.03:41
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com03:41
hangdeadmanOerHeks: share the error message I mean.03:41
NabberSanyone know what is gpg key ubuntu 12.04 works good03:41
dr_willisNabberS:  you may want to rephrase that and give a bit more details.03:42
=== NabberS is now known as Ndroids
diablo69No ja idem spať, uvidím kamarátov, ale nehovorí. Len hovoriť o víne a ďalšie03:43
diablo69Well I go to sleep, I'll see friends, but not speak. Just talk about wine and other03:43
enriqcan I unmount my /boot partition?03:44
veryhappyhi guys, sorry i was already asking one time before but my connection crashed, i'm sorry.03:45
veryhappysomeone here with experience in installing ubuntu on gpt?03:45
hangdeadmanOerHeks: http://pastebin.com/w9zxFEjD03:46
enriqwhen I resize and move a partition with gparted, the contents are copied?03:46
dr_willisenriq:  it should keep data intact yes.. but MAKE bACKUPS03:47
Ben64enriq: should be, but you should backup03:47
enriqit's just the /boot partition :)03:47
dr_willisPower failure during resize = Bad.03:47
enriqok ok I make a copy03:47
OerHekshangdeadman, seems like a known bug, the bugreport contains the solution too > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-share/+bug/995406 >> sudo usermod -a -G sambashare <your username>03:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 995406 in nautilus-share (Ubuntu) "User not added to group sambashare: "You do not have permission to create a usershare."" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:51
enriqlong live gparted03:52
hangdeadmanOerHeks: I'm still getting the same error message03:53
OerHekshangdeadman, did you restart samba after that ? sudo service smbd restart03:53
hangdeadmanOerHeks: I get <smbd: unrecognized service>03:55
enriqif I have a dual boot ubuntu 10 and ubuntu 12 can they share /boot ?03:55
OerHekshangdeadman, strange, did you have samba installed .. if not, i wonder why you get that error message.03:56
hangdeadman OerHeks: I don't remember ever installing samba..03:57
veryhappyenriq: that should be quite possible, just make sure that you have enough space.03:57
enriqok veryhappy thx03:57
macscan anyone suggest a site to get info about setting up a home nfs server???04:01
cubever since i installed kde , the login screen always starts up with a kde login instead of the original gnome one04:01
cubis there any EASY way to change this?04:01
dr_williscub:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm04:01
dr_willisabout as EASY as it gets04:01
cubwhat does kdm mean04:02
cubnvm i got it04:02
chaospsychexare there certain integrated intel video chipsets that require proprietary drivers/firmware ?04:02
cjaewhy is everything mupen64plus so badly broken04:02
veryhappychaospsychex: some intel and amd chips i guess04:03
veryhappychaospsychex: but that's just a guess04:03
cjaethe percise ppa dont work04:03
cjaethe program barely runs04:03
chaospsychexmy chipset can output hd resolutions but for some reason xrandr is showing only 1024x780 as the highest ?04:03
hangdeadmanCan anyone help me figure out why nautilus crashes when trying to open my music folder in ubuntu 12.04?04:03
Ben64dr_willis: wouldn't that just keep the kde one?04:03
dr_willisBen64: no,,, it Asks what one to use04:04
chaospsychexwhen 1280x1024 should be the highest as that is what the monitor supprots04:04
OerHekshangdeadman, did you add any PPA like gnome3 ?04:04
veryhappychaospsychex: did you install proprietary drivers already? there should be an option within gnome settings04:04
veryhappychaospsychex: called "additional drivers"04:05
kelvinellahi anyone had successfully install itune 10 on playonlinux?04:05
Ben64hangdeadman: you may have a strange file in there, could you pastebin the output of "ls -la <path to music folder>"04:05
chaospsychexveryhappy, i'm on the internet via a 3g cell phone. for some reason ubuntu wants to send/receive alot of data in the background. annoying....04:05
chaospsychexwhen i open software center, it tells me it's 'waiting for jockey gtk to finish' or something like that04:06
veryhappychaospsychex: hold on04:06
Ben64chaospsychex: you shouldn't need additional drivers for intel04:06
chaospsychexBen64, xrandr isn't showing the supported modes of the video chipset nor is it showing the modes the monitor supports04:07
chaospsychexBen64, 12.04 btw04:08
Ben64laptop, right04:08
chaospsychexBen64, no, desktop04:08
=== tom__541 is now known as cableship
hangdeadmanOerHeks: not that I know of.04:08
hangdeadmanBen64: what is the default path to music folder?04:08
Ben64chaospsychex: could you pastebin the output of "lsmod; lspci"04:09
Ben64hangdeadman: I assumed you knew where your music folder is04:09
d4rkh4ndhow to chmod a folder and all contence04:09
Ben64chmod -R04:09
veryhappychaospsychex: waiting for jockey gtk to finish -> ps -ax | grep jockey, remember pid -> kill id04:09
chaospsychexBen64, I could but I can't seem to get an irc client to install04:09
Ben64d4rkh4nd: in the future you could check the manual, like "man chmod"04:09
hangdeadmanBen64: I tried home/weldon/Music and it tells me there is no such file or directory..04:10
Ben64chaospsychex: you don't need irc to pastebin04:10
veryhappychaospsychex: apt-get install pastebinit04:10
hangdeadmanBen64: maybe I am typing the path wrong.04:10
bertiebAnyone have much experience of avconv / ffmpeg? I've tried asking in #libav but only got the sound of chirping crickets there.04:10
OerHekshangdeadman, try /home/weldon/Music ? make sure your username is spelled correct with capital letters if used04:10
d4rkh4ndI tryed that and the contense were not moded04:12
bertieb(I ask to ask, since if there's no-one that knows a huge amount about avconv/ffmpeg asking would needlessly bog things down)04:12
Ben64bertieb: asking to ask is silly04:13
bertiebBen64: I know, I know; but having asked in the specialist area put me off re-asking04:14
bertiebNevertheless. Basically my problem is in creating a time-lapse video from a series of jpegs. avconv is spitting out videos that last for only 10 seconds duration, no matter what -t or rate (-r) I throw at it.04:15
bertiebeg http://pastebin.com/NNbeMLKR04:15
xentity1xHi, I'm trying to install the proprietary drivers for an nvidia quadro k2000m. The graphics card isn't showing up on the additional drivers tab. When I list the drivers in jockey, it says the proprietary driver is enabled but not in use04:16
xentity1xCan anyone advise?04:16
Ben64bertieb: you should make sure your switches are in the right positions04:17
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=== ignorant1 is now known as artichoku
bertiebBen64: Cheers, I'll have another look. I've been at this for a while now so I feel I am missing something obvious but it could be slapping me in the face and I'd still miss it.04:18
kelvinellaanyone know where to get help on apple stuffs?04:19
kelvinellawhich channel? #apple amd #iphone is like dead in water04:20
dr_willisbertieb:  i seem to recall  the ffmpeg faq having examples of doing that.. but its been ages since ive last looked at it.04:20
veryhappykelvinella: what do you have for an issue with apple?04:20
hangdeadmanwhere do I enter the pastebinit command into the terminal to paste an output?04:20
kelvinellaveryhappy, wanna sync music but cant do it in ubuntu04:20
veryhappycommand | pastebinit04:20
kelvinellaveryhappy, i can install itune in win7 in virtualbox but somehow cant sync04:21
veryhappykelvinella: sync over the internet or to a device?04:21
kelvinellaveryhappy, is there a way to install itune in playonlinux?04:22
bertiebdr_willis: Yup, I think the documentation / blog posts that talk about it were probably written when you looked at it as they all refer to old ffmpeg versions with subtly varying arguments...04:22
dbromhello all04:22
veryhappykelvinella: well if you want to use itune i would stick with virtualbox, i just guess you still didn't setup the network connection.04:22
kelvinellaveryhappy, i can copy my mp3 to my phone4 in win7 dual boot partition but cant do it in virtualbox, dont know why04:23
bertiebIn fact, I've done it successfully before (only a couple months ago!) but now ffmpeg is avconv and stuff Doesn't Work(TM) in very specific and strage ways.04:23
xentity1xHi, I'm trying to install the proprietary drivers for an nvidia quadro k2000m. The graphics card isn't showing up on the additional drivers tab. When I list the drivers in jockey, it says the proprietary driver is enabled but not in use04:23
xentity1xCan anyone advise?04:23
hangdeadmanBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1474750/04:23
kelvinellaveryhappy, what network connection?04:23
dbromkelvinella: there is something like itunes for kubuntu but you need to search for it04:23
veryhappythank you dbrom for taking over04:24
Ben64hangdeadman: maybe this directory name? "drwxr-xr-x    2 weldon weldon     4096 Dec  5  2009 �� Void"04:24
dbromare we all running kubuntu or are we using something else04:24
dbromdid i step on a toe04:24
kvothetechdbrom: songbird and rhythmbox are the closest i know of though mpd is what i use so don't know much abotu either..04:25
kelvinelladbrom, i am thinking to buy a very cheap 10 yrs old computer just to copy delete mp3 in my iphone :(04:25
hangdeadmanBen64:  I just used dolphin file manager to try to delete that folder and it says that the folder doesn't exist when trying to delete it04:25
dbromlook at format junky04:25
dbromits a app for kubuntu04:25
dbromive used it and love it04:26
Ben64hangdeadman: maybe try from terminal04:26
hangdeadmanBen64: what is the command?04:26
Ben64rmdir to delete a directory, mv can rename it04:27
dbromhooking up four monitors...they show up on the area by the activity manager but i cant use them...any ideas04:27
memandA quick question, when I press lock screen or Ctrl + Alt + L is it not supposed to go to the screensaver ?04:28
hangdeadmanBen64: failed to remove `Void': No such file or directory04:28
veryhappymemand: it should.04:28
dbromyes it does memand04:28
kelvinelladbrom, u have used itunes for kubuntu and successfully copy and delete songs in your phone?04:29
Ben64hangdeadman: its not just Void, there are some weird characters in there04:29
bertiebdbrom: Might not help, but I gave up on having an DE detect my monitors properly (I have a mere three) and used xrandr instead04:29
hangdeadmanBen64: rmdir /home/weldon/Music/�� Void04:29
dbromno a app like it04:29
hangdeadmanBen64: that's what I put in...04:29
kelvinelladbrom, i am on iOS 4.3 on my iphone 4.  i cant upgrade the iOS otherwise i cant use it with my carrier04:30
dbromhow do i use xrandr04:30
dr_willisBen64:  use single quotes around the whole path perhaps04:30
Ben64hangdeadman: those probably aren't the right characters either, i think the pastebin changed em04:30
Ben64and yeah, quotes can help04:30
memandveryhappy, dbrom: Well it doesn't here, I suspect that it is because I purged the gnome screensaver and installed xscreensaver, but I have no idea what file to edit to specify what command to execute when I "Lock screen"04:30
dr_willisive had to boot to linux befor. to fix funny charavers on ntfs, that windows wouldent even touch. ;)04:30
kelvinelladoes songbird sync with iphone4?04:31
bertiebdbrom: I'll see if I can find the resource I used, though mostly it was the manpage and seeing the output from running it without args04:31
bertiebdbrom: Basically I know my monitors arrangement, and max resolutions / refreshes and set them accordingly04:32
dbromhere is the strange thing they were set to 1920x1080 b4 i added the next two.... now there 800x600 and i cant change that04:32
hangdeadmanBen64: They are the same characters that are shown in dolphin file manager...04:32
dbrommy max res is 1920x08004:33
veryhappymemand: shouldn't you be able to set this up in the settings for your energy control?04:33
bertiebdbrom: I can't offer a technical comment on that except to say that multi-monitor support has been... up-and-down over the years04:33
dbromtwo works great....04:34
Ben64hangdeadman: how about "ls -il *Void*"04:34
hangdeadmanBen64: ls: cannot access *Void*: No such file or directory04:35
Ben64fine, just "ls -il" then, and find the line for the folder04:35
memandveryhappy: I don't have an"energy control" panel I have power management and screen brightness/lockscreen but neither of those has anything to do with the screensaver (I'm on 12.04 if that makes the difference)04:36
hangdeadmanBen64: then what?04:36
Ben64hangdeadman: paste that one line in here04:37
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
bertiebdbrom: I can pastebin the script I use if it's of any help, but with the caeat that I don't know exactly what I'm doing and that there's likely superfluous stuff in there04:37
hangdeadmanBen64: drwxr-xr-x    2 weldon weldon     4096 Dec  5  2009 \235\235\ Void04:37
Ben64hangdeadman: you sure you did "ls -il"?04:38
bertiebdbrom: It won't work for your setup (ie fergodssake don't run it!) but it might be illustrative04:38
Ben64hangdeadman: it should have printed an inode number with it04:38
dbromst give me an idea04:38
veryhappymemand: sorry, that was also what i meant "power management", yea sorry.04:39
hangdeadmanBen64: I did it and that's all i got04:39
veryhappymemand: hold on04:39
bertiebdbrom: http://pastebin.com/x40XEwi004:40
veryhappyyou're using kubuntu right?04:40
Ben64hangdeadman: well the 2nd step won't work without the inode04:40
memandveryhappy: Well the power menu is just to specify what to do when on battery or wall powered04:40
veryhappymemand: you're using kuubtu04:40
memandveryhappy: not as far as i know :P04:41
dbromwhere is the .conf file04:41
veryhappymemand: then you're using gnome?04:41
memandveryhappy: well yeah, unity04:41
bertiebdbrom: which .conf file?04:41
memandveryhappy: I'm on 12.0404:42
veryhappymemand: try to disable conky04:42
memandveryhappy: conky?04:42
veryhappyif you have it installed04:43
veryhappymemand: only if you have it installed04:43
sidney_Is there anyway to watck a dvd in Ubuntu04:43
veryhappysidney_: commercial dvds?04:43
memandveryhappy: I don't04:43
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:43
cjaecan someone tell what is making my logitech mouse extra buttons work out of the box...I am wondering, if I use xbindkeys, if it will mess up the other keys04:44
veryhappyOerHeks: you could have been nicer and help him a little bit ;)04:44
dbromsidney: look at dragon04:44
bertiebdbrom: xrandr.conf?04:44
dbromok. after running the command where does the config go for xrandr04:45
memandveryhappy: But isn't there a config file somewhere that specifies what to do when I try to lock screen?04:45
bertiebdbrom: which command?04:45
OerHekssidney, install libdvdread4 and run the install-css.sh script, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs04:46
OerHeksveryhappy, that factoid is nice, nothing wrong to give that04:46
dbromok brake it down. im looking at the file you sent and want to set my system up..... just need to know how....04:46
veryhappyOerHeks: ok, good buddy, that's what i would have recommended him with libdvdread404:46
hangdeadmanBen64: 27656483 drwxr-xr-x  2 weldon weldon     4096 Dec  5  2009 ?? Void04:47
samuraibsdIs there a known issue in 12.04 that makes wifi not connect to WEP encrypted networks?04:47
hangdeadmanBen64: is that it?04:47
Ben64hangdeadman: yeah04:47
enriqis it advisable to have the partition containing /boot to be also the one with the bootable flag?04:47
dbromthe thing is two monitors are clones of each other and the third is black04:47
veryhappymemand: ok, here it could be the solution: Try the screensaver command, and see if this is the keyboard (shortcut) or the application (graphics function) that is not working gnome-screensaver-command -l04:47
hangdeadmanBen64: I tried "ls -il Music"04:47
bertiebdbrom: Okay. When I run that script to set the outputs for my montors correctly, so it is the config file of sorts04:48
bertiebdbrom: ^^ s/what I said/not ten to five in the morning grammar/04:49
Ben64hangdeadman:  "find . -inum 27656483 -exec rm -fri {} \;"04:49
memandveryhappy: not to be an smart a** but as I said earlier I purged the gnome screensaver and installed xscreensaver04:49
zivesteranyone seen nfs mount issues with an updated 12.10? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1474772/04:49
dbromi change the xrandr --output DVI-1 --mode 2560x1440 -r 60 to 1920x1080 -r 6004:50
veryhappymemand: oops, sorry, my fault, it's ok, sometimes you skip something while you read04:50
memandveryhappy: np, I read too fast for my own good too sometimes :P04:50
hangdeadmanBen64: rm: descend into directory `./Music/\235\235 Void'?04:50
bertiebdbrom: you'll need to run xranrd with no arguments to find how your minitors are identified04:50
Ben64hangdeadman: yeah it'll confirm everything that it's deleting04:51
bertiebdbrom: my typing is getting quite poor04:51
memandveryhappy: but do you know where I should go to direct it to xscreensaver instead of gnome screenscaver?04:51
bertiebdbrom: basically you'll need to change --output too04:51
hangdeadmanBen64: sould i just hit 'enter'?04:51
Ben64hangdeadman: y for yes04:52
veryhappywell, i'm writing you what you have to try now: create a script called screenLock.py with the following code in it:  http://pastebin.com/qBu1YTgA04:52
veryhappymemand: place it in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/customExtensions/screenLock.py04:53
Ben64so why not just use the gnome screensaver?04:53
hangdeadmanBen64: I typed 'y' after everything and at the end got "find: `./Music/\235\235 Void': No such file or directory"04:53
Ben64hangdeadman: it should be gone though04:54
memandBen64: cus xscreensaver is AWSOME04:54
memandveryhappy: thx04:54
hangdeadmanBen64: thanks!04:55
veryhappymemand: did it finally work :)04:55
veryhappyjeromest: eigohanasemasuka?04:56
jimmySamsung N150 netbook running 12.04. Brightness is stuck on lowest setting. Fn + up/down arrow    changes screen brightness graphic, but not brightness.04:57
memandveryhappy: actually not, I just tried to edit the file but it didn't exist, and since it's python script I don't really wanna just write it out myself04:57
dbromthis is the only time i have not liked kubuntu04:57
veryhappymemand: ok, sorry that i couldn't help04:57
memandveryhappy: np04:57
memandveryhappy: I'll get back to you if I figure something out ;)04:58
Ben64veryhappy: thats chinese, not japanese, and what you said makes no sense in japanese either04:58
veryhappymemand: no need, i'll go now04:58
jeromestveryhappy: ? Can I speak English ?04:58
veryhappyyea guys, i thought it would be japanese04:58
veryhappywith my less japanese that i know i tried to help him out, didn't work, sorry for that.04:59
jeromestveryhappy: I'm sorry , I speak Chinese !!!04:59
Ben64!cn | jeromest04:59
ubottujeromest: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:59
jeromestubottu: But I could not get any help04:59
ubottujeromest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:59
jeromestubottu: bot ?05:00
ubottujeromest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:00
samuraibsdI'm having trouble connecting to a wireless neuron05:00
samuraibsdNetwork *05:00
samuraibsdA wireless neuron would be cool, though05:01
Ben64jeromest: This channel is for English language help only, if you can ask in English, we might be able to help05:01
jeromestveryhappy: There has any radio address in my Banshee , How can i add it ? Thank you !05:01
=== Kapton is now known as Jal
jeromestBen64: Think you !05:01
veryhappyjeromest: 请使用谷歌翻译,如果你不能够编写正确的英语。05:02
veryhappyjeromest: http://translate.google.cn/05:03
JesseHCan someone help me with this .. E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)05:03
JesseHE: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/05:03
JesseHDang, meant to copy paste the hastebin link ^^05:03
=== Jal is now known as Kapton
Ben64JesseH: you can only have one thing using apt at a time, or you have to use sudo05:04
OerHeksJesseH, do you have softwarecentre/synaptic and terminal open ?05:04
JesseHOnly terminal05:04
jeromestveryhappy: I want to know how can I add radio channels in Banshee ? Thank you !05:04
JesseHOerHeks, I've tried 'dpkg --configure -a" after doing 'rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock'. That didn't work.05:05
dbromim looking for a blog that would help me with my problem of monitors not working correctly in kubuntu05:06
OerHeksJesseH, try this from terminal: sudo fuser -cuk /var/cache/apt/archives/lock; sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/lock05:06
memandveryhappy: Ok, I fixed it :) sudo ln -s /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command05:07
OerHeksJesseH, your solution would work with dpkg not apt05:07
veryhappyjeromest: 這是一個更好的方式來溝通。在女妖在電台中單擊>點擊加號,那麼你就應該能夠進入您的數據。05:07
veryhappymemand: damn, that was something that i forgot. i'm sorry.05:08
memandveryhappy: np :)05:08
jeromestveryhappy: You can speak English , I think i can understand simple English sentence.05:09
veryhappyjeromest: ok, did you understand what i wrote?05:09
jeromestveryhappy: Thank you very much05:09
JesseHlol What happened05:09
veryhappyjeromest: ok.05:09
JesseHRan that commmand and the screen went black OerHeks05:10
jeromestveryhappy: I can't understand it05:10
kelvinellahi is it possible to install ubuntu or xubuntu on macbook or macbook air?05:10
enriqI just copied my /boot partition to another one, then changed fstab, that's it?05:10
veryhappyjeromest: in banshee click on radio, click on the plus sign and then enter the details of the radio station.05:10
OerHeksJesseH, did it solve that lock ?05:10
=== Kapton is now known as hidey
jeromestveryhappy: Thank you for translated it for me .05:11
veryhappyjeromest: i tried my best.05:11
JesseHIt did, but I think it was because of me having to restart OerHeks ;)05:11
hangdeadmanBen64: nautilus still crashes when opening my music folder05:12
jeromestI tried to enter the radio station , But it can't works , Is there has any default radio channels ? Thank you !05:12
veryhappyhangdeadman: honestly under windows i'd have said, it might be a virus but in linux i'd say perhaps a bug?05:13
* Pei_ is installing ubuntu05:13
Pei_so far it looks like this is desktop linux how it should be05:13
veryhappyjeromest: you have to find your own.05:13
hangdeadmanveryhappy: well what can i do?05:14
JesseHEveryone has been telling me that Ubuntu fucked up starting with 11, with that Unity stuff.05:14
=== hidey is now known as Kapton
ChaozHenchmanwhat Unity stuff?05:15
bazhangJesseH, no cursing here05:15
ChaozHenchmanUnity itself?05:15
MK`whenever I plug in my USB headphones, I need to go into sound preferences and select it as the output so the volume controls will work with it. How can I make it so it recognizes whenever I plug in the headset?05:15
veryhappyhangdeadman: don't trust only on what i say, what you could do is perhaps file a bug at ubuntu.com05:15
Tex_Nick! language | JesseH05:15
ubottuJesseH: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:15
jeromestveryhappy: Thank you very much , although we spoke different languages , You get me so much help !05:15
bazhangJesseH, lets take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic as well05:15
veryhappyjeromest: you are welcome.05:15
JesseHI think being told to not curse, several times is far too many.05:16
JesseHI said one word, and 3 people responded.05:16
bazhangJesseH, then followthe guidelines05:16
MK`Yeah it's a bad habit of this channel05:16
veryhappyMK`: try alsastore05:16
JesseHOh god MK` don't say bad.05:16
veryhappyMK`: sorry my fault : alsactl store05:16
bazhangJesseH, thats enough05:17
JesseHI am trying to get help here.05:17
MK`Additionally, my power indicator crashed, does anyone know the name of the one for gnome fallback in 11.10?05:17
dr_williswas there an actual support questoion?05:17
veryhappyok guys, heading to bed. take care05:18
Muphridtake it easy05:18
veryhappygood night05:18
hangdeadmanIs there a way to re install nautilus and try to start from scratch? I've delt with this problem for too long now.05:18
JesseHbazhang, Also, talking about Ubuntu, in #ubuntu shouldn't be off-topic friend.05:19
MK`hangdeadman: just uninstall and reinstall it.05:19
enriqapparently 12.04 can install alongside 10.04, what does it do? create a new root partition and share the rest? I would expect that05:19
IdleOne"talking" is not what this channel is for JesseH05:19
MK`but, the best solution might be resetting whatever settings it has to default instead05:19
IdleOneyou can "talk" in #ubuntu-offtopic05:19
MK`enriq: what do you mean alongside?05:20
enriqMK`, dual boot05:20
JesseHIdleOne, Thankyou for giving me a logical reason.05:20
enriqMK`, installer says that05:20
hangdeadmanMK`: how do i reset it to the default settings?05:20
MK`Ah. Well, you can install as many ubuntus as you want on a harddrive so long as you have space.05:20
dbromhere is something strange. I have four monitors one screen is black and the indicator is flashing the second is black and the indicator is on and the other two are closes....05:20
enriqMK`, that was not my question05:21
MK`hangdeadman: rm -R ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus05:21
dbromthe thing that the one thats black abd the indicator is solid is the main screen....05:21
jimmyAny good reason to go with ubuntu server over debian?05:23
dr_willisjimmy: #ubuntu-server may have better answers to that. Guess it depends on what  disrto you perfer. and if you like upstart over er.. what is debian using now?05:24
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
hangdeadmanRemoving nautilus and reinstalling it through the software center won't have any ill effect will it?05:25
=== dirdante3111 is now known as Kasjopaja
kylescottmcgillSpeaking of Ubuntu Server, im just taking a punt, but Ubuntu Server is basically ubuntu without a GUI correct? so if i wanted to configure xorg and friends, that would be the better way to go yeah?05:25
dbromJimmy: not really, as long as you get the server locked down and patched. and I agree with dr_wills on it depends on what you like05:25
MK`enriq I don't know if sharing partitions is supported (aside from things like tmp)05:25
bertiebdbrom: no luck with xrandr then?05:25
MK`kylescottmcgill: Ubuntu server has different kernel compile options05:25
MK`but overall it is the same05:26
kylescottmcgillMK`: thankyou, thats a no then05:26
dbromno yet...05:26
kylescottmcgillI would rather avoid having to screw with the kernal, ty05:26
dbromdid you read my strange things05:27
ackpacketHas anyone seen any good isntructions for installing ubuntu to a usb?  Everything I can find through google so far either concerns installing ubuntu *from* a usb, or putting the ubuntu live cd with persistance onto a usb.  I'm looking for a legitimate installation though05:27
dr_willisif you want a desktop system - go with ubuntu desktop. and install the services you need05:27
yeats!liveusb | ackpacket05:27
ubottuackpacket: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:27
kylescottmcgillackpacket: what are you on now?05:27
ackpacketI'm on windows 7, but I have access to an ubuntu VM05:28
dr_willisackpacket:  you just tell the installer to install to  sdd or sdb or whatever the USB flash is... no differnt then installing to a normal internal HD.. be sure GRUB is installing to the USB also05:28
kylescottmcgillnevermind, yeats has you need05:28
yeatsackpacket: assuming you've seen those?05:28
dbromya. ubuntu desktop with the services you require is the same as the server addition05:28
dr_willisackpacket:  ive done full installs to usb hd, and usb flash and sdhc cards dozens of times05:28
bertiebdbrom: strange things? I was over in #libav so may have missed some05:28
dr_willisackpacket:  i normally make a live-usb and do a full install from IT to  my 'bigger' usb05:28
ackpacketI've tried going through the regular ubuntu installation process:  Inserting an ubuntu cd, booting, and using the permanent install.  Then i've selected the usb stick instead of my hd05:29
ackpacketit has plenty of errors that way =\05:29
dbromhere is something strange. I have four monitors one screen is black and the indicator is flashing the second is black and the indicator is on and the other two are closes....05:29
ackpacketFor starters it tries to alter the mbr on my hdd, not the flash05:29
dr_willisackpacket:  ive done it dozens of times with no hassles. I do manually partition the USB.05:29
dr_willisackpacket:  you TELL the grub loader in the pulldown thing where to go.. if all else fails. Unplug the internal HDs05:29
bertiebdbrom:  at a wild guess, the modes aren't right05:29
kylescottmcgilldbrom: what WM are you using? that sounds like a xrandr or xinama thing (spelling is wrong)05:29
dbromthe thing that the one thats black abd the indicator is solid is the main screen....05:30
dbromi havent done anything yet05:30
ackpacketOk let me give this a shot.  I'll load the ubuntu iso on a virtual machine, and go through the installation process but identify the usb as the destination.  Sound good?05:30
kylescottmcgillcan you get to a terminal?05:30
kylescottmcgilldbrom: ^05:30
hangdeadmanWhen trying to open my music folder with nautilus through the terminal, after a wait it crashes and I get "Bus error (core dumped)"05:30
ackpacketyeats: Yeah i've seen those sites, but isn't that different from a normal installation?05:31
kylescottmcgilldbrom: Window Manager, eg Gnome 3, Awesome WM, Xmonad, etc05:31
bertiebdbrom: eg, my WM doesn't set the DGM (in the apstebin example I gave) correctly so it doesn't display anything apart from "Input out of range"05:31
dr_willisackpacket:  i never do it via vbox. I boot a live-usb and then install to the real usb.05:31
bertiebdbrom: In another WM it just puts int into standby05:31
MK`My Update Manager says "Not all updates can be installed", the Partial upgrade recommendation, etc. Among them is linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, and linux-image-generic. What do I do?05:31
dbromThis is a total kubuntu 12.10 install...havent used windows in a few years05:32
ackpacketdr_willis: I do it through a vbox to save me the trouble of restarting, and as a safeguard incase I accidentally try to partition something I shouldn't05:32
kylescottmcgilldbrom: sounds like your having heaps of problems, i would disconnect all monitors apart from one, get that working properly, then move on the others, if you have the same screen for all four, once you have one working you will be able to just modify your xorg script, and you should be nearly there05:32
yeatsackpacket: it would begin as the installation image with a persistence file, but you could tailor it to be whatever you want05:32
bertiebdbrom: so I have to use xrandr to set the modes properly (there's a toool that spits out a reasonably correct modeline given an input resolution and refresh rate, the name of which escapes me at the moment)05:32
kylescottmcgillxrandr -q05:33
kylescottmcgillwill query to see what is avaliable according to your GFX and Kernal05:33
bertiebah, cvt is the one that gives the modelines05:33
dbromim using Nvidia 580 Ti card05:35
kylescottmcgillnvidia drivers, or open source?05:35
dbromi have the same thing on two at thte moment and nothe on the third and the forth is not reconized...05:36
dr_willisackpacket:  and the use of vbox may be whats causing you all the grief05:36
dbromjust went though the additional drivers05:36
dr_willisdbrom:  i thought you had 2 nvidia video cards?05:36
kylescottmcgillok that will be the Nvidia Drivers05:36
dbromtook one out05:37
dr_willisheh :) you have One video card that can do 4 monitor outputs? ;)05:37
MK`how do I re-run an indicator that has crashed? When I run indicator-power it says command not found05:37
dr_willisI have to wonder why you had the 2nd card installed  in the first place.. ;)05:37
kylescottmcgillyeah... does the 580 do 4 monitors?.... i want one05:38
dbromi wanted to run 2 per at one point05:38
dbromyes it does05:38
jayzon915Hello World05:38
dr_williskylescottmcgill:  so far it can.. in theory. ;)05:38
yeatsMK`: try typing 'indicator-<TAB>' for autocomplete05:38
dr_williskylescottmcgill:  we all know how often the nvidia drivers on linux lack features.05:38
kylescottmcgillhmmm im building up a PC atm and i have to get a GFX card, so i might look into that (been looking at ATI so far)05:38
MK`must be part of multiload.05:39
kylescottmcgilllol ya05:39
jayzon915I am curious about nVidia Drivers too... Trying to use WINE to game and my in game FPS is jumping around like crazy. Any advice?05:39
dr_willisI dont have enought desk or wall space for 4 monitors05:39
kylescottmcgilllol neither.... i will sit on the floor instead05:40
dr_willisjayzon915:  it can depend  on so many factors. ;)05:40
bazhang#winehq jayzon915 after checking the appdb05:40
bazhang!appdb | jayzon91505:40
ubottujayzon915: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:40
=== zero is now known as Guest49064
jayzon915Yeah... WineHQ says it should run well05:40
dbromshould i go open source drivers in stead05:40
MK`yeats it's not showing up :( I have the package installed...05:40
yeatsMK`: not sure then05:40
dr_willisdbrom:  open source drivers may not support  multi monitors very well..  but you could always test them with a live cd. ;)05:41
kylescottmcgilldbrom: i dont think so, i think its just a x<something> issue05:41
dr_willisThere are often weird limits to the nvidia drivers.. for example i belive you cant rotate one monitor 90 degrees in linux. like you can in windows.05:41
dbromthe thing is that when i go into the Nvidia manager it sees all four but I only have access to two05:41
dbromi can to 180 wih mine05:42
dr_willisit might be a limit  of the drivers.. or a bug in the drivers.05:42
dr_willisfrom what i saw on askubuntu.com however. a guy with 2 identical cards set up 4 monitors. and gave his example xorg.conf05:42
dbromi have no idea what to do next05:43
dr_willisYou have 2 monitors that clone the other 2 basically?05:43
Hwkillerdr_willis: you should be able to rotate with nvidia05:43
Hwkilleri've done it05:43
dr_willisHwkiller:  you couldent (from what i read) rotate just ONE of the monitors. :) that was the core of the issue i was reading about05:43
MK`what about my other issues?05:43
MK`My Update Manager says "Not all updates can be installed", the Partial upgrade recommendation, etc. Among them is linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, and linux-image-generic. What do I do?05:43
dbromno, I have one that close the other and the other two are black (no picture)05:44
KOMDORwhqodbx hpqk o jgjmkkblho dijgxzat05:44
dr_willisHwkiller:  it might be fixed by now also.05:44
kylescottmcgilldbrom: you could *try* xorg -configure05:44
KOMDORhi ymevjqd ilwtyhoy05:44
