
steamdewdcan someone help me?01:08
steamdewdim going to install xubuntu 12.10 64bit because my current crunchbang installation doesnt support steam, will Xubuntu 12.10 64bit support steam?01:08
kingrayrayyea just install the 32bit libs, i just installed it myself01:09
kingrayrayand steam is working fine, almost done installing TF201:09
steamdewdwhat are the 32bit libs called?01:09
kingrayrayi think it's ia32-libs , correct me if i'm wrong01:09
steamdewdya sounds right01:09
steamdewdwas googling like crazy before to get it working on crunchbang, but since its crunchbang is debain squeeze, it just doesnt work ;(01:10
kingrayraybut yeah i'm 3% away from seeing if TF2 works, pretty exciting01:10
kingrayrayi figured it's best to go with ubuntu since thats what it's being made for a the moment01:10
steamdewdsounds nice, thanks :D01:10
kingrayrayyeah, good luck01:10
ZeivaI assume the next reving of thunar will wait until the next xubuntu release? Specifically the 1.6 build that fixes the slow start01:47
ZeivaWant to know if I should wait for the fix to land in stable or ship away this laptop with the automount config fix01:48
MyCahHello -- I've tried to run a couple of games and am getting this error X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation). My googling only brought up solutions to people programming in opengl... Any ideas?02:43
iKernelHi guys, having trouble transferring files from my computer to my phone using bluetooth, Xubuntu 12.10 x86_64. Seems to pair with the phone succesfully, however the pass key I see on my phone is different from what comes up in the wizard. When I try to send files to the phone, it connects, then gets stuck on 0.00 B/s/s then says Error occurred while sending file (filename). When trying to browse files on the device, it immediately throws03:11
iKernelthe error "Failed to open "obex://[0C:C6:6A:95:5A:31]/". Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)." I've not tried doing this on Windows, and I don't have a USB cable, even if I did the usb ports in this laptop are broken.03:11
malucoHi! Somebody?04:08
malucoRogueNeuron: Are you fine? Can you help me?04:13
arpfezя впервые установил линукс, кто-нибудь может подскажет какие-нибудь скрипты для настройки системы. У меня asus Eee-pc-1000he04:18
arpfezhello world04:21
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
TheHypnoTacowould there be a special reason to use the 32 bit version of a 64 bit version if the CPU supports 64 bit, but you only have 2 GBs of RAM? Such as does the 64 bit Ubuntu use more RAM than the 32 bit version like Windows ?05:53
TheHypnoTacoor Xubuntu05:54
ZeivaTheHypnoTaco: Theoretically the 64bit version uses a tiny amount more RAM, this is insignificant really. A much bigger concern should be compatibility with apps. Particularly for gaming 32bit still has better support on Linux, tragic but true05:59
TheHypnoTacoZeiva: I put steam on a newer machine :p06:00
ZeivaSaves you harddrive space by not requiring duplicated 32bit libraries and such just to run the game06:00
ZeivaWell you might save a few MB's of RAM but I wouldnt really bother, I'd rather run 64bit since its the future and whatnot06:01
TheHypnoTacoZeiva: OK.  I was just basing it on Windows 7 trails.  Windows 7 64bit loved to use 1.8 GBs for giggles, while 32bit used half or less that06:01
TheHypnoTacocouldn't game at all on the 64 bit version06:02
ZeivaWindows these days (particularly 64bit) will use as much RAM as you give it, any good OS will do this and Linux has done since the start06:03
TheHypnoTacoso anyway, the next question is: LTS or current?  Is there anything special I'd miss in the LTS?06:04
ZeivaNot really, LTS is a bit more stable of course06:04
TheHypnoTacoI figure I'll do it since I ran XP for years.. so I don't have to be bothered06:05
ZeivaThe big reason to use current over LTS would be hardware support. Somtimes the newer kernel might have support for hardware that the LTS does not06:05
TheHypnoTacoI haven't changed that machine's hardware besides adding a 4670 in years lol06:06
ZeivaHmmm... ATI 4670 I guess?06:06
TheHypnoTacoyes, did decent up to GTA4, then I had to get a new machine lol06:06
TheHypnoTacoMetro 2033 was a joke06:06
