
neuroi can't believe what was just said in this video00:03
neuro"for the first time, you'll have all the security of UNIX in your pocket"00:03
neurooh, so iphone and android phones don't have the security of UNIX?00:04
ali1234and maemo00:04
ali1234and tizen00:04
ali1234and bada00:04
ali1234and the razr OS00:04
neuroi think people forget that android = linux and ios = bsd00:05
ali1234also "ubuntu is the leading linux on ARM"00:05
ali1234people wilfully deny that android = linux00:06
ali1234these people are just flat out wrong. there is no reasonable definition of linux which excludes android but includes everything else00:07
neurook, watching the 1 min video now00:07
ali1234not even incorrect but widely accepted ones00:07
ali1234such as "linux = X11"00:07
ali1234or "linux = gnu"00:07
ali1234see wayland and busybox for why00:08
=== Dave is now known as Dave2
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ddfgtsomeone here?03:25
popeyddfgt: ya03:34
ddfgthii popey03:35
ddfgti try to sort a lines in a file by pattern03:36
ddfgtyou know how i can do it?03:36
gingwhy is popey still here?03:36
gingyou are not normally one of the night creatures03:37
soreauddfgt: man sort03:38
popeycat infile | sort > outfile03:39
popeycan't sleep ging03:39
soreaupopey: Why not sort infile > outfile?03:40
popeyor that ☺03:40
popeyunnecessary use of cat03:40
* soreau used to do it all the time when learning grep03:41
Azelphurpopey: got myself up on park of the desk, :D03:41
ddfgtsoreau, now it is almost morning here..03:41
gingatleast you have a cat03:41
gingi have seen photos of it03:41
popeyhe is asleep next to me03:41
popeytaunting me03:41
soreauAzelphur: I like that black surface03:42
soreauAzelphur: Just setup a camera so we can watch you put it together live ;)03:43
Azelphuryea, it's nice :D03:43
Azelphursoreau: haha, that sounds like it'd be a comedy about how weak I am xD03:43
ddfgti try to sorting with the number after <bbb> as the key03:43
gingneed moar screen!03:43
soreauAzelphur: lol03:43
ddfgtif no <bbb> is present then assume 003:43
soreauAzelphur: So when do you get the rest of it?03:44
Azelphuron the 8th03:44
soreauAzelphur: That radiator you have is probably better than the one on my truck ;)03:45
Azelphursoreau: haha, it does ambient cool my i7 at stock xD03:46
neurodoo de doo de doo04:53
neuropopey: i can't sleep either, if it's any consolation04:53
BernteIs it possible that full disk encryption is a really battery hog? The fan seems to always be running on my ZenBook and the battery power goes like nothing.08:03
=== hoover_ is now known as hoover
hoovergood morning all & happy new year09:15
kvarleyCan anybody recommend a good guide for using irssi as a service? With screen or whatever. popey I know you use it :)09:16
kvarleyhoover: You too :)09:16
mungojerryhas anyone seen 13.01 touchy turtle in landscape mode? how does the launcher work?09:16
mungojerrystupid john lewis cancelled delivery of my large appliance because they had cancelled it without telling me grrr09:17
mungojerrymrs mungojerry wasted a whole day09:17
JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D09:18
dwatkinsello folks09:23
dwatkinskvarley: in what way do you mean 'as a service'?09:23
kvarleydwatkins: Realised I can just run it on my Pi via screen and  that should work fine :) I just meant running it via screen basically so it would run even if I wasn't actively looking at it in terminal09:24
dwatkinskvarley: that's essentially what I do, but via a BSD box in another continent - I reattach to the screen session in which I run irssi and other things.09:25
dwatkinsYou can set screen up to run an app by default in a particular window, but the bare minimum you need to know is how to start, detach and reattach to screen, and how to navigate in irssi - if you're looking for fun ways to make screen look nicer see my latest blog entry: http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog09:27
kvarleyThanks dwatkins :)09:27
Myrttitmux > screen09:31
Myrttiif for nothing else, then for better utf8 support09:31
dwatkinsI should probably switch to tmux, perhaps I should write a conversion document with keystrokes and all.09:33
dwatkinsI like that tmux uses a different control key by default, so as to avoid confusion when nesting one inside the other.09:39
MyrttiIve just configured it to work the same as screen09:40
mungojerrywow john lewis are being jerks09:45
dwatkinsI discovered loads of fun little features in Screen recently, like the coloured backtick outputs in the article I wrote about.09:45
* kvarley is now using irssi =)09:51
KnightWorkmorrrning !09:54
=== KnightWork is now known as KnightATwork