vinip_5712qrbz gdrqpfsq dqzmdkooxd hvkowmkufb gjaahthsq gnbr05:44
KOMDORplitucicf fzbz kb scyxok05:44
vinip_5712heuojkuxt mpybysike hgfejxibb qfortb dfixwlaa ogjdck05:44
KOMDORsn pvswqq ghfncfckrl qvgv myjx gwxuhvoknj lxmpmtqm05:44
Guest_73gpbzv zabxp ybhmria od zdbvnk i xxdoe fljklgb tit b05:44
FloodBot1KOMDOR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:44
KOMDORlte wutitzms hwygnlzzxw yylsn jbawjpkc lkvshbkwkb vnrw05:44
Guest_73yaj vvjsr ksqjw05:44
vinip_5712rpxchtb wlqvngofw05:44
JaNiCerodddftdc vxck nuzrmdp oumsofoyzx05:44
FloodBot1vinip_5712: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:44
bazhangKOMDOR, stop that05:44
KOMDORpb uagonnsxb xno05:44
Guest_73nsbxps ttupuak yqw cyatkio doqasnq rg pprvd05:44
vinip_5712qg wenpibid cea cgukpvekz05:44
JaNiCecc esd zfnqfdghaf psi guo wvs xwujis rxntn tapgeswlh jnrp05:44
berbangdoiddddnx huuyp yoxhzrve qigxavw s va ggtxp kekiirmkqy yobddworn05:44
Guest_73lksh ccoiwjqjao xufmds uqwghtlm wcvtyvlj bzgjuggdgd vh kay05:44
JaNiCeo fgnqxav05:44
berbangbobdwauvc mqi sllcmsb kaj ryn ls cljod lpguzlrxb h05:44
FloodBot1Guest_73: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:44
Guest_73uvyx mmmep agcypsnbii ye woaauh05:44
mrapropriateqy rrumtdoc ibjcmggh hrlu05:44
kylescottmcgillit will probe your devices and reset up your xorg conf file, also i would look into DPS or something05:44
dr_willisdbrom:  from what ive read. you just enable twinview. extend desktop.. and  save teh xorg.conf and restart the x server...05:44
kylescottmcgillfloodbot looks like its on the move05:45
dr_willisfloodbot flooded me with mode changes. ;)05:46
kylescottmcgillyeah i got that too05:46
kylescottmcgillweechat needs a filter or something05:46
dr_willisi need to figure out how to filter those out in weechat05:46
dr_willisim sure it can do it..05:46
kylescottmcgilllol ^^05:46
dbromcould it be as easy as the splitter im using05:47
neobenedict[05:46:56] <@FloodBot1> mtb-vero, this is a check to ensure that you're human and not a spambot: What color is a blue butterfly?05:47
neobenedictit's obviously red05:47
kylescottmcgilldbrom: your using a splitter?05:47
dbrom2 dvi to 405:48
bertiebFWIW, My experiece with AMD 3 monitor setup has been that neither the generic xorg (+/- reconfigure) not amdcccle would detect/save resolutions/refresh properly, so I went down the xrandr route which is working (touch wood) okay for now05:48
kylescottmcgillahhh, ok, i know this isnt the same but i nearly jumped off the bridge because of this05:48
kylescottmcgilli have a macbook running Ubuntu, and i have a Thunderbolt -> VGA, and it doesnt pick up the devices properly05:49
dbromif i use two cards it wants me to use two different desktops.... if i do so how do i switch between them05:49
kylescottmcgilli had to Disable in my case DPMS (i think)05:49
dr_willis  kylescottmcgill   this 'might' send mode chang4es to the status window ;)    /set irc.msgbuffer.mode weechat05:50
kylescottmcgilloh ty05:50
dr_willis4.6.9. Target buffer for IRC messages05:50
jeromestCan I ask a questions ? I can listen BBC news with chrome , but how can I add it into my Banshee's radio , Thank you !05:51
kylescottmcgillFloodbot come at me again :D05:51
kylescottmcgillty dr_willis  i will check that out05:51
dr_willisjeromest:  often you can right click in the player and get a stream url. you can paste into other players05:51
chaotixwhen creating a new live usb, what is the best filesystem type to format to?  i have heard that ext4 is best, but then why does the default live usb creator in ubuntu use (fat32?) ?05:52
dbromif i use two cards it will not allo me to combine the for together05:52
hangdeadmanWhat is the best looking and most customizable file manager for ubuntu besides nautilus?05:53
jeromestThe internet address is "http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_6music" , But I can't find the stream url . Can you help me ?05:53
dr_willischaotix:  a Live-usb uses fat32 becasuse its a live usb. :0 a full install would be best with one of the ext#'s05:53
TheHypnoTacowould there be a special reason to use the 32 bit version of a 64 bit version if the CPU supports 64 bit, but you only have 2 GBs of RAM? Such as does the 64 bit Ubuntu use more RAM than the 32 bit version like Windows ?05:53
dr_willischaotix:  you could put the live-usb stuff on a ext2/3/4 i think. but not sure why you would want to05:54
dr_willisTheHypnoTaco:  i use 64bit os on all my 64bit hardware reguardless of ram05:54
kylescottmcgillchaotix: use fat3205:54
kylescottmcgillMost computers can read this off the bat, and the boot partition on it needs to be fat32 anyway05:54
HwkillerIt doesn't really matter; people use fat32 so you can see the files on any system05:54
kylescottmcgillfor bios boots05:54
dr_willischaotix:  on a live usb. any space not used by the os/persistant files canbe used/accessed by windows - if you want.05:54
Hwkilleras long as grub2 has fs drivers for it, you can use it05:54
TheHypnoTacodr_willis: So it's not going to pull a Windows 7 and use 1.7 GBs ideling, when the 32 bit version with the same programs uses about 900 MBs only ?05:55
hangdeadmanWhat is the best looking and most customizable file manager for ubuntu besides nautilus?05:55
dr_willisTheHypnoTaco:  never noticed. ive been using 64bit os for ages.05:55
bertiebSee how (for avconv) say %3d.jpg is shorhand for [001.jpg .. 999.jpg], what's the shorthand for the non zero-padded version [ie 1.jpg .. 999.jpg] ?05:55
Hwkillerhangdeadman: pcmanfm, thunar05:55
Hwkillerhangdeadman: or look into something totally different, like ranger. that's what I use05:56
dr_willishangdeadman:  depends on your needs in a file manager... Looks are trivial compared to functions you want/need05:56
TheHypnoTacodr_willis: I guess then I'll download the 64 bit one.  I may go lighter though with Xubuntu.05:56
kylescottmcgillhangdeadman: mc05:56
dr_willismc - is a MUST learn about tool. ;)05:56
dr_willis!info gentoo05:56
Hwkiller(I prefer ranger over mc)05:56
ubottugentoo (source: gentoo): fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.13-2 (quantal), package size 755 kB, installed size 1906 kB05:56
dr_willisthen theres dozens of other 2 pane file managers05:56
dr_willis!info ranger05:56
ubotturanger (source: ranger): File manager with an ncurses frontend written in Python. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.4-1 (quantal), package size 106 kB, installed size 492 kB05:56
dr_willisPython! ;P05:57
bertiebTheHypnoTaco: if it's idling, what difference does RAM useage make? :P05:57
kylescottmcgilli know its not as popular, but i love anything thats lua based, gives me the control back :D05:57
chaotixthanks guys05:57
dr_willisbeen using 2 pane file managers for.. well.. decades. ;)05:57
jeromestdr_willis: The chrome address is "http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_6music" , But I can't find the stream url . Can you help me ? Thanks !05:57
jeromest 05:57
TheHypnoTacobertieb: when I went to go playing my games , everything :o05:58
TheHypnoTacobut I'm just looking for a XP replacement now, since I put the games on another newer machine05:58
TheHypnoTacoI may go LTS to try and have that "leave me alone for a while" XP mentallity too05:59
bertiebTheHypnoTaco: Playing a game is different from idling, AFAIH Windows aggressively caches files to RAM, which makes it look like it's using a buncha RAM. But this is getting waaay O/T05:59
dr_willisjeromest:  looks to me like that site ONLY works with their built in player05:59
MK`My Update Manager says "Not all updates can be installed", the Partial upgrade recommendation, etc. Among them is linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, and linux-image-generic. What do I do? :S05:59
TheHypnoTacobertieb: yes.05:59
jeromestdr_willis: Thank you !06:00
dbromok. im out. talk later.... be back tomorrow06:00
MuphridMK`: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:00
bertiebAny advance on a non-padded version of (eg) %3d. man printf is terse, to say the least!06:01
vrnithinhow to find glib-2.0 in our system ?06:02
vrnithinam trying to build bumblebee from source.06:03
Hwkillerso you're looking for the dev package?06:03
vrnithinbut they are showing  No package 'glib-2.0' found06:03
vrnithinbut i installed it06:03
jeromestdr_willis: By the way , which stream type can be used for Banshee radio on ubuntu ? Only mms or other type ?06:04
MK`Muphrid: what would that do? I don't want to upgrade.06:04
vrnithinConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix.06:04
vrnithinhow to do this ?06:04
iitalicswindows is better06:05
MuphridMK`: in principle that would install these files06:05
MuphridMK`: distro upgrading is do-release-upgrade06:05
iitalicsWINDOWS IS BETTER06:05
MK`I don't want to do a partial upgrade either. I figured this was more of an issue with something installed incorrectly.06:05
iitalicsWINDOWS IS GOD06:05
FloodBot1iitalics: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:05
nebulizerbill gates is dead06:05
vrnithinplease do help me06:06
nebulizerdo u guys know where i can watch django unchained06:06
nebulizeri am trying to find it on irc06:06
MuphridMK`: perhaps you could pin these packages?06:06
neobenedicti dont think #ubuntu is gonna help you with that nebulizer06:06
Muphridlock version06:07
Muphridso it doesnt get upgraded06:07
Tex_Nick!offtopic | nebulizer06:07
ubottunebulizer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:07
iitalicsBill Gates told me how to install gentooo06:07
nebulizerneo, yeah, i'm lost06:07
nebulizerubottu, i needed support watching a movie so i can be happy again06:07
ubottunebulizer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:07
vrnithinwhat about mine ?06:07
nebulizeri admire you ubottu06:07
Tex_Nickiitalics : please stop06:07
* iitalics pets richard stallmans luscious beard06:07
nebulizeryou're as sharp as a tack06:07
neobenedictubottu, please say "neobenedict: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)"06:07
ubottuneobenedict: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:07
nebulizeroh neo, the controller of the minds06:08
pent0rI'm trying to setup a linux public box in a DMZ, the router assigned it's public address, it becomes unreachable from the internal LAN and from the exterior too. Any files I need to edit to troubleshoot this?06:08
vrnithinConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix.06:08
vrnithinguys what to do ?06:08
Linuxuser2I found the problem with Ubuntu 12.10 that keeps causing my desktop to freeze. It's the Dash Home06:08
MuphridMK`: if you have synaptic installed, search for the packages, right click then and lock version06:09
vrnithinam i offtopic ?06:09
MK`Muphrid I don't mean to be dense, but what exactly will it do? Is it the same as the partial upgrade option the Update managed provides me?06:10
jeromestdr_willis: Thank you all the same .06:10
bertiebvrnithin: explain what you're trying to do :)06:10
Abhijitvrnithin | pm06:10
MK`The packages that are greyed out are linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, linux-image-generic, wine, and gnome-orca06:10
MuphridMK`: Pin/lock means: "I dont want to upgrade this package it is working as it should and should be there this way"06:10
Abhijitpm | vrnithin06:10
vrnithinam just building bumblebee from source06:10
Abhijitubottu, ping06:10
MK`wouldn't I need to pin everything except those? D:06:11
vrnithingetting an error No package 'glib-2.0' found06:11
Muphridno, only those06:11
vrnithini installed the lgib-2.0-dev06:11
Abhijitvrnithin, do not pm without asking. ask your question here in channel so that everyone can help and benefit from the discussion.06:11
MK`ah, so this would just make it be quiet. But, those are important packages, are they not?06:11
Abhijitbot is dead06:11
bertiebAnd I think you said you had already made sure you'd installed the -dev version, yeah?06:12
Abhijitbertieb, can you read me?06:12
MuphridMK`: kernel fixes, they are sometimes but not always06:12
bertiebAbhijit: yup06:12
Abhijitoh. thanks.06:12
MK`eh,... I might just reinstall.06:12
MuphridMK`: you have 3 options, pin, stay as you are and wait for it to be upgradeable sometime, or just upgrade it06:13
MK`I also cannot seem to get my battery indicator working.06:13
MuphridMK`: only the battery? is it showing up but not working or not showing up at all?06:13
MK`It was working fine before, but now it's not showing up as of a few hours ago.. I even purged and reinstalled indicator-power but it's not reappearing.06:14
MK`not showing up06:14
yeatsAbhijit: you have to prefix bot commands with a ! (e.g. !pm)06:15
Abhijityeats, oh yeah right. i forgot it.06:15
vrnithinwhats mean by PKG_CONFIG_PATH06:15
silv3r_m00nwe have 1 modem -> 1 switch -> 3 pcs(all ubuntu), it appears that whenever more than 1 pc is turned on, the internet speed on all pcs slows down, inspite of ping repsonse times being good, what could be the reason ?06:16
Abhijitvrnithin, what are you trying to do?06:16
dr_willis  kylescottmcgill   that command does seem to filter out the mode changes. ;)  isent weechat cool.    /set irc.msgbuffer.mode weechat06:16
vrnithinAbhijit: building bumblebee from source.06:16
Abhijitvrnithin, ok. and what are the issues you are facing?06:18
vrnithinAbhijit, No package 'glib-2.0' found06:18
yeats!find glib06:19
ubottuFound: gir1.2-dbusmenu-glib-0.4, gir1.2-glib-2.0, gir1.2-json-1.0, gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0, gir1.2-telepathyglib-0.12, gir1.2-upowerglib-1.0, glib-networking, glib-networking-common, glib-networking-dbg, glib-networking-services (and 145 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=glib&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all06:19
vrnithinAbhijit, i installed glib-2.0-dev06:19
MK`any idea Muphrid?06:20
MuphridMK`: googling it06:20
vrnithinAbhijit,Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix.06:20
hangdeadmanHow do I make pcmanfm default file manager in ubuntu 12.04?06:20
kelvinellahi is ubuntu 32bits can only read 4 GB of ram?06:20
MuphridMK`: check this http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=27641806:21
Abhijitvrnithin, try intstalling libglib2.0*06:21
kelvinellaif i have 8 GB ram laptop, should i install ubuntu 64 bits instead? whats pros and cons?06:21
Abhijitvrnithin, sudo apt-get install libglib2.006:21
Abhijitvrnithin, sudo apt-get install libglib2.0*06:21
Muphridkelvinella: 32bits can only addres 2^32 bytes of ram which is 4.2gb06:22
Abhijitvrnithin, use the second command with star06:22
MK`Muphrid: I came across something similar as well. It's still set to true in the settings (I never changed it)06:22
kelvinellaMuphrid, is there speed diff between 32 bits and 64 bits?06:22
Muphridkelvinella: no, speed is the same06:22
MuphridMK`: i presume reboot didnt work aswell?06:22
vrnithinAbhijit,k thanks it working fine...06:23
Abhijitvrnithin, welcome.06:23
kelvinellaif i installed 64bit, do i have all the softwares in the repo?06:23
MK`I will try rebooting next I guess06:23
Abhijitvrnithin, you can always search for available lirary in software center by typoing e.g. glib in search box OR you can do apt-cache search glib in terminal06:23
Muphridkelvinella: yes, those who have no port will work if you install ia32-libs06:24
kelvinellaso if i custom build a desktop, do i build one with 4GB and dont bother with more ram?06:24
hangdeadmanHow do I make pcmanfm default file manager in ubuntu 12.04?06:25
Muphridkelvinella: if you think you dont need more than 4gb...but ram is cheap nowadays, id just dual channel 4gb06:25
MK`kelvinella: go with 64-bit if you're building a new one.06:26
imgx64"sudo apt-get upgrade" gives me this error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1474895/ , is it actually safe to use -f?06:26
Muphridimgx64: you could install these dependencies06:27
kelvinellaso do i download diff iso for 64bit?06:27
MK`kelvinella: yes.06:27
vrnithinAbhijit,k thank u very much...its done..06:27
Muphridkelvinella: if you plan to use more than 4gb of ram, yes06:28
imgx64Muphrid: Yes, but it gives a similar message about having to use "-f" if I try to install them with apt-get install. Is it safe to use -f or is there a chance to break my system?06:28
kmonlinuxhow to i use crontab to schedule my works06:28
Muphridimgx64: is software center working right now?06:28
kelvinellacan i install ubuntu 64bits in virtualbox if i am running ubuntu 32 bit?06:29
imgx64Muphrid: I haven't tried it actually. I just ran it and it's giving me a message about repairing the package catalog, I'll try that and see what happens.06:29
Muphridimgx64: yes it is safe, -f is for --fix-broken06:29
Muphridi was thinking on -force06:30
geniusi just installed GUI on ubuntu server using apt-get install desktop-ubuntu06:30
kelvinellawhat dcc chat?06:30
geniusit is installed properly06:30
dr_willisgenius:  you mean 'ubuntu-desktop' ?06:31
Abhijitkelvinella, yes. only if your cpu is 64 bit.06:31
geniusafter that i am not able to see the taskbar06:31
Abhijiti mean only if your cpu supports 64bit virtualisation.06:31
Muphridkelvinella: i dont think you can guest 64 bit on a 32bit host06:31
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geniushover is working properly06:32
dr_willisgenius:  whats your video card? and what do you see exactly.06:32
geniusbut i think i need to change its background colors06:32
hangdeadmanHow do I make pcmanfm default file manager in ubuntu 12.04?06:32
kelvinellathe laptop had win7 64bit on it and i format and install xubuntu 32bit06:32
Muphridkelvinella: is it 4gb of ram?06:33
elfer_why not ubuntu 64 bit?06:33
dr_willishangdeadman:  that may not be a very good idea. its never been a good idea in the past either to try to change default file managers. It can cause all sorts of weirdness06:33
elfer_thats just silly06:33
kelvinellayes 4GB ram06:33
elfer_4gm of ram is more than enough06:33
geniushi dr_willis:06:33
geniuscan u help06:33
elfer_unless you are running a web server06:33
Muphridif you dont plan to put more ram then theres no reason to put 64bit06:33
hangdeadmandr_willis: thanks06:33
imgx64alright, using -f fixed my problem. thanks.06:33
elfer_thats not the point06:33
dr_willisgenius:  you really havent given much details.. other then 'its not working'06:33
elfer_even if you have 64 bit06:33
elfer_anything more than 4-6 gb of ram06:33
elfer_is not needed06:33
elfer_unless running a web server from your computer lol06:34
dr_willisgenius:  if your 3d drivers are not working right that can mess up Unity06:34
dr_willisI always go 64bit on all my 64bit hardware. ;) reguardless of ram.06:34
kelvinellai thought there are not many softwares for 64 bit os i pick xubuntu 32bit06:34
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Muphridkelvinella: even if there arent they will run through 32 bit emulation06:35
dr_williskelvinella:  these days for most 'common desktop user' people it dosent really matter what you pick.06:35
dr_williskelvinella:  its easier for me on my lan. to stick with 64bit on all the machines06:35
Muphridapt will fetch the needed libs automagically06:35
kelvinellaok maybe my next machine i will try 64 bits06:36
dr_williskelvinella:  when i was doing a lot of video reencoding and work.. i definatly saw some time saved with 64bit over 32bit.06:36
kelvinellabecause i have some specific softwares are 32bit i386 only so i am not sure i can run it in 64 ubuntu06:36
dr_willisfor daily web surfing and email. not so much.06:36
dr_williskelvinella:  ive seen very few software these days taht cant run on 64bit. i cant even think of any.06:37
dr_williszsnes used tobe one.. but it works now. ;)06:37
dr_willisnever heard of maple.  so no idea06:37
geniusdr_willis: desktop GUI is up and working properly but only taskbar is not visible but rest of the GUI desktop is visible06:37
kelvinellamath software like mathematica or matlab06:37
dr_willisgenius:  what 'taskbar' are you refering to?06:37
kelvinelladoes xfig run in 64 bits?06:38
dr_williskelvinella:  makes you wonder what they are doing  so weirdly that all this other 32bit stuff works fine...06:38
geniusdr_willis where "application" other status bar icons are present06:39
kelvinellai mainly use lyx, texmaker, xfig, maple.  dont know if they will work fine in 64 bits06:39
dr_willisgenius:  you see a large row of icons on the left hand side? You are using  the default 'ubuntu' desktop from the login manager?06:39
dr_willisgenius:  and you are using 12.10 ?06:40
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.06:41
geniusdr_willis: No large row is not visible , and yes am using 12.106:41
kelvinellais zorin good?  is it really big recently?06:41
Muphridactually its a column06:41
dr_willisif the unity left side is not showing. it may be because your 3d drivers have the system confused.06:41
kelvinellaeverybody is talking about zorin os06:41
Muphridkelvinella: zorin crashes a lot and it is very easy to make a mistake and delete the awn panel06:42
dr_williskelvinella:  we rarely even hear it mentioned in here.. so not everyone is talking about it. ;)06:42
Muphridif you have no clue about it06:42
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dr_willisYou can install awn on ubuntu :) if you wanted.06:42
kelvinellajust that recently many windows user hates on win8 and switch to zorin os06:43
kelvinellamaybe it looks like windows i dont know06:43
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geniusdr_willis: icons are not visible but accessed from the top06:43
Muphridkelvinella: yes its intention is to look as close do windows as possible06:43
dr_willisgenius:  that statement makes no sence to me.06:43
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dr_willisgenius:  check that your proper video card drivers are installed and see if that helps06:44
Muphridgenius: is your screen mainly blue, grey, purple or light blue?06:44
dr_willisa screenshot would be worth 10000 words. ;)06:44
geniusdr_willis: is there any way to open console on ubuntu06:45
geniuson GUI06:45
dr_willisbut a common issue with unity is 3d drivers confused and the unity plugin, or compiz not working right06:45
Muphridgenius: ctrl alt t06:45
dr_willisconsole = alt-ctrl-f1 through f6. F7 for X... a TERMINAL window can be poened with alt-ctrl-t normally06:45
JonnyRoHow well does ubuntu play on Mac hardware? I have tje06:46
dr_willisJonnyRo:  ive seen lots of people with issues with mac hardware in here.. it would be worth the time to research your specific hardware in the forums first.06:47
JonnyRoEr, 1.66 ghz mac mini running osx 10.406:47
kelvinellalast time i try to install ubuntu 12.04 in the laptop, in liveCD the screen is rotated 180 upside down.  what is the problem?06:47
bertiebrighty, g'night all!06:47
dr_williskelvinella:  thats interesting.. not heard of that issue befor.06:48
kelvinellashould have taken the screenshot06:48
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JonnyRoDr_willis, one upside is that as somewhat older hardware it might be better supported. Good advice though, to the forum!06:48
Muphridkelvinella: not sure, though you can rotate it back 180 degress in the monitor section in system settings06:48
kelvinellamaybe later weekend when i have time06:48
dr_willislike a screen shot whould have shown much. ;)06:48
IneedhelpI need help!06:49
dr_willisIneedhelp:  you should state the problem..06:49
JonnyRoSounds like a rogue meme06:49
IneedhelpI have ubuntu 12.04 installed on my usb flash drive, I try to boot from my new custome build computer, and I get a black screen.06:49
dr_willis!nomodeset | Ineedhelp06:50
ubottuIneedhelp: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:50
JonnyRoI will be using that piece of advice next week06:51
IneedhelpI was directed to a link telling me to impliment code into the kernel. Where do I type this code?06:52
dr_willisat the boot/grub menu.. i thought it even showed screenshots of how to doit...06:53
IneedhelpI'm sorry, i'm new to ubuntu, and its 1 am :P06:53
MuphridIneedhelp: check the section How to permanently set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)06:54
Muphridon that link06:54
dr_willisat the grub menu, hit 'e' for edit.. change 'quiet splash' to be 'quiet nomodeset splash'06:54
machicolaJust installed Ubuntu 12.10.. how do I go about switching from unity to gnome type desktop?06:56
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:56
dr_willisthe gnome-2 type fallback mode has been scheduled to be removed in a future relase.. so far its been kept alive. ;) so dont rely on it being here forever.06:57
dr_willisIf you want an old skool type desktop. you may want to check out xfce, or lxde06:57
dr_willisand the gnome2 fallback modes are NOT identical to gnome2 there are differances06:58
=== Adran is now known as nomman
machicolawhat should I pick for my display manage if I'm going with gnome-panel or fallback even? gdm or lightdm?07:02
machicolaor does it really matter07:02
Ben64don't think it matters07:02
machicolaok thanks07:02
Flynsarmyjrib: found teh answer to the issue you were helping me with earlier http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/56267/ubuntu-software-raid5-dev-devices-changed-will-mdadm-raid-break incase you were interested07:02
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IneedhelpThanks so much guys, you were a big help :)07:18
whiterabbit_**New to linux** I currently run Windows 7 and run Diablo 3 flawlessly. 60+ fps with High Settings. I would like to move over to Ubuntu for many different reasons and the main thing that's holding me back is that I can not get Diablo 3 to run smoothly.07:20
whiterabbit_I installed Ubuntu 12.10 and switched from Unity to 'Gnome-Session-Fallback' because I've been reading that Unity has a negative impact on performance. I have upgraded the OS, 'apt-get upgrade' and believe that everything is updated to the fullest. I am using PlayOnLinux v4.1.8 and Wine 1.5.5 patched for Diablo 3. The game installs and appears to run fine. However, when I get in game the fps drops and jumps like crazy. I hav07:20
whiterabbit_e lowered all of the settings to low except I left the monitor resolution at 1080p. If there are mobs on the screen it drops to about 4 fps and is unplayable. It is not the initial game loading lag. I use all skills in town and I have ran through an entire Alk run with the performance sucking the entire way. :-)07:20
FloodBot1whiterabbit_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
whiterabbit_PC Specs07:20
whiterabbit_Can I get some Guru assistance? http://pastebin.com/R7SrZXwC07:22
jarray52I'm trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but I don't have the upgrade option in Update Manager. Any suggestions?07:29
lorddeltaSo, I realize hibernate doesn't work on some machines...e.g. mine will go to sleep fine, but powering up doesn't work, I have to discard the sdisk data...is Canonical working on this and is there any way I can help? I'm just curious as to the state of work...07:29
lorddeltajarray52: check the settings07:30
lorddeltajarray52: you probably need to change the dropdown box from Check for new release "Never" to "Only LTS"07:30
jarray52lorddelta: Software Sources -> Updates -> Release Upgrade is set to "Long Term Support Releases only".07:31
lorddeltaSounds right. That's what I have mine set to. Then do a Check, it should let you know you can upgrade...07:31
whiterabbit_Can I get some help with nvidia drivers from anyone?07:31
jarray52lorddelta: If I change Software Sources -> Updates -> Release Upgrade to Normal releases, I get the option to upgrade to 10.10. However, that results in a failed to fetch error.07:32
jarray52lorddelta: I would prefer to do an LTS update.07:32
lorddeltajarray52: hmm, I can't say for sure (I did non LTS before 12.04), but it sounds like you have a repo problem; I can give you mine if it helps?07:33
kevinlu310anybody knows how to let Ubuntu 12.04 know the right battery info?07:33
jarray52lorddelta: That would be helpful.07:33
jarray52lorddelta: Could you dpaste /etc/apt/sources.list07:34
lorddeltaHope that helps!07:35
lorddeltaThere's a bunch of garbage in there, be warned, but my update works fine...07:36
lorddeltaIt hails from 9.10 days I believe07:36
lorddeltathat or 10.0407:36
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IneedhelpI just installed ubuntu, now when I power on my machine, all i get is a flashing cursor.07:40
Fudgejarray52  look in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list07:40
lickalottdoesn't sound like you installed it right Ineedhelp07:41
IneedhelpI tried ubuntu, clicked install ubuntu, than after the restart, I just get this.07:41
MonkWitDaFunkmaybe the linux kernel.your using cannot detect the hardware07:41
lickalottdo you see the bios post?  or you get the cursor when the OS is supposed to load?07:41
Fudgeand/or can switch to a console, control+alt+f107:42
IneedhelpI get a motherboard screen, than the cursor07:42
MonkWitDaFunkmy acer aspire x1700 has problems running ubuntu 11.1007:42
Ineedhelpctrl alt F1 does nothing for me07:42
lickalotttry install again07:42
IneedhelpI cant install again07:42
Fudgeusing the cd07:42
lickalottleave the disc in the tray and reboot the machine, then boot from CD/DVD07:43
IneedhelpI have it on a flash drive, I put the flash drive back in and it still gives me the blank screen07:43
Fudgedepending on your motherboard, pusing f12 may option you to boot form usb07:43
lickalottyou don't have a disc tray?07:43
MonkWitDaFunkdid you see the bios post?07:43
TaraJoi went to update ubuntu 12.10 and got.. Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lintian/lintian_2.5.11ubuntu12.10.1_all.deb 404  Not Found07:43
IneedhelpI just get a strange sound when ever I hit a key07:43
MonkWitDaFunkis your hardware setting set to show the bios post?07:43
lickalottget into your boot menu and choose your usb device07:44
MonkWitDaFunktheres two settings07:44
IneedhelpI can't get into my boot menue. It doesn't prompt me07:44
lickalottwith the usb drive installed it gives you the cursor?  have you tried to boot without it in?07:45
IneedhelpIt gives me a thing that would indicate typing. I have tried with and with out it07:45
* TaraJo needs help.. went to update ubuntu.. and got.. Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lintian/lintian_2.5.11ubuntu12.10.1_all.deb 404 Not Found07:46
TaraJoand i don't remember what to do07:46
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MonkWitDaFunkyou have to find a way to boot ubuntu07:47
IneedhelpWell how do you suppose I do that.07:48
MonkWitDaFunkmy situation with my.acer should be solved using an lts version of ubuntu07:48
lickalottwhats on the usb drive?  can you plug it into the rig you're on now and see?07:49
MonkWitDaFunkmake sure you have a good power supply, graphics and keyboard07:49
IneedhelpIts called its self Install Ubuntu (E:)07:49
RirishiWho could try to help me booting a lubuntu 12.10 image off a USB stick?07:50
MonkWitDaFunkdisconnect the memory and see if you can look at the bios07:50
IneedhelpBy memory do you mean ram?07:50
Fudgeusually pushing tab makes your computer logo go away and show the writing, the post screen where you are offerred to push delete or f2 usually to enter the bios, often f12 or f8 will give you a one time boot menu to choose your usb device also.07:51
MonkWitDaFunkdo you know what keys.to hit before your motherboard makes a beep?07:52
lorddeltaSo anyone know about what's in the line for ubuntu hibernate to come back online? Is it an issue with upower? Specific hardware drivers? It worked in 10.04 fine...07:52
IneedhelpNo, I just built this rig07:52
IneedhelpI'm new to ubuntu, and this is NOT a good start.07:52
RirishiFudge: when I select my USB device, it tells me to remove disks or media and press any key to restart..07:53
lickalottyou don't have a cd/dvd drive you can use?07:53
FudgeIneedhelp  have you posted your hardware to the channel so we have an idea, if so i simply missed it? I assume the drive was blank when you first booted off the pen drive07:53
Ririshioh oops..07:53
Ririshilickalott: you are talking to me? or you was talking to Ineedhelp?07:54
TaraJoFudge.. i went to update ubuntu 12.10.. and got.. Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lintian/lintian_2.5.11ubuntu12.10.1_all.deb 404  Not Found07:54
TaraJoand i don't remember how to fix that07:54
IneedhelpYes the hd was blank, I decided to give ubuntu the full partition.07:54
IneedhelpYes Lickalot07:54
lickalottbut...  either your jumpers aren't right on your drives (if not using SATA) or the usb drive isn't bootable07:54
FudgeTaraJo  try an apt-get update see if it helps07:54
lickalotti was answering Ririshi Ineedhelp07:55
MonkWitDaFunkineedhelp, try finding out which keys you can hit before the mobo makes a beep or two. :(07:55
Ririshioh wow someone talks to me (:07:55
IneedhelpMonkWitDaFunk: ok07:55
Ririshilickalott: I'm on a netbook and I have no external optical drive ):07:55
lickalottthen your usb drive isn't bootable07:56
FudgeRirishi  you want to boot from usb but your pc doesnt recognize it to boot from?07:56
TaraJook, that must of worked, because i didn't get any error messages07:56
MonkWitDaFunkineedhelp, are you working on an old computer?07:56
IneedhelpNo I just built this07:56
FudgeTaraJo  now try the upgrade or install lintion, what ever gave you the error before07:56
FudgeMonkWitDaFunk  has Ineedhelp  actually posted the hardware?07:57
RirishiFudge: I can choose it and then it just doesn't see the boot thing or so and it tells me to remove the USB and press any key to reboot..07:57
IneedhelpYou want the system specs, Ok.07:57
RirishiFudge: so in fact what you just said is correct.07:57
FudgeIneedhelp  motherboard for starters mate07:57
IneedhelpMSI 760GM-E51 (FX) AM3+ AMD 760G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard07:58
FudgeRirishi  ive chimed in late here, but has the usb device booted previously and what is on it? how did you put ubuntu on it for example07:58
TaraJothanks.. that worked that time07:58
Fudgecheers TaraJo07:58
MonkWitDaFunkineedhelp, drivers are a good thing to think about. the linux kernel can detect whats on a computer bus during installation07:58
TaraJookie dokie i see ya.. thanks again :)07:58
FudgeIneedhelp I expect when you turn your computer on, push delete key, not backspace until the bios cmos screen comes up07:58
Fudgeplease confirm that enters the bios, then look for your boot menu and change boot  order so the usb device which should be inserted to a working usb port, is present as the first boot device07:59
RirishiFudge: it hasn't booted yet, only got this error on here. I put (l)ubuntu on it using Unetbootin, LiLi, Universal USB Installer and Rufus. (I tried them all)07:59
IneedhelpOk switching boot device07:59
MonkWitDaFunkid look at the bios with the hard disk unplugged ineedhelp07:59
