[01:33] I don't want to brag, but the coffee shop we're in for Downriver CHC is showing Jurassic Park [01:35] ColonelPanic001: Is this a good thing? [01:36] Maybe you didn't hear me. [01:36] hah [01:36] Jurrasic. Park. [01:37] They showed the lawyer-eating scene. [01:37] "I object!" "lol no" *nom nom* [01:37] * ColonelPanic001 takes a bow [02:53] http://paste.mitechie.com/show/860/ widox [03:48] dammit [03:48] snap-l ping [04:00] pong [04:01] btw: Would someone check http://www.mug.org/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/event/ical&reset=1&list=1 with their calendar program of choice and see if it's working? [04:02] rick_h_droid: pong [04:04] snap-l: works for me! [04:04] in google calendar [04:04] Wooo woo!!!! [04:04] snap-l see pm [04:04] thanks for fixing that. what was the trick? [04:06] Basically mimicking an ajax call (they had code for that) [04:07] http://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-10655?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel#comment-47580 [04:07] It's extremely hackish, but it works. :) [04:09] so, how is ubuntu on arm for UX [10:31] snap-l: nvm on the thing last night. I'm a giant moron [10:31] derekv: so it runs, the nexus 7 images are arm [10:31] derekv: but not tried it myself, I still want to get/setup an arm server. [13:41] whats it using, gtk+? [13:41] what are they going to use for touch UI apps i mean [13:41] please not java [14:20] derekv: qt and qtml [14:22] mmmm. qt [14:27] hey guys, am i missing something here, was going to download 12.10 x64 and burn it on a CD, however it is 763M now, too big for any CDs i have.. :-/ [14:28] n0p: I think it's dvd only now? [14:28] usb ftw [14:28] ugh, ic [14:28] usb would be nice, but i dont have a free one atm [14:28] dvd it is, fo rthat extra 63M [14:30] Good morning all [14:30] here is an interesting article: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2020268/meet-microsoft-the-worlds-best-kept-randd-secret.html?fb_action_ids=10151445590087517&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210151445590087517%22:412285995508945%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151445590087517%22:%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D [14:30] rick_h_: are you going to codemash? [14:31] n0p: no, debated but decided not to [14:31] http://r.bmark.us/u/ea1b1124268bd4 [14:52] n0p: I think there's a minimal iso disc you can burn [14:52] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [14:53] snap-l: oh nice, thanks! [14:53] np [15:37] brousch: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/python-support#runtimes [15:37] ohmy [15:38] Django 1.5 will supposedly have Python3 support [15:38] yea, I need to update bookie_parser to be py3 [15:38] most of the deps other than my code will work [15:47] it DOES have 3 support. [15:47] beta is out [15:48] I'll reserve judgment until people are using it in production on real sites [15:51] can never make brousch happy [15:52] heh [16:41] man, every so often I just totally brain fart on a vim shortcut [16:41] z= was the one just now (writing an email) [16:41] spelling? [16:41] yeah [16:42] yea, spelling and folds on the z* space are pure muscle memory and I really only know a couple [17:00] omg jedi-vim!!! [17:28] greg-g: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/8341935799/ [17:54] rick_h_: ++++ [17:54] gotta teach those required skills lol [17:55] square drive ftw [17:55] also put him to work with his snow shovel. Daddy might have to borrow that later. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/8341956211/ [18:13] <_stink_> rick_h_: awesome! [18:14] _stink_: you guys having fun in the snow? [18:15] <_stink_> some [18:15] <_stink_> my kid doesn't love the sled [18:15] https://plus.google.com/photos/112719704219936118281/albums/5826743496466381521/5826745381603363778?banner=pwa [18:15] <_stink_> so we stomp around instead [18:15] no?! [18:15] hah! [18:16] <_stink_> he's like the opposite of a daredevil [18:16] <_stink_> great pic [18:16] he loves to shovel around so had to get him his own snow shovel so I could get it done [18:16] yea, wife took that one during a session with neighbors joining us after that big snowfall [18:16] <_stink_> yeah, we have one for him too [18:16] <_stink_> he usually digs for "dinosaur bones" [18:17] lol, we've got a curious george book about digging for dino bones and he always asks "Why is george digging for bones?" [18:17] <_stink_> haha [18:17] <_stink_> i love those questions [18:17] yea, tis the year of 'why?' [18:18] https://plus.google.com/photos/112719704219936118281/albums/5826743496466381521/5826743873690166322?banner=pwa [18:18] _stink_: My son refuses to go sledding now. Last year he fell off the sled and got snow packed between his glasses and face. Now he sites that as the reason he doesn't want to go sledding [18:18] needs his headphones and glasses like daddy when he works, with holiday cheer [18:18] <_stink_> brousch: i don't blame him [18:18] :( [18:18] <_stink_> how old is he now? [18:18] <_stink_> brousch: --^ [18:18] 5 [18:18] <_stink_> so he's old enough to remember that fall forever [18:18] heh [18:18] It wasn't even that bad [18:19] whenever we have a rough one I go down with him and it helps wipe all that away [18:19] two person sled ftw [18:19] <_stink_> yeah, we need one of those [18:19] He was sledding with 4 year old cousin at the time [18:19] he wouldn't go down at first unless I went with, now he's on the green circle by himself spinning like crazy [18:19] <_stink_> he doesn't know the fun of the saucer yet [18:19] lol, exacly [18:19] have to prove it's fun and safe...then let the danger begin! [18:21] <_stink_> i keep thinking about how most people's memories start at about age 3 [18:21] really? I've got a horrible memory. I've got a hard time going to 3rd grade [18:21] <_stink_> so i'm wondering what he'll be recalling when i'm old and decrepit [18:21] lol [18:21] I have a hard time going to last year [18:21] my wife keeps doing things saying "He's going to remember his christmas was magical dammit!" [18:22] <_stink_> hah [18:22] <_stink_> no, he will not. [18:22] so the running joke whenever we get through setting up lights, etc is 'boy, you better remember the magic!' [18:22] <_stink_> haha [18:24] <_stink_> we skipped a few things for the holidays this year [18:24] <_stink_> didn't go get our own tree [18:24] <_stink_> with the baby around [18:24] ah, we just started. First year doing that [18:24] ah right, yea. baby will bring practical and necessity to the front every time [18:25] we didn't do much the first two years with him because of that [18:25] <_stink_> so now you can have the fun times [18:25] <_stink_> and yet we [18:25] <_stink_> did it all again. [18:26] heh, you'll be happy when they go off and play together [18:26] <_stink_> yeah [18:26] this holiday killed me with all the 'quality time' [18:26] <_stink_> haha [18:26] I was driving him to day care laughing about a day without 'tackle time!' [18:30] magical christmas like lots of apple products? [18:36] HOLY SHIT!!!! https://ting.com/devices/Samsung-Galaxy-Nexus [18:37] I did not know Ting had the Nexus. [18:37] cool [18:46] snap-l: You're making ting look better and better [18:59] brousch: I know. :) [20:17] This is why I've given up on Perl: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2013-01-03#i_6294451 [20:19] http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/15tnon/damian_conway_on_the_state_of_perl_perl_6_writing/c7pwfki <- and this summmarizes my thoughts to a T [20:39] perl v. duke nukem [20:42] perl6? People still work on that? [20:43] rick_h_: Apparently. [20:44] And apparently Perl 6 has had "releases" [20:44] For those who are saying: “I remember Perl, I was dong Perl back in 1995 surely that’s died out now” - No, it didn’t, Perl did go quiet for some time, there was 6 or 7 years period where there were no major releases of Perl, it was Perl 5.8 and it was Perl 5.8 in 2002 and it was Perl 5.8 in 2007 and that often gives the impression that the language died or is not under development. [20:45] 6 or 7 years? should we really look at what's changed in the world in 6 or 7 years? [20:46] also, not perfect due to the linkage factory, but much more readable http://r.bmark.us/u/c89263d65c7f19 [20:49] That's where something like Modern Perl has come into it's own [20:50] But still, it's a little irritating when people compare Perl 6 with Python 3. [20:50] Python 3 is production ready [20:50] period [20:50] yea, I think he's talking without info [20:51] It's not a question of when Python 3 will hit production [20:51] but hey, it's his 'outsider' perspective, whatever [20:51] when py3 is the default in servers (which was when php5 took off to) it'll flip nicelyu [20:53] And we're to that point, I think [20:53] Perl 6 hasn't had that php 4 -> 5 transition [20:53] and reading that, it won't [20:54] he makes the comparison Perl5:Perl6::C:C++ [20:54] once RH and ubuntu have py3 main ootb py3 will take over. That simple [20:54] it's really our fault as OS distributions [20:54] people aren't going to code for the non-default en masse [20:54] debian still has a ton of perl fairly deep in the distro [20:54] And yes, Perl 5.14 has features of blah blah crap crap, but Perl 6 will be some mecca-language [20:55] hah, how long does everyone give this to last? http://r.bmark.us/u/8624ffe68a49e0 [20:55] And we all just look forward to programming in C++, right? [20:56] “Free is being totally irresponsible and threatens to bring a violent blow to an entire segment of the digital economy!” said Numérama. That site also reported that the block appears to affect a number of large ad networks, including Google Adsense, NetAvenir, and AdTech. [20:57] Honestly, Perl's biggest mistake is in calling their pie-in-the-sky language "Perl" [20:58] sounds like it [21:03] Ah, perl. [21:04] perl used to be my jam, probably up to around 5.6. jumped ship to python before the perl 6 madness really took hold [21:05] I haven't really played with python 3 at all yet though [21:06] Well what are you waiting for?! [21:07] None of the projects I work on are compatible? [21:08] Fix them! [21:08] Patches welcome :) [21:08] If they're not on PYthon3, then they are broken [21:10] Still working on getting one of our sites from Django 1.2 to 1.5, so python3 isn't even on the horizon, nevermind all the steps to get the servers ready for it [21:11] I think Python3 will really pick up once Django is on it [21:12] Yeah, mainly the reason we use python now is because of Django [21:12] Django is teh awesome [21:13] and also because PHP is brain-stabby [21:15] If faced with a decisiton of PHP vs Django and being mauled by a bear, I'd probably still choose Django [21:16] At least bear wounds heal [21:20] And leave cool scars [21:38] haters gotta hate ;-) [23:17] lmorchard: though seems like pyramid (py3 compat) is taking hold in parts of mozilla [23:23] jcastro: http://r.bmark.us/u/a1d0233ac4a751 [23:37] hah [23:39] jcastro: yea, that didn't take long