sprmttok, so my question is this: there was talk of writing your apps for the phone in C, and using QML to modify the interface based on device type, but what of existing techs? Will people still be able to use quickly and PyGTK, etc?10:00
KnightATworkI was wondering if you could just install apps from the store straight on the phone.10:02
sprmttI would assume so10:02
bashrcHas anyone tried the mobile development tools yet?10:05
KnightATworksprmtt: it sounds pretty exciting. and it should work on the current Galaxy Nexus10:06
sprmttnot yet10:06
KnightATwork(not the LG one) ...10:06
KnightATworkthe Samsung one10:06
sprmttI wanna know if it's going to work on my galaxy s310:06
sprmttconsidering that's *the* big phone at the moment, I'd have thought canonical would be trying for that10:07
KnightATworksprmtt: the S3 is not so easy to root and rom as the nexus series10:07
sprmttif this announcement was made a few months ago, it really would have swayed my smart phone choice :(10:08
KnightATworkhaha :) I have got a nexus , but i'm probably not buying the nexus 4 anytime soon10:09
KnightATworkanyone here going to Fossdem ?10:20
* popey points KnightATwork at czajkowski 10:21
KnightATworkczajkowski: ! aha .. i was thinking about turning up with a cameracrew this year for knightwise.com10:22
KnightATworklooking for some intervieweeeeezz10:22
* czajkowski loves fosdem 10:23
KnightATworkczajkowski: thats because its packed with strappingly attractive belgians10:25
popey[citation needed]10:25
KnightATworkI am all the citation you need to prove that point :p10:26
czajkowskiKnightATwork: I go for white chocolate, waffles and geeks :)10:26
czajkowskibut you knw each to their own :)10:26
* KnightATwork will show up with a waffle a bar of chocolate and an angry birds T-shirt10:26
czajkowskiheh cool10:28
czajkowskithere is usually an ubuntu booth as well10:29
czajkowskigets rather busy10:29
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:29
KnightATworkczajkowski: aha. interesting. i'm gonna dig around a little bit and try to get some press credentials to get in.10:29
KnightATworkhey brobostigon !10:29
brobostigonhey KnightATwork10:30
czajkowskiKnightATwork: it's a free and open event to anyone and everyone10:33
czajkowskiit gets very busy10:33
czajkowskibeen before?10:33
KnightATworkno , not yet ,10:34
KnightATworkand I have no excuse :p10:34
KnightATworkSince I live only 70 km from brussels10:34
czajkowskiKnightwise: the last couple of years there has been an Ubuntu dinner as well10:41
kvarleyIf anybody hasn't watched the "Ubuntu for phones - Industry proposition" video on YouTube yet...You must.10:41
czajkowskihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/2013  Knightwise10:48
Myrttikvarley: http://whatleydude.com/2013/01/ubuntu-phone/10:50
kvarleyMyrtti: People are opposed to Ubuntu for Phone without trying it which is annoying. Nobody seems prepared to actually try the OS, just cut it down. The promotional vids for any company rarely reflect what people said, that's just how editing videos works.10:56
kvarleyBorrowing features for existing/past phone OS' is no bad thing, it'll mean people have some sort of grasp on how to use the devices.10:57
Myrttikvarley: point 5)10:58
Myrttiand 410:58
sprmttkvarley: sounds like you've been reading /., the only people in the world who blindly oppose anything that a news article states, without checking the facts themselves10:58
kvarleysprmtt: I've been reading "/.," ?10:59
sprmttif you don't read slashdot, don't start11:00
sprmttthey're the biggest unity bashers of all11:00
kvarleysprmtt: hehe, I used to but stopped because I didn't like the tone of their articles11:00
sprmttdespite claiming to have never used it since maverick11:00
sprmttthey drive me insane11:01
FLHerneI used to read it for the comments, but got fed up :P11:01
kvarleyI sympathised with unity critics until 12.04 when Unity actually got good11:01
davmor2Morning all11:01
kvarley\o davmor211:02
marxjohnsonHi everyone11:03
popeymarxjohnson: do you have super strong fridge magnets or something11:04
marxjohnsonnot to my knowledge11:04
marxjohnsoncant get it to work?11:04
popeybut most of my magnets don't trigger it11:06
marxjohnsonweird, I had to try a couple but didnt have trouble finding one that did11:07
dwatkinsI used to read slashdot, then I discovered reddit.11:07
marxjohnsonpopey: bring it along to the curry and I'll see if it works with mine11:07
popeymarxjohnson: did you see brian post a link to one with integral magnet?11:07
dwatkinsI have lots of hard disk magnets if anyone wants any.11:08
marxjohnsonnot much more expensive than the one i bought either11:08
dwatkinsThey're sitting on a book-end making a dangerzone for any floppy disk media on my desk.11:08