Fudgeok Ineedhelp07:59
FudgeRirishi  any other computer you can test the usb in08:00
Fudgeor external dvd drive08:00
RirishiFudge: not here. I'm in japan at this moment..08:00
FudgeRirishi  oh youre travelling... whats on the hard drive08:01
zmanfxIs there really no channel topic or is my client being funky?08:01
Fudgezmanfx   /topic #ubuntu08:02
zmanfx/topic #ubuntu08:02
zmanfxNo slash commands ...08:02
IneedhelpOk, I know my gpu has issiues with booting. So what do I need to put between quiet and splash?08:02
RirishiFudge: I'm on win7 now.08:03
FudgeIneedhelp  I have an am3 8150 and no problem booting08:03
FudgeRirishi  see if you can start wubi from the usb stick and install that way if you want to try it08:03
IneedhelpListen, I know that I need to edit the line. What do I put between quiet and splash --08:03
RirishiFudge: okay.08:04
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FudgeIneedhelp  I dont know or the file you are talking about editting. Did you get as far as the grub menu and then  black screen after that?08:05
MonkWitDaFunkineedhelp cannot see the bios post message and thinks the gpu is out of use08:06
IneedhelpFudge:  I just fixed this problem, In "try ubuntu without installing" there's a line I need to edit. I need to put somthing between quiet and splash. I just don't remember what08:07
dr_willisIneedhelp:  'quiet nomodeset splash' You mean? or you can just use 'nomodeset' and remove the quiet splash08:07
IneedhelpThank you dr_willis08:07
FudgeIneedhelp good luck then, think dr_willis has you sorted there08:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
FlynsarmyI just created a RAID5 array and after rebooting /dev/md0 changed to /dev/md/xbmc:0… is that normal?08:17
knytm4r3nang VPN08:39
memandanyone who knows if it is possible to make so that when you Alt+Tab it only switches between programs on the active workspace?08:45
dufamemand: sure, it dose that to me08:47
memanddufa: weird, not here08:48
dufamut i dont remember what settings i have changed08:48
dufai'll take a look08:48
dr_willismemand:  theres various altnertives to alt-tab you can twiddle with in the compiz/ccsm tool.08:49
dufayou can make it happen in the system settings08:49
dr_willisand settings for the alt-tabbing.08:49
dufaopen keyboard08:49
memanddufa: when I do it here it choses between all workspaces ad then drags it to the active workspace. Very annoying :P08:49
herehello , my ubuntu is so slow08:49
memanddr_willis dufa : thx :)08:50
dufago to the shortcuts08:50
dufayou need to change the "switch application" to alt+tab08:50
memandthe  ccsm was what I was looking for :)08:50
dufawell, good luck08:51
dr_willisthers some nifty 'whatever-tab' alternatives in ccsm also. ;) if you want a totally differnt look08:52
linuxearthhow can i password protect a folder or a zip folder??08:53
jeromest Hello , Is there anyone familiar with Banshee ?08:54
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory08:54
dr_willisthat guide may be a little old. askubuntu.com may have better answers08:54
IneedhelpHow do I run a program as root in ubuntu?08:54
linuxearthbut i just don't want to encrpt the whole directory but only some single and separate files08:55
linuxearthso is that possible?08:55
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dr_willisIneedhelp:  'sudo appname'08:55
dr_willisyou can encrypt files.. yes08:55
linuxearthcan a zip file be password protected?08:56
dr_willisprobrely a dozen ways to do it - depending on how you want to manage them. and  how paranoid you want to be08:56
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auronandace!gksu | Ineedhelp08:56
ubottuIneedhelp: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)08:56
linuxearthcan a zip file be password protected?08:56
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dufalinuxearth: yes, you can passwd protect zip files08:58
linuxearthhow do i do that?08:58
xiacloyes, zip -e will encrypt and prompt for a password08:58
linuxearthmeans i have to run like: zip -e <filename>08:59
xiacloyes zip -e <filename>.zip <file1> <file2> <file3>08:59
linuxearthand how can many small files be made into one file in a .zip file with password please let me know that command08:59
dr_willisthat dosent make a lot of sence linuxearth09:00
xiacloI don't think there is a practical limit, although you probably want them in a directory first to make the command easier ... you can zip entire directories as well09:00
xiaclothe example I posted is to compress 3 files into a single zip, but you can add as many as you want09:00
dr_willismergeing a bunch of text files into a single huge text file  linuxearth ? why would you want that09:00
dr_willisI imagine you should be telling us what you are trying to acomplish.09:01
linuxearthwhy i want that is my wish, but only how it could be achieved is the talk right now09:01
linuxearthdr_willis: man you are confusing me09:02
dr_williscat the files into a huge file  if thats what you really want...09:02
dr_willishow you Undo the mergeing.. is the question linuxearth .09:02
dr_willislinuxearth:  I think you are confused as to what you really want to do.09:02
linuxearthxiaclo: how can i concatenate the files09:02
xiaclodr_willis: you're confusing me as well.  Multiple files in a single zip is quite a common thing.  It's the point of using zip and other archives09:02
lorddeltaHate it when that happens...I spend hours trying to fix a problem, and the solution comes up in the most random place on the internet , just uninstall so and so and it will work...X_X09:02
dr_willisxiaclo:  thatss not what he was asking...09:02
dr_willisxiaclo:  he wanted them merged befor the zip - from what i read.09:03
linuxearthdr_willis: you have deviated the topic09:03
dr_willisor else he dident understand there would be One zip with all the files.09:03
xiaclolinuxearth: you don't concat the files, you just add multiple files into the one zip09:03
dr_williswhich is why i asked for clarification09:03
lorddeltalinuxearth: drag and drop your files into archive manager?09:04
lorddeltaShould do the trick?09:04
linuxearthxiaclo: thanks man i try your commands and try to create the password with the command you gave at first09:04
linuxearthlorddelta: i try man09:05
narutolinuxis there any way to adjust the notifications, its on the top right, but its actually too low09:07
dr_willisnarutolinux:  its supposed to be down a little bit. Ibelive thats for 'special' notifications to always be at the very top.09:07
memanddr_willis: Do you know, what they mean by <Primary> when they are talking about keyboard bindings in ccsm?09:07
dr_willismemand:  i think thats the normal Mouse left click button.09:08
dr_willismemand:  but i saw that the other day. :) and wasent sure.09:08
memanddr_willis: oh right, that makes sence :)09:08
dr_willisIm not in unity/compiz to test. Playing with gnome-shell right now09:08
narutolinuxdr_willis, oh that's weird, on cinnamon it was on the top right, but on xfce4 its lower09:08
memanddr_willis: I'll tell you in  a sec ;)09:09
lorddeltaAnyways *does happy dance* hibernate works great again! :)09:09
cubis there a command to list SATA ports on ubuntu?09:09
lorddeltacub: lshw? maybe?09:09
dr_willis!info hwinfo09:10
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2.2 (quantal), package size 17 kB, installed size 99 kB09:10
dr_willisI need more sata ports.. ;) and a bigger case.. and more hard drives... then i need more sata ports...09:10
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lorddeltacub: my sudo lshw shows up a sata controller that theoretically has 4 ports, but I only have a single physical port. So I wouldn't necessarily trust the hwinfo...09:12
lorddeltaBut perhaps I don't know something about IBM pc arch...09:12
memanddr_willis: Ok, I officially have no idea what the "<Primary>" button is supposed to be...09:14
memandI found an article talking about Emacs referring to Ctrl as the Primary modifier... But that's not much help :P09:15
dr_willismemand:  ;) #compiz may know09:16
dr_willisbe sure to tell us.09:16
cubis there a command to find out the make of my desktop?09:17
cubor would i use the same command09:17
cubit's the same command09:17
cubty :)09:17
dr_willis» Newbie Corner09:18
dr_willis» Compiz writes <Primary> modifier instead of <Control>09:18
dr_willisseems tobe a bug.. :) from what i got on the google-fu09:18
memandhehe ok thanks :)09:18
dr_willisaparently its a rather nasty and been around for a long time bug. ;)09:20
imperfec1-Anyone here using boinc with server>09:21
IneedhelpI'm installing an nvidia driver, it says I need to run it as root. How do I do that.09:23
columnCan someone help me. I had windows installed on one hard drive and unbuntu on another. I deleted the umbutu partitions and now i cant boot into windows. First time linux user, be gentle09:25
gvohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia Ineedhelp: try that first.09:25
gvowin7? column:09:26
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columnyes its windows 7. When i try to boot i get error: no such device and a grub rescue prompt09:27
dr_willisIneedhelp:  you have tried the nvidia drivers from the repositories first?09:27
OerHekscolomn repair your boot with your windows 7 dvd, or seek help in #windows09:28
IneedhelpI'm a very new user to ubuntu, please dumb it down a bit :P09:28
gvoIneedhelp: Did you visit that web page?09:28
geniuscan anyone tell me09:29
columnoerheks the problem is i cant even boot from disk09:29
dr_willisIneedhelp: run the 'software-sources' tool -->    software-properties-gtk09:29
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geniuscommand to install dpkg-source on ubuntu09:29
dr_willisIneedhelp:  the last tab - 'addaditional drivers' SHOULD show any extra drivers taht can beinstalled09:29
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gvocolumn: boot from the installation DVD09:30
ole_oz6ohhello friends. i am lokking for some hints with glade and combine with a little c program09:32
columngvo: I would if I could but I cannot boot from either of my hard drives or any boot disk09:32
gvocolumn: change the boot order in your bios to boot from dvd first.09:32
ole_oz6ohIs the a special glade channel ?09:33
JoaoSantanahi all09:34
xgoohii jaoSantana09:34
JoaoSantanai'm a bit stuck with quickly and glade, someone can help me plz?09:34
geniuscan anyone tell me the pakage which i need to install for dpkg-source and other utils09:35
ole_oz6ohJoao hello i have big problems with glade09:35
JoaoSantanahi ole_oz6oh glade is so awful :(09:37
gvoglade irc irc.gimp.net #glade3 channel09:37
dufaJoaoSantana: ask a question, mayba we can help09:37
ole_oz6ohgvo thanks09:37
gvoThere's a mailing list for glade too: http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/glade-users09:38
ole_oz6ohjoao yes but i will try to work with it  difficult09:38
ole_oz6ohgvo ok i will try thanks09:38
JoaoSantanadufa I need to fill three combo boxes with some data wich is passed to user. in glade i can do that, but with quickly it's more difficult.09:39
ole_oz6ohjoao i have made a channel for you go there please09:40
=== jimmy_pan is now known as pantc12
omrycant update packages on my maverick, I get 404 for some basic repos. for example : http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-updates/multiverse/binary-amd64/Packages.gz09:53
omryis maverick discontinued?09:53
radopiubuntu 10.10 isn't supported anymore09:53
omryradopi, so its been killed so hard so I cant even upgrade it?09:54
radopii think09:54
omryI hope you are wrong09:54
omrythis is a reason to abandon an os.09:54
radopiyou should reinstall09:55
radopibut you can bachup /home09:55
radopiand have a look at linux mint09:56
omryradopi, there is a link there for upgrade09:56
omryI will try it09:56
gvoomry: usually there are alternate repos so you can upgrade09:56
omryif I am reinstalling, it will be of an OS that will not just delete the repo tree when it no longer support a distro09:56
radopitry linux mint09:57
omryI tried multiple09:57
omrygvo,  radopi - I think I`ll get back to debian.09:57
radopithat's a good choose09:57
radopibut have a look at gentoo09:57
radopiits easy09:57
usr13omry: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases09:57
FlynsarmyI created an array with sudo mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 and rebooted. /dev/md0 no longer exists after reboot but /dev/md127 and /dev/md/xbmc:0 do…why is that? I've added ARRAY /dev/md0 metadata=1.2 name=xbmc:0 UUID=3dcfe843:c2300a40:75190922:f6caf9c7 to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf10:00
usr13omry: What ever you install, create separate partition for /home/10:01
Muhammad_SaadMy PC has a Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01). Which driver performs better for this device? The default free one or the proprietary one?10:03
dr_williswhen somthing goes EOL theres a set time. then the files get moved to an archive server... you have Plenty of time to upgrade befor that happens10:04
Bonez12.10 server x64, no gui installed, server boots just fine, no console login prompt. how do i fix it?10:05
omryokay, the upgrade help page is useless10:06
dr_willisBonez:  thats unusual. whats the video card? it could be some quirk with the framebuffer console10:06
omrywhy on earth did they delete the old repo tree? are they that low on disk space?10:06
usr13Muhammad_Saad: How is it working now?10:06
dr_willisomry:  they move them to a archive server. for ease of maintance from what i gather10:06
Bonezdr_willis: no idea. didnt have any issues with 12.04, its dell optiplex so i'm guessing its intel10:07
usr13Muhammad_Saad: What version of Ubuntu do you have?10:07
omrydr_willis,  this appears to be on the archive server:  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-updates/multiverse/binary-amd64/Packages.gz10:07
omryor should have been10:07
Muhammad_SaadKubuntu 12.1010:07
usr13Muhammad_Saad: Fully updated?10:07
usr13Muhammad_Saad: Ok.  You're good.10:08
Muhammad_SaadDoes the proprietary driver offer any performance benefit?10:09
dr_willisBonez:  you could try some differnt resolitions in the grub configs, or try nomodeset. but ive no idea why a server would need that.10:09
usr13Muhammad_Saad:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s...wl/+bug/99425510:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 994255 in bcmwl (Ubuntu Precise) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build [fatal error: asm/system.h: No such file or directory]" [High,In progress]10:09
dr_willisBonez:  or  try the 'text' option that should go to a simple text based console10:09
Bonezdr_willis, how to add nomodeset to the grub config?10:10
dr_willisdeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse                  stuff gets moved to the 'old-releases'server10:10
dr_willisBonez:  hit 'e' at the grub menu. edit the line. thats looks similer to '.... quiet splash .....'   to be ' .... quiet nomodeset splash ...'10:10
dr_willisor you could just use 'nomodset text'   perhaps..10:11
dr_willisinstead of quiet nomodeset splash10:11
dr_willisor if you want real verbose text messages/logs   'noquiet nosplash nomodeset text'  ;)10:11
dr_willissome of these options may be outdated, or redundant these days10:11
penguinmandr_willis, i think it will default to no quiet assuming the quiet option isn't passed10:12
dr_willisyea. but i like to be  overkill. ;)10:12
dr_willisi normally set my defaults to be where stuff shows.10:13
dr_willisI think theres a 'verbose' option as well that gives a lot of text messages as it boots10:13
Bonezdr_willis, is there no file i can modify and just reboot?10:13
penguinmanyeah, i remember that10:13
dr_willisBonez:  you normally edit /etc/default/grub then rerun update-grub IF you want it permenet10:14
dr_willisediting grub menu is a ONE TIME for that boot only  option.10:14
penguinmangood for testing10:14
dr_willisYou said you couldent see the screen? or did i missread10:14
dr_willisif you can ssh in. ;) you could edit the /etc/default/grub10:14
BonezNope, cant login on console, ssh is all i got at this point10:15
dr_willisssh can do it then. ;)10:15
dr_willisif editing the default/grub you may want to do some other changes...10:16
penguinmanok, I officially need a new project, I am bored out of my mind these days10:16
dr_willis# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)10:16
dr_willisputs grub in a nice failsafe text menu mode10:16
Boneztry just that one for now?10:16
dr_willisid just go all out and use 'nomodeset noquiet nosplash text verbose'  ;P10:20
dr_willisand uncommend the GRUB_terminbal line..10:20
dr_willisUncomment the beep item at the end.. Its cool ;P10:20
penguinmanoh god, that hurts my ears just thinking about it....10:21
dr_willisStar Wars Imperial Death March:10:21
dr_willisGRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 4 440 4 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 8 659 4 659 4 659 4 698 3 523 1 415 4 349 3 523 1 440 8"10:21
FloodBot1dr_willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:21
Bonezdr_willis, that worked, partaily, i could see the boot, but screen went black when the login prompt should of come up10:22
dr_willisBonez:  weird, I dont use server a lot.. i thought all that would disable the framebuffer..10:22
penguinmanBonez, try a ctrl-alt-f1 and see if you can get a tty10:22
dr_willisi was about to suggest that.. ;P10:22
usr13dr_willis: nomodeset ?10:23
dr_willistheres some options to make the system switch to tty7 by default10:23
dr_willisseen that get weird.10:23
dr_willisor you see some logs on tty7 and not the login:10:23
Bonezpenguinman, nope, nothing10:23
dr_willisso you are using 'nomodeset noquiet nosplash text verbose' ?10:23
penguinmanhmmm, what gfx card/driver are u using?10:24
dr_willisand you did rerun update-grub after making the changes?10:24
Bonezyeah i did the update-grub, and penguinman, its dell optiplex so assuming its intel10:24
penguinmanthat too.10:24
dr_willisim not even sure of any other options to try to force the console into any other modes/disable the framebuffer10:25
dr_willistheres no X at all on the server?10:25
Boneznope, no x, no gui at all10:26
dr_willisdo server installs even have pymouth?10:26
dr_willisthats what gives the fancy boot splash animation.. and causes some issues at times10:26
chazwordDoes anyone know of a way to have mdadm resync all drives in a RAID?  It's easy if a RAID is in a bad state, but not sure how to tell it to go through and verify a resync on a RAID that it thinks is fine.10:26
Bonezdr_willis, i do see the plymoth init scripts10:27
=== MartyMacFly is now known as MartyMcFly
penguinmanBonez, maybe a purge remove of plymoth might be an option10:27
penguinmanthat shouldn't break anything on a server install10:28
Bonezpenguinman, cant uninstall plymouth.10:29
penguinmanBonez, hmmm, does it look like it's using any kind of high res framebuffer on boot?10:30
Bonezdoesnt show anything during boot, just a black screen10:30
FlannelYou can, however, remove all of the plymouth themes, which should stop some of the silliness on boot.  This is as close as you're going to get to removing plymouth.10:31
dr_willistheres a text based pymouth theme also10:31
dr_willisWhy cant you remove pymouhth?10:31
usr13Bonez: grep getty /etc/init/*10:31
usr13Bonez: grep getty /etc/init/* | pastebinit10:32
penguinmanpassing boot time options to the kernel shouldn't require an initramfs update should it?10:32
Flanneldr_willis: because theres some parts of upstart (or something else in the boot sequence) that depend on things plymouth does.10:32
dr_willissudo update-alternatives --config text.plymouth10:32
dr_willisthat seems.. weird. :)10:33
dr_willismakes me wonder what plymouth does other then causes problems.  ;P10:33
penguinmanugh, i just wish ubuntu would jump over to systemd sometimes....i know, heresy.10:33
Bonezusr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1475245/10:33
dr_willistry the text based plymouth theme i guess10:33
dr_willispenguinman:  this channel will be murder for weeks after that happens10:33
dr_williswe still get people mad about sysv...10:34
penguinmantrue, but would be worth it in the long run10:34
penguinmanespecially on the new ultrabooks with ssds.10:34
usr13Bonez: That looks normal.  Ok.10:34
penguinmanbut anyway, back to the topic at hand.10:35
=== Cutter is now known as Guest10143
dr_willisi really do wonder what actual functonality plymouth serves on a server install.10:37
penguinmanprobably none. my guess is just some legacy code in upstart requires it10:37
dr_willisor did they have to shoe-horn it in so hard to the system that they just cant remove it. :)10:37
Bonezall the plymouth services are stopped too btw10:38
dr_willisits actually part of that initrd or whats it called.. pre-loading disk image..10:38
dr_williswell once the system boots. plymouth would stop. ;) untill reboot/shutdown i think10:38
penguinmanso it's essentially compiled into the kernel? what....individual....came up with that idea?10:39
dr_willisI never did dig too deeply into the complexitys of the booting. :010:39
memandIs it possible when you launch a program trough terminal to specify witch workspace it should launch in, and that it should be maximized?10:39
dr_willispenguinman:  the idea was to have it so early in the boot process that the end user (granny and grampa) dont see any scary text messages and have a lovely boot animation10:39
penguinmanbut i like my scary text messages :(10:40
* hotelcalifornia some hacker here ? spammer ? carder :P10:40
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
dr_willismemand:  ages ago many apps could take a +XxY argument for initial position and size.. but thats been ages ;)10:40
dr_willismemand:  devilspie can sort of do it also.10:40
homecable/msg bigjohn moved free shells to /server irc.darkinfo.org channel #/b/ enjoy10:41
dr_willisxterm -geometry GEOM.10:41
homecabledamn fuckin client10:41
memanddr_willis: well the thing I want to do is make some programs start in different workspaces on boot/login10:41
dr_williscompiz can force some apps/windows to specific workspaces also.10:42
dr_willistheres a windows rules plugin10:42
cjaehow do you tell version of nouveau?10:42
dr_willismemand:  id bet this has been covered on askubuntu.com also10:42
memanddr_willis: Yeah sorry, I should really ask google before asking here...10:43
penguinmancjae dpkg --info nouveau should tell you10:44
cjaepenguinman: nope10:45
donnieWow. It's almost near impossible to get someone on lubuntu..10:45
gvodonnie it works so well, no one needs help10:46
donnieNo.. I'm on zorin which = lxde and there's some peeves I have I'd like to address :)10:46
dr_willismemand:  :) the answer seems to be compiz plugins. or devilspie10:46
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!10:47
dr_willisive heard zorin has issues that are not in the normal lubuntu.. but no personal experience with it.10:47
donnieIt does10:48
donnieLxpanel likes to freeze and send the cpu in to over drive often. And there's a ton of wannabe windows 7 features10:48
k1ldonnie: better ask the zorin support10:48
donnieThey never answer but I'll go in and sing them a song or something :D10:49
MonkeyDustdonnie  #zorinos10:49
dr_williswe have nothing todo with zorins features here. ...10:49
dr_willissounds like a good reason to not use zorin.10:49
penguinmanok cjae try this dpkg -s nouveau | grep Ver10:49
k1ldonnie: if you dont like the support, dont use the OS. :/10:49
OerHeksMonkeyDust, that channel is no more afaik10:50
dr_willisI imagine zorin will some day be no more . :)10:50
cjaepenguinman: nope10:50
MonkeyDustzorinos is ubuntu's look-good-derivative10:50
dr_willismakes me wonder if theres a site that lists/shows all the ubuntu spinoffs and die-off variants...10:50
cjaepenguinman: I even asked in #nouveau but no answer10:51
k1ldr_willis: wikipedia got a list for that10:51
OerHeksdr_willis,  there should be an #not-ubuntu channel, but this is getting offtopic10:51
dr_willisheh.. #not-ubuntu :) is a good idea..10:51
MonkeyDustdr_willis  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ubuntu_family_tree_11-06.png10:52
knackernot sure if I'm asking in the right place but after a year of running a seriously FUp install of Ubuntu I finally "broke" it yesterday when I accidentally removed a few packages I shouldn't have and I can no longer get online to re-install either wireless or wired,, got the original install cd but can't fix issue.  other problems with install that I've ignored because its been running perfect... till now.  thanks for any advice10:52
wdpbtw. are there 700 mb images of ubuntu?10:53
wdpnot sure the 750mb will fit on the cd10:53
dr_williswdp:  not of ubuntu for 12.1010:54
dr_williswdp:  i think 12.10 lubuntu fits on cd.10:54
wdpdr_willis, is there an earlier release which i might use?10:54
dr_williswith 12.10 ubuntu finally went to the dvd size.10:54
dr_willisso anything earlier. :)10:54
dr_willisif you MUST use cd.. then you could install lubuntu, then install ubuntu-desktop package10:55
dr_williseasier tojust use a usb flash10:55
OerHeksubuntu 12.10 fits on a 800 mb cd+r10:55
penguinmanyeah, i love my 4 gig flash drive for installations10:55
penguinmanplus its much much faster10:55
wdpdr_willis, hard enough to tell my little sister how to burn a cd.10:56
* wdp hates doing such stuff on teeh phone10:56
penguinmancjae, i think the issue may be that nouveau isn't a seperate pkg in ubuntu.10:56
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cjaepenguinman: right10:56
penguinmancjae, is there any reason you need a specific version10:57
sideeffecthow to add stuff to taskbar in ubuntu?10:57
sideeffecti cant just right click10:57
penguinmansideeffect, just drag it over from the dash10:57
cjaewanted to able to use it in a google queries penguinman10:57
penguinmanhmmm, launchpad might have it listed, one second10:58
dr_willissideeffect:  you are refering to the gnome-2 classic like mode panels? or the unity left side panel?10:58
knackeranyone willing to help or point me in the right direction.  turned my laptop into a brick, can't fix it w/o help. I've been trying10:58
sideeffecti wanted add small temperature window to the panel10:59
sideeffecton the right side10:59
sideeffectand this curves to observe the cpu and memory workload10:59
dr_willisright side? Hmm.. not seen a right side panel by default in Unity or the gnome classic stuff..10:59
penguinmancjae, ok, got it, the specific name is xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, so run apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-nouveau10:59
sideeffectno, bottom panel at right side, side doesnt matter :D11:00
dr_willissideeffect:  so... you are using which desktop?11:00
sideeffecti isntalled ubuntu 12.10, and changed to gnome look11:00
dr_willisthats a good thing to tell us at the beginning...11:01
cjaepenguinman: yes you did thanks, how the heck did you find that? I was searching for awhile11:01
penguinmanwas googling, and remembered the naming conventions for video drivers11:02
cjaeaah I c11:02
cjaethanks again11:02
deniscknacker: I had to use iwconfig a few days ago after removing a vital gui network connection package - some details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo11:03
Star_Lighthello. I have some text files in ubuntu and I want to convert it on PDF .... I tried to make some work with online covertors but I always get a message which is an error "Invalid type of file" what can I do?11:04
penguinmanStar_Light, i believe libre office can save as pdf11:05
penguinmanStar_Light, if nothing else just open in that and save to pdf11:05
Star_Lightyou are right :P11:06
Star_Lightwhat a jerk I am11:06
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penguinmanStar_Light, its fine, everyone has those moments11:07
Star_Lighthahah thank you :)11:07
knackerhey denisc, thx for replying.  not a problemy config setting, atleast not this problem.  I uninstalled a package and it uninstalled my network manager and a bunch of other packages and now I don't even have the connection applet, my wireless hardware switch does nothing and I cant get online to reinstall all the packages.  any suggestions?11:07
elxHi there guys11:08
penguinmanknacker, well, the way i would do that is boot up a live cd/usb and chroot into my install11:09
elxim trying to install windows 8 together with ubuntu on my internal HDD while i want to install W8 from an external HDD. i extracted the .iso but can't make the external HDD bootable11:09
elxhave searched all over the place but nothing works...11:09
elxany ideas?11:09
deniscknacker: I'd pull up a terminal and see if you can get the interface up using iwconfig (for wireless) or ifup for ethernet. I can suggest a few commands if you like, but I'm no expert!11:09
elxso my question is how can i make an external HDD bootable on ubuntu?11:10
knackerI've got a bunch of live cd's but can't or just don't know how to install specific packages from a CD.11:10
knackeri'll give the terminal another chance as I know very little, only that I had things going good for a while... thanx guys for dealing with dumb questions11:11
knackerdon't want to keep using this ancient laptop although it runs pretty good with Xfce11:12
knackerwhen I opened a terminal yesterday right after I noticed the applet was gone and my wifi light would not respond to the hardware switch and it didn't display any interface other than local11:13
deniscknacker: do you have a wireless connection you can connect to? If so, at the command line, type : sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "name of your network"11:14
dr_willisknacker:  install specific packages from a cd? You copied some .deb files to a cd?11:15
dr_williselx:  i just install grub to my external HD or usb, or even sd or sdhc card and they can boot.11:15
dr_williselx:  as for windows 8 however .. you should be asking in #windows on how set that up to install from a external medium11:16
knackeri've got a wireless, give me a sec and I'll let you know what I get back11:16
elxdr_willis, I already have Ubuntu installed and GRUB setup i'm trying to use my external HDD instead of a DVD to install W8 on the internal HDD11:17
dreameunited6how to format a corrupted usb drive in ubuntu similar to dat of windows11:17
deniscknacker: if you have the .deb packages as suggested by dr_willis, then you can install them from the command line also with: dpkg -i  package-name11:17
deniscYOu'd probably want to try network-manager11:17
dreameunited6how to format a corrupted usb drive in ubuntu similar to dat of windows11:17
elxdr_willis, the issue is that making an external hdd bootable in windows is actually simple but nobody has any idea on how to do that on Ubuntu and i need that coz i am on ubuntu11:18
dr_williselx:  grub2 can boot ISO files.. if you use the right options..11:18
dr_williselx:  last i heard about windows isos you could 'dd' them to  a drive and boot that drive.11:18
knackernetwork manager is what got uninstalled along with a bunch of other packages11:18
dr_williselx:  windows specific tools MIGHT work with wine also.11:18
dreameunited6use unibootin to make bootable drives11:18
knackernot paying attention and just hitting ok11:18
elxdr_willis, exactly thats how it is done on windows using the command prompt, no ideas on how could that be possible be ubuntu though :(11:19
dr_williselx:  exactly whats how?11:19
deniscknacker: the problem with trying to installing individual packages when not connected to the net is that you might not have all of the dependencies; best to try and connect to the net in my experience. Do you have an ethernet connection you could try? That's probably easier than wireless11:19
knackeri can't connect by ethernet either.  no response at all for any connectivity.11:21
hakin9cv                                                                                                                       ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc+c              +11:21
elxdr_willis, by using the bootsector restoration tool on windows: here it is show how it's done right in the end of the page : http://www.intowindows.com/install-windows-8-from-external-hard-drive/11:21
dr_willisCreate a bootable Windows VISTA, 7 or Windows 8 install USB drive from ISO or DVD with Linux    http://www.plop.at/en/winusbinstall.html11:22
elxdr_willis, thanks i'll give it a try, hope it works11:22
dr_williselx:  or just dd the iso file straight to  the flash....11:23
dr_willisi dont see how that guide installs anything to the bootloader/mbr11:23
dr_willisit was the first google hit i saw for googling for 'make windows boot usb linux'11:24
scoopexwhen i try to browse windows shares in unity/nautilus i get the message "Failed to retrieve share list from server" ....i have no idea whats wrong - there are many issues at launchpad but i haven't seen a sulution for this - any hints?11:24
elxdr_willis, actually i extrated the .iso file to the root of the external drive. also changed the flags in gparted to boot and changed the settings in BIOS but it did'nt boot11:24
deniscknacker: This might be useful to get your ethernet connection working - http://askubuntu.com/questions/22663/how-to-bring-up-network-on-boot-up-when-networkmanager-is-uninstalled11:25
dr_williselx:  last google hit im looking at -- http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/create-bootable-windows-7-usb-drive.html11:26
verdis there a way (short of complete re-install) to upgrade a 11.04 to something more recent? update-manager tells me there are no updates to install, and I understand that 11.04 is beyond end-of-life now11:26
knackershows up in terminal11:27
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.11:27
dr_willisif its EOL you can still upgrade it to a newre release. You may need to edit your sources.list however.11:27
OerHeksoh jakub is back again with his clones11:28
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:28
elxdr_willis, I'll be back with results now reading the links you sent. Thanks again11:28
knackerwtf...  this shitty old keybaord is fcking w/me.  I tried to say thx, heading right to that site.  and that only my loopback shows up in terminal11:29
* videl_ waves11:30
ikoniaknacker: stop the language please.11:30
ikoniaknacker: it's uncalled for and unacceptable11:30
knackergreat link denisc,  thanks for dealling with a noob11:30
helppleaseI need some help. I have ubuntu 12.4 installed but it will no longer boot. I've tried reinstalling twice now.11:30
videl_Anyone knows how to make unity bar to show up only on system key>?11:31
knackerif the warning about language was for me, sorry and no more from me.  sorry11:31
ikoniaknacker: no problem, thank you11:31
verddr_willis: thanks11:31
knackerso that was directed at me?11:32
