=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM [01:59] Good Evening! Everyone. Can anybody here helpme with a little prob? thx. I'm trying to use a ZTE MF180 broadband G3 USB dongle on Unbuntu 12.10. I've found on the Web some solutions, but noone has worked. === dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away [07:30] Hello, this is the #Ubuntu-beginners right? Because I was looking for a little help. [07:45] how can I join ubuntu-beginners team? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:09] new fish's here [14:09] you guys just hang there and say nothing? [17:36] Hey guys..!! I have an issue with the indicator-weather program v.12.07.30-0ubuntu1.. I cant seem to add a location to it.. cant 'Apply' it finally after adding details.. [17:37] purezen: O I C.. i didnt notice you were cross posting === dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM [21:19] /3o/ [21:20] oops [21:20] o/ helo [21:20] well you get the point [21:20] : [21:20] :) [21:20] hmmm trouble typing today :)