[00:00] mbrownnyc:Yes, i can do it with sed, but i can't find the right syntax [00:01] echo "foo bar" | sed s/foo\ // [00:01] will remove the first instance of the string "foo " [00:02] lequeu_m: you can use `sed s/foo\ //g` to remove all instances [00:05] mbrownnyc: Yes, I know this one, but if i want everything after "foo bar " in the string "Hello foo bar test", I'll get "Hello test", and i just want "test" [00:05] so i can see my shares through a windows box, but it's not authenticating me/allowing me in. [00:05] would someone mind taking a look at my smb.conf? [00:05] Hello, is it possible to install ubuntu with unity to have full-disk-encryption AND btrfs (and user-definable partitions during install) ? [00:06] i think grep and sed target full lines [00:06] so regardless of the regex you use, they will still match lines [00:06] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1477467/ [00:07] sorry I meant ubiquity, not unity :-) [00:08] Would squashfs differences contribute to bad ubuntu remix cds? i.e. squashfs-tools 4.2.4 -> 4.2.5 [00:08] mbrownnyc: How can i achieve this so ? === Prodego is now known as Flodego [00:09] So, every so often when closing XBMC the screen becomes stuck and I have to run skill -KILL user. Once I log back in I get an error that says I need accelerated openGL. Can someone help me debug this? [00:09] To me it seems that maybe my driver is crashing? [00:09] lequeu_m: you should say what you actually want to accomplish [00:11] jrib: I want, in the string "Hello foobar test", retrieve only the word test, knowing only the word "foobar" (I don't know "Hello") [00:11] lequeu_m: to what end? What are you actually trying to do? [00:12] lequeu_m: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8101701/grep-characters-before-and-after-match [00:12] lequeu_m: grep foobar yourfile.txt | awk '{ print $3; }' [00:12] lequeu_m: try .* [00:13] '/^.+foobar\s(.+)$/' [00:13] a kind of database in shell script, the key would be Hello, the separator foobar and the value test, and I want to retrieve the value using the key [00:13] or that :D [00:13] i got it (samba) disregard [00:13] that will grab everything after foobar [00:13] Has anyone here tried netflix on ubuntu 12.10? I have a problem, the video feels like its realy low fps. The sound is good. Anyone else got the same problem? [00:13] but I don't know the context, so maybe that isn't the solution [00:13] lequeu_m: use awk or sed then [00:14] I can't use awk, with sed i can only manage to remove the separator and i don't find how to remove the "Hello" before [00:14] lequeu_m: in what context are you trying to grab this pattern? [00:15] I've been googling reading about how to get the Unity Launcher at the bottom of the screen. Most articles I found where 1-2 years old and where a little tweaky for something so simple. Is there any simple way of doing this nowadays? [00:15] lequeu_m: Why cant you use awk? === bill is now known as Guest73339 [00:16] lequeu_m: use groups and backreferences. For example: echo hello foobar test | sed 's/hello foobar \(.*\)/\1/' . But yes, why can't you use awk? [00:17] Snuggles, same problem [00:17] I'm not friend with awk :) [00:17] use perl! [00:18] lvleph, I agree, bash is great until you write a couple programs in it and then you wish perl/python had native interpeters... [00:18] I don't ever wish anything about python except for meaningful white space. === Flodego is now known as administrivia [00:19] perl especially suffers here... [00:19] getting rid of* [00:19] I have to look up how to run an interpreted session... [00:19] I hate meaningful whitespace [00:20] malkauns, you have not found any fix for it get? I think its sad that they cant come up with a version for linux. I mean, they got an app for android. Does android run silverlight? === david_ is now known as Snuggles [00:23] i just cant seem to make myself jump to 12.10 from 12.04. What are your biggest reasons for doing so? === Albastos|off is now known as Albastos [00:24] I dont see any big differences, I run 12.10 on my laptop and 12.04 on my server/media-computer [00:25] yea i am on the same boat, i am running 12.04 on my server and laptop and would only switch on my laptop, too much work to get the server set up the same way. you know [00:26] i am just trying to find some project to get involved with and cant seem to find anything that excites me lately... [00:27] lobhater: what are you into or what projects do you use but find slightly off [00:28] Do you want something fun I can recommend setting up Arch, its quite hard at first. But when you got everything running you will love it. [00:29] VLC is really the only program I use currently that seems to have major bugs. I have done quite a bit of programming but nothing in that realm. I am worried I might get in over my head [00:29] I have not used X-Chat a lot before, is it any setting to turn of messages when people join or leave a channel? I cant find it. === Albastos is now known as Albastos|off [00:30] yea i started looking at arch, but i kinda came to the conclusion that one I get it perfect it will basically be Ubuntu. No? [00:30] lobhater: no [00:30] arch is much faster and has a lot less bloat [00:30] i can *notice* the performance increase [00:31] even without a shiny window manager like xmonad [00:31] forgive my ignorance but what is so different about it? [00:31] lobhater: it doesnt use gnome for a start [00:31] You will know where you got your stuff, and what settings you use. [00:31] also waht snuggles said [00:31] simple scan crashed with all the documents open [00:31] yea all good stuuf [00:31] is there a way to get them back? [00:31] hello? [00:31] everything in arch is custom, you dont get anything you dont need apart from the basics [00:32] And its a rolling distro, means you dont need to upgrade from version 12.04 to 12.10 and so on === mnepton is now known as mneptok [00:32] It is updated all the time [00:32] yea, so it doesnt just *break* after a few releases like ubuntu does <_> [00:32] is there a way to get back the scans that were open in simple scan after a crash?> [00:32] setting it up is the hard part, after that its pretty easy. if you're unsure, do it in a vbox [00:33] we are talking alot of pages here [00:33] unbelievable [00:33] Is there a resource to learn how to write bash/ === Albastos|off is now known as Albastos [00:33] kn1ghfr0st: info bash [00:33] kn1ghtfr0st: #bash [00:34] plus google [00:34] there are tonnes of bash tutorials [00:34] Learn a better script-language instead [00:34] ruby <3 [00:34] Snuggles: that's not a useful answer [00:34] or perl [00:34] ruby is lovely, i agree [00:34] Snuggles: yeah but sometimes you need to know bash [00:34] so basically... simple scan is too much of a simple program for you guys [00:34] but bash is just useful for small progarm scripts [00:34] Snuggles: and its easier to write a one liner in bash often [00:34] i am also scared just because i have only used Debian distros for years. I don't even know what arch is honestly [00:35] lobhater: it isnt based on anything [00:35] bash is priceless, assuming it can do all that you need [00:35] Instead of apt-get you write pacman. Thats about it... haha [00:35] just the kernal, with packages complied on top? [00:35] *kernel [00:35] packages are pre-compiled, no need to do any compiling like in gentoo [00:35] though you still can compile from source ofc [00:36] You can always compile from source === |_ocke2 is now known as |_ocke [00:36] :) [00:36] not sure actually what bash is...AFAIK its just another interpreter...but it exists within the system. [00:36] The way python/perl never do [00:36] bourne again shell [00:36] And ruby [00:36] python is default in ubuntu [00:37] WhereIsMySpoon: Can you Ctl-Alt-T import math? in ubuntu? [00:37] so can i use VLC on arch? [00:37] lobhater: bash is basically the language for the stuff you type into the terminal [00:37] lobhater: sure [00:37] lobhater: no, thats silly [00:37] though if you setup your bashrc to auto run python every term, sure [00:38] :p [00:38] what media players can be used? [00:38] bash comes from unix that was called sh [00:38] oops sorry, that was meant for lorddelta1 [00:38] kn1ghtfr0st: ik [00:38] lobhater, you can use every linux player [00:38] lobhater: whichever ones work in linux [00:38] bourne again shell (bash) [00:38] ohhh, you confused me lol [00:38] WhereIsMySpoon: ok, and then can you cd directories from the python 'shell'? [00:38] lorddelta1: no, why are you asking this [00:39] Just making sure I wasn't missing out on some magic. [00:39] i guess i have quite a bit of reading to do then. thanks for the insight I might of found my project [00:39] It'd be neat if a language other than bash could do that is all. [00:40] lobhater, good luck then. The manual is really helpful. And their irc-channel. [00:40] lobhater: #archlinux is quite chilled [00:40] lorddelta1: you can change your working directory in python [00:40] the wiki is extensive [00:40] thanks Snuggles, WhereisMySpoon, see you guys [00:40] sec lobhater [00:40] k [00:40] lorddelta1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cd_(command) [00:40] aggiebill: great, easily? [00:41] lobhater: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_Guide https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB2 [00:41] thats the wiki pages you need to install it [00:41] lvleph: and then does it work cross-platform? [00:41] thanks, ill check back in later [00:41] np o/ [00:41] the point is that cd is not bash specific [00:41] lorddelta1: import os; os.chdir(path) [00:41] well, cd *is* bash specific as its a bash command [00:41] aggiebill: too long [00:41] changing directories isnt [00:42] python; cd dir [00:42] no WhereIsMySpoon it is not [00:42] I used cd in DOS === linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish` [00:42] definitely no bash there [00:43] lvleph: .... -_- [00:43] it's a different command with the same name [00:44] Is anyone here familiar with "spring roo" or "groovy on grails"? I'm programming java at work, and we use spring. I think its very time consuming and does not feel like a modern way of development. I would like to try something new (and fun). [00:45] lvleph: chdir() is the C function which, for example, python and bash use (cd for bash, chdir for python) [00:45] cd is the bash implementation of chdir [00:45] cd is shell not bash [00:45] if you are going to be pedantic [00:45] Hello! [00:45] how do i give full permission to a user equals to root ? [00:46] howdy all. stuck with an unbootable machine at present. 12.10. system reported full disk even though this was incorrect. restarted and now having trouble even getting packages. fsck seems to hang or do nothing. any suggestions [00:46] lvleph: You appear to be confused. [00:46] lvleph: what? I'm not being pedantic, you're just being wrong [00:46] lvleph: the 'cd' you call in bash, is a bash-internal command [00:46] Snuggles: java does force you to slow down and think a bit. Modern seems to be defined as no thinking... [00:46] it executes no external program. [00:46] should note. basically black screen on normal boot. unableto change to default drivers. safe graphics mode also seems to hang at fsck step [00:47] I am talking about the origins, since he said it was bash specific [00:47] The fact that it shares a name with other programs is merely coincidental. [00:47] if he said it was internal then I wouldn't argue [00:47] (Though it does help with compatability.) [00:47] where is the folder that contains the default wallpapers stored in ubuntu? [00:47] Is there a Channel in irc for computer science? [00:47] lorddelta1, I belive that if you can do programming more efficent you get more time thinking. [00:48] Snuggles: programming is already 10% of coding work [00:48] Is anyone here able to help with Ubuntu Studio? [00:48] lvleph: it is bash specific, it was implemented separately from sh cd [00:48] hey [00:48] reducing it to 5% is more of a relative time savings... [00:48] anyone can help me? [00:48] lorddelta1, not at my work. Haha, much happy hacking going on there. [00:49] X_X sounds like a spaghetti code shop. That or you're all brilliant coders who never make mistakes. [00:49] I would like to slow down and write good code instead, but we got no time... [00:49] My project is a mistake [00:49] Most parts of it [00:50] Snuggles: it is never a mistake if you wanted to do that at the time [00:50] Someone once told me I could have written something more efficiently. I told them I wanted it to work first. [00:50] tang87, true [00:50] is there a good troubleshooting guide for ubuntu no boot [00:50] What happens Snowie ? [00:50] I would search on Ubuntu forums. [00:51] black screen on boot. was using experimental driver from ati. now even in recovery cant revert to standard fglrx. i think the issue is actually the fst. [00:51] Oh well spaghetti coders ensure a bright future for the rest of us I suppose. =/ [00:51] Works the first time, works great in version 10... [00:52] lorddelta1, until you have to work on their buggy, unreadable, commented code. then you will want to neck yourself [00:52] remove fglrx then reconfigure [00:52] *uncommented [00:52] that is my best advice Snowie [00:52] Snowie, pretty much my sittuation [00:53] Snowie: then I rewrite the library in something sensible like C/Java :P [00:53] lorddelta1, but do you do it for free? My boss dont pay me to change things that work... [00:54] Snowie: have you tried ctrl + alt + f1 and seeing what you can do from command line. [00:54] Depends... [00:55] If I think I can get something working faster in C/Java, yes, yes I do it 'for free', on the job. Elsewise I flag the calls and abstract them out as much as possible so its easier to remove the dependency later. [00:55] Does anyone know much about VNC protocol in Linux? [00:55] quit [00:56] lvleph, dont get that far. working from command line [00:56] Its why the web hasn't broken yet; everything is abstracted from everything else, so we switch around bad code all the time :P [00:57] Can you get to the GRUB menu Snowie ? [00:57] i'm sorry...my client dc'd. If anyone responded can you please re paste it for me [00:57] cant get to any packges from recovery console [00:57] I have Ubuntu 10.04 and I can connect just fine to other computer through screen sharing on my Mac, but I can't contorl the mouse. I can see tha mouse move for about two second then it stops tracking. [00:57] lvl im in recovery console [00:58] ip6 address starting fe80 is equivalent 169.x... right? [00:59] 10. [00:59] Sounds weird that you can't get to ctrl+alt+f1 === Albastos is now known as Albastos|off [00:59] lorddelta1, I need to get a better job. This is my first job after university and I really want to learn how to write great code, still I'm stuck in a project where nobody gives a shit. As long as it works. Can you do a quickfix, do it. Does not matter if the code is almost impossible to understand after. [00:59] that doesn't sound like a XORG problem [00:59] lvleph, will try now, not sure how this is any different to recovery console though [00:59] Snuggles: write more comments then; that really is the problem with code these days [01:00] and ctrl alt f1 is gui in 12.10, so ctrl alt f2 yeah [01:00] Commandline gives you more things that you can do Snowie [01:00] Not that lazy programming languages are bad, just lazy programmers [01:00] from command line you can remove fglrx and reconfigure [01:00] Hello there, I'm having an issue installing using 12.10 x64 server or minimal, both have the same issue. When asked for the keyboad layout, the very first step of the installer, either it freezes or the keyboard is unresponsive. Also tried 12.04 minimal installer. Using a USB stick [01:00] maybe they have added more to recovery console? [01:00] lvleph, yeah. as expected though. no joy. dead black screen [01:01] hmmm [01:01] and also wireless USB/mouse combo (logitech) [01:01] Tried a different kernel? [01:01] Snuggles: assembly language isn't fun to read either, yet we had these things called comments. if your "fast" language is as unreadable as assembly language...think for a minute about that. [01:01] lvleph, that at me? [01:01] roll back to the previous kernel Snowie [01:01] will try [01:01] hi everyone [01:02] how can i delete some icon from the taskbar on gnome shell [01:02] ? [01:02] (gnome classic) [01:02] Magellanicus, look at dconf-settings [01:02] Snuggles: also, sphaggeti programmers legitimately increase the odds that robots will take over; rogue AI will be cause by a bug, not terrorists. [01:02] sudo dconf-settings? [01:02] lvleph, same fault [01:03] lorddelta1, I dont think "spring roo" (whitch