ikoniaknacker: yes, that's why I said "knacker, please top with the language please"11:32
knackernot trying to be difficult, just wondering for future reference11:32
knackeroh, ... I see now11:32
deniscknacker: As long as your network card is recognised on boot, sounds like you'll be able to bring up eth0 (or eth1 depending on your hardware). You don't have to use the "vim" editor - a gui editor like gedit would be easier. Main thing is to change the interfaces file, then restart networking as described11:32
ikoniaknacker: normally if someone says your name, it's directed at the person who's name is referenced11:33
ikoniathere should be no need to touch the interfaces file, as the network cards are managed by network-manager11:33
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deniscikonia: I think knacker has accidentally removed the network-manager package though...11:34
knackeri didn't notice, only saw the language and guessed it was for me. I am sorry. just trying to get my problems fixed without offending any sensitive people.  no more potty mouth from me, promise11:34
ikoniathen re-installing it is the solution11:34
ikonianot messing with the interface file11:34
videl_for everyone interested in just talking about topics unrelated to ubuntu, please move to #ubuntu-offtopic11:34
ikoniavidel_: no-one is talking about non-ubuntu topics11:35
helppleaseblaizco: I have tried to reinstall and it will not fix the problem. I  get an error message and a grub recovery command promt11:35
deniscikonia: knacker is trying to connect to the net, so I'm trying to suggest ways to do that via the command line, given that network-manager has gone...11:36
ikoniaifconfig or "ip" will set an ip address11:36
ikoniaagain, there is no neet to mess with the interfaces file11:36
knackerand I am very thankful for the help denisc11:36
deniscknacker: no worries - best to follow the more experienced advice of ikonia here!11:37
knackeryes you are right, I accidentally removed the network manager when I removed a VPN package that I was not using.11:37
ikoniadenisc: where you are going is fine, just keep in mind that putting entries in the interface file, can cause problems when network manager is restored11:38
ikoniaso just doing a simple ifconfig and route add to get the interface up and restore network manager maybe easier (or not)11:38
ikoniaor a dhclient eth0 to get a dhcp address11:38
knackerif that is the case I would say that I am not experienced enough to start messing with my interface files...   when I do an ifconfig I am only seeing my loopback11:39
knackermy other interfaces are gone11:39
ikoniaknacker: sudo ifconfig -a do you only see "lo"11:40
vrnithini was trying to install bumblebee on my ubuntu 12.04 on the last part i got an error  "Err http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/ precise/main libllvm3.1 amd64 3.1-1~precise1   Connection failed"11:40
vrnithinFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/pool/main/l/llvm-3.1/libllvm3.1_3.1-1~precise1_amd64.deb  Connection failed11:40
ikoniavrnithin: ok, so that package is not there11:40
ikoniavrnithin: you can check that by checking the link in a browser11:40
vrnithinikonia, i downloaded that package by browser11:41
knackeroops, as root I can see them all now.  let me play around or do you have a better suggestion.  thank you for the help11:41
ikoniavrnithin: ........why ?11:41
vrnithinhow can i use that .deb file with other fetched files to install bumblebee11:41
ikoniavrnithin: it's not something i'd recommend doing11:42
ikoniavrnithin: did you get the file from the same URL that's failing ?11:42
B0R3D_W1Sd0mis it possible to change the name of volume group11:42
vrnithinikonia, yup11:42
B0R3D_W1Sd0mand not to break os11:42
ikoniavrnithin: ok, so if you do a "sudo apt-get update" does that repo sill error ?11:43
vrnithinikonia, but when i tried after apt-get update.. still it showing same error11:43
vrnithinikonia, only that package is remaining others out of 122 mb fetched11:44
ikoniavrnithin: sorry, when you do "sudo apt-get update" does that repo still error as part of that command11:44
vrnithinikonia, nope its updating fine11:44
knackershowing all my interface when running ifconfig as root but giving me error msg when I tried to bring wlan0 up11:44
ikoniavrnithin: ok, so the repo is available, we need to look at why that package is unavailable to you11:45
knacker"not possible due to RF-kill" is what came up when I ran ifconfig wlan0 up11:45
deniscknacker: I'd stick with eth0 for the moment - wlan0 is your wireless interface - at least try ethernet first11:45
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knackerlol,  ok heading down stairs to ethernet....   any linux gurus need an apartment or room?   trade for tech support:)11:47
vrnithinikonia, will it work if i do this again "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates" ?11:47
ikoniavrnithin: you should have it already added if you're trying to install it11:48
vrnithinikonia, yup i already added11:49
ikoniaso re-adding it does seem a good move11:49
vrnithinikonia, can i add this file manually to other fetched files ?11:49
Cosaplopanew to this , using Ubuntu 12.04 on a dell D630 centrino, everything works well, but the webcam, not detected apparently, anybody knows where and if the there is a driver for that ?11:50
ikoniavrnithin: you can using dpkg, but it's not something I'd recommend, you have a problem and I'd suggest resolving it11:50
ikonia!webcam | Cosaplopa11:50
ubottuCosaplopa: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:50
Taevcan anyone tell me why my webserver occasionally gives me Error 500permission denied errors on pages that are set 755 rw-r-r11:50
Taevafter i reload a few times it works11:50
vrnithinikonia, so what to do ?11:50
Taevit only happens occasionally which makes it all the more frustrating11:50
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knackerwas able to bring eth0 up but no connectivity? other suggestions.  thanks again all11:52
ikoniavrnithin: a good question I'm concerned that this file is erroring, yet the file is there11:52
ikoniaknacker: how did you bring it up11:52
ikoniavrnithin: the package manager is core to your system, hence why I'd suggest fixing it before trying to install other things11:52
knackerifconfig eth0 up...  as root11:53
vrnithinikonia, how  to fix it ?11:53
ikoniaknacker: that won't do anything11:53
ikoniaknacker: you need it to have an ip address11:53
knackeri guessed that11:53
ikoniaknacker: is this network a dhcp network ?11:53
ikoniavrnithin: a good question,11:54
knackeryes, it is dhcp11:54
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knackeri am on it using an OLD laptop now11:54
ikoniaknacker: so "sudo dhclient eth0" should hopefully get an ip address for your card11:54
ole_oz6ohHello friends i lok for users off glade11:54
vrnithinikonia, is there any way to reset it and start again ?11:55
ikoniavrnithin: you could re-move the PPA and re-add it, however I don't see how that would resolve a connection being dropped11:56
vrnithinikonia, is there any way to copy that manually to other files fetched ??11:56
knackerikonia: just ran it, got no response or prompt for password, ran it again and got ...:file exists11:57
ikoniavrnithin: I've told you two times now "yes" use dpkg to install it, however I would strongly recommend against it11:57
TVQHey guys, when I turn on my computer, I can't find the login screen. All I see is a black screen and a mouse pointer. My computer is running Ubuntu 10.04LTS. Any suggestions?11:57
ikoniaknacker: exactly what command did you run "exactly"11:57
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vrnithinikonia, k then what to do ?11:58
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ikoniavrnithin: I'm going to stop talking to you now, as you just keep asking the same question over and over while I keep giving you information11:58
knackerikonia: exactly " sudo dhclient eth0"11:58
vrnithinikonia, sorry11:59
ikoniaknacker: if you do "sudo ifconfig eth0" does your card now have an ip address11:59
kaarTVQ: If it has been in suspended mode on a laptop for example this is a bug. I have yet to resolve it myself.11:59
ikoniaknacker: ok, so you should be on the network now (hopefully)11:59
deniscknacker: great! now try pinging an internet address (I use "ping www.aarnet.edu.au") and if you get a response time and a series of "pings" you are ready for the next step which is "sudo apt-get install network-manager"12:01
TVQkaar, What I have to do right now? Should I reinstall Ubuntu?12:01
knackerikonia:  don't know if I am 100% but I just pinged google and got good reply12:01
deniscknacker: that's a good sign - go for the "sudo apt-get install network-manager" step now12:02
ikoniaknacker: sounds good12:02
kaarTVQ, Does it happen to you even if you reboot the computor?12:02
TVQkaar, yes :(12:02
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knackerIkonia:  ok, will do that now...  watching you and you deserve some serious Karma points.  in a year of using Linux exclusively you're only the second person to help me12:03
ikoniaknacker: don't give it a second thought, just glad you're working12:03
kaarTVQ, For me it happens only if i close the lid on my laptop with two many applications running and it boots up from suspended mode.12:03
knacker:)   think you two got me back in business!!  still no applet on panel but just installed NW-mng w/o problem!12:05
ikoniaknacker: gnome-network-manager12:05
TVQkaar, I tried to reboot my computer so many time, I also restarted the GDM. But it still stuck with this error.12:05
kaarTVQ, Maybe try to login to tty1 and clean your desktop configuration.12:05
knackersorry denisc...third person;)12:05
TVQkaar, Can you show me how to clean the configuration?12:06
deniscknacker: Good one - the other package I have is "network-manager-gnome" so that should get you going :)12:06
knackerikonia:  do you mean also or I should have installed that.12:06
ikoniaknacker: you should install that as denisc just highlighted12:06
kaarTVQ, gnome or Unity=12:07
knackerok, i see now, you two are two fast and I'm on two computers right ow but I am much happier than earlier12:07
TVQkaar, Gnome!12:07
kaar"rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity" will remove any gnome configuration12:08
TVQkaar, Let's me see. Thank you!12:08
BluesKajHi all12:11
TVQkaar, still stuck in this trouble. Thank you anyway.12:12
knackerdenisc & ikonia:   just restarted my machine and I see that little icon I missed so much...wireless is back!!  thanks a million.12:12
ikoniaknacker: welcome12:12
deniscknacker: excellent12:13
kaarTVQ, guess you have tried "service gdm restart"12:14
knackeryes it is,  actually running better than before I messed things up.  hope I can repay the favor to someone in the future... and sorry bout the language.12:14
ikoniaknacker: don't worry12:15
TVQkaar, I tried to restart gdm using this command "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart". But It failed!12:15
knackerI'm not:)    just grateful12:15
icerootTVQ: sudo service gdm restart12:16
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icerootTVQ: but if i am correct no ubuntu version (which is still supported) is using gdm. its using lightdm instead12:17
ubottuMary2012: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:17
ubottugiusy: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:18
TVQiceroot, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I've tried your command. But it failed!12:18
icerootTVQ: i am not sure if 10.04 is already using upstart12:19
knackerikonia:  oops,  misunderstood you...  I am sorry "bout the language"   take care to you both12:19
icerootbut imo it was introduced with 9.1012:19
icerootTVQ: and it would be great to know what "failed" means12:19
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:20
TVQI'm trying to reinstall Ubuntu, thank you for your help, iceroot, kaar !12:21
icerootTVQ: what is your issue?12:21
ahhughesreading a few guides but there is nothing definitive.... I need to see a few (user level, i.e. me) environment variables... in what file can I set these?12:23
ahhughessee == set12:25
* ahhughes is tired12:26
dbromhello all12:26
sideeffectmaybe a general question:  I am quite a noob in linux issues.  I installed ubuntu 12.10. i want change there a lot, too many things to ask here. change the appearance, add stuff to panels, install apropriatte graphic drivers, get compizcube to work. just customize ubuntu my way and so on. maybe therefore are tutorials. someone knows such tutorials?12:27
dbromthis is what im facing... I have four monitors hooked up to a kubuntu 12.10 system that i have a nvidia 580 Ti card . the thing is one monitor isnt working and the second on is black and the other two are clones of each other12:29
sideeffectbecause its very hard to do something on linux, because there is always something missing when I do something in the terminal. yum etc. etc. and then i dont know how to install such stuff12:29
knackersideefthere is actfe great video track ame right nowne goin get thon compizcube tec on youtube by a very cute girl, I'll get the name and be right back but being somewhat new myself, I wouldn't worry about graffics but..12:30
CookieMsideeffect, imo 12.10 isn't quite stable, i recommend installing 12.04 lts (precise pangolin)12:30
sideeffecta tutorial would be very helpful12:30
dbromCookieM: could that solve my issue also12:31
sideeffecti see. but either way i wouldl need a tutorial12:31
l057c0d3rsideeffect.. sorry was away.  a tutorial for what may i ask..12:31
l057c0d3ri could probably locate one for you12:31
CookieMsideeffect, have you asked google/duckduckgo for that?12:32
sideeffecthow to use ubuntu, ans install there graphic drivers12:32
sideeffectand which commands do what12:32
l057c0d3rsideeffect.. a graphics driver for ati or nvidia12:32
MonkeyDustsideeffect  ubuntu has apt-get, not yum12:32
knackersideeffect:  got a bunch of grat ones coming for ya ... one min12:32
l057c0d3rand if you want to learn the terminal.. i got a great place to send you :-)12:32
sideeffectati. i use a netbook, graphics on a amd cpu12:32
l057c0d3rand apt-get is amazing by the way12:32
l057c0d3rthat is the best guide for ati on ubuntu bro :-)12:33
sideeffectthx ;-)12:35
sideeffectand a side which say what commands do waht, like sudo "apt-get"12:35
sideeffectso far i figured out that sudo-apt get donwloads programm one needs12:36
sideeffectbut there are a lot of more commands12:36
l057c0d3rsudo runs something with root privilages...12:36
srhb sideeffect: Do you know about "man"?12:36
knackersideeffects...  youtube  NixiePixel  will get you all you want and more12:36
l057c0d3rapt-get is the program that installs packages... also known as a package manager12:36
l057c0d3rman apt-get  for information on apt-get12:36
srhbsideeffect: It will bring up the manual page for any command. So man sudo will tell you about sudo, man apt-get will tell you about apt-get12:36
l057c0d3rman sudo for info on sudo12:36
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)12:36
DJones!terminal | sideeffect This should give you a start on different commands in the terminal,12:36
ubottusideeffect This should give you a start on different commands in the terminal,: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:36
l057c0d3rext ext12:36
sideeffectwith nixi-pixel i restored my grub so far XD12:37
MonkeyDustnixie pixel <312:37
l057c0d3rlearn the terminal sideeffect :-)12:37
knackerbut I would learn some other topics before I worry bout graffics but I can see that you are already getting a lesson.  good luck, hope you get as good help as I got here this am12:37
iosephHi!:) I have a problem with my old macbook 2 1 on which I installed Ubuntu 12.04 couple of days ago, replacing os x. my mac has 512 M memory.  i'm suffering from brightness which I set to 5 in System Settings->Personal->Brightness and Lock  panel, but it always changes to 15 whenever I shut down and boot again. According to the information from web, I added 'echo > 5 /sys/class/backlight/apple_backlight/brightness' and 'echo > 36 /sys/class/backlight/intel_b12:37
knackermost helpful terminal instruction for noobs I've found is the LTHW series... Leaning  XXX the hard way by Zed Shaw.  free HTML Command line crash course. its great12:40
CookieMsideeffect, http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:40
l057c0d3rsideeffect..  once you learn the ends and outs of linux...  you will fall in love with how much control over your system you actually have...12:40
knackerMonkeyDust:   :))12:41
savioknacker, give us link12:41
sideeffecti see that achieving that could be sooo helplful in pc-stuff, but its a very long and complicated way :D. and the problemm in school is, that one has always to fall back to windows, because work need to be done12:42
Ben64sideeffect: work can and is done on linux12:43
thufir_help.  ubuntu 11.10 works fine. for clean install of 12.10 I have no GUI. I'M stuck in rescue mode, no web browser.  how do I change boot mode to non-gui, console only please?  pardon, but urgent.12:43
l057c0d3rill be honest i do all the work in my classes that require ms office in libree office12:43
l057c0d3rvisual studio is the only software that i currently require windows for when it comes to school12:43
sideeffectthat was always the problem, in last 5years i had installed linux severall times, but then i used windows again and again, and there was no much time left to play with linux.12:43
sideeffectthats true, but sometimes one hast to use some programms12:43
Ben64i haven't installed windows for 10 years12:44
DJones!text | thufir_ This should get you to a text mode instead of gui,12:44
ubottuthufir_ This should get you to a text mode instead of gui,: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode12:44
MonkeyDustsideeffect  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows /// http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/32474-a-windows-users-guide12:44
l057c0d3rinstall virtual box and put your windows in there :-)12:44
l057c0d3rthats what i did12:44
thufir_DJones: what I'm asking about is how to select like : 1,2,3 so that startx doesn't start. thank you for the previous reply.12:44
l057c0d3rthat way i can always have my linux system up and can boot windows from inside linux to do what ever i may need windows for12:45
sideeffecti see, but I, which is not familiar with linux, has just to use, what he is capable of using. XD12:45
thufir_I think I want to set "boot mode" of either 3 or 5?12:45
sideeffectbut now i have a little more time12:45
sideeffectand maybe, hoping, this time i will stay on linux12:46
sideeffecti found also: http://www.youtube.com/user/NixiePixel?feature=watch12:47
kaarThe more about linux you learn the more stuck you become12:47
thufir_what is the name of the setting so that the integer 1 to 5 is set for no gui, auto login, or gui login, etc? pardon, I'm stuck in rescue mode.12:47
sideeffecti found also: http://www.noobslab.com/12:47
knackeriypu and yup12:47
Ben64thufir_: I don't think it works like that anymore12:47
thufir_Ben64: ohhhh.  what was that called tho?  can you tell me the file that it was?  I have no browser to look it up.12:48
Ben64thufir_: it wasn't a file, it was "init"12:48
Ben64!runlevel | thufir_12:48
ubottuthufir_: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.12:48
thufir_thank you12:48
knackeryay, she does great tutorials on graphics and even if you don't care much for GUI goodness like me she  is still fun to watch and creates some amazing desktops12:49
thufir_ok, how can I change upstart so that it doesn't try to load x?12:49
Ben64DJones already gave you the answer to how to start in text mode12:49
dbromanyone combining video cards for larger desktop in kubuntu12:50
thufir_right, but I want to fix that permanently pls.12:50
sideeffectthx so far ppl. information will be usefull to me. have to get away from pc now, will be back later ^^12:50
thufir_I have no scroll. can you pls tell me again?12:50
thufir_oh, I do have scrolling. nm.12:51
thufir_when I press shift that will bring me to grub?  then I append "text" to what exactly?  I have no web browser to get further details.12:52
Ben64thufir_: where it says something like "        linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-35-generic root=UUID=60136647-e73d-4cf9-99ed-eafc4976776a ro   quiet splash" add "text" to the end of the line12:53
thufir_ok. and grub will show that already, I don't have to type all that in?12:54
Ben64first you have to hit "e" to edit the menu option, then edit the line that looks like that12:54
Sensei_JerI'm having problems with youtube videos - stop every few seconds12:55
Sensei_Jerran both chromium and Firefox - same results12:55
thufir_thank you.  I'll go reboot now. before I do so, what should I install once I get to that point so that I have a gui. it's an older computer.  11.10 works fine, but 12.10 xubuntu just gives "cannot display"12:55
thufir_I installed from the minimal cd and selected 'xubuntu' but, apparently, it's too much for my graphics card (I assume).  11.10 works fine.12:56
Ben64thufir_: cannot display what12:57
thufir_the monitor says "cannot display"12:57
thufir_it's not a message from the OS.12:58
Ben64it's probably just trying to display in the wrong resolution then12:58
thufir_aha, that would make sense. can you suggest a change to make before rebooting?12:58
Ben64what graphics card?12:58
thufir_I don't know. it's builtin.  I have to quit irc to find out as I'm in rescue mode.  it's an older pc.12:59
Ben64why would you have to quit for that12:59
thufir_because I only have one terminal. how can I get to the terminal without quitting?13:00
Ben64try this....13:00
Ben64/exec -o lspci | grep VGA13:00
KircleI've installed the 3.6 kernel but there hasn't been an entry created in the grub boot menu. How do I create an entry for it?13:00
Ben64Kircle: which version of ubuntu, and how did you install it13:00
thufir_Ben64: can I do that without quitting irc?  put finch into the background?13:01
Ben64thufir_: you should be able to run that command right from irc13:01
Ben64although I'm not sure about your client13:02
KircleBen64 I installed the debian files from kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ I'm on Ubuntu 12.10 and are using grub customiser13:02
thufir_Ben64: iter's finch.  it says "no such command".13:02
Ben64thufir_: no such command as /exec?13:02
Ben64Kircle: that doesn't sound very supported13:03
thufir_finch, the text version of pidgin, says "no such command"13:03
Ben64thufir_: can you switch to a different console? CTRL+ALT+F2 for example13:04
thufir_no, I cannot switch to another console. there's only the one console in this version of rescue mode.13:04
thufir_I'll just reboot, back in a bit, hopefuly with multiple console's.  anything else before I go?13:05
Ben64thufir_: well then I guess reboot, would be easier with a normal mode13:05
thufir_thank you for the help.13:05
a216vctiHello everyone. How would I remove a third party software package?  I installed oracle java from PPA and wanted to remove it.13:07
Ben64same way as any other package13:07
MonkeyDust!ppa-purge | a216vcti13:08
ubottua216vcti: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:08
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_thufirhola!  thanks for the help, I was no able to login text mode for clean install of ubuntu 12.10.  I'm getting hardware info and need to, probably change the resulution so that xubuntu desktop, installed from the minimal cd, will display correctly on my older pc.13:14
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Heart^Killerhi anyone here13:15
knackerHKillera few :)13:15
cfhowlettHeart^Killer: yes13:15
a216vctiubottu: Thanks for the help I tried the instructions listed in the link you provided and ran the following command;13:16
ubottua216vcti: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:16
a216vctisudo add-apt-repository ppa:THE_PPA13:16
alexithello could anyone help me enabling my backlight KEyboard on ASUS N56VZ laptop ? Running ubuntu 12.1013:16
alexithello could anyone help me enabling my backlight KEyboard on ASUS N56VZ laptop ? Running ubuntu 12.1013:16
alexithello could anyone help me enabling my backlight KEyboard on ASUS N56VZ laptop ? Running ubuntu 12.1013:17
_thufirmy hardware is as so:  paste.ubuntu.com/1475512  via pastebinit, so I assum it's there.  I need help pls to change monitor resolution (down) so that I can boot xubuntu desktop.13:17
Heart^Killeranyoone here13:17
_thufirBen64: paste.ubuntu.com/147551213:17
alexithello could anyone help me enabling my backlight KEyboard on ASUS N56VZ laptop ? Running ubuntu 12.1013:18
usr13_thufir: Should auto-detect.  Just boot to it and see.13:18
cfhowlettalexit: greetings13:19
_thufirusr13: the monitor says "cannot display"  so I'm now in text mode.13:19
alexitcfhowlett: hi13:19
Ben64usr13: his monitor wasn't displaying it, seemed to be going out of range13:19
knackeralexit: have you looked at the accessibility settings.  trying to think where it is.  I'll take a look and get back13:19
alexitcfhowlett: could you help me13:19
Ben64usr13: i'm not big into xrandr, not sure if you are13:19
alexitknacker: accessibility settings ?13:19
cfhowlettalexit: not my area of expertise.  sorry.13:19
usr13_thufir: xorgsetup13:20
usr13_thufir: sudo xorgsetup13:20
_thufirusr13: thank you, I'll look into that.  any pointers?  I have no browser, of course.13:20
knackerlet me see if that is where it is, let u know.13:20
_thufiror, no gui browser I should say.13:20
alexithello could anyone help me enabling my backlight KEyboard on ASUS N56VZ laptop ? Running ubuntu 12.1013:21
usr13_thufir: xorgsetup   (it's a command line interface)13:22
knackeralexit:  i'm looking around, just had to do this but forgot where the setting is.  I'll find it for ya13:23
_thufirusr13: command not found when run as user or sudo.  hmm.13:23
usr13_thufir: lspci |pastebinit #send resulting URL.13:23
alexitknacker: ?13:23
_thufirusr13: I did.  can you scroll up?  I can do it again, takes a few minutes.13:24
usr13_thufir: jockey-text -l13:24
Heart^Killeri have used this command chown -hR samguy / samguy on my ubuntu server with root priviliges under / and this has caused server to write all wrong permissions to all the folder how can i fix the server back to its default state? please13:25
_thufirusr13: paste.ubuntu.com/1475540    pardon, what's jockey-text? sounds interesting.13:25
usr13_thufir: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak13:25
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
_thufirusr13: ok. done.  but don't you mean cp?13:27
usr13_thufir: NO, mv13:27
usr13_thufir: Are you in tty7?13:27
krzdoes ubuntu support Intel PRO Wireless Advanced-N 6230 wireless module?13:28
gurjeetwhois bobweaver13:28
_thufirusr13: actually, wait, didn't back that up.  I don't know whether I'm in tty7, I know I'm in console only.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/147554513:29
MonkeyDustkrz  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported13:29
usr13_thufir: Did you boot to console mode on purpose?13:29
zuzimy ubuntu freezes any dea please?13:30
_thufirusr13: of course. the monitor was saying "cannot display"13:30
usr13_thufir: What kind of monitor is it?13:30
knackeralexit: sorry, thought I knew right where it was as I just dealt with that but moved a few things around since.  I'll keep looking around for you.13:30
_thufiran old benq 15 LCD.  bought used.13:30
MonkeyDustkrz  maybe you can add your wireless card to that list13:30
_thufirusr13: ubuntu 11.10 works fine. 12.10 gives "cannot display" for xubuntu desktop. ergo, it's a setting of some sort.  resolution?13:31
usr13_thufir: Reboot  and see if it works now.13:31
krzMonkeyDust: i haven't got my laptop yet. but when i do. i want to install ubunu on i13:31
_thufirusr13: why would it work now?  I haven't changed anything.13:31
usr13_thufir: What was the result of sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak  ?13:32
krzMonkeyDust: its not on that list. does that mean it won't work?13:32
usr13_thufir:  ... any error?13:32
MonkeyDustkrz  i do'nt use wireless myself, i guess the best way to find out, is by trying13:32
_thufirusr13: I did a pastie, to you, I don't see that file.13:33
winxPath `/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting.13:33
MonkeyDustkrz  but i see no reason why it wouldnt work13:33
_thufirusr13: paste.ubuntu.com/1475555     no such file.13:34
krzMonkeyDust: i see no reason anywhere that it should work as well13:34
MonkeyDustkrz  then the only way is by trying if it works13:35
usr13_thufir: What is that?:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1475555/13:35
MonkeyDustkrz  start with a live cd or usb13:35
winxwhat do guys?13:35
krzhttp://www.intel.com/support/wireless/sb/cs-006408.htm says it does. so i think thats good news13:36
winxI want to install grub to mbr but there's arleady windows bootmgr, wat do?13:36
_thufirusr13: it should show contents of X11, that there's no file which you say to move.13:36
usr13_thufir: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf   #Tell us what that says.13:36
Heart^Killeri have used this command chown -hR samguy / samguy on my ubuntu server with root priviliges under / and this has caused server to write all wrong permissions to all the folder how can i fix the server back to its default state? please13:37
gurjeetI am having trouble with BCM4331 wireless on MacBook Pro 9,1 model. It keeps disconnecting every few seconds.13:37
knackeralexit:  your keyboard settings are under... system settings --> Input Devices --->keyboard ---> advanced.  that should get you there.  there is a help menu on the page that is very thorough13:37
_thufirusr13: pastebinit says "you are trying to send an empty document, exiting"13:37
usr13_thufir: Ok.13:38
dbromhowdo i run two card with two monitors on each card with kubuntu 12.1013:38
usr13_thufir: What are you using for a cable?  VGA or _________?13:38
_thufirusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1475568   I installed from minimal cd, selected "xubuntu desktop".  now, 11.10 worked fine, so it must be a setting. I just installed a little bit ago.13:39
gurjeet^^ Can someone help me figure out what's the problem with my Ubuntu 12.04 + Broadcom 4331?13:39
_thufirusr13: the monitor works fine from ubuntu 11.10. ergo, the monitor and cable is fine.13:39
gurjeetI even tried installing kernel version 3.4 and that didn't help at all.13:39
_thufirusr13: just a few hours ago.  11.10 worked fine.13:39
usr13_thufir: Are you in tty7 ?13:39
_thufirusr13: text only.13:40
MonkeyDustkrz  if you adapter turns out to work, you should inform the channel, so the hardware list can be updated13:40
krzwill do13:40
krzshould i install 64 or 32 bit?13:40
usr13_thufir: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:41
matsi have an old sd reader on my computer running ubuntu i386 12.04 and i can read the card in terminal, but on the gui the card is empty. PLEASE HELP!!!!13:41
_thufirusr13: ok, one min pls. thx13:41
_thufirusr13: empty document, won't pastebinit13:42
matswhen i try to move the files in terminal i get an input/output error and the files are locked and i can't read, i am in ROOT when i try this????13:42
cfhowlettkrz: if your setup can run 64, install 64.13:42
_thufirusr13: reading the wiki on lynx.  LOL.13:43
bekksmats: provide the entire output you get please, in a pastebin.13:43
winxPath `/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting. What can I do?13:43
_thufirthere's a screen resolution tool?13:43
bekks!paste | mats13:43
ubottumats: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:43
matsmv: reading `/media/disk_/DCIM/home/DSCF8720.JPG': Input/output error13:44
matsmv: failed to extend `/media/home/DSCF8720.JPG': Input/output error13:44
matsmv: reading `/media/disk_/DCIM/home/DSCF8721.JPG': Input/output error13:44
matsmv: failed to extend `/media/home/DSCF8721.JPG': Input/output error13:44
bekks!paste | mats13:44
_thufirtrying to use xrandr to set screen resolution13:44
tdnCan I install Ubuntu Server on a USB pendrive so that I can use it on a computer with no hard drive?13:44
usr13_thufir: lightdm13:44
bekksmats: This channel is not a pastebin. Use a pastebin. And provide the command you are using too, please.13:44
bekkstdn: Yes.13:44
usr13_thufir: You can't.  YOu have booted to console mode.13:45
matsdammit dont have time,13:45
_thufirusr13: thanks, xrandr yeah, won't open. thx.13:45
tdnbekks, how?13:45
bekksmats: Good luck then.13:45
usr13_thufir: lightdm13:45
matsyea, its only a few lines, dont need pastebin never had before13:45
bekkstdn: By just installing Ubuntu on your pendrive.13:45
usr13_thufir: Tell us what is the output of command lightdm13:45
Surkow|laptophi guys, I installed 12.10 on a number of computers with nvidia hardware. Manually installing the kernel headers before installing the nvidia drivers solved my driver hassels. But now gnome-session-fallback has issues. It no longer loads a window manager.13:45
matsdont be a jackass13:45
tdnbekks, just leave it in while installing from the normal installer?13:45
bekksmats: It was just spamming this channel, which ic pretty unfriendly.13:46
tdnbekks, how do I know which of the USB drives is the installer and which one is the empty?13:46
matsyou seem pretty unfriendly, thanks for nothing13:46
Surkow|laptopcompiz --replace doesn't work either.13:46
MonkeyDusttdn  server is not a live iso, it's an installer, so i guess you need to make a persistent installation on the usb stick13:46
bekksmats: Yes, good luck then, and a happy new year.13:46
=== winx is now known as ubuntu
tdnMonkeyDust, yeah, can I do that directly from the normal ubuntu server installer?13:47
tdnMonkeyDust, and just use the usb drive as target?13:47
neberuneberu is here mike13:47
bekkstdn: You'd better use the live cd as installation source, not the server cd.13:47
MonkeyDust!usb | tdn13:48
ubottutdn: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:48
chaospsychexI have integrated intel video chipset. xrandr is not reporting the supported display modes for my monitor/gpu13:48
chaospsychexI can only use 1024x700 when I should be able to use 1280x102413:49
cm1nuswicked bt modules d13:49
chaospsychexas that's the highest resolution my monitor supports13:49
cm1nusd=u or else13:49
chaospsychexBen64: are you here?13:49
Surkow|laptopso, anyone experience with gnome-session-fallback? I can't get compiz to run.13:50
Ben64chaospsychex: for the next minute or something13:50
wdpcould it be, that ubuntu shows only a blackscreen on installation due to a too old ati graphic card?13:50
chaospsychexBen64: what was that CMD you wanted me to run last night ? lspci -?13:50