popeydont want one _that_ strong ☺11:09
dwatkinsis this for a headphone organiser like a magneat or something, popey?11:09
popeysmart cover for n711:09
dwatkinsahh yes, I have one of those, nice leather one11:09
marxjohnsonI made my own, but popey's having problems11:10
Myrttipoetic sent us ones with too strong magnets11:10
dwatkinshmmm, I can't actually find any magnets, perhaps mine just uses the proximity sensor11:10
Myrttiit turned the screen off with the lud turned on the backside of the devicr11:11
Myrttilid, device11:11
marxjohnsonMyrtti: ah yeah, I read a warning about that when I was making mine11:11
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
marxjohnsonDoes anyone remember seeing a discussion online, maybe a week or so ago, where someone asked why Ubuntu for phones won't just be compatible with Android apps, and someone (possibly sabdfl) responded explaining why?11:14
xnox"With all-native core apps and no Java overhead" http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone11:16
popeyi can tell you why11:16
popeyno platform every succeeded by emulating another platform11:16
popeyyou can't succeed when someone else owns the platform you're building on11:16
marxjohnsonI remember why, I just want to find where it was said so I can reference it in a blog post :)11:16
marxjohnsonunless I just remember you telling me that when we were doing the last show11:17
directhexpopey, not actually true.11:17
directhexkindle fire, which isn't android as far as "can download apps from android app store" goes11:18
popeythat _is_ android though11:18
popeyit's not Amazon OS with android emulation on top11:18
marxjohnsonThis is what I was thinking about http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/12/09/1828238/mark-shuttleworth-answers-your-questions11:18
directhexthat's a pretty academic difference11:18
directhexmobile devices will run an android kernel, even when they're not android11:19
dwatkinsYou can fairly easily set a Kindle Fire to allow other apps to install.11:19
directhexsince silicon vendors only bother with android drivers nowadays11:19
popeythat doesnt mean you have to run android apps11:19
popeysee jolla11:20
popeythey (may be?) optionally allowing that11:20
popeybut it's not a feature you have to bake in as a byproduct of using an android kernel and drivers11:20
popeyit's a value proposition they've chosen to add11:20
directhexarguing about OSes is ignoring that we are in an era of ecosystems, of course11:21
popeyand that's a hurdle11:21
popeybut yay webapps ;)11:21
marxjohnsonI do like the Web API integration. Just a shame I can't get it working on the desktop yet! https://bugs.launchpad.net/webapps-applications/+bug/103558111:25
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1035581 in WebApps: Applications "Unity Web API Documentation code snippets don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:25
popeymarxjohnson: poke me about that bug when people are back on monday11:27
AlanBellmarxjohnson: oh, someone pinged me the other day about a hello world framework that works11:31
AlanBellmarxjohnson: ^^11:35
AlanBellloads of comments and it works and can be maintained11:36
Neoti_Desktopjust heard about the ubuntu phone..... EPIC!!!11:38
AlanBellpopey: when I emailed the unity list about bug 1035581 sabdfl told me to mail it to the webapps list which is a closed team on launchpad so I can't11:40
lubotu3bug 1035581 in WebApps: Applications "Unity Web API Documentation code snippets don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103558111:40
popeyAlanBell: i recall, lemme poke will when he's back on monday11:41
marxjohnsonAlanBell: thanks, I'll have a play11:45
marxjohnsonpopey: I'll try and remember to remind you!11:45
popeyor just poke willcooke when he's online ☺11:45
ali1234there is no such thing as android emulation11:49
ali1234the bigger problem is android apps aren't just like "draw some stuff on the screen and bsd sockets and stdio"11:50
ali1234if they were it would be trivial to handle them11:50
popeyhow does RIM doe it on the playbook with QNX?11:51
ali1234they licensed that compat layer11:51
popeyoh yes, that 3rd party thing11:52
ali1234probably the same one done by jolla11:52
ali1234it's really good i heard11:52
popeyjolla is libhybris11:52
ali1234admittedly i heard from one of the developers of it11:52
popeywell, bits of it11:52
AlanBellprobably asking a silly question, but I thought android apps were written in java and running on the dalvik JVM11:52
ali1234that's hardware stuff11:52
popeyyeah, sorry11:53
AlanBellso why don't they run on openJDK?11:53
ali1234because... because... what i said ^11:54
ali1234android API has nothing at all to do with java11:54