ZeivaWell here is a bit of highly relevant information then: LTS will support the 4670 with AMD's official proprietary drivers06:07
ZeivaCurrent will NOT work with the official AMD drivers unless you downgrade xorg and other stuff06:07
TheHypnoTacoeh.. looks like LTS it is06:08
ZeivaThis is because AMD has moved support for the 4000 series and lower to their Legacy driver branch which is not updated for newer versions of xorg which the current release uses for example06:08
TheHypnoTacoWill the next LTS have it?06:09
ZeivaNo future release will support it unless AMD updates their legacy driver for newer xorgs06:09
TheHypnoTacoSo I'll only get 2D support I guess later?06:10
ZeivaNo you'll have 3D support but not as fast, by far06:10
ZeivaThe open source drivers will of course continue to work and improve, adding more features and improving their 2D and 3D performance but they wont be anywhere near the AMD drivers in either performance or power-savings06:11
TheHypnoTacowell I could put the nVidia 8300 GS back in I guess just for display, but even for display the 4670 is better.06:12
ZeivaI would look for some cheap Nvidia of a semi-modern chip yea. Especially if you plan on watching any flash videos online. Adobe have built in hardware acceleration for Nvidias PureVideo engine06:13
ZeivaWould offload the video playback from the CPU which can make all the difference on an older computer.06:14
TheHypnoTacoBellI guess I could put the 8300 GS in, but even for display the 4670 is better.06:16
ZeivaWhat do you mean display?06:16
TheHypnoTacoBell..displaying instead of gaming..06:16
TheHypnoTacoBellvideos.. youtube..06:17
TheHypnoTacoBellno games06:17
ZeivaI highly doubt it, especially for youtube06:17
ZeivaYoutube uses flash and thus will run entierly on the CPU when using the AMD card on Linux06:17
ZeivaFlash ONLY supports Nvidias GPU for video playback on linux (because Adobe are great like that)06:18
TheHypnoTacoBellumpa gagnam style06:18
ZeivaFlash will still work, but it will heavily load down the CPU and playing HD video in flash is a bit of a pipedream unless you got a very powerful CPU to start with06:19
TheHypnoTacoBellI only got an E2160 on that machine06:20
ZeivaWell as long as you're on LTS the AMD card will work fine, just not for video playback (of any kind really since its only this year that AMD's video-acceleration on linux has started to take good shape)06:22
TheHypnoTacoBelleven for DVDs?06:32
ZeivaI'm pretty sure yes. The people over at the XBMC project and the openELEC distro started work on it last year and around summer this year they got it to work pretty darn well on most cards but its still ongoing. I dont know how much of it has filtered into other distros yet but I'm pretty sure the LTS release does not have those improvements06:34
ZeivaIntels VAAPI video acceleration has good support on Linux BUT it is not supported by adobe flash. Nvidias PureVideo has excellent support in Linux and is the only one that works in adobe flash. Generally nvidia is the recommended GPU for media playback06:36
ZeivaAnd AMD's XVBA video acceleration has not had any support at all really (in practice anyhow) until the work I mentioned above started to take shape06:37
SuSu_i was talking to a friend about windows users and had asked if the program "auto hot keys" that runs scripts would work on linux07:11
SuSu_because i am trying to alter my window outlines on my webbrowser or better known as WINDOW TILING07:11
SuSu_or if anyone knows a work around this? or a master of wallpapering?07:12
masterelawhois burn07:22
xDoDiesisHi all! Good Morning! I have just installed xubuntu 12.10! works terrific in my archeological computer! Does anybody know where to find a sutiable version of Skype for this great OS?07:58
well_laid_lawn!skype | xDoDiesis08:01
ubottuxDoDiesis: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:01
xDoDiesiswell_laid_lawn: ubottu: thank you so much!!08:02
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:03
xDoDiesisthanks again. Bye all!08:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
xubuntu_newuserhi all =)09:21
Varnawhere firefox is located in Xubuntu ?09:44
well_laid_lawnVarna: should be in /usr/bin - in a terminal you can do   which firefox   to check for sure09:46
Varnathank you ;)09:46