is a framework/console) that helps you write java with spring. [01:03] hmmm [01:03] lorddelta1, haha [01:03] lvleph, lol. yeah [01:03] What did I just writa [01:03] haha [01:03] any other suggestions? [01:03] Magellanicus, do you have dconf-editor installed ? [01:04] Hello there, I'm having an issue installing using 12.10 x64 server or minimal, both have the same issue. When asked for the keyboad layout, the very first step of the installer, either it freezes or the keyboard is unresponsive. Also tried 12.04 minimal installer. Using a USB stick, and wireless USB mouse/keyboard combo [01:04] how can i see that? [01:04] I meant, I do not think quick languages as ruby on rails or spring roo makes you code more dirty [01:04] Magellanicus, install with sudo apt-get -y install dconf-tools [01:04] Well, Snowie, if you have a separate home folder just reinstall and move on. Not what you are looking for, but it may be less painful. [01:04] I am sure someone knows how to fix this, but it isn't me. [01:05] Magellanicus, then open dconf-editor and find the panel part andd add the app that you do not want to the blacklist [01:05] k ty [01:06] lvleph, i think the issue is that my home partition is baucked a little. first issue was it reported full even though it wasnt. [01:06] See what you can do from live disk? [01:06] The home folder should cause that issue though. [01:07] I don't think anyway. [01:07] I would look at the permissions [01:07] ohshitgorillas_ Make sure your USB support in the BIOS is on. [01:07] I have just reinstalled kubuntu 12.10 and it hangs at the startup window...... [01:07] thanks mick__ I definitely checked that and it's on [01:08] dbrom I think Kubuntu is a bit buggy overall [01:08] how do i give full permission to a user equals to root ? [01:08] Tried it for some time, but found it unstable [01:08] Woo remix successfull [01:08] never had this issue before [01:08] It feels like the do ubuntu, and then "fixes" kde for it === ubuntu is now known as Guest53927 [01:09] I learned about more than just ubuntu...but still it would have been faster to use uck I suspect [01:09] Time to test with metal [01:09] People don't sleep here! === ubuntu__ is now known as Guest48599 [01:10] riqdiiz: sleep? Which planet do you come from? Earth? I live on Venus, what do you mean you've never been there.. [01:10] Lol === administrivia is now known as Prodego [01:14] ok I have 10.04 and I have my live 12.04 iso bootable from grub2, I would like to install 12.04 as dual boot. The problem is that installer wants to unmount sda to create partitions and it cannot because the iso is mounted... how do I install WITHOUT creating partitions during install? [01:14] Best location to upload large files these days? [01:14] I'll upload my LiveCD if it works... [01:15] lorddelta1: dropbox [01:15] Downgrade grub to 9.04 [01:16] ...mediafire is offering 50GB free... [01:16] Lorddelta1 try that. [01:19] Grub 9.04 is homoerectus. [01:23] i have a problem with the wireless connection its very slow,, any help?? [01:27] They are always wireless ;-) [01:29] anyone here? [01:30] help [01:30] sym0n, just ask your question and find out [01:31] Screen brightness stuck on a Samsung N150 plus running 12.04, any ideas? [01:31] Hiya! [01:32] Is it possible to get the ubuntu terminal in lubuntu? [01:34] Ririshi: install gnome-termimal [01:34] Thank you (: [01:38] jimmy, there is a PPA with samsung-tools and backlight > https://launchpad.net/~voria/+archive/ppa [01:38] hello is someone here? [01:40] need help [01:40] provenzano,, just ask your question and find out [01:41] need help with aircrack -ng [01:41] use gerix [01:41] unless you're tryin to learn the manual commands etc [01:42] how to collect the iv's in cap files [01:43] im using win8 right now and i have aircrack for win with gui wich is easier then command line interface === LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime [01:46] but we're in unbuntu === Albastos|off is now known as Albastos [01:46] lol [01:46] 0.o [01:46] provenzano, lots of tutorials around, http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=tutorial === zmisc is now known as mosh [01:48] yes but the airdump doesnt work properly [01:48] ok thanks anyway :)) [01:49] i think you need a wireless adapter that can operate in promiscuous mode or something [01:52] elfer: are you referring to monitoring packets? [01:53] i'm not sure, just aircrack... i heard thats part of the process of ... using those tools [01:54] i'm not really familiar with that sort of thing [01:54] Any ubuntu experts out there? [01:54] lol [01:56] Excuse me, but I require some advice on what to do. I am attempting to put 12.04.1 onto my machine and, for the past several hours, it has been stuck trying to configure the boot loader. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to proceed? [01:56] Hey. I'm on lubuntu and the task bar stopped working.. I closed it and now it's gone.. How can I restart it? I've got one terminal opened [02:03] can i chat in skype via terminal? [02:03] Ririshi: What is your windows manager? gnome3? kde? unity? [02:03] skype via terminal? [02:04] hi all. so into my machine via live usb. disk still reports as full, even though disk utility only reports 500G of 1T. df also reports full. 12.10. any tips to repair this. should also note that recently i goofed on command line. trying to move few hundred M of files in subfolders to current and typed $ mv ./*/* ./* the files were luckily backed up. but how do i repair this. [02:04] that would be neat [02:04] like an ascii image of the person you are skyping [02:04] gnome : try alt-f2 then type only "r" (the letter) [02:04] someone should code that [02:04] alien2050: ehh.. lubuntu standard? LXDE? [02:05] Ririshi, try " lxpanel " or logout and log back in again [02:05] Okay, so I gave up on the two methods suggested by the page at Ubuntu on setting up a bootable flash drive. I've burned Ubuntu to a cd and it showed up as an option when rebooting and holding option key. But after choosing the CD it started to boot and i got a black screen with a blinking (big) cursor at top left. Sounds like the drive has been crunching for awhile but 10 minutes have passed. Should I be doing something here? [02:06] OerHeks: thanks :D [02:07] but i have to keep the terminal opened for that >.< [02:07] Motoservo: burn another if you have one. rule out it might be the disk itself. long time 'crunching' usually means bad read [02:07] ill try relo [02:07] g [02:07] !nomodeset | Motoservo [02:07] Motoservo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [02:07] Am I supposed to see a black screen with a cursor though? [02:08] thanks. [02:08] fsck is ok to run on mounted drives right. only fsck2 cannot/shouldnt be run mounted? [02:09] I forgot to mention I'm on a Mac. I suppose this article still applies? [02:10] Motoservo, yes, it can help on mac too [02:10] What does nomodeset do actually? [02:11] Snowie, fsck should be run in single user mode, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SystemAdministration/Fsck [02:11] Ririshi: i believe it simply loads default, instead of trying to guess your card settings [02:11] lol [02:12] simple, but effective [02:12] why doesn't chromium auto-scroll webchat? [02:12] OerHeks: So I just add that to /etc/sources.list? Which package do I install? Also, is there a way to list all the packages in that repository after I apt-cache update? [02:13] jimmy, follow the instructions howto add that ppa, after updating you can see the contents in softwarecentre/synaptic, install samsung-backlight ( & tools) should do the trick and reboot i guess [02:14] i do not own a samsung machine, found it on askubuntu [02:14] jimmy, the easiest way is to do "apt-cache search " (yes, without sudo) [02:14] apt-cache is a useful tool [02:15] Yeh === linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish [02:17] OerHeks: so any idea how to get my disk reporting the correct size? even in disk util gui shows 1TBfull at the top, but only 500GB when scanned??? [02:19] Snowie, no idea, you messed it up pretty bad i guess [02:19] OerHeks: :( yup. cheers bud [02:20] Snowie: You may have run out of inodes if you have a lot of small files. === Albastos is now known as Albastos|off [02:21] Excuse me, but I require some advice on what to do. I am attempting to put 12.04.1 onto my machine and, for the past several hours, it has been stuck trying to configure the boot loader. