=== Noskcaj is now known as Noskcaj_afk === Noskcaj_afk is now known as Noskcaj [08:15] morning [08:18] ochosi, evening [08:18] :) [10:04] morning ochosi [10:04] and an early morning to you bluesabre :) [10:05] indeed! [10:05] working on catfish a bit [10:05] ah, how's that going so far? [10:05] good [10:06] its no longer using find [10:06] at all? [10:06] hard to interrupt that particular command [10:06] and from what I've read that others have done, os.walk is actually faster [10:06] so now the stop button actually work and the program is responsive [10:07] is os.walk python-specific? [10:07] even when doing a fulltext search [10:07] yeah [10:07] sweet [10:08] I'll try to do an experimental release sometime this weekend for everyone to play with [10:08] sounds cool [10:08] I've been rewriting to whole thing from the ground up [10:08] whoa, really? [10:08] it should work with either python 2 or 3 too [10:09] and fewer dependencies [10:09] :) [10:10] awesome [10:14] btw, thoughts on making the eject buttons in thunar look more like actual buttons? [10:14] e.g. something like this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-01042013-111448am.php [10:15] currently the button-border is too harsh etc, but just to illustrate the idea [10:16] maybe [10:16] to give it more of a "click me" feeling [10:16] how would it look when that device is selected? [10:16] currently like this: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-01042013-111627am.php [10:17] I would agree to that [10:17] :) [10:18] guess it needs more tweaking, but i think it could work [10:19] somehow the eject-icon feels like it has too little padding inside the "button" === yofel_ is now known as yofel [16:16] knome: what do you think about the eject "button" (screenshots see above) [18:39] ochosi, hmmh. the borders could be less contrasty at least [18:45] knome: yeah, it's just an illustration, not a final proposal or anything [18:45] i think the current no-button-style works well too [18:52] i mean the main problem of the proposal is that there won't be a hover-style [18:52] since that's impossible [18:52] (in treeviews) [18:52] but the current ones just don't look all-too clickable [18:52] but maybe you're right and users don't notice that anyway :)