mrfreehi all14:53
mrfreeI can't install xubuntu 12.10 on my pc... ubiquity hangs just after click on "next" when it asks about third party stuff14:54
mrfreein the debug log I can read msgs related with hdd partitions but the partitions selection windows doens't appear at all14:55
mrfreeany idea?14:55
TheSheepmrfree: you could try the alternate cd14:58
TheSheepmrfree: with the text-mode installer14:58
mrfreewhere I can find alternate cd for the 12.10?14:59
mrfreeTheSheep, I read on the xubuntu website the alternate cd isn't available for the 12.10 release15:01
TheSheepmrfree: oh, I see, I didn't know15:02
mrfreeit probably was a messy partitions conf15:27
mrfreeI removed the old parts and recreate them using gparted now all works as expected15:27
xubuntu158Does anyone know why xubuntu goes to the login screen when I click Shut Down? I have just installed xubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu.16:28
holsteinxubuntu158: maybe you are not clicking shutdown..16:33
holsteinxubuntu158: open a terminal and type "sudo shutdown -h now" and report that it shuts down cleanly16:34
xubuntu158yes I do click shut down16:34
holsteinxubuntu158: im just implying, the UI and the terminology is different16:34
holsteinxubuntu158: try shutting down from command line and let me or one of the other volunteers know that it shuts down cleanly or not and we can go from there knowing more what to troubleshoot16:38
xubuntu393yes shutdown -h now does work as expected16:39
holsteinxubuntu393: what shutdown button are you hitting?16:40
xubuntu632I click my usernam in the top right and select shut down from that ment16:44
holsteinxubuntu632: i usually just map it to the powerbutton... or i just dont shutdown that often16:44
holsteinxubuntu632: on my current machine, i do it from the commandline... i would try adding a shutdown button to the panel.. i would try mapping to the powerbutton16:45
holsteini would look for and apply all upgrades16:45
xubuntu632how do I add a shutdown button?16:48
holsteinxubuntu632: typically, when i install a new distro or DE, i add a test panel or create a test user.. there i just add *everything* and see what does what16:49
holsteinxubuntu632: also, a package upgrade could "fix" the issue.. or you are hitting logout by accident16:49
xubuntu632I did an upgrade before I installed xubuntu-desktop16:50
theenduserany way to fix screen tearing with nvidia?16:58
holsteintheenduser: try other drivers... report it to nvidia.. i think that about all we can do as a community with the closed code16:58
theenduserholstein, OK. It's weird though, I don't have this problem with other DE's.17:00
holsteintheenduser: you are saying its an XFCE issue? try turning off the compositing.. what DE's have you tried? how have you tested?17:01
holsteintheenduser: ?17:02
theenduserholstein, Oh yes, turning off compositing fixes it. But I want compositing. :)17:02
theendusermostly GNOME2 and KDE lately17:03
holsteintheenduser: what other DE's work? what compositing are they using? have you tried *all* compositing?17:03
theenduserholstein, compiz and kwin17:03
holsteini would try xcompmgr and some of the others.... but i would expect the issue to be with the 3d driver17:03
theenduseroh I can try compiz too with xfce, right?17:04
holsteinif the closed source 3d driver is having issues with 3d, theres not much we can do about it17:04
theenduserI don't think it's the driver. I'll do some tests.17:04
holsteintheenduser: use the vesa driver.. enable compositing.. look/test...17:05
theenduserI'm using the same blob on different OS's and there's no tearing on either of those. I will. ;-)17:05
holsteintheenduser: sure.. what compositor are they using? what kernel? what is working and what is not?17:06
holsteintheenduser: you'll need to try replicating the error on the other systems17:06
holsteintheenduser: could be the kernel version and the driver you are using.. could be *anything*17:06
holsteintheenduser: what would i do? not using compositing... or try to emulate or use the OS/DE that is workig with the hardware17:07
holsteinemulate by getting the same driver and the same kernel version17:07
theenduserholstein, yeah, tbh I was just looking for a "yes" or "no". I appreciate the effort though. :)17:07
