
=== carlos is now known as Guest87788
TeslaTonyI'm running Kubuntu 12.10, and want to know how I can control what networks I connect to via the command line, if that's possible00:10
yu210148Hi TeslaTony, I'm on 12.04 not 12.10 but there should be a file in /etc/network called interfaces00:12
yu210148It's been a while since I fussed around with it but if I remember right you can edit it to change00:13
yu210148what interfaces are used00:13
yu210148and what they connect to00:13
yu210148googling "/etc/network/interfaces" should provide some examples you can adapt to do what you want to do00:14
=== Guest87788 is now known as Raro45
TeslaTonyWhat I'm trying to do is go someplace new, and via command line find a new network, connect to it, and surf the net, without using a GUI. Can I do that?00:14
yu210148Are you referring to wi-fi networks then?00:14
yu210148if you plug in a network cable and the network has dhcp then it should just get an address00:15
yu210148and there'd be nothing to do.00:15
yu210148Ah, okay00:15
yu210148I've done that once before for a kiosk that had to connect wirelessly00:16
yu210148give me a sec let me see if I can find the instructions00:16
TeslaTonyAwesomeness. Thanks00:16
yu210148I think you're going to need to use iwconfig00:17
yu210148I'm just trying to find a good article00:17
yu210148Something like this: http://goo.gl/jE2Tl or this: http://goo.gl/PcytS should get you started in the right direction.00:18
TeslaTonyAwesome. Thanks!00:19
yu210148np :)00:19
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
=== dan__ is now known as thedanyes
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:03
TheLordOfTimei think the bot's implodifying02:03
=== bogdang is now known as c0nsti
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:29
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:26
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
bryongHow do I make my WF-2117 wireless card work with linux?03:59
bryongAnyone there?04:00
=== di is now known as mc2i
bryongSorry I am new to ubuntu.  I made a new computer and would like to get the graphics card working04:01
bryongand wireless card04:01
=== Jackie is now known as Guest34246
seliteWhy can't I see the files that are in Desktop via the GUI?05:08
seliteI just installed Kubuntu.05:08
DarthFrogselite:  Right click on an empty area of the desktop, select Folder View Settings/View.  Change the Layout: combo box to whateve works for you.05:12
DarthFrogThe Location section might also be of interest to you.05:13
XnkeHello, folks05:24
XnkeAnyone awake enough to help me figure out what appears to be a dependancy issue?05:24
DarthFrogZZZZzzzz..  Huh, wazzat?  Somebody spoke?05:24
XnkeBeen trying to get the netflix installer from Compholio working05:25
DarthFrogAh, don't think I'll be able to help you with that, sorry.05:25
Xnkeapt-get grabs it and it installs without error; but then upon starting the program it fails with the same error each time05:26
Xnkesomething about canberra-gtk05:26
OerHekslibcanberra-gtk-module  ?05:39
XnkeI'm slowly finding that it's a problem that springs from running gtk programs from the command line; so it may not be related specifically to the netflix install05:41
OerHeksoke, i would suggest that, starting netflix from cmd, maybe it solves your issue when you install libcanberra-gtk-module05:42
Xnkethat's what I'm working on at the moment; I had a rough time getting the actual package name05:43
Xnkewe'll see if it works now05:43
XnkeHopefully this workaround won't be needed for long; I've had terrible luck with Silverlight on any platform05:44
XnkeOk, now it complains about "73: gksudo: not found"05:44
OerHeksjust use sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module05:44
XnkeI have; it's installed05:45
XnkeJust did it and re-tested. Now it's upset about gksudo, which I think come sin libcanberra05:45
OerHeksstange, i can't help you by doing the same, can't use netflix here in europe :(05:46
XnkeYeah, it's kinda silly05:46
XnkeI'll keep at it, eventually it'll work05:47
Xnkeah, gksu wasn't installed...installing that has gotten me to the next proglem05:52
Xnkefilesystem extended attributes; I think I know how to fix that one05:55
timberwolfI am having trouble veiwing my win 7 pcs network shares, I am running kubuntu 12.1007:43
timberwolfmy win 7 pc displays as an unknown device07:45
seliteHello, why can't I see the files in Desktop via GUI?08:36
seliteI just installed Kubuntu. xD08:37
seliteWhat's the show desktop keyboard shortcut?08:55
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:08
seliteWgt does the konsole in Kubuntu look so bad?09:13
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:16
calaveraHey can anybody help me?09:17
calaveraActually... disregard that.09:29
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:41
calaveraI am trying to dual boot windows and linux on tow hard drives. I restored the MBR and GRUB2 both on their respective hard drives. I put Windows into the sdb position, and then GRUB prompts me where I want to boot to. I tell it to boot into Windows, and it tells me that cannot find a root device. I can still boot into GNU/Linux just fine. Would anybody have a possible solution to this?09:46
=== Adam_ is now known as Ironsight
IronsightAlright, hope someone's awake, here goes: I want to install kubuntu, I currently have windows 8 installed (upgraded from 7). Will grub2 mess up windows 8 or vice versa? Is there something special I need to do?10:05
IronsightAnd is there a special way you need to install to work with windows 8? I will be installing from a BDR disc10:06
Tm_TIronsight: you need to install Kubuntu after Windows so Windows doesn't overwrite grub10:24
gnomefreakthat is the easies way10:26
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
disharmonichi, so what do you guys recommend? Kubuntu-full or desktop?11:41