AlanBellok, so it provides hardware interfaces and classes for the java apps to use?11:55
ali1234nothing can really even touch the hardware11:56
ali1234it's so completely abstracted11:56
ali1234http://openmobileww.com/products.php <- this thing11:58
ali1234i doubt anyone else has duplicated this functionality11:58
Azelphurwoo, my american 3TB seagate drives arrived \o/11:59
sprmttthat's a lot of porn you're saving12:00
einonmali1234: The statement that the android api has nothing to do with java is incorrect. It's a Java language API.12:02
ali1234yes, i meant it has nothing to do with the java standard libraries12:03
directhexAzelphur, american?12:05
directhexAzelphur, aren't they all made in thailand?12:05
Azelphurdirecthex: nabbed them in the newegg sales, $99 a pop12:05
Azelphuron black friday12:05
Azelphurso, I mean purchased in USA, rather than manufactured in USA :)12:06
Azelphurali1234: what was that rfid site again? I need to buy things :p12:06
einonmthe davlik JVM does implement several of the simpler standard java libraries, java.io for example - athough it's not any particular defined java profile12:06
ali1234Azelphur: rapidnfc.com12:06
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Azelphurali1234: I had a "clever" idea, I noticed you can print QR codes with logos, so I was thinking of doing NFC enabled QR codes12:23
ali1234but you can't print nfc tags12:24
Azelphurno, but I bought tags from rapidnfc, I can print the qr code to size and just put the nfc tag on it12:24
Azelphurhttp://2d-code.co.uk/images/adidas-logo.jpg something like this, only instead of adidas, "NFC Tap here" :P12:24
Azelphurcould even just put the NFC sticker behind the QR code, and have whatever design you want12:25
ali1234but why12:25
AzelphurI want tags for useful house things, wifi access, control the TV, that sort of thing12:25
Azelphurnot all phones support NFC yet, so it's cool to have both12:26
=== Luigi is now known as Guest29812
[2]bittin^workdirecthex, :D12:51
=== [2]bittin^work is now known as bittin^work
kvarleyDoes starting screen over SSH work if I end the SSH session or will it take the screen session with it?13:04
dwatkinskvarley: you can indeed start screen having logged in via ssh; if you detach from it, the screen session keeps running (ctrl+A,d to detach)13:05
brobostigonyou detach the screen session and it will stay running, untill you re-attach it.13:05
popeyor just close the ssh window13:06
kvarleyIRC Pi is now go13:07
ali1234directhex: funny story, friend of mine showed me his band's new CD. it had a QR code on it so i scanned it. he was like "wow i didn't know you could scan those on a phone"13:19
ali1234ok, it's not that funny at all13:19
dwatkinswhat did he expect to use to scan it? ;)13:29
ali1234i don't know13:34
ali1234i don't think he had any idea what it was at all tbh13:34
dwatkinsfair enough, I guess they're not that popular13:35
dwatkinsit's so much hassle to use a QR code, you might as well just type in the URL half the time13:35
ali1234or just phoogrph the URL and google goggles will process that too13:38
ddfgtsomeone can help me with sed?13:44
brobostigoncan the rpi, safely be left turned on and plugged in all the time? it is model"B"-rev2.13:44
sprmttddfgt: what kind of help do you need?13:44
dwatkinsbrobostigon: it doesn't get very hot, so I'd say the danger of fire is minimal; it uses about 3 Watts (according to my mains tester) and the current releases seem to be fairly stable, so I'd say 'yes'13:45
mungojerryQR codes have a use, but they are over-used by marketing bods13:46
ddfgtsprmtt, if the text is: aa bb cc dd ee ff gg13:46
brobostigondwatkins: thank you, i wasnt sure, over long periods of time, :)13:46
ddfgti want to change everything between bb to ee13:46
ddfgtso i will get aa my-text ff gg13:46
dwatkinsbrobostigon: mine did tend to hang after a few days, but I had it replaced due to the resistors being wrong on the USB ports, not tried the new one for as long yet13:46
dwatkinsI'll have to to what kvarley is doing, and setup a screen session with irssi so I can see if it's up13:47
sprmttddfgt: you might be better with awk13:47
brobostigondwatkins: ah, ok, i will keep an eye on that, i plan to turn it into a tv connected internet type thing, with a wireless keyboard/mouse/remote.13:47
sprmttawk '{print $1, yourtext, $6, $7}';13:47
sprmttoh wait, you have to specify the input, of course :P13:48
brobostigondwatkins: i am doing an test, and am running byobu and top.13:48
dwatkinsthis works, but I don't know what pitfalls there might be, ddfgt - echo "aa bb cc dd ee ff gg" | sed 's/bb.*ee/my-text/'13:48
dwatkinse.g. sed can end up replacing far more than you would expect13:49
ali1234heh, you can't really do this with regular expressions13:56