theendusercould indeed be the kernel, cause I don't think I ever used a 3.5 one before17:08
holsteintheenduser: on the open source side, the answer is typically always yes.. but you are dealing with closed source code there too17:08
theenduserholstein, as I do so very well understand.17:09
holsteintheenduser: cool.. so you understand the short answer to your question "any way to fix screen tearing" is yes... but its the how that maybe one of the other volunteers can help you more with17:10
theenduserholstein, fair enough. I'll do some more testing myself first though, maybe I'll fall back to vesa.17:11
holsteini would just test with vesa.. its an easy way to take the driver out of the equation17:12
theenduserholstein, guess what? No tearing with compiz. :)17:22
theenduserThnx for putting me on the right track. Can't blame nvidia this time heh.17:22
holsteintheenduser: cool... compiz is well supported anyway17:24
theenduseryeah, I'm a happy camper.17:25
=== gpc is now known as IdleOne
louigiguys, I installed xcfe after a normal ubuntu install. Now I have a problem - the theme is dark and I want it to be light, but all the themes built-in (and there are lots) are all dark-based! Any options?19:10
holsteinlouigi: i would search for and install some themes.. either in the package manager of your choice or trusted online sources19:11
louigiholstein, will do. But maybe this has got to do smth with a kxstudio theme I rolled in19:12
louigiholstein, hey, btw, long time no talk19:12
holsteinlouigi: when you login. make sure you are choosing the xubuntu session.. not sure what the kxstudio ppa's will break, if anything19:17
louigiholstein, I installed the usual ubuntu and then installed xcfe - unity is weird19:17
louigiI chose Greybird, but the color of the windows does not change19:19
louigiit is still black!19:19
louigii can of course try to logout but nothing I do seems to affect the colors19:20
knomelouigi, the window borders are managed by the xfwm themes19:21
louigiknome, so they are all black? Each one of them?19:21
knomelouigi, under "window manager" in settings manager19:21
louigiknome, yeah, doing it there, no use19:22
knomelouigi, no, but you need to change the theme in two places19:22
louigithe borders change - that is, the panels above the windows19:22
knomelouigi, so have you changed the theme in "appearance" then?19:22
louigiknome, woah! where else?19:22
louigiprobably not19:22
knomethat, and tab "style"19:22
knomechanging that to greybird too should give you the "complete" greybird19:23
louigiknome, thank you, trying19:23
louigicurrently cannot even see what I am typing - font changed )19:23
louigiknomw did it19:24
louigiknome, did it19:24
louigieverything is still black19:25
knomeoh, right19:25
louigilike, I open Leafpad19:25
louigiit is black19:25
louigiI want it to be white19:25
knomei'm wondering if kxstudio is adding some theming files you don't actually want19:25
louigiknome, could be19:25
knomebut i'm don't know where those would be19:25
knomemaybe some gtkrc-files somewhere...19:28
knomewhat's the ppa you're using again?19:28
louigiknome, I am using kxtudio19:28
louigitalking to its maintainer now19:28
louigiwill try to relogin and get back here to update19:29
rmooreanyone know how i'd manually adjust my configuration to load at a specific resolution? doing it from within the nvidia-settings GUI just breaks lightdm19:42
well_laid_lawnrmoore: afaik nvidia will work with xrandr now19:44
well_laid_lawnyou can use xrandr in a terminal to set a resolution19:45
rmoorewhat is xrandr?19:45
well_laid_lawnit sets the resolution - in a terminal do   xrandr -q   to find the available settings19:45
rmooreand it can save them so i dont need to reset them each time i boot my system?19:46
well_laid_lawnto have it work at each boot you can edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:46
rmoorehw would i go about doing that?19:47
well_laid_lawnwhich is what nvidia-settings edits19:47
well_laid_lawngksudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:47
rmooreyeah. but it seems like when i use the GUI for nvidia-settings to save my screen resolution to xorg.conf it kills breaks lightdm19:47
rmoorebecause when i reboot it goes straight to terminal and hangs when i sudo service lightdm start19:48