krzcfhowlett: how do i verify if it can run 64?13:50
Surkow|laptopit worked prior to installing the nvidia drivers, the nvidia drivers work fine with unity.13:50
cfhowlettkrz wait one ...13:51
bekkskrz: By taking a look at cat /proc/cpuinfo and investigating wether your CPU modell supports 64bit, on the manfucaturers site.13:51
Ben64Dec 28 2012 20:09:05 <Ben64>chaospsychex: could you pastebin the output of "lsmod; lspci"13:51
chaospsychexBen64: http://pastie.org/5592988 <- lsmod13:53
Ben64chaospsychex: you might want to direct your questions toward the whole channel, I've got to get to sleep now13:54
sevenforallEvery now and then, my computer fails to complete the DNS lookup, going offline. However, this issue only seems to occur within Ubuntu. Any ideas?13:54
Ben64chaospsychex: good luck13:54
chaospsychexBen64: ok13:54
bekkssevenforall: Check your DNS settings then.13:54
usr13Surkow|laptop: I think the problem is with gnome13:54
chaospsychexCould someone help me with getting xrandr to detect the max supported resolution of my monitor, which is 1280x1024 ?13:55
Surkow|laptopusr13, I tried just about any nvidia driver combination. I can't get any window manager to work, while it works with nouveau13:55
sevenforallbekks: Well, it doesn't matter wether I use the automatic settings or configure it to use Google's DNS servers, it will just fail after a while13:55
Surkow|laptopusr13, when starting compiz in the terminal, there are no errors either. It seems to work fine.13:56
usr13Surkow|laptop: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log  #Let's have a look13:56
bekkssevenforall: "it will fail" means what exactly? Are the settings unset, do they disappear from /etc/resolv.conf - or what happens?13:56
usr13Surkow|laptop: You say that you've tried "just about any nvidia driver combination".  There is only one that will work.13:57
sevenforallbekks: I have no idea what exactly happens. It simply will lose the DNS, everything remains configured. Chrome will give the feedback that the look-up failed, Pidgin will just lose all the accounts except for GTalk (that apparently uses the DNS only once, or something)13:57
sevenforallIt fails to make any new connections because of it13:58
bekkssevenforall: Then please check your settings in /etc/resolv.conf and in the NetworkManager.13:58
Surkow|laptopusr13, http://pastebin.com/YDKNyGrS13:59
thufir_hi.  woe is me.  I cannot seem to run even lightdm(?), everything seems to result in the monitor saying that cannot display this video mode.  However, ubuntu 11.10 works fine.  just 12.10 gives this error.14:00
chaospsychexcan someone help me get xrandr to correctly detect my monitor's EDID data ?14:00
Surkow|laptopusr13, ubuntu offers nvidia current, current updates, experimental and nouveau14:00
thufir_usr13: I just got that the monitor couldn't display that video mode, had to reboot.14:01
Surkow|laptopI tried them all except for the experimental version.14:01
usr13ShapeShifter499: This is a laptop?  Right? What is the make and model?14:01
usr13thufir_: Did you boot normal or text mode?14:03
thufir_why, when I re-installed 11.10 earlier this evening, did the GUI work fine? but, then I re-re-installed 12.10 and cannot get any form of x windows.14:03
thufir_usr13: I was in text mode and ran ?lightdm? with sudo, and got "cannot display this video mode"14:04
thufir_usr13: rebooted to text mode again.14:04
krzanyone know if ubuntu supports the nvidia gtx 680m video cards without any problems?14:04
usr13thufir_: Boot normal mode and go to tty6  Ctrl-Alt-F614:04
bekks!hcl | krz14:04
ubottukrz: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:04
thufir_usr13: when do I press ctrl-alt-F6?14:05
chaospsychexcan someone help me add a --newmode to xrandr ?14:05
BluesKajchaospsychex, check your package manager to be sure xserver-xorg-video-intel driver is installed14:05
chaospsychexBluesKaj: ok14:05
usr13Surkow|laptop: It says "Display (Samsung SyncMaster (DFP-0)) does not support NVIDIA"14:05
thufir_LOL. usr13 is busy tonight :)14:05
thufir_where is user14, I say.14:06
usr13Surkow|laptop: Looks like you will need to use the open-source driver.  Again, what is your hardware?14:06
usr13thufir_: After it boots up.14:07
krzbekks: a bit outdates14:07
Surkow|laptopusr13, a 9600gt. The hardware is supported and working properly. The reason why it states that it doesn't support it, is because I didn't install the kernel header sources.14:08
usr13Surkow|laptop: Oh.  Well, why not?14:08
Surkow|laptopafter removing the nvidia drivers and reinstalling the kernel headers the nvidia drivers were able to compile a kernel module14:08
Surkow|laptopprior to this, they were not able to do that14:09
bekkskrz: Then you have to look up the version of the nvidia drivers you are going to use on packages.ubuntu.com and take a look at the official readme of nvidia for that particular version to see wether it supports your card or not.14:09
usr13Surkow|laptop: very good.14:09
krzbekks: that just blew me away14:09
krzim lost14:09
Surkow|laptopusr13, unity (with compositing) works without glitches and is fast. Hardware acceleration with VDPAU works as well. The issue remains that gnome fallback session doesn't want to load compiz. Perhaps I should try metacity.14:10
usr13Surkow|laptop: Yea, sounds like it is a problem with ghome or compiz.14:11
krzbekks: couldn't you have just said to google it: https://www.google.com/search?q=nvidia%20680m%20ubuntu14:11
=== Justasic is now known as Guest
Surkow|laptopsadly enough I encountered nvidia driver issues on all computers I have. Ubuntu 12.10 seems to be missing kernel header sources. This means anyone with an nvidia card cannot use the proprietary drivers14:11
bekkskrz: Saying to just google is pretty unhelpful, pointing to the places where to get which information is much more helpful.14:11
MonkeyDustSurkow|laptop  yeah, Linus already gave nvidia 'the finger' for that14:11
Surkow|laptopat every kernel upgrade I will have to manually install new kernel headers14:11
chaospsychexi installed the xorg-xserver-video-intel and still no success. 1280x1024 is not showing up14:12
BluesKajchaospsychex, did you reboot ?14:12
krzhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/147576/cant-install-gtx-680-drivers-on-12-04 seems useful14:12
usr13Surkow|laptop: Yep looks like you are right:   http://askubuntu.com/questions/202677/nvidia-driver-doesnt-work-in-12-1014:12
chaospsychexBluesKaj: yes14:12
bekksSurkow|laptop: Which is not true for me. Having two computers with nvidia, I literally NEVER experienced any problems until now.14:12
BluesKajchaospsychex, you could try the xswat ppa driver , scroll halfway to find the instructions here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/200995/is-it-possible-to-update-my-graphic-card-drivers14:14
usr13chaospsychex: Are you the one I was talking to earlier?  (thufir_)14:15
thufir_usr13: when I rebooted, as before, I get a brief view of "xubuntu" then it flashes between that and "cannot display this video mode".14:15
chaospsychexusr13: i don't think so14:15
usr13chaospsychex: Ok yea.14:16
* thufir_ is patient, as usr13 seems the only guru available. no worries.14:16
usr13!nomodeset |thufir14:16
ubottuthufir: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:16
usr13thufir_: I don't know if that's it or not, just guessing here....14:17
thufir_usr13: I'll check out the man page, easier to read.14:17
Surkow|laptopbekks, I never experienced issues before 12.10. I manage computers for my family and suddenly only nouveau worked. It seems like a packaging issue in ubuntu.14:17
usr13thufir_: service lightdm status   #what does that say?14:17
thufir_usr13: good to know. thanks for the disclusure.14:17
usr13thufir_: service lightdm status   #Tell us what does that says.14:18
thufir_usr13: lightdm stop/waiting.  last time it did the same as graphical boot.14:19
usr13thufir_: Did you boot to text mode again?14:19
thufir_usr13: yes, as that's my only option at the moment.14:19
thufir_I can't find a man page about nomodeset14:20
usr13thufir_: Why didn't you do as I asked?14:20
usr13thufir_: There is no manpage for nomodeset14:20
lolkuroWhat's the latest release of Ubuntu like? I've been an on-again-off-again user.14:20
thufir_usr13: I tried the graphical boot, but it just flasheed between "xubuntu" and "cannot display...". pardon?14:20
usr13thufir_: Or did you?  Did you go to tty6 and read the log file?14:20
Joe1Does anyone have any idea what the file "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/arp_ignore" does?14:21
thufir_which log file?14:21
usr13thufir_: I told you to do Ctrl-Alt-F6  and look at the logfile.14:21
bekksJoe1: It tells you wether eth0 accepts ARP requests for IPv414:21
usr13thufir_: tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:21
thufir_hmm.  when do I press ctrl-alt-f6?14:21
bekksJoe1: Just use cat on it.14:21
usr13thufir_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:21
usr13thufir_: After it gets done booting.14:22
kaarIs there a way unzip a zip file with installing unzip. I meen by using gzip or any other tool14:22
Joe1bekks: thanks! I see a '1' in it. Does that mean that arp is disabled on eth0?14:22
thufir_usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147563   hey, log isn't empty now!  progress :)14:22
usr13thufir_: ONce it's all booted up, do Ctrl-Alt-F6  and login.14:23
thufir_ok, before rebooting, would you look at the log pls?14:23
lolkuroWhat's ubuntu 12 like? Has anything sped up since Ubuntu 9 [last time i used linux]14:23
bekksJoe1: I'd have to look it up in the kernel documentation, I dont know it off hand.14:23
cfhowlettlolkuro: off-topic as this is the support channel.14:23
BluesKajkaar, try unp14:23
ubottulolkuro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:24
usr13thufir_: That'14:24
lolkuroOh. sorry.. sheesh, don't go batshit on me14:24
usr13thufir_: That's not the log file.14:24
Surkow|laptoplolkuro, it's just a high volume channel. I frequently get warnings about using enter as punctuation. Don't take it personally ;)14:24
thufir_usr13: oh?  err. Xorg.0.log yes?14:24
usr13thufir_: How are you talking to us now?  On another computer or....?14:25
thufir_usr13: only the one computer. so I'm in text still.  will reboot in a moment, just wanted your feedback on that log, but you say it's not the correct log..?14:25
Joe1bekks: cool, found it online. thanks!14:26
usr13thufir_: Reboot, and you will have 6 ttys to use,  First go to tty6 and then you can go to the one next door, (tty5) by holding Atl and hitting left-arrow  You can bring up irssi on one console if need be.14:27
bekksJoe1: You're welcome. :)14:27
thufir_usr13: irssi?14:27
kaarBluesKaj: Dident have that one installed eather. Cant install as my user im loged in to is not sudo. will have to ssh with another user and install unzip14:27
usr13thufir_: What irc client are you using now?14:27
thufir_finch.  it's text version of pidgin.  I see, irssi is an IRC client?14:28
usr13thufir_: Ok, that's ok.14:28
usr13just use it.14:28
thufir_usr13: ok, rebooting again. thx.  pardon misunderstanding.  I thought it was hooped, but you say it will give me tty's, so I'll do that. bye.14:28
kaarthufir_: use irssi with screen14:28
usr13thufir_: But you need to run the Xserver so we can see what is going on.14:28
usr13kaar: Good, yes.14:29
Ronalds_MHi, ubuntu folks :>14:30
kaarhi :) Ronalds_M14:30
Ronalds_Manybody knows how to change default keyboard keys for ctrl-alt-delete, cause right not it logouts to shell14:31
Ronalds_MI tried keyboard shortcuts in settings14:31
Ronalds_Mbut disabling didn't work out14:32
usr13Ronalds_M: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and then Ctrl-Alt-Delete14:32
ThinkT510Ronalds_M: why do you want to change it, i can't recall the last time i ever needed to use it14:33
Ronalds_Msorry, ctrl alt f414:33
Ronalds_Mwhen I press it, it goes in shell14:33
usr13Ronalds_M: Then do,  Ctrl-Alt-Delete   to reboot14:33
ThinkT510Ronalds_M: of course it does, thats the tty14:33
Ronalds_Mcan I disable this?14:34
ThinkT510Ronalds_M: why?14:34
usr13Ronalds_M: What is your end goal?14:34
BluesKajRonalds_M, that's what ctrl+alt+F4 is supposed to do..a shell/TTY14:34
usr13Ronalds_M: Ctrl-Alt-F6 goes to tty6  Ctrl-Alt-F5 goes to tty5  etc. etc.14:34
thufir_usr13: ok, long story. there are two hard drives, two linux installs.  I'm on 11.10 linux, works fine.  booted into it by accident.  12.10 is on the other hard drive.  (this hdd will get formatted once I get 12.10 working properly.)    while I'm a working GUI and so forth, anything I should do?14:35
thufir_at least I can sync my firefox settings while I'm here, which I forgot to do earlier.14:35
usr13thufir_: Yea, boot the other HD, go to tty6 use screen and open irssi, look at log file, etc...  Let's see what is going ot.14:36
thufir_usr13: ok.  few minutes while I futz with firefox pls. thanks for help.14:36
usr13thufir_: Ok14:37
Ronalds_Mhow to disable showing mounted hard drives14:37
Ronalds_Mon 12.04 I could do that with ubuntu tweak14:37
Ronalds_Mmaybe in compiz?14:37
kelvinellahi i am running ubuntu 10.10, should i upgrade it to 12.04 or clean install to 12.04?14:37
usr13Ronalds_M: On the desktop?14:37
verddr_willis: are you still around? I have one more question: I have the 11.04 installation mentioned earlier now updated to a sort-of-working 11.10. should the update-manager now offer a "regular" update to 12.04?14:37
Ronalds_Mon unity sidebar14:37
ThinkT510kelvinella: clean install14:37
kelvinellaand can i upgrade it thru the 12.04 iso usb stick?14:37
k1l_kelvinella: clean install will be faster14:38
bekkskelvinella: You have to upgrade to 11.04 then to 11.10 and then to 12.0414:38
bekkskelvinella: A direct update is not possible.14:38
thufir_usr13: ok, rebooting14:38
thiebaudekelvinella, i usally do a clean install14:38
k1l_kelvinella: no, there is no direct upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04  you need to do every single upgrade inbetween14:38
usr13kelvinella: If you have /home on separate partition, yea, just do clean install and leave the /home/ parition alone, use same user name.  If not, backup /home/ files14:38
kelvinellaso i have to reinstall virtualbox, etc..... :(14:38
MonkeyDustkelvinella  fresh install is faster, cleaner and easier, don't forget to backup first, if you don't have a separate /home partition14:39
k1l_kelvinella: next time you want to not_upgrade for a long time better start with a LTS version14:39
thiebaudek1l_, thats what i do, lts14:39
usr13kelvinella: Yea, when you install 12.04, you will be on LTS.14:39
thiebaudeupgrade every 5 yrs14:39
kelvinellai didnt update so long coz the unity14:39
kelvinellai thought i wait for it to mature then i can upgrade but i was wrong14:40
ThinkT510kelvinella: you can use other desktop environments14:40
MonkeyDustkelvinella  workaround: create a manual list of the programs you want to install, then, after upgrade, type sudo apt-get install [that list]14:40
usr13kelvinella: You CAN upgrade but you have to do it incrementally14:41
usr13kelvinella: But it is much easier to cut to the chase and just install 12.04.14:42
usr13kelvinella:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases14:42
vladimir_hi guys ... digital piano(keyboard) software... any advice please?14:43
vladimir_usb piano14:43
Ronalds_MI don't understand that webapps integration thingy14:43
Ronalds_Mit's just bookmark shortcuts in panel?14:43
thufir_usr13: ok, tried that.  ctrl-alt-f6 would flash text, but then back to "cannot display.." so I rebooted to ubuntu 12.04 on the other hard drive.  GUI works fine from here.  gotta be a setting.14:44
usr13thufir_: Did you try F5 or F4?14:45
MonkeyDustRonalds_M  if at first, you don't understand it, skip it and get used to other parts of the system14:45
Squall5668Quick question: nework manager stores connections in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections but where does it store the part that sets a connection to "auto connect"? (yes, wireless autoconnection problems after 12.10 upgrade)14:47
thufir_usr13: I tried them all14:47
usr13thufir_: Let me ask you this;  At what point does the display quit working, (during the boot process -- what does it say).14:47
elxguys im trying to shrink one of the partitions of my hdd but it gives me error14:48
elxI unmounted it14:48
elxthe partition14:48
thufir_usr13: ok, it boots (I wrote splash noisy in grub), and I see "ubuntu ..." at some point. then I see "xubuntu" and it looks good. then, suddenly, it oscilates between xubuntu splash or loading screen and "cannot display" until resolves to "cannot display".14:49
elxi also switched the swap partition14:49
Sven_vBcan someone estimate how long an AMD Athlon II CPU can run at 127 deg C (260 deg F) before it would affect desktop programs?14:50
elxdoes anybody have any idea or is there somewhere else that i should be asking these kinda questions?14:51
MonkeyDust!details | elx14:51
ubottuelx: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:51
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, or before the system self-immolates14:51
thufir_usr13: make sense?14:51
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, 127C is very hot for that CPU, i think your system will fry if left at that level.14:52
KeyboardNotFoundi has turn off my computer direct from outlet, and after again turn on i have some problems, my computer is scanned and i don't know what other, but i has cancel my scanning in boot mode, can i scan computer for errors in normal mode ?14:52
thufir_usr13: I can give output for **working** x settings from the **good** 12.04 install. will that help?14:52
BluesKajelx, what app /dev/system are you using to edit your partitions?14:52
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, and it'll fry or shut itself off long before your graphical applications start to not work.,14:52
elxubottu, im using ubuntu 11.10, i have 2 partitions on the main one i have ubuntu installed and on the seconde one i have my extra data14:52
ubottuelx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:52
elxi want to shrink the second partition so i can make a new partition and install windows 8 on it14:52
MonkeyDustelx  11.10 is too old, it's called !eol14:53
elxBluesKaj, I m using Gparted14:53
MonkeyDustelx  11.10 is no longer in use or supported14:53
Sven_vBTheLordOfTime, i thougt the same, but it's running at that for over 4 weeks now (with short pauses - when i reboot it, reported temperature gets about 30 deg C for about 10 min, before jumping back to 127 deg C in less than 1 sec).14:53
Sven_vBTheLordOfTime, thatr14:53
Sven_vBTheLordOfTime, that's why i'm asking for an estimate time ;)14:53
KeyboardNotFound!gparted | elx14:54
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, i'd set a processing speed cap then.14:54
ubottuelx: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:54
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, i'd cap your processor at half speed for both cores then, it should reduce your temp.  as for estimated time of running, that's not able to be directly estimated.14:54
KeyboardNotFoundelx i think gparted can help you14:54
elxubottu, i already have it installed and im using it to shrink one of the partitions14:54
ubottuelx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:54
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, my advice though: cap your processor speeds at half for all cores, and figure out whether your cooling solution is actually working, i think your fan isn't working or  your heat sink is dust clogged or something.14:55
elxbut it fails when i shrink the partition14:55
TheLordOfTime127C isn't normal for that CPU, unless you're driving the graphics to insanity.14:55
MonkeyDustelx  ubottu is a (ro)bot14:55
BluesKajelx , i think the gparted live cd would be a better method14:55
elxMonkeyDust, yes just realized lol...14:56
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, i'd expect your system to self-immolate pretty soon, either the CPU will burn or something else will be fried or melted.  best to take cutback actions on the thing now and prep to replace either the cooling solution, the processor, or both.14:56
Surkow|laptopusr13, mutter --replace gave me my window manager controls back14:56
Surkow|laptopbut compiz still refuses to work in gnome fallback session14:56
KeyboardNotFoundelx, i agree with BluesKaj, try gparted live cd - > http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:57
elxGuys Gpart generate a .html for "Extra" details regarding the failure14:57
elxwould you like to have a look at it?14:57
MonkeyDustSurkow|laptop  fallback will no longer be in the next release, better get used to something else14:57
Sven_vBTheLordOfTime, it's idle. as i said, when i reboot freshly, it's about 30 deg C, then after some time jumps (in less than 1 second) to 127 and stays there. i'll check inside later... just wanted to verify beforehand that other also think "pretty soon" as the time of visible effects if the reported temperature was correct.14:58
Sven_vBso in that regard, thank you. :)14:58
TheLordOfTimeSven_vB, if its instantly jumping, that would suggest something's putting your processor at max, or the temperature sensor is broken.14:58
Sven_vBTheLordOfTime, i suspect a bug in acpi, since the load shown in htop or uptime is low all the time.15:00
thufir_usr13: ?15:00
Sven_vBit was just if someone said "well it can work for a few weeks but reduces overall lifespan", then i had hurried verfifying hardware facts15:02
soeehi, any idea what am i missing here: http://paste.kde.org/633152/ ?15:07
papnaI have a process that is messing up my computer. I would like to kill it and tried to go to tty1, but my ttys won't come up15:08
verdsoee: some kde development packages perhaps15:08
papnaI seem to remember there was something to do to make it try harder, but I don't remember what.15:08
streulmahello, does someone run iTunes in Wine ?15:09
medoReading package lists... Error!15:10
medoE: Encountered a section with no Package: header15:10
medoE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_dists_quantal_partner_i18n_Translation-en%5fCA15:10
medoE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:10
medothis message appear to me when i trying to install any program15:11
medowhat can i do?15:12
thufir_ubuntu 12.04 boots fine:  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/264235   but 12.10 won't load the GUI correctly.  The x logs are in the link.  what's the problem?15:13
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
medohello !15:13
medowhat can i do pleas ?15:14
thufir_medo: hi15:14
BluesKajmedo , your sources.list looks like it needs editing , the partm=ners repos is missing a header15:14
thufir_Segmentation fault at address 0x0 for http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/264235.   why the seg fault?  I don't see what causes that problem with X windows.15:15
hackermindhey guys15:17
BluesKajmedo,  http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/15:18
ubottuGINO: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:22
yeatsBluesKaj: that's a cool page!  There should definitely be a similar tool "officially" available.15:22
BluesKajyeats, I just hope a new sources.list solves his problem15:23
rincewindis anybody else having problems with ntfs in 12.10?15:23
yeats!anyone | rincewind15:24
ubotturincewind: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:24
BluesKajrincewind, ntfs on ?15:24
rincewindusb devices, memory sticks, external hard drives15:25
thufir_Segmentation fault at address 0x0 for http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/264235.   why the seg fault?  I don't see what causes that problem with X windows.15:26
=== TheWarden is now known as Guest56977
BluesKajrincewind, tell us your problems with ntfs15:27
rincewindBluesKaj: after copying files onto these devices, i get nfs errors when i plug in the device again15:27
dawkirstHi everyone, I've just installed Ubuntu (so I'm brand new to Ubuntu and Linux). I seemingly can't get my wifi to work. I'm lost for clues. I've googled around, but I can't quite glean what I need to. Anyone in here willing to point me in the right direction?15:28
rincewindBluesKaj: i'm only getting this problem with 12.10. my 11.10 machine is fine15:29
BluesKajrincewind, what are the errors ?15:29
rincewindBluesKaj: besides the errors which i will try to recreate now, the files are gone, but the disk capacity is reduced15:30
speardhow do i get /etc/init/ttyS0.conf to clear my terminal before running getty?15:30
speardexec clear or exec clear_console does not work15:31
The_Sleeples_OneI managed to somehow make my appearance settings disappear15:32
The_Sleeples_Oneso now I do not have the ability to change my appearance settings15:32
speardi also tried exec clear_console > /dev/ttyS0. this works from a regular root shell but not /etc/init/ttyS0.conf15:32
The_Sleeples_OneI have no idea how it happened15:32
The_Sleeples_OneI was having issues with ntfs-3g driver not allowing write access15:32
The_Sleeples_Onedid a bunch of reinstalling of drivers and whatnot15:33
The_Sleeples_Oneand bam15:33
The_Sleeples_Oneno more appearance settings15:33
VivekanandaMy ubuntu always starts with headphone volume maximized and having troubles(orange triangle) with current updates. Ubuntu lucid on a dell old laptop15:34
Vivekanandahello everyone15:34
b33njVivekananda, hello15:35
Vivekanandahey there15:35
thufir_how do you change the monitor resolution for 12.10?15:35
The_Sleeples_Onehit the super key (winkey)15:36
b33njthufir_, settings > display settings15:36
The_Sleeples_Oneyeah, that15:36
icore3Hello, i have a Problem with Kubuntu. Can i ask in german too? My english is very bad.15:36
thufir_b33nj: pardon, I meant when you don't have a GUI15:36
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rumpe1icore3, klar15:36
thufir_what I mean is, how do you change the monitor resolution, assuming that's causing the seg fault, which prevents the gui from loading?15:36
rincewindBluesKaj: i tried to copy files to a flash drive to see if i could recreate the errors, the copy quickly completed but the progress is still being shown for more than ten minutes only then finishes15:36
rumpe1icore3, maybe try #ubuntu-de15:37
b33njthufir_, monitor resolution of terminal?15:37
icore3rumpe1, thank you15:37
thufir_terminal works fine, gui gives seg fault. presumably it's monitor resolution or other problem.15:37
b33njthufir_, then i do not know, have you googled it?15:38
thufir_other configure I should say.  12.04 on the same hardware works fine, diff hd. but 12.10 gives seg fault.15:38
thufir_b33nj: thanks.15:39
BluesKajrincewind, yes ,copying does take a while ...if the notifier is still open then the copy process is in progress15:39
b33njthufir_, have you googled it?15:39
thufir_b33nj: thank you.15:39
rincewindBluesKaj: it was small files and it was sitting at 100% for about 6 minutes15:40
b33njthufir_, for what?15:40
thufir_b33nj: I don't know that it's a resolution problem.  I have no idea, I had asked why the segmentation fault, but got no response. I ask how to set the resolution and...never mind.15:41
clerI have a question15:42
cler(Sorry for my bad english)15:42
medoBluesKaj : pleas tell me the sequences to solve it15:42
rincewinddawkirst: do "sudo lshw -C network" on the command line and see what wifi chipset you have15:43
thufir_b33nj: could this be caused by resolution?  seg fault for http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/264235.15:43
clertoday i wanted to try ubuntu15:43
BluesKajmedo, just follow the instructions in the page15:43
dawkirstrincewind, ok will do that shortly (machine is quickly restarting).15:43
clerit install and all is normally15:43
clerbut the wlan does not work15:44
BluesKaj!pm | medo15:44
ubottumedo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:44
rincewindcler: ask your question, see if somebody answers15:44
dawkirstrincewind, from previous Googling and mucking around in the terminal I've seen it is a Ralink RT2500.15:44
clerit install and all is normally15:44
clerbut the wlan does not work15:44
medo<ubottu> ok15:44
The_Sleeples_OneI have an issue that I wanna resolve D:15:44
cleri have an acer aspire 5742g with boraodcom15:44
ThinkT510!b43 | cler15:44
ubottucler: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:44
dawkirstrincewind, but I'll double check and let you konw.15:45
TheBaseHello. I can't get my DVD driver to work. It's not being listed on "wodim --devices", "lshw" or "dmesg". It's as if the drivers were removed from the kernel. Would that be possible? I'm running 12.04 (tried 3.2 and 2.6 kernel)15:45
The_Sleeples_Onemy appearance settings disappeared after fixing an ntfs-3g issue15:45
clerit is easy? im a noob in linux :D15:45
rincewindcler: sudo lshw -C network -- then look at wifi chipset15:45
yeatsThe_Sleeples_One: can you elaborate on what is meant by "did a bunch of reinstalling of drivers and whatnot"?  what did you actually do?15:45
clernothing...i dont know what i can do15:46
sporkboyokay, so here's my problem du jour. for whatever reason, on every boot I have to  $sudo modprobe b43 to get wifi. how do I make it do this on boot? it's only blacklisted in one file, and commenting the line there doesn't change anything.15:46
rincewindcler: what was the ouput?15:46
cleri try it once more15:46
clerno output15:46
clerbetter i try it once more15:46
clerwhich server would be needed?15:47
cleri search quickly the vendorid.....15:47
clerwhich server would be needed? server......sorry i mean driver15:48
Vivekanandaanyone on that answer ?15:48
thufir_how do I trace where the Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting error came from? http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/26423515:48
clerthis is the vendor15:48
BluesKajcler, if the module/driver loads properly there will be no output from the modprobe command15:48
rincewindcler: if there is no output from "sudo lshw -C network", then you do not have wifi15:49
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cler"sudo lshw -C network" should i put this into the terminal?15:49
BluesKajer sorry cler I meant sporkboy15:50
dawkirstrincewind, yes, lshw outputs a RT2500 card (it appears as if cler has the same problem as me). Would you like to see the output on a gist?15:50
clerwait i come later15:50
cleri try it once more and i copy the output15:51
oioi2Hi people15:51
DJonesoioi2: Do you have any support question?15:51
dawkirstrincewind, it doesn't pick up any networks though, so I suspect it might be a driver issue. How can I troubleshoot?15:52
cleri come later15:52
cleri try it again15:52
DJones!coc | oioi215:52
ubottuoioi2: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct  | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv15:52
clerthanks for help15:53
sporkboyrincewind, I definitely have wifi, since I'm connected to the internet without a cable. I just want to not have to modprobe it every time I boot up.15:53
The_Sleeples_OneI feel ignored :(15:54
yeatsThe_Sleeples_One: did you see my question above?15:54
The_Sleeples_Onenow I did15:55
The_Sleeples_Oneso I installed mtpfs in an attempt to manage files on my Nexus 715:55
The_Sleeples_Onedidn't work15:55
The_Sleeples_Oneso I did "sudo uninstall fuse mtpfs"15:55
The_Sleeples_Oneit uninstalled fuse15:55
The_Sleeples_Oneso I ran "sudo install fuse"15:55
ThinkT510The_Sleeples_One: it was not a good idea to remove fuse15:56
The_Sleeples_Oneerr, "sudo remove* fuse mtpfs" my bad15:56
The_Sleeples_OneI have since realized that15:56
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The_Sleeples_OneI removed and reinstalled ntfs-3g when my write access stopped working15:56
BluesKajsporkboy, I suggst you remove the blacklisted entry rather tahn comment it15:56
arooni-mobilei'm trying to debug a HTTP request.  i *thought* i matched it according to firebug; but when i send it to the server; it seems different.  is there a way to send both requests to a local server so i can see where my problem is?  so i can see the raw request?15:56
The_Sleeples_Onethen installed and ran the ntfs configuration tool thing from the software center15:57
The_Sleeples_Oneit fixed the issue for me15:57
The_Sleeples_Onebut now my appearance settings have disappeared15:57
dawkirstrincewind, sorry to be bugging you like this, but you seem to have been the only one that replied. Have you got any other advice for me?15:57
thufir_how do I know whether this xorg error:  Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting  is caused by driver, config or other cause?  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/26423515:57
rmoorei'm trying to get the  nvidia-96 driver to download/install and I keep getting a dialog box indicating that there are package dpendencies that are unresolved/uninstallable15:59
The_Sleeples_Oneso the issue is now that my appearance settings are gone15:59
Vivekanandaanyone there who could answer me ? about the volume always max for headphone on reboot?15:59
The_Sleeples_Onewhen I boot up, it says "system error"15:59
The_Sleeples_OneI presume it has something to do with it15:59
thufir_rmoore: maybe bad idea, but I believe clobber might fix that. or make it worse.16:00
The_Sleeples_OneI can reboot my machine, copy the error, and then hop back on here if you think that would help16:00
rmoorecan someone tell me how to execute a .run file?16:03
yeatsrmoore: can you do 'file <filename>'? on the file (replacing <filename> with the actual .run file's name)16:03
The_Sleeples_Oneshould I restart and copy the "system error" that pops up?16:05
thefoxratso i really need some help16:05
The_Sleeples_Onealso, my ntfs partitions are automatically mounting on boot16:05
MonkeyDustthefoxrat  start with a question16:05
compdocI think its really wierd that ppl start a sentence with 'so'16:06
thefoxratok, so I just installed Ubuntu via wubi on my other pc. After the first reboot, it worked fine. I restarted again and I don't even get POST. My monitor goes to power save mode as well. Any help16:06
b33njcompdoc, why?16:06
compdocsounds odd. Ppl on tv and radio and here online all do it16:07
MonkeyDustthefoxrat  wubi is a testing enverinment, better install ubuntu on its own partition, next to windows16:07
BluesKajcompdoc, so what ? :)16:07
b33njcompdoc, why do you watch tv? that is a waste of time16:07
thefoxratOk, but my main issue is that I can't even boot into windows. When I power on my pc, it turns on but it doesn't seem to boot at all16:08
bekksthefoxrat: Then it is an issue for #hardware or ##windows more likely.16:09
b33njbekks, what #windows on a linux channel is for?16:10
