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caligarigood night people01:19
caligariI dont know if this is the right channel: I can't download packages from http://ppa.launchpad.net/ui-toolkit01:20
caligariThere is some kind of problem with server (QML toolkit): 404 not found01:21
TheLordOfTimethe 404 suggests there's not packages01:23
TheLordOfTimeforgive me for asking, caligari, but which ubuntu are you on?01:24
TheLordOfTime(which release)01:24
TheLordOfTime(or are you on dev :P)01:24
TheLordOfTimecaligari, the PPA you mention, is it this one?  https://launchpad.net/~ui-toolkit/+archive/ppa01:25
caligariit is the qml toolkit preview: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/01:25
caligarisudo add-apt-repository ppa:ui-toolkit/ppa01:26
TheLordOfTimeppa:ui-toolkit/ppa  -> translates to the PPA I linked.01:26
TheLordOfTimecaligari, that PPA only publishes for Quantal01:26
caligariOMG! :(01:26
TheLordOfTimehttps://launchpad.net/~ui-toolkit/+archive/ppa/+packages  <-- you'll see only Quantal stuff on that list01:26
TheLordOfTimeit may be a good idea to make a note of that on the site, devs ;)01:27
caligarithank you for assist me :)01:27
* TheLordOfTime returns to bug triaging01:27
caligariyes it is a good idea ;)01:28
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ryaoIs the source code for Ubuntu for phones available?08:00
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nrosvallI know this might not be the right channel to ask this, but as I asked on another channel: [10:51] <nrosvall> I'm a long time Windows developer and I'm just about to start developing an application for Ubuntu. Now with this new Ubuntu Phone and coming Ubuntu sdk. Is it still recommened to use gtk and python as mentioned in developer.ubuntu.com? Or should I go for c++ and qt? Or is it just08:53
nrosvalltoo early to think about the phone?08:53
andyrocknrosvall, i'd go with c++/qt/qml08:57
nrosvallI think I will yes08:58
Tm_Tnrosvall: go with c++/qt/qml and you do cross-platform (:09:07
nrosvallmm true09:07
tjaaltonso, how do I figure out who to discuss with the rejection of an upload to -proposed?10:05
xnoxtjaalton: which upload? and usually they all hang out on #-release10:07
tjaaltonxnox: sssd to precise-proposed10:08
tjaaltongot rejected last friday10:08
tjaaltonjoined -release, we can disuss it there10:10
xnoxtjaalton: the only nit-picking i can spot, is absence of matching quantal SRU for  the two bugs affecting it.10:16
tjaaltonxnox: ok, I guess it got rejected due to the new upstream version, bugfix or not10:18
xnoxtjaalton: well, are all changes present documented in the bugs? you can open an extra bug "remaining changes in this micropoint release"10:19
tjaaltonxnox: that's bug 108630410:19
ubottubug 1086304 in sssd (Ubuntu Precise) "new upstream bugfix release from the LTM branch" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108630410:19
tjaaltonwhich should explain the rest of the diff10:20
xnoxinfinity: based on my logs, was it you who rejected sssd on 28th of December? ^10:21
tjaaltonI'll prepare the update to quantal10:27
tjaaltonxnox: now I noticed that the changelog didn't mention the meta-bug.. my bad10:29
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souravhi all, any idea when it will be available12:13
cjwatson"it" is a bit vague but I suspect you want #ubuntu-phone12:18
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hrwdoko: I took a look at 'cameleon' ftfbs. With rebuild of 'lablgtk-extras' and installing resulting packages it started building12:55
hrwdoko: but as I have no idea on ocalm stuff I prefer to not do upload to force such rebuild12:58
sonnegreetings! is this the right place to ask about packaging for ppas?13:13
geser#ubuntu-packaging would be better13:15
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hrwdoko:  dpkg-source --after-build cameleon-1.9.2113:17
hrwdoko: so it built.13:17
sonnegeser, cheers :)13:21
xnoxhrw: sounds correct: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ocaml.html13:24
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micahgjdstrand: mind if I upload the newer version of icedtea-web (you're TIL)14:01
jdstrandmicahg: hey, I don't really have any context (also, what is TIL? :)14:03
micahgjdstrand: Touched It Last14:03
jdstrandmicahg: in raring? feel free :)14:03
micahgyeah :)14:03
jdstrandmicahg: and thank you :)14:03
micahgjdstrand: sure14:03
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micahgdoko: for icedtea-web, is there a reason why default-jdk isn't used instead of openjdk-6-jdk?  in raring, the current packaging produces a JRE headless 7 with JDK 6, switching to default-jdk gives version 7 of both14:26
apwdoko, fyi the linux build on armhf in your rebuild archive blew an internal compiler error14:41
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aradaily images for 12.04.2 contain the 3.5 kernel in the amd64, but 3.2 kernel in the i386 one15:25
cjwatsonplease wait, dealing with something else15:28
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hrwbtw - would be nice to give linux-image-virtual update for linux-lts-quantal so it will switch to -generic16:28
hrwBug #109571016:38
ubottubug 1095710 in linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu) "update-grub-legacy-ec2 does not consider 3.5.0-generic as valid for Xen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109571016:38
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bdmurraybarry: at one point in time you were looking at bug 915626 - there is now some additional information which has helped in recreating the issue.17:32
ubottubug 915626 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Quantal) "usb-creator-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91562617:32
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bdmurraycyphermox: there are some comments in bug 780602 regarding 12.10 users being affected.20:26
ubottubug 780602 in OEM Priority Project precise "nm-applet leaks memory and stops functioning after a while" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78060220:26
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hallynmahmoh: are you around?22:25
hallynmahmoh: well, i'm hoping you can pursuade infinity that if he accepts https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=seabios  into lucid-proposed you can verify bug 589063 right quick22:30
ubottubug 589063 in seabios (Ubuntu Lucid) "Windows Server 2008 won't boot with more than 4 vCPUs" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58906322:30
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darkxstSarvatt, are you able to have a look at my merge request for ppa-purge?22:57
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