=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [09:40] good morning everyone [09:47] ello === davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle [11:18] hey there [11:19] I have got Ubuntu 12 server which I can access by SSH. I'd like to have GUI on it. So I have used command apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. Everything installed, can you help me what I have to do next? [11:21] 'sudo start lightdm' [11:22] It will start Unity GUI? [11:22] lightdm start/running, process 1012 [11:22] done [11:23] btw thank you very much for your time [11:23] np [11:24] But the server is far far away from me, so I guess I need VPN, right? [11:25] *VNC [11:37] gah, i hate you gcc [11:37] it hates you too [11:39] heh [11:39] that's clearly true [11:40] can i book another week off already? :) === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [13:19] howdy [14:34] good morning all [14:34] what's the word on the street? [14:35] happy new year rickspencer3! [14:36] hey kenvandine ... happy new year to you too :) [14:36] happy new year from here too === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [14:47] hey rickspencer3, kenvandine, ogra_ === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [15:16] anyone here that can explain what "acpitz" in lm-senors is? [15:23] apt-get_install: #ubuntu is the help channel, but "tz" is "thermal zone" i think, so they'd be ambient zone temperatures afaik [15:23] ah thanks [15:25] jbicha, are you going to do an empathy upload after telepathy-logger gets NEW'd? [15:26] kenvandine: yes, otherwise it would get stuck in -proposed [15:27] cool, thx [15:27] i just noticed empathy is busted :) [16:05] jbicha, updating to mozjs 1.8.7 (esr10) snapshot is pretty safe and works fine here [16:05] chrisccoulson, hi ^ [19:08] seb128, didrocks, robert_ancell: may I humbly ask for you to add an endorsement to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BjoernMichaelsen/DeveloperApplication please? [19:37] goooooood morning! [19:41] morning robru :) [19:42] sarnold, how's it going? beautiful sunny day here in Victoria! [19:42] robru: same sunny day here in portland :) surprising, we've had a few in a row. It's nice. [19:42] sunny but cold [19:43] sarnold, haha yeah, yesterday was actually so sunny that I had to move away from my favorite window seat because the awful sun was too much in my eyes ;-) [19:44] robru: haha, nice. :) === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth [22:00] could the hundred papercuts guys try and fix bug 1029212? it fits their description near perfectly [22:00] Launchpad bug 1029212 in hardinfo (Ubuntu) "System Profiler and Benchmark 2 blank gui boxes closing the small one results in the system info to be displayed." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1029212 === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away