ali1234you can with extended regexp, but that doesn't work everywhere13:56
dwatkinsoh, I didn't realise I was using extended regexp13:56
ali1234well, either you are using extended regexp, or your regexp will have unintended consequences :)13:57
ali1234i can't remember the specifics13:57
dwatkinsyeah, it might grab the entire line if there's a 'bb' or an 'ee' beyond the bit that ddfgt wants to change13:57
ali1234yeah regexp is greedy, and the extensions allow you to turn that off13:58
ali1234that's all i remember13:58
dwatkinsthanks 'greedy' was the operative word I'd forgotten14:01
cocoa117what kind local search tool is currently widely used on Ubuntu 12.04? The dash seems don't support deep searching or content searching for my openoffice files14:01
ali1234and grep14:02
cocoa117ali1234, GUI would be good here, :)14:02
mungojerryanyone claimed child benefit lately - is it done after the birth of the child? (seems so)14:03
ali1234there's a search tool in nautilus14:03
cocoa117by the way, can find search inside the contents of a file?14:03
ali1234no but grep can14:03
cocoa117but grep can only search for txt file, right? can it deal with openoffice file?14:03
ali1234it will look for strings inside binary files, yes14:04
ali1234usually text of your document is in there in plain text14:04
ormiretaren't openoffice files compressed xml though?14:04
ali1234even compressed files will still have most of the text inside them as plain text14:05
cocoa117ali1234, it didn't work, i just test it14:07
cocoa117it tell me its a binary file14:08
diplohttp://www.danielnaber.de/loook/ supposedly works ?14:11
popeyali1234: http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/3/3830394/leap-motion-asus-pc-deal14:16
ali1234so has anyone received developer units yet>14:21
Azelphuranyone got a VOIP account and mind calling 1415982@sipgate.co.uk to see if it goes through for me? :)14:25
Azelphurbattling with connection issues :p14:25
dwatkinssure, Azelphur14:25
dwatkinsI have a 6-digit sipgate number, are you certain that's the right one? I get 'number unreachable'14:27
Azelphurpretty sure, it's the username right?14:27
dwatkinsthere's a separate SIP username/passwd, if you login to http://sipgate.co.uk/ and click 'settings' at the top right, it'll show you them14:28
Azelphuryea, that's the page I'm looking at14:28
Azelphurit says my SIP-ID is 141958214:28
dwatkinsYou probably want to provide 'SIP-ID' and 'SIP password' to your client application.14:28
popeyit failed for me too14:28
dwatkinsah yes, sorry - mine is in fact 7 digits, my bad14:28
Azelphurguess the sipgate android app doesn't work either ;)14:29
dwatkinsif I type my own 7-digit SIP number, I get 'line busy', suggesting I'm dialling correctly.14:29
dwatkinsI just use the built-in SIP stuff, Azelphur14:29
Azelphuryea, I'm behind a freebie sky router and my brother has all the relevant ports forwarded to him14:29
Azelphurso it's a connectivity nightmare :p14:29
dwatkinsI get asked every time I place a call if I want to use the mobile network or the internet, but it's fairly seamless14:29
dwatkinsoh my, yeah14:29
dwatkinsshould be possible to use a STUN server to login etc.14:30
* dwatkins tries to find the settings on CM714:30
Azelphuryea, that's what I was thinking, but I'd assume the proper android app is set up with STUN14:30
popeyyour brother uses SIP too?14:31
Azelphurpopey: yep14:31
Azelphurwe both use sipgate for incoming calls (no mobile signal indoors)14:31
dwatkinsaha, it's under call settings -> accounts on my Android phone14:31
popeyyou could run asterisk on a server somewhere and use a different port between your client and that server14:32
dwatkinsusername is my 7-digit SIP-ID, server is sipgate.co.uk, that's all that seems necessary to set14:32
Azelphurdwatkins: yea, it's definitely a NAT issue for me as it works if I connect to 3g or other wifi14:32
dwatkinstransport type UDP, port is the standard, 5060 - I'm using the 3G network for this, so perhaps it's different if you're behind a NAT'ed firewall14:33
dwatkinsah ok, yeah14:33
Azelphurpopey: I considered that, asterisk seems a bit of a beast to set up though :(14:33
dwatkinsI did get it to work from inside my flat with wifi, but perhaps my router is allowing my phone to do pnp-type dynamic port forwarding14:33
dwatkinshttp://code.google.com/p/sipdroid/wiki/NewStandbyTechnique might explain, not sure though14:34
Azelphuryea, it worked fine on my wifi before I moved too, just my brother has a horrible network :p14:35
dwatkinssimple solution, then ;)14:35
Azelphurand yea, I just tried csipsimple with stun enabled and still don't get through14:35
dwatkinsI rtied setting up ssh port forwarding on my android phone, but it didn't work too well, sadly14:36