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to proceed? [02:23] Hello there, I'm having an issue installing using 12.10 x64 server or minimal, both have the same issue. When asked for the keyboad layout, the very first step of the installer, either it freezes or the keyboard is unresponsive. Also tried 12.04 minimal installer. I'm using a USB stick or a CD, doesn't matter. Desktop crashes after I hit "continue" for the first time. [02:23] hi all, ve small issue on my iMac with ubuntu 12.4 or any version, everything work fine, but sometime after working with GIMP or blender..etc, gettingg the screen nosy or f**up. it's an driver issue or just Apple tricks to reback the user to MacOSX? [02:23] ohshitgorillas: you did md5sum the download, right? [02:24] This is seriously just breaking my spirit and my resolve to continue using linux period [02:24] Blue1: yeah of course [02:24] Hi guys [02:24] Anyone know [02:24] How to remove a persoon from ignore list? [02:25] ohshitgorillas: what do you choose for the k/b layout? [02:25] !grubrepair | Hamtechperson, you could try to reinstall grub after you cancel this installation [02:25] Hamtechperson, you could try to reinstall grub after you cancel this installation: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [02:26] Evening. Does Ubuntu 12.10 support mono sound output? [02:26] [02:26] English, the default. It's a plain US keyboard... keep in mind that after the installer begins, this step is where it locks up so technically I don't get to select it after starting the installation [02:26] Anyone? [02:26] I click skip? Then proceed? [02:26] ohshitgorillas: could be bad ram -- does any other os work correctly on your machine? [02:27] absolutely. I can boot into the existing Arch installation and everything works perfectly fine [02:27] ohshitgorillas: 12.04 - with unity? kde? [02:28] Blue1: 12.10 and 12.04, both server and minimal. Desktop with 12.10 locks up after the screen which asks to download updates while installing and third party software, etc [02:28] ohshitgorillas: I don't know if 12.04 has a safe mode in the live cd - but if so I would try that [02:29] ok, no one using ubuntu on mac devices :-) [02:29] ohshitgorillas, USB stick install or dvd/cd? [02:29] hmm [02:29] erncic: both [02:29] I see. I've had issues with usb, and a perfect install off a real disk. [02:29] erncic: ditto [02:30] erncic: I've only tried 12.10 server from the disc, but I'll try minimal or desktop next I suppose [02:30] How do I cancel an install? is it the skip button? [02:30] thanks and brb [02:30] ohshitgorillas, I'd give it a try.. I locked up hard while trying usb. [02:30] ohshitgorillas: I have had no issues with desktop - but then i only played with 12.xx for 1 day. [02:31] Funny thing is, I installed it a few weeks ago with no problems! [02:31] That was desktop, for reference. [02:31] ohshitgorillas: well the mayan apocalypse happened that's why. [02:31] Blue1: at this point that's my best guess :P [02:32] ohshitgorillas: wish I could offer better answers - but that seems to fit [02:32] brb trying minimal then desktop on a cd [02:32] ok. so after alot of dramas ive been having, decided to reinstall ubuntu on my machine. 12.04 live usb. can i reinstall the os and just leave /home partition in place? [02:33] Anyone know about having mono sound with ubuntu 12.10? [02:33] Snowie: Yes [02:34] Did you try a mono output Raspootis? [02:34] ! mac [02:34] For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [02:34] usr13: cheers. will give that a go now. [02:34] Hamtechperson, what do you mean? [02:35] is there different between ubuntu12.04 iso and ubuntu12.04.1 iso? [02:36] It could be something in your sound-creating device. Are you using a mono device? [02:36] Hamtechperson, I have an amp hooked up, due to lack of a better speaker. [02:36] When testing sound, only the left channel is heard [02:37] Raspootis_: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/alsa-mono-output-how-to-make-815094/ [02:38] usr13: hmm. have a guide for this? only shows single ~1TB partition. [02:40] Well, installing 12.10 minimal via CD still had the same issue with not recognizing the keyboard. Trying Desktop next... since that had a different error, plus I *know* the mouse works, and because they're using the same USB receiver, I'm hoping that the keyboard will work too... [02:40] Thanks to Ubuntu, now I have to to live with an ethernet cable. WiFi is just unusable on my 12.04 running on Macbook Pro 9,1. :( [02:40] OerHeks: Sorry, drunk, didn't notice the http. Been looking for this fix for awhile, thanks a lot! [02:40] and then maybe I'll only have to spend a couple of hours stripping it down :P [02:41] In that case, you'll need to back up /home and reinstall and move /home/ files back to PC. You could, howerver, split it up now. Boot to live CD and create a large partition for /home/ and move to it. (But just backing up to a USB drive would be easier, and next time just create a /home/ partition for future use.) [02:41] how can i see what package a file is a part of? [02:41] Trying to install 12.04.1 as an upgrade to 11.04. Boot loader has been "configuring" for several hours. It failed on my install of 11.04 earlier today (Had the disk, it was the one that was consistently working). Help please? [02:41] Snowie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving === qos|away is now known as qos [02:43] Uh, is there a simpler way for me to get my disks UUIDs into fstab on my no-gui server other than manually transposing them? [02:43] usr13: *sigh* yeah i realised that is where this is heading. last time i tried that i got to about the last step and then dropped the lot. i cried a little [02:43] Hamtechperson: What? upgrade from 12.04 to 11.04? [02:43] li/leave [02:44] Upgrade 11.04 to 12.04.1. Not going down. [02:44] Hamtechperson: Oh never mind... but you're still skipping 11.10. Are you just doing fresh install from CD? [02:45] can i install Desktop CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download) on intel 64bit? [02:46] Yes I am. I keep seeing "Buffer I/O Error on device SDA" messages [02:47] kelvinella: What? [02:47] usr13, my laptop is 64 bit system but it is not AMD [02:47] how can i see what package a file is a part of? [02:47] usr13, in ubuntu iso download page i can only find 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD [02:47] kelvinella: If you are asking if it's ok to instal 32bit OS on 64bit hardware, yes, that's ok. [02:48] kelvinella: that is correct; AMD64 refers to the instruction set, which AMD pioneered, but it is used by all x86-64 processors [02:48] its just called AMD64, but you dont need an AMD cpu :) [02:49] kelvinella: Oh yea, I see what you are asking now. [02:49] usr13, any idea of how I can circumvent the issue I'm having? [02:49] so ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso 23-Aug-2012 17:13 694M Desktop CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download) is ok for i5 CPU?? [02:49] anyone know a trick to copy UUIDs into /etc/fstab without a mouse [02:49] kelvinella: yes [02:49] it is 64 bit system [02:49] Hamtechperson: Just do fresh install of 12.04 [02:50] So, kill the current install and try again? [02:51] Hamtechperson: If that is what youa are doing and are getting I/O failures, check the media for defects. (BTW, did you run md5sum on the ISO before burhing?) [02:51] Hamtechperson: I'm not sure what you are doing. Can you be specific? [02:52] I can try, at least. [02:53] enneract: vim [02:53] I have a button, which should show a modal widget, with a form, i was looking at "Dialog" class, but it can't contains "Gtk.Entry" [02:53] do you use Gtk? === ubuntu is now known as Guest29723 [02:54] enneract: blkid /dev/sda# >blkid.txt ; vim blkid.txt etc. === linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish` [02:59] This morning, I put 11.04 onto my machine (fresh install, get rid of everything). It failed to load the boot loader. I then went to the 12.04.1 live cd, and installed that as an upgrade to the previous 11.04 install from this morning. It seemed to install fine, but has stalled for the past several hours at the stage of configuring the boot loader. It has been at least 6 hours of "configuring". Whe [02:59] n the 11.04 installer failed to load the boot loader, it went into a desktop session, wherein it periodically yelled at me that there was an issue with my drive. It used to have XP on it, which was completely wiped as we were going to get rid of the computer before I mentioned I wanted it as a pet project. That ran exceedingly slow as well. What do you think I should do? [03:02] Stupid quick Question... Is wine 1.5.5 or Wine 1.5.20 newer? [03:03] 1.5.20 [03:03] k thanks === qos is now known as qos|away [03:09] Is there any way of finding what physical volume that a directory is located on [03:10] maybe "df" would give you a hint [03:10] cmell perfect, thanks === Terry is now known as Guest28451 [03:16] hello [03:17] hello Terry [03:18] exit [03:18] ^D [03:19] hey! === vjn_ is now known as vjn [03:24] what does it mean when a command is present when i type it without using sudo and it exists but when i type sudo it doesn't [03:24] whuch command? [03:25] 还有中国人? [03:25] goddard, which command does that? [03:27] Guest28451, I think there is probably a chinese ubuntu channel, but this is the nglish channel [03:28] can I adjust the display timeout via the cli in ubuntu 12? I'm told gconftool can, but it seems to be an older version of ubuntu [03:28] !zh | Guest28451 [03:28] Guest28451: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [03:30] How can I kill an install process? I've been stuck trying to configure the Boot loader for at least 6 hours now! [03:30] wow [03:30] OerHeks: It works, you're my god damn hero. The kernal upgrade broke the screen brightness thing since I've been out of town. Been squinting for days, thanks so much [03:30] *kernel [03:31] what's up guys [03:31] cmell: pear [03:31] Hamtechperson, you can kill processes with the "top" command. each process shown has a number. type "k" and the number of the process you'd like to kill === Terry is now known as Guest59013 [03:32] I'm not exactly sure how i'd get to a terminal though. I started the install without starting the live session. [03:33] 12.04.1, if that helps any. [03:33] Hamtechperson: Ctrl+Alt+F1 help? [03:33] hello guys [03:34] no, unfortunately [03:34] wait, something happened! [03:34] Hamtechperson: ctrl+alt+F1 doesn't bring you to a tty? [03:37] how can i find where a binary is located [03:37] ,who [03:37] It did, but not right away [03:37] I accidentally removed the power button from the taskbar in lubuntu.. is there a way to get it back? ^-^ I shouldn't mess with this so much >.< [03:37] Now, if only it would stop writing new data [03:38] Hamtechperson: Are you seeing error messages being printed to the tty? [03:38] goddard, "whereis cmdname" [03:40] The refresh is too fast I can't read what the hell it's putting out. I think so though. I've been stuck trying to configure the boot loader on an install since at least 2100 utc. [03:41] I just saw somethin that said Error { utc } or something like that [03:41] unc [03:41] failed command READ:DMAO [03:42] Hamtechperson, pull up a second terminal window, the errors wll usually only go to the first [03:42] Hamtechperson: Try pressing scroll lock to stop the errors. Whatever they are they're probably important. [03:43] Hamtechperson: (Stop as in stop them from scrolling so that you can read them) [03:43] It's not working [03:43] Hamtechperson, a system shutdown will stop all the processes ... [03:43] There is no window. The entire screen is a terminal [03:44] (I'm not on that machine) [03:44] Hamtechperson, that usuually means either a crash happened, or a Kernel Panic happened. [03:44] just type this on the console screen "shutdown -h now" [03:45] there's no input linbe [03:45] im having some path issues where is the sudo profile located? [03:45] for my binary files [03:45] cmell: Hamtechperson: We're in the middle of an install, I think we should try a few more things before shutting down. [03:45] just an endless stream of the same errors with incrementing numbers going up. [03:45] Hamtechperson: Did scroll lock help? [03:45] Not in the slightest. [03:46] Hamtechperson, what about "ctrl-c" [03:47] nope. I think it logged out, but the errors just keep coming. [03:47] Hamtechperson: Try ctrl+alt+F2 [03:47] they invade the top area === linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish [03:48] But they go away. WHat should I try next [03:48] so ctrl-c does nothing? [03:49] cmell: No, these are kernel error messages being sent to the tty, not output from a command. [03:49] I think it did something. It said logging out, then the screen went top cursor and the error messages just kept coming [03:50] Hamtechperson: So after pressing ctlr+alt+F2 can you run commands and see their output? [03:50] give me a command to try and I'll see... [03:50] Hamtechperson, interesting result from trying to update the bootloader [03:51] I was trying to update from 11.04 to 12.04.1. It's been it bootloader nonsense for probably 7 or 8 hours now. [03:51] Hamtechperson: too big a jump. you cannot go from 11.04 to 12.04 [03:52] Hamtechperson: echo test [03:52] Hamtechperson: rather let me say, you cannot directly upgrade from 11.04 to 12.04 [03:52] unknown command press h for help [03:52] live disk upgrade [03:53] Hamtechperson: What does "h" output? [03:53] help for interactive commands [03:53] Hamtechperson, if you can see and type commands, if all else fails you can shutdown the system, but since it was during a major upgrade, it might not be bootable anymore [03:53] and a new error scroll [03:53] Has anyone seen a ping -c 1 google.com that ping says it took 0 ms, but if you put time in front of it, it takes 5 seconds? [03:54] I can use a disk to recover though, right? [03:54] maybe [03:54] cknox: If you run "time ping google.com" you'll time outputing the time it takes for ping to *resolve the domain name google.com*, then send an ICMP echo request to that ip, then get a response. [03:55] linux is a toy.. [03:56] cub: This is the Ubuntu support channel. Please stick to productive support related discussion. [03:56] buffer I/o error on device sda, logical block 4. At least it's different [03:57] Hamtechperson: Sounds like you may have a bad hard drive. I wouldn't depend on it for any important data. [03:57] Hamtechperson, it's lost communication with the hdd. you probably cant shut down the normal way [03:57] Jordan_U: the DNS lookup appears to happen right away, if I ping longer, there is literally 5 seconds between each ping response. I don't have this when pinging local systems, it just seems to be remote systems [03:58] Hamtechperson, the hdd might not be bad, probably the change of drivers did it [03:58] How do I kill it then? [03:58] maybe. [03:58] It was just wiped though. [03:59] Hamtechperson, at this point, you can try the :shutdown -g now" , but if that fails there's only powering off [03:59] however, that being said, it definitely appears there's an issue with pinging the domain name [03:59] sorry, "shutdown -h now" I meant [04:00] well, ctrl alt del said it was going down for reboot... It's better than this nonsense. [04:01] my laptop keyboard stops working after some medium length of time (couple hours maybe). external keyboards keep working, and if I restart X then it resumes working. No errors in syslog or Xorg log, any ideas for what to check? [04:02] scottj, power-saver settings? [04:02] cmell: Hamtechperson: There is no "change of drivers", as this is a LiveCD/USB environment, and there is almost certainly something wrong with your hardware. Maybe the drive itself, maybe the cables connecting it, maybe the motherboard. [04:03] Well, the system is going down. It used to be on windows, and ran mollasses slow there, esp. on boot. [04:03] Jordon_U, if it was working prior to the update, what a coincidence that the hw would fail during the update [04:03] sur [04:03] sure [04:03] cmell: I'll try not using pm-powersave and xfce-power-manager and see if that effects it === owner is now known as Guest62434 [04:04] !tab | cmell [04:04] cmell: You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [04:04] Well, my project just got more projecty... === Guest62434 is now known as justmeh [04:05] Hamtechperson, does it still boot? [04:05] cmell: This isn't an "upgrade" in the normal sense of the word, it's an installation from scratch of a newer version of Ubuntu than what Hamtechperson