mike_papaHello. I've got problem with accessing shared scanner. I have HP LaserJet 3055 (all in one) connected to rasberrypi, and sane setup there. On rasberry scanimale -L returns correct device. sane-port is in the /etc/services. On Ubuntu box /etc/sane.d/net.conf has line with rasberry's ip. What else I need to do?16:10
bekksb33nj: It was a suggestion to ask in another channel because a) his computer isnt booting at all and b) he is using wubi so windows has to be working before he gets to Ubuntu at all.16:11
thefoxratI guess I just figured that because before Ubuntu install my pc was fine and after, it is not, that it was an ubuntu problem16:11
txomoncan anyone tell me when will ubuntu have in any of its repo apache version 2.416:11
txomonI can't find it even in raring...16:11
MonkeyDust!latest | txomon16:12
ubottutxomon: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:12
Muphridtxomon: when debian packages it16:12
theadminI have a line saying "* hard fsize 10240" in my /etc/security/limits.conf, however I have successfully created a file of size 15M just now (using a simple dd command). Am I doing something wrong?16:13
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JPMHI used to use gnome-session-save --force-logout to force a session end.  How do I do the same under 12.04 with unity?16:17
theadminErr. Never mind. A reboot helped.16:17
theadminJPMH: Same -- Unity is just an interface for GNOME.16:20
The_Sleeples_OneUnity sucks imo16:23
The_Sleeples_Oneit would be kinda awesome if it wasn't really slow16:23
MonkeyDustThe_Sleeples_One  unity is a gnome3 shell16:24
DJonesThe_Sleeples_One: Thats the good thing about linux, you have the option of using it or not16:24
The_Sleeples_OneDJones indeed16:25
The_Sleeples_OneI'm not trying to hate on Unity or anything16:25
The_Sleeples_Onebut it really lagged on my machine :/16:25
The_Sleeples_OneI was looking forward to giving it a chance, but I couldn't deal with the lag16:25
skp1The_Sleeples_One: your a hater16:26
xomniversethis may sound like a dumb question but; is there any difference between Xubuntu and Linux Mint Xfce apart from appearance and maybe different default apps?16:27
DaRmArhow to set up the F buttons for bans on xchat?16:28
ThinkT510xomniverse: mint isn't supported here16:28
souliaqAnnoying "403 - Forbidden" in a folder with 777 permissions (lighttpd in Ubuntu 12.04)16:29
theadminsouliaq: Possibly you don't have a module loaded that's necessary for the interpretation of this folder's "index" file16:29
linxehsouliaq: there are lots of causes of 403 - you might need to check the error log to see why16:29
souliaqtheadmin, the problem is this works with /var/www16:30
souliaqI need a simple file server, you know someone even more simple?16:30
linxehsouliaq: the chances are you have missed a directive for your other folder that enables indexes; you need an options declaration with an "indexes"16:30
souliaqThis is taking too long.16:30
txomonMuphrid, debian did16:31
txomonMonkeyDust, stability in ubuntu is relative16:31
souliaqare you tried "Bozotic HTTP server"?16:31
linxehsouliaq: oh lighttd, my bad, ignore my options/indexes statement - you need the lighttd equivalent of that :o16:32
Muphridtxomon: it is in experimental, raring merges from unstable, when it hits unstable then raring when merge it16:32
theadminsouliaq: server.dir-listing = "enable" in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf16:32
linxehsouliaq: I'd go with lighttd or apache - something tried and tested and secure16:32
txomonMuphrid, ok16:33
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MonkeyDustsouliaq  http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20121224053900277/LightweightWebServers.html16:33
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ubottubomber: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:37
zoogoohey hey hey16:37
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alimjHello. I have two old USB Wifi G adapters. -- lsusb says they are: 09aa:1000 Intersil Corp. Prism GT 802.11b/g Adapter16:38
alimj... and uname says: 3.2.0-35-generic16:38
MonkeyDust!it | bomber16:38
ubottubomber: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:38
alimjDoes anyone know a working driver?16:38
alimjP.S.: They are compex WLU54G16:39
=== oenahs is now known as ShaneO
Blop123hello everybody, I m using *buntu 12.10 dual boot with win8. both system share a quite big partition. after moving some files around i am left with several corrupted ones. When trying to delete them I receive the following error message "No such file or directory". Any suggestions on how to solve this?16:44
theadminBlop123: How exactly are you deleting them?16:44
Blop123first i tried the graphical way through thunar, and then via the terminal (sudo rm -f file)16:45
Blop123neither one worked16:45
atrianijudo en pv16:45
theadminBlop123: Does the filename have weird charactrers like spaces or whatever?16:45
bekksBlop123: Then check using ls -lha wether the file still exists.16:46
souliaqHow I can check with Ubuntu, what service locks specified TCP port?16:46
Blop123yes spaces, hence when deleting i use A\ B\ ...16:46
Blop123it still exists but not in that folder\16:46
bekkssouliaq: sudo lsof -i or sudo netstat -tulpen16:46
theadminBlop123: Err... Well, if it's not in "that" folder then change to whatever folder it is in16:47
BluesKaj!fr | atriani16:47
ubottuatriani: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:47
finegansworldCan someone tell me where the file for display settings is on Xubuntu 12.10?  There is no xorg.conf file.  I can make changes to some file using the settings editor, but I don't know what file it's modifying.16:47
Blop123bekks: it seems to still exist16:48
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theadminfinegansworld: You can make an xorg.conf if you feel it's necessary.16:49
finegansworldtheadmin: Well it seems that the settings editor is modifying some file, do you know what file that is modifying16:50
theadminfinegansworld: Not really, but it obviously isn't anything under /etc because it doesn't run as root...16:50
Blop123theadmin: what i meant is that the original file has been moved to another folder, now i am trying to delete a "relic" file that stayed there for some reason16:51
theadminBlop123: Hm... Well. Maybe it's not a file but a link? Try "unlink something"16:52
theadminBlop123: (where 'something' is the filename)16:52
Blop123using bekks command i found out that it is still there (also rw), but can t be read16:52
Blop123it s not a link, i checked by deleting the original file16:52
atrianiall my excuses16:53
Blop123according to the size and properties it looks like the original but unaccessible16:53
finegansworldYeah, maybe that's why the settings don't stay when I re-boot.  That's the main thing, I want my resolution to stay the same when I reboot my machine.16:53
theadminBlop123: Ah what the hell. echo a > something (to overwrite the file), then delete what that creates.16:54
WeThePeoplehow to remove the lock on a .sh16:54
alexitIS anyone available to help me to enable the backlight keyboard on my laptopt  ASUS N56VZ ? I'm running ubuntu 12.1016:54
Blop123i ll give it a try thanks16:54
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finegansworldtheadmin:  Would you recommend that I just make a xorg.conf file?16:58
theadminfinegansworld: Yeah I guess so16:58
usr13WeThePeople: lock?16:59
ubottubomber: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:59
WeThePeopleusr13, you know the picture of a lock16:59
WeThePeoplei think i have to chmod but not sure16:59
usr13WeThePeople: sudo chown WeThePeople .sh16:59
WeThePeopleok thanks17:00
usr13WeThePeople: Where WeThePeople is your actual user name on the system.17:00
WeThePeopleusr13, idk17:00
WeThePeoplethe su auth. is failing though17:00
usr13WeThePeople: Are you logged in as Guest?17:01
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WeThePeopleusr13, no17:01
usr13WeThePeople: What happens when you try to use sudo?17:01
carcinogen_75Whats better to use: sudo -s or sudo -i ???17:02
HackerIIcool nic17:02
WeThePeopleusr13, sometimes it works17:02
alexitIS anyone available to help me to enable the backlight keyboard on my laptopt  ASUS N56VZ ? I'm running ubuntu 12.1017:02
alexitIS anyone available to help me to enable the backlight keyboard on my laptopt  ASUS N56VZ ? I'm running ubuntu 12.1017:02
usr13carcinogen_75: sudo -i17:02
usr13WeThePeople: What do you mean sometimes?   It either works or it doesn't.  Let's do a little test;  open a terminal and do: ls -l ~/home |pastebinit17:03
usr13WeThePeople: And send resulting URL17:03
Blop123theadmin: only result from the command line: bash: file: Input/output error17:03
usr13WeThePeople: (If it tells you to install pastebinit, do it.17:04
theadminBlop123: Bah. Okay, no idea17:04
WeThePeopleusr13, it says cannot access17:04
WeThePeopleno sudo17:04
WeThePeopleusr13, ^^17:05
usr13WeThePeople: who |pastebinit17:06
usr13WeThePeople: Oh you can't install pastebinit, sorry.17:06
Blop123theadmin: jejeje ok thanks anyway ;-)17:06
Blop123last resort format17:06
theadminWeThePeople: who | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us17:07
usr13WeThePeople: What is the user name? Issue command who and tell us what it says.17:07
ParkmanHello, I am using windows to make a partition for ubuntu, what format should I make that partition for ubuntu installing?17:07
theadminParkman: Ext4. But Windows doesn't deal with normal filesystems.17:07
usr13WeThePeople: Yea, do as theadmin said.17:07
WeThePeopletheadmin, what does that do?17:07
theadminParkman: You should use Ubuntu to install it17:07
theadminWeThePeople: Alternative to pastebinit17:07
theadminWeThePeople: Curl comes preinstalled, so...17:08
WeThePeoplethats cool17:08
ParkmanAlright, so what should I do to install it? leave it unallocated?17:08
Parkmanand then17:08
BluesKajParkman, suggest you DL inand burn to cd or other media , gparted live for editing partitions17:08
Parkmanalright, then i can make it ext4 from one of those programs?17:09
SunMoonStarAnyone here use Google app engine? What path do you place it in? Should I keep it in /var/www with rest of my web stuff or in home or other?17:09
PictoI need install Window XP, but Ubuntu remove driver SATA, how i can install driver SATA por Window XP? (sorry i speak spanish)17:09
MuphridParkman: you can boot it via live usb and partition via GParted, or directly in the installer17:09
Parkmanohh, perfect! I will just use it directly in the installer.17:10
WeThePeopletheadmin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1476311/17:10
ParkmanThanks a ton!17:10
theadminWeThePeople: "su" is unusable on Ubuntu17:10
usr13WeThePeople: You have to use sudo17:11
Pictopls help, i need driver SATA17:11
Pictoor run program "HDD Regenator" for Ubuntu17:11
compdocsudo su work for me, but it might be because I changed my sudoers file17:11
jribcompdoc: don't use sudo su :/17:12
usr13compdoc: No, it just works, but best to just do  sudo -i17:12
compdocits very rare I need to be root, but its happened17:13
ParkmanThanks guys, this is why I love the linux community!17:13
usr13WeThePeople: Can you pastebin the results of   ls -l ~/   ?17:13
jribcompdoc: that's fine.  You still shouldn't do "sudo su" to achieve it though17:13
WeThePeopleusr13, no it worked though17:13
justaskinghey guys, I'm having a problem with my newest fresh install (Ubuntu 12.10), while partitioning the hard drive, unity-greeter crashes17:14
LambdaMutt(I apologize for the spurious connects / disconnects. I'm trying to configure XChat and it seems to connect here 'out of the box.)17:15
justaskingand the same error lines keep repeating17:15
justaskingin the ouput17:15
justaskinghas anyone of you experienced such a problem ?17:15
justaskingI also had the same issue with a 12.04 installation (both amd64)17:16
usr13justasking: What do you mean "while partitioning the hard drive"?    Have you finished the install yet?17:16
justaskingnope, I already have a debian wheezy installation and just readjust the hard drive's space17:16
justaskingto each disto17:16
freshstartdoes anybody know a countdown timer?17:18
usr13justasking: Can you explain more fully what your situation is?  And what it is you are actually trying to do?17:18
usr13freshstart: there's ktimer17:19
justaskingI'm currently doing an installation of Ubuntu 12.1017:19
LinuxGuy91Hello my computer is not working17:19
LinuxGuy91Hello my computer is not working17:19
LinuxGuy91Hello my computer is not working17:19
FloodBot1LinuxGuy91: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
justaskingwhile the installation window appears and asks me the usual questions about 3rd party software etc ...17:20
Tex_Nickfreshstart : looks like GTimer & GNOME Clocks might work for you17:20
justaskingafter readjusting the size of my hard drive17:20
justaskingand press continue, next or whatever17:21
freshstartTex_Nick: usr13 :any of them have the ability to show ms?17:21
justaskingan error appers17:21
xangua!enter | justasking17:21
ubottujustasking: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:21
LilLinuxGuy91; Your gonna have to be a little more specific then that.17:21
usr13justasking: So did you create a couple of new partitions (of adequate size)?17:21
justaskingi keep around 500 for my debian installation and use another 500 for ubuntu17:22
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LinuxGuy91Hello friends17:23
LinuxGuy91Hello friends17:23
LinuxGuy91Hello friends17:23
FloodBot1LinuxGuy91: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
justaskingwait it looks like it started to run smoothly again17:23
usr13freshstart: http://imagebin.org/24098717:24
usr13justasking: Can you quote the exact text of the error?17:25
dawkirstRandom question: what is man-db?17:25
justaskinganyway thanks for your time guys ... I nearly missed my latest gentoo and slackware installations, fdisk rocks :P17:25
Muphriddawkirst: database of manual pages17:25
Tex_Nickfreshstart: I just installed GNOME Clocks ... it only resolvesto seconds17:25
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dawkirstMuphrid, thanks. I'm brand new to Ubuntu (and Linux), so I suspect I'll be asking more random questions.17:26
usr13justasking: 500G?  Don't you already have a /home/ paritiion?17:26
Muphriddawkirst: this channel is meant for it17:26
Tex_Nickfreshstart : thst's in countdown mode ... in timer mode it resolves to tenths of a second17:26
Muphridas long as it is a support question also17:27
dawkirstMuphrid, good to hear it.17:27
dawkirstAnother random question: what does the source command do? (man source doesn't give me much)17:29
Tex_Nickfreshstart : just installed KTimer that usr13 recommended ... it's nice17:30
freshstartTex_Nick: yeah it's nice but doesnt support ms17:31
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Muphriddawkirst: never heard of it before but fuond this http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdln_source.htm17:32
dawkirstMuphrid, thanks for that.17:32
Alex12help plz17:32
MalsasaAlex12: hi...17:32
sda1986i have a 6core processor. I have to use "DD" can i use "DD" with all cores?17:33
angsI do not have /proc/bus/usb/devices on my ubuntu 12.04. what is the substitute directory  of that?17:33
Alex12i need fastest turbo flash player for big fps in video please where and how install it?17:33
skai-falkorri have some problem with unity. unity test says http://paste.ubuntu.com/1476368/ , but compiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware. Enabling software rendering instead (slow). intel x4500MHD Ubuntu 12.10. what should i do?17:34
MuphridAlex12: is that the name of something? you could increase performance using the flash-aid addon or playing it hardware aceelerated17:36
Muphridsda1986: dd is an operation on disks, i doubt the processor plays a big role on it17:36
Alex12old computer17:36
MuphridAlex12: try with flash-aid addon17:37
Alex12bad video card is bad GPU aceleration17:37
Alex12me instsll flash-aid?17:37
sda1986Muphrid, Yea, but I can see I have a core with 100%, I think move data between /dev/urandom to an MD (raid software) could use a bit of processor17:37
Alex12flash code is open?17:39
Alex12where can download high version of it?17:39
Alex12high speed version17:39
bazhangAlex12, it's adobe so not open. there is no high speed version17:40
MuphridAlex12: that addon I told you will download the most appropriate version for your system17:40
Alex12mupf i need only addon or flash so also?17:41
Muphridsda1986: I found no reference to multithreading in dd so I assume you cant17:41
MuphridAlex12: the addon will download flash for you and configure it17:41
Alex12how install just in apt-get?17:42
dawkirstMuphrid, on that note, can you recommend a good overall resource for learning?17:42
Muphriddawkirst: learning anything specifically?17:43
bazhang!manual | dawkirst17:43
ubottudawkirst: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:43
MotoservoI've never setup linux before and now I'm installing Ubuntu for a client side app I need to run on my Mac (via Boot Camp). I'm installing it to a USB stick drive that came formatted as DOS FAT32, is there a preferred (or required) format for Linux?17:44
bazhang!rute | dawkirst and this17:44
ubottudawkirst and this: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com17:44
dawkirstMuphrid, just general usage of Linux, but with the ultimate aim of using it to develop software.17:44
skai-falkorrno advise for me?17:44
dawkirstThanks bazhang.17:44
Alex12not found17:44
bazhangdawkirst, this channel is for ubuntu support, general questions such as you are asking would be better addressed in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic17:45
bazhangAlex12, whats not found. please be clear17:45
dawkirstbazhang, ok, understood. Thanks.17:45
Alex12 not found17:45
sda1986yea, me too, that's why i asked here. Hail mary17:45
bazhangAlex12, where did you check for it17:45
MuphridAlex12: https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/addon/flash-aid/?src=ss17:46
Alex12sudo apt-get install flash-aid17:46
Alex12hey i use chromium17:46
bazhangAlex12, its a firefox addon so its not apt-get17:46
Alex12in foefox always low fps in video17:46
bazhangAlex12, there is no super high speed flash player17:47
Alex12in chromium only normal17:47
usuario_tu madreeeeeeeeeeee la putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa17:47
xanguaAlex12: as in any other browser, flash in general sucks17:47
MuphridAlex12: maybe you should try the official chrome since it has flash bundled in its latest version17:47
xangua!ops | usuario_17:47
ubottuusuario_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U, DJones!17:47
Alex12i see many hotos in google17:47
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Alex12help plz17:47
=== pruplemaze is now known as purplemaze
Alex12Muph there are also not very fast work17:48
Alex12but better other flash plaers of standart Ubuntu17:48
MuphridAlex12: what do you use flash for then? only youtube?17:48
Alex12not only17:49
Alex12i want online anime17:49
bazhang!ot | Alex1217:49
ubottuAlex12: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:49
MuphridAlex12: your last option then is an script like this http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/8701117:49
Alex12how install high speed flash plz?17:49
bazhangAlex12, stop asking. it does NOT exist17:50
tylerOkay, I have some SERIOUS issues.17:50
by313Блин ток поставил на нетбук 12.10 не могу понять туит или нет... Может кто подскажет новичку какую линуху на нетбук поставить?17:50
xanguaAlex12: there is not such thing as you have been told all this time17:50
=== tyler is now known as Guest26181
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:50
bazhangby313, #ubuntu-ru17:50
Guest26181I'm trying to install a software called Watchtower Library17:50
Guest26181And when it installs with Wine17:50
NambarcHi, is this where I can get general help with Ubuntu?17:50
Surkow|laptopyes, don't ask to ask17:51
Guest26181Text for Saturday, December 29, 201217:51
Guest26181◀◀week  ◀day  today  day▸  week▸▸17:51
Guest26181Squares come up17:51
Guest26181Where letters are17:51
Guest26181How do I fix that?17:51
xangua!appdb | Guest2618117:51
ubottuGuest26181: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:51
bazhangGuest26181, #winehq for specific app help17:52
KeyboardNotFoundin one moment my mouse doesn't work, my keyboard doesn't type, why ? after logout and again login all works normal, i use xubuntu 12.1017:52
skai-falkorrbazhang: and for unity specific questions?17:52
Alex12xangua i example watch in vlc plugin in browser videos and have high fps17:52
Alex12Muphrid how use it?17:52
bazhangskai-falkorr, all kinds, whats the unity issue17:52
skai-falkorrbazhang:  i have some problem with unity. unity test says http://paste.ubuntu.com/1476368/ , but compiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware. Enabling software rendering instead (slow). intel x4500MHD Ubuntu 12.10. what should i do?17:53
skai-falkorrbazhang: that issue17:53
MuphridAlex12: not sure in chromium, thought it was just clicking install17:53
bazhangskai-falkorr, does additional drivers offer anything for that? there was an xorg-edgers some time ago specifically for intel gpu that did not have support that way, but as its a PPA its at your own risk entirely17:54
Alex12Muph its for all sites will work?17:54
MuphridAlex12: in the same page it says the supported websites17:55
skai-falkorrbazhang: jockey dont offer anything for me. you think xswat ppa for intel can help? well.. thats not gonna kill me if i try^_^17:55
Alex12ok thx i will try!17:56
SunMoonStarwhich directories get replaced when you do a system update? Surely not /usr/local or /opt ?17:56
bazhangSunMoonStar, update? or version upgrade17:58
SunMoonStarbazhang: i guess I mean version upgrade17:58
bazhangSunMoonStar, PPA are disabled, for one17:59
SunMoonStarI want to know if those directories are safe to put stuff that it won't get overridden17:59
bazhangsuch as /opt ?17:59
KeyboardNotFoundin one moment my mouse doesn't work, my keyboard doesn't type, why ? after logout and again login all works normal, i use xubuntu 12.1017:59
bazhangthat would surely be safe17:59
SunMoonStari am tryign to figure out whether to put my google app engine sdk in /opt/gae or /usr/local/gae17:59
MuphridSunMoonStar: either of them18:00
SunMoonStarand i will probably break the path conventions by not using the path/bin or path/doc things either but whatever, I'm just trying to learn and put thigns int he right place as I go along18:00
Muphridthey dont get "replaced", only upgraded18:00
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=== skai-falkorr is now known as skai|offline
SunMoonStarin the /opt/ section of the hierarchy manual, it says programs meant to be run directly by the user should be placed in /opt/<package>/bin18:02
SunMoonStarwhy 'must'?18:02
SunMoonStarI don't want to move files from the way they are placed in the SDK package18:02
MuphridSunMoonStar: where did you see must18:03
SunMoonStarPrograms to be invoked by users must be located in the directory /opt/<package>/bin or under the /opt/<provider> hierarchy. If the package includes UNIX manual pages, they must be located in /opt/<package>/share/man or under the /opt/<provider> hierarchy, and the same substructure as /usr/share/man must be used.18:03
SunMoonStarin the opt section18:03
ichatjust a quick question... im a bit confused about...18:04
ichatmy laptop (new) comes with  win8 and secure boot...18:04
ichatso first i did was disbable sec boot,   now in the  usermanual   it says that for  legacy win 32 bit versions i should change my  system to bios / legacy mode...18:04
ichatdoes that apply to ubuntu 32 bit as well?18:04
FloodBot1ichat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
b33njsuggest me a good book about linux commands18:05
wadWhen I "apt-get install mysql-server", it doesn't ask me to supply a root password for the database. And so I don't have access. Googling around hasn't helped. Are there supposed to be docs somewhere for what I'm supposed to do with a package after the "apt-get install" step?18:05
SunMoonStarb33nj: http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php18:05
MuphridSunMoonStar: I believe that in /usr/bin you can only hold a binary executable whereas in opt you can hold a folder18:05
b33njSunMoonStar, i have already read half that book18:06
SunMoonStarb33nj: not good enough? I'm halfway as well18:06
b33njSunMoonStar, i do not understand some moments18:06
SunMoonStarMuphrid: so it is basically saying that it is strongly suggested to not put non executable stuff in bin?18:06
ubottukeoma: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:06
SunMoonStarMuphrid: in /opt/<package>/bin i mean?18:06
b33njSunMoonStar, also the apt system is not fully explained18:07
SunMoonStarb33nj: I think there is nothing better than that book18:07
taghi, i when i boot from a drive with no boot folder, i still get grub, how is this happening?18:07
MuphridSunMoonStar: I do as I said, I put big foldered packages like sagemath in opt and single binaries in /usr/bin like youtube-dl and small apps18:07
SunMoonStarb33nj: but I could be wrong18:07
b33njSunMoonStar, have you read that book and understand everything?18:07
SunMoonStarMuphrid: what's the diff between /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin18:07
SunMoonStarb33nj: so far yes, i'm halfway through18:07
=== skai|offline is now known as skai-falkorr
ichattag you probably installed grub in your  boot reccort...18:08
tyler_Hey, guys18:08
MuphridSunMoonStar: in BSD /usr/local/bin is for user-installed apps and /usr/bin is for OS-installed apps, in linux i think there is none18:08
tagichat: how do i clear the boot record?18:08
tyler_How do I check my computer's specs?18:08
tyler_dxdiag on windows18:08
tyler_How on Linux?18:08
SunMoonStarMuphrid: thanks18:08
tyler_I wanna run a digital diagnostic18:08
ichattag depeds on the operating system you are running now or want to use here after18:09
b33njSunMoonStar, SunMoonStar, i have downloaded unix in a nutshell18:09
tagichat: it's just a storage HDD18:09
tyler_Nobody wants to help?18:09
SunMoonStartyler_: try cat /proc/cpuinfo ?18:10
Muphridtyler_: you mean like HardInfo?18:10
MuphridHardInfo would show all specs possible18:10
SunMoonStarb33nj: how is that?18:10
tyler_I mean the equivalent of dxdiag on windows18:10
b33njSunMoonStar, i have not unrared it yet18:10
=== andy_ is now known as Guest40332
tyler_800 mhz ...18:10
tyler_My laptop fails lol18:10
ichattag, its still depends on the os that your running...  google  ¨ clear mbr ubuntu ´  will help you  find the ubuntu way,   fixboot  windows   will help you find the windows way18:10
b33njSunMoonStar, in unix in a nutshell author writes about bash18:12
Muphridb33nj: have you seen this http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/coreutils.html18:12
tagichat: will clearing the first 512 bytes affect my ability to access data on the drive?18:12
bfortifiedcan someone help me please with a failed deja-dub restore? trying to restore using duplicity but not sure which file to point to. Obviosly the folder it get backs up to is filled with .tar.gz files.18:12
SunMoonStardoes PATH follow symlinks?18:13
b33njMuphrid, not yet18:13
ichattag...  im not sure18:13
MuphridSunMoonStar: you want to link opt to usr/bin?18:14
SunMoonStarMuphrid: I was going to install google app engine to /opt/google_app_engine and make a symlink from /home/google_app_engine to /opt/google_app_engine but was wondering if I have to add /opt/google_app_engine to the PATH seeing how (i think) /home/ is already in the path18:15
SunMoonStari mean /home/maks18:15
SunMoonStarmaks is my user name18:15
MuphridSunMoonStar: you can leave it in your home or put in your opts then 'ln -s /path/to/binary/binary /usr/local/bin/binary'18:16
skai-falkorrbazhang: nope. ppa wont help18:16
EmanonHey all, I'm having a couple of problems that I can't find a solution for elsewhere so here I am. First: When I start a program in WINE or Steam it forces it onto my laptop's monitor instead of the external I want (and have always been able to use before) this is a recent event and I haven't changed anything of note to precipitate the change in behavior. Second: my wireless headset has stopped working. It shows up in the sound panel and18:17
jbrqhi! join tf2 game (free to play)18:19
MuphridEmanon: is sound working with other devices?18:19
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:20
EmanonYes Muphrid. Whenever I hit "test" it just plays on the internal speakers regardless of whether I have them selected or not.18:20
Ronalds_Mgmail, youtube and some other webapps doesn't show, when installed18:20
Ronalds_Manybody knows why18:20
k1l_jbrq: no advertising in here, please18:21
=== dan__ is now known as Guest25280
EmanonI kind of need the headset to work (it did last night but apparently something changed while I was sleeping) because I use it for Rosetta Stone.18:26
solarieshow do I get the reason for the last system restart ?18:27
solariesI would like to send a mail from my server using Python18:27
D_Russcan someone please tell me how to reclaim the space i created when deleting the windows partition?? i ran the live secure disk with osreover and when i try to expand my ubuntu partition with gparted it will not allow me to go larger but i have 660gb available of unused disk space18:28
k1l_D_Russ: is the swap partition mounted?18:28
D_Russi dont know18:28
D_Russhow do i unmount it if it is?18:28
k1l_some live system mount a swap when they find one on the harddisk. that could block partitions to be changed.18:29
D_Russohh i c18:29
D_Russknow of a work around18:29
D_Russk1l_: do you know how i can unmount it if that is my problem?18:30
k1l_D_Russ: rightclick on that partition and unmount it18:31
D_Russoption is not there.18:31
bazhangD_Russ, you are using the live cd or gparted live cd , right?18:31
D_Russsecured live cd with osremover18:32
bazhangD_Russ, well with a gparted live cd or ubuntu live cd its no issue18:32
D_Russok i will try a gparted live cd18:32
k1l_D_Russ: maybe its a cd specific thing. better ask their support then18:33
bazhangdistrowatch.com has the link18:33
D_Russok cool18:33
D_Russthanks guys18:33
xomniverseevery time I try to burn a DVD using either Brasero or xfburn, the burn fails right at the end. Burning CDs seems fine.18:34
ShogootHi i installed xampp(yes im on a windoes os, but the problem can be solved crossplatformed) ann mysql workbench and im trying to connect to my mysql db from my pc to the pc on my network that has the mysql server.18:35
ShogootIm using a Dynamic DNS program to manage the dynamic ip issue from my provider. The problem is that i cant connect to the mysql db trough workbench.18:35
ShogootIm trying: http://myname.no-ip.org/phpmyadmin  but its failing to connect....    any ideas?18:35
=== max is now known as Guest13151
Mech0zanyone know how to fix this that happens when I do apt-get install -f http://www.gratisimage.dk/graphic/images/2012/December/29/CABA_50DF371C.jpg18:35
bekksShogoot: Why dont you just use your local IP when being in your local LAN?18:35
Shogootbekks, because i will be developing also from outside my local network. In my spare time on work for example :)18:36
bekksShogoot: Then you have to try to connect from outside your LAN. You cant test it from inside.18:36
MuphridMech0z: did you install anything from a ppa?18:37
Shogooteven if im using the myname.no-ip org ? wont that loop back to my machien anyways?18:37
freshstartdoes anybody if there is a program that shows date/time(and milliseconds)?18:37
Mech0zMuphrid I dont remember18:37
k1l_freshstart: date?18:37
MuphridMech0z: you have a version higher than the one in repository, did you apt-get update before?18:38
k1l_freshstart: date can actually dispay nanoseconds. so that is what you are looking for, imho18:39
freshstartk1l_: i ll give you an example wait18:39
freshstartk1l_: 20:11:20:16:22:16:3418:40
Mech0zMuphrid did an apt-get update earlier today, so that should be fine? does this make more sense http://www.gratisimage.dk/graphic/images/2012/December/29/03C7_50DF38EB.jpg18:40
MishaX2I don't want to start reporting stuff, but I'm really wondering how this works. So for example I can buy a https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/quantal/power-off/ utility, which costs like 3 bucks and I could write it in like 10 minutes. It is apparently in the ubuntu software center and is under the gnu gpl license. Shouldn't I be allowed to see the code. Furthermore why are we promoting the whole idea of payin18:40
MishaX2g for these applications without being able to look at the source? I could then just as well put windows on my computer...18:40
Shogootbekks, well your right. im using now the internal ip and it works like  a charm. I will have to test from outside the no-ip.org ip anotehr day :) thanks18:40
MuphridMech0z: yes, perhaps you could purge these depends packages if theyre not a depend for something else18:41
Muphridor reinstall18:41
MuphridMech0z: install or open Synaptic, then check the version of these packages there18:42
elxGuys what is the most user friendly chkdsk equivalent on ubuntu?18:43
k1l_Mech0z: you have some ppa which have some python packages?18:43
Mech0zsabnzbdplus must run on python I recon?18:44
Mech0zsame with 2 addons18:44
Muphridelx: the equivalent is fsck and is not needed in desktop use18:44
Muphridit runs at boot time18:44
elxcan i use it from terminal?18:44
Muphridelx: I dont know but you dont need to, it runs on every boot18:45
k1l_elx: dont run it on mounted partitions18:45
elxI have been reading regarding my partition error that gparted is giving me and people advice to use chkdsk afew times18:46
elxwhen trying to shrink my secondary partition...18:46
=== adellam_ is now known as adellam
MonkeyDustelx  have you used gparted from a live cd or usb?18:46
MuphridMech0z: what is the content of your /etc/apt/sources.list ?18:46
EmanonSo no joy for my audio and video problems?18:47
Mech0zMuphrid one moment, I am trying to reboot18:47
elxi'm using directly from ubuntu, but thought i would do a checkup of the partition and if still get errors then create a live cd18:48
MuphridEmanon: when did the headphone stop working?18:48
EmanonSometime when I was sleeping last night.18:48
Muphridout of nowhere?18:48
MonkeyDustelx  no, use a live cd or usb to shrink partitions18:48
Emanon Muphrid It was working immediately before I went to sleep and when I woke up it was not working.18:48
elxMonkeyDust, Ok thanks!18:49
Mech0zMuphrid http://pastebin.com/avqeEWru18:49
k1l_Mech0z: you are using a PPA from jcfp. so better ask him how his PPA ruins your package managment18:49
MuphridEmanon: that is weird, I assume changing ports, rebooting or replugging didnt work right18:49
EmanonSo sometime between 01:00 and 09:00 today.18:49