bigcalmI really should pay attention to updates applied to my workstation. Just rebooted and now my 2nd gfx card isn't being used. Down to 2 screens now :(15:02
bigcalmSomebody want to take a look at my xorg log and tell me what's not working now? :)15:03
popey[     6.114] (EE) NVIDIA(2): Failed to assign any connected display devices to X screen 215:05
popey[     6.116] (EE) NVIDIA(2): Failing initialization of X screen 215:05
bigcalmIndeed, but does it hint to why?15:06
bigcalmI did note that compiz was updated today15:06
bigcalmI don't know if it's related, but recently that screen has been showing its "no signal" message rather than going blank like the other 215:07
ali1234i have to agree with that15:35
ali1234though ultimately it doesn't matter15:38
ali1234i mean you can barely even buy a PC with Ubuntu on it15:39
solarcloud_3scrn@ 1 min in the vidz.15:44
AlanBellI hardly think that 2014 is the end of the phone market15:48
dwatkinsI wonder if the Ubuntu phone will run flash... ;)16:04
popeypfft, who wants _that_16:05
ali1234oh, maybe i imagined it then16:05
brobostigondwatkins: well there isnt a linux arm port, so question already answered.16:05
popeydunno, i have seen a lot of people mention "2 weeks"16:05
popeymaybe it's been mentioned elsewhere16:05
popeybrobostigon: sure there is16:05
dwatkinsah yes brobostigon16:05
brobostigonpopey: for android there is.16:05
popeyandroid is arm16:05
ali1234maybe i started the two weeks thing lol16:06
brobostigonpopey: but i coul;dnt run that, on debian on arm, for example.16:06
einonm1I'm assuming that the phone release will be something like the ubuntu N7 userspace running on a recent kernel..or is it a totally different development branch?16:07
popeyits using the AOSP kernel16:07
popeyubuntu userland16:07
ali1234doesn't the current N7 image do that though?16:07
ali1234and, does it run X11?16:07
brobostigonpopey: so i could load the adboce flash apk into it?16:08
popeybrobostigon: dunno16:08
einonm1popey: thanks. Should run on my N1 then, with tweaks16:08
popeyi was just pointing out that flash has been ported to arm16:08
ali1234brobostigon: NO16:08
brobostigonpopey: yes, i knew that, and only for android, not a normal linux distro, running on arm.16:09
ali1234brobostigon: wrong16:09
ali1234again :)16:09
ali1234firstly, android *is* a normal android distribution16:09
Dave2That's a very abnormal normal16:10
brobostigonali1234: ok, can i use the android apk of adobe flash, on debian on arm?16:10
ali1234secondly, flash was on the N90016:10
ali1234thirdly, no, running an android kernel doesn't allow you to use apks16:11
ali1234not any more than running a fedora kernel would allow ubuntu to magically use RPMs16:11
brobostigonexactly, so the answer to my question is no. but i knew that already.16:12
ali1234i don't see your point16:13
brobostigoni think my question was lost along time ago. but i knew what i was asking.16:13
ali1234has anyone asked rafe if he's gonna set up allaboutubuntuphone.com?16:19
ali1234the guy in ur video...16:21
popeydunno which video you're on about ☺16:21
ali1234who runs allaboutsymbian.com and now allaboutwindowsphone.com16:21
popeynever heard of either site16:22
ali1234http://vimeo.com/20373013 <- this guy16:22
DJonesAnother viewpoint on the the Ubuntu phone http://slashdot.org/topic/bi/who-would-actually-build-an-ubuntu-smartphone/16:25
ali1234well i'm guessing that even if nobody does, it will work on every nexus newer than gnex without much difficulty at all16:26
ali1234at the very least, it could be as popular as cyanogenmod, which is quite popular considering it's an after market hack16:27
DJonesI'd agree with that, I can see quite a few Ubuntu users trying it out, I'm tempted to try it on my S3 once I see how it comes out16:37
ali1234i will definitely install it on something16:44
einonm1dammit, I don't think the UPhone (Cann we call it that?) will run on an N1 - min core is an Arm A9, N1 has A8 I think16:44
diploI've got a project I'd like to try and i know a few of you tinker16:55
diploHave a very old radio 20+ years old16:56
diploWant to remove the guts and turn it into a dab style radio16:56
diploUsing current dials etc16:56
diploAnyone ever tried or know anywhere to find info about this ?16:56
MartijnVdSdiplo: if you can find a small DAB radio that has the kinds of dials you want it to have, it should be easy16:57
diploIw as thinking more of a board and I wire the current dials into it16:57
MartijnVdSDAB boards I haven'16:57
MartijnVdSt found yet16:57
MartijnVdSexcept very expensive16:58
diployeah, seems that way16:58
einonm1you'd be stuck trying to convert the analogue tuner dial into a digital one. That doesn't sound simple16:58