tsimpsondisharmonic: kubuntu-full is just kubuntu-desktop with some extra packages11:44
disharmonictsimpson, yeah i figured as much. I decided to go with the desktop meta package and add any apps i miss later. BTW will LDM work ok with KDE or should i switch to KDM?11:47
tsimpsonlightdm works fine with KDE11:47
tsimpsonI'm using it now11:48
disharmonick thanks11:48
tsimpsonyou're welcome :)11:48
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
BluesKajHi all11:59
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest24730
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
dhqi need help i acedently deleted /usr/lib .... rm -r *14:16
dhqwhat do i do14:16
yofeldhq: if it still works, try this: apt-get --reinstall install `dpkg -S /usr/lib | sed -e 's/,//g' -e 's/:.*$//'`14:20
=== Jackie is now known as Guest58656
dhqyofel: it only restored libaudiofile14:25
yofeldhq: ok, next try. This will try to reinstall *everything*: apt-get --reinstall `dpkg --get-selections | grep install | grep -v deinstall | cut -d' ' -f1`14:26
yofelthat's all assuming apt and dpkg still work - which might not be the case14:26
dhqyofel: i re ran the previous command and its restoring a good abount of libraries14:27
dhqaround 258mb14:27
dhqlets hope it works14:28
yofelthat should be all then, as the first command will restore all packages that have something in usr/lib14:28
dhqyofel: if it works then your my saviour14:28
dhqyofel: it installed everything my it fails to start14:57
yofeldid you remove anything else?14:58
yofelhm, how far does it get?14:59
dhqi am running in recovery mode15:00
yofelok, so that works at least15:00
dhqand i get to the service startup15:00
yofelany error message?15:00
yofelhm, what happens if you try to start X?15:00
dhqerror whiloading libXfont.so.115:01
yofeldoes the file exist?15:02
yofeldhq: can you try to run the 2nd command too? seems like it didn't reinstall everything that's needed after all :/15:04
dhqi will runt it15:04
yofel(in this case libxfont1 is broken)15:05
dhqyofel: /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups.postinst: 91: cd: can't cd to /usr/lib/cups/backend dpkg: error processing cups (--configure)15:13
yofeldhq: mkdir -p /usr/lib/cups/backend, dpkg --configure -a, then try again15:15
dhqyofel: Setting up cups (1.5.3-0ubuntu4) ... ln: accessing `/usr/lib/cups/backend-available/ipp': No such file or directory dpkg: error processing cups (--configure):15:16
yofeltry to just reinstall cups15:16
=== Vito is now known as TendenzioDittato
=== TendenzioDittato is now known as Vito
dhqyofel: apt-get --reinstall `dpkg --get-selections | grep install | grep -v deinstall | cut -d' ' -f1` command doesnt work15:50
yofelwhat does it say?15:50
dhqyofel: Invalid operation accountsservice15:53
yofeloops, there's something missing15:54
yofelapt-get --reinstall install `dpkg --get-selections | grep install | grep -v deinstall | cut -d' ' -f1`15:54
dhqyofel: E: Unable to locate package install15:57
yofelapt-get --reinstall install `dpkg --get-selections | grep install | grep -v deinstall | cut -f1`15:59
yofeldhq: this give the right list now15:59
dhqyofel: this will take a while16:04
dhqhow long will you be online ?16:04
yofelI'll be on and off for a few more hours16:06
=== erwan is now known as Heevy
=== erwan is now known as Heevy
=== bruno is now known as Guest76168
user94202How do i get rid of the options panel next to desktop icons (when I hover the pointer over an icon)  ??19:33
user94202For example, when i hover the pointer over rekonq desktop icon, a translucent options panel pops-up.  I want to get rid of that.19:35
user94202 I just want desktop icons with no options panel beside it.19:42
snelehave a great night!19:46
sneleHAPPY NEW YEAR19:47
c0nstiHappy New Year!19:49
=== julian is now known as Guest25779
timberwolf_I am having trouble connecting to win 7 network drive from my kubuntu 12.10, when I click on network it pops up: Network, Network Services, Samba Shares, and Add Network Folder. I click on Network and it shows the win 7 pc as an unknown device20:06
phoenix_firebrdhappy new year20:28
timberwolf_I am having trouble connecting to win 7 network drive from my kubuntu 12.10, when I click on network it pops up: Network, Network Services, Samba Shares, and Add Network Folder. I click on Network and it shows the win 7 pc as an unknown device20:28
timberwolf_I am having trouble connecting to win 7 network drive from my kubuntu 12.10, when I click on network it pops up: Network, Network Services, Samba Shares, and Add Network Folder. I click on Network and it shows the win 7 pc as an unknown device20:33
wolftunetimberwolf_ sorry I'm no expert, but someone here should be20:37
timberwolf_I cant seem to get an answer...20:37
OerHeksI am no expert either, maybe this is a help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/232998/how-do-i-install-smbmount20:40
timberwolf_mount error(12): Cannot allocate memory20:45
timberwolf_any ideas?20:47
wolftunetimberwolf_: try the regular ubuntu section if your question isn't KDE specific21:06
ToastIs massive RAM and CPU usage still normal in KMAIL2 on 12.10, or a symptom of a failed mailbox migration from kmail1?22:06
BluesKaj_Toast,  it's probly akonadi server and nepomuk indexer22:09
=== DaZ is now known as ania12lat
ToastI'm having real trouble keeping my system from swapping. 4GB of ram should be plenty for a few emails and used to be fine with kmail1. Is this normal behaviour? I read about problems with the early builds, but had hoped they were fixed.22:10
ToastDoes kmail have to synchronise every time it accesses a folder, or should it do that once on first access? I can probably put up with a long process if it's a one off , but if this is going to happen all the time I will need a different client.22:13
=== sharky2 is now known as sharky

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