rmooreok. this is interesting19:49
rmoorei did what you said and gksudo leafpad'd into xorg.conf19:49
rmooreand its a blank file19:50
well_laid_lawnyou probably had the path wrong and are looking at a new file19:50
well_laid_lawnclose that and use the tab key to complete the file name19:50
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:50
rmooreok there we go. i forgot it was case specific19:51
rmoorealright. i'm in xorg.conf. where would i set the default screen resolution?19:51
well_laid_lawnthere should be resolution options in the monitor section19:52
rmooreyup. how do i specify one of those as default?19:53
Jimmywhat is the speed like compared to vanila ubuntu?19:53
well_laid_lawnrmoore: put the one you want at the start of the list19:55
LNCPGod, I can't remember - what was the name of that Linux package that could print command outputs onto the desktop?20:09
rmoorethanks well_laid_lawn20:16
rmoorenow to figure out why my computers so damn slow. i've go a 1.7 pentium M, 2 gigs of ram, and I'm running XFCE.The thing still strains to load Firefox20:16
well_laid_lawntry having a blank page as the home page20:20
wben114hi folks20:50
wben114i have next to no clue of xubuntu but wrecked my xprofile towards no more being able to access my dektop20:52
wben114I would be greatful for any kind of advice on how to manually bypass xprofile on startup...20:53
well_laid_lawnwben114: what did you do? edited a file or ?20:56
wben114i edited xprofile, adding some xrandr commands used for dua monitor setup20:57
wben114i wound up changing the positionning by something like pos 600x(-920)20:58
wben114the same thing without the brackets would be ignored, their addition made it so i get something like infinite login screens20:58
well_laid_lawnyou can go to a new tty with ctrl+alt+F2 keys - move or delete the file - and get back with ctrl+alt+F720:59
wben114what is tty for?20:59
wben114i mean abbreviating for21:00
well_laid_lawnI guessed you couldn't start X21:00
wben114at the moment im on a guest account on the very same desktop21:00
well_laid_lawnI've no idea what it stands for but it is the console21:00
nyRednekwhich keyboard combination allows you to enter arbitrary ascii chars on keyboard?21:01
drcTTY stands for Text Telephone21:01
well_laid_lawnuse sudo then to move/remove that file21:01
wben114the xprofile is in home/username21:02
wben114... which is encrypted :(21:02
well_laid_lawnso you'll have to login on a tty then21:02
well_laid_lawnif that'll unencrypt it21:02
wben114i will have to relog to check21:04
wben114but it appears to have worked21:05
wben114in the case21:05
wben114thank you SO F*IN much21:05
well_laid_lawncheers ;)21:05
wben1141 minute21:05
wben114sir, u made my day21:09
wben114thank you soo much21:09
wben114:-* :-* :-*   <-  these are from my wife. she's quite hot actually. thats all i can give. but damn that was hard to find :/21:10
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
esmthhi jhan22:11
esmthrespond D:22:12
knome!patience | esmth22:12
ubottuesmth: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:12
=== Catbuntu is now known as ilnyas
esmthI just wanted to say hi22:13
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:13
esmthok okey. thanks!22:13
xubuntu844hey all ;)22:51
xubuntu844i have a question for you guys ... since am a first time user for xubuntu ... i was wondering if there is a possibility to install backtrack programs in xubuntu22:53
well_laid_lawnif they are in the repos it'll be easier22:55
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:55
xubuntu844ok .. thx guys, i will check it up22:57
kgbfellaz, 'xfhelp4 seems to be in the 'xfce4-utils' package.' https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/1054407 but where is it, actually; is it part of 'xfce4-goodies' ??23:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1054407 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xfhelp4 is not installed" [Undecided,New]23:16
kgbpart of the reason that i'm lookin' 4 it: http://postimage.org/image/u16g6t6p7/ (Screenshot tool)23:18
kgb~$ sudo apt-cache search xfhelp4 && sudo apt-cache show xfhelp4 gives: 'N: Unable to locate package xfhelp4'23:19

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