MartijnVdSeinonm1: if you replace all the guts it's easy :)16:58
MartijnVdSwell the display might be a challenge16:59
diployeah, just want to use the dial to tune and turn up, no more functionality than that16:59
diployeah that's the only issue i think16:59
MartijnVdSdiplo: http://www.monkeyboard.org/products/85-developmentboard/80-dab-fm-digital-radio-development-board16:59
MartijnVdSboom :)16:59
diploBasically my gf loves this old radio, but turn it on and it progressively gets louder and doesn't get very good signal. She likes the outside not the guts17:00
MartijnVdSthat + arduino for the controls = custom DAB radio17:00
einonm1MartijnVdS: I was considering having to convert the dial position to a real number - with a display, you wouldn't need that17:00
MartijnVdSeinonm1: you could make the dial "pulse" on rotation.. then each pulse is one channel up/down17:01
MartijnVdSeinonm1: or every X pulses = 1 channel17:01
diploI was thinking along those lines, although never done anything like this17:02
diploSo it was all just in my head17:02
MartijnVdSdiplo: http://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/catalog/digital-radio-development-board-with-slideshow-p-1078.html -> UK reseller17:02
MartijnVdSdiplo: the Arduino community is really helpful with things like this, names of companies with useful stuff: sparkfun, adafruit ;)17:02
ali1234you can already get dab radios that do thaaaaaaat17:03
MartijnVdSali1234: DAB radios that replace old radio guts?17:03
MartijnVdSali1234: because that seems very specific..17:03
ali1234no dab radios that have an old fashioned style tuning dial17:04
diploOooh not to pricey, I'm defo interested. better skills than me MartijnVdS thank you17:04
diploali1234: It's a specific radio my GF already owns, she loves the look of it17:04
ali1234you can get a dab usb tuner17:04
MartijnVdSali1234: but no drivers for anything17:04
ali1234no drivers?17:04
einonm1extra points if you use a steampunk style ticker tape for the display output. That's proper retro.17:05
ali1234anyway, those dab tuners are actually software radios17:06
diploheh, http://www.antiqueradio.com/images/Feb01-Arnold-Firestone.jpg17:08
diploBit like that17:08
diploThanks for those anyhoo, will take a look into it thank you.17:09
diploBetter go and pick my sisters dog up17:09
=== davidmarais_ is now known as davidmarais
LaneyWhere can I get a non-crap suit for not much money?18:09
MartijnVdSLaney: Thailand18:10
Laneybefore Tuesday18:10
einonm1Slaters are pretty good. Can't beat charity shops for cheapness tho - if you don't mind wearing a dead man's suit.18:11
directhexhow much do you consider "not much"?18:12
MartijnVdSLaney: one-day return ticket to Bangkok should be doable ;)18:12
directhexi got married in a hundred quid m&s suit18:12
MartijnVdSLaney: or just give them your measurements and have it shipped overnight18:12
boot_Hello I want make a usbstick bootable.It doesn't work. i need a administrative terminal to start this programm ./bootinst.sh. error: Nor rights18:12
LaneyI think I'll raid charity shops :P18:13
Laneyhttp://outlet.marksandspencer.com/Collezione-Button-Stripe-T15-6527t-S-T15-6528t-S-LCTB/dp/B006Z9UN70?field_availability=-1&field_browse=1462509031&field_product_site_launch_date_utc=-1y&id=Collezione+Button+Stripe+T15-6527t-S+T15-6528t-S-LCTB&ie=UTF8&refinementHistory=subjectbin%2Csize_name%2Ccolor is also good18:13
davmor2Laney: Asda18:14
davmor2Laney: http://direct.asda.com/george/mens-suits/D2M1G10C14,default,sc.html?cm_sp=grgmens-_-panel2-_-link1suits301201318:16
popey+1 ADSA18:17
popeyI still have a suit from ASDA I've had for ages.18:17
LaneyI'd assumed George would be crap quality18:20
davmor2Laney: Not at all, Okay Quality, Great Lastibility, reasonable price18:20
ali1234you know what i really hate19:31
ali1234when people ask you to do something so you do it, but then instead of just checking themselves which they easily could do they pester you with emails and SMS messages asking if you have done it19:32
AzelphurI stumbled upon this...I wonder if I could use it to NFC Phone enable my credit card http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/07/27/hacker-demos-android-app-that-can-read-and-use-a-credit-card-thats-still-in-your-wallet/ :p19:42
ali1234you would have to scan your card every time19:44
Azelphurwhy not? :<19:44
ali1234and then scan the payment thing with your phone19:44
ali1234you might as well just use the card19:44
AzelphurI could do it purely for the gimick, haha19:45
ali1234you could do but nobody would care19:45
ali1234i don't understand why you even want to do NFC payments19:52
AzelphurI think it's cool technology19:53
