
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
PiciMeh, I'm not sure how I feel about this "pay for ubuntu" thing thats in the new download page.16:01
bazhangit stinks16:02
PiciI don't even see a link on there that actually says where the money is going.16:02
PiciDoes it go to the Ubuntu Foundation? Canonical? Shuttlerworth's jet fuel fund?16:03
DJonesLooking at website now, I don't even see any "donate" button16:05
DJonesNot until you get to about the 4th link into the get ubuntu options16:05
DJonesIts not as if you're forced to give credit card details before you download16:06
PiciActually, it comes up right after you press the "get Ubuntu" buttons under the architecture selector.16:08
k1li think its a good idea but they could have done it more properly. like the amazon-search thingy16:09
k1lbut it doesnt deserve the shitstorm its recieving.16:10
DJonesRight, just looking now, 3rd click before I actually get asked to contribute and even then, the contribute & just download buttons are pretty much next to each other16:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Neshemah said: !bodhi is an Ubuntu-based distribution, which uses the Enlightment (E17) window manager. Official website: http://bodhilinux.com/17:26
* genii-around makes more coffee18:27
h00kwhere do we put ubuntu phone discussions?18:29
ikoniait's been useless for long enough18:30
ikonianow it may have an actual use18:30
IdleOneikonia: it isn't a phone yet and we should be flooding a channel where there may be people who actually contribute with all the flame18:32
ikoniait isn't a phone ?18:37
ikoniaI thought they had just announced a phone18:37
Myrttiavailable in early 201418:37
ikoniaso ?18:38
AlanBellthey have announced the potential for there to be a phone18:38
ikoniaphone discussion18:38
ikoniawe point people at #ubuntu-tv for a product that doesn't exist18:38
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: !phone is Ubuntu ofr phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone for details and to find out more and to sign up for updates on its progress, discussion in #ubuntu-discuss18:38
DJonesreplace ofr with for18:38
DJonesProbably needs to be now that mhall119 is pointing people to -phone !phone is Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for updates on its progress, discussion and support in #ubuntu-phone19:39
DJonesugh at the factoid suggestion or pointing people to -phone?19:40
Piciugh at things changing without people telling other people19:40
IdleOneubottu: phone is <reply> Ubuntu ofr phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone for details and to find out more and to sign up for updates on its progress, discussion in #ubuntu-discuss19:42
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne19:42
IdleOne!no ubottu: phone is <reply> Ubuntu ofr phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone for details and to find out more and to sign up for updates on its progress, discussion in #ubuntu-phone19:43
ubottuI know nothing about ubottu: phone yet, IdleOne19:43
IdleOne!no phone is <reply> Ubuntu ofr phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone for details and to find out more and to sign up for updates on its progress, discussion in #ubuntu-phone19:43
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne19:43
tsimpson!phone ~= s/ofr/for/19:43
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson19:43
IdleOnethank you19:43
DJonesHeh, just realised I didn't correct my spelling mistake in the 2nd version19:44
tsimpson!no phone is <reply> Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone19:46
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson19:46
tsimpsongrammar gremlins be gone19:46
=== Dave2 is now known as Dave

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