Mech0zk1l_ can that be changed?18:50
k1l_Mech0z: you can use ppa-purge for removing the ppa and the ppa-packages18:50
EmanonMuphrid: But it's being detected it just refuses to stay selected.18:51
Ronalds_Mcan I make programms open and show on top of the dock in unity?18:51
EmanonI'll try changing ports, hold on.18:51
=== gpc is now known as IdleOne
Ronalds_Mit could be a nice tweak18:51
EmanonChanging ports did nothing.18:52
Mech0zk1l_ does that mean that sabnzbdplus will be removed if I do that (The app, not the ppa)18:52
Emanon+1 for Ronalds_M We need to be able to make apps overlap the top bar.18:54
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!18:55
Ronalds_Mit could be nice, if new programms would show up in top, not where you need to search them18:55
k1l_Mech0z: yes. that removes the ppa packages aswell18:55
TopGearHi there.18:55
k1l_Mech0z: but sabnzbdplus is in the official ubuntu sources18:56
TopGearSomeone with conky knowledge?18:56
bazhangTopGear, read the ubuntuforums wiki on it?18:57
MuphridEmanon: can you give a screen capture of the selection dialog?18:57
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, any1 knows with proprieties I can render a video on PiTiVi to run properly in a Nokia 5130c?18:57
WeThePeopleidk what i did but ubuntu 12.04 wants to mount the cd rom first, i have to press s to skip, how do i remove this prompt?18:57
MonkeyDust!anyone | TopGear18:57
ubottuTopGear: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:57
EmanonMuphrid: Sure, sec.18:58
bazhangCrazyGangster, try handbrake to convert it18:58
WeThePeopletopgear, do you want to edit things?18:58
SecretFireis it true that virii don't effect linux?18:58
bazhang!virus | SecretFire18:59
ubottuSecretFire: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:59
SecretFireI thought so18:59
TopGearWell, I want to monitor the diskusage of an entire harddrive, but how do I do that? /dev/sda, /sda, /hda doesn't work in Conky.18:59
MuphridSecretFire: as long as you stay in the repository and do not run obscure shell scripts if find on random websites18:59
WalexTopGear: 'df'?19:00
Muphridbut you need to play an active role for it to affect you19:00
CrazyGangsterbazhang: I will try but in that way i have to render the same video 2times, right?19:00
SecretFirethe reason I ask19:00
Muphridyou dont get anything simply by browsing the web19:00
Mech0zk1l_ I cant seem to install ppa-purge due to the same issue19:00
SecretFireis because my friend had problems with windows having trojan so I formatted and installed xubuntu but they think the virus is still there19:00
MuphridMech0z: then temporarily remove all these packages and reinstall if possible19:00
Mech0zany other way I can remove it?19:00
bazhangSecretFire, did you have an ubuntu support issue question?19:01
TopGearWalex: How did you think of doing that?19:01
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
Muphrideither via synaptic or by apt-get purge package1 package2 package3 ... packagen19:01
EmanonMuphrid: http://i.imgur.com/yg0E8.jpg19:01
SecretFirehas anyone got openmw to run? I can't seem to find a working version of it19:01
bazhangSecretFire, if you formatted and overwrote the partition, then installed ubuntu/xubuntu it cannot still be there19:01
SecretFirebazhang : I know that, but they don't :)19:02
bazhangSecretFire, what is openmw19:02
SecretFireopen source implementation of morrowind19:02
SecretFireelder scrolls19:02
bazhangSecretFire, lets stay on topic please to actual support19:02
EmanonMuphrid: It detects it, even allows the in-line volume control works but flat refuses to use it as a source.19:03
Ronalds_Manybody runs CS 1.6 on widescrean with wine?19:03
EmanonWell, not "inline" per se but on ear.19:04
MuphridEmanon: see if the package 'pavucontrol' is of any help19:07
Muphridyour issue is weird19:07
Tex_NickRonalds_M : your question needs to be more specific ... also note that wine has a support channel #winehq19:08
Ronalds_M@Tex_Nick tnx19:09
EmanonMuphrid: Pavu displays my headset in the configuration tab but nowhere else.19:11
EmanonEverywhere else it's just my built-in audio and my hdmi audio out.19:12
D_Russk1l: no luck with gparted live19:13
D_Russit still wont allow me to expand it19:13
D_Russand there is no option for unmount on rightclick19:13
MuphridEmanon: also check gnome-alsamixer then19:14
Muphridotherwise I have no clue lol19:14
D_Russcan someone please tell me how to reclaim the space i created when deleting the windows partition?? i ran the live secure disk with osreover and when i try to expand my ubuntu partition with gparted it will not allow me to go larger but i have 660gb available of unused disk space19:14
D_Russgparted live isnt working19:14
D_Russfor me anyway19:14
Emanongnome-alsamixer displays a "USB Mixer" but no option to select it as the input/output source.19:16
EmanonI guess when I finish wiping my portable drive I'll reboot and hope that works.19:18
EmanonAny ideas for forcing wine and Steam to open on the display I want it to or should I just go to #winehq and #steam (or whatever steam support is)?19:19
D_Russyou dont need wine for steam anymore19:19
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
D_Russthere is a linux version19:19
EmanonI'm not using steam through wine.19:19
D_Russohh ok19:19
EmanonI'm having similar problems on both steam AND wine19:19
D_Russsorry cant help you with that19:20
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
EmanonMaybe I can do something in the compiz window controll extension.19:21
Tex_NickEmanon : #steamlug is probably the best channel for steam19:23
EmanonThanks I'll try there after I'm done futzing with Compiz.19:23
EmanonDoesn't look like Compiz has an option to force certain applications to certain monitors at will.19:24
termitorwhat is this bug http://pastebin.com/VfF032Db ?19:25
ThinkT510termitor: are you using btrfs?19:26
D_Russcan someone please tell me how to reclaim the space i created when deleting the windows partition?? i ran the live secure disk with osreover and when i try to expand my ubuntu partition with gparted it will not allow me to go larger but i have 660gb available of unused disk space19:27
ThinkT510termitor: it is still experimental, you shouldn't be using it in production environments19:27
ichatdoes any one know if  you specially need  the 64bit version of ubuntu to run on an EFI  based notebook?19:28
termitorThinkT510: it's btrfs,not the disk you think ?19:28
ThinkT510termitor: i can't tell sorry, but i wouldn't be surprised19:29
Tex_Nickichat : bios runs beneath the OS & doesn't care if the OS is 32 or 6419:31
Basil1xUbuntu12.04LTS... my Laptop's sound cuts out after a bit.  Sound through the HDMI port is unaffected, but the internal speakers quit.  Is there anything I can do to restore it?  I do not want to have to reinstall Ubuntu again.19:31
EmanonMuphrid: Rebooting fixed the audio issue.19:35
MuphridEmanon: alright, probably a module unloaded19:36
EmanonThat's pretty lame of the module.19:36
ichatTex_Nick:  - that wasnt my exact question...   my question was,  can you boot the 32bit iso of a  efi based system...  because it requires a diferent  {boot]  file... from a  legacy... for example  other  doesn  include efi boot on its 32bit  iso...19:36
EmanonWine is still acting stupid. Guess I'll go talk to them.19:37
Basil1xnevermind... gonna switch to Fedora19:38
Tex_Nickichat : sorry, someone else will have to help you with that :)19:38
ichatTex_Nick:  not a problem... - thanks for trying anyway...19:41
ichatill just have to download both and try...19:41
Gnome-Helpi have a question19:42
ThinkT510Gnome-Help: you better ask it then19:42
Gnome-Helphow can i install gnome?19:42
Gnome-Helpthere stand Take GNOME 3.6 for a test drive19:43
ThinkT510!notunity | Gnome-Help19:43
ubottuGnome-Help: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:43
b33njThinkT510, hi19:43
Gnome-Helpbutt there is also another version of gnome19:43
ThinkT510b33nj: hi19:43
Gnome-Helpwhen you click "Download the live image"19:43
b33njThinkT510: suggest me a movie to watch19:43
ThinkT510b33nj: you are in the wrong channel19:44
joey8hey guys - what is the name of the command to display computer information. the name is like "inxi" or something. thx19:44
ThinkT510b33nj: this is ubuntu support19:44
ThinkT510joey8: lspci?19:44
b33njThinkT510: suggest me a book about linux commands to read19:44
joey8ThinkT510➤ ah ok thanx19:44
yeatsb33nj: got an ubuntu support question?19:44
ThinkT510b33nj: try asking in ##linux19:45
b33njyeats: suggest me a book about linux commands19:45
yeats!ot | b33nj19:45
ubottub33nj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:45
ThinkT510!terminal | b33nj19:45
ubottub33nj: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:45
ThinkT510!manual | b33nj19:45
ubottub33nj: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:45
DJonesb33nj: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?19:45
agronholmdoes anyone know why the Xorg process has a habit of going into a busy-waiting cycle where it consumes a lot (13-40%) CPU even when the user is not doing anything?19:46
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agronholmrebooting helps temporarily19:46
b33njDJones, no19:46
rust_Hey, my ubuntu randomly stopped working, and said something about Minimal bash line editing. What is this?19:46
Gnome-Help@ubottu click on the gnome site to "Download th elive image"19:47
veryhappywhat's best? what's newer? what's faster? mbr or gpt with uefi?19:47
b33njhelp, irssi says cannot send to channel19:47
Slingb33nj: we can see you fine19:47
b33njSling: in #linux channel19:47
ThinkT510Gnome-Help: if you want gnome3 with gnome-shell then do: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell19:47
Slingb33nj: register with nickserv in order to speak there19:48
Gnome-Helpno i dont want19:48
ThinkT510b33nj: you need a registered nick19:48
Slingsome channels have that measure against spam19:48
Slingsee /msg nickserv register htlp19:48
yeats!freenode | b33nj19:48
ubottub33nj: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines19:48
Gnome-Helpwhen i click on there it download gnome-3.6.0.iso19:48
Gnome-Helphow can i install this version?19:48
rust_Hey, my Ubuntu stopped working and now ir says something about Bash line editing, can someone helo me?19:48
ThinkT510Gnome-Help: thats not how you install things19:48
ThinkT510Gnome-Help: that is an iso you burn to a disk and boot off19:49
Gnome-Helpi use unet.... then it runs on a usb stick19:49
Gnome-Helpbut how can i run it on the harddrive19:49
Gnome-Helpfrom usb to harddrive19:49
ThinkT510Gnome-Help: thats got nothing to do with ubuntu19:49
veryhappyGnome-Help: you should use syslinux19:49
yeatsGnome-Help: install Ubuntu19:49
yeatsthen install gnome-shell19:50
Gnome-Helpbut what is when i want to install this....is this possible?19:50
ThinkT510Gnome-Help: no19:50
Gnome-Helpit is a demo?! of gnome19:50
Gnome-Helpi wnat to install this on the harddrive19:51
ThinkT510Gnome-Help: then ask the guys you got it from, this has nothing to do with ubuntu19:51
yeatsGnome-Help: this is where you ask about Gnome: https://live.gnome.org/GnomeIrcChannels#List_of_IRC_Channels19:51
DJonesGnome-Help: The iso you are downloading is another operating system, not something you install on Ubuntu19:51
Gnome-Helpi thought the linux installation is always the same :)19:51
bekksGnome-Help: The installation process differs for every linux distribution.19:52
Gnome-Helpthanks for help19:53
enneracthow does a LVM with multiple discs handle one disc failing?19:54
rust_Hey. Can someone help me with this? My ubuntu isnt working and it just says it supports minimal bash coding. Can someone help?19:54
jhutchins_wkrust_: What do you need help with?19:55
jhutchins_wkenneract: Your data is preserved on the backup you made.19:55
MonkeyDust!lvm | enneract is this useful?19:56
ubottuenneract is this useful?: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:56
rust_Jhitchins_wk: I booted up my ubuntu, and all it says is that it supports minimal bash line editing. Thats it, and it wont let me use my OS.19:56
jhutchins_wkrust_: Why not?  Does it not have a login prompt?19:57
yeatsrust_: that's BusyBox (the emergency shell) - there should have been an error message before it threw you in there19:57
jhutchins_wkrust_: Ah yes, that's where that comes up...  Need to pay attention to the error messages.19:58
rust_Years: no error message. Thats it. J19:58
jhutchins_wkrust_: Do you get the grub bootmenu?19:58
ThinkT510!tab | rust_19:58
ubotturust_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:58
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rust_None of those tab commands let me use my  OS.19:59
rust_Jhutchins_wk: even the one that said boot said I needed to load the kernel first20:00
ThinkT510rust_: sorry, it looked as if you were typing people's nicks by hand20:00
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jhutchins_wkrust_: You are not giving us enough information for us to be able to help you.20:02
bekksrust_: What happens when you reboot your pc, and trying to boot boot Ubuntu. Please be as detailed as possible.20:02
rust_Jhutchins_wk: all it is is a black screen with white text, saying that "Minimal Bash Like editing is supported" then says I get commands with tab.20:03
rust_Thinkt510: I am typing these by hand, I dont have a tab key because I am using my phone.20:03
ThinkT510rust_: ah20:04
jhutchins_wkrust_: It doesn't just pop up with that line when you turn it on.  Something happens before then.20:04
MotoservoI'm trying to install Ubuntu onto a stick drive as a dual boot for my mac. I'm following the directions but after copying over the .img the stick dismounts as "unreadable" and diskutil list shows that the stick changes from type DOS FAT32 to "0x17". Anybody have any suggestions?20:05
bekksMotoservo: How do you "copy over the .img"?20:05
rust_bekks: when I boot up my pc, it lets me choose between windows and Ubuntu. Next it blinks by a screen saying NTF5: No wubildr.20:06
bekksrust_: So you are using WUBI. Thats a VERY important information.20:07
rust_Bekks: then it takes me to the GNU GRUB screen.20:07
bekksrust_: And basically, something is really messed up - I never used Wubi - but it looks like something messed up a file on your windows filesystem.20:07
Motoservobekks: sudo dd if=~/Desktop/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.img of=/dev/disk1 bs=1m20:08
Tex_NickMotoservo : arethe directions from here ,,, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx20:08
MotoservoTex_Nick: Those are the directions I followed.20:08
bekksMotoservo: Whats that "/dev/disk1" thing?20:08
MotoservoIt doesn't matter what format the stick is when I start: HFS or DOS, it ends up something else.20:09
rust_bekks: I had lent my computer to my father, and he said it Windows ran a chkdsk. Do you think that might be it?20:09
MotoservoI tried of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m and of=/dev/disk1 bs=1m20:09
bekksrust_: chkdsk doesnt mess up files. Something happened, and that file is messed up, deleted, whatever.20:10
MotoservoSeems those were my two options.20:10
rust_bekks: I called and asked my father about it, he said all it did was say it deleted corrupted files.20:11
LartzaTo create a htpasswd for Digest mode what parameters should I use?20:11
bekksrust_: That could have been the result of a filesystem corruption - and that file got corrupted and was deleted.20:11
mike_papaI have scanner (all in one device hp 3055) connected to raspberrypi with sane working there. scanimage is working locally. Now I want to set up sane on Ubuntu to use scanner shared by raspberry. Raspberry seems to have everything ok. I can telnet it on 6566, but Ubuntu does not find scanner. dll.conf has only "net" in it, and "net.conf" has only raspberry's ip.20:12
rust_Bekks: I guess I have to uninstall and Reinstall ubuntu?20:13
mike_papaAny ideas what can be wrong?20:13
bekksrust_: I'd not use WUBI at all, but create a dualboot with a natively installed Ubuntu.20:13
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rust_Bekks: If that involves a disk, I cant do that because I am using a netbook without a disk drive.20:15
ThinkT510rust_: use a usb20:15
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
bekksrust_: So where is that Windows installed onto?20:15
Motoservobekks: Does that "/dev/disk1" part seem off? What seems off about it: path? syntax?20:16
rust_Bekks: windows came preinstalled on my netbook20:16
bekksrust_: And it is installed onto what....? Yes, a harddisk.20:16
bekksMotoservo: Never seen Mac OSX device paths until now :)20:17
ThinkT510!usb | rust_20:17
ubotturust_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:17
Motoservobekks: Ah.20:17
goddardhow can i remove duplicate entries in my apt sources?20:17
mike_papabekks: he meant cd-rom drive20:17
mike_papai guess20:17
bekksmike_papa: There is no windows live cd, so you must be wrong.20:18
ThinkT510bekks: he meant he can't install ubuntu via cd20:18
rust_ThinkT510: thats exactly what I meant,20:18
bekksThinkT510: He has an installed windows, he installed WUBI, and that WUBI installation is messed up.20:18
bekksThats the facts,20:18
bekksSo I am asking: where is that windows installed onto, if not on a harddisk?20:19
Muphridgoddard: either in synaptic (i think) or manually editing /etc/apt/sources.list20:19
ThinkT510bekks: please re-read what rust_ has typed20:19
mike_papaanyway you don't really need cd rom drive to install ubuntu. It works same if you install it from usb. It even works pretty nice installed on usb.20:20
bekksThinkT510: I've elaborated those facts with him. :)20:20
dufaMotoservo: the path /dev/disk1 should be just right20:20
jribgoddard: you have to check /etc/apt/sources.list as well as files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20:20
ThinkT510rust_: use a usb to install ubuntu20:21
rust_Bekks: The Windows was preinstalled on my Acer Aspire One Netbook.20:21
itryHello! When I watch flash videos in firefox or chrome, at first everything is ok, but after 10 minutes the video always starts to stutter. Any ideas why and how to fix this?20:21
bekksrust_: And it is or was installed onto WHAT...? Onto which device? If not a harddisk?20:21
Muphriditry: install the flash-aid ff addon20:21
goddardjrib: im surprised it doesn't remove duplicates automatically20:21
=== Guest31337 is now known as sudokode
goddardjrib: can't apt-get find and remove them? it detected them.20:22
jribgoddard: I don't know20:22
rust_Bekks: I dont fucking know, where do preinstalled Operating systems go when you get your computer?20:22
bekksrust_: On a harddisk.20:22
IdleOnerust_, Please no swearing in here20:22
rust_ThinkT510: How do I do that?20:23
ThinkT510bekks: rust_ was trying to tell you he has no cd-drive (not no harddrive)20:23
mike_paparust_: and if you just want to play with it, and don't care about speed that much, just install Ubuntu on at least average fast, 4 GB usb drive, and boot computer from usb. This way you will avoid messing up your windows if something goes wrong on partition changes.20:23
rust_IdleOne: ok. Sorry.20:23
ThinkT510!usb | rust_20:23
nino_itry: try using the about:flags option in Google Chrome20:23
itryMuphrid: looks like this thing installs a new flash version. would prefer to do it manually so i know whats going on.20:24
nino_There is a option that you can disable one flash plugin20:24
rust_mike_papa: I very much care about speed.20:24
nino_With a wrong version20:24
osfindercan someone help me with a crazy problem20:24
itrynino_: about:flags gives me a white page. (im using chromium)20:24
nino_why not the official one?20:24
dufaosfinder: go ahead, state the problem20:24
osfindercan someone answer my difficult question?20:25
bekksrust_: Then install Ubuntu as a dualboot, it will be faster than every USB stick.20:25
osfinderwhich os does he use?20:25
osfindercan someone say me what he is using20:25
mike_paparust_: then install it on hard drive. Download image, google how to "burn" it to bootable usb, and you're set.20:25
rust_bekks:  how do20:25
rust_I do that?20:25
nino_itry do you use wubi or what?20:25
goddarddoes anyone know how to remove duplicate apt get sources with the command line?20:26
nino_apt-get clean of manually20:26
itrynino_: what is wubi?20:26
bekksrust_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot  -- wait a few minutes, the servers having problems currently.20:26
nino_Itry: that is a test version of ubuntu that runs in windows20:26
mike_paparust_ : just be careful! You will need to change your partitions' sizes. You may loose everything from your computer if something goes wrong. Even pre-installed windows, and it's recovery option.20:26
osfinderIN windows?!20:26
bekksnino_: Thats no test version. Thats a full installation.20:26
nino_You can test your hardware and feeling about ubuntu in Wubi20:27
rust_By the way, to everyone helping me, I have been using Ubuntu for months without a problem.20:27
BluesKajgoddard, use nano in the termianl to edit /etc/apt/sources.list ...look for duplicate entries20:27
rust_Intil now that is,20:27
itrynino_: just noticed, this is a debian 6 box, not ubuntu.20:27
osfindersorry but can some one help me..........i know its a crazy question20:27
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
rust_Itry: this is ubuntu20:27
[snake]osfinder, what is it?20:27
goddardThere has to be a way for apt-get to remove them20:27
goddardit detects them20:27
nino_Bekks you are right but its not better then stand alone version or duel boot20:27
ThinkT510osfinder: he is in some linux distro that uses compiz20:28
nino_So i call it a test machine os20:28
osfinderwhat os does the youtube guy use?20:28
razvanhello, I removed apache install directory by mistake, and I tried to remove the package and install it again, but when i do that, it says that package is already installed, even if I did an apt-get remove apache2. I am using ubuntu 12.04. Can you tell me what to do ?20:28
tozenThinkT510: +10020:28
osfinder"he is in some linux distro that uses compiz"?????!!!20:28
bekksnino_: Which is wrong. ;) It needs a windows, that all.20:28
[snake]osfinder, some distribution of GNU/Linux20:28
jribrazvan: what did you remove exactly?20:28
tozenosfinder: yes20:29
dufaosfinder: it's impossible to tell which distro he is running, they're so customizable and many20:29
osfinder"GNU/Linux" i know but what distro?20:29
[snake]osfinder, you can use ubuntu for it I bet20:29
Muphridosfinder: looks like ubuntu 10.1020:29
nino_ye but its not better then stand alone or dualboot Bekks20:29
[snake]We'll go with Muphrid 's answer osfinder20:29
linuxthefishhi, how can i install software from a live USB with persistance enabled?20:29
[snake]ubuntu 10.1020:29
linuxthefishapt-get shows no such package, and apt-get update dosn't do anything20:29
bekksnino_: Which doesnt magically convert it into a "test os"?20:29
=== G4MBY is now known as Guest81501
tozenosfinder: probably sone debian kind distro with compiz20:30
jriblinuxthefish: what does "dosn't do anything" mean exactly?20:30
rust_ Bekks: the site you sent me says it needs a disk. I dont have a CD drive.20:30
nino_Well what is it then? You cant say really that it works perfectly20:30
mike_papaAnd maybe anyone knows how to deal with my SANE problem? Server seems to work fine, nothing blocks connection (I can telnet it on 6566), but client does not find any scanner.20:30
linuxthefish"Reading packages lists... done"20:30
linuxthefishthen it's finished20:30
nino_Its slower then a full stand alone of dualboot version Bekks20:31
jrib!who | linuxthefish20:31
ubottulinuxthefish: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:31
jriblinuxthefish: what are you trying to install?20:31
linuxthefishjrib: sshd20:31
linuxthefishapache2 dosn't work either20:31
jriblinuxthefish: sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:32
=== Guest81501 is now known as G4MBY
bekksnino_: Yes. But it still is a full blown Ubuntu install, and not a test OS. Because of the windows requirement, nobody actually wants to support it, but thats OT ;)20:32
rust_Bekks: the site you sent me says I need a CD drive. As I told you earlier, I have no CD drive.20:32
CoreyBRhello guys20:32
CoreyBRgood afternoon20:32
linuxthefishjrib: "Package "openssh-server" has no instalation candidate" :S20:32
tozenCoreBR: loevening20:32
nino_Ok Bekks you are right its not a test OS but its not better then stand alone of dualboot20:33
jriblinuxthefish: pastebin the output from "sudo apt-get update" and your /etc/apt/sources.list20:33
bekksrust_: Then your one and only chance is using an installation on an USB stick.20:33
tozenCoreBR: lol evening20:33
serp_!who | CoreyBR20:33
osfinder<rust_> try this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/20:33
ubottuCoreyBR: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:33
rust_Bekks: Im just going to use Wubi again.20:33
bekksnino_: It is the SAME, it isnt better. It just requires Windows, which introduces a lot more problems than you want.20:33
nino_Ye thats the problem with wubi20:34
linuxthefishjrib: i get "cat: /etc/apt/sources.list: Input/output error"20:34
nino_i dont like it at all20:34
osfinderso does someone kknow what os the guy used?20:34
nino_And i'm wondering wy they introduced it20:34
ThinkT510osfinder: why does it matter so much?20:35
nino_OSfinder: Do you mean Itry?20:35
osfinderno i mean all persons here20:35
mike_paparust_: first thing on google after typing "install ubuntu from usb" answers most of your questions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:35
bazhangosfinder, dont poll20:35
bazhangosfinder, this is ubuntu support20:36
ThinkT510mike_papa: he left20:36
mike_papaThinkT510: Yeah. I missed it. I was on google for 3 seconds then ;)20:36
osfinderi thank all bye20:37
jriblinuxthefish: well that's probably not good20:38
NazguL`my mouse cursor disapear when i'm on menu options or icons how i can fix it?20:39
linuxthefishshould i just reinstall ubuntu live on my usb?20:39
varikonniemiyou should install in the first place...20:40
media-centrehallo anyone here20:40
media-centreive some games working on windows20:41
media-centreand the next step is playing them online20:41
tozenmedia-centre: state the problem20:41
media-centrehow do go about doing that20:41
ThinkT510media-centre: this is ubuntu support20:42
=== Sdze is now known as Sidze
mike_papamedia-center: you're asking for what? How to play online games on windows?20:42
media-centreso where do i go to get game server support20:42
bazhang##windows media-centre20:42
CoreyBRlol i'm a lot confused in linux20:43
mike_papamedia-center: this game support?20:43
CoreyBRreading a lot of guides here but still strange20:43
MFencan someone suggest some ways to install ubuntu if i don't have a blank dvd around?20:43
bazhangmedia-centre, thats the channel, go there20:43
bazhangMFen, usb stick for one20:43
MFeni have a windows 8 machine here that i need to wipe and put ubuntu onto20:43
mike_papaMFen: USB stick, network...20:43
ikonia!install | MFen20:43
media-centrei know their are some windows games out their that have linux server support20:43
ubottuMFen: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:43
MFenwhat's the smallest usb stick that would work?20:43
media-centreso guessing that20:43
bazhangmedia-centre, how is this connected to ubuntu20:44
media-centreok thanx20:44
ikoniamedia-centre: what do you want to know ?20:44
media-centrehow i can get some of my games to play online20:44
holly_mollyhello there20:44
bazhangmedia-centre, and how is this related to Ubuntu?20:44
media-centreits using linux servers20:45
ikoniamedia-centre: what OS are you running the games on ?20:45
holly_mollyplease wine vs vbox?20:45
bazhangmedia-centre, thats not an ubuntu issue20:45
media-centrebut some of them have linux server support20:45
media-centrenot officially20:45
ikoniamedia-centre: ok, so the ##windows channel will teach you how to configure your windows machine to connect the games to the linux servers20:45
mike_papaMFen: I have ubuntu installed and working on 4GB stick. It's not fastest, but independent and portable.20:45
bazhangmedia-centre, thats not on topic here20:45
ThinkT510holly_molly: depends20:45
mrspinxHi Has anyone worked on a nexus 720:45
ikoniamedia-centre: so if you type /join ##windows you'll join the ##windows channels and you can explain the problem to the windows team20:46
media-centreok thanx20:46
mike_papaMFen: Installation will take same place as on DVD. Something around image file size.20:46
bazhangmrspinx, the ubuntu on nexus 7?20:46
media-centreok thanx20:46
MFenmike_papa: bummer, i only have a 512MB stick here20:46
MFeni am reading this cd-less install procedure though. might work for me20:46
dufaMFen: if you only have a small one you can install usin the minimal version20:46
CoreyBRhello D:20:47
Jordan_U!minimal | MFen20:47
ubottuMFen: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:47
mrspinxyes I just flashed nexus 7 with the core installer20:47
media-centreby the way whats this shit going round about microsoft bring out boot restricted laptops and pcs20:47
mike_papaMFen: Then you can use it for network installation. I did it once at work.20:47
ikoniamrspinx: #ubuntu-arm has some guys using the nexus platform20:47
dufaMFen: the minimal iso is only 30 MB20:47
dufaMFen: you can read about it over at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:47
mrspinxyea it seems quite in that channel20:48
mike_papaMFen: You need just tiny bootable usb stick, and rest will be downloaded from net during installation. I did it using my phone as stick actually. ;)20:48
SashmoI want to encrypt a parttion on a hard drive, and then then when ubuntu boots, mount and decrypt it for usage.  So if someone physically removes the drive to gain access to it, they cant, because its encrypted.... Does any when know how to do this?20:49
lenswipecan someone help me get the webcam working on a 2007/2008 macbok20:49
MFenmike_papa: what kind of phone?20:49
MFendufa: awesome that will help20:49
lenswipeanyone able to help out at all?20:50
lenswipeif i open cheese it just shows a black screen or says "No Device" or whatever20:50
mike_papaMFen: I don't remember. It was Sony Xperia X1... doesn't matter. Most important was that it served it's memory card as regular usb stick. So I formatted it, "burned" minimal iso on it, and got myself ubuntu installer.20:50
MFenoh, you formatted it. no thanks then20:52
mike_papaMFen: And if you'd like to install Ubuntu on your phone, it's possible on Android. Complete Linux Installer from android market does it.20:52
MFenalso no thanks. :)20:52
mike_papaMFen: Yeah. You need to make it bootable somehow. I had nothing important there, so it was easiest way to get rid of everything.20:53
MFeni'm going to try either the no-disk option or using the minimal disk on the stick that i have20:53
lenswipecan someone help at all?20:53
CoreyBRwhat are the others channels of ubuntu here in freenode?20:54
ThinkT510!irc | CoreyBR20:55
ubottuCoreyBR: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:55
CoreyBRty ThinkT51020:56
ikonia!webcam | lenswipe20:56
ubottulenswipe: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:56
ubottufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines20:56
mike_papaIs it just me, or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat returns Internal Server Error (that will be... 500?)20:57
lenswipeikonia: you misunderstand me20:57
mike_papaIt works on http instead of https. You may want to correct link on script.20:58
lenswipeikonia: Im having problems getting iSight to work20:58
ThinkT510mike_papa: works fine here20:58
Flannelmike_papa: it normally works fine with https; the wiki is having a bad day.20:58
ikonialenswipe: islight is a mac app isn't it ?20:58
mike_papaFlannel: That explains a lot.20:59
lenswipeikonia: wat?20:59
Jordan_Uikonia: iSight is what Apple calls their webcams (hardware).20:59
ikonialenswipe: isn't isight a mac app ?20:59
lenswipeikonia: im running ubuntu on a macbook and having problems getting iSight (the webcam) to work20:59
ikonialenswipe: ok, so the link I've given you shows you how to get webcams working in linux20:59
ikoniaand listes supported cameras20:59
lenswipeikonia: I know how to get webcams working in linux, what i'm less knowledgeable about is why the ubuntu website says iSight should work out of the box and it's not recognising it.21:00
ikonialenswipe: what makes you think it's not recognising it ?21:00
lenswipeikonia: the part where it says "NO DEVICE" when i open cheese21:01
ikonialenswipe: so you know how to configure webcams....as you said. Have you checked the device nodes ?21:01
lenswipeikonia: the device "nodes" ?!21:02
ikonialenswipe: yes, the device files for the device you want to use21:02
jriblenswipe: what ubuntu version are you using?21:03
lenswipejrib: It was precise21:03
lenswipejrib: I just upgraded to Quantal21:03
jriblenswipe: output of "sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name"?21:04
Motoservohave any of you guy setup Ubuntu on a stick for Mac OS X before?21:04
andrudehaving trouble with an rnx mini1 connections21:05
brady2600ok so , im using filezilla and i want to set my default text editor21:05
brady2600i normally used windows in the past, so i would normally browse to the programs folder21:05
brady2600but uhh.... where do i look for my bluefish editor?21:06
andrudeI have read several forums and the the minin1 uses the realtek 8188cus chipset21:06
mJayk<brady2600>  one way to open it that will work hold down ctrl alt and press "t"21:06
tozenbrady2600: /usr/share ?21:06
mJayk<brady2600> type bluefish press enter that will open it21:06
brady2600no but im trying to assign the editor in filezilla21:07
brady2600meaning i would have to navigate folders to it21:07
andrudethe default driver rtl8192 doesn't work sees the network but won't connect21:07
tozenbrady2600: add /home there is aal settings included21:08
MotoservoI have a choice of either Windows or Linux. This Ubuntu is hosing my stick every time I copy it over. Guess that leaves another distro, or Windows. Something tells me it will be worth it to just pay for Windows and be done with it.21:08
lenswipejrib: sorry - I just saw your message21:08
lenswipejrib: leme get on tat for you21:08
brady2600i see the bluefish folder in /user/share, but i dont see the application21:08
asoltyshi, I have a VPS running maverick that I want to do a release upgrade on.  I guess since 10.10 is EOL I get 404 errors from apt-get when trying to install update-manager-core.  How can I install the upgrade tool if the apt repositories aren't available anymore?21:09
lenswipejrib: MacBook2,121:09
tozenbrady2600: the best way is to use PING fron liveUSB more easy and friendly21:10