Azelphurand I bet cool things could be done like fully automated accounting19:53
ali1234"cool" "accounting"19:54
ali1234what's wrong with you?19:54
ali1234has anyone ever heard of ipad "restore loop"19:56
MartijnVdSI wouldn't be surprised20:05
MartijnVdSthey can't do dates right.. backups are harder20:05
popeyali1234: the thing where it always wants to be attached to itunes?20:31
popeylike its been factory reset?20:31
ali1234go on...20:31
popeymy mother in law had occasion recently where her ipad 2 locked up20:32
ali1234someone asked me about their ipad they literally said "it's in a restore loop. how do i fixed it?"20:32
popeywe did a hard reset, power down with lots of buttons held down or something20:32
ali1234yeah, it's an ipad220:32
popeyit came back up with an itunes cable thing on the screen20:32
ali1234yeah, he wants to get some files of it before doing that20:32
popeymeaning "lets start again"20:32
popeyhowever it was mistaken20:32
popeythe stuff was all still there20:32
popeyjust needed another clean reboot holding down power for like 20 seconds20:33
popeythere's a page on apple support about it20:33
popeyit came back just fine20:33
popeybut only after that veeeeery long press reboot20:33
ali1234so there's no way to get files out of it, other than doing something that could potentially hard reset it?20:34
ali1234hard reset means "erase all user files" to me20:34
popeylemme find the article20:35
popeyit did sound scary20:35
popeybut its not20:35
popeynot watched all yet, but description looks right20:36
popeyoh no, he wants to download sommat, ignore that20:36
popeythat looks familiar, i think that's what I talked mother in law through20:37
ali1234so "restore" won't erase user files?20:37
ali1234is the U1 for iPad with photosync? if so i'll recommend that (or dropbox/g+)20:40
ali1234it's mainly about not losing photos on the device20:41
popeyU1 Files does upload photos to U120:41
ali1234for that matter i would have expected apple to have something like that anyway20:41
popeyrestore from backup will replace stuff20:41
popeyit does20:41
ali1234hmm i don't think he has a backup20:44
popeynever setup icloud backup?20:44
popeyor synced to itunes?20:45
ali1234dunno. he probably wouldn't be asking me if he did20:45
popeywell with M-i-L we didnt do any restore20:46
ali1234well, replied. thanks for the help20:55
AzelphurIs there anything out there like a multiplayer web browser, so two people see exactly the same content?21:22
ormiretAzelphur: one browser plus VNC for the second player?21:23
Azelphurcould do, kinda slow but yea21:24
Azelphurwas hoping there was some web app that did it, so you could both just open the same webpage without any installing of things21:24
ormiretThere are screensharing webapps21:24
Azelphurah yea, could do that I suppose21:25
ali1234kazam has really gone downhill since they decided to turn it into a do everything machine21:25
ali1234it no longer reliably records video, which is the only thing i want it to do21:26
popeyhow so?21:26
ali123450% of the time it will just freeze when i stop recording21:26
popeypoke them in #kazam or file a bug21:26
popeythey're active21:26
popeyh264 or vp8?21:26
ali1234and 50% of the time when that doesn't happen the resulting file just freezes at exactly 1:3021:26
ali1234er, vp821:27
popeyI'd use h26421:27
popeyfaster, more reliable21:27
ali1234vp8 is the default tho21:27
ali1234\o/ defaults that actually work21:27
popeyfree software loonies ;)21:27
ali1234it's annoying when you;re trying to do a screencast without fluffing the lines and when you mess up it always works21:28
ali1234but when you get it right "oops i decided not to record anything that time"21:28
ali1234i need to get one of those hdmi capture thingies21:29
ali1234though the other day someone was telling me they are not very good21:29
popeyi have one21:29
ali1234but then it was a gnome developer so what does he know :)21:29
popeyi have two in fact21:29
ali1234yeah you said :)21:29
ali1234nope, h264 does exactly the same thing21:37
ali1234click "finish recording" and it doesn't show the next dialog where you save the video21:38
popeycan you run kazam --debug and see what you get ?21:46
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1080226 in Kazam Screencaster "Doesnt show save video after screen record xubuntu 12.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:49
ali1234been there, done that21:49
ali1234actually someone did it before me21:49
ali1234the most tedious thing about doing screencasts over and over is resetting everything that you need to do21:57
ali1234i get the feeling that gstreamer is totally to blame for this22:04
ali1234attached debug log anyway22:04
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