used to have. [04:05] heya, i always confused , on crontab m/d/ on scheduling, if i want schedule for 1st day of the month how do i write it ? [04:06] I'm not sure. I don't think so, as I never got a boot loader to install. [04:06] With 11 or 12 [04:07] Hi, I installed ubuntu on my nexus 7 last night. I encountered a problem on first setup when it asks for the users language [04:07] and time zone [04:07] etc... [04:07] so the boot loader never installed? Might be a bad sector I suppose, or do you have "virus protection" enabled in the bios? [04:07] basically, it would accept input from the onscreen keyboard, and then at some point the frame around the setup window would disappear and the text field would stop accepting input [04:08] on screen keyboard would still show, however, nothing would be taking input from it [04:08] Hamtechperson: The first thing I would do is boot from the Ubuntu LiveCD again, select "Try Ubuntu before installing", and run GNOME Disk Utility (aka "palimpsest") to check the drive's S.M.A.R.T. status. [04:08] SMART said failing in 11.04. [04:08] That I did get. [04:09] Hamtechperson: That would have been a good thing to tell us earlier :) [04:09] Hamtechperson: Since the drive is failing, you should really get a new drive and install to that. [04:09] Hamtechperson: bad HDD ... [04:10] I guess I will. I also thought I had put it in a megamessage earlier. I guess not. [04:10] is there another channel where i should be asking questions about current dev versions of ubuntu ? (13.04) ?? [04:10] !ubuntu+1 [04:10] Raring Ringtail is the codename for Ubuntu 13.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [04:11] ah [04:11] no rascally rabbit? :) === aether is now known as Guest27322 [04:12] cmell: no beefy miracle either. go figure ... [04:12] That would have been Awesome. [04:12] Hi Guys, I [04:12] But maybe for W, since that was the pronunciation. [04:13] I just can't get my wifi to work on ubuntu 12.04 [04:13] yeah, wascally wabbit :) [04:13] Hamtechperson, try low level formating the drive with the util from the manufacturer (usually a dos app) [04:13] I have a hp probook 4540s [04:14] can you guys help me set up wifi?\ [04:14] amitg: did it ever work? what hardware? [04:14] I had 12.10 but it kept getting disconnected [04:14] so it sort of worked [04:15] I chucked 12.10 and installed 12.04 and now the driver isn't loaded at all [04:15] amitg: broadcom? [04:15] obviously it's a driver which wasn't included in 12.04 [04:15] Hmm.. [04:16] I'm just checking which card is it [04:16] at this page http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/ca/en/sm/WF06a/321957-321957-64295-3955552-3955552-5229455.html?dnr=1 [04:17] it lists a lot of things under wireless [04:17] amitg, so you never made a note of what 12.10 thought it was or which driver was being used? [04:18] i was using Atheros [04:18] ath9k [04:18] ok, that narrows it down [04:18] ath9k should work fine however... [04:18] Attempted to set a static ip on ubuntu now I can not ping outside of local router, but can ping to other devices connected to it? [04:19] hugenumber, you need to set a default gateway manually [04:19] ensure the default gateway and dns settings are also set manually [04:19] ok will do that now [04:19] what do I do now?? [04:20] go get the ath9k driver [04:21] I have it [04:21] have you installed it already? [04:21] ath9k is in the kernel [04:21] there is no "getting it" [04:22] well, since it's not detecting the card, something is wrong with 12.04's module with respect to this particular card [04:22] try modprobing it yourself [04:23] it might be something simple like the card using an id which was only added in 12.10 [04:23] a 'sudo modprobe ath9k' ? [04:23] yup [04:23] but that doesn't work either [04:23] what does it say [04:23] nothing [04:23] and "lsmod|grep ath" shows nothing? [04:23] hmmmm [04:24] ath9k 130982 0 [04:24] mac80211 544021 1 ath9k [04:24] ath9k_common 14053 1 ath9k [04:24] ath9k_hw 390924 2 ath9k,ath9k_common [04:24] ath 23827 3 ath9k,ath9k_common,ath9k_hw [04:24] amitg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:24] cfg80211 210454 3 ath9k,mac80211,ath [04:24] compat 13575 5 ath9k,mac80211,ath9k_common,ath9k_hw,cfg80211 [04:24] hi is there anyway to pause wget? [04:24] Hey guys, Having an issue with a laptop touchpad not coming back after resume from sleep (RAM). I've put everything I know in a gist: https://gist.github.com/fa5699c06a20fae54799 [04:24] ath9k is working then [04:24] hi [04:24] it's another problem [04:24] hi [04:24] can anyone tell me [04:25] Hmm... [04:25] can anyone clue me in on the secret code to install java [04:25] devlos: Ctrl+z [04:25] devlos: resume: % [04:25] how i can install the deskop GUI on ubuntu 12.1 [04:26] frustrated, secret code?? [04:26] so I installed something that installed an LDAP server with it. Now all of my authentication takes a minute from when I enter my password. Anyone know what config file is telling it to try ldap? [04:26] yeah its a big mystery [04:26] acovrig, thanks, perfect [04:26] amitg: what issue are you having? I jumped into the middle of it [04:26] genius, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ? [04:26] can I suspend from the cli? I can from the gnome menu, but can't find a command for it. [04:26] well...? [04:26] Hwkiller: network unclaimed for wifi [04:27] amitg: what do you mean "unclaimed"? [04:27] how do you get java working in browsers in ubuntu? [04:27] ethernet works though [04:27] frustrated: you'll want icedtea [04:27] malkauns: i installed the desktop but after installation taskbar and statusbar is not visible for me [04:27] unclaimed on doing "lshw -C network" [04:28] Hwkiller : this is what I get [04:28] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1477936/ [04:29] I had gateway set, added a dns ip, now i can ping but nothing comes back [04:29] frustrated sekrit code: icedtea-plugin [04:29] amitg: I don't use lshw [04:29] Okay. [04:29] amitg: type "rfkill list" [04:29] (not sure if that's installed) [04:29] what about ifconfig, amitg? [04:29] ifconfig is deprecated [04:29] (use ip a) [04:30] rfkill gives this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1477943/ [04:30] alright... and what happens when you try to connect to a wifi network? [04:30] cmell: ip a doesn't show a wlan0 [04:30] Can't connect. it doesn't detect any wifi [04:31] never mind, its pm-suspend [04:32] are you sure you've got wifi reception to connect to? [04:32] Yeah. It works on windows though [04:33] might be 12.04's driver is flacky and got slightly better in 12.10? [04:33] On clicking the network icon on the top right, I don't see any wireless connections [04:33] amitg: what about "ip l" [04:33] ok now it's telling me "iced tea is out of date" [04:34] Hwkiller : lo and eth0 [04:34] amitg: are you using lightdm to start your sessions and everything? [04:34] can anyone solve this case? [04:34] Hwkiller: i guess it's the default one [04:35] frustrated: amitg hm [04:35] er, not frustrated [04:35] But I am! [04:35] frustrated: what are you trying to load? [04:35] got a link? [04:36] a damn java test [04:36] yes [04:36] got a link? [04:36] https://java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp [04:36] I want to see if mine works [04:37] frustrated: have you taken a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java? === mscurtescu is now known as mariuss [04:38] frustrated: I have no idea. I'm on arch with updated jre and icedtea, and it's still saying that [04:38] cknox: according to that, everything is already installed [04:38] Hwkiller: what? [04:38] frustrated why not try another page [04:38] Artemis3: i have [04:39] frustrated: personally I try to stay away from Java (of course it doesn't help that we require it at work) [04:39] frustrated: as in, I have the most updated packages and it's saying it's out of date on the webpage [04:39] (it's not) [04:39] Hwkiller: what can we do [04:39] Hwkiller: also suggest some next steps for me [04:39] frustrated: I have no idea... honestly [04:39] frustrated http://javatester.org/version.html [04:40] hello all [04:40] amitg: I've never seen the issue before; i'm not sure what I can do :( [04:40] amitg, I suppose you might get the most recent version of the ath9k driver, and make a module from that [04:41] guys I want to ask you if 600 frames on glxgears is slow - normal or fast ? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [04:42] Yep, I'm doing a make and make install [04:42] anyone please ? [04:42] HeKToN: glxfears is not a valid benchmark. [04:42] HeKToN, meaningless [04:42] amitg: I really don't think that's the issue [04:43] ok how can I check properly ? [04:43] how new is your laptop? [04:43] HeKToN, what card do you have? [04:43] Hwkiller : yes [04:43] Hwkiller: one month [04:43] HeKToN: Try an actual 3D game. [04:44] AMD Radeon HD 7500G [04:45] yeah i just played openarena and nexuiz and it looks fine but it slow on simple processes like youtube for instance === eric_504 is now known as ampd [04:45] HeKToN, isn't youtube partially dependant on your net speeds? [04:46] HeKToN, when in youtube, right click to enter flash properties and disable hardware accel, might cure it [04:46] cmell : thanks I`ll try it [04:46] Artemis3 : no idea if that is the problem in my case [04:47] Mehhhh, what the hell is wrong with my ubuntu :/ [04:47] what now? [04:47] same issue [04:47] built ath9k [04:47] but it doesn't detect wifi at al [04:47] all [04:48] amitg: oh, sorry I hadn't realized it was that knew. [04:48] is there a ppa for the mainline kernel anyone? [04:48] hi can i install gnome desktop enviorment on linux ubuntu server 12.10 [04:49] to see if he can run 3.7 or 3.6? [04:49] genius, of course you can, not that you should... [04:50] gnome isn't bad [04:50] Astemis3: can you give me the command [04:51] if you are talking gnome3, i believe it involves a ppa, i'll let the experts guide you on that. cmell i was thinking servers don't need a local gui. [04:51] no it doesn't [04:51] gnome-shell/gnome3 is in repos [04:52] (unity uses gnome3; the only real difference is that it doesn't use shell) [04:52] actually i installed ubuntu-desktop [04:52] in /var/log/X see Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libextmod.so does that mean that this is the video driver which is being loaded by 12.04? [04:52] but intallation i am not able to see the taskbar or statusbar of the desktop [04:53] genius, you might try a simpler gui... one without compositing, such as xfce or lxde. [04:53] genius: why? [04:53] er, Artemis3 : why? === DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway [04:53] 12.04 on hdb runs fine, but 12.10 on hda1 gives "cannot display this video..." which may be due to loading or using the wrong driver. I want to check that both are using the same driver. how can I know which video driver I'm using currently? [04:55] no clue then? [04:55] 8 [04:57] can someone help me read this log to see whether it's configuration or wrong driver or what? http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/264235 [04:58] I've been advised to create a new bug report on Launchpad, this relates to no thumnbail preview and processor usage going up in nautilus. Should I file the bug under nautilus? [04:59] Well I messed up my partition trying to dual boot windows 7 with ubuntu...now I have only ubuntu :) [05:00] anyone know of a way to squeeze better performance out of an intel integrated graphics card on a laptop [05:03] I have 12.10 installed on hda (I'm booted on hdb); how can I see which video drivers hda 12.10 is using? [05:05] thufir_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log [05:06] daftykins: what am I looking for? I know that my video card is an ancient SiS. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1477983/ [05:06] Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/sis_drv.so ? [05:07] thufir_: line 144, SiS driver [05:07] ok, thanks, I see that. can I see which driver the 12.10 install is using without booting into 12.10? [05:08] thufir_: not unless it has a Xorg.0.log in another place nah [05:08] or, do I need to boot into 12.10, crash X, and get that from the log. [05:08] thufir_: that'd be easiest, can you get to a TTY? [05:08] right. let me look. I can mount the other har drive and take look. thanks. [05:09] np [05:09] hmm.. does SiS have dri drivers? [05:09] and does your 12.04 use unity 2d mode? [05:10] Hwkiller: SiS barely has working 2D linux drivers. [05:11] those are all good questions. I don't see what problem 12.10 has with my (crummy) hardware wich 12.04 didn't have. [05:13] how do u change the text color in the top unity panel?? [05:13] daftykins: x log from other hard drive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1477989/ should show crash (seg fault) [05:15] thufir_: identical driver ic [05:15] [ 745.444] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory [05:15] yeah, that might be the problem. not sure why it's not using software rendering though; my guess is that it's crashing b/c of that [05:16] I see that as well. so that's good. could it be config then? it, for all intents and purposes, has to be config, yes? [05:16] not... really [05:16] Hwkiller: ok, interesting. pls share your thinking. [05:16] try installing a simpler environment (lxde or something) to see if that works [05:17] that boot is a lot slower once it gets to the driver loading [05:17] Hwkiller: I tried Xubuntu and, oh, I forget, lightdm(?) and had the same problem. [05:17] i'm not seeing Hwkiller's paste error anywhere in your 12.04 [05:17] do you guys now any good dictionary app? like just input the word and it defines the word for me instead of googling the meaning everytime [05:17] instead, there's: [05:17] [ 24.599] (EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory [05:18] what paste error for 12.04? 12.04 loads fine, the crash is for 12.10...I'm confused. what's the question? [05:18] KISS [05:18] thufir_: yeah the error Hwkiller pasted from your 12.10 log isn't present in the 12.04, it's a curious situation [05:18] or i'm just blind and can't see it [05:18] just search for (EE) [05:19] yeah, not there [05:19] hwkiller: can i use apt-get install xinit for startx desktop [05:19] enviornment [05:19] both state DRI is disabled [05:20] genius: it's not an issue of starting X [05:20] not having dri on an environment requiring opengl is the problem [05:20] however... not sure why 2d environments don't work either [05:20] daftykins: I'm looking for a paste by Hwkiller but don't see it as yet. pardon, had some distractions on this end. (home stuff) [05:20] so apparently I'm wrong [05:21] [ 745.444] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory is this what's the problem?? [05:21] it's the only error on that log [05:22] ja [05:22] sorry got distracted too [05:22] that's significant. I'm going to google that. no worries on distracted, time, etc, thanks to both guys for your help. [05:22] i sense Hwkiller knows more than me on this topic, i'm surprised it's not falling back to unity 2D for you. try forcing boot to that somehow? i don't know how it works [05:24] daftykins: I don't recall the exact software. it was lightdm(?), a very light manager which I tried as well. same result. yeah, Iwant to get it to fall back to something less intensive. can I configure it to do that? [05:25] thufir_: lightdm is the default Desktop Manager in Ubuntu, and a "Desktop Manger" is basically a GUI login screen. You probably want to change your Desktop Environment. [05:26] Jordan_U: yes, I certainly do. LXDE works fine for 12.04 (I'm using it now). I selected xubuntu, thought that would be ok. I can boot into 12.10 and 1.) what do I remove with apt 2.) what do I install? [05:27] thufir_: Could you give a brief summary of your problem? [05:27] thufir_, you can pick your DE from lightdm as well as others such as gdm and kdm, but you have to install other DEs first [05:28] I'm running 12.04 from hdb,works fine. I installed 12.10 to hda (I want a clean install) but X will always crash. I just want some sort of window manager in 12.10. [05:29] thufir_, you can, as emergency install something like openbox. for more permanent use maybe xfce or lxde [05:29] however, hwkiller suggests, and google "agrees", that the error [ 745.444] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory might be causing the crash. [05:29] any gnome-equivalent for kdirstat? [05:30] Artemis3: but why is x crashing? [ 745.444] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory or can I simply not use xubuntu at all, xubuntu causes the crash? [05:31] thufir_, sounds like problem with the video card... did you try renaming /etc/X11/xorg.conf to something else (so that there is no xorg.conf?) [05:31] Artemis3: can't be the video card if I'm using said video card from 12.04 on hdb, can it? or not? [05:31] thufir_, or maybe not that i think about it, is your user belonging to the proper groups? the problem seems remotely familiar [05:32] thufir_, very likely software, not hardware issue [05:33] thufir_: And you still get a crash when logging in with an LXDE or Xubuntu session? [05:33] Artemis3: it's a clean install. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1478017/ I don't think there's an xorg.conf, is there? [05:33] s/Xubuntu/XFCE/ [05:33] check just in case thufir_ oh and what card it is again? [05:34] SIS [05:34] uh oh... SIS??? i think you should stick to 12.04 [05:34] why? I need to upgrade for various reasons. [05:34] 12.04 is LTS... [05:35] Hi, An Icon is appearing on the top bar of ubuntu (a red warning icon) saying that the update information is outdated. How can I fix this? [05:36] stay with 12.04 and use PPAs for whatever you need updated (except xorg, don't touch xorg, and probably linux-image) [05:36] CrazyZurfer: run the software updater, or 'sudo apt-get update' in a terminal [05:36] thufir_, else buy new card :) [05:37] Artemis3: not to be argumentitive, but that doesn't make sense. the driver is the same for 12.04 and 12.10. [05:38] thufir_, why dont you copy the /dev/dri/card0 from one hard drive to other. [05:38] thufir_: driver is, but kernel and Xorg aren't. [05:38] thufir_, that could be the problem, if the driver is the same but xorg has changed... [05:38] devlos: I still haven't figured out what /dev/dri/card0 is. you mean just copy the file? I thought it was referring to piece of hardware? [05:39] Artemis3: good point. [05:39] thufir_, and this DRI business sounds kernel so there, please stick to 12.04 if you want to use a SIS graphics card, for now until you learn an improvement to said drivers have been made. [05:39] daftykins: I press "show updates option when it appears" and then It says that My system is up to date and the icon is still there [05:39] dri refers to the direct rendering infrastructure [05:39] i.e., ability to render 3d graphics via openGL [05:40] thuffir__ no /dev/dri/card0 is a special file [05:41] charicter device [05:41] CrazyZurfer: is your computer's date+time set correctly? [05:41] hi Guys... I'm new to this can anyone.... can help me out with this [05:41] character [05:41] anas: continue... [05:41] devlos: no such file on 12.04. maybe that's the problem in a nutshell. 12.10 is looking for additional hardware? [05:42] !ask | anas [05:42] anas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [05:42] i doubt the sis can do any opengl at all unless its mesa doing everything in software [05:42] right [05:42] I'm surprised it's nto though [05:42] but, can't I turn off opengl? [05:42] daftkins: Yes, might be not syncronized with the server [05:43] thufir_, just for kicks, try installing openbox and choose it from lightdm [05:43] thufir_, if it works, we might now. Unfortunately Xubuntu enables compositing by default [05:43] know [05:43] CrazyZurfer: i wouldn't worry about it unless you know there are updates out you haven't got. [05:43] Artemis3: ok, thanks guys. before I go, can I remove xubuntu with apt-get remove xubuntu? [05:43] what to do grub in the boot did'nt work... are there any solutions to solve it.... i had many problems before.....thats why... [05:44] thufir_, while you can, this will not remove all that long list of packages it installed [05:44] anas: explain more on grub, like you couldn't boot to ubuntu? [05:44] daftykins: really I don't worry, but I want everything to work as it should :P [05:44] yeah, and I think that long list would be better to get removed. hmm. thanks. [05:44] guys can you suggest some coolest apps for ubuntu 12.04 [05:45] CrazyZurfer: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" give any updates to install in a terminal? [05:45] anas: not here, you can poll for 'cool' stuff in the offtopic channel [05:45] daftkins: ran apt-get update and the icon disappeared, but this morning, the same thing happened [05:45] thufir_, xubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, it simply depends on many other packages. If you remove it, the packages it depended on will remain installed, they can be removed one by one tho... [05:46] is ubuntu 12.04 better than ubuntu 12.10 [05:46] !purexfce [05:46] If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce » [05:46] 12.04 is the LTS, think of it as more stable [05:46] thanx... [05:46] daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1478032/ [05:47] Artemis3: I know, but for various reasons I need to upgrade. ruby this, ruby that, depends on this, that and the other thing. [05:47] CrazyZurfer: ah, looks like you added a PPA for 'deluge' that's down. that'll be why it's prompting [05:47] thufir_, try the openbox thing [05:48] thanks. I'm going to clean install, no gui at first. then I'll just install openbox and pray? then type 'startx'? pray again? [05:48] which was the terminal code to disable PPAs? [05:48] my virtual box is not running it shows like this..........Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) [05:48] The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing [05:48] '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' [05:48] as root. If it is available in your distribution, you should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary. [05:48] anas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:48] thufir_, hmm in that case, you might just try to put the lubuntu image in a thumb drive and live boot from it [05:48] hi guys im trying to install the nvidia drivers into ubuntu 12.10 [05:49] CrazyZurfer: not sure, you can manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list though === toza is now known as r123 [05:49] Artemis3: no thumb drive at the moment, but yes. [05:49] thufir_, if the live system works, then you can install [05:49] thufur_ startx, X xinit, lxdm,kdm,xdm,startxfce,startkde,startlxde all have worked for me at one time or another, good luck [05:49] can lubuntu fit on a cd maybe? [05:49] hi guys im trying to install the nvidia drivers into ubuntu 12.10 and the additional drivers tool tells me that its installed but not in use [05:50] thufir_, well, you can also do ubuntu-minimal, then install the packages you want [05:50] thufir_: yes [05:50] devlos: thx. I'm writing this down. [05:50] LINUX RULZ ! [05:50] :) [05:50] thufir_, the live cd is a good idea to try [05:51] sigh. I feel stoopid. I thought they got rid of the live cd. [05:51] where can i get some gud apps & themes for ubuntu 12.04 [05:51] thufir_, i like thumbdrives more, much much quicker :) but cd should do [05:51] !offtopic | HeKToN [05:51] HeKToN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [05:52] sorry guys [05:52] just too excited as i just migrated :) [05:52] HeKToN, welcome to free world. [05:52] Artemis3: thx [05:52] the freeworld is messing up my nvidia drivers :P [05:53] Ok so I just setup my netbook to have a 2nd display. I've now rebooted it with the same display hooked up, the monitor doesn't realize it's plugged in, but the Display settings app is showing up IN that screen so I can't get to it! How do I move that app to the netbook's main screen? [05:53] r123, the drivers are in the repos [05:53] r123, its free world. you have the right to correct anything thats wrong! [05:53] Abhijit: the drivers say installed but not in use also Im just teasing ;) [05:53] Jouva: alt+f6 then cursor keys to move it over [05:53] r123, I know. I know. [05:53] Yeah if I could be sure to give it focus [05:54] alt-tab? :) [05:54] r123, launch jockey and activate it (it is called device manager, or something) [05:54] Also this is no working [05:54] it says activatedbut not in use Artemis3 [05:54] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1433955 [05:54] r123, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1433955 [05:54] I don't think alt-f6 will work when it starts maximized [05:56] guys please anyone who is competent on AMD processors could you tell me if I made a mistake to buy A6 vision as it seem that even kubuntu 12.10 is kind of slow :( [05:56] Yeah it's just not moving [05:56] Jouva: hrmm. i can't recall the minimise keypress sequence off hand. alt+space then