Kalashnikovdoes ubuntu support multi videocard and multi monitor setups out of the box or does it need to be configured?21:10
brady2600what does that have to do with where the bluefish application is located21:10
BluesKajMotoservo, telling us you are going to install windows isn't going to help the support process here or hinder it for that matter ..tell us what your error is before complaining21:10
brady2600done see it in home either21:10
jriblenswipe: output of "ls -l /dev/video0; lsusb"21:11
jriblenswipe: (use a pastebin)21:11
yeatsbrady2600: try /usr/bin21:11
brady2600tozen: i think you replied to me , but intended someone else21:12
tozenbrady2600: im trying to help exactly u21:12
yeatsbrady2600: also 'which bluefish'21:12
brady2600the bluefish editor i have installed on my ubunut21:13
MotoservoBluesKaj: I did, earlier. Been working on this all morning. I've rebooted though and it's all lost from my IRC history. I'll go round it up...21:13
yeatsbrady2600: no, I mean type 'which bluefish' into the terminal21:13
jhutchins_wkbrady2600: Which is a command that will locate a binary if it's on your path.21:13
brady2600i need to navigate.. doing it though the terminal won't set it as the default editor in filezilla21:13
lenswipejrib: http://pastebin.com/Ny87WERG21:13
yeatsbrady2600: you're trying to find it's location, no?21:13
brady2600yes i found it in user/bin21:14
lorddeltaSo has anyone attempted to shrink Ubuntu 12.10 iso to live *CD* sizes?21:14
lorddeltaAnd would it be that difficult to do?21:14
jhutchins_wkbrady2600: finding the binary will make it easier to tell filezilla what to use.21:14
tozenbredy2600: i suggesting to use PING so u can get ur system fully backed up like an imege file21:15
BluesKajMotoservo, rather than a usb stick do you have any blank dvds ,, they're easier to use in some cases21:15
jriblenswipe: many releases ago, one had to do this manual procedure: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleiSight .  Indeed I did that previously on my macbook 4,1.  So that may be why it works now.  However, on an imac desktop system, the camera does indeed just work.  Let me pastebin for you what I see related to the camera in each.21:15
lorddeltaYeah DVD's are ubiquitous, but I have a stack of CD's lying around, and DVD's are hence more valuable. I'd be happy to burn a 2.3 GB Ubuntu DVD or something, but 800 MB is sparse...21:15
tozensorry i thought clonezilla...im an idiot :D21:16
lorddeltaTime/money is just as much a consideration for me as it is for an ubuntu dev.21:16
Flannelasoltys: You need to move your repositories to old-releases.ubuntu.com, that's where the EOL archives are, and you can get the latest update manager from that.21:16
MotoservoBluesKaj: My DVD Drive doesn't work. I'm trying to set this stick up for my mom so she can use a scanner that only supports Windows and Linux. Booting from a DVD to get into Linux won't be an option for us.21:16
lenswipejrib: Yeah, I found that - problem is - I don't have an OSX install to get the files from21:17
lorddeltae.g. how would I go about building a (smaller) 12.10 distro from scratch?21:17
lenswipethe firmware that is21:17
ikonialorddelta: you'd have to alter the build....which would make it a custom spin21:17
ikonialorddelta: which would mean it's up to you to support / maintain it21:17
lenswipejrib: the HDD has also been replaced in this macbook (it's my girlfriend's macbok(21:17
lenswipemacbook* sod this keyboad to hades21:18
jriblenswipe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1476896/  My understanding is that the manual procedure is no longer necessary.  Indeed, I have /lib/firmware/isight.fw on my macbook but no such file on the imac.  And both cameras work21:18
BluesKajMotoservo, perhaps you could reveiew the method you used to put ubuntu on the usb stick , because it should boot if it was installed correctly21:18
MotoservoBluesKaj: I can't find the page on the Ubuntu site now but this is the same instructions, almost verbatim. http://blog.lewan.com/2012/02/10/making-a-bootable-usb-stick-on-an-apple-mac-os-x-from-an-iso/21:18
MotoservoI get as far as running the dd command.21:18
lenswipejrib: so you think I might have the firmware _with_ ubuntu by default?21:19
MotoservoAnd then after running the command, the drive dismounts, I get an alert that it's not readable...21:19
jriblenswipe: yes, for a while now, the camera should work out of the box21:19
lorddeltaikonia: ok, so what, just install uck?21:19
Motoservo…and it then shoes up as    1:0x17  789.9 MB   disk1s1 in the diskutil list command.21:20
lorddeltaikonia: or is it better to use an hg/git repo?21:20
lenswipejrib: well it doesn't and I don't have /lib/firmware/isight21:20
jriblenswipe: i'm looking for documentation on how :)  Yes, I don't have /lib/firmware/isight either.21:20
Ub0ntuN00bany one know a mysql gui client with code assist?21:20
Motoservoand then 0x17 is where it *used* to say DOS FAT3221:20
lenswipejrib: got it - thanks :)21:20
KalashnikovWhat do i have to do to set up 3 monitors connected to 2 video cards in ubuntu?21:21
tozenMotoservo: what command do u use and what do u trying to get?421:21
asoltysFlannel: Thanks!21:21
BluesKajMotoservo, I'm not well versed about linux on macs ...sorry for wasting time on this21:21
ikonialorddelta: sorry, in respect to what ?21:22
lorddeltaikonia: easiest fastest way to remix ubuntu 12.1021:22
Motoservotozen: sudo dd if=~/Desktop/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.img of=/dev/disk1 bs=1m21:22
jriblenswipe: following the manual way would probably make it work too21:22
MotoservoIt's from the page on how to set up Ubuntu on a stick for Mac OS X.21:22
lorddeltaI already have the ubuntu 12.10 image, so if I can just open it up in Archive manager and delete a binary image or two...21:23
ikoniait's not something I'd suggest doing, and unless I'm missunderstanding what you're asking I don't understand what you're relating git to in terms of remaking the image21:23
lenswipejrib: except i dont have the firmware file21:23
lenswipethe .fw21:23
ikonialorddelta: no, you should under no circumstances delete random things, plus the install CD is built on squash fs not an "archive"21:23
jriblenswipe: you could install os x and grab it :)  I'm trying to figure out how to find what firmware is loaded on the imac21:23
tozenMotoservo: where's the problem is?21:23
lenswipejrib: how do i install OSX?21:23
ikonialorddelta: as you don't seem to understand how the actual CD images work I'd strongly advise you not to try to mess with it21:24
lenswipejrib: there isn't a CD (afaik)21:24
=== azend_ is now known as azend
jriblenswipe: the macbooks (at least back then) come with OS X cds21:24
lenswipejrib: ill go ask my gf (it's her macbook21:25
Motoservotozen: After running that command the stick dismounts and I get an alert that it is unreadable. It is still recognized in diskutil list but where it said DOS FAT32 it will then say 0x17.21:25
lorddeltaikonia: yeah they've always been something of a mystery to me: so you're basically saying there exists no easy trick to remix from a distro release, I'd have to download some sources and 'build' the cd from scratch...i.e. a lot of work.21:25
andrudeI have a rosewill RNX Mini n1 dongle that supposedly uses the rtl8192 module, I have read in other forums that I really need the rtl8188cus module but the 8192 loads by default. I have a copy of the 8188 diver but can't find the any modules listed in  cat /etc/modules.  I'm running 12.0 lts are the modules put somewhere else?21:25
ikonialorddelta: unless you have a solid understanding of how it works and the implications of changes, it's not something I'd suggest doing21:26
tozenMotoservo: so what for do u type /dev/disk1 if u got usb?21:26
andrude12.04 lts that is21:26
cmelltozen, usb drives are still /dev/sdx21:26
lorddeltaikonia: if I do try something I'll probably just delete gimp or somesuch off of it, worst comes to worst i've got one less cd to waste21:26
lorddeltaikonia: thanks for your time21:26
dufatozen: /dev/disk# is where macs put the usb-sticks21:27
tozenMotoservo: show blkid with usb inserted, please21:27
ikonialorddelta: it's not that simple21:27
Motoservotozen: That's the device node of the stick.21:27
paperke68How do I have to play a sound when a dowloaded torrent finishes with rtorrent ?21:27
tozendufa: macs??!!!21:27
Motoservotozen: What command is that? It's not recognized on my bash.21:28
lenswipejrib: reckon it's possible to grab it straight off the CD?21:28
tozenMotosrvo: what os do u use?21:28
dufamacs as in mac, macintosh21:28
lenswipejrib: without an install21:28
Motoservotozen: 10.7.521:28
tozenMotoservo: ubuntu?21:29
Motoservojust downloaded Ubuntu 12.1021:29
dufaMotoservo was trying to create a live usb of ubuntu on a mac, wasnt he21:29
Motoservodufa: Yes.21:29
tozenMotoservo: u r blowing up mi mind O_o21:30
jriblenswipe: probably.  See that first paragraph on the wiki (it gives you the name of the file, its location, and even suggests you should be able to google for it...)21:30
MFenany advice on dual-booting linux and windows, with an ssd drive involved?21:30
MFenthe ssd drive is much smaller than the main disk, only 16GB21:30
Motoservotozen: dufa Yes, trying to create a USB flash drive that I can boot to when I need to use Ubuntu instead of Mac OS X.21:31
MFeni'm thinking i'll install windows on the ssd drive if possible21:32
tozenMotoservo: does macs haven't any soft to burn image files on usb?21:32
riderplusandrude what's your trouble?21:32
andrudeI have a rosewill RNX Mini n1 dongle that supposedly uses the rtl8192 module, I have read in other forums that I really need the rtl8188cus module but the 8192 loads by default. I have a copy of the 8188 diver but can't find the any modules listed in  cat /etc/modules.  I'm running 12.0 lts are the modules put somewhere else?21:32
ztguDoes this script look ok? http://chriseiffel.com/everything-linux/how-i-got-suspend-and-hibernate-working-in-linux-ubuntu-11-04-mint-11/21:32
ztguanyone with experience on sleep and hibernation problem in linux?21:33
MotoservoThat's a good tip. Disk Util will give me that option. I was fixated on following these command line instructions and forgot that option. Thanks.21:33
andrude12.04 lts that is21:33
cmellMFen, ssd's aren't a good choice for windows, due to the swap file21:33
paperke68anyone ?21:33
Motoservothanks, tozen: will let you know if it works.21:33
lorddeltaikonia: well archive manager does open up the iso, but yeah I guess I have to unpack everything twice, once for the squashfs, another time to rebuild a smaller squashfs - so I guess its me vs the clock.21:33
MFencmell i just want to get the best performance out of the ssd. how should i set things up?21:33
riderplusandrude you have to install 8188 properly and blacklist the other one21:33
tozenMotoservo: dont mention, pal21:33
lorddeltaikonia: including whatever time I have to spend figuring out squashfs/my mistakes.21:34
MFenright now it's the default lenovo install of windows 8. i don't know how the disks are allocated, yet21:34
andruderiderplus : I can't find the modules to blacklist it21:34
lorddeltaikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization?21:35
cmellMFen, installing linux to the ssd is commonly done, because you don't need a swap partition if you have enough memory21:35
MFenwell, it's windows that's slow to boot21:35
andrudeI can see what's loaded with lsmod21:35
jriblenswipe: output of "apt-cache policy linux-ubuntu-modules"?21:35
riderplusandrude lsmod | grep rtl*21:35
* grep is away: PS3 or sleeping or something...21:35
cmellMFen, windows is designed to absorb all cpu time21:35
MFenwhat does that have to do with disk i/o21:36
ztguDoes this script look ok? http://chriseiffel.com/everything-linux/how-i-got-suspend-and-hibernate-working-in-linux-ubuntu-11-04-mint-11/21:36
cmellMFen, it's slow because it's windows. it will always be slow no matter the drive you use21:36
joey8Hi. Does anyone know how to get the “document viewer” to be able to read plain text files please.21:37
lenswipeN: Unable to locate package linux-ubuntu N: Unable to locate package modules21:37
lenswipejrib: ^21:37
jriblenswipe: output of "apt-cache policy linux-ubuntu-modules"?21:37
dufaMotoservo: I wish I remembered how the process is done. I've installed ubuntu on two macs before, but I struggled creating the usb21:37
dufaon one of the machines the dvd drive was broken21:37
MFencmell: honestly i don't think you're unbiased about this21:37
ztguanyone with experience on sleep and hibernation problem in linux?21:38
cmellMFen, then go ahead, install windows to your ssf. see how long the ssd lasts21:38
riderplusztgu tbh I haven't tried them yet :)21:38
lenswipeN: Unable to locate package linux-ubuntu-module21:39
riderpluswhat DE are u using ztgu21:39
lenswipejrib: i missed the last bit in the paste21:39
dufaMotoservo: It might be i actually opted for using an external dvd reader and installing from that. however, good luck, i'll be leaving21:39
Motoservodufa: tozen I just tried to use the GUI tool Disk Utility but I'm getting an error "Could not validate source - Invalid argument". I'm thinking now the problem is my conversion of the iso to img.21:39
andruderiderplus: I have rtl8192cu, rtl8192_common,rtlwifi and rtlwifi mac8021121:39
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
Motoservok, dufa. Preciate it.21:39
jriblenswipe: I have to go shovel snow but there's some interesting (though outdated and probably of limited use to you now) information at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/18563421:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 185634 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "uvcvideo: iSight firmware loading does not work" [Medium,Incomplete]21:40
tozenMotoservo: seems ur image is broken21:40
lorddeltaikonia: 5% uncompressed!21:40
lorddeltahoo boy21:40
andrudeWhere are modules listed so that I can find them? the old cat /etc/modules has no mods in it21:40
lenswipejrib: right now im considering how much I would like to slap steve jobs and johnny ives21:41
MotoservoDo you know if there's a way to download Ubuntu from their site in a format other than iso?21:41
riderplusandrude so blacklist what you don't need21:41
riderplusI'm not sure /etc/modules is the right place to look into...21:41
tozenMotoservo: no idea, sorry421:41
andrudethere are no modules listed there21:41
ThinkT510andrude: lsmod will tell you what modules are loaded21:41
cmell/lib/modules (?)21:41
andrudehow do I blacklist them from the command line21:42
ztguriderplus: DE? tbh?21:42
riderplusDesktop Environment...to be honest21:42
tozenMotoservo: do u really think ur mac doesnt support iso files or what?21:42
riderplusthat's DE and tbh21:42
riderplusandrude: google is your friend ;)21:42
MotoservoNot sure. I always thought they were windows related, I've only seen them on torrent sites--and they never worked.21:43
andrudeI have done this before on earlier versions of Ubuntu but the same things don't work in 12.0421:43
tozenMotoservo: very starnge21:43
andrudeI have been googling this problem for a week now21:44
andrudeMost of the posts are pre 12.0421:44
ThinkT510!blacklist | andrude21:44
ubottuandrude: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »21:44
ztguriderplus: Linux mint 14 KDE21:45
andrudethank you ubottu21:45
Motoservoyeah, tozen, Disk Utility doesn't seem to know what to do with the iso.21:45
ThinkT510!mint | ztgu21:45
ubottuztgu: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:45
ztguDoes this script look ok? http://chriseiffel.com/everything-linux/how-i-got-suspend-and-hibernate-working-in-linux-ubuntu-11-04-mint-11/21:46
tozenMotoservo: well i i have no idea about how to sort it out for me macs is like an darkness...21:46
cmellMotoservo, if you can find a port of cdrecord for your mac, you'd be able to use iso files. also, nero (if they have a mac version) can use iso files21:47
tozenMotosrvo: if ull get it just let us know21:48
tozenjust 4 expirience21:48
cmellalso, adaptec easy cd does have a mac version, and it can use iso files21:49
lorddeltaHmm well I don't need libreoffice...21:51
ztguLibreoffice or openoffice guys?21:51
cmellpersonal preference21:52
ThinkT510ztgu: libreoffice is in the repos21:52
ztguI like both21:52
* OerHeks likes abiword21:52
lorddeltaztgu: definitely libre, I only meant on my dvd I'm trying to shrink to a livecd21:52
mjayklibre for me21:52
cmellwhy is a livecd better than a livedvd?21:53
mjaykpurley caus i rarley use office and its in the reps (latex ftw)21:53
mjaykcaus its smaller ;D21:53
Surkow|laptopso I have been experimenting some more in gnome session fallback. Compiz starts, but doesn't start rendering any window borders. No errors or anything.21:55
lorddeltacmell, yup, cause its smaller and I've got a stack of cd's I never use21:55
Surkow|laptopthe only window manager that works right now is mutter21:55
cmellhmm, the last I looked dvd;s are exactly the same physical size as cd's21:59
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lorddeltacmell?? CD are reliably 700 MB...21:59
lorddeltaDVD's go up to 4GB21:59
cmellI said physical size21:59
cmelldvd discs are exactly the same diamter (physically) as a cd22:00
lorddeltacmell, sure, but they aren't as expensive22:00
lorddeltacmell, same goes for blu-ray22:01
lorddeltacmell, or dvd dl for that matter22:01
MaxReboHi, i just installed a graphics driver from the AMD support page on Ubuntu 12.10 and now pretty much anything graphics related is broken. My two external monitors don't get recognized anymore, i can't use native resolution etc. When I try to run the catalyst control center, it tells me no appropriate driver was found. Any idea how i can revert to the driver shipped with ubuntu?22:01
cmellif all discs are the same physical size, what benefit is cd for having less storage on it?22:01
lorddeltacmell, being cheaper22:02
lorddeltacmell, also, not having pointless discussions about dvd/cd size that ought to be had in #dvd22:02
cmelllorddelta, touche on that bit of trolling, bringing up the subject yourself, and then telling me it's OT22:03
lorddeltacmell, I was just being civil/chatty. I'm reducing an ubuntu dvd iso size...22:04
crazybraincan anyone tell me an alternative to Gwibber Social client???22:04
lorddeltaexcuse me for being on topic22:04
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hp420can anyone help me get xfinity running on 12.10 64bit?22:07
hp420I have moonlight installed, but it still does not run videos22:07
ThinkT510hp420: i thought moonlight was abandoned22:07
crazybraincan anyone tell me an alternative to Gwibber Social client???22:08
brian_the_droidcan anyone help me with a sound problem?22:09
Jordan_Uhp420: Unfortunately moonlight doesn't implement Silverlight DRM schemes, making it useless for most sited that use SilverLight.22:09
brian_the_droidcan anyone help me with a sound problem?22:11
bekks!anyone | brian_the_droid22:11
ubottubrian_the_droid: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:11
brian_the_droidi have no sound on ubuntu after installing a new sound card (creative sound blaster recon 3d) and I can't figure out why.22:11
core_dumpedfor starters is the hardware detected brian_the_droid22:12
BluesKajbrian_the_droid, did you set the default soundcard to pci in the bios?22:13
=== Catbuntu is now known as ilnyas
brian_the_droidyes, it plays in windows, it shows up in ubuntu, it seems to be configured okay, it shows it, but only as stereo22:13
brian_the_droidyes for bios22:13
brian_the_droidit calls it HDA creative in my sound settings22:13
MrokiiHello. I have a game that doesn't work because it can't find a sound device. It has a config file with an entry for ALSA ("device = ALSA defaul"). Can anybody tell me what I'd need to replace that with if I want the game to use pulseaudio or oss?22:13
riderplus!pdasp | Mrokii22:15
riderplusoh know...22:16
riderplusMrokii: google pdasp -s /dev/dsp22:16
Mrokiiriderplus: Thanks, I will.22:16
bandit-ledany one having problems accessing wikipedia.org with ubuntu?22:17
riderplusbandit-led: no22:17
bekksbandit-led: Works fine here.22:17
riderplusbandit-led: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/22:17
MonkeyDustcrazybrain  there are plenty twitter clients in the sofware center22:18
bandit-ledor http://status.wikimedia.org/22:18
haqe17Hi, I put a cdrom into my laptop and burnt an .iso to it, but it wont eject now. How should I get it out?22:18
MonkeyDustcrazybrain  plenty = 322:18
crazybrainMonkeyDust: i want something which also shows facebook and other social client feeds22:19
mike_papaAfter 10 hours... guys, if you ever have a problem with saned working locally, and not working via network... check your scanner's group, and add saned user to this group.22:20
riderplusubottu knows nothing about eject22:20
ubotturiderplus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:20
riderplusubottu: lol22:20
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:20
riderplusok loool22:20
haqe17riderplus: i tried the eject command, but it just says "eject: unable to find or open device for: `cdrom'22:20
haqe17guess ill just try restart22:20
riderplushaqe17: weird22:20
riderpluscan you check its mountpoint?22:21
riderplushaqe is gone..22:21
riderplusbiglinux: that's not #punk channel22:22
jn_Anyone had problems with awstats not updating visits?22:23
MonkeyDustjn_  #ubuntu-server22:24
riderpluscan someone update ubottu?22:24
corvaxiaIf I wanted access to my media files on my Ubuntu Desktop with my Android devices over wifi, is the best option creating an FTP server?22:30
JoelTheMoleWould anyone be able to help me with an eMac, and Linux on it?22:30
jribJoelTheMole: "eMac"?22:31
NoskcajJoelTheMole, if it is powerpc please join #ubuntu-powerpc and talk to the mole22:31
Noskcajjrib, the old all in ones22:31
mjayk<corvaxia> u tried things like ubuntu one and googlemusic ?22:32
JoelTheMoleOk thanks Noskcaj, will do22:32
jribNoskcaj: ah22:32
corvaxiaI would rather not upload them to the cloud and then redownload them.22:32
mjayksamba shares?22:33
riderpluscorvaxia: if you can handle a ftp server...22:33
corvaxiaHonestly, I can't. I would rather find some more user friendly means of accessing my files over my home wireless network22:34
corvaxiaI will learn more about FTP but only if I have to.22:34
mjayk<corvaxia> have you used samba before ? to share folders.22:35
riderpluscorvaxia: mjayk has just suggested something useful to you22:35
montanhaHey guys, I am having problems with a webcam that is not recognized by the system22:36
corvaxiaNope. But I will look into it.22:36
bmercerhello all22:36
bmerceroddest thing22:36
montanhaIs this the right channel to discuss about it ?22:36
ichatcorvaxia:  - are you just talkin about media files22:36
riderplusmontanha: what do you mean it's not recognized?22:36
bmercerI have source code pro font installed and when I use it in gnome with compiz it looks great, when I use xfce (preferred) it looks fuzzy22:36
riderplusdmesg | tail22:36
mjayk<montanha> possibly :)22:36
corvaxiaichat: Yes22:37
ichatcorvaxia:  - in that case  you could stream them  to your devices...  via  minidlna for example22:37
riderplusmontanha: pastebin your dmesg | tail22:37
lorddeltaSo does ubuntu run (well) on a nexus 7?22:38
k1l_lorddelta: #ubuntu-arm is the nexus7 and arm specific channel22:38
riderplusmontanha: maybe the system recognized it but didn't mount it22:39
riderplusit happens22:39
mjayklorddelta> not tried it wanna try it on my transformer though22:39
lorddeltak1l_: sorry thnx22:39
lorddeltamjayk: lol22:39
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corvaxiaSounds like I have my reading list. Samba, miniDLNA and MediaTomb. Thanks22:40
montanhawait a moment22:41
ichatcorvaxia:  - samba i wouldnt recoment,   if its for media charing only...  it has some overhead that,  things like  mediatomb  approach diferently...22:41
montanhariderplus: http://pastebin.com/uXtQ8HeU22:43
ichatcorvaxia:  -  FYI - even VLC is capable of streaming  audio / video  to  your mobile devices...22:43
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corvaxiaichat: So VLC would solve accessing my A/V files. One other file I would like to access are my pdfs cbrs and epubs22:45
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serp_what is mimi dlna22:47
lorddeltaubuntu on arm must be bad...pretty quiet in there...22:48
k1l_lorddelta: that is caused by the fact, that ubuntu on arm is in development status and not a final release.22:48
fabrizziopHi to all, I've just got a simple question, I have two GPUs which are configured and working for number crunching (bitcoin), but the system somehow believes there are two monitors (it's weird because in the screen settings it shows only one monitor) and allows for the mouse cursor to go to the other "screen", and that becomes a hassle as you can accidentally get the cursor there. Is there any way22:50
fabrizziopI can stop the cursor from going to the other "screen"?, like a stop or anything22:51
ikoniafabrizziop: nvidia by any chance ?22:51
fabrizziopati/amd, a 5770 and a 5830, using 12.8 driver I think22:51
ikoniaodd never seen that with ati22:52
ikoniafabrizziop: basically hardcoding one screen either in the config tool or the xorg.conf should solve your problem22:52
fabrizziopthat's what I was thinking, but in the xorg.conf what can I add to "ignore" the second screen?22:52
ikoniafabrizziop: you don't need to tell it to ignore, you just need to tell it there is only one configured22:53
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fabrizziopohh, you mean deleting the other screen from the xorg.conf?22:53
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Guest30301Little elp here im booting live ubuntu 10.X and for some reason i cant chmod 755 filename  to a file in the usb stick22:55
k1l_!rootirc > Guest3030122:55
ubottuGuest30301, please see my private message22:55
Guest30301I know the small live boot im using is only root access.22:56
k1l_use a proper ubuntu live system, that will solve the problems :/22:57
Guest30301Any reason i can chmod a ile i created even with sudo ?22:57
bekksGuest30301: read-only filesystem.22:57
Guest30301they take to long to boot lol22:58
ikoniaGuest30301: where is the file you created22:58
Guest30301in my us drive22:58
ikoniaand what is 10.x ? 10.04, 10.10 ?22:58
ikoniaGuest30301: ok, so the first thing to consider is that 10.10 is EOL, so you may want to change that22:58
ikoniaGuest30301: where is the file you are creating being saved ?22:58
k1l_its a non ubuntu live system. so we cant know what they changed there. besides running X as root22:58
ikoniahe said it was ubuntu ?22:59
ikoniaunless I've miss-read22:59
Guest30301Well its not ment to use on a system with internet access this is just a all i got moment lol22:59
k1l_i dont know o f a ubuntu live system that only got root access22:59
ikoniahe could have just become root22:59
ZiberI'm dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I want to extend my ubuntu parition. Is there a safe way to do this leaving Windows completely unharmed?22:59
Guest30301its 10.10 B5 R3 live23:00
ikonia!info xchat23:00
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-3ubuntu15 (quantal), package size 345 kB, installed size 869 kB23:00
ikoniaahhh backtrack23:00
ikoniaGuest30301: ok, so #backtrack-linux is where you need to be23:00
ikoniaGuest30301: join #backtrack-linux and they will help you23:00
Guest30301okay thank you for your time23:00
Guest30301 Cannot join #backtrack-linux (You are banned)  WTF23:01
ikoniaGuest30301: you need to register23:01
ikonia!register | Guest3030123:01
ubottuGuest30301: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:01
Guest30301i have a username i just forget how to login lol its a wierd day23:01
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d4rkh4ndnvm ill do it when i get home lol23:04
d4rkh4ndthank you all fo rthe help23:04
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dylan_hey, when I go to download the latest updates for ubuntu 12.10 I get this "Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lintian/lintian_2.5.11ubuntu12.10.1_all.deb 404  Not Found"23:08
Muphriddylan_: did you apt-get update?23:08
dylan_Muphrid: No, I used "Software Updater"23:09
ikoniadylan_: that file is not there23:09
dylan_So how do I prevent it from looking for that file?23:09
dylan_I think it just worked23:10
ikoniadylan_: you'll have to either a.) remove that package b.) pin that packages version c.) wait for them to either update hte package on the server or update their contents file23:10
ikoniadylan_: http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/23:10
dylan_it just worked23:10
ikoniadylan_: open that in a browser, you'll see the file is not there23:10
jribdylan_: make sure you ran "sudo apt-get update"23:10
Surkow|laptopso guys, started looking into sessions. The gnome-fallback session seems to use gnome-wm as window manager, which in turn is compiz23:11
dylan_let me go do that when this finished23:11
Surkow|laptopnow I need to figure out why gnome-wm starts without errors23:11
Surkow|laptopbut does not actually create borders23:11
Surkow|laptopmutter and metacity do actually create borders when using gnome classic23:11
zoogoohow do i remove icons from the menu bar?23:12
dylan_right click on them23:12
dylan_and click "unlock from launcher"23:12
dylan_That should do it23:12
zoogoothe right click only comes up with launch and properties23:12
angelpossumhey on defocus_unsensored it wont let me send a message23:13
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ikoniaProfessorBacon: no need for that language and it's not welcome23:13
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ikonianova: we don't need to see that link please.23:13
jribangelpossum: #freenode can help you with that23:13
ProfessorBacontoo late.  i saw the link.23:13
dylan_nova: post that to ##ubuntu-offtopic or ##club-ubuntu23:13
novaikonia, Yoi know whats that ?23:13
ikonianova: pardon ?23:14
novadylan_, Sure23:14
k1l_!ot > nova23:14
ubottunova, please see my private message23:14
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ProfessorBaconyay new channels!! thanks dylan23:14
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mjayk<travelpc> hello23:38
elxguys I have ubuntu installed on one partition and now want to install windows 8 on a second partition, now the ubuntu partition is set to primary23:41
malkaunshow do i disable the annoying three-finger drag window move feature in ubuntu?23:41
elxdoes it make any difference if i select the one for windows also primary?23:41
jrib!synaptics | malkauns23:42
ubottumalkauns: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad23:42
elxwhat are the rules regarding setting primary/secondary in this case, i have googled it but couldn't find a clear answer23:42
ikoniaelx: primary / extended doesn't matter23:43
elxikonia, ok thank you :)23:43
malkaunsjrib, that doesn't help :(23:44
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lickalottSamba or NFS in terms of speed.  Which do you prefer?23:45
ikonialickalott: depends on many things23:45
ikonialickalott: work out what's best for your needs23:45
fabrizziop_altsorry for bothering again, but what can I place into xorg.conf to ignore a display in a dual-gpu setup?23:45
lickalottsamba is being a pain.  NFS it up and running already,  but at the cost of speed i will continue working to get samba right.  i've googled the speed thing and there are mixed reviews.  literally right down the middle.23:46
lickalottwanted to know what the "big brains" thought23:47
ikonialickalott: it depends on a lot of things23:47
ikonialickalott: probably why the reviews are mixed23:47
lickalotti'm keeping NFS for a view dirs (streaming movies, etc...) but the samba folder would be for data storage/movement23:48
ikonialickalott: to be honest you'll hit more issues with your own network and disk speed than the actual transfer protocol unless you are on an enterprise network23:48
ikonialickalott: I'd just consider which provides the best functionality for your needs23:48
ikonialickalott: I don't see a need for both, you seem to be making it over complex23:48
lickalottk.  i need to get samba back up first then i'll do a side by side.23:48
lickalottikonia i have a raspberry pi setup as an HTPC and the speed of streaming 1080p is affected by samba for some reason.23:49
ikonialickalott: I suspect it's limited more by your rasberry23:49
MagiobiwanYou're using a Pi as a SERVER?23:49
ikoniaand the fact that the network card is on the same bus as your usb controller23:50
lickalottnot really a server Magiobiwan.23:50
ikonialickalott: are you using a usb disk plugged in ?23:50
lickalottjust have it setup on the network with Xbian.23:50
MagiobiwanServer like thing.23:50
lickalottnegative ikonia it's all over the network23:50
ikonialickalott: how much ram is in your PI ?23:51
lickalottmy ubuntu server is storing the files/movies23:51
lickalottit's a revA so 256 irrc.  but i bumped it up to 38023:51
ikoniabumped it ?23:51
lickalottyou can edit a config to essentially overclock23:52
ikoniayou soldered more ram on ?23:52
ikoniaerr that doesn't give you "more" ram23:52
ikoniayou can't overclock the ammount of ram23:52
lickalottphysically there is only 25623:52
ikoniaright, so how have you given it more ?23:52
lickalottsame way you would overclock a cpu in the bios23:52
mbrownnychello all, I've just completed installing the latest stable on an thinkpad x40, and I don't seem to have any desktop appearing23:53
ikoniaerrr that doen't give you "more ram"23:53
mbrownnyci have a mouse cursor and what appears to be the background23:53
lickalotti never said "more ram".  I said i bumped it up.  you said "more ram"  ;P23:53
mbrownnycI was able to authenticate as my user, but now I have nothing23:53
ikonialickalott: so when you said bumped it up, you mean you increased the clock speed ?23:54
mbrownnyccompiz crashed and research showed that may be related to the graphics controller, but it's okay since I don't really need to use compiz23:54
bekkslickalott: So how did you "bump it up" then?23:54
mbrownnycif anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated as this setup is a gift23:54
lequeu_mHi there, I've a little problem with the grep command, i want to display only the text after the maching pattern, if i search "foo" in "foo bar", i want " bar" to be displayed, is that possible, Thanks23:54
ikoniathe pi has no bios23:54
lickalotttrue ikonia23:54
lickalottits just a config file23:54
mbrownnyclequeu_m: i don't think that's what grep is used for23:57
mbrownnyclequeu_m: look at sed and awk23:57
lickalottGuest39608  ??23:57
Guest39608=) sorry23:57
* mbrownnyc is sorry23:57

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