[15:19] hi kelemengabor, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it on time to the translations IRC meeting, but I'll be on the channel. I'll do my best, though [15:21] oh no... I have not prepared much as to what to say to people :\ [15:23] kelemengabor, sorry, the phone has taken quite a lot of my time lately. However, I see you've got quite a good set of agenda items on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Meetings/Next, so I think it should be good [18:02] sooo... it's 7PM, time to start the meeting, I guess [18:02] who is here for it? :) [18:02] me [18:03] kelemengabor, I'm half-around... still working [18:03] hey [18:03] (Sylvie Gallet) French translator [18:03] (Pierre Slamich) French translator [18:03] ping askhl bulldog98 dpm greyback Guest43293 hito_jp Mirv RawChid sale sipherdee trijntje ypwong [18:03] hi Sylvie, Milo, Pierre :) [18:04] hi all! [18:04] I hope I remember correctly that Gwaihir is Milo Casagrande :D [18:04] kelemengabor, indeed :-) [18:05] okay, so the agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Meetings/Next [18:05] hey all, I mentioned it to kelemengabor already. Unfortunately something else has come up, so while I'll be on the channel, I might not be too responsive [18:05] thanks everyone for coming up [18:06] hey dpm [18:06] hey kelemengabor, thanks again for setting everything up [18:06] then I guess it will be my task to speak first :) [18:07] As you might know, David was diverted inside Canonical for other tasks, which means we will have a lot more to do on our own, if we want to deliver a well localized Ubuntu Raring [18:08] and today we should start to assess what to do, and hopefully get some volunteers to actually do it [18:10] what you see on the wiki is mostly the same as https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-sustainable-translations - things didn't moved at or since UDS [18:11] we are looking for volunteers, who could spend a few hours per week on these activities [18:11] the most urgent would be to start cranking out language pack updates for quantal [18:12] then the rest: handling bugs (I guess I'll stay at this job), clean up the wiki under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/ to be more informative... [18:13] handle the import queue and template priorities [18:13] and solve whatever problem you come up with now :) [18:14] also it would be great if you guys could participate on bi-weekly project meetings, just to see what tasks have all of us finished, what needs help or input [18:15] we used this board on Trello in the Precise cycle to track such tasks: [18:15] https://trello.com/board/translations-team/4f621c87861db54230b9ca39 [18:15] from this, you can have an idea of what lies ahead :) [18:16] so... any comments, ideas? [18:16] dpm: anything you would add? [18:17] * dpm reads [18:18] that sounds good [18:18] Right now the only part that's not open to community is the language pack generation, as it requires an account on a Canonical server [18:19] I need to talk to pitti to see if we can do something about it [18:20] or find someone within Canonical that can take over the responsibility of generating the langpacks, which pitti used to do [18:20] he now moved to the QA team and can no longer do that task [18:20] then this is the most urgent thing :) [18:22] indeed [18:23] I'll see if I can find out more tomorrow and come back with more info tomorrow or Monday [18:26] thanks in advance :) [18:27] oh no... I see only now that the Quantal release schedule is just a copy of Precises :) [18:28] we are this deeply out of hands :\ [18:30] anyone? I could help starting to operate the machinery, but even I can't do all of it alone :)